Administration, Society, Culture

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Administration, Society, Culture

Abbasid were taken control of Muslim world from Umayyad dynasty. They reduced the

aggressive policy of previous ruling dynasy. They did not conquest more land for the empire.

They want to gave people good administration. For this, they took some plan and introduced new

administration. After establishing their dynasty, they suppressed every supporters of the

Umayyad dynasty brutally. Then, they focused on the reformation on administration. First of all,

They shifted the Umayyad influence capital Damascus and built new capital Baghdad. Khalifa

Al Mansur eas the founder of Baghdad. Then, the city became the center of Muslim culture,

trade and school of knowledge. The city was near the Persia. As a result, Abbasid was close to

the Persian culture. Persian had heavy influence over the Abbasid khilafat. They introduced the

Persian system in their administration. As Abbasid khilafat did not expand their land, they

wanted to provide people to the good governance. So they take some policy of power speration.

They established the office of Grand Vizier. Vizier served as the prime minister and act as an

advisor of khalifa. They had the huge amount of power. They developed the postal system. The

postmaster acted as the ear and eye of the khalifa. They made their administration on style of

sasanic empire. Besides, They sperated the central and provincial administration. They

developed the policing systems. They also had maken the banking system for the safekeeping.
The Story of Arabian Nights

During the period of Khalifa Harun al-Rashid and Al-Ma'mun ware considering as the golden

period of this dynasty. In that time, there were stable political and social situations. So, they

focused on the development of society in different sides. Baghdad became center of the Islamic

culture, knowledge and trade. Khalifa encouraged and expensed huge amount for patronaging
science, arts and literature. They established the "Baitul Hikmah" in Baghdad. It was known as

the house of wisdom. There were huge collection of books that was taken from around the world.

They used to translate it on Arabic language. They had the collection of eastern and western

books in their library. They had taken book from India and Europe as well. They also established

some new school of knowledge. It was the time when we could see some world wide recognized

scholars invented new subject of knowledge. They introduced the world with Algebra and

Chemistry. They developed the knowledge of science and philosophy. It was not only develop

for the Muslim but also for the whole human civilization. They also had focused on health care

system. They developed the surgery system in treatment. They also worked for the treatment of

eyes. Overall we could see, it was revolutionary change in every aspects of society, culture and

human development.

Fall of Abbasid Dynasty

There were multiple different reasons for fall of abbasid dynasty. In the period of Khalifa Harun

Al Rashid and Al Mamun, the dynasty was in highest peak. It was the golden time of their ruling

period. After this, They faced different types of problem that would make the dynasty weak.

In the administration Abbasid dynasty, they introduced the office of Grand vizier. They acted as

the prime Minister of khalifa. So, In the different section of administration, Kalifa had to take

advice from the vizier. Some khalifa highly dependent on the vizier. Actual administrative power

were gone to the grand vizier. Khalifa acted as the puppet of the prime minister.
Moral degradation was the another reason of fall of the abbasid dynasty. Rulers would like to

spend much amount of time in harem. They neglected their duty to the people. They had

sometime drunk or involved themselves with gambling. As a result, the ruler lost their


Rise of the petty dynasty reduced the power of khalifa. In different region in the empire were

ruled by some different patti dynasties. There were internal conflict with those dynasty.

Sometime, khalifa were involved themselves with the conspiracy to each other. As a result, the

actual ruling power was gone to these petty dynasty.

There were a huge amount of people in army recruited from the Turk people. They became the

superior in the army. They had taken different types of ruling affairs. They decided who would

be the next khalifa. Kalifa must need their support for the position. Sometime, they involved the

conspiracy and murder of Khalifa.

Siege of Baghdad, 1258

Finally, In thirteen century, The Mongol empire became the the strongest empire in central Asia.

They gradually occupied huge area all around their empire. In 29th January 1258, Mongol of

Ilkhanate sieged the capital of Abbasid the Baghdad under the leadership of Halagu Khan. They

entered the city in 10th February and made huge distraction by murdering and looting. They

killed the khalifa Al-Musta'sim. It was the ending of Abbasid Dynasty in Baghdad. After four

year, The khilafat was reestablished by Mumluks in Cairo. But the actual ruling power was under

the Mumluk sultans. Then, Cairo become the center of the Muslim world. In 1516, Mumluks lost

their rule to the ottoman. Ottoman had kidnapped khalifa Al-Mutawakkil III and taken in the

Constantinople and declared ottoman sultans as Khalifa of Islam. It was the ending of Abbasid




ART AND SCIENCE. ( 2018, September). Fact and Details. Retrieved from

2. Whittemore, J. (2018). The Fall of the Abbasids & the Rise of Regional Dynasties. California. USA. Retrieved from


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