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Complete the following passage using the simple

past tense forms of the verbs givenin brackets.

Soma _____ (be) an adventurous girl. She _______ (want) to be a
detective when she

_______ (grow) up. Her friend is all her adventures ______ (be) her faithful


Soma _________ (read) children’s editions of all Sherlock Holmes, Agatha


and Bymokesh Bakshi stories. She ________ (think) she _________ (can)
learn the

methods of master detectives from these tales. She __________ (wait) for
a burglary,

blackmailing or murder which she and Shwan _________(will) solve.

The opportunity the little detective was waiting for _______ (come) one

when she ______ (heard) her father telling her mother that his mobile

________ (be) missing. Soma enthusiastically ________ (take) up the

assignment. A

little while into the search, she ___________ (realize) that neither Holmes
not Poi rot

had ever traced a mobile phone! She and her assistant _____ (go) about
the house

looking for the little thing. They ________ (look) in the bed, the bookshelf,

wardrobe and inside dad’s car. Then she ________ (dial) daddy’s number
from the

land phone. But the automatic response system __________ (tell) her that
the mobile

was switched off. After several hours the first adventure of the little

_______ (come) to a dull end. No sign of the mobile phone!

The case __________ (solve) itself the next day. Her father had left his
mobile in his

office and it had run out of battery.

1. Complete the following passage using simple past tense of the verbs
given in the brackets:

Meenu, a talented dancer __________ (rehearse) a lot for her dance

performance. On the day of performance, she __________ (pray) to
God and _________ (ask) for His blessings. She ________ (leave)
for the venue well on time. She _________ (give) a wonderful
performance and was __________ (applaud) for her dance. Her
friends __________ (praise) her hard work and _________ ( present)
her with a huge bouquet of flowers.

A) Complete the following passage using the correct

Past Tense form of verbs given in the brackets:I-
______(look) up. The girl (b)____
- (put) cups ready on the tea-table. She____
- (has) a broad back, just like her mother. She (d) -___
- (pour) tea from a white
pot. All it (e)___
- (has) was a gold boarder on the lid. I____
- remember). She____
- (open) a book and (h)____
(take) some spoons out.

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