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Na Imbal Ë most abundant elect in ECF 135 -145 mEq/L š when âNa is d/t SIADH, the urinary Na >

nary Na > 20 mEq/L, &

š determins ECF osmolality. urine specific gravity > 1.012
š â Na = r in osmolality. retains H20 abnorm  gains body weight, no
š controls H20 distrib bc doesn’t easily cross cell wall memb peripheral edema; instead, fluid á inside the cells
& bc of its abundance & high concent in the body. “fingerprinting” finger is pressed over a bony
Na reg by ADH, thirst, & RAAS. prominence like the sternum.
š prim. Reg of ECF vol . Medical Management
š A loss /gain of Na accomp by a loss/ gain of H20. ø Key tx is assesspeed it occurred & Na value
š Na estab electrochemical statemusc contraction & Na Replacement
transmiss nerve impulses. ø careful admin of Na by mouth, NG tube, or IV î LR or
isotonic saline (0.9% NS)
Na Deficit (â Na) © Serum Na must not be á by more than 12 mEq/L in 24
Plasma Na concentratio of total body Na 2 total body H20. hrs, to avoid neuro damage d/t osmotic demyelination
š â ratiolow quantity of total body Na w/ lesser reduction overcorrected (exceeding 140 mEq/L) too rapidly or in
in total body H20, hypoxia or anoxia
© norm total body Na content w/ excess H20 Osmot. demylmay produce lesions in the pons 
© excess Na w/ an even greater excess of H20 paraparesis, dysarthria, dysphagia, & coma.
© can be superimposed on an existing FVD or FVE. š daily Na requirement 100 mEq
Ë Lost V*, D*, fistulas, or sweat, diuretics (mainly w/ a ø In SIADH, the admin of hypertonic saline solution alone
low-Na diet combo) cannot r the plasma Na concent. š excess Na would be
š Aldosteroneadrenal insufficiency âNa excreted rapidly  highly concentrated urine. W/ the addition
¶dilutional âNa (H20 intox~hypotonic overhydr) ¶ of Lasix, urine is not concentrated & isotonic urine is
 Na is diluted  á ratio of H20 to Na á ECF vol & excreted to effect a r in H20 balance.
norm or á total Na In SIADH, ( H20 restriction is difficult), lithium or
© SIADH; áBS; & áH20 intake  admin of elect- demeclocycline can antagonize the osmotic effect of ADH on
poor parenteral fluids, tap-water enemas, or irrigation the medullary collecting tubule.
of NG w/ H20 instead of NS. H20 Restriction
š H20 gained abnormally øNorm/excess fluid vol tx fluid restrict- 800 mL in 24 hrs.
© exces IV- dextrose & H20 sol., (usually stressed)  safer than Na admin
© compulsive H20 drinking (psychogenic polydipsia). ø If Neuro sx admin small vol of a hypertonic Na î3% or
©SIADH  excess ADH activity, w/ H20 reten &âoverhy 5% NS.
š Incorrect use  extremely dangerous,
¶SXdepend on the cause, magnitude, & speed of deficit 1 L of 3% NS solution contains 513 mEq of Na
š Poor skin turgor, dry mucosa, HA*, âsaliva, orth-BP-fall,  1 L of 5% NS  855 mEq of Na
*N & abd cramping. © edema exists alone, Na is restricted
š Neuro rî alt mental status, status epilepticus, coma, & © edema & âNa together, both Na & H20 restrict.
obtundation r/t cell swell & cerebral edema Nursing Alert
ø As Na level â , cell fluid  more concentrated & pulls admin fluids to ♥ disease ~ assess sx circ overload (cough,
H20  cells. dyspnea, puffy eyelids, dependent edema, weight gain in
š acute â Na- have more cerebral edema & higher mortality 24 hrs). lungs î crackles. Extreme care is taken when
rates than do those w/ more slowly developing âNa. admin highly hypertonic Na fluids (3% or 5% NS) î lethal
ø Acute â in Na develop in < 48 hrs, may be assoc w/ brain if infused carelessly.
herniation & compression of midbrain structures. Nursing Management
ø Chronic â in Na over 48 hrs or more status epilepticus The nurse needs to identify patients at risk âNa so that they
& cerebral pontine myelinolysis. can be monitored.
