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A. Effect and Application of Laws
B. Human Relations


A. Civil Personality
B. Citizenship and Domicile
C. Marriage
i. Requisites of Marriage
ii. Void and Voidable Marriages
1. Void Marriages
2. Voidable Marriages
iii. Legal Separation
iv. Rights and Obligations Between Husband and Wife
v. Property Relations
1. Absolute Community of Property
2. Conjugal Partnership of Gains
3. Unions without Marriage
vi. Family
vii. Paternity and Filiation
viii. Adoption
ix. Parental Authority
x. Emancipation and Age of Majority
xi. Summary Judicial Proceeding

A. Classes of Property
i. As to Mobility
ii. As to Ownership
B. Ownership
i. In general
ii. Right of Accession
iii. Quieting the Title
C. Co-ownership
D. Special Properties
E. Possession
i. Kinds of possession
ii. Acquisition of possession
iii. Effects of possession
F. Usufruct
i. Rights of the usufructuary
ii. Obligations of the usufructuary
iii. Extinguishment of the usufructuary
G. Easements
i. In general
1. Kinds of easements
2. Modes of acquiring easements
3. Rights and obligations of owners of the dominant and
servient easements
4. Modes of extinguishment of easements
ii. Legal easements
1. Easements relating to waters
2. Right of way
3. Party wall
4. Light and view
5. Drainage of buildings
6. Intermediate distances and works for certain
constructions and plantings
7. Easement against nuisance
8. Lateral and subjacent support
iii. Voluntary easements
H. Nuisance
I. Registry of property


A. Occupation
B. Intellectual Creation
C. Donation
i. Nature of donations
ii. Persons who may give or receive a donation
iii. Effect and limitations of donation
iv. Revocation and reduction of donations

A. General
B. Testamentary successions
i. Wills
ii. Institution of heir
iii. Substitution of heir
iv. Testamentary dispositions
v. Legitime
vi. Disinheritance
vii. Legacies and devises
C. Legal or intestate successions
i. General
ii. Order of intestate succession
D. Provisions common to testate and intestate successions
i. Accretion
ii. Capacity to succeed by will or by intestacy
iii. Acceptance and repudiation of the inheritance
iv. Partition and distribution of the estate
E. Prescription


A. Obligations
i. Nature and Effects
ii. Kinds of obligations
1. Pure vs Conditional
2. Period
3. Alternative
4. Joint vs Solidary
5. Divisible vs indivisible
6. Penal clause
iii. Extinguishment of obligations
1. Payment
2. Loss of the thing
3. Condonation
4. Confusion or merger of rights
5. Compensation
6. Novation
B. Contracts
i. Essential requisites
1. Consent
2. Object
3. Cause
ii. Form, reformation and interpretation
iii. Kinds of contracts
1. Valid
2. Rescissible
3. Voidable
4. Unenforceable
5. Void
C. Natural Obligations
D. Estoppel

A. Nature and form
B. Capacity to Buy or Sell
C. Effects When the Thing is Lost
D. Obligations of the Vendor
i. General
ii. Delivery of the thing sold
iii. Conditions and warranties
1. Warranty in case of eviction
2. Warranty against hidden defects or encumbrances
E. Obligations of the Vendee
F. Breach of Contract of Sale
G. Extinguishment of Sale
i. Conventional Redemption
ii. Legal Redemption
H. Assignment of Credits and Other Incorporeal Rights


A. Loan
i. In general
ii. Commodatum
iii. Mutuum
B. Deposit
i. Kinds of deposit
ii. Voluntary deposit
iii. Necessary deposit
iv. Sequestration or Judicial deposit
C. Pledge, Mortgage and Antichresis
i. In general
ii. Pledge
iii. Mortgage
iv. Antichresis
D. Guaranty and Suretyship
i. Nature and extent of guaranty
ii. Effects of guaranty
1. Between guarantor and creditor
2. Between debtor and guarantor
3. Between co-guarantors
iii. Extinguishment of guaranty


A. Torts
i. Elements
ii. Negligence
iii. Concepts
1. Damnum absque injuria
2. Res ipsa loquitur
3. Last clear chance
4. Vicarious liability
iv. Defenses
B. Damages
i. Actual or compensatory damages
ii. Moral damages
iii. Nominal damages
iv. Temperate or moderate damages
v. Liquidate damages
vi. Exemplary or corrective damages


A. General principles
i. Regalian Doctrine
ii. Torrens system
iii. title
iv. Action in rem
v. Administrative vs judicial proceedings
B. Administrative bodies
i. Land registration commission
ii. Land management bureau
iii. Register of deeds
C. Who may apply
i. Citizenship requirements
ii. Incomplete title (Sec 14(a))
iii. Prescription (Sec 14(b))
iv. Accretion (Sec 14(c))
v. Law (Sec 14(d))
D. Procedure for original registration
E. Cadastral proceedings
F. The Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997
G. Judgment, registration decree and original certificate of title
H. Review and other remedies
i. New trial or MR
ii. Appeal
iii. Relief from Judgment
iv. Review of decree of registration
v. Action for reconveyance
vi. Action for reversion
vii. Cancellation of title
viii. Recovery from Assurance Fund
ix. Annulment of judgments or final orders and resolutions
x. Criminal prosecution
I. Subsequent registration
i. Voluntary dealings
ii. Involuntary dealings
J. Land patents
K. Reconstitution of titles

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