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G.R. No.

164195               October 12, 2010 On February 14, 1997, AFC and HPI filed separate petitions for
determination of just compensation with the DAR Adjudication Board
APO FRUITS CORPORATION and HIJO PLANTATION, (DARAB). When the DARAB failed to act on these petitions for more than
INC., Petitioners, three years, AFC and HPI filed separate complaints for determination and
vs. payment of just compensation with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
LAND BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent. Tagum City, acting as a Special Agrarian Court. These complaints were
subsequently consolidated.
On September 25, 2001, the RTC resolved the consolidated cases, fixing
the just compensation for the petitioners’ 1,338.6027 hectares of land 1 at
We resolve the petitioners’ motion for reconsideration addressing our ₱1,383,179,000.00, with interest on this amount at the prevailing market
Resolution of December 4, 2009 whose dispositive portion directs: interest rates, computed from the taking of the properties on December 9,
1996 until fully paid, minus the amounts the petitioners already received
WHEREFORE, the Court denies the petitioners’ second motion for under the initial valuation. The RTC also awarded attorney’s fees.
reconsideration (with respect to the denial of the award of legal interest and
attorney’s fees), and reiterates the decision dated February 6, 2007 and the LBP moved for the reconsideration of the decision. The RTC, in its order of
resolution dated December 19, 2007 of the Third Division. December 5, 2001, modified its ruling and fixed the interest at the rate of
12% per annum from the time the complaint was filed until finality of the
For a fuller and clearer presentation and appreciation of this Resolution, decision. The Third Division of this Court, in its Decision of February 6,
we hark back to the roots of this case. 2007, affirmed this RTC decision.
Factual Antecedents On motion for reconsideration, the Third Division issued its Resolution of
December 19, 2007, modifying its February 6, 2007 Decision by deleting
Apo Fruits Corporation (AFC) and Hijo Plantation, Inc. (HPI), together also
the 12% interest due on the balance of the awarded just compensation.
referred to as petitioners, were registered owners of vast tracks of land;
The Third Division justified the deletion by the finding that the LBP did not
AFC owned 640.3483 hectares, while HPI owned 805.5308 hectares. On
delay the payment of just compensation as it had deposited the pertinent
October 12, 1995, they voluntarily offered to sell these landholdings to the
amounts due to AFC and HPI within fourteen months after they filed their
government via Voluntary Offer to Sell applications filed with the
complaints for just compensation with the RTC. The Court also considered
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR).
that AFC had already collected approximately ₱149.6 million, while HPI
On October 16, 1996, AFC and HPI received separate notices of land had already collected approximately ₱262 million from the LBP. The Third
acquisition and valuation of their properties from the DAR’s Provincial Division also deleted the award of attorney’s fees.
Agrarian Reform Officer (PARO). At the assessed valuation of ₱165,484.47
All parties moved for the reconsideration of the modified ruling. The Court
per hectare, AFC’s land was valued at ₱86,900,925.88, while HPI’s
uniformly denied all the motions in its April 30, 2008 Resolution. Entry of
property was valued at ₱164,478,178.14. HPI and AFC rejected these
Judgment followed on May 16, 2008.
valuations for being very low.
Notwithstanding the Entry of Judgment, AFC and HPI filed the following
In its follow through action, the DAR requested the Land Bank of the
motions on May 28, 2008: (1) Motion for Leave to File and Admit Second
Philippines (LBP) to deposit ₱26,409,549.86 in AFC’s bank account and
Motion for Reconsideration; (2) Second Motion for Reconsideration, with
₱45,481,706.76 in HPI’s bank account, which amounts the petitioners
respect to the denial of the award of legal interest and attorney’s fees; and
then withdrew. The titles over AFC and HPI’s properties were thereafter
(3) Motion to Refer the Second Motion for Reconsideration to the Honorable
cancelled, and new ones were issued on December 9, 1996 in the name of
Court En Banc.
the Republic of the Philippines.
The Third Division found the motion to admit the Second Motion for compensation to the owner of the expropriated property. To be just, the
Reconsideration and the motion to refer this second motion to the Court compensation must not only be the correct amount to be paid; it must also
En Banc meritorious, and accordingly referred the case to the Court En be paid within a reasonable time from the time the land is taken from the
Banc. On September 8, 2009, the Court En Banc accepted the referral. owner. If not, the State must pay the landowner interest, by way of
damages, from the time the property was taken until just compensation is
The Court En Banc Resolution fully paid. This interest, deemed a part of just compensation due, has been
established by prevailing jurisprudence to be 12% per annum.
On December 4, 2009, the Court En Banc, by a majority vote, denied the
petitioners’ second motion for reconsideration based on two On these premises, Justice Nazario pointed out that the government
considerations. deprived the petitioners of their property on December 9, 1996, and paid
the balance of the just compensation due them only on May 9, 2008. The
First, the grant of the second motion for reconsideration runs counter to
delay of almost twelve years earned the petitioners interest in the total
the immutability of final decisions. Moreover, the Court saw no reason to
amount of ₱1,331,124,223.05.
recognize the case as an exception to the immutability principle as the
petitioners’ private claim for the payment of interest does not qualify as Despite this finding, Justice Chico-Nazario did not see it fit to declare the
either a substantial or transcendental matter or an issue of paramount computed interest to be totally due; she found it unconscionable to apply
public interest. the full force of the law on the LBP because of the magnitude of the
amount due. She thus reduced the awarded interest to ₱400,000,000.00,
Second, on the merits, the petitioners are not entitled to recover interest on
or approximately 30% of the computed interest.
