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MONDAY Lakatan 1 piece, 9x3 cm Chicken tinola Fried galunggong 2 pieces, small size AM: Suman sa ibos 1 piece, 8x4x2
-ckicken leg, small 2 pieces cm each
Fried bangus 2 slices -vegetables Pinakbet 1 cup
1 cup PM: Boiled Camote 1 piece, 11 cm
Camote tops salad 1 cup Rice Rice 1 cup longx4 1/2 cm
with tomatoes 1 cup diameter
Mango Watermelon 1 slice, 12x6x3 cm
Rice 1 cup 1 slice, 12x7 cm
8 or more glasses of water
TUESDAY Pineapple 1 slice, 10x6x2 Sinigang na turcillo Tofu steak 2 pieces 6x6x2 cm AM: Boiled Corm 1 piece, 12x4 cm
cm -Turcillo 2 slices each each
Chicken Adobo -Vegetables 1 cup Chopsuey 1 cup
-Chicken leg, small 2 pieces PM: Pansit Guisado 1 cup
Rice 1 cup Rice 1 cup
Steamed carrots, 1 cup
Sayote, and Baguio Papaya 1 slice, 10x6x2 Dalanghita 2 pieces, 6cm
beans cm diameter each

Rice 1 cup

8 or more glasses of water

WEDNESDAY Dalandan 2 pieces, 6 cm Beef steak 2 matchbox sizes Fried chicken, small 2 pieces AM: Kababayan 2 pieces, 4 1/2
diameter each cm diameter x 1
Adobong Sitaw 1 cup Steamed Alugbati 1 cup 1/2 thickness
and Saluyot each
Tuna Sandwich with Rice 1 cup
Cabbage and Rice 1 cup PM: Kutsinta 2 pieces, 6 cm
Tomatoes Pineapple 1 slice, 10x6x2 diameter x 2 1/2
-Flaked Tuna 1/4 cup cm Rambutan 8 pieces, 3 sm cmeach
-Cabbage and 1 cup diameter each
-Loaf Bread 4 slices
8 or more glasses of water
THURSDAY Papaya 1 slice, 10x6x2 Ginataang dalagang Beef bulalo AM: Pan de Coco 1 piece, 7x6 cm
cm bukid with pechay -Lean beef 2 matchbox sizes each
Homemade pork 2 matchbox sizes -Dalagang bukid 2 piceces, small -Vegetables 1 cup
tocino size PM: Suman 1 piece, 15x3x2
-Pechay 1 cup Rice 1 cup Cassava cm
Pako salad 1 cup
Rice 1 cup Latundan 1 piece, 9x3 cm
Rice 1 cup
Red Guava 2 pieces, 4 cm
diameter each
8 or more glasses of water
FRIDAY Mango 1 slice, 12x7 cm Pork Nilaga Fried Tilapia 2 pieces small size AM: Ensaymada 1 piece, 8 1/2 cm
-Lean Pork 2 matchbox sizes diameter x 2 cm
Chicken Arroz caldo -Vegetables 1 cup Bulanglang 1 cup thick each
with Carrots and
Malunggay Rice 1 cup Rice 1 cup PM: Puto, white 2 slices, 9
-Chicken breast 2 matchbox sizes 1/2x3x3 1/2 cm
-Vegetables 1 cup Boiled Saba 1 piece, 10x4 cm Apple 1 piece, 6 cm each
-Rice 1 cup diameter
8 or more glasses of water
SATURDAY Melon 1 slice, 12x10x3 Chicken barbecue Porkchop 2 matchbox sizes AM: Spanish Bread 1 piece, 10x4 cm
cm -Chicken leg, small 2 pieces each
Beef and veggie Dinengdeng 1 cup
patty Sauteed Carrots, PM: Turon 1 piece, 9 1/2x3
-Lean Ground Beef 4 tbsps. Sweet Corn, and 1 cup Rice 1 cup 1/2x1 cm
-Vegetables 1 cup Sayote
Pear 1 piece, 6 cm
Pan de sal 4 small pieces Rice diameter
1 cup
Indian Mango
1 piece, 6 sm
8 or more glasses of water
SUNDAY Latundan 1 piece, 9x3 cm Stir-fried Beef with Sinampalukang AM: Peanut butter 1 piece loaf
Chinese Cabage Manok sandwich bread and 1
Fried Tanigue 1 slice small size and Cauliflower -Chicken leg, small 2 pieces tbsp. of peanut
-Lean beef 2 matchbox sizes -Vegetables butter
Fried egg 1 piece -Vegetables 1 cup 1 cup
Rice PM: Banana cue 2 pieces, 9 1/2
Adobong Kangkong 1 cup Rice 1 cup 1 cup cmx4 cm each
Rice 1 cup Lansones 8 pieces, 4x2 cm 3 segments, 8x4x3
each cm each
8 or more glasses of water

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