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Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory


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Standardized Sterile Kits for Preparation of Tc-
Labelled Albumin, Macroalbumin, Iron Ascorbic
Acid Complex, and Antimony Sulphide Colloid

P. Bruun

To cite this article: P. Bruun (1971) Standardized Sterile Kits for Preparation of Tc-
Labelled Albumin, Macroalbumin, Iron Ascorbic Acid Complex, and Antimony Sulphide
Colloid, Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 28:3, 313-323, DOI:

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Published online: 08 Jul 2009.

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Standardized Sterile Kits for Preparation of
99mTc-LabelledAlbumin, Macroalbumin, Iron Ascorbic
Acid Complex, and Antimony Sulphide Colloid
Division of Isotopes,
X-ray Department,
Vejle sygehus, Vejle, Denmark

Bruun, P. Standardized Sterile Kits for Preparation of QQmTc-Labelled Albu-

min, Macroalbumin, Iron Ascorbic Acid Complex, and Antimony Sulphide
Colloid. Scaizd. J . din. Lab. Invest. 28, 313-323, 1971.
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SsniTc-labelling procedures are described. They are standardized and simple

enough for technicians without special chemical training to perform, so that
smaller hospitals with facilities for isotope scintigraphy can produce their own
9QnlTc-labelledcompounds. The experimental background for the procedures
is described.
Key-words: Scintigraphy; Q9n1T~albumin; QQnlTcantimony sulphide colloid;
99niTc iron ascorbic acid complex; QQm'T~ macroalbumin
P. Bruun, M.Sc., Divisiori of Isotopes, Vejle sygehus, DK-7100 Vejle, Denmark

In recent years an attempt has been made to procedure was easier to perform. However the
replace long-lived P- and y-radiating isotopes use of 113nl1n involves other problems; 113mIn
(1311, 19SAu, 85Sr, 203Hg) used in radioisotope has the short half-life of 1.7 hours and a y-ra-
scintigraphy, with short-lived y-radiating iso- diation energy of 0.39 MeV, which is less suit-
topes such as 9grnTc, *7mSr,113mIn,and Ig7Hg. able for the gamma-camera.
I n this way the radioactivity in the patients may I n the last two years standardized procedures
be increased, giving a better picture quality, for 99mTc-labelling have been developed in our
while at the same time the patients' radiation laboratory. All reagents and ion-exchangers are
dose is reduced. 9gn1Tc (0.14 MeV y-radiation, prepared in the form of sterile kits at a local
Ti = 6 hours) is suitable for scintigraphy and pharmaceutical laboratory. Simply by following
particularly for the gamma-camera. 9grnTcis the the procedures exactly, even technicians with-
daughter product of 99Mo ( T i = 67 hours) out chemical training can label with 99mTc. The
and is eluted as pertechnetate ions (Tcod-) procedures avoid the use of the ordinarily open
from a 99M0 column generator, using phys- ion-exchange resin column, p H meter, etc.
iological saline. I n the following sections the experimental
For several years 9gmTc as TcOs- ions has basis of the procedures is described. 99*Tc was
been used very successfully for brain scintig- eluted from 99Mo generators obtained from
raphy. Several labelling methods (1, 4-16, 18) Philips-Duphar ('9emTc stercow').
have been developed for the scintigraphy of
other organs, but the use of these methods
routinely in different laboratories has repeated-
ly given rise to problems. For this reason many Labelling of albumin with 9gn1Tc (4, 5, 9, 1 1 ,
laboratories have used 113mJn, as the labelling 12, 13, 14, 16) has for many years been un-
314 P . Brriun