the just compensation and attorney’s fees because they caused the delay
in the payment of the just compensation due them; they erroneously filed The Present Motion for Reconsideration
their complaints with the DARAB when they should have directly filed
these with the RTC acting as an agrarian court. Furthermore, the Court In their motion to reconsider the Court En Banc’s December 4, 2009
found it significant that the LBP deposited the pertinent amounts in the Resolution (the present Motion for Reconsideration), the petitioners
petitioners’ favor within fourteen months after the petitions were filed with principally argue that: (a) the principle of immutability of judgment does
the RTC. Under these circumstances, the Court found no unreasonable not apply since the Entry of Judgment was issued even before the lapse of
delay on the part of LBP to warrant the award of 12% interest. fifteen days from the parties’ receipt of the April 30, 2008 Resolution and
the petitioners timely filed their second motion for reconsideration within
The Chico-Nazario Dissent fifteen days from their receipt of this resolution; (b) the April 30, 2008
Resolution cannot be considered immutable considering the special and
Justice Minita V. Chico-Nazario,2 the ponente of the original December 19,
compelling circumstances attendant to the present case which fall within
2007 Resolution (deleting the 12% interest), dissented from the Court En
the exceptions to the principle of immutability of judgments; (c) the legal
Banc’s December 4, 2009 Resolution.
interest due is at 12% per annum, reckoned from the time of the taking of
On the issue of immutability of judgment, Justice Chico-Nazario pointed the subject properties and this rate is not subject to reduction. The power
out that under extraordinary circumstances, this Court has recalled of the courts to equitably reduce interest rates applies solely to liquidated
entries of judgment on the ground of substantial justice. Given the special damages under a contract and not to interest set by the Honorable Court
circumstances involved in the present case, the Court En Banc should itself as due and owing in just compensation cases; and (d) the Honorable
have taken a second hard look at the petitioners’ positions in their second Court’s fears that the interest payments due to the petitioners will produce
motion for reconsideration, and acted to correct the clearly erroneous more harm than good to the system of agrarian reform are misplaced and
December 19, 2007 Resolution. are based merely on conjectures.

Specifically, Justice Chico-Nazario emphasized the obligation of the State, The Comment of the Land Bank of the Philippines
in the exercise of its inherent power of eminent domain, to pay just
The LBP commented on the petitioners’ motion for reconsideration on April Eminent domain is the power of the State to take private property for
28, 2010. It maintained that: (a) the doctrine of immutability of the public use.3 It is an inherent power of State as it is a power necessary for
decisions of the Supreme Court clearly applies to the present case; (b) the the State’s existence; it is a power the State cannot do without. 4 As an
LBP is not guilty of undue delay in the payment of just compensation as inherent power, it does not need at all to be embodied in the Constitution;
the petitioners were promptly paid once the Court had determined the final if it is mentioned at all, it is solely for purposes of limiting what is otherwise
value of the properties expropriated; (c) the Supreme Court rulings invoked an unlimited power. The limitation is found in the Bill of Rights 5 – that
by the petitioners are inapplicable to the present case; (d) since the part of the Constitution whose provisions all aim at the protection of
obligation to pay just compensation is not a forbearance of money, interest individuals against the excessive exercise of governmental powers.
should commence only after the amount due becomes ascertainable or
liquidated, and the 12% interest per annum applies only to the liquidated Section 9, Article III of the 1987 Constitution (which reads "No private
amount, from the date of finality of judgment; (e) the imposition of 12% property shall be taken for public use without just compensation.")
interest on the balance of P971,409,831.68 is unwarranted because there provides two essential limitations to the power of eminent domain, namely,
was no unjustified refusal by LBP to pay just compensation, and no that (1) the purpose of taking must be for public use and (2) just
contractual breach is involved; (f) the deletion of the attorney’s fees compensation must be given to the owner of the private property.
equivalent to 10% of the amount finally awarded as just compensation is
It is not accidental that Section 9 specifies that compensation should be
proper; (g) this case does not involve a violation of substantial justice to
"just" as the safeguard is there to ensure a balance – property is not to be
justify the alteration of the immutable resolution dated December 19, 2007
taken for public use at the expense of private interests; the public, through
that deleted the award of interest and attorney’s fees.
the State, must balance the injury that the taking of property causes
The Court’s Ruling through compensation for what is taken, value for value.

