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NAME:___________________________________________________________ DATE:________________________

1. Complete the sentences with a superlative/ Completa las oraciones con un superlativo:

Example: This building is very old. It’s the oldest building in the town.
a. It was a very happy day. It was ____________ of my life.
b. It’s a very good film. It’s ______________I’ve seen.
c. It was a very bad mistake. It was ____________in my life.
d. It was a very cold day. It was _________________of the year.
e. She’s a popular singer. She’s __________________in the country.

2. Find the mistake, underline it and write the correct sentence/ Encuentra el error, subráyalo y escribe la
oración correcta.
Example: The elephant is biggest than cat _The elephant is bigger than the cat________________
a. This book is interestinger than my homework! ___________________________________
b. My brother is more bad at tennis than me. ___________________________________
c. My phone is most expensive thing I have. ______________________________________
d. The cheetah is the most fast animal. __________________________________________
e. The blue whale is the most heaviest animal. _______________________________________

3. Which type of Conditionals are used? / Qué tipo de condicionales se utilizan en las siguientes oraciones?

1) If I find your key, I'll tell you.

a) Fist conditional b) Second conditional c)Third Conditional

2) Daniel would have been home on time if the bus had come.
a) Fist conditional b) Second conditional c)Third Conditional

3) She would be very happy if her friends came.

a) Fist conditional b) Second conditional c)Third Conditional

4) My parents would have bought the house if it had been cheaper.

a) Fist conditional b) Second conditional c)Third Conditional

5) If they had driven carefully, they wouldn't have crashed into the other car
a) Fist conditional b) Second conditional c)Third Conditional

4 - Finish the sentences. Use the correct conditional./ Termina las oraciones. Usa el condicional correcto

1) If Amy does the washing up,

a) her brother will clear the table. b) her brother would clear the table. c) her brother would have cleared the

2) I would go to the party

a) if you come with me. b) if you came with me. c) if you had come with me.

3) If we had seen the film,

a) we will not buy the DVD. b) we would not buy the DVD. c) we would not have bought the DVD.

4) My uncle would stay longer in York

a) if he has more time. b) if he had more time. c) if he had had more time.

5) The teacher will not be happy

a) if we forget our homework again. b) if we forgot our homework again. c) if we had forgotten our homework

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