Gaguan Bse-Fil E240 Fil106

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LESSON GUIDE : Orientation on the Bukidnon State University’ s

Vision and Mission, College of Arts and Sciences’ Mission,
and the Bachelor of Arts in English’s Program


General Mandate – The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher
technological, professional instruction and training in the fields of education, arts and sciences,
public, administration, information technology, accountancy, law and other relevant fields of
study. It shall also promote research and extension service, and provide progressive leadership in
its areas of specialization.

Objectives: The students will be able to

1. distinguish the key terms in the VMGO

2. formulate personal goals in line with Vision and Mission
3. memorize the vision and mission of BukSU


Ask the following questions to the students

1. Why do you choose BukSU as your school?
ANSWER: I choose to study at BukSU for certain reasons as follows; first, my
preferred course was Bachelor of secondary education major in Filipino. BukSU
serves the best teachers with high academic degree. An essential tool for me to
acquire credible knowledge and learning experience as an aspiring Filipino teacher in
the near future. Second, BukSU is an ISO certified school. Wherein, major in Filipino
course reached the level four academic ratings in terms of research, exam results, and
others. I found BukSU as a training ground for me to acquire the desired knowledge
and character of an individual that foresee a future as a professional teacher.
2. Why do you choose Filipino as your major?
ANSWER: I prefer Filipino as my major at the Secondary education program because
first, it is one of the most demand job at the field of teaching profession. Hence, my
job opportunity is better. Second, my skills and passion fits to the requirement of this
major. I am good at communication skills and fond of language related subjects rather
than mathematics, or science related ones. Third, Filipino course has a lot of vacant
slots at that moment.

Introduce the new BukSU Vision and Mission.


For better understanding of the vision and mission, give the following vocabulary
activity. (You may reproduce the activity below or write it on the blackboard.)

Instructions for students: In the word list are terms found in the BSU vision and mission and the
CAS mission . Identify their corresponding meanings found in the second column. Write the
letter of your choice in the blank for each item.


1. __b__vision

2. ___f__mission

3. __k___premier

4. __h___higher learning

5. __J__sciences

6. __L ___humanities

7. __a___competent

8. __G___sustainable life

9. ___I__quality instruction

10. __d___research

11. __e___extension
12. __c___production

A premier institution of innovative and ethical leaders for sustainable development
a. able or adequate

b. an act of looking forward to

c. an activity to create goods and services

d. an activity to examine something to contribute to existing knowledge

e. an activity to offer free services outside the school

f. an important purpose

g. capable of support

h. education in the college level

i. excellent teaching

j. groups of disciplines

k. leading

l. the study of literature, philosophy, and arts


Using the word list, explain the importance of the Vision and Mission by giving the
following points:

1. A vision answers the question "what?" It is a description of what the school wants to
become; a more successful one than it is at present. A vision clearly states who the
[school] wants to serve, what service [it] will give and how [the school] will deliver
the services to the students .
ANSWER: QUALITY INSTRUCTION. The school is appropriately, competently, and
adequately providing students with hhigh quality education through academic competent and
ethical instructors.
2. Why is therefore a vision important? It is important because it will provide the school
administrators, the teachers, the students, and stakeholders' direction and leadership
towards collaborative action.

ANSWER: VISION is indeed a significant in any institution. It determines a pathway for the
institution that appoints its constituents to play their role to achieve a common goal which is
“Success.” This goal has been visualized first before they set missions on how to work on it.
Bukidnon State University visualize being a premier institution who had innovative and ethical
leaders that are able to support sustainable development

3. A mission is something that describes the path the school chooses to take, or the path
to be taken to be able to reach what it wants. It defines the functions it seeks to fulfill
in its vision, the students it seeks to serve, and the methods that will be undertaken for
the school to achieve its purpose. The mission answers the question "how?"

ANSWER: The MISSION determines the strategic plans of each constituents according to their
role as a contribution the desired vision of the institution. Bukidnon State University is
developing competitive professionals. That gave quality instruction, research, extension, and
(Jimenez, Ruby M. 2010)


Give time for students to memorize the vision and mission. Present the following cloze test the
next class session.

A. A premier institution of innovative and ethical leaders for sustainable development.

B. The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher technological,

professional instruction and training in the fields of education, arts and sciences, public
administration, information technology, accountancy, law and other relevant fields of study. It
shall also promote research and extension service, and provide progressive leadership in the
areas of specialization.

