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Janina Myka P. Maligaya Sept.

12, 2020
BSN – 2B


1. Make a reflection Paper on Global and National Health Situation.

a. Global Health Situation.
Introduction: (present and give the idea or thoughts)
At the end of 2019, a novel coronavirus was identified as the cause of a cluster of pneumonia cases
in Wuhan, a city in China. It rapidly spread, resulting in an epidemic throughout China, followed
by an increasing number of cases in other countries throughout the world. In just a few months,
the Coronavirus disease or COVID-19 has gone global affecting almost all countries, societies,
and health systems, resulting a pandemic. Since Coronavirus disease mode of transmission is
spread person-to-person it is disrupting varying spheres of our social, political, or economical
lives. Coronavirus has created fear among people, some are shattered, some turned hopeless, some
jobless, some fled back to home countries, etc. It makes it difficult for humans to be fully ‘social’.
Without any vaccine or cure against COVID-19, controlling the spread of infection largely rests
on a unified response from the general population for the time being. Restrictions have been made
on travel, tours, social gatherings, public functions, and people are urged to follow basic hygiene,
not to meet others or maintain distance when they meet. This is not to truly distance people from
each other. Still, the current situation also unites people in an emotional and spiritual sense by
providing opportunities to care for each other. In many countries, you indeed see societies pulling
themselves together now uniting them to face this common threat. And as of now the number of
cases worldwide are still increasing each day.
Reflection: (tell what you learned from the idea, your realizations, effects, and lessons you
learned from it)
The COVID – 19 pandemic created unprecented disruption for the global health and
development community. Organizations fighting infectious disease, supporting health workers,
delivering social services, and protecting livelihoods have moved to the very center of the world’s
attention, and find their work complicated by challenges of access, safety, supply chain logistics,
and financial stress like never before. This COVID-19 crisis is already having and will continue
to have devastating consequences for all individuals and communities across the globe. People
should not only depend on vaccines thus we should follow health protocols to be able to control
the number of cases and prevent the virus from spreading. At this time of crisis, the people that are
high at risk are the young and old so they need to care for each other, people with good health
should care about the people with health conditions, and obviously, countries should also care for
each other in this now global pandemic. In other words, we need to work together and have unity.
In this pandemic I realized that it has removed barriers of “we and they” and promote the value of
belongingness among us. It has demonstrated that it sees our globe as one single interdependent
community. I have realized COVID-19 is the problem of our community is right here. And which
I think must not be underestimated because at the same time, the crisis also provides an opportunity
for us to help clean the environment, fix family matters, improve relationships, and we’ll be
prepared if another crisis strikes. Though the COVID-19 crisis has brought the world to a fear and
sadly, the health and economic impact will be disastrous, I feel that from a spiritual angle, the pros
will outweigh the cons making us a global community with spiritual connectivity.
Conclusions: (summary of your thoughts, wrap up your ideas, highlight the main points)
During this global pandemic, we are reflecting in real time on how systems undergo this
transformation in how government, business, schools, cities, and communities adapt, and make
fundamental changes to existing ways of working. To sum it up, the COVID-19 pandemic reminds
us that we need each other, whether we realize it or not, and makes us recognize that the problem
of coronavirus is right here at the face of our global community. It is a challenge that requires
global cooperation and unity, a component of compassion to reduce suffering, and a greater
responsibility to exercise our faith to finally overcome this crisis.
b. National Health Situation of the Philippines.
Introduction: (present and give the idea or thoughts)
The current health situation of the Philippines are not different from other countries,
COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
And the first case was identified on January 30, 2020. After over a month without recording any
cases, the Philippines confirmed its first local transmission on March 7. Since then, the virus has
spread to the country with at least one case being recorded in the country's 17 regions. Socio-
economic status has been associated with the prevalence of COVID-19 cases across the country.
Lockdowns, commonly known as community quarantines, have been imposed throughout the
country since March 15 as a measure to limit the spread of the virus. And as a result people turned
hopeless, some jobless, homeless, and many more. Those who came from travel abroad have
greater risks of being infecting other people or being infected and so have to undergo 14 days
quarantine and monitor their health condition. They stay at home orders are also to minimize risk,
but not totally eliminate it. Washing hands with soap and water for 20 s, wearing masks, social
distancing, using alcohol and hand sanitizers, keeping your environment clean are other ways to
even lower risks. These recommendations need long term positive behavioral reinforcement. Each
day there are reported front liners that are not treated well because COVID-19 is a life and death
risk, so the people around them are afraid that they might get the virus. Risks becomes complex
when whole communities have to resume their lives. People have to go back work, students have
to go back to school. Entrepreneurs and employees produce services and commodities that enable
an economy to function. When people have a way to make a living, they can invest for their future,
like education and health care as examples. And the question for the government is “What are the
risks of a second wave of COVID 19 infections?”
Reflection: (tell what you learned from the idea, your realizations, effects, and lessons you
learned from it)
All of the people have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. The world of work is being
deeply affected by the global virus pandemic. In addition to the threat to public health, the
economic and social disruption threatens the long-term livelihoods and wellbeing of millions.
Realized that there are really many people lost their jobs and businesses, created fear and anxiety,
etc. Governments, healthcare providers, workers and employers play a crucial role in combating
the outbreak, ensuring the safety of individuals and the sustainability of businesses and jobs.
Doctor, nurses, and other health care providers in some instances, being discriminated against in
their own neighborhoods, ranging from neighbors wanting them out of the area to physically
harming them. Some patients who have recovered from the disease also find it hard to go back to
their homes, as people in their apartment or condominium buildings are trying to evict them. I
realized how hurt they must feel, I know that in this kind of situation we need to be careful, but
this is too much. What people should do is help them, what they need is support and love. As long
as every people follow the health protocols and wear PPE’s no one will be infected with the virus.
The COVID‐19 pandemic has expanded and revealed current socioeconomic inequalities and the
government’s incompetency. Meanwhile, digital communication is facilitating not only social
connectivity but, at the same time, anti‐poor sentiments increase rapidly on social media platforms.
Day after day, more ethical and political considerations about our human affairs rise as we try to
navigate our daily lives in the pandemic. The strict implementation of the lockdown has left most
people without their safety nets. So far, Filipinos have been struggling on daily earnings, and those
who are homeless are left with no resources. And I don’t think quarantine enforcement can really
help prevent the virus from spreading. I mean it can help but not in long terms, what the country
really needs is cooperation, unity, and competency of the government. We need unified responses
to pandemics rather than diverse disconnected strategies.
Conclusions: (summary of your thoughts, wrap up your ideas, highlight the main points)
Now that COVID-19 has become a pandemic with close to 250,000 cases and over 4000
deaths as a result of the virus, the case for investing in health systems, human resources, and health
technologies is clear. This pandemic highlights the need to have sufficient ability to address and
deal with a crisis. It is also a reminder of the importance of public responsibility for health systems,
underpinned by investment in people and technologies. Effective communication, collaboration
and cooperation at the highest political levels is also important, instead of agreeing upon
coordinated and collaborative responses to the virus, argument about who was most to blame for
the crisis, help prevent the virus from spreading by simply following health protocols and the
government. Same with the government they must have unified responses, and plans which can be
effective to help stop the spreading of the COVID-19 virus. We must continue to build upon the
lessons learned so far from the management of COVID-19 and adjust the approaches to this
pandemic, and to other future health and environmental crises.

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