Z-W88 Bluetooth Headset User's MAnual PDF

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Zlfl88 3 "€-.*?

User's hlanual

Z-W88BluetoofiH€# Otcraain lanual

l. Wireless Bluetooth Tecftnologu

equip.rsrtr* -r lalst bchnology
can be connected wilh rnobile. POA d€sldop computer,
headset, moose, ke),b€d. a ctrs Bt-€t@th equipments
wkelessly. lt is commur*:* by l*. 1600/s and choose
the least disturbe ct|anf|d oafe 79 dtanefs.

Operating frequency rdEet Z4reIt-2.4AGHz
Bluetooth V1.2 complliant
Transmitting power Gless2
SuDDortsHeadset & Hrdslee Mes
Range of wireless drEci'|: 10 fiElers
Built-in chargeable 15o.nAll aarn b€uery
Talk time: 6 hours: Sta.d-by lir€ 25O hours

2. Z-W88sport bluetoothheadsetfeatures
Slinky poftable
exterior, yourmusic
design.Enjoy during
sport by ste|eo.The idea accordingto advancedsomatology. a. Diagram
Get rid of disturbingcables,jusl by wireless- Pairingwith
mobiiethen you can cast offradializationfrom mobile.Uni-
que and inlelligentfu nclion lel you willnot miss any mobile
calls duringyou enjoy music.

3. USB bluetooth dongle features


: -€-:s Automatic
b. Accompanying acc€ssdies
* USB Chargingc€ble
* OpeEtion I\,{anual
' USB Dongle+CDR fof ?a
4. iPod bluetooth adapte. features -,:.- ai: .ry)
'Adapierfor iPod (choose
Novelandsoecialexterior a_,a:-,
-a:ch wiih lPod's extedorperfectly. 'Travel charger110Vr24:. r-,_-.-s€e_. 5uy)
_-5-- * Car charger(choosea1: .'--..
9 h l n t e l l i g e ndl e s i g n .G e t r i d o f
aisturbingcables.Even if your heavy
Pod in youf pockei you can slill enjoy i;
the music by wireless. Furthermore
Headsetbuiltin recl.€_---'. : -- eattery.Not iullof
you will not miss any mobilecalls. -_€ =:s:
enercy in new headsefs aa::e- to use it, please
-2- -3-
:_a.Ee it at least 4 hours to l6t it full of energy. After the first 51 Play/Pause/ R€frlset* 9.6
:-e-Jsing, can charge it t hourenough. 52 Upward
ConnectjngUSB cable directlyto computerto charge 53 Backward
S.:q€st Don't use the c€r charger at first time) S4 On/Off, match Bluelod .rt- - ffi
' ?lease chargethe headsetif any oflhe followingphe- s5 Volume"+"
-ofiena aDDears: s6 Volume"-"
e: Headsetshutsdown automaticallyand shutsdown LEDI Redlightfors&rgle
aOainshortlyafter being re-started, LED2 Bluel;ghtior ste.€o
a: \o responsewhen buttonsare pressed. LED3 Greenlightfor drage

Pairing is a process to cqrEc Br-dd: €qrtnents each
other lt will create a penn-st ra s* ii( between your
equipments and provile tiE - .,t_ r-ro s€.vice ftom Blu-
etooth without using afiy p€ss€:
'1.First step:
Shutdown status: Pr€ss Sa e! ir : s€srds- €d & blue
l i g h t si a s h q u i c k l y - h € G . , c - sound-
enter into pairing stata
2. Second step:
Begin to pairing on )dr .rcb- |b r€€r to rnobile

