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wa we arrest ae afar gfe ated at a we a wa Ae a Ute Aaa. : yPL-U-avs dann feet ser way tieat 0313473 g Aras atara attart aera: oun? oft dra fire untae : soo aa37 1. ater sree ee a goa ae, ana gw cheer geen ft vgs aera an fis ged wtf Rew om, er aT get got ye Steen wei ane Bie te 8, eA a Tem gfe A ee 2. gam ora rd fk OMR swe-wee i, aterm tur, te Ta aft wham geet IGE A, B, Cm Da, corey 8 mpd for feat ear em Peale ae ws afte agement At Firtendh cere AB) Ree ah ore ot ge / fein flat at owroue Bee a Ran orem 3. tee gir oe ane Efe me whee Sse) arg argon free 21 hem gfe oe atte go 7 feed) 4, wa ate gfe #160 sein (sea) 2 wrt A fae re fs wma ate TTB) STB ae eit fe ae SRSA aS we ey oe main A aeger (ae) Ferg $y ca a gw ogee ha A, fed sere Sees We aif wen sree 8 aft area) ten at fe ew 8 aes weg a # At va srqac A Sifea WE SY one aed at chee see} Ry ae wee A wee EAT AH 8. singed) arg aM eqn over & fee mm sates ey aif act Eh sarong owe Fer beh 6, ah wetitt & sim a #1 Tt ea Ps a ag gee Pew esi Be eg seco Te aie CAT AR, on way Nw Fe ite seal S sqee ge fam oes 3H Ei 8. ane sr ae orga A serra See) we ae wtige eons a ara sor ace Shy Ey om oe any tem. qfear 8 aR St ores ft 9. aa mF foe cre via yer Hae a aon él 10. sem awit % fee av aegte wet—vat § zefrear gre fe re ere aatt firm ave fee are arden es Ferg Sonera Ep sasha gre ade se Ae, erm, op ave awe Rh, ae eq fave Fn, om sat ea-firers eg ET A aera fii) af een seahecor eR 8 arf sa Ber, Fh GR Tee zaT HET aT, aft fee; om seh HA oi owe wet gen for sft sa es Pre sefengare et et ae a era fen ae (ith Fe setae wre AE ser ean RF Pa wry ona, ser cr ane Rr wen 8, at oer ea Re, wg ore ae feet sme Wa We areal ae Uda yee Giert Bl a we ATE aa we Tt Te PART—A SPOTTING ERRORS Directions : Each item in this section has a sentence with three underlined parts labelled (a), (bj and (¢). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any underlined part and indicate your response in the Answer Sheet against the corresponding, letter, i.e., (or (bj or ie). If you find no error, your response should be. indicated as (4). 1, He appears to be a honest man. No error (a) “e @ a) 2. ne of the members expressed doubt if the Minister was an atheist, No error a) ) te) (a 3. This viewhas been taken by onc ofthe ablest persons who has written on this subject. ta) 1B) 7 4. Slow and steady owns the race, as the wise would aay. No error fa) (eh fe) fab 5, We often hear people say that mast human beings have not evolved fa} ) grow up enough to stick to truth or non-violence. No error to @) YPL-U-AVJ/60A, 2 SYNONYMS Directions : Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by four words or groups of words, Select the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the underlined ward and mark your response in your Answer Sheet accordingly. G. The Industrial Revolution saw a massive 8. This boy is very timid, rise in the population of Europe. (a) courageous (a) enormous: fb) shy () clever (b) erroneous. (a) dull laeneeay 9. My friend is as stubborn as a mule, fa) observant (@) perilous ® (b) obnoxious 7. Thad some deepest convictions reflected () obstinate in my work, (2) corpulent (a) ideas and epinians 10, His behaviour was deliberately provocative (o) firm beliefs fa) exciting desire fb) infuriating (c) prejudices fe) pitiable (a) biases (d} creating frustration YPL-U-AVJ/60A 3 [P7.0. Directions ANTONYMS + Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by four words or groups of words. Select the word or group of words that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word and mark your response in your Answer Sheet accordingly 11. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 19. It is easy to he an orthodox. (ai bh fe) a 12. He is cities, (a) (by fe) (ja fa) idolatrous tamish fb) intelligent orient fo} matignant (d) heterodox embellish 14, Permit me to present you with a book, upset fa) allow fb} enclose biased against the students from (prohibit (d) persuade open 15, None but the brave deserves the fair prejudiced (a) ugly person (6) coward. liked fe) jealous: person impartial (@) weak person YPL-U-AVI/60A 4 COMPREHENSION Directions : In this section, you have two short passages. After each passage, you will find some items based on the passage. First, read a passage and answer the items based om it and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly, You are required to select your answers based on the contents of the passage and opinion ef the author only. “Now, ladies. and gentlemen," said the conjuror, “having shown you that the cloth is absolutely empty, Iwill proceed to take fram it a bow! of goldfish, Presto !" All around the hall people were saying, “Oh, how wonderfull How dees he do. it?” But the Quick Man on the front seat said in @ big whisper to the people near him, “He-had-it-up-his-sleeve.” ‘Then the people nodded brightly at the Quick Man and said, “Oh, of course”; and everybody whispered round the hall, “He-had-it-up-his-sleeve.” “My noxt trick,” said the conjurar, “is the famous Hindostance rings. You will notice that the rings are apparently separate; at a blow they all join (clang, clang, clang)—Presto!” ‘There was a general buzz of stupefaction till tht Quick Man was heard to whisper, “He-must-have-had-another-lot-up-his-sleeve.” Again everybady nodded and whispered, “The-rings-were-up-his-sleeve.” ‘The brow of the conjuror was clouded with a gathering frown. “| will now," he continued, ‘show you a most amusing trick by which I am enabled to take any number of eggs from a hat. Will some gentleman kindly lend me his hat? Ah, thank you—Presto |" He extracted Seventeen eggs, and for thirty-five seconds the audience began to think that he was wanderful. Then the Quick Man whispered along the front beneh, “He-has-achen-up-his-sleeve,” and all the people whispered it on. “He-has-a-lot-of-hens-up-his-aleeve.” ‘The eng trick was ruined, In went on like that all through. It transpired from the whispers of the Quick Man that the conjuror must have concealed up his sleeve, in addition to the rings, hens, and fish, several packs of cards, a loaf of bread, a doll's cradle, a live guinea pig, a fifty-cent piece, and a rocking chair, 16. “The brow of the conjuror wes clouded with a gathering frown." The sentence means that the conjuror (a) was very pleased (b) was very sad fe} was rather angry (d) was very afraid YPL-U-AVJ/60A 5 [ PTO, 17, “The egg trick was ruined. This means 19. The author believes that the Quick Man that was really (a) cgga