controllable, and many more or less necessary 99111T~ albumin in the preparation of 99IIITc
steps have been added to the procedures. Pers- macroalbumin. Albumin was the only reagent
son & Liden (12) described a series of experi- which could not be prepared sterile in ampoules.
ments which could help to explain many of the 0.10 ml of a 20 per cent human serum albumin
problems, amongst others the close dependence (for infusion) was withdrawn into a sterile
upon pH. syringe from a solution stored in a refrigerator.
The principle of labelling is as follow: TJ!’lllTc Bacterial control of two bottles, both used for
eluate is added to a suitable solution of ferric several months, showed no bacterial contamina-
chloride and ascorbic acid. When the pH is Con.
raised to 7-9, 99111Tcis reduced from the higher At first when 99111Tc-labelled albumin was
oxidation level and becomes complexed with used to determine the ratios of the counting
iron ascorbic acid. Albumin is added and the rates of the kidneys and the heart for ‘renog-
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pH is lowered to 2.0. This pH is quite critical. raphy with blood background subtraction’
oemTc is bound to albumin by shaking for (2, 3), it was observed that the activity after in-
about 15 minutes. Finally the pH is adjusted to jection increased steadily in the right kidney. As
about 5 and unbound 99*‘ITc is removed by a function of time this activity increased
ion-exchange. asymptotically to a maximum value correspond-
ing to colloid retention in the liver. The expla-
nation of this observation was a partial de-
Studies on the labelling procedure naturation or perhaps just a bialbumin con-
Stabiliiy of the ferric chloride-ascorbic ucid tent in the labelled product. There was no re-
solution. Ferric chloride-ascorbic acid solution tention in the liver when a 20 per cent serum
is oxidized slowly, the reduced ferrous ion albumin from Statens Seruminstitut, Copenha-
slowly becoming ferric ion. Most of the earlier gen, was used. This problem should be borne in
procedures therefore stated that a fresh ferric mind when albumin is purchased for functional
chloride-ascorbic acid solution must be used. analysis, for example renography. It is less im-
Experiments have shown that when a large ex- portant in scintigraphy.
cess of ascorbic acid was used Purification o f 9giiITc albumin. The unpuri-
fied 99ll’Tc albumin will contain two impurities
cascorbic acid
( cFeC1,
=3j of importance, f’olllTc iron complex and
99lrLTc04-.Charamza & BudikovP (4) point out
the yield only fell from 95 per cent to about 80 that many procedures in the literature give an
per cent in 2 months. Instead of sterilization apparently large 98n1Tcalbumin yield because
the solution used is heated at 100 OC for only 0 9 1 1 1 T ~iron complex is not completely re-
20 minutes, because ascorbic wid is not very moved. Chromatographically the complex oc-
stable at higher temperatures. curs together with albumin. For example, the
p H adjustment. When a kit is used, pH ad- two compounds cannot be separated with
justment must be standardized with a suitable Sephadex G-25 (cf. Fig. 2 curve a, and Fig. 3).
degree of accuracy. The critical stage is that A method which can remove both impurities
at pH 2.0. The problem was solved by using must be used. Figs. 1 and 6 show adsorption of
given volumes of 1 molar HCI and NaOH in the two compounds to different anion-
ampoules. The correct volumes were pre-de- exchange resins. Dowex 1-x4 is probably the
termined by titration. With every new batch best for the adsorption ot both 99I1lTc iron
the volumes should in principle be controlled complex and Tc04-.
by titration. I n practice this was shown to be A product suitable for use in the kit was ob-
unnecessary. tained by shaking for 10 min with approx.
Albumin. The yield depends on the amount 2.5 ml Dowex 1-x4 (100-200 mesh). The resin
of albumin (12). 20 mg gave a good yield and is put in a glass tube with a glass filter disc in
was found to be suitable for the eventual use of the bottom and vial diaphragms in both ends
Y""lTc-LabellirigProcediires 315


I\\\? CPS

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10 I I I I I I

2 5 10 20 10 m l eluate
Fig. 1. gQ1llTcO4-in the supernatant as a function of Fig. 2. Separation of 69111T~
albumin from CotllTcO
shaking time and anion-exchange resins. I g dry on Sephadex G-25 (0.8 x I 1 cm). Eluant: Physio-
resin shaken with 6 ml 0911lTc eluate. logical saline. a) After purification with Dowex
0 Dowex 1-x2 (50-I00 mesh), 1-x4. b) galllT~albumin from a) with 2.0 %
Dowex 1-x2 (100-200 mesh). sQWc04-added. The hatched area corresponding
Dowex 1-x4 (100-200 mesh), to RQ111T~04- was determined to approx. 1.8 7%.
Amberlite IRA 400 (20-SO mesh),
0 Dowex 1-x8 (100-200 mesh).
+ Dowex 2-x8 (20-50 mesh).
Q Dowex 3 (20-SO mesh).