Aftersearchingyouwillget "z-w88" in
F mobileequipment list.
1. Start-upheadsd
a Third step: Shutdown status:Pr€sSaE -2+& btue
Y willbe requiredto enterPin-Code'Password 0000 lights flash lor 1 sacdHltbl | -E? sbrl-
6 rE€dedto enter* Pairingsuccessfully. up headset succesd+t h!.b-'-g tEde. At
lhis time, it the hesds€l dl t- - t 4inEnb,
lS: 0000is a defaultpairingPin-Code
the headsotwillaubcdqrfDf lt.-lE Stus. lf
.l- Fou.th step: ever connected wilh aaE E atlE{q then
Piilg successfully-heads€t with " bi, bi..."sound-'Red automaticlly conn€cH h l-t.t-'r.
a *E fightsfash slowly,single& stereorareconnected
2. Shutdown beadsca
'(}ly redlightiashssslowly*singleconnected 1) Siart-up
stabs:Pr€s69a hl 3 rd- r€d& blue
successfully. lights flash quicldtbe--s€twith'bi"
' Oly bluelightllashesslowly- Stereoconnected suc.esstully.
2) When Searding fE dF aclnjt lhe receive
range of heads€(d € *ft$,n after not
lf headsetcannotfindthe pakjngequipment in 3 minutes get any connecliqr h I --
wll automatic€lly shutdown.
lf headsetisn'tin pairingstatus,yourmobileandother
Dial, Talk& Finishc-
theheadseton pakingstatusthenyourmobilecanbegin
to searcn.
Af€rthe bluelodr |dEr F-i!g withyour
mobile,you canuseIt|e |Ed b rr*t€ phoneor

-6- -7-
:-.:., the mobileseiero rnusic.
2. Mobile Stereo music Play Hode
1 Mobile dial, talk and finish a call
1 ) D i a l ac a l l N e e dt o p a i r i n gt h e r : : : . - : : : :. :- :'. -usic by
b l u e t o o t hs l e r e os y s l e -
I 3 .umbers-When getlinga call,soundwillbeautomauc
_ :.e headset-red light flashesslowly (around1 time / 1 . P l a y i n gm u s i c ,p r e s sS : . . , : , : . . , : : a . . . n a t d .
2 . P l a y j nm
g u s i cp, r e s s3 2 . . , . - . , , . _ . , . t.ta
2 t T a l k& f i n i s h a c a l l 3 . P l a y i n gm u s i c ,p r e s sS - : - - : . ? : i : , : r r - u s i c s t o p s .
i?hen a call comes, you can hear the alarm sound
' Press 31 PLAYkey qLr:. . -_: : : a.. -1.
D i D i . . . . " , t h e h e a d s e tr e d l i g h t k e g p l i g h t i n S .
- -fe mobile ringing-prcss shortlythe 54 key or press
:_: .eceiverkey on mobile-red lighl flashesquickly(af- Base on differenldes e. '
: -.d 2 times/second),ifyou want to refuseihe call,you
headsetsland-byrnoce :-: : _.::i:: :.--ection may be
-r press 51 1 secondshotily.
auiomaticallycut off.
2 Durng ia king, press 55 key,volume +, press 56 key,
volume-. (From low to high lotal 15 levels,you can hear
''D '
, D i w h e no n l o w o r o n h l g h t )
3. PC or PDA connect with headset
3 Press 54 key shortly,Off key on mobile or the olher
The blueioothheadset.:- :. : s: :i:--ered with pC or
side hang up the call to flnish it -red lishtilashes
P D A ,p l e a s er e f e rt o y o " - : ^ - : : : - s € - m a n u a t .
siowy (around1 time /second).After that, lf connected
stereo-Red & blue lightsflash slowly-autornaticllyturn 4. Pairing with USB computer btuetooth dongte

-8- -9-
1 . S t e r e om u s i c P l a Ym o d e i 3). Stari-upthe headsei.:it€r pa _.! sic.esstully, siad-
' LJSBdongle insert into computer USB port, put lhe J p l h e c o m p u l e r ' sm e c a t a . e _: : o a t m L s i c s
CDR into computer's CD room, setling program,after a. Playingmusic, press 33:3 nex: backwafdsong.
setling,re-startthe computer,then settingsuccessful b . P l a y r n gm L s ( o ' e s s3 2 : 3 - e / : - r ^ a r d s o ' ] g
: rairing, c P l a y i n gm L s , c .p ' e s sS - - s : s t r o o e o o ' e s sS '
again, music played
= -si step: Ptugthe USB dongleinto the computer'sIJSB
p o r t - e n t e r i n t o p a i r i n gs i a t u s - R e d , b l u e
lighis flash altemately
:::r.ld step: Start-up"My bluetooth" in the computer, Use other tJSB bluetoolhdongle may be missedsome
searchingthe bluetoothequipfnent,lhenyou
function,we suggest to use o!r sp€cia1USB bluetooth
can find the z-W88 " equipmentlist dongle for our headset
-- -.
step: Choose"z-W88"in the list' inpuithe Pin-Code
" 0000" on mobile
_0000"is fxalioipaidng headset)
Pln_Code 2. skype:
\::.: lhe
:-ourthstep: Pairingsuccessfully,€d & blue llghtflash 1)- Start-upthe headset.afle. !aid.ig successfuly, start-
s l o w l y( a r o u n d1 t i m e / s e c o n d ) up sKypeon compuler.
Note: 2). Oial numbet function:YoJ car Lrsethe mouse to pro'
lf the bluetooihheadsetisn'i on pairingstatus,the USB c e s s w i l h s k y p e ,o r c h o o s et n e p e r s o nw h o s ey o u
bluetoothdongle cannot searchthe headset Pleasesei wantto callfirsl, lhen pfess Y ior 2 secondsto call.
up the headsei on pairing status then begin to use the 3). Sound communicatetuncicr: When the call corning
-D -solnd
from skype, can hear in the headset-
USB bluetoolhdongle to seatch-