were all broken (a), feotich fb) people were unconvinced fb) clever fo) conjurat was disappointed fd) the trick could not be performed 18. According conjurer (aj had everything bought for fc} wrong (2) right to the Quick Man, the 20. The conjuror extracted seventeen eggs from the hat of production (} produced things with the magic fa) the Quick Man he knew (o) his own fe) had things in the large sleeves of his coat (e) one gentleman from the audience (@} created an illusion of things with his. magic (a) None of the above Magda, Mrs. Smiles Magda Mrs. Smiles Magda Mrs, Smiles + Magda Mrs, Smiles ; Good morning, Mrs, Smiles, It's wet, isn’t it? ‘Yes, it is, isn't it? How are you today? All right? You haven't been studying too hard, have you? You look a bit pale. I don't, do 1? Well, I haven't been out much lately. I don't like this weather @ bit. Why, we haven't had a dry day for weeks, have we? No, T don’t think we have, Let's see, you'll be going back home next month, won't you? Oh no, I'm not going back yet. My sister’s coming over first. Oh, is she? You're looking forward to that, | expect. How longisit since you saw her? Nearly a year now. Yes, 1am looking forward to it very much. She's coming over here to study? YPL-U-AVJ/60A 6 Magda Mrs, Smiles : Magda 21. Magda had not been out much lately ‘Yes, that's right. I shan't go back home until she's settled down. I don't think T ought to, ought 1? : Yes, she's only eighteen. because ta (bh (ch fa} 22. Magda was not going back home yet she had not been keeping well she was busy with her studies the weather had been unpleasant her sister had come over to stay because (a) ib) (e) (dy it had been raining heavily her sister was coming over her studies were not completed she was not feeling well YPL-U-AVJ/60A. ‘Well, no, she's younger than you are, is she? 23, Mrs, Smiles says, “You're looking forward to that.” This means, Magda was her sister's arrival. fa) expecting with pleasure (b) preparing hard for fe) thinking greatly about (a) watching with joy 24. Magda’s sister was coming to (a) visit her sister (0) help Mrs. Smiles fe) settle down in England (4) pursue her studies Mrs, Smiles and Magda are (a) classmates (bj school friends fo) neighbours (a) sisters-in-law [P-1.0. FILL IN THE BLANKS Directions : Each of the following sentences in this section has « blank space and four words or groups of words given after the sentence, Select whichever word or group of words you consider most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly, 26. We fail to understand your reasons for the college without completing the degree (a) attending — ) joining fe) leaving, (a) refusing 27. She her energy and started shouting only when she heard the noise of bulldozers and cranes, (a) checked fb) conserved! fe) maintained (dj controlled 28. The British all over Africa and Asia collapsed in the first half of the twentieth century. fa) hegemony b) domicile fol residence — (d) inheritance 29. The football match has to be because of the weather. fa) called off — (b) continued fe) put off id) tured off 30, If 1 were rich, a lot, (a) TU travel (®) 1 can travel fo) V would travel fa) 1 travelled YPL-U-AVA/60A aL. 33. 34. as. They apologized me for what happened. fa) to fo at fo} for (al) with If you are tired of swimming, just for a while. (a) stragele (b} stroke fe) Moat (aj streak He had spoken for two minutes when there was a commotion in the crowd, fa} even (b} hardly fc} often (aj little 1 would not commit myself ___ that course of action, fa} of } to fe) by (aj with The soldiers waiting to go into battle for the first time were full of fa} apprehension (o) consideration (e) anticipation (a) frivolity IDIOMS AND PHRASES Directions : Given below are some idioms/ phrases followed by four alternative meanings to cach Choose the response (aj, (bj, fc) or (dj which is the most appropriate meaning and mark your ‘response on the Answer Sheet accordingly. 36. A red-letter day 39. To be in a fix fa) a trivial day (a) to receive strong cri () avery important or significant day (o) «day of bloodshed and violence (id) Se-eapportionanall (@) a mourning day fe) to fix problems 37. The gift of the gab fa} ability to speak easily and (@) to be in a difficult situation confidently (b) ability to spoil something (c) ability to sell things 40, To fish in troubled waters {a}. gift from a sacred institution a} to borrow money 38. Walk a tightrope fa) to be forced to leave your job fe) to steal belongings of (bi to be ready to fall fc) to get benefit in bad situation (co) to act very carefully {dj to invite danger [d) to extend a helping hand ‘YPL-U-AVJ/60A 9 [Pro ORDERING OF SENTENCES Directions : Each of the following items in this scction consists of a sentence the parts of which have ‘been jumbled. These parts have been labelled P,Q, R and S, Given below each sentence are four sequences namely (a), (b}, (c) and (@), You are required to rearrange the jumbled parts of the sentence and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly. 41, Domestic fires in Indian villages 43. Newton discovered that P. as the heat is dispersed P. due to the gravitational pull Q. an unhealthy smoke accumulates Q. of the earth in unventilated houses R. the apple falls R. are wasteful S. on the ground 8, lit in Chuthas ‘The correct sequence shauld be The correct sequence should be (2) QPRS fb) RSFQ fa) POSR i) QSPR (a) SQRP fb) PORS 44, The knocking ieiiee P, were still in the house a A Q. for some time id) SRPQ. R. although the echoes of it 3. ceased 42. Bold rocks near at hand P. makes a fine forest ‘The correct sequence should be imagination fa) SRPQ: (ob) SQRP Q. than distant Alps fo) PQSR (a) RSPQ R. are more inspiring 8, and the thick fern upon a heath Sas iat OE a aay P, and steady progress The correct sequence should be Q. continuous change ie Gee R. the history of 8, from barbarism to refinement (bo) RSQP The correct acquence should be @ Rose fa) PORS (b) RQPS (dj SROP- fo} QSPR (d) SQRP YPL-U-AVAI/604 10 CLOZE COMPREHENSION Directions : In the following passage there are some blank spaces with four words or groups of words given. Select whichever word or group of words you consider most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly, The honeybee is a very unusual kind of insect. __ 46. (a) Unlike other insects which live (B) Simitar to fo) With (a) Like alone, the honeybee lives as a/an 47. (a) group of a community, These bees live (b) individuat fe} member (a) troop together in what is known as a bee 48. ja) house, The