(obtained from Philips-Duphar). The procedure largely be gS1llTc iron complex when a fresh
is standardized so that the volume to be added FeC1:Jascorbic acid solution is used. Fig. 2 ,
to the resin does not exceed the 5-6 ml which curve a, shows a 9S1'*Tcalbumin product after
the tube with its resin can contain. ion-exchange, and curve b shows the same pro-
Determination of the yield and purity. The duct with 2.0 per cent 9 g t 1 1 T c 0 4 - added. The
TcOd- content before ion-exchange is dependent latter shows clearly a Tc04- peak (hatched area)
o n the age of the FeCly-ascorbic acid and was 1.8 per cent of total.
found by separation with Sephadex G-25 col- To summarize: 991nTc albumin yield is de-
umn (0.8 X 11 cm) to be 5-15 per cent. The termined by measurement of activity before
yield of albumin is determined by measuring and after ion-exchange. The yield is 80-95 per
activity before and after ion-exchange (2.5 ml cent, depending o n the age of FeCls/ascorbic
Dowex 1-x4) and is at least 80 per cent (80- acid solution. T h e product contains maximum
95 per cent). A blind labelling without albuxin 1 per cent of 99"ITc iron complex and 9 9 1 1 1 T ~ 0 4 - .
followed by ion-exchange demonstrated that As an extra control the final p H must be
the activity in the solution was approx. 5 per approx. 5 (pH paper).
cent. I n the example with a minimum 80 per When a kit is used, all manipulations are
cent 99InTc albumin yield, there must be carried out under sterile conditions. If there is
approx. 5 per cent of (100 -80) per cent equiva- any doubt about sterility, the preparation can
lent to 1 per cent of 99Il1Tc iron complex and be finished with a sterile filtration through a
TcOd- in the solution. This 1 per cent will Millipore filter (0.22 btm).
316 P . Brrcun

Our 99nlTc labelled albumin has been made so that the correct pH intervals are ob-
for over a year with varying batches of reagents tained during the actual 9emTc labelling
without any complications. It is used for: 1) de- procedure. Normally this is no problem, but
termination of kidney/heart ratios used in care must be taken when new batches of
'renography with blood background subtrac- chemicals (especially HCI and NaOH pel-
tion', 2) production of 99111T~ macroalbumin lets) are used. The following methods are
for lung scintigraphy. available for controlling the reagents.
1) Carry out a trial labelling and mea-
Preparation of reagents sure the solution radioactivity before and
Sterile apparatus and sterile, pyrogen-free, after ion-exchange. 2) Measure the pH dur-
physiological saline are used. FeC13/ascorbic ing a trial labelling: pH after addition of
acid and NaOH ampoules are stable for 2-3 the first ampoule of NaOH: 8.0 & 0.5. pH
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months. after addition of the ampoule of HCI: 2.0 k

A. FeCl3iascorbic acid in vials: 2.70 g FeC13, 0.5. p H after addition of the second NaOH
6 H 2 0 (p.a.) are dissolved in approx. 75 ml ampoule: pH 5 k 1. pH can be measured
physiological saline in a 100 ml flask. 5.30 g with pH paper e.g. Whatman p H paper
ascorbic acid (p.a.) are added and the flask (range 1-4 for pH 2.0) and other ranges
filled to 100.0 ml. 0.50 ml k 0.01 ml por- with Merck universal paper.
tions are pipetted intG 20 ml vials stop-
pered with a rubber diaphragm. The vials Labelling procedure (time 40 rnin, yield
are heated for 20 minutes at 100 "C. 80-95 per cent)
B. 1 molar NaOH ampoules: 4.0 g dry NaOH A kit for albumin labelling consists of:
pellets (p.a.) are dissolved in approx. 75 ml 0.5 ml FeCls/ascorbic acid solution in a
physiological saline in a 100 ml flask and vial, 2 ampoules NaOH, 1 ampoule HCI,
the flask filled to 100.0 ml. 0.38 ml t- 0.01 and 1 ion-exchange resin column, as well as
ml portions are pipetted into 1 ml ampoules 0.10 ml 20 per cent albumin (20 mg) with-
(losses in the ampoule and syringe are al- drawn in sterile conditions from a stabilized
lowed for in the 0.38 ml). The ampoules 20 per cent human serum albumin solution
are sealed and sterilized. for infusion (e.g. from Statens Seruniinsti-
C. 1 molar HCI ampoules: 8.5 ml conc. HC1 tut, Copenhagen).
(p.a., 37 per cent, e = 1.19 g/cm3) are Add 4 ml 99nlTc eluate (5-20 mCi) to
added to approx. 75 ml physiological saline FeCls/ascorbic acid in a vial (it may be
in a 100 ml flask, and the flask filled to necessary to dilute the 99"lTc eluate).
100.0 ml. 0.58 ml & 0.01 ml portions are While the vial is shaken add one ampoule
pipetted into 2 ml ampoules (losses in the NaOH, 0.10 ml 20 per cent albumin and,
ampoule and syringe are allowed for in the slowly, one ampoule HCI. Shake the vial for
0.58 ml). The ampoules are sealed and 15 min (mechanical shaker). Add the second
sterilized. ampoule NaOH. Remove the whole volume
D. Ion-exchange columns. (Minimum volume (5-6 ml) and transfer it to the ion-exchange
10 ml): Approximately 100 g Dowex 1-x4 resin in the column. A cannula is used as an
(100-200 mesh) are added to 0.7 1 physio- air vent. Shake the column for 10 min
logical saline and washed for 4 hours, using (mechanical shaker). 9BnlTc albumin is re-
a magnetic stirrer. The liquid is decanted. moved with a short cannula (1 cm) from
Washing and decanting is repeated 5 times. the lower end of the ion-exchange column.
2.5 ml ion-exchange resin are added to each A cannula in the top end is used as an air
column. Two vial diaphragms are used to vent. Control the pH, it should be 5 k 1.
seal each column, and the columns are If required sterile filtration (Millipore filter
sterilized. The preparation of the first 3 0.22 pm). The yield may be controlled by
reagents (A, B and C) must be co-ordinated, measuring the total activity in the column
99mTc-Labelling Procediires 3 17