We find the petitioners’ arguments meritorious and accordingly GRANT Nor is it accidental that the Bill of Rights is interpreted liberally in favor of
the present motion for reconsideration. the individual and strictly against the government. The protection of the
individual is the reason for the Bill of Rights’ being; to keep the exercise of
Just compensation – a Basic Limitation on the State’s the powers of government within reasonable bounds is what it seeks.6

Power of Eminent Domain The concept of "just compensation" is not new to Philippine constitutional
law,7 but is not original to the Philippines; it is a transplant from the
At the heart of the present controversy is the Third Division’s December American Constitution.8 It found fertile application in this country
19, 2007 Resolution which held that the petitioners are not entitled to 12% particularly in the area of agrarian reform where the taking of private
interest on the balance of the just compensation belatedly paid by the LBP. property for distribution to landless farmers has been equated to the
In the presently assailed December 4, 2009 Resolution, we affirmed the "public use" that the Constitution requires. In Land Bank of the Philippines
December 19, 2007 Resolution’s findings that: (a) the LBP deposited v. Orilla,9 a valuation case under our agrarian reform law, this Court had
"pertinent amounts" in favor of the petitioners within fourteen months after occasion to state:
they filed their complaint for determination of just compensation; and (b)
the LBP had already paid the petitioners ₱411,769,168.32. We concluded Constitutionally, "just compensation" is the sum equivalent to the market
then that these circumstances refuted the petitioners’ assertion of value of the property, broadly described as the price fixed by the seller in
unreasonable delay on the part of the LBP. open market in the usual and ordinary course of legal action and
competition, or the fair value of the property as between the one who
A re-evaluation of the circumstances of this case and the parties’ receives and the one who desires to sell, it being fixed at the time of the
arguments, viewed in light of the just compensation requirement in the actual taking by the government. Just compensation is defined as the full
exercise of the State’s inherent power of eminent domain, compels us to re- and fair equivalent of the property taken from its owner by the
examine our findings and conclusions. expropriator. It has been repeatedly stressed by this Court that the true
measure is not the taker's gain but the owner's loss. The word "just" is Just Compensation from the Prism of the Element of Taking.
used to modify the meaning of the word "compensation" to convey the idea
that the equivalent to be given for the property to be taken shall be real, Apart from the requirement that compensation for expropriated land must
substantial, full and ample.10 [Emphasis supplied.] be fair and reasonable, compensation, to be "just," must also be made
without delay.12 Without prompt payment, compensation cannot be
In the present case, while the DAR initially valued the petitioners’ considered "just" if the property is immediately taken as the property
landholdings at a total of ₱251,379,104.02,11 the RTC, acting as a special owner suffers the immediate deprivation of both his land and its fruits or
agrarian court, determined the actual value of the petitioners’ landholdings income.
to be ₱1,383,179,000.00. This valuation, a finding of fact, has
subsequently been affirmed by this Court, and is now beyond question. In This is the principle at the core of the present case where the petitioners
eminent domain terms, this amount is the "real, substantial, full and were made to wait for more than a decade after the taking of their property
ample" compensation the government must pay to be "just" to the before they actually received the full amount of the principal of the just
landowners. compensation due them.13 What they have not received to date is the
income of their landholdings corresponding to what they would have
Significantly, this final judicial valuation is far removed from the initial received had no uncompensated taking of these lands been immediately
valuation made by the DAR; their values differ by ₱1,131,799,897.00 – in made. This income, in terms of the interest on the unpaid principal, is the
itself a very substantial sum that is roughly four times the original DAR subject of the current litigation.
valuation. We mention these valuations as they indicate to us how
undervalued the petitioners’ lands had been at the start, particularly at the We recognized in Republic v. Court of Appeals 14 the need for prompt
time the petitioners’ landholdings were "taken". This reason apparently payment and the necessity of the payment of interest to compensate for
compelled the petitioners to relentlessly pursue their valuation claims all any delay in the payment of compensation for property already taken. We
they way up to the level of this Court. ruled in this case that:

While the LBP deposited the total amount of ₱71,891,256.62 into the The constitutional limitation of "just compensation" is considered to be the
petitioners’ accounts (₱26,409,549.86 for AFC and ₱45,481,706.76 for sum equivalent to the market value of the property, broadly described to
HPI) at the time the landholdings were taken, these amounts were mere be the price fixed by the seller in open market in the usual and ordinary
partial payments that only amounted to 5% of the ₱1,383,179,000.00 course of legal action and competition or the fair value of the property as
actual value of the expropriated properties. We point this aspect out to between one who receives, and one who desires to sell, i[f] fixed at the time
show that the initial payments made by the LBP when the petitioners’ of the actual taking by the government. Thus, if property is taken for
landholdings were taken, although promptly withdrawn by the petitioners, public use before compensation is deposited with the court having
could not by any means be considered a fair exchange of values at the time jurisdiction over the case, the final compensation must include interest[s]
of taking; in fact, the LBP’s actual deposit could not be said to be on its just value to be computed from the time the property is taken to the
substantial even from the original LBP valuation of ₱251,379,103.90. time when compensation is actually paid or deposited with the court. In
fine, between the taking of the property and the actual payment, legal
Thus, the deposits might have been sufficient for purposes of the interest[s] accrue in order to place the owner in a position as good as (but
immediate taking of the landholdings but cannot be claimed as amounts not better than) the position he was in before the taking
that would excuse the LBP from the payment of interest on the unpaid occurred.15 [Emphasis supplied.]
balance of the compensation due. As discussed at length below, they were
not enough to compensate the petitioners for the potential income the Aside from this ruling, Republic notably overturned the Court’s previous
landholdings could have earned for them if no immediate taking had taken ruling in National Power Corporation v. Angas16 which held that just
place. Under the circumstances, the State acted oppressively and was far compensation due for expropriated properties is not a loan or forbearance
from "just" in their position to deny the petitioners of the potential income of money but indemnity for damages for the delay in payment; since the
that the immediate taking of their properties entailed. interest involved is in the nature of damages rather than earnings from
loans, then Art. 2209 of the Civil Code, which fixes legal interest at 6%, the takeover of private property under the State’s coercive power. As
shall apply. mentioned above, in the value-for-value exchange in an eminent domain
situation, the State must ensure that the individual whose property is
In Republic, the Court recognized that the just compensation due to the taken is not shortchanged and must hence carry the burden of showing
landowners for their expropriated property amounted to an effective that the "just compensation" requirement of the Bill of Rights is satisfied.