head of the bees is called the (®) home (c) army. (4) colony. queen bee. She 49, (a) heaviest than the rest of the bees, Her main task fb) heavier ie) largest (d} larger is to 5. (a) lay eggs. (8) hatch (o) make (a) bear YPL-U-AVJ/60A 1 [P.7.0, ani—B Fria: fester: (6) cri Fy wey Bw To er tt a Od wea a aes ate FR af fa Fey rm age es weer aac art gee FRE 51. ge: fq) i mer stem-sremr et 8 of mer TI, a 1&1 aa extern & fo) St mr ses me Bey Bea UL, ea Laer ere eR ae fo wn eee, fag et Tee (el) ema rer 8, fey emer Ea HT: safe nin ae mee geo ght we Finke dar * 3H Is eat aon A waren wa ores ae fase eet 7 wT: eat on Prater Bt aero el a were] | se Ms safe oOt verre ail eet @ site srercor & fry, a tree A srraerae ett 8) YPL-U-AVJ/60A war: ana wet fife, 1935 & ae f ts mas ants won) war TT ‘wie a aie career werd ng) WT: ati & came & goa grea Ree a TH TT =e TT: ‘sti aa torecare grey Perea att Fs wells wera merartt A aig aM wT: seers serene aaffas ta ae sera at er I: dare aie ae sitcite 8 sree ete 8) . ME Ts yRet ay, ae Femi & arin, 600 Wier eft Sang Hara meet #) wa: aed aq a afr ag arb, Rel wafcstere ae iti aa wet aa agent act et PART—B Directions = ‘The following six (6) items consist of two statements, Statement T and Statement Mi. Examine these two statements carefully and. select the correct answer using the code given, below. Code = fa} Both the statements are individually true and Statement I is the correct explanation of Statement 1 (o) Both the’ statements are individually true but Statement Il ig not the correct explanation of Statement T (} Statement 1 is true but Statement II is false fd) Statement I is false but Statement II is rue S1. Statement 1 ‘The pitch of the sound wave depends upon its frequency. Stitement 1 The loudness of the sound wave depends upon its amplitude. 52. Statement 1: Sound wave cannot propagate in vacuum. Statement Il Sound waves are elastic waves and require a medium to propagate. YPL-U_AVJ (60, 13 53. 54, 55. 56. Statement I = ‘The Government of India Act, 1935 introduced Dyarehy at the Centre. Statement II: ‘The provincial autonomy was granted to the Provinces. Statement 1 Mughal Painting reached its climax during the reign of Jahangir. Statement I: Aurangzeb's Court was adored by some of the best known artists of the ‘Mughal School of Painting, Statement 1: Phytoplankton produce most of the organic carbon in the ocean. Statement Il: Algae are produced in the cold water biome. Statement T= Geostrephic wind blows above a height of 600 metres, parallel to the isobars Statement I: Geostrophic wind is the horizontal wind velocity, in which the Coriolis force balances the horizontal pressure force [PTO 87. frafetad 48 fea ee saftey sien cae # DNA thar 8? fa) epeefirn, aw, efererre fb) refine, wea ome, hea fo) efi, fara owen, em fa) iereers, ere, wearer first singel after (SER) & see are a au ait fa) sy eer fo) Rare eer, fo) Ga arma ar ey (a) Seite erat an feito Um ae v8 ao Tey A athe Fewer at ath gee ae are a fap sree A creas ae fo) gr ae fo) Wa ne @) witarw Refetaa 4 2 fea omy ore a Gae wemwitfenta atta Bt 82 (a) aa AT (oy Fea sitPeen te) Sta she sifeea Se ta) Sten ot geen et ‘Breaferfion a eta ome aeereinier: Ge 87 fa) eran (bj ere fo) sere (reer) ay fe YPL-U-AVU/60A 14 62, ere Tay wae 8 BI ean are oe afte wart & fire ga feat eae oa ect at (a) ) te) et (dj) 63. Seda & us op Ft sted & ft ares 4, Sek rem we leu ste isu Ele a aa mahal a sq 3:1 21 ae 2 4 siteioa A ahaa sony wala fee arn? fa) 1750 ol ize fo) 16 u fd) 165 64, Rovfefiea 4-8 eam ee fasabh (Prana) fiom 4? fa) ergata: art (b) Freer a fay ater ater 65, ier atten area A aa Fees ahah 8? (feen nn & fas efor, works oe sitet At sary delta! ge: 23u, 12u a leu 8) fa) 2860 fo) 106-4 (830 fd) 530 87. 61, Which one of the following groups of cellular organelies contains DNA? fa) Mitochondria, nucleus, chloroplast fb) Mitochondria, Golgi bodies, mucieus fe) Mitochondria, nucleus (4) Chloroplast, nucleus, ribosomes plasma membrane, One of the additional functions of Smooth Endeplasinic Reticulum (SER) is {a} protein synthesis (o) Hpid synthesis (¢) storage of biomolecules (d) detoxification of toxic substances Damage to the apical meristem of a growing young plant will affect the (a) length of the plant (b) colour of the Mower fe) colour of the leaves (aj taste of the fruits Which of the following kingdoms has/have only unicellular organisms? fa) Monera only {b) Protista only (©) Monera and Protista both (df) Protista and Fungi both Which one of the: following is a waterborne disease? fa) Jaundice fb) Tuberculosis (co) Rabies (a) Arthritis ‘YPL-U-AVJ/60A. 63. ‘The atomic number of an clement is 8. How many electrons will it gain to form a compound with sodium? (a) One (6) Two (e) ‘Three (a) Four A sample of oxygen contains two isotopes of oxygen with masses 16u and 18 u respectively. The proportion of these isotopes in the sample is 3: 1, What will ‘be the average atomic mass of oxygen in this sample? (17S u mite f Wu fd) 1650 Which one of the following is a heterogeneous mixture? fa) Hydrochloric acid (bo) Vinegar fo) Mille [d) Soda water 65. What is the formula mass of anhydrous sodium carbonate? (Given that the atomic masses of sodium, carbon and oxygen are 23 u, 12 u and 16 u respectively) fa) 286 u fe) 106 u fe) 830 fa} S30 [Pro. 66. 67. 69, Faafertsn #4 fea ‘Rrate! wer ane 87 Che) +H, 0(g) CO®) +120) a) tb} (J COlg)+Hai@) fd} NOgig) +H a) carcass Bh airgta Pat dr 8? fa) 20 Hs eH ) 20-He oh 2 kre ae fo) 2 kets af 20 lett hee (@) 20 kHe 4 afr . Pee urr-wanite are & ater & fie fate git at gpatte da ata Siok wot 8 fe) WRF wanes aT (b) a Besar oe fe) seme ara (a) Fas 88 ea ‘ai Sor gee (Perea eter) et A Ar Ae amar Taw at PN otafde Ri we A Ar wena ga dea n bi sia we a wt gE Ar fa #1 CO, fa @ aca fem an Been sh amar Tt Fa FCO, smi A ae Feat nf 28) oa He Fare P’ Bi Prefer #3 ghar ae at oem #2 (ei A stead fre ft cee TER TTB) (a) P'=P fb) Pr=op (ol P'=P/2 fd) P’=P/4 YPL-U-AVJ/60A 16 7. 