Introduction To Abbasid Caliphate

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Introduction to Abbasid Caliphate

The Abbasid Caliphate was the third of the four major caliphates established after the death of
Prophet Muhammad (Sm.) and also became very important caliphate in Islamic History. The
four major caliphates were: the Rashidun Caliphate, the Umayyad Caliphate the Abbasid
Caliphate and the Ottoman Caliphate. This Abbasid Caliphate was started in 750 C.E. and ended
in 1258 C.E. After defeating Umayyad, they ruled as Caliphs for most of the caliphate from
Baghdad modern Iraq which was their capital. Basically, the Abbasids were the descendents of
Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib who was paternal uncle of Mohammad (Sm.) and from him the
caliphate took its name also.

Map of the Abbasid Caliphate.

Flag of the Abbasid Dynasty

After Umayyad Caliphate, the Abbasid Caliphate was a crucial dynasty that dominated
successfully over the Islamic Empire for a long time. The leader of the Abbasids was also called
as the Caliph like the Umayyad Caliphate. They ruled over a large empire including the Middle
East, Western Asia, and North East Africa including Egypt. The Abbasid Caliphate was divided
into two periods. During first period, the Abbasids had strong leaders like Abdul Abbas As-
Saffah, Abu Jafar al Mansur, Al Mahdi, Al-Hadi , Harun –Ar- Rashid and so on who took
control a large territory during their ruling time. This period is also known as the Golden Age of
Islam. This period was 750-1258 C.E. In this golden period, great advances were made in
different areas of science, mathematics, medicine, literature, philosophy, architecture and so on.
But the Mongol Empire rose in eastern Asia during 2000s. In 1258, the Mongols came to
Baghdad after conquering China. The Abbasid Caliph did not fulfill the Mongols demands. Then
Hulagu khan leader of Mongols set siege to the city. Baghdad had surrendered in less than two
weeks and the Caliph was sentenced to death. Then the Abbasid went to Egypt. The Secind
period of Abbasid Caliphate lasted from 1261-1517 C.E. and was located in Cairo. Indeed the
Abbasid Caliphate was one of the major Caliphates in Islamic history.

This is a brief introduction of the Abbasid Caliphate and now we are going to give detail

information about this Caliphate.

Abbasid Propaganda

The Abbasid Caliphate ruled from 750 to 1258 C.E. which established this caliphate as one of
the longest and most powerful Islamic dynasties that oversaw the golden age of the Islamic
culture, tradition and history. The Abbasid said to be the real successors of Prophet Muhammad
who replaced the Umayyad descendents of Bano Umayya by using their close relation to
Muhammad. The Abbasid were the descended from Abbas ibn Abd-al-Muttalib who was one of
the youngest uncles of Muhammad and also of Banu Hashim. After Muhammad, Caliphate
should go to Ali. Then this caliphate went to Hussain and eventually went to Muhammad
Hanafia who was son of Ali’s other wife than Fatimah. This caliphate did not go to Joynol
Abedin. Muhammad Al Hanafia appointed Ibrahim as Imam (Al Abbas- Abdullah-Ali-
Muhammad Ibrahim). From the time of Ibrahim, they started to dream to become the new
rulers of Islamic Empire. Ibrahim, Abul Abbas (As-Saffah) and Abu Jafar (Al Monsur) were
brothers as well as great warriors. First, they started secretive and then open movement against
the Umayyad. People also supported the Abbasid against the Umayyad. There are some reasons
behind this support which play an important role in order to defeat the Umayyad.

Now, we are going to explore these reasons and causes which played an important role behind

the fall of Umayyad Dynasty and establishment of Abbasid Dynasty:

Causes of the fall of the Umayyad Dynasty and establishment of Abbasid
Dynasty (Abbasid Propaganda)

The Umayyad ruled for a long time. So, people wanted some changes. In the long run, problems
and dissatisfactions created from time to time. So the Abbasid took the advantages of favorable
condition and the dissatisfactions of people. In the eastern territories of the Caliphate, the
Umayyad became unpopular and then the Abbasid took this advantage and overthrew the
preceding Umayyad Dynasty. Umayyad Dynasty was supported by Arab tribe as it was an Arab
dynasty. During Umayyad, the newly converted Muslims of non-Arab areas who were
commonly known as Malawi were taxed heavily. Most of the Malawi was Persians who were
treated as second class citizens. That’s why they were angry at the favor shown to Syrian Arabs
by the Umayyad. The Umayyad Caliphate turned into a hereditary dynasty which was not liked
by other Muslims. Some Muslims also believed that power should not be hold by a single family.
On the other hand, Shiites believed that the Umayyad were not part of Muhammad’s family and
considered Abbasids better than the Umayyad. These groups united with the Abbasid who began
a rebellion against the Umayyad in Persia. So, a coalition was created among Abbasid, Malawi,
Eastern Arab and Shiites.