(ion-exchange resin plus solution) and the of the distribution of particle-sizes in samples
activity in the total solution removed from immediately after preparation and after 1 to 3
the column. hours, showed an increase in small particles in
the latter.
At about 80 "C a stable product with the
eemT~-LABELLEDMACROALBUMIN required particle-size was occasionally obtained,
The preparation of macroalbumin (4, 9, 13, 14) but heating often had to be stopped too early
is very simple in principle. Albumin is precipi- because larger particles (> 50 Itm) were formed,
tated at its isoelectric point (pH approx. 5) by and denaturation was consequently poor.
denaturation with a combination of suitable salt Salt concentration. Experiments showed that
concentration and heating (80 "C). The size of both the time taken for particles to be formed
the particles of albumin can be controlled by and the size of particles was dependent on salt
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 22:09 06 April 2016

using a suitable heating time and shaking, so concentration (from physiological saline to 0.4
that the distribution of particle-size lies in the molar sodium acetate in physiological saline).
range 10-50 pm. The control of precipitation is The degree of denaturation was on the other
critical, because the particles can easily become hand quite independent of salt concentration.
too large (several hundred pm). The immediate conclusion was, therefore, that
When an attempt is made to stop the growth in order to obtain a suitable degree of denatura-
of particles by stopping the procedure pre- tion, the albumin must be heated for at least
maturely, denaturation is so poor that the par- 10 min at SO "C. With this condition, it was not
ticles resolve as a colloid. If this product is possible to find a salt concentration at which
used for lung scintigraphy, a large part of the the correct particle-size could be obtained with
activity is found in the liver. every batch.
Certain commercially prepared 1131-labelled One solution to this problem was to centri-
macroalbumins often contain threads up to fuge the macroalbumin for a very short time,
several mm. The formation of threads can be so that only the largest particles (> 50 blm)
restrained by the addition of a small quantity were centrifuged down. The supernatant was
of Tween 80 (13). However, this does not solve then removed and upon examination had a
the problem of controlling particle-size. The better particle-size distribution. However this
important factors which influence the forma- method was not suitable for routine use.
tion of particles and the degree of denaturation The best solution was to divide the denatura-
are temperature, heating time, salt and albumin tion of the albumin into two stages. This takes
concentration, and the preliminary treatment of a little longer, but the method is considerably
albumin. more controllable. The albumin was first pre-
cipitated as particles a little smaller than re-
Studies on the labelling procedure quired, by a combination of salting out and
Temperature. Experiments showed that with heat denaturation (80 "C). Particle-size was
a suitable salt concentration albumin could controlled carefully; the heating stage was
be precipitated in the temperature range 70- terminated (normally after 2-6 min) when the
84 "C reasonably quickly. At 82-84 "C pre- particles could only just be seen against a light
cipitation was so fast that the size of particles background. The particle size at this stage was
was large and uncontrollable. At 70-76 "C the 10-40 im. After cooling the product was cen-
correct particle-size was obtained, but the de- trifuged and the supernatant pipetted off. De-
gree of denaturation was poor, even after ex- naturation was then completed by heating
tended heating time. This was demonstrated as (80 "C) for 10 min in physiological saline. It
follows. Only the first lung scintigraphy im- was shown that the size of particles did not lin-
mediately after preparation was satisfactory; crease nearly so quickly in a physiological salt
subsequently scintigraphy showed increasing ac- solution. It was therefore not necessary to con-
tivities in the liver. A microscopic comparison trol particle size during this stage of heating,
318 P . Briricrz