73. A Ta om 3 ata frefefind 48 aaa date wal 8? fa (o} Lom =104 f InmetA fd) Lom =107 A 1am =10-'A LED apt ere (ap ange eae rite (oy tage fr Fears fe) nee enfin fear, (@) aise senin erate: aE we ae weal 1 kV fvstac A eT 8, ah ecagta wr afta wat ert fe) 16x10 ) 16x10) fe 1x10775 f@) 1x10 #y sng Preafafans earl Bran Attire; 1 eT 2 ene 3. sean 4 arrpsiter agiea 3 ae & fee @ oes er orongan fratatian #3 wta-a 87 fa) ce i ‘a a214 214-3 1-4-3-2 4Be2e1 66. Which one of the following is called 79. Which one of the following is the correct ‘syngas’? relation between A and nm? fa} Os) +308) (a) 1m =10°'A tb} COig)+H,0%) fo) nm =10A fe) CO) + Hyig) fo} nm =1A (a) NOgIg) + H2(s) fd) Inm=107 A 67. The frequency of ultrasound waves is fa) tesa. than 20 is 71. The full form of LED is () between 20 Hz and 2 kHz fa) Light Emitting Diode fc) between 2 kHz and 20 kHz (bo) Light Emitting Device (a) greater than 20 ke fo) Light Enhancing Device fa) Light Enhancing Diode 68, The magnetic field strength of a current- carrying wire at a particular distance from the axis of the wire (a) depends upon the current in the 72. Moa free electron moves through a potential difference of 1 kV, then the energy gained by the electron is given by wire 1.6% 10719 {@) depends upon the radius of the (a) wire ) V6x107% (0) depends upon the temperature of ig the surroundings (wero a f@) None of the above @) 1x10 69. A stainless steel chamber contains Ar gas 73. Consider the following places of India : at a temperature T and pressure P. 1. tang ‘The tatal number of Ar atoms in the oe chamber is n, Now Ar gas in the 2. Imphal chamber is replaced by CO, gas and 3. Agartala the tstal number of CO, molecules st eee im the chamber is n/2 at the same temperature 7. The pressure in the chamber now is P’. Which one of the following relations holds true? (Both ‘the gases behave as ideal gases) ‘Which one of the following is the correct ‘chronological order of the above places in terms of sunrise time? (a P (a) 3-214 fb) P*=2P (o) 2143 () Pre P/2 () 43-2 @ BF (d) 4-3-2-1 YPL-U-AVJ/60A Ww [Pr.0. 74, Poaftrtas #8 fare ter wae ot ache at et (a) @ to (ai a5 Bef) Fare (Bils) (Peh) av {Chars} 75. wa % Prafafad au sie enrandt ze Pa hy: 1 Rrra ea 2. Sa 3, fmf 4. finer @ soe oA ote aA FRR saga, safe ot sia once a ae wT Soft #8 ata BF (a) b) te) (a) 1-234 24-341 23-41 B12 76. weer & faa 9 Gefen a a saa Hey wee? fo) wraretsa Haar, Sear eer gem el weoreier fe Senet we ae ‘Bae (eereara) cee By aivniga A aren 6.5 °c aft franter hohe ae end Os wr ager Ainsisal avant 6-4 °c ae Praiuter oft shea ae a Send 3 wea em B fb) fo (dy ‘YPL-U-AVJ/60A 138 TEs 73. a1, eran tag wre 8 eg ean aia Ge ea 4 faferfion 2 fed ora ara 2? fa) aI-waPra fo) ReireeTEs fe) wart a (a) Forster Pevfefias 43 faa fafy ae oe A ere swateen 3h ay vet Pa a Ham #7 fa) SS ae Soe afi fo) renter A fafa fe) are (el) sore Ferra fatty Pasafenfian 8-3 fea ovfiivey @ searg (hors) % 8a 3 NO (angie oitear) fe Feeh7 {a} 3Cu+BHNO, (aq) (o} Cu+4uNno, (Fz) (ce) 42n+10HNO, (7a)+ d) Zn+4HNOy (Fiz)> Frefetem 4 8 ym om Perot ana #7 fa) wegen are (b) sae ae fo) eva at (a) rates: seat ‘Frafefad seri 4 8 when wet ae 8? fa) WR wh ana, eRe Gee ay amg (aa) eae, by rors seat rel ym sewer, Paarl await avecaree ae ger are t agi Welt fe) Bere 8 od eka wos A cents aera am at 81 (a) Sere Sed eer eee se oT naa Ht gt ee #1 74. Which one of the folowing is known as uplands of delta region? (a) Bet fb) (oh ta) Bils Pe Chars Consider the following Wildlife Sanctuaries of India : 1, Shikari Bevi 2, Bhadra 3, Simfipal 4. Pachmarhi Which one of the following is the correct order of the above Wildlife Sanctuaries in terme of their location from south to north? (a) 1-2-3-4 o () 234-1 fay 24-31 Bl dad 76. Which one of the following statements about temperature is correct? fa) Temperature decreases with height in the stratosphere. (e) Temperature is constant at different heights in the stratosphere (c} Temperature increases with height in the troposphere at an average te of 65 °C per kilometre. (d) ‘Temperature decreases with height in the troposphere at an average rate of 6-4 °C per kilometre. YPL-U-AVJ/60A, 19 1. 78. a1. Which one of the following is known as a zone of sharp salinity change in the vertical section of ocean? fa) Thermocline fb) Halocline fo) Photic zone td) Pycnocline Permanent hardness of water cannot be removed by which one of the following methods? (a) Treatment with washing soda () Calgon’s method (6) Boiling (d) lon exchange method Which one of the following reactions will give NO {nitric oxide) gas as one of the products? fa) 3Cu+ SHINO, (dilute}> (b) Cu+4HNO, fconc.}+ fe) 4Zn-+10HNO, (dilute) (4) Zn+4HNO, [eonc.}+ Which one of the following is @ tribasic acid? (a) Hydrochloric acid fb) Nitric acid fo) Sulphuric acid (a) Phosphoric acid Which one of the following statements is not correct? fa) All carbons im diamond are linked by carbon-carbon single bond. Graphite is layered structure in which layers are held together by weak van der Waals forces, Graphite layers are formed by hexagonal rings of carbon atoms. Graphite layers are held together by carbon-carbon single bond. (b) fe) a} (Pro. a2. a4, 85. freatertene 3 FRR AE ak ower aren #7 fe) Sta arnis erestergs ) mars seats fe) ag fay Fa ain amare 8 are a ard) sia aia ao sat garetts frets ge Phen rar 8? fe) a= ) meh a ©) Wawa fa) Brae feral & aitetiortigar deve on et are F (a) arat sriere fe) art Prete (of Wat afer fd) weal Pres wernaiaemy & det fered are safediory ‘fear fircea 8 sa 87 (a) 7 fb) Fre srs fc) ees (a) TH we uftedi oi an al give frefarfee a ‘Fea ara afara aren 87 fo) aria Beis ey ihe affirm ard fh) iat distin cytes dita (ch aie eft —afer— den fet firen-—aprt, (a) Hae ihr —ardl—a fee ari te daira YPL-U-AVI/60A (a) NaieoN (o) awa aw () Naiton (q) awatt an 88. Freitas afte ve fase fam - at free show 4 fags aah 2 ate sft a ara Prefers 4 @ vra-an 2? fa) 2R ) 2R ale anit ic) rie 2 (d) aR 89. WH ys omen o afer tc sae Aone ast era Farin 3 when #7 fa) ove fb) ~100 °C fe) -273-:15°C (a) -7315°C 83. 84. as. Which one of the following is called dry ice? fet) Solid carbon dioxide (O) Liquid carbon dioxide (ec) Liquid nitrogen (a Liquid ammonia ‘The acidic semidigested food coming out of the stomach is neutralized by (a) pancreatic juice (b) duodenal secretion fo} large intestine secretion (a) bile juice ‘The oxygenated blood from the tangs is received by the fa} left auricle (b) left ventricte fo) right auricte (a) right ventricle ‘The @xygen evolved during photo- synthesis comes from splitting of fa) water fb) carbon dioxide fe) oxygen (ei) light Which one of the following depicts the correct circuit of a reflex arc? (a) Eifector—sensory neuron—spinal cord—motor neuron—receptor () Receptor—sensory neuron—spinat ‘cord—motor neuron—effector fe) Receptor—sensory neuron— ‘brain—motor neuron—eflector (4) Sensory neuron—receptor—brain— effcctor—motor netiron YPL-U-AVJ /60A 87. If one set of chromosomes for a given plant is represented aa M in case of double fertilization, the zygote and the endosperm nucleus of a diploid plant would have how many sets of chromosomes respectively? (a) Nand 26 (o) 2N and 2N () Nand 