forbearance on the part of the State. Applying the Eastern Shipping Lines
ruling,17 the Court fixed the applicable interest rate at 12% per annum, The owner’s loss, of course, is not only his property but also its income-
computed from the time the property was taken until the full amount of generating potential. Thus, when property is taken, full compensation of its
just compensation was paid, in order to eliminate the issue of the constant value must immediately be paid to achieve a fair exchange for the property
fluctuation and inflation of the value of the currency over time. In the and the potential income lost. The just compensation is made available to
Court’s own words: the property owner so that he may derive income from this compensation,
in the same manner that he would have derived income from his
The Bulacan trial court, in its 1979 decision, was correct in imposing expropriated property. If full compensation is not paid for property taken,
interest[s] on the zonal value of the property to be computed from the time then the State must make up for the shortfall in the earning potential
petitioner instituted condemnation proceedings and "took" the property in immediately lost due to the taking, and the absence of replacement
September 1969. This allowance of interest on the amount found to be the property from which income can be derived; interest on the unpaid
value of the property as of the time of the taking computed, being an compensation becomes due as compliance with the constitutional
effective forbearance, at 12% per annum should help eliminate the issue of mandate on eminent domain and as a basic measure of fairness.
the constant fluctuation and inflation of the value of the currency over
time.18 [Emphasis supplied.]1avvphi1 In the context of this case, when the LBP took the petitioners’ landholdings
without the corresponding full payment, it became liable to the petitioners
We subsequently upheld Republic’s 12% per annum interest rate on the for the income the landholdings would have earned had they not
unpaid expropriation compensation in the following cases: Reyes v. immediately been taken from the petitioners. What is interesting in this
National Housing Authority,19 Land Bank of the Philippines v. interplay, under the developments of this case, is that the LBP, by taking
Wycoco,20 Republic v. Court of Appeals,21 Land Bank of the Philippines v. landholdings without full payment while holding on at the same time to
Imperial,22 Philippine Ports Authority v. Rosales-Bondoc,23 and Curata v. the interest that it should have paid, effectively used or retained funds that
Philippine Ports Authority.24 should go to the landowners and thereby took advantage of these funds for
its own account.
These were the established rulings that stood before this Court issued the
currently assailed Resolution of December 4, 2009. These would be the From this point of view, the December 19, 2007 Resolution deleting the
rulings this Court shall reverse and de-establish if we maintain and affirm award of 12% interest is not only patently and legally wrong, but is also
our ruling deleting the 12% interest on the unpaid balance of morally unconscionable for being grossly unfair and unjust. If the interest
compensation due for properties already taken. on the just compensation due – in reality the equivalent of the fruits or
income of the landholdings would have yielded had these lands not been
Under the circumstances of the present case, we see no compelling reason
taken – would be denied, the result is effectively a confiscatory action by
to depart from the rule that Republic firmly established. Let it be
this Court in favor of the LBP. We would be allowing the LBP, for twelve
remembered that shorn of its eminent domain and social justice aspects,
long years, to have free use of the interest that should have gone to the
what the agrarian land reform program involves is the purchase by the
landowners. Otherwise stated, if we continue to deny the petitioners’
government, through the LBP, of agricultural lands for sale and
present motion for reconsideration, we would – illogically and without
distribution to farmers. As a purchase, it involves an exchange of values –
much thought to the fairness that the situation demands – uphold the
the landholdings in exchange for the LBP’s payment. In determining the
interests of the LBP, not only at the expense of the landowners but also
just compensation for this exchange, however, the measure to be borne in
that of substantial justice as well.
mind is not the taker's gain but the owner's loss25 since what is involved is
Lest this Court be a party to this monumental unfairness in a social undervalued by the DAR, leaving the petitioners with no choice but to file
program aimed at fostering balance in our society, we now have to ring the actions to secure what is justly due them.
bell that we have muted in the past, and formally declare that the LBP’s
position is legally and morally wrong. To do less than this is to leave the The DAR’s initial gross undervaluation started the cycle of court actions
demands of the constitutional just compensation standard (in terms of that followed, where the LBP eventually claimed that it could not be faulted
law) and of our own conscience (in terms of morality) wanting and for seeking judicial recourse to defend the government’s and its own
unsatisfied. interests in light of the petitioners’ valuation claims. This LBP claim, of
course, conveniently forgets that at the root of all these valuation claims
The Delay in Payment Issue and counterclaims was the initial gross undervaluation by DAR that the
LBP stoutly defended. At the end, this undervaluation was proven
Separately from the demandability of interest because of the failure to fully incorrect by no less than this Court; the petitioners were proven correct in
pay for property already taken, a recurring issue in the case is the their claim, and the correct valuation – more than five-fold the initial DAR
attribution of the delay. valuation – was decreed and became final.
That delay in payment occurred is not and cannot at all be disputed. While All these developments cannot now be disregarded and reduced to
the LBP claimed that it made initial payments of ₱411,769,168.32 (out of insignificance. In blunter terms, the government and the LBP cannot now
the principal sum due of P1,383,179,000.00), the undisputed fact is that be heard to claim that they were simply protecting their interests when
the petitioners were deprived of their lands on December 9, 1996 (when they stubbornly defended their undervalued positions before the courts.
titles to their landholdings were cancelled and transferred to the Republic The more apt and accurate statement is that they adopted a grossly
of the Philippines), and received full payment of the principal amount unreasonable position and the adverse developments that followed,
due them only on May 9, 2008. particularly the concomitant delay, should be directly chargeable to them.
