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Reflecting on the Teaching Profession: The Competent Teacher

The paper I picked is a compilation of researches about what makes a 21 st

century educator in the Balkans. Specifically, it details the characteristics of a
competent teacher. I chose this article because I want to know what it means
to be a high-performing teacher. According to Donaldson (2013), “learning with
a high-performing teacher instead of a low-performing one can make a 53%
difference in student achievement”. I am interested in finding out components,
standards and frameworks that make form teacher competence. It has been
my dream to teach in a classroom and I want to be the best version of myself
when I enter the field.
Stoof et. al (2005) defines the concept of competence as an “integrated set of
personal characteristics, knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed for
effective performance in various teaching contexts”. In the paper I chose, I
found out that no two countries or even regions have an exactly similar set of
frameworks that define teacher competence.
In a study conducted by Pantic in 2011, teachers in the Balkan area
perceived teacher competence involving the following: (in order of importance)
a mastery of the subject matter, possession of values needed to effectively
hone a child, ability to reflect, recognize the importance of professional
development, knows the nitty gritty of the education system he or she belongs
and actively participate in the development of the said system. (as cited in
Vidovic & Velkovski, 2013).
In Macedonia, the Ministry of Education and Science created a National
Framework outlining standards and qualifications of teacher competence per
level. The following descriptors are considered: knowledge and
understanding, application of knowledge and understanding, ability to
evaluate/assess/judge, communication skills, and learning skills (Grahovac as
cited in Vidovic & Velkovski, 2013).
Furthermore, another paper featured in my chosen journal is written by
Jusovic entitled Framework of Teacher Competences. This, in my opinion,
is the most comprehensive and detailed study outlining the indicators of
professional competence. It has a rubric that serves as a checklist of the
competences that an educator should possess in the following areas: learner
and learning, teaching and assessment, learning environment, professional
development and responsibility, school, family and community cooperation,
and improvement of school and education system.
All six (6) areas highlights the importance of a teacher’s knowledge of
theories, and the education system and characteristics and circumstances of
each student; skills to choose and utilize recognized assessment strategies to
meet different learning needs, and values that promote a holistic approach
and which centers on the belief that each child is unique and has the ability to
learn and develop and to promote.
To sum it up, a competent teacher should be highly knowledgeable in all
aspects of his or her profession, understands the unique needs and learning
styles of each student, and promotes dignity, respect and empathy.

Vidovic & Vilkovsky. (2013). Teaching Profession for the 21 st Century.
Retrieved from

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