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Dragons and six­shooters

Five genres for Yes, Sir!

Mixu Lauronen
The RPGGeek 24­hour supplement contest 2019
By default, Yes, Sir! is situated in a world
resembling Great Britain in 1920s. This
supplement brings more genres to the game.
Each genre has the following format:
Description. This is a brief description of
the genre.
Social Hierarchy. Here the six social classes
are described.
Skills. Every genre has ten skills. They are
listed here, along with examples of the
specialities. Remember that these are only
suggestions, not an exhaustive list.
Sample Beginnings. Three beginnings
are provided.
To Be Read. Material to read or watch
for inspiration.
And that's it! You are ready to play the genre.
This is the world of orcs and dragons, dungeons and castles, elves and halflings. Magic is
everywhere, and technology is at early medieval level. Think about Dungeons & Dragons here.
In high fantasy, there are lots of opportunities for master­servant ­pairs. A master­apprentice is
also possible. Remember Mickey Mouse in Fantasy?

1. Slaves, prostitutes and prisoners. These are the lowliest of the low.
2. Farmers, hunters, fishermen, servants. People of the second ladder usually work in the
low­level production.
3. Citizens and adventurers. People living in towns. They are shoemakers, smiths and
4. Landowners, wizards. These people rent land to others or provide magic to the needing.
5. Clergy, nobles. People working for the churches and of noble birth live on this level of the
6. The King, High Judges, The Archmage. These people can do whatever they like.

1. Arts. Creating and appreciating arts. Specialities: Singing, theatre, woodcarving
2. Fighting. Defending yourself. Specialities: Bows, dirty tricks, hand­to­hand
3. Gastronomy. Cooking and appreciating food. Specialities: camp food, cheeses, wine
4. Geography. Knowing where you are. Specialities: local paths, roads, towns
5. Herbology. Knowledge of plants and fungi. Specialities: Edible mushrooms, poisonous
plants, trees
6. Magic. Handling and understanding magic. Specialities: Casting spells, reading magic,
using a magic item
7. Mechanical. Handling and creating mechanisms. Specialities: Clockwork, locksmith, traps
8. Medicine. Healing people. Specialities: First aid, surgeon, veterinarian
9. Riding. Riding an animal or a carriage. Specialities: Carriages, galloping, wyvern flying
10. Zoology. Knowledge of animals and creatures. Specialities: Domestic animals, dragon
migration, edible insects

1. Gold and goblins. They say that the goblin lair nearby has found gold.
2. The dragon is awake! The local dragon, asleep for the last 100 years, has awakened. It
has to be driven away or killed.
3. The plague. An adventuring party is sent overseas to find cure to a plague killing

Literature: Fafhrd and Gray Mouser series. Dragonlance Series. Dying Earth series.
Movies: Dark Crystal. The Neverending Story. Willow.
The world is full of monsters so horrific, that people are insignificant compared to them. The pulp
writer H.P. Lovecraft has gained a cult status after his death. Lovecraftian horror threatens both
your mental and physical health. These stories do not end well.

1. Degenerate village or town people. These usually have a non­human part in their blood.
2. Farmers, hunters, servants. These are the people doing the dirty work.
3. The bourgoise. Non­degenerate people living in towns.
4. Landowners and bankers, gentlemen. A gentleman doesn't necessarily have money.
5. Nobelmen. Those of blue blood.
6. The president, members of supreme court, millionaires. These people can basically do
what they want.