In the interim, they received no income from their landholdings because To be sure, the petitioners were not completely correct in the legal steps
these landholdings had been taken. Nor did they receive adequate income they took in their valuation claims. They initially filed their valuation claim
from what should replace the income potential of their landholdings before the DARAB instead of immediately seeking judicial intervention. The
because the LBP refused to pay interest while withholding the full amount DARAB, however, contributed its share to the petitioners’ error when it
of the principal of the just compensation due by claiming a grossly low failed or refused to act on the valuation petitions for more than three (3)
valuation. This sad state continued for more than a decade. In any years. Thus, on top of the DAR undervaluation was the DARAB inaction
language and by any measure, a lengthy delay in payment occurred. after the petitioners’ landholdings had been taken. This Court’s Decision of
February 6, 2007 duly noted this and observed:
An important starting point in considering attribution for the delay is that
the petitioners voluntarily offered to sell their landholdings to the It is not controverted that this case started way back on 12 October 1995,
government’s land reform program; they themselves submitted their when AFC and HPI voluntarily offered to sell the properties to the DAR. In
Voluntary Offer to Sell applications to the DAR, and they fully cooperated view of the failure of the parties to agree on the valuation of the properties,
with the government’s program. The present case therefore is not one the Complaint for Determination of Just Compensation was filed before
where substantial conflict arose on the issue of whether expropriation is the DARAB on 14 February 1997. Despite the lapse of more than three
proper; the petitioners voluntarily submitted to expropriation and years from the filing of the complaint, the DARAB failed to render a
surrendered their landholdings, although they contested the valuation that decision on the valuation of the land. Meantime, the titles over the
the government made. properties of AFC and HPI had already been cancelled and in their place a
new certificate of title was issued in the name of the Republic of the
Presumably, had the landholdings been properly valued, the petitioners
Philippines, even as far back as 9 December 1996. A period of almost 10
would have accepted the payment of just compensation and there would
years has lapsed. For this reason, there is no dispute that this case has
have been no need for them to go to the extent of filing a valuation case.
truly languished for a long period of time, the delay being mainly
But, as borne by the records, the petitioners’ lands were grossly
attributable to both official inaction and indecision, particularly on the amounts" were deposited in favor of the landowners within 14 months
determination of the amount of just compensation, to the detriment of AFC from the filing of their complaint. Second, while Republic involved an
and HPI, which to date, have yet to be fully compensated for the properties ordinary expropriation case, the present case involves expropriation for
which are already in the hands of farmer-beneficiaries, who, due to the agrarian reform. Finally, the just compensation in Republic remained
lapse of time, may have already converted or sold the land awarded to unpaid notwithstanding the finality of judgment, while the just
them. compensation in the present case was immediately paid in full after LBP
received a copy of the Court’s resolution
Verily, these two cases could have been disposed with dispatch were it not
for LBP’s counsel causing unnecessary delay. At the inception of this case, We find no merit in these assertions.
DARAB, an agency of the DAR which was commissioned by law to
determine just compensation, sat on the cases for three years, which was As we discussed above, the "pertinent amounts" allegedly deposited by
the reason that AFC and HPI filed the cases before the RTC. We LBP were mere partial payments that amounted to a measly 5% of the
underscore the pronouncement of the RTC that "the delay by DARAB in actual value of the properties expropriated. They could be the basis for the
the determination of just compensation could only mean the reluctance of immediate taking of the expropriated property but by no stretch of the
the Department of Agrarian Reform and the Land Bank of the Philippines imagination can these nominal amounts be considered "pertinent" enough
to pay the claim of just compensation by corporate landowners." to satisfy the full requirement of just compensation – i.e., the full and fair
equivalent of the expropriated property, taking into account its income
To allow the taking of landowners’ properties, and to leave them empty- potential and the foregone income lost because of the immediate taking.
handed while government withholds compensation is undoubtedly
oppressive. [Emphasis supplied.] We likewise find no basis to support the LBP’s theory that Republic and
the present case have to be treated differently because the first involves a
These statements cannot but be true today as they were when we "regular" expropriation case, while the present case involves expropriation
originally decided the case and awarded 12% interest on the balance of the pursuant to the country’s agrarian reform program. In both cases, the
just compensation due. While the petitioners were undisputedly mistaken power of eminent domain was used and private property was taken for
in initially seeking recourse through the DAR, this agency itself – hence, public use. Why one should be different from the other, so that the just
the government – committed a graver transgression when it failed to act at compensation ruling in one should not apply to the other, truly escapes
all on the petitioners’ complaints for determination of just compensation. us. If there is to be a difference, the treatment of agrarian reform
expropriations should be stricter and on a higher plane because of the
In sum, in a balancing of the attendant delay-related circumstances of this government’s societal concerns and objectives. To be sure, the government
case, delay should be laid at the doorsteps of the government, not at the cannot attempt to remedy the ills of one sector of society by sacrificing the
petitioners’. We conclude, too, that the government should not be allowed interests of others within the same society.
to exculpate itself from this delay and should suffer all the consequences
the delay caused. Finally, we note that the finality of the decision (that fixed the value of just
compensation) in Republic was not a material consideration for the Court
The LBP’s arguments on the applicability of cases imposing 12% interest in awarding the landowners 12% interest. The Court, in Republic, simply
affirmed the RTC ruling imposing legal interest on the amount of just
The LBP claims in its Comment that our rulings in Republic v. Court of
compensation due. In the process, the Court determined that the legal
Appeals,26 Reyes v. National Housing Authority, 27 and Land Bank of the
interest should be 12% after recognizing that the just compensation due
Philippines v. Imperial,28 cannot be applied to the present case.
