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Elpidio Jr P.

Instructor I

Mariano Marcos State University

College Of Arts And Sciences


City of Batac 2906 Ilocos Norte

Technology and Humanity

 Each person in a society is

directly or indirectly affected by
 Most people survive their
everyday lives with great
reliance to the different
technological advancements.
 Technology is already an
inevitable part of the society.
Technology and Humanity

Necessity or Want?
Ethical Dilemmas

• Most parents would argue

that technological devices
make their children lazy
and unhealthy.
Ethical Dilemmas

• People are freely exposed to

different things on
televisions, mobile phones,
laptops or computers.

 Programmable machine
 Do specific tasks
 Ease the workload of mankind
 Make life more efficient and
Service Personal
less stressful
 Pleasure, entertainment

Industrial Military
Ethical Dilemmas of Robotics

• Who should be held
accountable if someone’s
safety is compromised by a
• Who should be blamed, the
robot, the agent using the
robot, or the maker/inventor of
the robot?
Ethical dilemmas of Robotics

Emotional Robotics
• Thisis the attempt to establish
robots with the ability to
recognise human expressions of
emotion, and to engage in
behaviour that humans readily
perceive as emotional.

• If we see machines as increasingly

human-like, will we come to see
ourselves as more machine-like?
Artificial Life Forms

• A range of synthetic biology focused

on custom-building life forms to
address specific purposes
• Genetically modified organisms
Nicholas Carr
American writer of technology,
economics and culture
“Deep reading that used to come
naturally has become a struggle”

Internet has been slowly changing the

way his brain thinks

Internet and Google designed to find
information and take you right to the
answers you’re looking for
Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of
words. Now I zip along the surface like
a guy on a Jetski
Scott Karp
Deep Reading draws our own
inferences and analogies and foster our
own ideas.
Imagine the future of humanity in the next century (100 years) given the following aspects:

a. TECHNOLOGICAL EVOLUTION – describe how technologies (e.g. IT, nanotechnology,

biotechnology, etc.) will progress and proliferate in the future? What role will technology play in
people’s lifestyle?

b. ENVIRONMENTAL EVOLUTION – how will the environment we live in change? What will
happen to the different ecosystems on Earth?

c. HEALTH/BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION – What advances might occur in the field of genetics and
how might these affect human physical make-up?

d. SOCIO-CULTURAL EVOLUTION – How might societal institutions, practices, norms and

values change, including what is considered “good” or “acceptable” and what is not? How will the
way we do things from day to day evolve?

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