3 fd) 2N and 3N 88, Consider the following circuit Which one of the following is the value of the resistance between points Avand Bin the circuit given above? fa) ZR ) w 3R hie wie owle a ia) R The absolute zero temperature is © Kelvin. In °C unit, which one of the following is the absolute zero temperature? fap orc (oF -100 °C fe) -27a-15°C (a) -173-15°C [PTa. 90. a wer, UV sere oat x-fi & few F Prefeite sal fram afifarm : 1. Fa wee at titel, afi wited 3 atte dirt) 2. xfer & Set a sal, UV we Bah A aa & satire arf 81 3. UV Tee Ge A sal, ger Pe a Gat A al Bee a BL sree seit #8 ate-an/a ont 2/87 fy 1, 29% (ey Fara 1 afte 2 6 ma2sms (a) Fa 91. oend Laan ka mata a wa dem a dea-safay we 7B) ate itera: 2) rand wet 4L we ware men tre yee wt am mH a A, a aT der-araftr ere Pesan Ha stra 8? fa) (o) oT fe) 47 (a) 7/2 ‘YPL-U-AVJ/604, 2a 92. faga send, xet-aren (ater ier) at mea (em fret) Fe farge seco & aaah fee di fair aci—ere, co ote wer & die faga-dfia ofa & om 21 1 Poet a ear wee wet aol ate Be fa) ara—fepre an, eo—Araie Ar, werent are (b) ere Raat am, aoa an, aren fagare ae fo) waaay an, w—yoia an, ae Saatia a (a) srea—yesfee om, eager an, ere — fai are 93. din Yiam wftei 1, 2 she 3 & fem, ena (7) ‘war een (UH ae mre AS Bey rm B aft ri shad & afta RR, aR, % a frofatirs 48 tar al 27 fa) R>R,>R Re RS< Ry @) RsRy> 90, Consider the following statements about 92. The connecting cable of électrical visible light, UV light and X-rays + appliances like clectric iron, water heater or room heater contains three insulated copper wires of three different colours—red, green and black. Which 1. The wavelength of visible light is more than that of X-rays. 3 The ehecty Of Kamy photieia as ‘one of the following is the correct colour higher than that of UV light sode? tons. whe fa} Red—live wire, Green—neutral a. The energy of UV light photons is wire, Black—ground wire Jess than that of visible light phobind: (} Red—neutral wire, Green—ground wire, Black—live wire Which of the statements given above Gj) Red tive wins, “Green graund is/are correct? wire, Black—neutral wire (a) Red—ground wire, Green—live (a) 1,2 and 3 wire, Black—neutral wire (b) 1 and 2 only 93. The graphs between current (f) and ( 2 and 3 only voltage (V) for three linear resistors 1, 2 and 3 are given below : (a) 1 only 91. The time period of oscillation of a simple pendulum having length £ and mass of the bob m is given as 7. If the length of the pendulum is increased to 41 and the mass of the bob is increased to 2im, then which one of the following is the If R,, Ry and R, are the resistances of new time period of oscillation? these resistors, then which one of the following is correct? @ T fa) Ry>Ry> Ry (o) 2 fb} Ry < Ryo Ry @ ar (Rye Rye Ry ia r/a (d) Ry> R>R, YPL-U-AVJ/60A 23 [P.7-0. 94. cH aera car te gee & Pe a 96. a at atian % ere ghia fife afr fefeiad early fae Sf - aftat & 8 fey ge en ae a 1 tera & Ree eer afer, 2H ae: saat de BE ea aa (ht afta) (ar) 2. Reehe Se srfgeres A heer aii, ee 3 AL sirfteel 1, tesa Dam A Shee G8 arn Sel 1 ‘oe yee 3 gets ore, eek shige A c, wa 3. seen arpa Dh aah are wear BL Bi ser 4 ae 4. Gara wo ona, yak ofits - TOS RO yt Aa aH @a B cD 3 1 4 2 Balen 8 a ee we HT pA B CoD 8 4 1 2 te) Fae 1 ates (A Bc oD 2 4 1 3 fb) Ley mA B © D 21 4 8 fa 2, ateg 97, aati at ata Baa BAR Fi site fd) 1, 23 ahah 3 fee a ge we wie et we ae ae: Cn] ain 95, we IR aT TEM M, en ae Fo RBI font or) ef eae TC geeda a a g, Bet Ac art 1 oF gar oe ah, Frere Rom afk ree B. te ter 2 freer Sei weet art we RA Le Bt AEA oe Se ane wae yeatey care farafefeam # & whan Do ae Ae ant atin a we fa) A B Cc D fal gy 1 4 2 3 oA B Cc D (oy 2g; 1 2 4 3 ie A B C D fe) 9/2 394 2 1 (a) A B c D (a) ie $093 4 1 YPL-U-AWI/60A, 24 94, Consider the following statements about 96. Match List-I with List-Il and select the @ microscope and a telescape : correct answer using the code given below the Lists : 1. Both the eyepiece and the objective ss ae of a microscope are convex lenses. Listel List 2. ‘The focal length of the objective of a (River Basin) (Town) telescope ia larger than the focal A. Bhagirathi 1. Lansdowne Regs tia eyepiece: B, Alaknanda 2, Narendra Nagar 3, ‘The magnification of a telescope C. Nayar 3. Uttarkashi increases with the increase in focal aioe a length of its abje Gangs eee Code : 4. The magnification of a microscape increases with the increase in focal mA B c D length of its abjective. 3 1 4 2 6 A B © D ‘Which of the statements given above are BS 4 1°43 correct? A BC oD 2 4 1 3 fa) 1 and 3 only aa Bpocop Bi ted 244 3 97, Match List with List-tt and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists fo) 2,3 anda (a) 1,2 and 3 Lister List-T (Local Winel) (Place) 95. A planct has a mass M, and radius Ry, A. Yamo 4. Sudan ‘The value of acceleration due to gravity on its surface is 9). There is another B, Black Roller 2. France planet 2, whose mass and radius both ©. Bise % Japan Bre bo times that af the, frst) planet. D. Haboob 4. North America Which one of the following is the acceleration due to gravity on the Code = surface of planet 2? or BR eR a 1 4 2 3 = mA |B Cc D e) 25, 1 2 4 3 @ A B ¢ D fe) 9/2 304 2 1 ma #8 CD ia gy I+ 3 2 4 1 YPL-U-AVI/60A. 25 [Pr0. 98. <4 die ‘sraph’ Peaferier afta 4 8 feet 101. Ga A qin & ew gies Afr sh fee 8? fee oe Ree re ge wT a afr: fq) ayn wi ear fo) ver (rer) (Rafe) x AL SIRT 1. eas a (e) tim B. athe 2. Seer sea @ wR ©. Panera. 384 Ratt D. ones 4. Tare & ae 99, oa 2011 % syan, Feafeafea Ha fre ad sree wea A sorter Ht gfe aarmeon af mA Boe BD Onde? B14 2 fa) fing mA Bo Cc OD 3 4 1 2 tb) steer tf) A B c Db 2 4 1 3 () fp A B ce DB (ay mets ob § 2 100. Frafafisd 4 8 fra wen % Be 9 ee ado 102, Rafat #8 aeee aren (ete) a aol eit #2 aren at 87 fa) WaT wet ie fa) 30 (oy searet He fb) adres fe) arate ae fo) TE (ay wee at Be (a) eer (Perea) YPL-U-AVJ/60A, 26 98. ‘Majuli’, the river island, is located in which one of the following rivers? fa) Jamuna (b) Padma () Ganga (d) Brahmaputra 99. Which one of the following Indian States has recorded negative growth of population as per Census 2011? (a) Manipur (o} Mizoram fo} Tripura, (d) Nagaland 100. Which one: of the following types of cloud is characterized by continuous precipitation? (a) Cirrocumulus ) Cumulas: fe) Nimbostratus (@) Cumulonimbus YPL-U-AVJ/60A 101. Match List-I with List-I and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists : Listel List-tt (Major Port) (Location) AL Kolkata 1. Landlocked area B, Mormugao 2. In the delta region ©. Visakhapatnam 3. On the riverside D. Paradip 4. On the entrance of the estuary Cotte : @ma B Cc D =. 