was effectively a forbearance on the part of the government. Had the
According to the LBP, Republic is inapplicable because, first, the finality of the judgment been the critical factor, then the 12% interest
landowners in Republic remained unpaid, notwithstanding the fact that should have been imposed from the time the RTC decision fixing just
the award for just compensation had already been fixed by final judgment; compensation became final. Instead, the 12% interest was imposed from
in the present case, the Court already acknowledged that "pertinent
the time that the Republic commenced condemnation proceedings and the Court imposed legal interest of 12% per annum only after December
"took" the property. 31, 2006, the date when the decision on just compensation became final.

The LBP additionally asserts that the petitioners erroneously relied on the The LBP is again mistaken. The Imperial case involved land that was
ruling in Reyes v. National Housing Authority. The LBP claims that we expropriated pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 27,30 and fell under the
cannot apply Reyes because it involved just compensation that remained coverage of DAR Administrative Order (AO) No. 13. 31 This AO provided for
unpaid despite the finality of the expropriation decision. LBP’s point of the payment of a 6% annual interest if there is any delay in payment of
distinction is that just compensation was immediately paid in the present just compensation. However, Imperial was decided in 2007 and AO No. 13
case upon the Court’s determination of the actual value of the expropriated was only effective up to December 2006. Thus, the Court, relying on our
properties. LBP claims, too, that in Reyes, the Court established that the ruling in the Republic case, applied the prevailing 12% interest ruling to
refusal of the NHA to pay just compensation was unfounded and the period when the just compensation remained unpaid after December
unjustified, whereas the LBP in the present case clearly demonstrated its 2006. It is for this reason that December 31, 2006 was important, not
willingness to pay just compensation. Lastly, in Reyes, the records showed because it was the date of finality of the decision on just compensation.
that there was an outstanding balance that ought to be paid, while the
element of an outstanding balance is absent in the present case. The 12% Interest Rate and the Chico-Nazario Dissent

Contrary to the LBP’s opinion, the imposition of the 12% interest in Reyes To fully reflect the concerns raised in this Court’s deliberations on the
did not depend on either the finality of the decision of the expropriation present case, we feel it appropriate to discuss the Justice Minita Chico-
court, or on the finding that the NHA’s refusal to pay just compensation Nazario’s dissent from the Court’s December 4, 2009 Resolution.
was unfounded and unjustified. Quite clearly, the Court imposed 12%
While Justice Chico-Nazario admitted that the petitioners were entitled to
interest based on the ruling in Republic v. Court of Appeals that "x x x if
the 12% interest, she saw it appropriate to equitably reduce the interest
property is taken for public use before compensation is deposited with the
charges from ₱1,331,124,223.05 to ₱400,000,000.00. In support of this
court having jurisdiction over the case, the final compensation must
proposal, she enumerated various cases where the Court, pursuant to
include interest[s] on its just value to be computed from the time the
Article 1229 of the Civil Code,32 equitably reduced interest charges.
property is taken to the time when compensation is actually paid or
deposited with the court. In fine, between the taking of the property and We differ with our esteemed colleague’s views on the application of equity.
the actual payment, legal interest[s] accrue in order to place the owner in a
position as good as (but not better than) the position he was in before the While we have equitably reduced the amount of interest awarded in
taking occurred."29 This is the same legal principle applicable to the numerous cases in the past, those cases involved interest that was
present case, as discussed above. essentially consensual in nature, i.e., interest stipulated in signed
agreements between the contracting parties. In contrast, the interest
While the LBP immediately paid the remaining balance on the just involved in the present case "runs as a matter of law and follows as a
compensation due to the petitioners after this Court had fixed the value of matter of course from the right of the landowner to be placed in as good a
the expropriated properties, it overlooks one essential fact – from the time position as money can accomplish, as of the date of taking."33
that the State took the petitioners’ properties until the time that the
petitioners were fully paid, almost 12 long years passed. This is the Furthermore, the allegedly considerable payments made by the LBP to the
rationale for imposing the 12% interest – in order to compensate the petitioners cannot be a proper premise in denying the landowners the
petitioners for the income they would have made had they been properly interest due them under the law and established jurisprudence. If the just
compensated for their properties at the time of the taking. compensation for the landholdings is considerable, this compensation is
not undue because the landholdings the owners gave up in exchange are
Finally, the LBP insists that the petitioners quoted our ruling in Land also similarly considerable – AFC gave up an aggregate landholding of
Bank of the Philippines v. Imperial out of context. According to the LBP, 640.3483 hectares, while HPI’s gave up 805.5308 hectares. When the
petitioners surrendered these sizeable landholdings to the government, the
incomes they gave up were likewise sizeable and cannot in any way be petitioners. To be sure, the consequences of this failure – i.e., the enormity
considered miniscule. The incomes due from these properties, expressed of the total interest due and the alleged financial hemorrhage the LBP may
as interest, are what the government should return to the petitioners after suffer – should not be the very reason that would excuse it from full
the government took over their lands without full payment of just compliance. To so rule is to use extremely flawed logic. To so rule is to
compensation. In other words, the value of the landholdings themselves disregard the question of how the LBP, a government financial institution
should be equivalent to the principal sum of the just compensation due; that now professes difficulty in paying interest at 12% per annum,
interest is due and should be paid to compensate for the unpaid balance of managed the funds that it failed to pay the petitioners for twelve long
this principal sum after taking has been completed. This is the years.
