ASSIGNMENT - LP - DINA.Thank You, Ma'am

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Dina C.


Subject Area: English

 Grade Level: Grade 9

 Subject Matter/Topic: Integrity, Kindness and Trust: Thank You, Ma’am

Main Objective of the Lesson:

1. At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to identify and relate the moral of the story in real life situation
by doing differentiated tasks and by writing a character sketch.

  What is the context of the students you will be teaching? 
- They live in financially challenged families, so some of them have a very hard time acquiring trending stuffs like
cellphones, ‘in’ clothing, and others.
- At some point in their lives their integrity had been tested because of poverty, peer or social pressure, family
problem, culture, religion, media and other realities.
- Kindness and trust are a catalyst to better someone’s life and feeling.

  What do they know about the topic?
- Stealing is a criminal act which is punishable by the law.
- It pays off to be honest, fair, and trustworthy.

  What could they be confused or misinformed about the topic? Or what don’t they know about the topic which they n
eed to know?
- Not everyone is given a second chance so if given the choice between being right even if it is difficult and having an
easier and more convenient life even if it is wrong, always choose to be right.

  How do they experience the topic in their everyday lives?
- Students, more often than not, forget to appreciate the kindness of other people.
- Students encounter discrimination at school especially those who fail to blend in through having gadgets, trending
clothes or shoes.
- Students feel better when they are trusted and having been done kindness.

  Why will they be interested in the topic?
-Students experienced pressure from different sources. They will learn that they don’t need to sacrifice integrity just to
blend in with the society and that it is important to be worth giving a second chance.



The teacher shows a music video of “One Day” featuring acts of kindness and their impact to other people’s lives.


1. CONNECTING LITERARY ELEMENTS: The theme or message that is suggested by the character’s action
often depends on a character’s motives – the reason for his/her actions. In this story, a boy snatches a
purse because he wants money to buy shoes. By the end of the story, he discovers he wants something much
more valuable. When his motives change, so do his actions. Use these focus questions to recognize
character’s motives in “Thank You, Ma’am”:

a. How do Roger’s actions change during the story?

b. Why do they change?
2. RESPONDING TO CHARACTERS’ ACTIONS: Reading a story is more enjoyable if you become involved
with the people in it. One way to do this is to respond to the characters’ actions. Ask yourself,

a. Would I do that?
b. Do I think the character should do that?
c. How would I feel if that happened to me?


a. Respond: Do you think Mrs. Jones is wise or foolish to trust Roger? Why?
b. Recall: What does Mrs. Jones do when Roger tries to steal her purse? Interpret: What can you tell
about her character from this action? Connect: How are her actions connected to her past
c. Recall: What does Roger do when Mrs. Jones leaves him alone with her purse? Infer: Why does
he do this? Compare and contrast: How have Roger’s behavior and attitude change?
d. Recall: What do Mrs. Jones and Roger talk about during their meal? Draw Conclusions: Why
doesn’t Mrs. Jones ask Roger any personal questions?
e. Recall: What does Roger say when he leaves the apartment? Infer: What more does he want to
say? Interpret: Why can’t he say more?
f. Predict: What effect will Mrs. Jones’s actions have on Roger’s future? Make a judgment: Does
Mrs. Jones make good choices about how to treat Roger?

4. Implied Theme:

a. What theme about integrity, kindness and trust is communicated in the story?


a. Social Studies Connection: Compare Mrs. Jones’s treatment of Roger to the punishment for
stealing in the Philippines.
b. Take a Position: What do you think is the most effective treatment for criminals? Explain.


Differentiated Tasks: Each group will have to present its task accordingly by portraying the theme: Integrity, Kindness,
and Trust. Each group is given 8-10 minutes to prepare, and 3 minutes to perform.

Radio Story Telling
TV Commercial
(After the performance, each group will be asked to comment on other group’s performances.)


Ask the students to write a ten-liner free verse poem on how to appreciate someone’s integrity, kindness, and trust

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