ø assoc w/ Na loss & H20 gain  anorexia, cramps, & Early detection & tx necessary to prevent serious comp.
exhaustion. For at/r ~ nurse : I&O, weight. It is also necessary to note
š severity á w/ the degree & the speed it develop. ab norm losses of Na or gains of H20, as well as GI sx î A*,
ø < 115  sx of á ICP î lethargy, confusion, twitching, focal V*, *N, abd cramp. The nurse must be particularly alert for
weakness, hemiparesis, papilledema, & seizures ø CNS rlethargy, confusion, musc twitching, & seizures.
Assessment & Diagnostic Findings š sev neuro sx assoc w/ very low Na that fallen
ø SIADH can be 100 or less rapidly bc of fluid overloading.
© Serum osmolality â, except in azotemia or toxin ingestion ø âNafreq overlooked cause of confusion in elderly, who
© when Na loss, the urinary Na content is < 20 mEq/L, have an á risk for âNa bc of r in renal fx & subsequent â
suggesting á proximal reabsorpt of Na 2nd to ECF vol ability to excrete excessive H20 loads. š meds  Na loss or
depletion, & the specific gravity is low (1.002 to 1.004). H20 retention is a predisposing fx.
Detecting & Controlling HypoNa
For a pat. who is experiencing abnormal losses of Na & can admin of hypertonic saline or excessive use of Na
consume a general diet, the nurse encourages foods & fluids bicarbonate also causes hyperNa (Porth, 2005).
w/ a high Na content. For example, broth made w/ one beef Clinical Manifestations
cube contains approximately 900 mg of Na ; 8 oz of tomato The clinical manifestations of hyperNa are primarily
juice contains approximately 700 mg of Na . The nurse also neurologic & are the consequence of increased plasma
needs to be familiar w/ the Na content of parenteral fluids osmolality caused by an increase in plasma Na concent.
(see Table 14-4). For the pat.taking lithium, the nurse H20 moves out of the cell into the ECF, resulting in cellular
observes for lithium toxicity, particularly when Na is lost by dehydration (Rose & Post, 2000). HyperNa leads to a
an ab norm route. In such instances, supplemental salt & relatively concentrated ECF (see Fig. 14-4). Clinically, these
fluid are administered. Because diuretics promote Na loss, changes may be manifested by restlessness & weakness in
the pat.taking lithium is instructed not to use diuretics w/out moderate hyperNa & by disorientation, delusions, &
close medical supervision. For all patients on lithium therapy, hallucinations in severe hyperNa. Dehydration (resulting in
adequate salt intake should be ensured. hyperNa) is often overlooked as the primary reason for
Excess H20 supplements are avoided in patients receiving behavioral changes in elderly patients. If hyperNa is severe,
isotonic or hypotonic enteral feedings, particularly if ab norm permanent brain damage can occur (especially in children).
Na loss occurs or H20 is being ab norm ly retained (as in Brain damage is apparently due to subarachnoid hemorrhages
SIADH). Actual fluid needs are determined by evaluating that result from brain contraction.
fluid I&O, urine specific gravity, & serum Na levels. A primary characteristic of hyperNa is thirst. Thirst is such a
Returning the Na Level to norm strong defender of serum Na levels in healthy people that
ø If primary problem is H20 retention, it’s safer to restrict hyperNa never occurs unless the person is unconscious or
fluid does not have access to H20. However, ill people may have
ø Admin Na to a pat. w. norm /ávol predispose the pat. to an impaired thirst mechanism. Other signs include a dry,
fluid vol overload. As stated previously, the nurse must swollen tongue & sticky mucous membs. Flushed skin,
monitor the pat.w/ ♥ disease very closely. peripheral & pulmonary edema, postural hypotension, &
In severe hypoNa, the aim of therapy is to elevate the serum increased muscle tone & deep tendon reflexes are additional
Na level only enough to alleviate neurologic signs & signs & symptoms of hyperNa. Body temperature may
symptoms. It is generally recommended that the serum Na increase mildly, but it returns to norm after the hyperNa is
concent be increased to no greater than 125 mEq/L (125 corrected.
mmol/L) w/ a hypertonic saline solution. Assessment & Diagnostic Findings
Na Excess (HyperNa) In hyperNa, the serum Na level exceeds 145 mEq/L (145
HyperNa is a higher-than- norm serum Na level (exceeding mmol/L) & the serum osmolality exceeds 300 mOsm/kg (300
145 mEq/L [145 mmol/L]) (Kee, Paulanka & Purnell, 2004). mmol/L). The urine specific gravity & urine osmolality are
It can be caused by a gain of Na in excess of H20 or by a increased as the kidneys attempt to conserve H20 (provided
loss of H20 in excess of Na . It can occur in patients w/ the H20 loss is from a route other than the kidneys) (Rose &
norm fluid vol or in those w/ FVD or FVE. W/ a H20 loss, Post, 2000).