the suspension was simply shaken for 10 rnin > 100, 100, 50, 25, 10, < 10 pcm categories. If
at 80 OC. the distribution of particles lies within 10-50
If the particles are still too large, their size pn, the product is suitable for lung scintig-
can be reduced by a short, energetic shake. raphy. Scintigraphy is carried out immediately
after intravenous injection of 0.6 mCi.
Preparation of reagent (unlimited s!ability) Comments: The time taken for the first pre-
10 ml Tween 80 (from Fluka) are added to cipitation cannot be determined exactly. For
25 ml sterile, pyrogen-free, physiological saline example, the time varies with differences in the
and the mixture heated and mixed 2-3 min at pretreatment of albumin. If the liver is seen in
50-60 OC. When the mixture is homogeneous, lung scintigraphy, the particles are too small
it is poured into 975 rnl sterile and pyrogen- and there is perhaps colloidal albumin in the
free physiological saline. 1 1 g sodium acetate product. The rest of the product can be im-
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(CHSCOONa, 3 H2O) (p.a.) are added. 10 ml proved by a further 10 rnin heating at 80 OC.
portions of the solution are dispensed into 20
ml vials. (The size of the vials is chosen so that
they can be put directly into a centrifuge.) The
vials are stoppered (rubber vial diaphragm) and The preparation of 991nTc iron ascorbic acid
sterilized. complex (7, 15) is the same as that described
for the preliminary stage of @9111Tc-labelling of
Labelling procedure (time 25 niin, yield 50-80 albumin: 9 9 n 1 T ~eluate is added to a solution
per cent) of ferric chloride and ascorbic acid. The mix-
5-6 ml of galllTcalbumin (5-15 mCi, approx. ture is adjusted to pH 7-9 by adding NaOH.
20 mg albumin) are added in sterile condi- The complex is then purified (7) by adsorption
tions to 10 ml of sodium acetate reagent in of Tc04- to an ion-exchange resin.
a vial. The mixture is heated to 80 OC under
mechanical shaking. The formation of albu- Studies on the labelling procedure
min particles is carefully controlled: at first Reagents. Because the method resembles the
the solution is milky, but gradually the 9f""Tc albumin procedure, the same amounts
particles become visible when the vial is held and concentrations of FeC13 and ascorbic acid
up against a light background. When the par- sterile in a vial and 1 molar NaOH in an am-
ticles can just be seen, the size is 10-40 pm. poule (0.38 ml) were used. This presented no
Heating has at this point taken 2-6 min. The problems.
vial is cooled to room temperature in a cold Determination of TcO4- content in the prod-
water bath and then centrifuged (5 rnin at 3000 uct. An investigation of the yield before ion-
r.p.m.). The supernatant is removed carefully, exchange surprisingly never sho'wed a TcO;
using a syringe. A cannula is introduced into peak on separation with Sephadex G-25 (0.8 X
the disphragm as an air vent. 10 ml sterile 11 cm) (Fig. 3). The 99Ix1Tciron complex came
physiological saline are added to the albumin. in the eluate a little after the liquid front, cor-
The product is shaken and heated for 10 min responding to a compound of high molecular
at 80 "C. Particle-size remains the same or in- weight (3-5000 for G-25). The peak was quite
creases slightly. If the particle-size becomes too broad (broader than that of 9gmTc albumin)
large, it is due to ineffective shaking. The vial and exhibited tailing (Fig. 3). Separation of the
is then well shaken by hand after the 10 min 99IllTc complex after ion-exchange also ex-
heating. The vial is cooled to rooAmtempera- hibited tailing (Fig. 3). The question was wheth-
ture in a cold water bath. er this tailing might contain a small TcO4- peak.
The distribution of particle-size is controlled An attempt to obtain a better separation with
in a Biirker-Tlirk counting chamber under the a longer Sephadex G-25 column (0.8 X 25 cm)
microscope. The number of particles per unit gave the same result and did not provide an
area is counted and placed for example in explanation.
"""'Tc-Labelling Procedures 319


