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Is Mathematics Invented or Discovered?

The parts of the Earth facing the sun experience day, and
the parts of the Earth facing away from the Sun experience
night. It’s because of this rotation that the Sun appears to
travel across the sky.(Wikipedia)

A fter considering both sides, if Mathematics is

invented or discovered I came to a conclusion that
--Mathematics is invented.
Roger Penrose, a mathematical Platonist, argues that a
fractal pattern is proof of a mathematical entity having an
existence of its own [6]. It is argued that the
mathematician cannot foresee a beautiful fractal, before
applying a simple iterative equation. Therefore, a fractal
pattern is not a mental construct, but has its own existence
In the early stage of the world, we can see that things on a Platonic plane waiting to be discovered.
follow its own patterns and orders. The mountains for
example, it has its own perfect look and somehow its
shape has its unique figure. Though the people of old A first objection is that there are an infinite number of
weren’t be able to have their education we can see how ways to display the fractal data, and that to “see” a fractal
they handle their life easier with the use mathematics. For we have to anthropocentrically display the data in the one
example, the clock, the first mechanical clocks, employing way that looks appealing to our senses. Perhaps to an alien,
the verge escapement mechanism with a foliot or balance a random pattern based on white noise might be more
wheel timekeeper, were invented in Europe at around the beautiful?
start of the 14th century, and became the standard
timekeeping device until the A second objection is that out of an infinite number of
pendulum clock was invented in 1656. However, ancient possible iterative equations, perhaps only negligible
people used the sun as their source of time or basis. numbers of them result in fractal patterns and even fewer
Another basis of time is the Sundial, Have you ever look appealing to humans. Take the analogy of a random
noticed how the Sun moves across the sky during the day? sequence of digits. We know any infinite random sequence
It rises in the East and reaches its highest point in the sky encodes all the works of Shakespeare and all the world's
around lunchtime. Then, it descends, setting in the West. knowledge. If we preselect appealing parts of a random
Although it is hard to believe, it is actually we on Earth sequence, we have in fact cheated.
who are travelling—not the Sun!
The Sun sits in the middle of our solar system. Our At the end of the day, a given set of rules that turns into an
Earth revolves, or orbits, around the sun. That means the elegant fractal is really no different to, say, the set of rules
Earth orbits around the Sun. It takes one full year for the that form the game of chess or that generate an interesting
Earth to go around the Sun once. cellular automaton. The set of moves in a game of chess is
evidently interesting and richly beautiful to us, but that
The Earth also rotates, or spins around. It takes one full
beauty is no evidence that chess itself has a Platonic
day for the Earth to rotate around once.
existence of its own.
Clearly, the rules of chess are purely a contrived product
of the human mind and not intrinsic to nature.(Robert
Sinclair, "Where Is Mathematics? [Point of
View]", Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 2-4,

There are lot of things that we can consider why

Mathematics is invented. Ancient people want to be more
productive and flexible that’s why they invented things
that can benefits them and were able to bless us this days.

Thus, small and simple things they’ve done in the past

have a big impact nowadays. Most specially with the
inventions of technologies.

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