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Banaue National High School – Annex

Kinakin, Banaue Ifugao


Name: ________________________________ Date:__________________
Test I. Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. These are energies that derived from natural processes.
A. Renewable resources B. Non-renewable resources C. Financial resources
2. It is the source of energy that comes from the sun.
A. Hydro Energy B. Solar Energy C. Fossil fuels
3. When the water from a dam is released, the pressure from it will turn turbines which turns a generator and will produce
______________________? A. Geothermal energy B. Hydroelectric energy C. Potential energy
4. Which of the following is a benefit of using renewable energy?
A. It destroys the environment B. It kills insects C. It do not create pollution
5. How can you help save energy? A. by turning off appliances when not in use B. by watching TV all day
C. by turning on the lights during the day
6. Give the reason why the sea breeze is a cool air.
A. because the air pressure from the sea is less dense
B. because the air pressure over the sea is low
C. because the cold dense air moves to occupy the space created over the land
7. At night, the air on land is ________________? A. Warmer B. Colder C. Stays the same
8. This monsoon happen on the months of May to October? A. Amihan B. Habagat C. Wind
9. This brings rain to the eastern part of the Philippines? A. Amihan B. Habagat C. Wind
10. It is a place where winds in the tropics meet, rise and form clouds, resulting in thunderstorms during certain times
of the year. A. Intertrophical Convergence Zone B. Atmospheric Trophic Zone C. Asian Weather Zone
11. Philippines is prone to typhoons. Other parts of the country suffers flood, while here in Banaue we suffer landslides.
The following are ways our ancestors solved the problem, which does not belong to the group?
A. They planted trees B. They built riprap (tupeng) C. They performed Kaingin farming
12. A phenomenon when one celestial object moves in front of another one.
A. Eclipse B. Blue Moon C. Asteroid crash
13. This phenomenon occur when the moon moves directly between the Earth and Sun.
A. Lunar Eclipse B. Solar Eclipse C. Planet Eclipse
14. Where you will find the ozone layer? A. stratosphere B. thermosphere C. exosphere
15. What is the function of the ozone layer?
A. to allow UV rays to get to Earth B. to block UV rays C. To keep oxygen in
16. This is the layer where airplanes fly. A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere
17. Mt. Himalaya is the highest mountain on earth. Mountain climbers often carries tank of oxygen when hiking up the
mountain. Why do they need to carry oxygen?
A. There is no oxygen on top of the mountain B. when they climb higher, the air pressure increases
C. when they climb higher the air pressure decreases. \
18. According to scientist, the earth’s ozone layers is thinning. What is the reason behind?
A. because of air pollution B. because there is too much car and factories C. because of human activities
19. This is the layer where meteors burn up. A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere
20. Why do most clouds appear on the troposphere?
A. because 99% of the water vapor in the atmosphere is found in the troposphere
B. because the ozone layer blocks the clouds to come up to higher layers
C. because evaporation happens in the troposphere.
II. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.
____________ 1. Warm air is heavier than cold air.
____________ 2. The land heats up faster than water.
____________ 3. When the air becomes warm, it rises.
____________ 4. The best time to buy shoes is during the afternoon because your feet expands due to warm air.
____________ 5. Warm air rises because it is denser.
____________ 6. Ifugaos avoid planting rice and beans during and after an eclipse.
____________ 7. Harvest time of palay in Banaue happens every March because of the dry season.
____________ 8. Banaue rice terraces was design to prevent landslides.
____________ 9. January is always cold because the wind came from Australia.
____________ 10. Philippines has four seasons, namely winter, spring, summer and fall.

Give three ways to protect the planet.
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
IV. ESSAY. This is a bonus item that is worth 2 points. There are no wrong answer to this question since it is a voicing
of opinion.
Do aliens exist? Yes or No? Why?

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