Chapter 01 Homeostasis

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Made by: M. Amin Chohan

1. Aspect homeostasis are.

1. Respiration 2. Excretion 3. Osmoregulation 4. Digestion 5. Thermoregulation
A. 1,2,3,5 only B. 1,2,3,4 only C. 2,3,4,5 only D. 2,3,5 only
2. Excretion includes removal of.
I. CO2 II. H2O III. Urea IV. Salts
A. III only B. III,IV only C. II,III only D.I, II,III, IV only
3. Body bring certain changes with change in environment, what is correct matching form column
I & II k
op Column I Column II
A Low blood pressure W Production ADH
B High sugar in blood X Production insulin
C Low water concentration Y Increase body temp
D High pathogenic attack Z High water re absorption
Op W X Y Z
4. An animal cell is put in a solution having highest osmotic pressure what happen with.
1. Endosmosis 2. Exosmosis 3. Ancipient plasmolysis
4. Plasmolysis 5. Deplasmolysis
A. 1,5 only B. 2,3,4 only C. 2,4 only D. 2,5 only
5. Which among following is not correctly matched.
I. Xerophytes→Reduction in stomata with broad leaves
II. Hydrophytes→Stem without cuticle, with long roots
III. Mesophytes→Cuticular leaves, well developed roots
IV. Halophytes→Succulent roots→Hairy epidermis
A. III only B. I & III only C. I & IV only
D. I & II only E. I, II & III only
6. Guttation is mainly found during humid conditions which type of plant do this.
A. Hydrophytes B. Halophytes C. Mesophytes D. Xerophytes
7. Xerophytes have certain adaptation in their roots. These are correctly represented in.
Op Vertical roots Horizontal roots
A Acacia Banyan
B Banyan Acacia
C Acacia Salicom
D Banyan cocti
8. Animals have all osmoregulatory adaption, except.
A. Keratinized epidermis & cuticle B. Storage & excretion of solid waste
C. Contractile vacuole & Liver D. Use of metabolic fat
9. Few organisms are found in various ecosystems what type of environment they have.
Op Organism External environment
P Amoeba 1 Hypotonic
Q Fresh water fish 2 Isotonic
R Marine water fish 3 Hypertonic
S Marine invertebrate
Op P Q R S
A 1 3 1 3
B 1 1 3 2
C 3 3 2 1
D 3 2 3 1
10. Plant does not excrete.
A. H2O B. CO2 C. O2 D. Ammonia E. C & D both
11. Excretory product not related to animals.
A. Ammonia B. Urea C. Brown fat D. Creatinine
12. Organism with various habitats are switched to many excretory product what among following is
not correct with excretory product.
✓ = Yes (𝑣 − 𝑦𝑒𝑠,× −𝑁𝑜, ±𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙/𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 ) ≥ 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 ≤ 𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠
Op Product Toxicity Solubility in water Reptiles Mammals Fishes Birds
A Ammonia ≥ ✓ ✓ X ✓ X
B Urea ≤ ✓ ✓ ✓ X X
C Uric acid ≤ ± ✓ X X ✓
D All are correct
13. Excretory structure of various organism are listed below, what incorrect row is.
op Structure Function Association Excretory product
A Flame cells Excretion only Helminthes Uric acid
B Kidney Excretion & Osmoregulation Vertebrates Urea
C Liver Excretion Vertebrates Ammonia
D Nepheridia Excretion & Osmoregulation Annelids Urea / uric acid
14. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about metanepheridia?
1. Metanepheridia is associated with worms 2. These are blind tube like structure with two
opening nephridiopore & nephridostome respectively.
3. They are involved in excretion & Osmoregulation 4. Reabsorption occurs in bladder.
A. 2 only B. 3 only C. 3 & 4 only D. 1,3,4 only
15. Statement(s) correct about functions of liver.
I. Liver hydrolysis amino acids to form ammonia
II. Liver forms cholesterol & stores Vitamins like A, B, &K
III. Liver cells have large number RER & Peroxisome that help in detoxification.
IV. Liver secret insulin while blood sugar is raised.
V. liver produces bile juice, contains bile slat help to emulsify fats.
