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1) In which of the following interaction of Gamma Photon with atomic electrons,

part of incident photon energy is used to removing the electron from atomic
orbit and the remain photon energy to import velocity to it:
a) Photo electric absorption
b) Pair production
c) Internal conversion
d) Braking effect
Ref: Page no 48 ASNT HAND Book
Ans : a

2) Calculate the geometric unsharpness for 5 mm nominal single wall thick pipe
weld, of outer dia 2 inch with 3mm source whose distance from film is 14
a) 0.5 mm
b) 0.65 mm
c) 0.04 mm
d) 0.00157 in
e) Both c & d
Ref: Page no 33 Un sharpness para 2 , last line
Ans: a; Ug = Fxt /D, Here F is 3mm, t is 2 inch ie 50 mm and D is 14-2= 12 inch ie 300 mm
So Ug= 3 x 50 /300 = 0.5 mm

3) For 2 inch thick steel object being radiographed the size of hole visible is 8% of
job thickness the peni size is 50% of hole size the sensitivity indicated is:
a) 4 2T
b) 2 2T
c) 2 4T
d) 1 4T
e) None of the above
Ref: Hole Image Quality Indicator Page no 172 para 3, ASNT HAND BOOK.
Ans is a, Hole size is 8 % job thickness and peni size is 4 % job thickness .
So it is 4 -2T

4) The dose buildup factor at a particular point outside the shield of a

monoenergetic point gamma source is 1.5. The percentage of the dose
contributed by secondary or scattered photons is
a) 50%
b) 67%
c) 33%
d) 75%
e) 25%
Ref: Eqn 9, Page no 10 LEVEL III Guide

Ans: a; 1.5 = (!00 % + Scattered % ) / 100 % , Assuming 100% is original
intensity for Narrow beam condition. So Scattered beam intensity comes to
about 50%
5) The level of sensitivity by the visibility of a penetrameter whose thickness equals
to 2% of specimen thickness and hole diameter 4% of specimen thickness
referred to:
a) 2 – 4T
b) 2 – 2T
c) 4 – 2T
d) T – 2T
Ref: Hole Image Quality Indicator Page no 172 para 3, ASNT HAND BOOK
Ans b – 2-@T

6) The angle orientation of targets used for panoramic unit is (degrees)

a) 45
b) 25
c) 0
d) 10
Ref: -Page 14, Line 12- 14 RT LEVEL III GUIDE
Ans is c

7) For interpretation of radiographs the room lighting must:

a) Be totally black
b) Not reflect from the surface of the image being interpreted
c) Be filtered using heat filters
d) Be in the range of 60 to 75 lumens
Ref: ASNT RT HAND BOOK Page no 190 , 2nd column 15 to 18 th line
Ans b

8) The plot of decay vs time in semi Logarithmic scale

a) Will be a sine curve
b) Exponential curve
c) Straight line
d) First increase exponentially and then decreases
Ref: Page no 43 First column, Four lines Below the Eqn no 6, ASNT RT HAND
Ans c

9) Neutrons loose more energy by elastic scattering with

a) Light Nuclei
b) Heavy Nuclei
c) Nuclei with Higher number of neutrons
d) All
e) None
Ref: Page no 46 , Elastic scattering, second para first three lines, ASNT RT HAND
Ans a

10) In Compton scattering for large angle scattering
a) Most of initial photon energy is given to the scattered photon
b) Most of the initial energy is given to the ejected orbital electron
c) Usually equally shared
d) It is a random process
Ref: Page 49, Compton Scattering, Last three lines
Ans : b

11) Which source is frequently used in industrial thickness and density gages
a) Ir 192
b) Coo 60
c) Cs 137
d) Se 75
Ref: Page 76, First Para , Last three line ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans c

12) Which Source is not produced by neutron irradiation

a) Ir 192
b) Co 60
c) Cs 137
d) Tm 170
Ref: Page 76, Second Para , First three line ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans c

13) Which source is usually doubly encapsulated

a) Co 60
b) Ir 192
c) Cs 137
d) All
Ref: Page 75, Cs 137, First para , last two lines ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans c

14) Which quenching gas in GM tube has long life time

a) Alcohol
b) ether
c) Chlorine
d) Helium
Ref: ASNT RT HAND BOOK Page no 97, Self quenching gas, Para 2
Ans c

15) Scintillation counter has
a) more sensitivity then ionization chamber
b) Less sensitivity than ionization chamber
c) It can detect only alpha particle not Gamma
d) They have opaque scintillating material
Ref: Page no 100, First para and Desirable Scintillator Characteristic Para in ASNT
Ans a

16) Advantage of Using LIF in TLD Monitoring is

a) Give Permanent records
b) Give Complete information about incident radiation energy
c) Long read out time
d) near tissue Equivalence
Ref: Page no 102 LIF Properties ,First Para, ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans : d

17) Which of the following has high quality factor

a) Low energy Xray
b) High Energy Xray
c) High Energy Gamma ray
d) Neutrons
Ref: Page no 119 Table 1 of ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans d