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10 ml eluate
Fig. 4. Separation of Y!J1llT~
iron complex on Seph-
Fig. 3. Separation of E'nlT~iron complex from adex G-25 (0.8 X 1 1 cm). Eluant: physiological
nQmTc04-on Sephadex G-25 (0.8 x 11 cm). Elu- saline.
ant: physiological saline. a. Complex forined with 6 ml nnlllTceluate:
0 QnrllTciron complex before ion-exchange, @ % min after preparation, 0 20 min after
0 onl1lTc iron complex after ion-exchange, preparation.
+ 6n"1T~04-. b. Complex formed with 1 ml o n l n Teluate:
+ complex '/2 min after preparation.
It was noticed that if separation was per- periments with the addition of smaller amounts
formed immediately after preparation (for ex- of Tc04- showed that the smallest peak that
ample % rnin after the addition of NaOH) a could be resolved in a separation immediately
well-defined Tc04- peak was obtained, and its after preparation was 2 per cent of the total.
size was increased with increasing amounts of The final conclusion was, therefore, that
9Bn1Tc eluate. After more than 10 min after with the amounts of reagents used, the TcOl-
preparation this Tc04- peak disappeared (Fig. ions correspond maximally to 2 per cent of the
4). This demonstrates that the formation of a activity 10 min after preparation. Ion-exchange
9gn1Tc iron complex does not take place in- of the prepared 9BmTc complex is therefore
stantaneously. In a routine preparation there unnecessary-. if the product is used more than
was usually a certain delay before the determi- 10-15 min after preparation.
nation was started, so that the TcO4- peak was The 99111T~ iron complex can be purified by
not observed. ion-exchange. A weak anion-exchange resin, for
A f u r t h x experiment confirmed this hypoth- example Dowex 3, is recommended. The use of
esis: a certain amount of TcO4- eluate was a strong anion-exchange resin used by some
added to a 30 rnin old 9en1Tc iron complex authors (7) reduces the yield considerably, the
which showed no TcOl- peak (Fig. 5). The comp!ex itself being bound to the resin (Fig. 6).
amount added was 11.2 per cent of the total This binding can be observed - the brown
activity. Elution on Sephadex G-25 immediately colour of the complex is weakened by shaking
afterwards showed a well-defined TcO4- peak with strong anion-exchange resins.
(hatched area Fig. 5). This peak was calculated
to be 11.5 per cent of the total, which cor- Preparation of reagents (stable 2-3 months)
responded well with the amount added. The re- The same reagents are used as those for
maining curves in Fig. 5 show the same mixture 9D:l1Tc albumin preparation: 0.50 ml FeCld
after 30 and 150 min: even added T c 0 was ~ ascorbic acid in vials and 0.38 ml 1 molar
absorbed to the existing complex. Further ex- NaOH in ampoules.
320 P . Bririiiz

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I t-+\&

5 2 5 10 2.0
3 Fig. 6. Q@nlTcion complex in the supernatant as a
function of shaking time and anion-exchange res-
ins. 1 g dry resin shaken with 6 ml @@mTc iron
complex. Symbols are the same as in Fig. 1.

