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Environmental Indicators
a. Physical/geographical/topographical characteristics of the community

 Is there a place here that usually mosquitoes live and breed?

 Is dengue rampant during rainy season?
 Do you experience problems with stray dogs and rabies?
 Is there a place here that usually has soil erosion?
 Do factories affect health of those who live nearby?
 Do you experience floods during monsoon season and storms?
b. Water Supply

 What is your main source of water? (From wells/ hand pumping system well and Water
company supplied)
 Does the water smell?
 Does the water have a taste?
 Are you satisfied with your drinking water services?
 List at least 3 reasons why you're unsatisfied with the water services (skip if satisfied)
 Is your water supply available all year round? If no, write how many times your water
supply has run out per year
c. Waste Disposal

 How is your waste collected?

 When does your waste collected?
 How often is the waste collected?
 What do you do when the waste was not collected? *If applicable
 Have you heard about Solid Waste Management?
 Do you segregate your waste? (Bio-Degradable, Non Biodegradable, Recyclable, Toxic)
 How do you segregate your waste?
d. Air, Water, and Land Pollution

 Do you know what pollution is?

 Are you aware of the pollution in your area?
 What types of pollution do you notice in your area? (water, air, land)
 Have you encountered issues about contaminated water?
 Are there any factories nearby your house?
 Do you have anyone smoking in your household?
 What measures are you doing to protect your family against pollution?

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