:'ess 54 to answer the phone (or press the answer
5). Finish/Retuse: ,.
<:v on skypedirectly)-Entef into communicatestatus.
a . A f l e r c o - - . _. . . _ : : - : - :- : -- j : e
I : rlsh /Refusethe call:
'- . -
c d| ( o p r e s i
:--: . - - . ' . '.'.
: After commLrnicate on skype -press 54 toinish lhe
b . W h e nt h e€ - - - _ : _ : - : : : :r_:nant
ca | (or pressthe finish key on skype difectly).
t o q n s w e r . j .:a_ : _ ; : - : : : _: - : : : ; ' : ' - s e k e y
:',lhen the call comingfrom skype,if you don'twant
on QQ dired:l
1oanswerlhe phone,you can pressthe refuse key
6 ) . A f t e rf i n i s ht h e - :,::-;IrcalY
cn skype directly.
r : e . f i n i s hi h € c a l l ,i h e h e a d s e tc a n a u t o m a i i c a l y e n l e rr n t ot h e s : . - = : - : : i : :_ : :. -,s 5
. . , - r o l h e s l e r e o- o d e l o F n j o y r b em ' r s c s .
5. Pairing with iPod acaiii'
' 1 .L o n gp r e s ss , 1' + , : -od" 'ed
S:art-upthe headsei,after pairingsuccessfully,start- & b l u el i g h t sf l a s f : : : - : :
-: OQ on computer. . Pl,'n rha iP^. ,- .. . :CrO' .'ed
: : O s e l u p :p r e s st h e a u d i os e t u p ,c h o o s et h e i m p u t & b l u el i g h t sf l a s -- : : : '::'::-: -: ghiilash-
: n d o u l p u tl o " b l u e t o o t ha u d i o "' F i n i s h . e s - P a i r i n ga u t c r : : : . .
: D al numberfunciion:lhisopefationcan be only pro- 3 . W h e nr e d l i g h l f l a s - : i : - : : : . : . : : : _ - : a i r i n g s u c c
gresson QQ thfoughtmouse. _:-:
e s s f u l l yw i l h h e e c - : - = !:,-::anrreheafd
.1t.Answerthe phone:Duringthe ca lcomlng from QQ, _ : :_ :' :-..nusicfrom
on h e a d s e t - y o ! . : - : . t
you can hear "Di
"sound in lhe headset,pressthe
answerkeyonQQ by mouse-Enter intocommunicale
4 . P l a y i n gm u s i c ,p r e s s: : : ' : : - : : : . i : ' : s o n g
_: _q
5 . P l a y i l g m . r s i c . p e s : : .= ' - : ^ ,
: r a y i n gm u s i c ,p r e s sS l , m u s i c s t o p p e d ,p r e s s5 1 7 . F i n i s ha c a l l : : ' : - i : : - :- : _:::
: 3 a l n ,m u s i cp l a y e d . mobile.a,ro:'. -
-aulomalcal,:r'-: : i --: c
Pairing with iPod adapter & mobile :
' S^ut down the headset
after pairingsuccessfullywiih

: -:.9 press54 enter into paiing mode-fed & blue light r:a:::r!i.

