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Protocol for classroom management: Teachers´ actions

Student: Simón David Pérez García

To begin with, teachers are to work in the classroom with students who still are not finished

products. When there is nothing to do teachers are not needed. So in that process of pruning

student’s skills and behaviors, we need to understand that every single action you ask them

to do should be guided by you. For instance, it was possible that when you learned to ride

your bike, falling down was inevitable. Of course, these falls represented lived experience,

and therefore learning. But what matter the most was the journey to try the first steps in the

learning of riding a bike. An effort that in the first place was guided by the mentor. That is

to say, students need to be given so much support until there comes a Time when they

decide to do things by their own.

Clues all around. We should not show our weak spots. We must remind learners who we

are in the first place, otherwise you will be the students’ pet. And this happens when you

are a teacher with no answers at hand. The captain goes down with the ship. If the captain is

always exposing signs of poor classroom management, it is likely that his students will be

at a disadvantage with little motivation to follow and do what is meant to be done. Teachers

that stay strong in the midst of chaos will reap the rewards of their work in the future.

Discipline is not the goal; it is a tool. That’s why we must not overlook students who

misbehave, because they can become in the leaders or high-ranked people in society. As

hospitals are place for the sick not to be sick, likewise the school is not only a place for
brilliant minds, it is a place for ordinary and imperfect people who are going to become

extraordinary people. Change takes place in darkest places and the best advice for the mind

is to see their unpleasant reality as a starting point for change. For instance, perhaps peers

who fight all the time tend to be best friends.

The student handbook can be compared to the constitution: only known by lawyers and

senior leaders. Children are rarely interested in knowing or applying this book of rules and

guidelines. Teachers have forgot that revising the rules do not have an emotional content.

The case is situations that activate a range of emotions tend to be stored easily in the brain;

thus they will not learn the school rules because it does not have an emotional value. Also,

just as there are traffic signs to get to a destination, there must be notes, pictures or any

phrase to let them know the classroom´s rules such clean the workplace as soon as the

lesson is over. However, this is not enough to elicit the long memory of the teacher´s

guidelines. So chaos can only be overcome by discipline, which is a lifelong learning

process. For example, your decisions can be intertwined with other people´s decision most

of time because every boss has a boss. If one piece does not work, things might go wrong.

All of them have equal importance. So, your students are children, then they turn into the

bosses of your own daughters and sons, and the cycle keeps on. Nothing will escape your

actions in the present time because you have already become the decisions of your past.

That´s why all good experiences and lessons you instill in them will make their hearts bear

good fruit as well as discipline in the long run.

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