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Aspects of Setting Directions & Goals

1. Be clear of what you’re asking

*motivation is key.

2. Use the SMART system

- Set a goal & achieve it

3. Verify if the employees understand

2. Giving Feedback

Purpose: improve performance

- Managers must give regular feedback

- Positives must outweigh negatives
- Give outline on what they need to improve
- Focus on the behaviour not the individual

Reward vs. Recognition


- Tangible
- Transactional
- Impact is not permanent
- Expected but conditional


- Recognition is intangible
- Relational
- Longer lasting
- Surprising

How to communicate recognition of performance:

1. Inspire (performance)
- How employees are making an impact with their actions
2. It’s so simple
- Learn to recognize and effort
- Looks for small wins

3. Make it fun
- Make it personal
Ex. Paid lunch
- Investing in young people in the company

4. Make it eligible
- Make sure everyone known what specific behavior is being rewarded

Charismatic/Inspirational/Transformation Leader


- Seek to inspire (and share motivation)

- Leaders of Change
- Share the Vision
- Innovation

Democrative/Participative Leader

1. Empowerment

2. Inclusion is key

3. Inexperience Harms

4. The Leader has the final say

- Create and make creative teams

- Involve employees

Autocratic Leader

- Individuals control over all decisions and ask for little input
- Rarely accept advice
- Absolute control over group

1. Unpopular
2. Error Free
- Used for companies
3. All the Power
4. Trust
- Trust themselves more than other people

 Not suited to the environment

Determine Your Leadership Style

1st step: Consider your values

2nd step: Know your personality trait
3rd step: Look at the leaders that you admire
4th step: Never learning

- Debate topics you talked about w/ the team

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