O e a l w i t hf a i l u r e :
r : -J Pod adapter nto iPod30-pinconnector-red, blue
:_: iash at the sametime*red lightiashes-blue light 1 . R e d l i g h tf l a s h e ss : i .
- T h e b l u e t o o t hi : : : : . : : : .
- , , - . - r e d i s h t n a s h e so n r P o da d a p l e r - p a , d n gs r c c , t a s q u i c ka s p o s s : :
: s s : J l y - a " b e e p " s o u n dc a n b e h e a r do n n e a o s e r - 2 . T h e h e a d s ect a n ^ : : : : : - ,
,:- can beginto enjoy the musicfiom iPod.
a S:alup lhe blueloothconnectionon moble-red & blue -The bluetooih l'e:::: -. - -. --.'...iat4A
!-htsflash ai one time.-iPod adapter,mobilepairing m i n u l e sa t l e a s lf o -s _ : : - : - - - : - : : _ : ! e e n o u g h
successfullywith headsel. powerconsumngI:::.: .
a Listeningio musicwhen the call coming,mobilewill 3 . N o i n d i c a t i o dn u r i r : : . - . - : :
ring up, "beep. ."sound can be heard from headset, l f l h e b a f t e l w a-s- j - - -:. . aa- l
automaticallystop playingmusic-press 54 to answer u s ef o ri o n gt i m e ! . _ a _ . : : : : - _ : - r : : r n e . m a y
the phone orpress the answerkeyon mobile-foruard b e n o i n d l c a t i o nl : c _ : : - - : ; : : .r: : a few
minutes,then red liE_:i :- '::_ ': :.:_j: nd c:tio.
to the communicat'onmode.

: ' . : s o u n do n t h e h e a d s e t i
3. What is the effective dis?t€ ;r' -*e. t€ 3!doo!.)
'.':ke sure the headsethad been paifed successfully
- T h e i r m a x i m u m e f f a . : , :: , : - : : : ! :
'.'ake sure ihe headsethad been startedup.
'.'a{e sure lhe distancebetlveenihe heasetand firoblle m a y v a r y d e p e l ;d: - ' _ . ..
s .o r . € - - t t a : . : = : - . . - . j - - . - . r
s p e c i i l c a l i o nS
r : r ' t e x c e e d5 m e t e r s .
b e e s sl h a 11 0 - . e : - . . - . . . ::-i:==
. .'3ke s!re your mobileis in lhe strongenoughsrgnal
4. When my mobile is sea.:- -.: -€ -i,'::r.ae. why
d o s e v e r a lb l u e t o o l he : _ - . - = : : : € i - .
::.re of mobi es on y suppod one of b ueloothhead-
.::,. if more than one bluetoothheadsel pairingwith
- Within t h ee f f e c t i vce: = - : : - : : . : : : : . - : r , t e s
w i l l s e a r cshe v e r a t B _.:tt. :, :-:-: .::DA.
: : Tobile, the conneciionmay be lntetrupted.
N o t e b o o k .).a f t e r r h : - a : . : : . - - : : : : = :::.,aied
W h e ny o u r m o be i o - - r _ i = - : :: ,'_-{.own
i E q u i p m e n t ) w i l l a p p e : .- : -_ - - : : :
,r ;,
5. Why can nol my mobile tE-: 3 -a:.:. <u jpment?
'! Atter charging has been finished, why does not - l i y o J r n e a d s e r f d s :- : . : i . . - .. .."q-rp

my headset work with my mobile? m e n l y. o L rm o b l ec 2 - . : -. ...- +t-ipm-

- Your mobile'sBluetoothhas to be activatedfrci and e n i .B e f o r eu s i n gy o i r .- : : : - : - : - . : - ::_ cment
pairedwith your eyewear. m a k es u r ee q u i p m e n : : ,::. nanual
2 Can my bluetooth headsetwor* with mobile of any fof delailedinsiructio-s
mod€l? 6 . S h o u l dp a i r i n gb e r w e e . i e a : s : : : - : m o b i t eb e
' N o . L tc a n o n l yw o r kw i t hm o b i l ew h i c hh a s b l u e t o o l h . r e p e a t e de v e r yt i m e w h € . - s - ; : : - ?

