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Project: __________________________________________

Modified Proctor Checklist

No. Tasks Indicator Comments

seive analysis is conducted to determine the

method/mold to be used
all apparatus and materials are prepared and present at
work station
3 sample air-dried to reduce moisture    

4 water content of test fraction determined    

determine mass of retained portion and portion passing
the relevant seive
prepared atleast 4 subspecimen in accordance to standard
apparatus is set up and checked according to standard

8 compaction process conforms to standard procedures    

standard procedures for removing collar and base plate,

and triming mold is practised

10 record all relevant data and to nearest g    

11 documentation of exercise    

Prepared By: _________________________________ Date: ______/_______/________

Table 1: Indicator Key

Practises that fully conform to Technical Practises that fully conform to Technical
Specifications that are being carried out fully Specification that are not being carried out fully
Approved practises that are not being fully Approved practises that are being fully followed
Not Applicable

Quality Assurance Checklist

Quality Assurance Checklist

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