4 4 bh A B C D 3 4 1 2 fo A B Cc D @ A B 102. Which one of the following is not an agent of metamorphism? fa) Heat (b} Compression (e} Decomposition (a) Solution ar [Po 103, firfofias 48 fae few ar pH, 7 a eT 106. Peiiefin 8 steer fare ar certs ar em? * fa) NaOH fa) CaSO, -2H,0 fb) ROL fb} Ca,8i0, (©) 2CaSO4 Hyd fo) Fecty (d) CaSO, fa) Nac 107, SSR Fem & Fae & ait a fafa eet nos, frfafen 3 8 at wx saeee sien awa ae EP " fa) fart cites A wel at squad ata TERR HF ete [a) NaOH+HCl > NaCl +H,0 fb) a Poh sar HAR ge a 8, a (a) Ca0+H,0— CaOH}y a orm & ane segura B AaB Bet 6, ard Be at Aa aes arg hy fe) 2Mg +0 32Mg0 (fo) mea aa at germ Pion ar zeman 8 atk fd} Na,SO, +BaCl, -» BaSO, +2NaCl fire fen on we BL Ce ‘orwell orgail oft ier er ie 81 108, sis & ay A fefiftes 8 a Bea age ‘fa am 2? 108. X-farat an minted fae atte a eter 87 (a) senfram are fa) 1A (by sritiram meee () Lam e : fe) Tommi fd) orinfery wee (a) Lem YPL-U-AVJ/60A. 28 103. The solution of which one of the following 106. Which one of the following is the ‘will have pH less than 7? chemical formula of gypsum? ge ee f@) Ca80,-2H,0 (B) CagSiO, fb) KCI (ce) 2CaS0,-H,0 fe) FeChy fa) Caso, fa} Nact 107. Which one of the following statements about the law of conservation of mass is, correct? 104. Which one of the following is an oxidation-reduction reaction? (a) A given compound always contains exactly same proportion of elements. fa) NaOH+ HCl + NaCl +H,0 fb) When gases combine in a reaction, - they do 0 in @ simple tatio by GE aga HaO— Cate Ea volume, provided all gases are at room temperature. fe) 2Mg+O, > 2MgO fo) Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. (d) Na 80, + Bal, - BaSO, +2NaCl {d) Equal volumes of all gases at same temperature and pressure contain f equal number of molecules. 108. Which one of the following is not used as fertilizer? 108, The wavelength of X-tays is of the fa) Ammonium nitrate order of f@) iA (®) Ammonium sulphide ) Lm (¢) Ammonium phosphate ee (@) Ammonium sulphate (a) Lom YPL-U-AVJ/608. 29 [Pto0. 109. Freifisa am she aaa & ae free fay: 111. freifea site d anty agen, we Feat ae in fire orem 2 ep atraa aaa Hae ETA (m/s) eee me ater wen * fe ae ame & TK FAM 100cm AA 4s aaa: | os 2 et Bs 812 5 ow Stee race omy ara Perfor 8 ww 8? eae aera ary Aiea are aa my aor g aT et vara Paaferfire 3 @ stam 87 ia) Bmp? (g=1000cm /s?) (b) 12 m/s” {a} B=sin* (1/98) ie} 2mjs? (6) @ sin (1/20) id) -1 m/s? fo) @=sin1 (1/80) 110, af we ave dat ft gis gi soem #, at ‘ard ats (arr) Prevfeaa # & staat 87 112, feet vend a ae war yas 16x 10°8 Ko! a0 en & ae wen pis Hoe iy eee frafetaa #4 saan 8? fa) 0-8x 107° Kt fb) +0-02 eee ) 2-4% 1075 Ko ig, OS @ 32x10 K? (a) +05 Srstet (@) 4-8x10°% K! YPL-U-AVJ/60A 30 109. Consider the following velocity and time 112. A ball is released from rest and rolls graph down an inclined plane, as shown in the following figure, requiring 45 to cover a distance of 100 cm along the plane : eS Velocity nf} * 4 8 12 16 Time(s) f Which one of the following is the value Which one of the following is the correct of average acceleration from 8 s to 12 8? value of angie @ that the plane makes with the horizontal? (g = 1000 cm/s?} (@) 8 m/s? fa) @=sin*(1/9-8) (o) 12 m/s? (b} = sin=1(1/20) (c) 2m/s® fe) @=sin“(1/80) saaps? i ees fa) @= sin“ (1/100) If the focal length of a convex lens 112. The coefficient of areal expansion of a 50 cm, which one of the following i material is 166x108 K-', Which one Power? of the following gives the value of coefficient of volume expansion of this i. aieipeee material? (a) 0.82108 Kt fb) +0-02 dioptre 6) 24x10 Kt fo} -05 dioptre fel 3-2x10°5 Kt fd) +05 dioptre (2) 4.80105 K? YPL-U-AVJ/60A 31 [pro 113, @ wend omadaie n, wr ag ar Fite # ahr omen Bower & ar ee vy Mv, BaF ny fn, wa 5 Bt lie. eh A ta & are eile Ai ate afta AS Frere ge wr wd oe at a gr: ‘faraferftse weet 9 a waar meh 87 (a) wy FAR vg 1S EARL aa i Oo) vy Sy STE Cratem)) (asa) fe) uy ATA vy Hare By sae, 1. ER fd) wy OAR vy, HIS TR) B. ef ay 2. ire c. Tim 3. face a3 er te a 1 fan 34 tee ment al) fo) -eitregashetedis we: a) rag IRR @asa B cD fe) ay orestiearss a4 1 (a) 215. i tn 4} we gifs Fife oh ‘afeal fa Ree ge wt wi eA Ha oe cafe: > oo 20 o (starz) mA B cD wen) 1 3 4 2 A. serpfaniia sag 1 af B, Weaq-ongie eee 2. Cs C. qgerarrta 3. DE 117, ser 2011 % sagan, ay aga D, snk media + Ble in a owehe wel wow omit a me: ‘ester @ atm 87 A B & D Be Pe 8 fq) Rete —afing Ago tera ® A B Cc D 1 2 4 3 fo) Bequaert CoA B c D 3 4 °4 1 fe) Rarer —sfiee frien fag @ A BoC D a 4 @ 9 fay ang —rarere— Fag — Fis ‘YPL-U-AVJ/60A, 32 113. The refractive indices of two media are denoted by m, and rt, and the velocities of light in these two media are respectively 4 and v9. If mg/m is 1-5, which one of the following statements correct? fa) () vp is 15 times y. fe) is equal to vp (@) wy is 3 times v2: uy is 15 times v3. 114, Which one of the following greenhouse gases is in largest concentration in the atmosphere? (a) Chlorofuarocarben fb) Nitrous oxide fo) Carbon dioxide (@) Methane 115. Maich List-1 with List-Il and sclect the correct answer using the code given below the Lists : List-t List-t (Koppen's Climatic Type) (Letter Cocte} A, Tropical wet 1 Ar B. Midatitude desert 2 Cs ©. Mediterranean a. DE D. Humid continental 4. BWk Code: @A B cD 1 4 2 3 oA B Cc oD 1 2 4 3 @ A B CD 3 2 4 1 @a B CD a4 241 YPL-U-AVI/60A 116. Match Lisi-f with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given ‘below the Lists : List List (Railway Zone) (Headquarters) ‘West Central 1, Jabalpur South East Central 2, Gorakhpur East Central 3. Bilaspur North Eastern Code = @ A B CG D 2 3 4 1 mA B © D 1 4 3 2 A BC D 24 3 1 @a B ¢ D 1 3 4 2 117. Which one of the following is the correct descending order of Indian States in terms of sex ratio as per Census 2011? (a) Mizorarn—Manipur— ‘Tripure—Meghalaya fo} Tripura—Manipur— Meghalaya—Mizoram (0) Meghalaya—Manipur— Mizoram—Tripura (a). Manipur—Meghalaya— ‘Tripura—Mizoram [P.7.0, 118, fefefsa 8 8 fea eur a Sy (afer seratsta) scrarg a seypea wet th 8? 