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8/23/2020 script writing | Print - Quizizz


script writing
10 Questions

1. Whats the de nition of script?

a) a play b) The written text of a movie, play or


c) the art or craft of writing a script d) stage directions

2. drama-an instruction in the text of a play

a) true b) false

3. stage directions are....

a) an instruction in a text of a play b) the words the characters say

c) art or craft of writing script

4. Who is a script written for?

a) The characters in the play b) The actors within the play.

c) The audience. d) The playwright.

5. Where are the names of the characters written in script?

a) In the right hand margin b) In the center(centre)

c) In the left hand margin d) All of the above?

6. What comprises the 3- act structure?

a) Start, ashback, end b) Beginning, middle, end

c) Setting, con ict, resolution 1/3
8/23/2020 script writing | Print - Quizizz

7. Why is realistic dialogue not necessarily a good dialogue?

a) Dialogue should be focused on moving the b) Realistic dialogue are often dull and lifeless
story forward and developing characters.
c) Realistic dialogues would only extend
screen time.

8. What are dead weights in screen writing?

a) Sidetracks, repetitions, unnecessary details b) Loose ends of the story

c) Open ended story

9. Why is there a need to cut away dead weight?

a) It weighs down the theme of the story. b) Sidetracks and repetitions are
c) It adds to the screening time.

10. Information that tells characters how to move or acts.

a) Character direction b) Dialog 2/3
8/23/2020 script writing | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. b 4. b 7. b 10. a
2. b 5. c 8. a
3. a 6. b 9. b 3/3

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