In the final stage of the Umayyad dynasty, Abbasid secretly started movement against them
which was well received and praised in former Persian Empire especially Khurasan. With the
help of their close relation to Prophet Muhammad, the Abbasid took sympathies from these
areas. This propaganda was started secretly during the rule of Hisham. The Abbasid started
armed rebellion in 747 C.E. That time, Umayyad was also facing internal conflict and
difficulties. This propaganda was open during the time of second Marwan. Ibrahim appointed
Abu Muslim as a propagator. Then Ibrahim went to jail and later was killed. But he wrote a letter
where he nominated his brother Abul Abbas and they found it after his death. After his death,
people became more furious and people openly declared Abul Abbas as Caliph in the month of
October 749 C.E at Kufa mosque. Marwan || who was the ruler of the Umayyad attacked the
Abbasid with large group of 1 lack 20 thousands followers in the battle of Jab. But the Abbasid
won this greater Jab battle against the Umayyad. This battle took place in the bank of Jab River
that’s why this battle is known as the battle of Jab. So, the Umayyad Caliphate came to an end in
750 C.E with the deciding battle of Jab. In this way, Abbasid replaced the Umayyad as the new
rulers of Islamic Empire.

Abul Abbas As-Saffah (750-754 C.E.)

Abul Abbas As-Saffah was the first Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate which is regarded as one of
the longest and important caliphates in Islamic history. He was born in 721 C.E. and died on 10 th
june 754 at very young age which is 33. Humeima or modern Jordan was the place where he was
born. His father was Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Abdullah or Muhammad al-imam and mother was
Raita Al- Harsia. His title was “As-Saffah” which means “the Blood-Shedder”. Actually he took
this title for his cruel tactics in order to instill extreme fear in his enemies.

“Abul Abbas As-Saffah was not only a barbarous yrants, he perjures and ungrateful
traitor also”-Wiel

Abul Abbas being declared Caliph by Muhammad Bal’ami (public domain)

Yazid Ibn Hobayra was not only the last Umayyad governor of Iraq but also became one of the
most important supporters of Caliph Marwan || in the third Islamic civil war. He was defeated,
captured and executed by the Abbasids. Actually, As-Saffah who was the new Abbasid ruler
ordered to kill him. By following his order Abu Jafar killed Yazid ruler of Wasit while he was
praying. He also appointed Abu Salama as Wazir of Abbas.

Abul Abbas took extreme vengeance on the Umayyad. He did spare neither the living nor the
dead being. Graves of the Umayyad rulers in Syria were dug out and their remains were ripped
and burned, and the living members were executed or killed. Two graves of Umayyad rulers
were saved from As-Saffah. One was Mu’awiyah because they could not find his grave. Other
was Abdul Aziz who was a good ruler that’s why his grave was saved. Rule of As-Saffah was so
cruel and fearful. He killed each and every ruler and supporter of Umayyad. By promising safety
and reconciliation, As- Saffah invited all the remaining members of Umayyad to a dinner party.
In that dinner party, As- Saffah had them clubbed to death before the first course which was then
served to the host. Only a young lad named Abd al- Rahman escaped from the Abbasid and
went to Spain where he founded the Emirates of Cordoba.

Abul Abbas also changed capital from Syria to Kufa to Anbar to Bagdad. He spent most of time
in war. By following his order, his forces started the battle of Talas against Tang expansion and
also brought intellectual rebirth during his rule. Some rebellions of Mesopotamia and Syria also
came to an end during his rule. Before his death, he nominated his brother Abu Jafar than Isha
as next successor of Abbasid. Abul Abbas As-Saffah died very early during his fourth year of
ruling. Then his brother Abu Jafar, titled as al- Mansur (victorious) took his place. Actually from
the time of Abu Jafar’s rule actual development of Abbasid began.

Essays, UK. (November 2018). The Establishment of Abbasid Dynasty History Essay. Retrieved



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