18) For Paper radiography which type of OD meter has to be used

a) Transmission type OD meter
b) Reflection type OD meter
c) Refraction type OD meter
d) Special diffraction type OD meter
Ans b

19) The most important properties of the digital images is

a) SNR
b) Spatial resolution
c) Contrast resolution
d) All
e) None
Ref : LEVEL III Guide Page no 53 First Para 15 th to 19 th line
Ans d

20) Which imaging process involves more sequential steps
a) Analogue Radiography
b) Digital radiography
c) Computer Tomography
d) All
e) None
Ref: LEVEL III Guide Page no 85 first para first five lines
Ans C

21) Which gives smallest detector blur?

a) Single detector with spectroscopy
b) Linear detector
c) Area detector
d) All
e) None
Ref: Table 1, page 350 ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans : a

22) Grater dynamic range can be got by using

a) Frame averaging
b) Linear averaging
c) Overlap averaging
d) All
e) None
Ref: Page 352,Second Para First lined Para ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans : a

23) Common Dimensional measurement techniques

a) Interactive point and click procedure
b) Line out extraction technique
c) Boundary application technique
d) All
e) None
Ref: Page no 366, Dimensional Measurements , First Para ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans : d

24) Compton scattering is

a) Isotropic
b) It gives significant diffraction effects
c) At low energies forward scattering predominates
d) All
e) None
Ref: Page no 381, First column Second Para 7th line to 12 th line, ASNT RT HAND
Ans e

25) Compton scattering is effective in
a) Low Z materials
b) High energy photons
c) Good at detecting opiate drugs
d) All
e) None
Ref: Page no 381, First column Second Para 13th line to 23 rd line,
Ans d

26) In Flash radiography

a) Stop motion requirement does not place upper limit on the exposure time
b) The image contrast is more than conventional radiography because of short ex
c) Since duration is very short , it gives very high intensity per pulse
d) All
e) None
Ref: Page no 409 First Para 14th line to 18 th line, Point no 2 and point no ASNT RT
Ans : e

27) The target size of the flash photo devices are ----------, than compared to
conventional x-ray tubes I
a) approximately the same
b) much lower
c) Comparatively larger
d) Solely depend on geometric un-sharpness
Ref: Page no 409 Second column Point no4 ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans : c

28) Pulsed high voltage sources for flash radiography

a) Marx generators
b) Blumlein line generator
c) Electron accelerator
d) All
e) None
Ref: Page no 411 ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans : d

29) For getting higher x-ray dose and contrast we use I

a) High voltage device
b) Beryllium window
c) Tungsten window
d) By increasing ( using large ) the half angle of the conical target geometry
Ref: Page no 412, Commercial Flash Xray system, First Eight lines ASNT RT
Ans b

30) Which is not the application of flash radiography
a) Imaging of ss cladded nuclear fuel elements
b) Ballistic research
c) Vibration study
d) All
e) None
Ref: Page no 412 and 413 Industrial Application and page no 409 firsyt Para 22 nd line
Ans e

31) Which formula to be used when SSD, source shift, sensor separation, Flaw shift
are given I
a) Rigid formula
b) Single marker formulae
c) Double marker formulae
d) Source side marker formulae ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ref: Page no.42
Ans : a

32) Flourescent screen are more sensitive to

a) Gamma ray
b) X-Ray
c) Secondary electrons
d) All same
Ref: Page no 46, First Column, Last Para of Level III RT Guide
Ans c

33) Light emission is faster in

a) Phosphor materials
b) Fluorescent materials
c) Scientillator
d) All
e) None
Ref: Page no 46, Scientillator plate , 7 th & 8 th line , Level III RT Guide
Ans c

34) Radioscopy system gamma depends on

a) Electron chain amplifier gamma
b) Videscopic system tube gamma
c) Flourescent screen gamma
Ref: Page no 47, Contrast 7 th line to 10 th line of LEVEL III Guide
Ans d

35) For the same average energy which will give better quality for 0.75 “ steel plate
a) X- Ray Continuous spectrum
b) Gamma ray discrete Spectrum
c) Alpha Ray
d) All
e) None
Ref : Fig 1 , Page no 56, ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans : a

36) From Which films you can receive more silver?

a) Medical Xray film Films with High OD
b) Medical Xray film Films with LOW OD
c) Industrial Xray films with low OD
d) Unexposed Industrial Xray film
Ref : Page no 249 First three lines ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans : d

37) You have to use High intensity film Viewer usually

a) For clear films
b) Films with OD 1
c) Films with OD Less than 2
d) Films with OD More than 3
Ref : Page 191, First Columt , Line Number 21 to 27 ASNT RT HAND BOOK
Ans : d

38) You have to view both high thickness and low thickness on the same radiograph So
Use High latitude film
a) Use Low latitude film
b) Use Fast film
c) Use Slow film
Ans : a

39) When you take some stainless steel casting (Cf8m Material) radiography by using
IR 192 for thin section you get graininess. To reduce use
a) Slow film
b) Fast Film
c) Decrease Ex time
d) Decrease Dev time
Ans a

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