the pat.loses more H20 than Na ; as a result, the serum Na Medical Management
concent increases & the increased concent pulls fluid out of Treatment of hyperNa consists of a gradual lowering of the
the cell. This is both an extracellular & an intracellular FVD. serum Na level by the infusion of a hypotonic elect solution
In Na excess, the pat.ingests or retains more Na than H20. (eg, 0.3% Na chloride) or an isotonic nonsaline solution (eg,
A common cause of hyperNa is fluid deprivation in dextrose 5% in H20 [D5W]). D5W is indicated when H20
unconscious patients who cannot perceive, respond to, or needs to be replaced w/out Na . Many clinicians consider a
communicate their thirst (Porth, 2005). Most often affected hypotonic Na solution to be safer than D 5W because it
are very old, very young, & cognitively impaired patients. allows a gradual reduction in the serum Na level, thereby
Admin of hypertonic enteral feedings w/out adequate H20 decreasing the risk of cerebral edema. It is the solution of
supplements leads to hyperNa, as does H20y diarrhea & choice in severe hyperglycemia w/ hyperNa. A rapid
greatly increased insensible H20 loss (eg, hyperventilation, reduction in the serum Na level temporarily decreases the
denuding effects of burns). plasma osmolality below that of the fluid in the brain tissue,
Diabetes insipidus, a deficiency of ADH from the posterior causing dangerous cerebral edema. Diuretics also may be
pituitary gland, leads to hyperNa if the pat.does not prescribed to treat the Na gain.
experience, or cannot respond to, thirst, or if fluids are There is no consensus about the exact rate at which serum Na
excessively restricted. Neurogenic or nephrogenic causes of levels should be reduced. As a general rule, the serum Na
diabetes insipidus should be considered in the assessment level is reduced at a rate no faster than 0.5 to 1 mEq/L per
(Olson, Meek & Lynch, 2004). hour to allow sufficient time for readjustment through
Less common causes of hyperNa are heat stroke, near- diffusion across fluid compartments. Desmopressin acetate
drowning in sea H20 (which contains a Na concent of (DDAVP), a synthetic antidiuretic hormone, may be
approximately 500 mEq/L), & malfunction of either prescribed to treat diabetes insipidus if it is the cause of
hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis proportioning systems. IV hyperNa (Porth, 2005).
Nursing Management
As in hypoNa, fluid losses & gains are carefully monitored in
patients who are at risk for hyperNa. The nurse should assess
for ab norm losses of H20 or low H20 intake & for lrg gains
of Na , as might occur w/ ingestion of over-the-counter
medications that have a high Na content (eg, Alka-Seltzer).
In addition, the nurse obtains a medication history, because
some prescription medications have a high Na content. The
nurse also notes the patient's thirst or elevated body
temperature & evaluates it in relation to other clinical signs.
The nurse monitors for changes in behavior, such as
restlessness, disorientation, & lethargy.
Preventing HyperNa
The nurse attempts to prevent hyperNa by offering fluids at
regular intervals, particularly in debilitated or unconscious
patients who are unable to perceive or respond to thirst. If
fluid intake remains inadequate, the nurse consults w/ the
physician to plan an alternative route for intake, either by
enteral feedings or by the parenteral route. If enteral feedings
are used, sufficient H20 should be administered to keep the
serum Na & BUN w/in norm limits. As a rule, the higher
the osmolality of the enteral feeding, the greater the need for
H20 supplementation.
For patients w/ diabetes insipidus, adequate H20 intake must
be ensured. If the alert & has an intact thirst
mechanism, merely providing access to H20 may be
sufficient. If the pat.has a decreased level of consciousness or
other disability interfering w/ adequate fluid intake, parenteral
fluid replacement may be prescribed. This therapy can be
anticipated in patients w/ neurologic disorders, particularly in
the early postoperative period.
Correcting HyperNa
When parenteral fluids are necessary for managing hyperNa,
the nurse monitors the patient's response to the fluids by
reviewing serial serum Na levels & by observing for
changes in neurologic signs. W/ a gradual decrease in the
serum Na level, the neurologic signs should improve. As
stated in the discussion on management, too-rapid reduction
in the serum Na level renders the plasma temporarily hypo-
osmotic to the fluid in the brain tissue, causing movement of
fluid into brain cells & dangerous cerebral edema.

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