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Whispered Prayer of those asking for Mediation

ِ ‫بِسنِ اللهِ الشَحويِ الشَحي‬

‫هٌاجاة الوخىسِلني‬

The tenth whispered prayer by Imam Ali As-Sajjad (as), as in As-Sahifa As-Sajjadiya

English Translation Transliteration Arabic Text

My God, I have no mediation ilaahee

lay-sa lee waseelatun ilay-ka
َ‫اِلـٰهِي لَيّسَ لِي وَسِيلَتٌ إلَيّهَ إّال‬
with You but the tender acts of
Your clemency, il-laa a'waat'ifu raa-fatika ،َ‫عَىاطِفُ سَأفَخِه‬
nor any way to come to You but wa laa lee d'areea'tun ilay-ka
il-laa a'waarifu rah'-matika
ُ‫وَّال لِي رَسِيعَتٌ إلَيّهَ إّالَ عَىاسِف‬
the gentle favours of Your mercy
and the intercession of Your wa shafaaa'tu nabee-yika
،ِ‫ِِ الشَحّوَت‬
ِ‫وَشَفاعَتُ ًَبِيِـِهَ ًَبِي‬
Prophet, the prophet of mercy,

who rescued the community from wa munqid'il-um-mati minal-

،ِ‫وَهٌُْمِزِ اّالُهَتِ هِيَ الْغُوَت‬

Make these two my tie to faj-a'l-humaa lee sababan

ilaa nay-li ghuf-raanik
ِ‫فَاجّعَلْهُوا لِي سَبَباً إلٰى ًَيّل‬
attaining Your forgiveness
and let them take me to triumph wa s'ay-yir-humaa lee wus'-
latan ilaal-faw-zi biriz''-
ِ‫وَصَيِـِشّهُوَا لِي وُصّلَتً إلَٰى الْفَىّص‬
through Your good pleasure!
waanika ،َ‫بِشِضّىاًِه‬
My hope has dismounted in the wa qad h'al-la rajaaa-ee
bih'arami karamik
،َ‫وَلَذْ حَلَ سَجائِي بِحَشَمِ َوشَهِه‬
sacred precinct of Your
my craving has alighted in the wa h'at'-t'a t'amae'e bifinaaa-
i joodika
.َ‫وَحَّطَ طَوَعِي بِفٌِاءِ جُىدِن‬
courtyard of Your munificence.

So actualise my expectation from fah'aq-qiq feeka amalee

ّ‫فَحَمّـِكّ فِيهَ اَهَلِي‬

seal my works with good, wa akh-tim bil-khay-ri

،‫وَاخّخِنّ بِالْخَيّشِ عَوَلِي‬

and place me among Your waj-a'l-nee min s'af-watikal-

lad'eena ah'-lal-tahum buh'-
َ‫وَاجّعَلٌِْي هِيّ صَفْىَحِهَ ا َلزِيي‬
selected friends, those whom You
have set down in the midst of booh'ata jan-natik ،َ‫اَحّلَلْخَهُنّ بُحّبُىحَتَ جٌََخِه‬
Your Garden,
and settled in the abode of Your wa baw-waa-tahum daara
َ‫وَبَىَاْحَ ُهنّ داسَ وَشاهَخِه‬
Whispered Prayer of those asking for Mediation

whose eyes You have gladdened wa aq-rar-ta aa'-yunahum

bin-naz'ari ilay-ka yaw-ma
َ‫وَاَلْشَسّثَ اَعْيٌَُهُنّ بِالٌَظَشِ إلَيّهَ يَىّم‬
by gazing upon You on the day of
meeting You, liqaaa-ika ،َ‫لِمائِه‬
and whom You have made heirs wa aw-rath-tahum
manaazilas'-s'id-qi fee
‫وَاَوّسَثْخَهُنّ هٌَاصِلَ الصِـِذْقِ فِي‬
to the sure stations in Your
neighbourhood! jiwaarik َ‫جِىاسِن‬
O He none more generous than yaa man laa yafidul-
waafidoona a'laaa ak-rama
َ‫يا هَيّ ّال يَفِذُ الْىافِذُوىَ عَلٰى اَوْشَم‬
whom is reached by the reachers
min-hoo ،ُ‫هٌِْه‬
and none more merciful than wa laa yajidul-qaas'idoona
ar-h'ama min-h
،ُ‫وَّال يَجِذُ الْماصِذُوىَ اَسّحَنَ هٌِْه‬
whom is found by the aimers!

O Best of those with whom the yaa khay-ra man khalaa

bihee wah'eed
،ٌ‫يا خَيّشَ هَيّ خَال بِهِ وَحِيذ‬
lonely are alone,

O Tenderest of those with whom wa yaaa aa'-t'afa man

aaawaaa ilay-hee t'areed
،ٌ‫وَيا اَعْطَفَ هَيّ اَوٰى إلَيّهِ طَشِيذ‬
outcasts seek haven!

Toward the expanse of Your ilaa saa'ti a'f-wika madat-tu

‫إلٰى سَعَتِ عَفْىِنَ هَذَدّثُ يَذِي‬
pardon have I extended my hand,

upon the skirt of Your generosity wa bid'ay-li karamika aa'-

laq-tu kaf-fee
،‫وَبِزَيْلِ وَشَهِهَ اَعْلَمْجُ َو ّفـِي‬
have I fastened my grasp!

Show me no deprivation fala toolineel-h'ir-maan

،َ‫فَال حُىلٌِِي الْحِشّهاى‬

and afflict me not with wa laa tub-linee bil-khay-bati

،ِ‫وَّال حُبّلٌِِي بِالْخَيّبَتِ وَالْخُسّشاى‬
disappointment and loss!

O Hearer of supplications! yaa sameea'd-dua'aa-i

ِ‫يا سَوِيعَ الذُعاء‬

O Most Merciful of the merciful! yaaa ar-h'amar-raah'imeen

َ ِ‫يا اَسّحَنَ الشَاحِو‬

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