A. I, II, III, V only B. I, III, V only C. I & V only D. V only
16. Few structures are involved in transport of urea where does these action occur.
I. Storage of urea II. Filtration of urea III. Synthesis of urea
IV. Collection of urea V. Expel of urea
A kidney Liver Urinary bladder Ureter Urethra
B Liver kidney Ureter Urinary bladder Urethra
C Urinary bladder kidney Liver Ureter Urethra
D Urinary bladder Liver kidney Urethra Ureter
17. Anatomical structures of kidney are given below what is correct arrangement.
Op External cover Dark zone Lighter zone Entrance of vessels
A Peritoneum Cortex Medulla Pelvis Pyramid
B Peritoneum Cortex Medulla Hillus Pelvis
C Peritoneum Medulla Cortex Pyramid Pelvis
D Peritoneal cavity Medulla Cortex Helium Pelvis
18. Nephrons are microscopic units of kidney where filtration & Reabsorption occurs, which pathway
is followed by filtrate.
I. collecting duct II. Bowman’s capsule III. Glomeruli
IV. Proximal convoluted tubule V. Distal convoluted tubule VI. loope of Henle
19. Blood capillaries surrounds various parts of Nephrons which chart is correct about structure &
blood capillaries
Op PCT & DCT Loop of Henle Glomeruli
A Peritubular blood cappalaries Vasa recta Afferent arteriole
B Peritubular blood cappalaries Vasa recta Efferent arteriole
C Vasa recta Peritubular blood cappalaries Afferent arteriole
D Vasa recta Peritubular blood cappalaries Efferent arteriole
20. Human kidney filters blood about ______ per day.
A. 1100 liters B. 81 liters C. 1-2 liters D. 180 ml
21. Kidney performs many regulatory functions, occur in various parts of Nephrons correctly match
from given chart.
Op Structure
ℓ Na ,Cl- ions re absorbed 1 Convoluted tubules
𝑚 Glucose Amino acids 2 Ascending limb LH
𝑛 Water re absorbed 3 Malphigian body
+ +
𝑜 Secretion of H , NH 4 Collecting duct
5 Pxl convoluted tubule
6 Descending Limb LH
Op ℓ 𝑚 𝑛 𝑜
A 6 1 2 1
B 6 3 2 4
C 2 5 6 1
D 2 4 6 1
22. Nephrons perform all function except.
A. Ultra-filtration B. Re-absorption C. Tubular secretion D. Distribution of Heat
23. In ascending limb Reabsorption of Na+, Cl- ions is.
A. passive transport B. Active transport
C. Facilitated transport D. carrier transport
24. Organism produces hypertonic urine is due to.
A. long cortical Nephrons B. Nephrons with long Malphigian Body
C. Nephrons with large PCT & DCT D. Nephrons with long loope of Henle
E. Nephrons long collecting duct
25. Mammalian kidney has adapted to conserve water and solutes in body, hormonal adaption has
brought large conservation what is incorrect r.
Op Hormone Gland Target Function
A ADH Neurohypophysis Collect duct Reabsorb solutes
B Aldosteron Adrenal Gland Ascending Limb Reabsorb Na+
C PTH Parathyroid Nephrons Reabsorb Ca+
D ADH Hypothalamus Collecting duct Reabsorb water
26. Which of the following is treatment to break kidney stones?
A. Surgery B. Haemodialysis C. kidney transplantation D. Lithotripsy E. AOT
27. Plant in cold temperature.
I. change unsaturated fatty acids into saturated
II. Alter the composition of cytosol by adding solutes & Fructans
III. Produce shiny cuticle & wilt their leaves
IV. Reduces leaves surface area
A. I only B. I & II only C. II only D. I,II, IV only
28. In hot temperature plants do not.
A. transpire B. wilting C. Adapt shiny cuticle D. Alter composition of cytosol
29. Ectotherm & Endotherm has different way to produce & loss heat what is correct.
Op Ectotherm Endotherm
A Produce heat Can’t produced heat
B Behavioral Regulation Physiological Regulation only
C Absorb heat from Environment Generate heat by body & also absorb heat from Environment
D Physiological regulation Behavioral regulation
30. Which among following is not a way to produced heat?
A. Shivering process B. Brown fat use C. Sweating D. Vasoconstriction
31. Birds and mammal maintain their temperature:
Op Birds Mammals
A 41-43 C 10-350C