compensation arrangement that should prevail if such compensation is to
satisfy the constitutional standard of being "just." It would be utterly fallacious, too, to argue that this Court should tread
lightly in imposing liabilities on the LBP because this bank represents the
Neither can LBP’s payment of the full compensation due before the finality government and, ultimately, the public interest. Suffice it to say that public
of the judgment of this Court justify the reduction of the interest due them. interest refers to what will benefit the public, not necessarily the
To rule otherwise would be to forget that the petitioners had to wait twelve government and its agencies whose task is to contribute to the benefit of
years from the time they gave up their lands before the government fully the public. Greater public benefit will result if government agencies like the
paid the principal of the just compensation due them. These were twelve LBP are conscientious in undertaking its tasks in order to avoid the
years when they had no income from their landholdings because these situation facing it in this case. Greater public interest would be served if it
landholdings have immediately been taken; no income, or inadequate can contribute to the credibility of the government’s land reform program
income, accrued to them from the proceeds of compensation payment due through the conscientious handling of its part of this program.
them because full payment has been withheld by government.
As our last point, equity and equitable principles only come into full play
If the full payment of the principal sum of the just compensation is legally when a gap exists in the law and jurisprudence. 34 As we have shown
significant at all under the circumstances of this case, the significance is above, established rulings of this Court are in place for full application to
only in putting a stop to the running of the interest due because the the present case. There is thus no occasion for the equitable consideration
principal of the just compensation due has been paid. To close our eyes to that Justice Chico-Nazario suggested.
these realities is to condone what is effectively a confiscatory action in favor
of the LBP. The Amount Due the Petitioners as Just Compensation

That the legal interest due is now almost equivalent to the principal to be As borne by the records, the 12% interest claimed is only on the difference
paid is not per se an inequitable or unconscionable situation, considering between the price of the expropriated lands (determined with finality to be
the length of time the interest has remained unpaid – almost twelve long ₱1,383,179,000.00) and the amount of ₱411,769,168.32 already paid to
years. From the perspective of interest income, twelve years would have the petitioners. The difference between these figures amounts to the
been sufficient for the petitioners to double the principal, even if invested remaining balance of ₱971,409,831.68 that was only paid on May 9,
conservatively, had they been promptly paid the principal of the just 2008.
compensation due them. Moreover, the interest, however enormous it may
As above discussed, this amount should bear interest at the rate of 12%
be, cannot be inequitable and unconscionable because it resulted directly
per annum from the time the petitioners’ properties were taken on
from the application of law and jurisprudence – standards that have taken
December 9, 1996 up to the time of payment. At this rate, the LBP now
into account fairness and equity in setting the interest rates due for the
owes the petitioners the total amount of One Billion Three Hundred Thirty-
use or forebearance of money.
One Million One Hundred Twenty-Four Thousand Two Hundred Twenty-
If the LBP sees the total interest due to be immense, it only has itself to Three and 05/100 Pesos (₱1,331,124,223.05), computed as follows:
blame, as this interest piled up because it unreasonably acted in its
Just Compensation ₱971,409,831.68
valuation of the landholdings and consequently failed to promptly pay the
Legal Interest from 12/09/1996 review sought is merely frivolous and dilatory, and (f) the other party will
not be unjustly prejudiced thereby.
To 05/09/2008 @ 12%/annum
Invariably, rules of procedure should be viewed as mere tools designed to
12/09/1996 to 12/31/1996 23 days 7,345,455.17 facilitate the attainment of justice. Their strict and rigid application, which
would result in technicalities that tend to frustrate rather than promote
01/01/1997 to 12/31/2007 11 years 1,282,260,977.82
substantial justice, must always be eschewed. Even the Rules of Court
01/01/2008 to 05/09/2008 130 days 41,517,790.07 reflects this principle. The power to suspend or even disregard rules can be
so pervasive and compelling as to alter even that which this Court itself
₱1,331,124,223.0535 had already declared to be final.48 [Emphasis supplied.]
The Immutability of Judgment Issue That the issues posed by this case are of transcendental importance is not
hard to discern from these discussions. A constitutional limitation,
As a rule, a final judgment may no longer be altered, amended or modified,
guaranteed under no less than the all-important Bill of Rights, is at stake
even if the alteration, amendment or modification is meant to correct what
in this case: how can compensation in an eminent domain be "just" when
is perceived to be an erroneous conclusion of fact or law and regardless of
the payment for the compensation for property already taken has been
what court, be it the highest Court of the land, rendered it.36 In the past,
unreasonably delayed? To claim, as the assailed Resolution does, that only
however, we have recognized exceptions to this rule by reversing
private interest is involved in this case is to forget that an expropriation
judgments and recalling their entries in the interest of substantial justice
involves the government as a necessary actor. It forgets, too, that under
and where special and compelling reasons called for such actions.
eminent domain, the constitutional limits or standards apply to
Notably, in San Miguel Corporation v. National Labor Relations government who carries the burden of showing that these standards have
Commission,37 Galman v. Sandiganbayan,38 Philippine Consumers been met. Thus, to simply dismiss this case as a private interest matter is
Foundation v. National Telecommunications Commission,39 and Republic an extremely shortsighted view that this Court should not leave
v. de los Angeles,40 we reversed our judgment on the second motion for uncorrected.
