EDUC380 Statistical Research in Education: Course Description (فصو ةداملا)

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Statistical Research in Education

Course Description  This course introduces basic sources and techniques of educational
(‫)وصف المادة‬: research. It is designed to help students learn how to begin to do research
throughout the 6 steps in the research process: identifying research
problem, reviewing the literature, specifying a purpose, collecting data,
analyzing and interpreting data, and discussing the findings. It also deals
with elementary descriptive statistics.

Course Objectives (  Students will explore fundamental principles and theories related to
‫)اهداف المادة‬: statistical research in education (sources and techniques of educational
research, the 6 steps in the research process, elementary descriptive
statistics, understand and critique research findings in Education).
 Students will discover applications of the course material to improve
their critical thinking, problem solving and decision making in the field
of statistical research in Education.
 Students will transfer theoretical knowledge to real life of the theories
they learn through assignments, research papers and presentations.
 Students will appreciate the importance of the underlying theories
related to statistical research in Education in decision-making processes
in the field of education.
Course Outcomes A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have
(‫)مخرجات المادة‬: demonstrated an ability to:
1. CO1: Define educational research and its types
2. CO2: Identify the elements of a quantitative statistical research
3. CO3: Explain the relationship among the various variables in a research
4. CO4: Apply basic statistical concepts and calculations
5. CO5: Design an educational research
Covered Topics 1. Types and Characteristics of research
(‫)محتوى المادة‬: 2. Variables
3. Data Organization
4. Critiquing statistical studies: Parts of a research paper
5. Paraphrase, Summarize, and Quote
6. In-text Citation and Referencing
7. Frequency
8. Central Tendency: Mean, Mode, Median
9. Dispersion: Range, Standard Deviation
10. Reliability and Validity
‫‪):‬جدول تدريس المادة على مدار الفصل( ‪Course Schedule‬‬
Week Content Assignment/Presentation
1 Course overview/ Syllabus
Chapter 1: What is research
- Types of research Review questions p.6
- Characteristics of statistical research
2 Chapter 2: Variables Review questions p. 18
- How variables fit into research
- Different types of variables Assigning research project
- The relationship among variables groups and topics
3 Chapter 3: Data organization Assignment 1:
- Levels of measurements p.18-19: Application parts A & B
- Four types of scales p.26-27: Application parts A, B &
- Practical considerations C

Identifying the independent and

dependent variables in the
research project
4 Chapter 5: Critiquing statistical studies
- Parts of a research paper: Review questions p. 61
 Abstract
 Introduction: Literature review, Quiz 1
Statement of purpose
Completing test/survey for the
How to write the hypothesis / research research project

5 How to Paraphrase, Summarize, Quote

In-text Citation and Referencing

6 Chapter 6: The group and the individuals
- Frequency Review questions p. 72
- Central Tendency: Mean, Mode,
Median Writing the Introduction
- Dispersion: Range, Standard (Literature Review & Statement
deviation of Purpose) for the research
Chapter 8: Statistics for testing
 Reliability
 Validity
7/8 Chapter 5: Critiquing statistical studies
 Method: Subjects, Materials,
Procedures, Analyses Quiz 2
 Results
 Discussion/conclusions
 References
 Appendixes
9 Revision + MIDTERM (Chapters 1,2,3,5,6,8)
10/11 How to write the Methods part of the Research Activity done
Assessment Methods & Grades Distribution ( ‫)طرق التقييم وتوزيع الدرجات‬:

Assessment Weight (%)

Classwork/Homework Assignments 15%
Quizzes 15%
Midterm 25%
Research Paper 30%
Poster Presentation 15%
Total 100%

Textbook / References (‫)المراجع‬:

1. Brown, J. D. (2013). Understanding Research in Second Language Learning. NY:
Cambridge University Press.
1. Marguerite G. Lodico, Dean T. Spaulding, Katherine H. Voegtle, 2010. Methods in
Educational Research.
2. Borg & Gall, 1983. Educational Research, and Introduction. Fourth Edition, Longman,

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