121, ee see win art ew wey cot ge 8) ‘freaferftra sper #8 hse ah 87 fay fie (a) ae oh st soe afaPees al ere west (by we eg, ey Ae me, A ae @ wis At oft stem 8) @ fo) ior % ater eq feat x fine at quiiies sea ga anatre A wat 81 (d) ae sre (ed) ey eg a wae Gt Ho eA cara, at afr oer saree aq supa 8 gt Bota 8 119, Frfaties 48 aah nes oe atten aft 27 122, fen Raw wel (wa) A den nae we fay Reerera aren geet Haver er 7b) feet ea we apache By wor A O1 Bee BY a fb) rae seat @ den 2 phe A one ae few orsfh cof org, a eet ibs oe grace fe) sites deo a ra Pea a ater en? (a) sare (a) 0-05 2am (5) 0-2 2a 120. wore ain i fey Posteri amet af staan fe) o-4 tren see fa} 0-8 men fa) Wa Ere Zh a ae Bh 123, we & afin & ee Peer 3 8 ates fo) mine amd ch fh ae vif aga dhe me aren, ay ore Beceem eH BT a (ap awe wt aie Ce i (oy Partaar a1 a arth (ey owe ator (4) eh ewe Gt 200 cm eet 81 (a) tim % fase afer YPL-U-AWJ (608. a4 118, Steppe (temperate continental} climate js «121, An object is placed in front of a convex not experienced in which one of the mirror. Which one of the following following places? statements is correct? (a) It will never form an inverted image. (a) Pretoria (b) The image moves towards the focus when the object maves towards the (b) Saskatchewan sire, fo Perth () Depending on the position of the object with respect to the mirror, the image can be inverted and real. {d) Buenos Aires (a) ‘The size of the image becomes larger than that of the abject when 219, Which one of the following is not a eal ee eee process of cheiical weathering? 122. A circular coil of radius R having fa) Solution N number of turns carries a steady current I, The magnetic induction at (By Guitionstion the centre of the coil is 0-1 tesla. If the number of turns is doubled and the radius is halved, which one of the (o) Oxidation following will be the correct value for the magnetic induction at the centre of (@) Exfoliation shacpale: (a) 005 testa () 02 tesla 120, Which ane of the following statements is fey sted correct for a plane mirror? (a) 0-8 tesla fa} Its focal length is zero. 123, Which one among the following is net (b} The size of the image of an object a Fundamental Right under the placed in front of the mirror is Constitution of India? slightly less than that of the abject. . (a) Right to equality fo) The image is virtual, erect and (®) Right to freedom Isterally inverted. fe) Right to citizenship (a) its focal Iength is 200 cm, (d) Right against exploitation YPL-U-AVs/608. 38 [Pr0, 124, frafefad 3 8 saat ce wee une vpderferet ges og ft? (o) wt (b) ier fu fa) Past 125. sf ane @ afen Ae & ait A Rese aril og faa safe, : 1, Srearaitey afore: AOA ere: eter Beane Bal 2. 1st wed A sigaae afin deh retreats ot aa Tt sige seri fa waan/a wel B/E fa) at by Were 2 (of) 1 ai 2 tht fa) Fie 126. fevfetitr anil @ @ ata ow we Gitta 87 aie at (a) WR ) weg fey THR (a) eee YPL-U-AVJ/60A wht aaa arcs ‘faftrerte at 127. 128. 129. 130. antiet ¥ 13 HA A ao a BHM SAARGT & fre ah ae tee athe A rath Fed ae noo? fa) 1763 ) 1704 fe) 1765 (a) 1766 aire Fa ae gett a ar ie fer tari sweet) foresee cre of ara ot ehh? fa) Sferfen tb) “oie te) afb (@) Pract aie switch ee Steer ee 3 eer # sear aren wad eel wet eens fer en? (a) *refene tb) ae fo) TRS fa) aa 4dr eben arin Bofaion 3 2 ee oe safe a fives ox ofa Pen on or? (a) Hare att (b) Fern ireart atti fe) args ana fet) teen fa 124, Which one of the following crops was introduced by the Portuguese in India? (a) Opium (b) Coffee (o) Betel leat (di Chilé 125. Consider the following statements about merchant guilds of South Ind 1, Ayyavole merchant guild was originally established in Aihole. 2. Manigraman merchant guild was subordinated to the Anjuvannam merchant ‘guild in the 13th century. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? fa) 1 only fb] 2 only fo} Both band 2 fd) Neither 1 nor 2 126, Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched? Bhakti Saint Philosophy (a) Shankara Avadhuta fe) Ramananda ; Kevaladvaite fe) Ramanuja ; Vishishtadvaita (a) Chaitanya Advaita YPL-U-AWJ/6OA. 37 127. 128. 129, When did the Stamp Act Congress consisting of delegates from 9 of the 13 colonies of America meet in New York City? (a) 1763 (b) te fa) 1764 1765 1766 Who among the following travellers, was from Italy and visited Vijayanagar Kingdom in the fifteenth century? ta) ) fe fel) Nikitin Fa-Hien Bernier Nicolo Conti Where did the French East India Company first establish its factory in India? fa) e) to) (ay Calicut Surat Pondicherry Masulipatnam 130. The Central Vigilance Commission was established on the recommendation of which one of the following Committees? ia) ib) fe) (dy Santhanam Committee Dinesh Goswami Committee ‘Tarkunde Committee Narasimham Committee [Po 191, et at ian & are gifea Fiem of 1a4. ee #4 aaedt 3 fis Qe dy wef afet & at Rem ge a eo aa ae rater BY aie: fet en fa) ere (rer) ee) en A. werhmn free 1, are sere (e) Siegieen ana aici Baan ist 2. Re ao rere 7 3. @ fever ate star 2 D, warmer tee 4, oad ts aq-faiter 138, 37 2018 4 orem 4 geen Boag wee fe fra ot wer ga giar ag Gen) dara cies ge ti Ft a aonpn she ata sega a aH FT ‘safe | sear afghan fetoen & f) A B © D a3 4 2 1 (a) zeafie afer afer (ed -aee fA B © D anita sisaz), a Be ee (0) tee te te ee (ire te ae wane) A B Cc D to4 2 3 ie) armen HE @ A B Cc D (a) waar free 1 2 4 3 132. ‘fra (FIFA) 38 #4, 2018 a anf 136. frafataa 8 4 ae G7 am nea THB? ast Prefers # 2 whee BP (a) wie (a) Bera ) Hh eae ic) 8 RE fet) -amreeret yar 133. cenfr mga de faufaeree: (Me Gat 137. H Amal 3 a Red aa ae ea om Te fase wentn, 2018 % aN) wt fen? oars wet ae aE? sitaret gen sea} (a) Bree e = tye ates fo) sre ah fe) a fe) are tine, Free id) Wien ore (a) Mo Bo Her ‘YPL-U-AVJ/60A, 38 131, Match List with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists : dist bist (Author) (Book) A, Bal Gangedhar 1. The Arctic Home Tilak in the Vedas B, Dadabhai Naoroji 2. Hind Swaraj ©. Mahatma Gandhi 3. The Discovery of india D. Jawaharlal Nehru 4, Poverty and Un-Bnitish Rule in india Code = @ A B GC OD 3 8 & 4 mA B CG D 392 4 1 fA B € OD 1 4 @ 43 aA B Cc D 12 4 3 32, Which one of the following is the Official Mascot of the FIFA World Cup, 2018? fa) Fuleco (bh Zakeumi fo} Pille (a) Zabivaka 193, The Headquarters of the proposed National Sports University {as per the National Sports University Ordinance, 2018) will be set up in (a) Chhattisgarh fo) Manipur fo) Kerala fd) West Bengal YPL-U-AVI/60A 134, Sentosa island, which was recently, is located in in news (a) Singapore (b) China fe) Australia (@) Sti Lanka 135. India, in June 2018, asserted that any ‘mega connectivity project must respect sovereignty and territorial integrity of the countries. The project referred to above is. (a) North-South Corridor Project (o) Belt and Road Initiative (ce) Chabahar Port (d) Panama Canal Expansion. 