One skill, Sanity, works differently from the other skills. It starts at five and every time the
character confronts cosmic horrors or his Cthulhu Mythos increases by one, he rolls a die. If the
result is more than the character's sanity, the sanity goes down by one. Once the character
reaches zero sanity, he is permanently insane, and has to be abandoned. There is no Speciality
in Sanity.
1. Arcane Knowledge. Magical and occult knowledge. Specialities: Demons, rituals, spells.
2. Art. Knowledge and appreciation of arts. Specialities: Architecture, oil paintings, singing.
3. Cars. Handling and fixing cars. Specialities: British cars, driving, motors.
4. Cthulhu Mythos. Things better not to know. Specialities: Deep Ones, Outer Gods, spells.
5. Electronics. Usage of electrical devices. Specialities: Attachment of electric devices,
household appliances, radio.
6. Geography. Knowledge of where things are. Specialities: Local paths, historical London,
sunken islands.
7. Mechanics. Usage of mechanical devices. Specialities: Clockworks, locksmith, trains.
8. Sanity. See above.
9. Science. Knowledge of the scientific method. Specialities: Archaeology, astronomy,
10. Weapons. Handling and maintenance of weapons. Specialities: Automatic weapons,
knives, hand­to­hand combat.

1. An unknown island. The characters are on a ship that finds an uncharted island.
2. The book. An old book in a house the characters are visiting strangely intrigues them. At
the same time, everybody starts to see strange dreams.
3. The canister. A strange canister with plug­ins is found in the room of a vanished friend. It
is empty.

Literature: A Mythos Grimmly. Anything by H.P. Lovecraft. Teattro Grottesco.
Movies: The Call of Cthulhu. The Resurrected. Whisperer in the Dark.
This is traditional horror: vampires, werewolves, zombies. Witches hex people. Giant snakes
swim in the Mississippi. You know the works.

This is the same as in the original game:
1. Servants.
2. Farmers and industry workers, personal servants.
3. Enterpreneurs.
4. Landowners.
5. Nobility.
6. Kings and presidents, members of the supreme court, millionaires.

1. Arts. Knowledge of and creating arts. Specialities: Architecture, paintings, 1800s art.
2. Driving. Driving a vehicle. Specialities: Bicycle, French cars, motorcycles.
3. Electronics. Knowledge of electrical devices. Specialities: Communications, computers,
electrical motors.
4. Fighting. Staying alive in a tight spot. Specialities: Guns, kung fu, swordcane.
5. Gastronomy. For those who do drink wine. Specialities: Medieval cooking, sauces, wines.
6. Geography. Knowing where things (and you) are. Specialities: Canals of Venice, local
paths, old castles.
7. Mechanics. Knowledge of mechanical devices. Specialities: Combustible engines,
locksmith, locomotives.
8. Medical. Healing and diagnosing people. Specialities: Contagious diseases, first aid,
9. Occult. Knowledge of occult rituals and material. Specialities: Spells, symbols, witches.
10. Science. Knowledge of the scientific world. Specialities: Archaeology, chemistry, physics.

1. A weekend in a cabin in the woods! What could go wrong?
2. Someone is ripping apart people in the shady areas of the city.
3. "I never drink wine", said your peculiar host for this year's castle adventure.

Literature: Dracula. The Picture of Dorian Gray. The Shining.
Movies: I Walked With A Zombie. The Evil Dead. The Exorcist.
Space Opera is intelligent aliens, huge spaceships, epic space battles and intelligent computers.
The master­servant ­hierarchy here is that of a space ship. There are clear good guys and bad
guys. It is recommended that everybody plays a good guy at first, since playing a bad guy
means you are playing against everyone else. After some experience with the game and the
genre, you can try to break this rule.

1. Private. Commanded by everyone above.
2. Sergeant. Commands groups of Privates and Ensigns.
3. Lieutenant. Commands the Sergeants. Might have his personal Private for help.
4. Major. Commands the Lieutenants. Answerable only to the Captain and the First Officer.
5. The Captain and the First Officer. Their word is the law.
6. Admiral. Commands huge navies.

