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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani

First Semester, 2008-2009

Comprehensive Examination

Course No: AAOC C312 Date: 06.12.2008 Time: 3 hours

Course Title: Operations Research Max.Marks: 90
1. The question paper is divided into two parts Part A and Part B.
2. Answers for Part A should be given in the question paper itself.
3. Part B should be answered in the answer sheet supplied for the purpose.
Max Marks: 30 Duration: 60 Minutes
Name_______________________________ ID. No.____________________________
______________________________________________ __________________________
Note: 1. Write your Name and ID No in the space provided above
2. There are TWENTY questions in all. Question no. 1 to 10 is of ONE mark each while question
no. 11 to 20 is of TWO marks each.
Q1. The distribution whose mean and var iance are always equal is known
Q2. If Z be a standard normal variate, then E (Z) =______________________________.
Q3.If inter-occurrence times of the events follow exponential distribution then events
occur according to _______________________________distribution.
Q4. If U be a random number then U follows _________________________distribution.
Q5. If a system has n number of components working in series then hazard rate of the
system is equal to the ____________________of hazard rates of its components
Q6. In CPM/ PERT, the earliest start time at each node is calculated by
Q7.In a two person zero sum game problem, if problem has a saddle point then both the
players use their ____________________________strategies.
Q8. In a probabilistic inventory model if C 2, C1, and C 0 be the per unit shortage cost,
holding cost and production cost then C 2 is always _______________________C 0.
Q9. In a DP problem if problem has 5 variables then to find the solution of the problem
we divide it in to _______________________________sub problems.
Q10. CPM means _____________________________________ __while PERT
Q11. The condition(s) under which a birth – death model becomes (M/M/1; FCFS/m/∞)
model is(are) _____________________________________ ______________________.
Q12. Let X and Y are independent random variables with mean respectively 4 & 5 and
variance respectively 2 &3. Let Z = 2X + 4Y – 3 be a random variable then the mean and
variance of Z respectively are __________________________and__________________.
Q13. If a, m, b, the time estimates of an activity (i,j) are respectively 2, 8, and 14 days,
then expected duration and variance of completing the activity respectively are
__________ and ______________________________.

Q14. If hazard rate function of a de vice is given by Z (t) = 0.005 then R (200) is equal
Q15. If the payoff matrix of a game is given as below:
B1 B2 B3
A1 0 2 9
A2 5 3 5
A3 8 1 3
Then the value of the game is equal to ________________ _______________.
Q16.If C 2, C1, and C0 be the Rs. 15, 5 and 10 respectively and R be the demand which
has a continuous distribution then the probability of shortage of one unit will be equal to
Q17. If the pdf of life length of a d evice is defined as 2 , t  10 and 0 elsewhere, then
R (100) is equal to ____________________________________.
Q18.The following game gives A’s pay off. The values of p and q that will make the
entry (2, 2) of game a saddle point are respectively______________and_____________.
2 q 7
p 4 11
7 3 4
Q19. If a random variable has a binomial distribution with parameters 5 and 0.6 then a
value generated from X using two digit random numbers 50, 53, 16, 39 and 22 is equal to
Q20. If a continuous random variable X has pdf
f x   ;0 x3
0 ; elsewhere

Then using a two digit random number 39 , the simulated value of X is equal to _______.

End Part A
Birla Institute of Technology & Science , Pilani
First Semester, 2008-2009
Comprehensive Examination

Course No: AAOC C312 (Operations Research) Max.Marks: 60

Date: 06.11.2008 Time: 2 hours.

1 Solve the following game problem graphically
The payoff for player A is
Player B
B1 B2
Player A A1 3 5
A2 -1 6
A3 4 1
A4 2 2

2. The table below lists all the activities and their respective durations for a small
engineering project.

Activity 1-2 2-3 2-4 3-4 3-5 3-6 4-5 4-6 5-6
Durations (weeks) 3 3 2 0 3 2 7 5 6
For the above table
a) Construct the network.
b) Find the critical path showing each activity’s start and finish time . [10]

3. Simulate (M/M/1) ;( FCFS∞/∞) queueing system for a period of 10 minutes. The

mean inter-arrival time is 2 minutes. The mean service rate is 1 minute per
customer. The system is empty initially. Prepare the simulation table and estimate
L, Lq, W, Wq, and the proportion of time tha t server is idle.
Use random numbers 20,23,86,09,92,and 35 in order for simulating inter -arrival times
and use random numbers 01,48,75,82,69,and 36,in order for simulating service
(Note: 1 Use x i= -1/λ ln ui to generate exponential variates from an exponential
distribution with parameter λ.
2: Round off inter-arrival times and service times to two decimal places) . [12]

4. Use dynamic programming to find three non negative real numbers such that the sum
of squares of these numbers is min imum with the restriction that their sum in not
less than 30.

5. A newspaper shop buys monthly new magazines at the beginning of every month.
The magazines cost the shop Rs 15 per copy. X, the monthly demand for these
magazines is a discrete random variable, uniformly distributed between 101 to 150
copies(both inclusive).At the end of the month, left over magazines are returned to
the publisher with a net revenue of Rs 10 per copy(thus the holding cost on left over
magazines is negative). If the demand of magazines during the month exceeds the
supply, the excess, X-R magazines are specially ordered at a cost of Rs. 17.50 per
copy, where R is the number of magazines ordered in beginning of the month.
Find R, to minimize the expected total cost for the month. What is minimum total
cost per month?

6a). Suppose that for a given product the probability of a failure prior to time t= α is θ1,
the probability of a failure beyond time t= β is θ2 and that for the interval α ≤ t ≤ β, the
failure time density is given by
1 - 1 -  2
f(t)  , find the expressions for F (t), the cdf and the failure rate function
 
Z (t) for the interval   t  
b). The hazard rate function of a device is

Z t  
for 0  t  4
20 t
 for 4  t  9
 fort  9
Find the reliability function of the device.


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