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Dr. Manoj Kumar Academy HAH PHOTOSTATE Fatima Jinnah Road Quetta Ph: 081-2839478 0313-8286002 Available at: © zany BEST INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ENTRY TEST PREPARATION CONTACT # 03003849940 Pace) cot Page Noi) 4 ‘5 Ahe gen shee th esol apeeeymness in aan fl sunson twee nd fran saneaiabona oF arson sce temperanses 0c 20 BEST INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ENTRY TEST PREPARATION CONTACT # 03003849940 Turnover Page No.(} 2 Eoare Eeclue Compara rragresun| ‘ypen_| mapesiim ‘tens of 16 person wes ening 2a co ion conten ment devs? kets ocTOR’s Eee x | 2 atte lone of magoasunione BEST INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ENTRY TEST PREPARATION CONTACT # 03003849940 caeonyeale] ta pasa | water % & © e alo 16 8 5 a; 2 es 2 8 ce] s 4 a o oa vi | on 35 1 The diagram sows atee turk, Je8 hep, eaves _-ing ofatk uote ely of BEST INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ENTRY TEST PREPARATION CONTACT # 03003849940, Tuna aren eed ror esta ood asso copay BEST INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ENTRY TEST PREPARATION: CONTACT # 03003849940 Pec ean Page No. 1)5 A ® © . 16. 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CONTACT # 03003849940 Pesce Coca Page No. 73 18 Yi th covet ttarartconcoing et nd n° A tai eae can readies by ios wheres _milosis or melosis. tat id eukaryoies can rseoctoe by mae: Flowing rophaee, is ing cytokinesis ip mass halves ages Toren? ora. can produce dipod a haploid games. These ib eomaten, hod, nse wth each generation edd 2.304 A 2ma @ t.2ani ‘condeneaton-»tersfaten- onc boning eogen bering > venseripton - sndonsaton rdansaion oni bonding lone bonding ~ hyeregen tong BEST INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ENTRY TEST PREPARATION CONTACT #03003849940 [Tum over Pare Revue Page No. Pix BEST INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ENTRY TEST PREPARATION | Conracr # 03003849940 Pane No. 75 congarioncet fy] a tl BEST INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ENTHY TEST PRI CONTACT # 03003849940 rar coc Pageno. 7G th ume of boodretuming tothe hen each nar beat 27 Ysh oF he ftlowng are feundn blood ane moh and ese? 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Tumover Crs ecluae ay feos a Pogo wo. 126 : s What are the number pas? ceviedon | sume plumse | adil 8 | otumse | catfecon 2 oxmute_| \Watis ne role of progesterone in thé menstu A. rinsing te ining of hae ae FSH eatin | CONTACT # 03003849940 ‘Page No.1 9° an BEST INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ENTRY TEST PREPARATION. ‘Which Suatances are poser Xin ghar conesnttions ban at Y? 1 can oxi and ghc088 5 cxvbon dioxide andrea © glucose and oxygen cose end wea 14480 ood rousing syst, wich ganatype it hooygou dinar? 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