- \o. So long as pai ng has been successfullyset, hea_ numberc, or your rnotib carrs s-cGcr: rdr*E teL
:set and mobilewill keep pai@deven ifany one or two egram displays.
::them are shut down. t1. Why differem ansa€. bstir| flr (-€rt 'nottb?
- - Difierenl mobile rnake.ll6e cfa€ri r 4{E] soffware.
YYhydo noises arise?
f -retoodrequjpments performance is affected by any one For example, for T610. q4 'E E '.€ss S.t 3endy to
:' :re followingf actots: answer lhe call, hotv€!€a b Eff -€ pgff 'qr stlodd
, .vhethermobile is within a strcng-signalarea or not press 51 for 3 seconds b€r- !z- rs.€r r€ phone.
'dle mobile is within a weak-signalarea, its effectwill Thal cause by P800 arE .+!)cI -e.€€sli rnobite,
so a little different deft{io: fo. _,gg €fs Cornmonty,
,',hethermobile is withinthe effectivedistanceor not ihe way of answer pttqEs re - pr6 -€ iey gen{y "
;he communication effectofQQ & skypedependon the or 'press the key for 3 se.a.€ -
Maintain headset:
. lf use non"original ac€essc.6 r -a_, :er-s€ capability
8. What should I do if my headset can not receive well?
- Adjustthe volume buttonor press "volume+" on your comes down, body huned s.rf,::r:_: c.abate lhe
mbile to increasethevolumeand test if mobileiswilhin
- lf disassembly your birjetc.r- .eG€. : may c.ruse
a strong-signalatea.
the headset shatter or aba-€ ---€ -a-!, -
9. Why can not my headset work suddenly?
- Don't place the headset dr nue a.s €rEe.
- No power When batteryis low, red indicatorwill flash,
-di,di.. " can be heard on the headset. - Use the clean, sofr ard cty f#E E :€a-
_dr headset.
- When you don't wanl to use:E .€G€! p{€aseput
10. Why not out ofcommission of incoming telegram
it into the packing.
- Don't letchildrenptay h€€dsa -q -3y hurl tnem_
- ltwill not displaythe incomingielegramwhen you dial

-18- -'19-
- l f h e a d s edt o n o t u s e f o . : - : ' - : -::r :: :-..:e Lt
selvesor bfeak the headsel. 1
Don t put headseton mofe hot or mofe cold envlronrn- t i m ea t l e a s tp e r 2 m o n i i : s
:nl.olherwisethe headsetmay not be usedfora while lntroduction to pairing
:.avelcharger, P a i r i n gi s a p r o c e s st c : : - - . : : : , : : : , - : - - _: n e n t s
' -ihe chargeronly designedfor using in indoor,don t eacholher ltwillcrealea F
rse it in outdoot y o u re q u l p m e n tasn d p r o , : : : : - r , - : -: , : . . y , . , € n o m
'-re chargercan be only used wiihln the in.licanon Bluetoothwithoui us ng e
,.\age range. E v e r yh e a d s e t 'ds e f a ! : : : - - I : : i : i - , : s ! 0 0 Oa n d
-,l iren pu l out the chargerfrom ihe socket,don' t pull s t o r e di n i s ti n l e r n am t er:-_ 3:-:,: - :::snord 0000
: srrongly,oiherwiseii may attaintthscharger' i s n e e d e dt o e n i e r b y ! s 3 - , r : : : . , , : _ . - : a o s e t w i t h
B l u e l o o tm h o b i l eo r o u r e .: : , : - : - : : n - : - . e p e n d so n
rler.elated information for baftery:
s p e c i f i cs e t t i n g so f e q ! : . - . - : i : : : : : : - : r ) e a s er e f e r
\-.,r battery:Atfirst time to use the produci chargethe
_:adset baiteryfor 4 hours at leasi. t o s p e c l f i co p e r a l i o ns e c :: - - : : , : - : - : s _ s e rm a n u a l
ior Blueloolhpassworo
Malntain battery:
A f t e r y o u r h e a d s e i^ a : : : : - : . ' : r , , ,: , r m o o l e
- Peasetakedownorreplacingthe batteryon somesalted
s u c c e s s f u l l yy,o u c a n - : : , : - - : : t : - t - : r o o r a o r

' f trse t carefully,thelife for it wi I be long

P a i f e de q u l p m e n t\s, , r . = - : : - : r : = : _ s : ! e n r ra n y
Temperaturefor chargeis 101 to 45 C
o n eo f t h e f o l l o w i n gc € s e s: : : - ' :
Base on foom temperatureusing,can get th€ largest . Any oneofthe eqL:-:
caPabiity . A n vo , r eo ' l h ee o _ :- . .:,....-i:::.:,otpeo.
Us ng at outdoortemperature,will cause re.luce lhe - A 1 yo n eo r . w o o . . - + : j

-20- -2'

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