Ffirmff L: Limited

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August 04, 2020

BSE Ltrited Nadonal Sbck Exchan8e oftndia Ltd.
Pblroze f eeleebhoy Towers
DaIaI Street
E.h,nge plaza,C_1, Block G,
Bardra Kurla Complex.
MuDbal- 4{10001
Bardra (q)
Mumbal - 400 0S1
Sclip Code . 540047
Scrlp Code . DBL
subiec. Dlrp Bu[dcon Linit€d ttrcugh
Jv has been dedared as L-l btdder for a new prcre. viz
'cons'ucdon of rumers, Brrdges, yand- ad f"r,o"do;;;r*"
;- orrr.g" r17+g6s ro 1zs+g2o (Frs)
conneclroD wrrt neqnc r.ire betweei ru"liiil
ffirmff l "oa
r<rrrpml,ag (12sh) rn stare of

In accordance wlth the provislons ofthe securides

and Exchange Board of Indta (Llsung obligauons
Requiremenrs) Regurations, 2015, we are pleased and Dlsclosure
t" irf"; t;;-th;ilJtompany tt.orgtr Jv r.e.Hcc.DBL
uy*r" n ii,rorlnigr;-L,.r,"0 ,or the fonowing prcrecr 0y)
been declared as L'r brdder for the tende. nr"a"a has

Details of the prcrecare as unden

s Proie€t Brd Prcrect Cost Mode

No, Completion Letrgtt
NR ln Cr. od
1 'Constsucdon of Tiunels, Bddgcs, Yard and
1334.95 % Rate 50 Montts 7.955 Km
formadon works fro m chal naEe II
7 +3 6 5 To
1 2 5+ 3 20 (tb) ulder Packate-9 ln cotrnecti
with new BG Ilne betwecn Rlshlkesb ard
I(afarpra}u.S (125h) tr State of

we undeftake to update you in case of any frrrther deveropments

rn reration to the above said prorect

Further' as per company's code of conduct Jf Prevendon

of inslder trading and pursuant to securities
Board oflndia @rohibltion oflnsider Traarng) and Exchange
negulauons, iors
for dealing ln the securiEes of the Company io^. p--rot".,
*lr".i"a r.m dme to dme, the tradtnS window
desiSmt€d pensons' immediate relatsves, specified person
p-.""ig-rr, O,**rs, KMps, designat€d employee,
and.oii".iJl"oon r. already closed till 4g hours after
the dedaration of the flnancial results of the company
for the qr";i yr"u lo, zozo.
We request you to klndly take this information
on your record.

For DilipBu[dcon Llmlted

: f
o7s 9999

Regd. Office:

; i =i Plot No.5, Inside Govind Narayan Singh Gate,

Chuna Bhatti, Kolar Road, Bhopal - 462 016 (M.P)
ISO 9fir1:2015 Ph. : 0755-4029999, Fax : 0755-4029998
CIN No. 145201MP2005PLC018689 E-mail : db@dilipbuildcon.co.in, Website : www.dilipbuildcon.com

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