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Domingo, Kris Marie D.

BSMT-2B Ma’am Mary Mae Cheung

The “How of Teaching”

1. Define the given terms.

1.1. Strategies
- It is the plan or action that gives the person the idea how he/she will able to do his/her
work efficiently.
1.2. Approach
- It is a behavior in how we are able to deal or talk to a person or group of people.
1.3. Technique
- It is a way or method to carry out the task or performance that needs skill.
1.4. Method
-It is a procedure of how will be able to carry out the work.

2. Describe briefly the following approaches.

2.1. Discovery-
- Discovery approach is a learning in which the students will able to learn things by
exploring, discovering or by doing experiments. It is an interactive learning where the students
easily remember what they know through their experience.
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2.2. Conceptual
- It is the approach in which teaching of the concept of the topic is being relayed by the
teacher to the student. the concept of the topic will help the student to understand more by
researching or understanding what is given by the teacher like for example this assignment in
where the teacher asked us to define terms for us to know what are we going to learn on our
next topic.
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2.3. Process
- It is an approach in where the teacher plans and then applying what he plans and try to
understand how will he able to carry it out to his students so that the student will understands
what he wants to teach. The best example of this approach is the teacher doing their lesson
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2.4 Unified
- It is an approach in where the students will help themselves to understand more about
the topic. It is a highly cognitive where students use their intellectual activity for example
thinking, remembering or reasoning to help them relate or remembers some topics that links
him to the given topic.

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