reconsideration, while in Vir-Jen Shipping and Marine Services v. National
As duly noted in the above discussions, this issue is not one of first
Labor Relations Commission,41 we did so on a third motion for
impression in our jurisdiction; the consequences of delay in the payment
reconsideration. In Cathay Pacific v. Romillo42 and Cosio v. de Rama,43 we
of just compensation have been settled by this Court in past rulings. Our
modified or amended our ruling on the second motion for reconsideration.
settled jurisprudence on the issue alone accords this case primary
More recently, in the cases of Munoz v. Court of Appeals, 44 Tan Tiac
importance as a contrary ruling would unsettle, on the flimsiest of
Chiong v. Hon. Cosico,45 Manotok IV v. Barque,46 and Barnes v.
grounds, all the rulings we have established in the past.
Padilla,47 we recalled entries of judgment after finding that doing so was in
the interest of substantial justice. In Barnes, we said: More than the stability of our jurisprudence, the matter before us is of
transcendental importance to the nation because of the subject matter
x x x Phrased elsewise, a final and executory judgment can no longer be
involved – agrarian reform, a societal objective that the government has
attacked by any of the parties or be modified, directly or indirectly, even by
unceasingly sought to achieve in the past half century. This reform
the highest court of the land.
program and its objectives would suffer a major setback if the government
However, this Court has relaxed this rule in order to serve substantial falters or is seen to be faltering, wittingly or unwittingly, through lack of
justice considering (a) matters of life, liberty, honor or property, (b) the good faith in implementing the needed reforms. Truly, agrarian reform is
existence of special or compelling circumstances, (c) the merits of the case, so important to the national agenda that the Solicitor General, no less,
(d) a cause not entirely attributable to the fault or negligence of the party pointedly linked agricultural lands, its ownership and abuse, to the idea of
favored by the suspension of the rules, (e) a lack of any showing that the revolution.49 This linkage, to our mind, remains valid even if the
landowner, not the landless farmer, is at the receiving end of the distortion we find that we are duty-bound to re-examine and overturn the assailed
of the agrarian reform program. Resolution. We shall completely and inexcusably be remiss in our duty as
defenders of justice if, given the chance to make the rectification, we shall
As we have ruled often enough, rules of procedure should not be applied in let the opportunity pass.
a very rigid, technical sense; rules of procedure are used only to help
secure, not override, substantial justice.50 As we explained in Ginete v. Attorney’s Fees
Court of Appeals:51
We are fully aware that the RTC has awarded the petitioners attorney’s
Let it be emphasized that the rules of procedure should be viewed as mere fees when it fixed the just compensation due and decreed that interest of
tools designed to facilitate the attainment of justice. Their strict and rigid 12% should be paid on the balance outstanding after the taking of the
application, which would result in technicalities that tend to frustrate petitioners’ landholdings took place. The petitioners, however, have not
rather than promote substantial justice, must always be eschewed. Even raised the award of attorney’s fees as an issue in the present motion for
the Rules of Court reflect this principle. The power to suspend or even reconsideration. For this reason, we shall not touch on this issue at all in
disregard rules can be so pervasive and compelling as to alter even that this Resolution.
which this Court itself has already declared to be final, as we are now
constrained to do in the instant case. WHEREFORE, premises considered, we GRANT the petitioners’ motion
for reconsideration. The Court En Banc’s Resolution dated December 4,
xxxx 2009, as well as the Third Division’s Resolutions dated April 30, 2008 and
December 19, 2007, are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
The emerging trend in the rulings of this Court is to afford every party
litigant the amplest opportunity for the proper and just determination of The respondent Land Bank of the Philippines is hereby ORDERED to pay
his cause, free from the constraints of technicalities. Time and again, this petitioners Apo Fruits Corporation and Hijo Plantation, Inc. interest at the
Court has consistently held that rules must not be applied rigidly so as not rate of 12% per annum on the unpaid balance of the just compensation,
to override substantial justice.52 [Emphasis supplied.] computed from the date the Government took the properties on December
9, 1996, until the respondent Land Bank of the Philippines paid on May 9,
Similarly, in de Guzman v. Sandiganbayan,53 we had occasion to state: 2008 the balance on the principal amount.
The Rules of Court was conceived and promulgated to set forth guidelines Unless the parties agree to a shorter payment period, payment shall be in
in the dispensation of justice but not to bind and chain the hand that monthly installments at the rate of ₱60,000,000.00 per month until the
dispenses it, for otherwise, courts will be mere slaves to or robots of whole amount owing, including interest on the outstanding balance, is
technical rules, shorn of judicial discretion. That is precisely why courts in fully paid.
rendering justice have always been, as they ought to be, conscientiously
guided by the norm that when on the balance, technicalities take a Costs against the respondent Land Bank of the Philippines.
backseat against substantive rights, and not the other way around. Truly
then, technicalities, in the appropriate language of Justice Makalintal, SO ORDERED.
"should give way to the realities of the situation.54 [Emphasis supplied.]
We made the same recognition in Barnes,  on the underlying premise Associate Justice
that a court’s primordial and most important duty is to render justice; in
discharging the duty to render substantial justice, it is permitted to re-
examine even a final and executory judgment.

Based on all these considerations, particularly the patently illegal and

erroneous conclusion that the petitioners are not entitled to 12% interest,

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