136. Who among the member of G7? following is not a fa) France fb) Germany fo) Russia (a) Japan 187, Who among the following leaders started the Indian Home Rule League? fa) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (}) Mahatma Gandhi fo) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (@) J.B. Kripalani 39 | Pto. 138, una ih see Sree a wee aural Te ‘am fag fear a 87 (oy orem sarerery after sheer (ert@Re) (ofrecer fo) reer ser gs (ay aie aT 139. Jee-nerriiee fare #) ain fefetan a @ fam wee aatte ator ger age are arate Aad he (a) Tet tea so (oy att Gereetia stn fo) ath arta tre (a) Be aera say 140, fafefian 43 sta oe ae & afer 4 caaafeerrtiis ayes afl fe & Pees wes er a wwe? fa) BAR ae site Pragges Rafe ersrae fo) da me a ee ste ear a aati an aia fo) ira fafer (wera a) a er fa) =arenfern =a sprinters & ater waa 4a. sa 3 dite At aefies A aera’ aes fefafies 4 & fea oe date afefam & nan safe fear on? fo) 4xai ects after fb) 42at ates sft (of 43aT este sft (al) at athe fare YPL-U-AVJ/60A 142. "aE # ifm fe vem ae afr = an Par oe 2 ara se aI? fa Wid afer (b) te ae a fo) Pees after a) Hees She 143. 98 2018 # fife asrrt) sate wpa adh fete & agen, faafefier # fee wea ae (feserh sear iat Tei at args) A ges we wae arate (wTefne ater Bie aa) 8 van wera fren 8? (a) Fer AT tb) afew (opr (aj ReRTE 144, qatar oft, (ald Geet srafier) or ata reer ia ata €7 (a) Sra ei (6) sRaS warns fey Reese yet fd) Sefer oem (cata rare), yale a ‘faemra ware 198. Every Judge of the Supreme Court of India is appointed by la} (o) fe) fay 139, The the Supreme Court Collegium the Cabinet the President of India the Lok Sabha Nehru-Mahalanobis Strategy of Development was implemented for the first time by which one of the following Five-Year Plans? fa) fb) d (a) First Five-Year Plan Second Five-Yeer Pian ‘Third Five-Year Plan Seventh Five-Year Plan 4149. Which one of the following is not a part of the Directive Principles af State Policy as enshrined in the Constitution of india? fa) om) (ec): (aj Equal justice and free legal aid Protection of monuments and places. and objects of national importance Protection of personal law Separation of Judiciary from Executive 141. The word ‘socialist’ was inserted into the Preamble to the Constitution of India through which one of the following ‘Amendment. Acts? ta (oh) (e) fa) 41st Amendment Act 42nd Amendment Act 43rd Amendment Act 44th Amendment Act YPL-U-AVJ/60A 142. The place of English East India Company settlement in Madras was known as fa) Fort William () Fort St. George fe) Elphinstone Circle fd) Marble Palace 143. Which one of the following Indian States {other than Himalayan or NE States) ranked first in the Composite Water ‘Management Index as per the report issued by the NIT! Aayog in June 2018? (a) Madhya Pradesh fo) Karnataka (coh Gujarat {dj Maharashtra 144, Who among the following is the ex officio, a1 Chairman of the North Eastern Council? (a) The President of India {) The Prime Minister of India fo) The Union Home Minister fd} The Union Minister of State (independent Charge), Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region [P.T.O, 148. faa qrcrm ftan (aed eqs Ser 2), 2018 ‘Freee Farafefion 8 ata-ah BF fap om eH it at age db) Feat athe fore aet aR ow aif wate aifee fo) eae anh Bre ae-are Se 148. una % dite % apes 352 4 feed dati ayau 8? fa) Faria serra (bp trad @ ain aqaear Fh feet (c) Wear wr mt H wea aeftrwrth (a) Seay aa a fae ore ee (a) TTT La. wnitig weeerth ger we start fae /starer % CGST 3k IGST & tfa sin A sfef see seth eee were at ew fie Hay HT gig, fete emer ate on Sega Pic ben? ater’ wre #4 Pesfefiea #3 Pra saree caer vty Fear ar A? (a) % aie ae fa) sepia tater = (oy are io (h) UR sae gene ama, a att anbafis fran Mt Sheet (a) ote eater (a) rent sare. site settee sere 150. fafa seq wer oat a efaiisn sari Ha 147, Zio fram Tes, fire fe eter geen, were a BF 2018 (apie rel ware) & st Par sar, ‘freaferean 3 fare wets 7 (ay ee aes ee ees) fa) wae wah aide (oy Anta ae ya ues a fb) PRS faut sia (oh Here erseen site anfires eer sridtert fe) Vera a Fh eet aR Fae a) (4) BI ee (dy A fiom are qe YPL-U-AVJ/60A, 42 145, Which one of the following is the theme of the World Blood Donor Day, 20187 fa} Blood connects us all (>) Be there for someone else. blood, Share lite Give (eo) Give blood. Give now. Give often (dj Thank you for saving my life 146. ‘Seva Bhoj Yojana’, a scheme of the Government of India that seeks to reimburse Central share of CGST and IGST on Food / Prasad /Langar/Bhandara offered by religious institutions, is introduced recently by which ane of the following Ministries? fa} The Ministry of Culture (®) The Ministry of Home Affairs fe) The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (a) The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment 147. Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak, who was awarded Nikkei Asia Prize, 2018 for Culture and Community, founder of (a) Bachpan Bachao Andolan (o) PRS Legislative Research (eo) Sulabh Sanitation and Reform Movement fd) Smile Foundation YPL-U-AWJ/604. the Social 148. Article 352 of the Constitution of India contains provisions related ta fa} (6) @) fal financial emergency failure of constitutional machinery in States suspension of the enforcement of rights conferred in Part Il of the Constitution general emergency 149, The Theosophical Society was led by fa} (b} fey fd) A. 0. Hume Arthur Griffith Annie Besant Lord Dufferin 150. Which onc of the following statements about Bipin Chandra Pal is correct? (a) fe) fo) fa) He was a member of the moderate group of Congress. He was a member of the extremist group of Congress, He was the Minister of Defence in the first Government of independent India. He was the Chief Minister of West Bengal, [Po SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK YPL-U-AVJ/60A, 4 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK YPL-U-AVJ/60A 45 [P.-7.0. SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK YPL-U-AVJ/60A, 46 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK YPL-U-AVJ/G0A. a7 ‘SB8—3"*49°500 DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO T.B.C. ; YPL-U-AVI Test Booklet Series Serial No. (111.473 TEST BOOKLET GENERAL ABILITY TEST Time Allowed ; Two Hours and Thirty Minutes Maximum Marks : 600 INSTRUCTIONS 1, IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET [T REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. 2. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number End Test Booklet Seties A, 8, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Shest. Any omission/discrepancy will render the Answer Sheet liable for rejection, 3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet, 4. 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