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By: Ronel M. Bayon-on

There are many beautiful people in this world wherein we take turns, the world that
accepts us and we learned from. These beautiful people are the one who enjoy life’s simple
pleasure. They do not ask, they rather give. They do not beg, but they offer. They do not keep,
yet they share. In fact, they do not make a difference in this world, but they actually make the
world different. These are the people who found truth, the truth that vividly explains what they
meant to understand as a being having an existence. Consequently, this truth entails pains,
sorrows, and maybe failures as well upon seeking this thing. Yet, as what have been said,
failures, circumstances are only part of a lifetime journey as man continue aspiring, a journey
which meant to be a life, which was given by the Creator to participate attentively and jovially in
His creation.

They affirm that truth is in our self, in our inner self. This truth reminds us to carry our
burdens for each other because it is therefore life. Life is a struggle, which we intuitively
acquired to accept and bear everything due to the truth that we yearn to have, to carry and must
be carried. So, in order to fulfill the law of Christ, we must carry our burdens for each other.
Even though how hard it is to accept the truth which was come from God, we may learn to
accept and to carry it as well. We, given the fact that we are humans, have limitations, and
imperfections due to our emotions. Yet, God made us in His own image and likeness. So by this
given fact, we may surpass and overcome this in order to carry one’s burdens. Hence, we may
learn to bear burdens. Upon bearing this, we might see the authentic truth which helps to explain
everything in order to fulfill the law of Christ that will accrue automatically.

Life is unpredictable. We don’t know what would happen. We could encounter many
pleasures, challenges, happiness, circumstances, and everything that are different. We weren’t
conscious that we maybe go into darkness, in obscurity, anywhere. But I surely believe, despite
of this worldly allurements, we would experience pleasure and happiness which we might only
see to the only Truth, which is only God. And to which he have been promised.

However, the troubles that we experienced are relentless. We are reminded that to not look
and stick only into one thing through the afflictions of the earthly life. We must set our minds on
things above not only on the earthly things. We must aspire to experience God up above.
Sometimes, we feel the guilt of our fallen condition, to where we failed. We worry, we stumble,
that which may cause to depressions. Moreover, we are enthroned and enchained by different
sorts of adversities. Though, instead of neglecting, we rather face it because it is the truth, the
burdens, that we must to carry and bear.

We must not allow this burdens of life overcome us, to give up and to lose hope, and to
divert our hearts from heaven. We must not to stay looking on the things that are seen but also to
the things that are unseen, to our dreams, our ambitions, and also to God Who is unseen. So
when this burden weighs us down and may circumstances become too much for one person to
bear, it is like a fragile things that will easily give up.

So, it is one’s duty to as believers to help bear one’s burden. It is in the fact that we are a
social animal who interact within the kind of sphere. There is a famous quote, “No man is an
Island,” that reminds us that we are not alone. Rather, we were born for others and with others. If
someone staggers, we help steady and fixed the load. Yet, if he is training then, we help him bear
the burden. Thus, if he stumbles, we may lift him up. So one of the chief duties and obligations
of every humans that was created by God that will fulfill the law of Christ, is to help everyone,
every living being to carry the weight of their worldly troubles.

So, by giving a question, why did we carry one’s burdens and so to fulfill the law of
Christ? It is in the fact that we have this so-called Love. Love binds every person. It is an
invisible communication of emotion that will feel one’s feeling. It is Love that Christ wanted us
to have. It is this Love why we carry one’s burdens even though we may lose hope and feel
nothing in this world that we’re living. Thus, it is also love that that we Care for everybody, of
letting them know that they are much important individual. Through this love also, we may
fulfill the law of Christ.

However, it also tackles that when there is a person who have paid his debt, don’t go on
claiming it. For which, it is valuable that you help a person without any exchange. As what Jesus
have said that it is a must to sacrifice oneself than seeing your brothers or neighbors suffering
without experiencing any help.

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