Administration and Supervision

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 An Abbreviated Statement of Cox’s 9.

Improves the selection and the

Principles of Supervision for Creative use of guiding principles in
Teaching Given by Ayer supervision.
a) Supervision for creative teaching helps 10. Appraises the success of the
teachers in setting up and achieving their instructional program in
own teaching objectives. particular and of the supervisory
b) Supervision for creative teaching stimulates, program in general
guides, and rewards worthwhile activities
c) The integration of the teacher’s personality
is fundamental
d) Minor innovations and successes deserve
first consideration
e) Self-supervision is an inherent quality of the
creative artist
f) Understanding and skill in creative teaching 3 Major Functions of Supervision with the
are achieved gradually and progressively. Supervisory activities under each (Barr, Burton &
g) The support and encouragement of creative Brueckner)
teaching are potentially present among
community groups and school officials 1. Studying the Teaching-Learning situation:
h) The creative teacher receives personal a) Analyzing the objectives of
satisfaction and should be given wide education and supervision
recognition for creative teaching. b) Studying the products of
teaching and learning
5. Evaluation c) Studying the satisfactory and
unsatisfactory growth and
 This can be considered the ultimate major
function of supervision.
d) Studying the interests, abilities,
 The purpose of evaluation is to appraise the
and work habits of the pupils.
outcomes and the factors conditioning the
e) Studying the teacher at work,
outcomes of instruction, and to improve the
and aiding her to study herself.
products and processes of instruction.
f) Studying the curriculum
 It is the duty of the supervisor to help develop an
adequate instrument with which to measure the
g) Studying the materials of
teaching-learning process and set up standards
instruction and the socio-
of attainment as are necessary for the appraisal
physical environment of
of the teacher’s progress in teaching, and the
pupil in his learning.
2. Improving the Teaching-Learning Situation:
 School work should be evaluated in the light of
a) Improving the educational
desirable educational objectives and social
objectives and the curriculum.
b) Improving the teacher and her
 Evaluation must be based on educational aims
and objectives.
c) Improving the interest,
application, and work habits of
 Significant Purposes of Evaluation: the pupils.
1. Discovers the needs of the d) Improving the materials of
individuals being evaluated and instruction and the socio-
familiarizes the teachers with physical environment.
the pupil’s needs and 3. Evaluating the Means, Methods, and Outcomes
possibilities. of Supervision:
2. Relates measurement to the a) Discovering and applying the
goals of the instructional techniques of evaluation
program. b) Evaluating the general work
3. Serves as a guide for the supervision
selection of supervisory c) Evaluating the results of
techniques. supervising plans.
4. Appraises the educational d) Evaluating the factors limiting
growth of pupils which is the the instructional outcome
end-product of supervision. e) Evaluating and improving the
5. Appraises the quality of personnel of supervision.
supervisory processes and the
supervisor’s competence.
 Important Functions of Supervision which
6. Appraises the quality of the
pertain to teaching and learning (Crow and
teaching processes and the
teacher’s efficiency.
1. The interpretation of educational
7. Aids pupil-teacher planning
8. Serves as a means of improving
2. The study and improvement of the
school-community relations.
curriculum and materials of
3. The measurement of the individual
pupil’s ability to learn.
4. The guidance of pupils toward
improved study and in their work
5. The improvement of teaching
6. The evaluation of educational
7. The critical study and improvement
of supervising techniques.
8. The stimulation of whatever creative
ability may be inherent among
 Like the other functions, Crow and Crow also
recognize inspection, training, guidance, and
evaluation as major functions of supervision.

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