10 ml eluate
Fig. 5. Separation of 99n1T~ iron complex on Seph- mony sulphide colloid (SbzS3) may be labelled
adex G-25 (0.8 X 11 cm). Eluant: physiological with 9en1Tc (1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 18). Of these anti-
saline. mony sulphide is probably the easiest to use
30 rnin after preparation, 0 % min after addi-
tion of 11.2 % @QnlTc04- to the preparation above. and its preparation easiest to control. Remark-
The hatched area - corresponding to QQmTc04-- ably 9DmTc antimony sulphide is not a popular
was determined to approx. 11.5 %. + 30 min after choice of colloid, possibly because of a fear of
addition of @@mTc04-.t~ 150 rnin after addition of toxic and anaphylactic reactions. This product
has been used by us for the last two years for
liver scintigraphy in more than 400 patients;
Labelling procedure (titne 15 min, yield > 98 often repeatedly in the same patient without
per cent) any reaction being registered.
5-10 mCi TcO4- eluate (in maximum 10 ml) A batch of inactive antimony sulphide col-
are added under sterile conditions to a vial con- loid is prepared in a sufficient quantity for 2-3
taining FeCl3/ascorbic acid. 1 ampoule NaOH months' use and dispensed sterile in vials. The
is then added to the vial while the contents are daily labelling procedure is simply to add 9gn1Tc
shaken. The preparation is completed by al- eluate to the colloid and to heat it for 45 rnin
lowing the product to stand for 15 min - the at 120 "C.Normally antimony sulphide is very
pH (7-9) may be controlled with p H paper. insoluble and is precipitated by addition of
hydrogen sulphide to antimony solution. I n the
presence of a stabilizer such as polyvinylpyrro-
9gmTc ANTIMONY SULPHIDE COLLOID lidon, antimony sulphide can easily be formed
Many radioactive colloids can be used for liver as a colloid. The colloid is a clear orange-
and lymph node scintigraphy (1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, coloured solution. It is very stable - a colloid
18). Sulphur colloid, microalbumin, and anti- more than a year old was used experimentally
Procedures 321

1001- %
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I I I 1

15 30 45 60 2 5 10 20
Fig. 7. Yield of OOmTc Sb& colloid on heating at
120 "C as a function of heating time. Fig. 9. QglnTcSb& colloid adsorption on anion-
+ 1 ml 9OnlTc eluate exchange resins as a function of shaking time. % g
3 ml QQmTc eluate + 2 rnl Sb2S3 colloid dry resin shaken with !h rnl Tc Sb& + 5 rnl
0 6 ml QPnlTceluate physiological saline.
0 Dowex 1-x2 (50-100 mesh),
@ Amberlite IRA 400 (20-50 mesh),
with satisfactory results. I n order to keep the 0 Dowex 1-x8 (100-200 mesh),
patient dose of antimony sulphide to a mini- + Dowex 2-x8 (20-50 mesh),
mum, the antimony sulphide colloid (1.6 mg (B Dowex 3 (20-50 mesh).
Sb& in 2 ml in a vial) is labelled by adding at
least 10 mCi 9gn1Tceluate, and the patient re-
ceives 1 mCi of the product.

Studies on the labelling procedure

A determination of the yield as a function of
time showed (Fig. 7) that by heating at 120 "C
for at least 45 min a yield of more than 85 per
cent could be obtained. Furthermore it was
noticed that addition of large volumes of 9 g m T c
eluate reduced the yield. In practice the volume
of eluate per 2 ml antimony sulphide colloid
(1.6 mg Sb&) should be maximally 2-3 ml.
The yield will then be more than 95 per cent.
The flask is heated in a silicone oil bath in a
fume cupboard with closed front. The risk of
an explosion is minimal (200 vials have been
10 ml eluate heated in this way without accident). The yield
Fig. 8. Separation of 9Q"lTc Sb& colloid from is determined by dialysis or Sephadex G-25 sep-
QQ1nTc04-on Sephadex G-25 (0.8 x 11 cm). The
aration (0.8 X 11 cm). Fig. 8 shows an ex-
first peak (93 %, 2-4 rnl eluate) is 'J9mTccolloid.
(Eluant: physiological saline). ample of Sephadex separation.
6 Scand. 1. clin. Lab. Invest.
322 P. Bruuit