You may ask the class who are into sports. You may ask some students to describe their
Then tell the following analogy to the class:
As in any sports game, success is determined by how well the players strive to work together to
reach the goal to score. Schools also have academic goals. Instead of scores that determine
winning, practices and activities are designed in such a way that they produce outcomes
manifested by students’ knowledge, skills, and values.
Present to the class the goals of the college. .

Quality and Excellence

Produce individuals who are proficient in language and literature.
Develop the students’ creative and critical thinking skills in the study of language and
Relevance and Responsiveness
Develop the students’ scholarly appreciation of indigenous, national and world literatures
as well as the languages for local and global communication
Strengthen the value of research as to how language and literature relates to the ever
changing society.
Access and Equity
Provide opportunities for students who aspire to acquire and learn mastery in language
and literature subject to fair, reasonable, and equitable admission and academic
Efficiency and Effectiveness
Develop capabilities among the students to accelerate the achievement of their respective
goals through quality instruction, research, extension and production.
Prepare students for a career dealing with the creative and critical use of language.


Group the students into four based on how the goals are categorized. Each group assigns
a facilitator who oversees that everybody in the group contributes to the discussion, a secretary
who takes down the group’s output, and a presenter who shares to the class the group’s output.

Goals Activities Skills

 Quality and Excellence Conferences that are held to attest Critical thinking
competence of the students in
speaking variety of languages.
Making research papers, reflection
papers, or any academically
inclined projects that shows the
students’ comprehension and

 Relevance and Conferences that are held to attest Ethics

responsiveness competence of the students in
speaking variety of languages. Observant

Conducting research to relevant

societal issues that relates to
language and literature
Conducting activities where new
trends in the language is being
discussed being a member of
millennial generation

 Access and Equity Taking language related course Comprehension

Learning other language and Vocabulary
introduced to linguistically related
topics. Communication

 Efficiency and Quality instructions through daily Articulation

effectiveness classes
Conducting linguistically related

Group 1 is assigned to the first set of goals, and group 2 takes the second set, and so on and so

Instructions for the students: Identify activities that you do in school that achieve the goals
(assigned to you). Determine the skills that you develop as you participate in these activities. Use
the table for your discussion

Instruction to the students: To better understand some key terms in the statements of goals, below
are words in circles. Create a word web by placing words related to them or with the same

You may get words from the statements of goals if there are words that you can relate the
words with. Add may more arrows to the circles.





Give the following activity to the students to personalize the meaning of the Vision and

Instruction for the students: Write a long-term goal that is in line with the Vision and Mission of
BSU, and at least three short-term goals that will help you achieve this goal.

Long-term Goal: Become a competent professional Teacher in my workplace

Short-term Goals: Be a dean’s listed in this semester

Become a competent, and ethical student in all my subjects

Improve my comprehension skills and improve my self-discipline


Present the objectives of the English Program.

Objectives of the Program

Strengthen and upgrade students comprehensive and contextualize view of the English
language system and development;

Train students to communicate (oral and written) in English and other relevant languages
accurately, fluently, and creatively in diverse socio-cultural, academic, and professional

Enhance students engagement in synchronous and asynchronous communication in English

using ICTs;

Provide venues through which students facilitate English language learning in diverse social,
cultural, academic, and professional settings;

Provide opportunities through which students participate effectively in oral communication

situations where language systems ( phonological, morphological,, syntactic, semantic )

Facilitate the development of students communicative and literary competence through

relevant research and language training;

Expose students to various critical and creative activities geared towards lifelong learning
through applying literacy and linguistic skills;

Provide students the opportunities to engage willingly in responsive community services on

literacy and language preservation;

Equip the students with language and literary skills to enable them to become independent
and life-long learners; and

Show students appropriate personal and corporate behavior with the context of their future


Compare and contrast the old and the new vision and mission of BukSU

A premier institution of higher learning in teacher
education, sciences and humanities
To develop competitive professionals who are
committed to build a sustainable life for all through
quality instruction, research, extension and production
The old vision mentions only higher learning individuals at the field of teacher education
sciences, and humanities. While in the new vision foresee students who are innovative and
ethical for sustainable development of each well-being and the society. It includes all the
BukSU students as a product of quality education. Both new and old mission and vision might
have different focus but they still wants to become a premier institutions that provides quality
education for all education


Instruction for students: To help you understand some key terms in the objectives of the BAEL
program, below are puzzles. Each item has a definition of a word. Below the definition are boxes
that correspond to the letters of the word. Refer to the bold-faced words in the objectives for the

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