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Read the text and then answer the questions. For


How an X-ray works

X-rays show doctors what is going on in your body. An X-ray machine sends
out invisible X-ray particles which pass through your bones. A photographic
film, or a computer, records this and produces black and white pictures of what
is happening inside you.

How is it done?
A film, similar to those used in ordinary photos, is put behind the part of your
body that is being X-rayed. A machine then shoots out a short burst of X-ray
particles through your body and onto the film. Obtaining a clear picture can be
difficult, so care must be taken not to move when the X-ray beam shoots.

What does it show?

X-rays give doctors information about what is happening inside our bodies.
They can show broken bones, and problems with our joints. X-rays can also
show the size and shape of your heart, so can reveal heart problems.

Is it safe?
There is very little risk with having an X-ray, because the measure of radiation
given is always the lowest possible doctors need to get a good picture.

Does it hurt?
X-rays are completely painless – you cannot see or feel them.

What happens next?

The films are studied by specialists called radiologists, who interpret the results,
prepare reports and send them to doctors. Doctors then discuss the results
with patients.

8 (a) Why is it important to stay still while an X-ray is taking place?


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(b) What information can doctors learn about a patient’s heart?


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9 Tick (9) two boxes to show which statements about X-rays are false. For

X-rays can show if a bone is broken.

X-rays are painful for patients.

X-rays contain a small amount of radiation.

X-rays use the colours black and white.

X-rays are unable to pass through the body.


10 Why do doctors need radiologists?

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11 The text How an X-ray works is an explanation text.

Tick (9) one box to show which statement is true about explanation texts.

The paragraphs can be read in any order.

The text includes someone’s personal experience.

The text persuades you to do something.

The title tells the reader what the text is about.

The text argues a point of view.


© UCLES 2014 E/S5/01

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