Antimony sulphide colloid can be used

directly for scintigraphy, but if the colloid is
required free of the small percentage of un- I wish to thank Mrs Bente Eriksen for valuable
bound 9Bn1Tc, a weak anion-exchange resin technical assistance.
such as Dowex 3 should be used (see Fig. 9).
Dowex 1 adsorbs too much of the colloid. T h e
preparation of the ion-exchange columns is
similar to that for 9B1l1Tc albumin labelling:
2.5 ml portions of Dowex 3 are sterilized in
glass tubes with glass filter disc and rubber 1. Blum, A. Technetium-99m sulfide colloid prep-
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use of C.A.B.B.S. renography. Investigation of
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Preparation of reagent (stable 3 months) the 'nonfunctioning kidney' and renal artery
stenosis by the use of 13lI hippuran renography
Sterilized apparatus and sterile, pyrogen-free modified by computer assisted blood back-
distilled water are used (notice that physiological ground subtraction (C.A.B.B.S.) Brit. J . Radiol.
saliine 'solution cannot be used). 100 d distilled 41, 570, 1968.
3. Britton, K. E. & Brown, N. J. G. The use of
water in a 200 ml flask are heated to boiling the radioactive renogram in the reticuloses.
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(purum pharm. from Fluka) is dissolved in 10 4. Charamza, 0. & Budikovl, M. Die UsmTc-Mar-
ml distilled water and added to the 100 ml kierung des Serumalbumins fur die Plazenta-,
boiling water. 0.20 g potassium antimony tar- Lungen- und Leberszintigraphie. Isotopenpraxis
4, 322, 1968.
trate (K(SbO)C4Ha06,'/2 HeO) is dissolved in 20 5 . Dreyer, R. & Munze, R. Zur RQmTc-Markierung
ml distilled water and added directly to the von Serumalbumin. lsotopenpraxis 5 , 296,
flask using a glass rod. Hydrogen sulphide is 1969.
fed into the flask. The temperature is kept a t 6 Garzbn, 0. L., Paloos, M. C. & Radicella, R.
A technetium-99m labelled colloid. Znt. J . appl.
approx. 100 "C. T h e hydrogen sulphide feed is Radiat. 16, 613, 1965.
retained (10-1 5 min) until the solution has been 7. Jeyasingh, K. & Glass, H. I. Preparation of
dark orange for a while. T h e solution must be 991mTc iron-ascorbic acid complex for kidney
clear. T h e flask is then heated on a hot plate scanning. I n t . J . appl. Radiat. 21, 239, 1970.
with magnetic stirrer and the excess hydrogen 8. Hawkins, L. A. & McAlister, J. M. The use of
89111T~ antimony sulphide colloid for liver
sulphide boiled off. Magnetic stirring is recom- scanning: its preparation and some clinical and
mended at this stage to avoid the solution's experimental observations. Brit. 1. Radiol. 42,
boiling over. Boiling is continued at least 15 657, 1969.
min. Hydrogen sulphide content is controlled 9. Honda, T., Kazem, I., Croll, M. N. & Brady,
L. W. Instant labeling of macro- and micro-
with damp lead acetate paper. A colour-change
aggregated albumin with 88n1T~. J. nucl. Med.
to faint brown is allowed. After cooling, the 11, 580, 1970.
clear dark orange liquid is dispensed in 2 ml 10. Larson, S . M. & Nelp, W. B. Radiopharmacol-
portions into 20 ml vials and sterilized. ogy of a simplified technetium-99m-colloid
preparation for photoscanning. J. nucl. Med. 7 ,
817, 1966.
Labelling procedure (time 45 rnin, yield > 95 11. McAfee, J. G., Stern, H. S. & Fueger, G. F.
per cent) 9@mTclabelled serum albumin for scintillation
scanning of the placenta. J . nucl. Med. 5, 936,
10 mCi 9gmTc eluate (maximum volume 1964.
2-3 ml) is added to 2 ml antimony sulphide col- 12. Persson, R. B. R. & LidCn, K. 98mTc-labelled
loid in a vial. T h e vial is heated for 45 m i n at human serum albumin: a study of the labelling
120 OC in a silicone oil bath (it is recommended procedure. Znt. 1. appl. Radiat. 20, 241, 1969.
that heating takes place in a fume cupboard 13. Rhodes, B. A. & Stern, H. S. A rapid 'kit'
method for labeling albumin microspheres with
with closed front). After heating the product is aamTc.J . nucl. Med. 10, 368, 1969.
ready. 14. Rhodes, B. A., Zolle, I., Buchanan, J. W. &
Procedures 323

Wagner, H. N. Radioactive albumin micro- albumin (human). Znt. J . uppl. Radiut. 16, 283,
spheres for studies of pulmonary circulation. 1965.
Radiology 92, 1453, 1969. 17. Winkel, K. & Miiller, H. Technik. Auswertung
15. Schmidt, K. J., Brod. K. H.. Wolf, R. & Haas, und rontgenologische Kontrolle der abdominel-
J. P. Grundlagen und Technik der Nierenszinti- len Isotopenlymphographi. Rudiologe 5 , 38 1,
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Received 15 December 1970

Accepted 28 July 1971
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