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Digital Marketing

Synopsis: Digital marketing strategies of Zomato

Submitted To:
Mr. Shawn Matthew

Submitted By: Group 7

Aastha Tulsyan (190201002)
Akshay Sharma (190201011)
Amartya Roy (190201014)
Rahul Mittal (190201074)
Ritvik Jaiminy (190201081)
Sakshi Shah (190201089)
Utsav Sharma (190201120)
Title: Digital Marketing initiatives of Zomato

Background and Overview

Some brand have shown exponential growth since their inception, Zomato being one of them
and we think Zomato’s digital marketing strategy played a huge role in its growth.
Zomato is a food delivery company that turned into a unicorn in 2018, is still showing
consistent growth. We would therefore like to analyze strategies employed by the brand to o
understand how they achieved this feat.

Problem definition

How did the digital marketing initiatives lead to the growth of Zomato?

Research Questions:

What did they do to increase their customer base? What did they do to keep their consumers
coming back?


1. Search Engine Optimisation – Major keywords the company has bidden on, Backlinks of
unique domains
2. Social Media Marketing- Zomato has a very strong social media marketing strategy and is
quit active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. They try to involve trendy topics (Viral
jokes, current affairs) in their posts and keep a fun and humorous tone.
3. Paid Advertising- Search Ad campaigns with the help of Google AdWords.
4. Content Marketing- Analysis of Content marketing strategy of Zomato to attract more
5. Email-marketing- Advertisements, personalized mails, offers etc send my Zomato to its its
subscribers and potential clients.
6. Online Reputation management- How Zomato handles complaints, issues that can be
detrimental to the brand’s image

Problems and limitations:

Exact number of keywords used by Zomato and exact number of conversions, new customers
acquired might be difficult to find.


Zomato’s Digital Marketing Strategy will have to keep changing according to the current
trends. They will have to find new ways to attract their consumers’ attention. Right now, they
are doing a great job. If they continue working hard on it, they are going to reap a lot of
benefits for it.

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