1. Astrography. Knowing where things are. Specialities: Alpha Centauri, Earth, inner space.
2. Biology. Recognising domestic and alien life forms. Specialities: Fungi, introduced
species, xenobiology.
3. Diplomacy. Ability to get things done without violence. Specialities: Dealmaking, Earth
legislation, Graag customs.
4. Gastronomy. Appreciating the galactic cuisine. Specialities: Chinese food, space slugs,
Tarmician soul wine.
5. Leadership. Giving and receiving orders. Specialities: Huge crowds, loud and clear,
reverse psychology.
6. Medical. Medical knowledge. Specialities: Automedic, bioscanner, first aid.
7. Science. Scientific knowledge other than biology. Specialities: Astrophysics, chemistry,
quantum mechanics.
8. Technology. Covers all kinds of technological feats. Specialities: Jump drive, reversing the
polarity, sensors.
9. Vehicles. Controlling and repairing all kinds of vehicles. Specialities: Cars, hovercrafts,
10. Weapons. These come handy in a space opera. Specialities: Blasters, laser weapons, the

1. A Graag spaceship has been destroyed in the asteroid belt. They blame Earth. You are
the nearest ship, so averting crisis is up to you.
2. A new planet has been discovered. It needs to be explored.
3. A malfunction hurtles your ship to the great unknown. More than 1000 light years separate
you from home.

Literature: Culture series. Space Opera (Jack Vance). Starship Troopers.
Movies: Enemy Mine. Star Wars. The Last Starfighter.
Everybody knows the Wild West. Six­shooters, cowboys and indians. This genre is full of action.
Think High Noon or The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly. Good guys are really good guys, and
bad guys are really bad guys. Slavery has been abolished, but it still haunts the minds of former
slaves. It is recommended that everybody plays a good guy at first, since playing a bad guy
means you are playing against everyone else. After some experience with the game and the
genre, you can try to break this rule. I am using the term "indian" instead of "native american",
because that is the term people used at the time.

1. Indians, the Chinese, and former slaves. The first were born here, and the last two were
brought here to work.
2. Farmers, cowboys, personal servants. These are the people who work, but are often
frowned upon.
3. Enterpreneurs. Barbers, smiths, shoemakers etc. These people work hard and have
some money. Some of them can afford a personal servant.
4. Landowners. They own large patches of land they rent to farmers. They live comfortably
in the towns with their servants.
5. Bankers, big business owners (oil, mines, railroads etc.). They have a rich and mostly
easy life. They may have several personal servants.
6. The president, members of the Supreme Court, millionaires. These guys can practically
do whatever they want.

1. Athletics. Moving in various ways. Specialities: Jumping, running, throwing.
2. Business. Marketing, selling and buying stuff. Specialities: Accounting, appraising,
3. Gastronomy. Knowledge of food and drink. Specialities: Chinese food, cooking, whiskey.
4. Geography. Knowledge of where things are. Specialities: Local paths, navigation, wild
west towns.
5. Horses. This represents both handling and riding a horse. Specialities: Behaviour,
grooming, riding.
6. Languages. Knowledge of languages. Specialities: Mandarin Chinese, Navajo, poetry.
7. Medical. Medical knowledge. Specialities: First aid, poisons, veterinarian.
8. Survival. Staying alive in the wilderness. Specialities: Camping, gathering water, hunting.
9. Technical. Technical knowledge. Specialities: Locksmith, locomotives, telegraph.
10. Weapons. When all else fails, grab your six­shooter! Specialities: Bow, hand­to­hand
weapons, six­shooter.

1. Cattle poachers. En route to the big city, the cowboys notice they are loosing cattle at
night. Is it a band of thieves following them, or is it an indian curse?
2. Gold! Gold has been found nearby. A rush of people is to be expected soon.
3. The refugees. Dozens of indians enter the town, because their camp has been taken over
by the evil guys to build a railroad through.

Books: Little House on the Prairie. Riders of the Purple Sage. True Grit.
Comics: Blueberry. Lucky Luke. Tex Willer.
Movies: Brokeback Mountain. High Noon. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Yes, Sir can be read for free in ISSUU:

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Happy gaming!

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