B 36-380C 10-350C
C 41-430C 36-380C
D 36-430C 10-350C
32. Animals do all in cold temp except.
A. vasoconstriction B. Erection of hair C. panting D. contraction of muscles
33. The way to conserve heat is.
1. Vasodilatation 2. Vasoconstriction 3. Panting
4. Sweating 5. Subcutaneous fat accumulation
A. 1,3,5 only B. 2,3,5 only C. 2,5 only D. 2,3,4 only
34. During high temperature plant does.
A. vasoconstriction B. Reduce metabolic activities C. Sweating D. Both B & C
35. Urea formed in human comes from.
A. fats B. protein C. Nucleic acid D. A & C
36. Which substance present in blood but not in the urine of healthy man.
1. Glucose 2. Urea 3. Creatinine 4. hCGH 5. Salts 6. Water
A. 1 only B. 3 & 5 only C. 1,3,5 only D. 1, 4 only E. 5,4 only
37. Which of the following is example of excretion?
1. Release of insulin from salivary gland 3. Removal of CO2 from lungs
2. Removal of saliva from salivary gland 4. Removal of fecal material from alimentary canal
A. 3 only B. 4 only C. 1, 3 only D. 2, 4 only
38. Substances found in Glomeruli filtrate is/are
Option Glucose Water Salts Proteins
A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
B ✓ ✓ ✓ ×
C × ✓ × ✓
D × × ✓ ×
39. what is correct labeling and function for above figure
Opt Structure Function
A Urinary bladder Store urine
B Ureter Collect urine
C Urethra Expel the urine
D Kidney Filter the blood
40. What structure are labeled below
Op 6 7 8 4
A Malphigian PCT Collecting duct Loope of
body henle
B Malphigian DCT Collecting duct PCT
C Glomerulus CT Collecting duct Loop of henle
D Bowman’s CT Collecting duct Loope of
Capsule henle

41. Nephrons performs various excretory function where these function are correctly labeled
Op Reabsorption Ions Reabsorption of Glucose Ultra-filtration Counter current
& Amino acids exchange
A 6 7 6 8
B 7 8 5 5
C 4 6 8 8
D 4 7 6 4

42. Greater concentration of Urea is

a. B b. D c. A d. H
43. What are correct structure labeled
Op H E I
A Hillus Pelvis Peritoneum
B Hillus Pyramid Cortex
C Pelvis Pyramid Peritoneum
D Pelvis Hillus Medula

44. What is removed from blood during dialysis?

1. Carbon dioxide 2. Glucose 3. Urea 4. Oxygen
A. 1 only B. 1,3 only C. 3 only D.2,3 only
45. Structure of excretory system are listed below, in which direction urine flow with these structure
1. Bladder 2. Kidney 3. Ureter 4. Urethra
A 1 2 3 4
B 1 2 4 3
C 2 3 1 4
D 2 1 3 4
46. Blood vessels bring blood into kidney & pick up it what point blood has greater concentration of
A. Renal vein B. Renal artery C. Vasa recta D. Pulmonary Vein
47. Which of the following is involved in regulation of water, digestion, respiration and excretion?
1. Liver 2. Hypothalamus 3. Kidney
A. 1 only B. 2 only C. 1 &2 only D. 1,3 only
48. Which of the following is thermostat of body?
A. Hypothalamus B. liver C. Kidney D. Skin
49. The temperature above the set point is.
A. fever B. Pyrexia C. Pyrogen D. Both A & B E. All of these
50. The point in kidney where renal arteries enters is.
A. Hillus B. Pyramid C. Pelvis D. Ureter

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