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backstory, tells the events of the story that happen before the present story;

Chekhov’s gun, tells of an inherent object inserted in the narrative;

in medias res, narration that starts at the middle of the story;

narrative hook, tells a catchy story opening to hook the attention of the readers;

story within a story or hypodiegesis, tells a story within a story;

deus-ex- Machina,tells a good character in a bad situation ensures character wins with an unexpected or
implausible used to resolve the situation;

plot twist, tells a surprise ending;

poetic justice, tells a reward to the good characters and punishes the bad characters;

cliffhanger, tells and abrupt ending which places the main characters in a perilous situation with no

flashback, tells an interjected scene of the story that takes it back in time from the current point in the
story and often used to tell the events that happened before another important event;

flash forward tells a scene that takes the narrative to a future time from the current point of the story ;

foreshadowing, indicates or hints something is coming in the latter part of the story.

In literature and poetry, point of view is defined as the perspective from which a story is told.
Third person point of view

The third-person point of view is a form of storytelling in which a narrator relates all the action of their
work using third-person pronouns such as "he," "she," and "they." It's the most common perspective in
works of fiction.

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