MACRO Model Self-Assessment: My Value

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MACRO Model Self-Assessment

Now that you are familiar with the MACRO Model, we invite you to do this self-assessment. For
each statement, please score yourself a 1 if you feel that the statement fully and accurately
describes you, and a 0 if it does not. If your response is “sort of”, then put 0. Next, add up the 1s
in each of the five MACRO categories. Finally, at the end, add up all your 1s to calculate your
grand total score.

The objective of this assessment is to get a picture of your comfort and activity within each
element of the MACRO Model. If your score is low, do not worry or feel discouraged - it’s just a
starting point!

We ask that do this assessment twice during the semester, first at the very beginning of the
course and then again at the end to see how your score has changed. This is for your
information only and does not need to be turned in.

My Value
● Identity
○ I have a clear understanding of what makes me unique as an artist. _____
○ I have a mission statement that authentically expresses my purpose. _____
● Mindset
○ I believe that my unique artistry will have a positive impact in the world. ____
○ More often than not, I have a positive attitude that allows me to weather
challenges with resilience. ___
○ I recognize that my mindset plays a key role in enabling me to achieve my goals.
As a result, I cultivate practices that help strengthen my mindset. ____
○ I make a point of acknowledging and nurturing my big dreams. ____
○ I believe I am deserving of success and an impactful, meaningful career. ____
● Product
○ I am able to clearly articulate how my artistic/professional output adds value to
the audiences I serve. ____
○ I understand that I need to position what I offer to align with audience interest.

Total Score for My Value: ____

● Strategy
○ To have the greatest impact, my actions need to be strategic. I recognize the
importance of having a strategic plan and I seek out the support to create one.
● SMART Goals
○ On a regular basis, I set goals for my career that are specific, motivating,
attainable, relevant, and trackable. ____
● Career Business Model & Business Development
○ A core part of my strategy is creating a career business model that works for my
life. That means balancing resources (money and time) to align with my goals.
● Taking Courageous, Consistent Action
○ I recognize that my career momentum is driven by actions that I take. ____
○ I am committed to taking action, even when I feel scared. ____

Total Score for Action: ____

● Portfolio Materials Inventory
○ I have a complete portfolio that represents me accurately and positively. ____
● Knowing Your Message
○ I feel prepared to deliver my “elevator pitch” to describe myself and communicate
my value as an artist. ____
● Building an Audience
○ I take it as my responsibility to build an audience for my work. ____
● Communication as a Core Activity
○ I seek opportunities to communicate and connect with my audience, network,
peers, collaborators, and members of the artistic community. ____

Total Score for Communication: ____

● Networking
○ I prioritize developing a strong network by authentically nurturing existing
relationships and building new ones.
○ Building and enriching my network is a regular activity for me as an artist.
● Enrollment/Fundraising
○ I follow people-centered strategies to fundraise and enroll new supporters.
● Seeking Out Collaborations
○ I recognize the value of collaboration in elevating my career and I seek out
synergistic partnerships that are artistically aligned and professionally fulfilling.

Total Score for Relationships: ____

Openness to Growth and Learning

● Self-Awareness
○ I understand myself and my presentation is critical to my development as an
● Openness to Feedback
○ I have a network of trusted advisors from whom I regularly seek feedback.
○ I embrace feedback as an opportunity for growth.
● Seeking Opportunities to Develop New Skills
○ Opportunities are created by my own actions, not granted by gatekeepers--I work
actively to learn new skills and drive new projects.
● Self-Reflection and Personal Growth
○ I strive to maintain a growth mindset and see my development as an artist as a
journey, not a destination.
○ I take responsibility for my success as an artist and reflect upon the impact of my
actions and thought patterns.
Total Score for Openness to Growth and Learning: ____

Grand Total Score: ______

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