Notre Dame of Dadiangas University College of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology Name: YR &SEC: Profess OR: Date

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Notre Dame of Dadiangas University

College of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology
NAME: Domingo, Kris Marie D. YR BSMT-2B
PROFESS Ma’am Mary Mae Cheung DATE: 09/04/2020


Multiple Intelligence

a. What is your personal realization? Does it change your manner of

- My personal realization is that most of the time I compare myself to other
people because they are good in things in where I don’t good with. I always try
to keep up with them and slowly forget where I am good with. Sometimes I am
pressured by people around me because I think I don’t excel in everything and
it makes me conscious to do what I want to do. Mr. Howard Garner does really
change my manners of thinking. He made me realize that I should appreciate
myself, and focus on where I am good at because we are all unique. And we
all have our own differences because I realize that I have something within me
that I didn’t notice right away because I’m too busy

b. Expound the quotation delivered by Howard Gardner in his special

speech in TED Talks,”Nobody is zero”
- Nobody is zero means that all of us has intelligence, no man have
nothing in his mind. Everyone of us has a purpose in this life. All of us has
something to contribute with, in any ways whether it is small or big. We all have
our multiple intelligences that can be used in any events or situation. We can’t
judge anyone with the one thing he can’t do because we are all unique in our
very own way.

c. How can you make use of your multiple intelligence to achieve success?
Elaborate on your answer

- I can use my multiple intelligence to achieve success by making progress

through practicing it in my daily life because I know that it takes time to make
your intelligence to be a skill.

First is my intrapersonal intelligence. It is the most important intelligence

that I should work on in order to achieve success. I should know myself first to
know what I want to do, to know my fears and weaknesses in able to conquer it
so that it would not be a hindrance in achieving my goals and dreams in life. I
should know where I am good with and practice it well in able to make it a skill.
Being intrapersonal intelligent will help me to recognize and understand myself
well in achieving success because you can already say or know what you
really want if you truly know your own heart.
Second in my linguistic Intelligence. I will practice it more, especially my
confidence when I’m speaking. I will fight my stage fright and practice my
grammar well so that I will be able to know how to talk well formally with other
people and I can communicate well to other professionals in the future and
able to do my profession efficiently. Because I know that in able to be
successful we need to be confident enough so that other people will notice or
appreciate our burning passion through our determination that comes from our

Lastly, is my interpersonal intelligence, in able to be successful we need to

be cooperative to other people, we should learn how to socialize with other
people. Because one thing I know in socializing, is that we can share and we
can get knowledge by different kinds of people and can understand different
cultures for us to understand more about people around us and to be sensitive
enough in what we are doing. Being a people smart will able to help me to
communicate well with people around me.

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