Mathematics in The Modern World: First Semester SY 2018 - 2019

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Mathematics in the Modern World

First Semester SY 2018 – 2019

By: Erovita Teresita Bacud Agustin

Patterns and Numbers in Nature
and the World
At the end of the chapter you will be able to:
1. Identify patterns in nature and regularities in
the world;
2. Articulate the importance of Mathematics in
one’s self;
3. Argue about the nature of mathematics, what
it is, how it is expressed, represented and used; and
4. Express appreciation for mathematics as a
human endeavor.
Concept Development
Cristobal Vila’s video clip “Nature in Numbers”
What is
Mathematics, developed by human mind and
culture, is a formal system of thought for
recognizing, classifying, and exploiting patterns.
(Ian Stewart, p.1)
Mathematics is perceived as a study of numbers,
symbols, and equations, an art of geometric
shapes and patterns, a universal language, a tool
in decision-making and problem solving, and a
way of life to be exact and precise.
Indeed, mathematics is a study
of patterns, an art, a language,
a set of problem solving tools,
and a process of thinking.
(Nocon and Nocon).
Where is
Mathematics is in every people’s daily
task or activity. It is in nature, arts, music,
medicine, and in other disciplines. It is in
our communities. Mathematics is
everywhere. Moreover, there is always a
substantial interconnection and
relationship between mathematics, the
world, and the universe.
What is mathematics for?
Mathematics is extremely useful in making
conclusions and/or prediction of the events of the
world. It is used to describe the natural order and
occurrences of the universe.
In addition, it is used to organize patterns and
regularities as well as irregularities, to help us
control weather and epidemics, to provide tools
for calculations, and to provide new questions to
think about.
What is
mathematics all
Mathematics is about numbers,
symbols, equations, operations,
functions, calculations,
abstractions, and devising
How is
mathematics done?
Mathematics is done with
curiosity, with a penchant for
seeking patterns and generalities,
with a desire to know the truth,
with trial and error, and without
fear of facing more questions and
problems to solve. (Vistru-Yu)
Who uses
Mathematicians, scientists, and
practically, everyone uses
different mathematics at
different times, for different
purposes, using different tools,
with different attitudes. (Vistru-
Why is mathematics
important to know /
Mathematics puts order in
disorder. It helps us become
better persons and helps
make the world a better
place to live in. (Vistru-Yu).
Nest built by bees.
It is made by
beeswax, and is
composed of cells
in the shape of
pentagon or
A feathery snow crystal Snowflake
which nucleated from
dust particles suspended
in the atmosphere.
Molecules in ice crystals
join to form hexagonal
structure which is then
repeated as the crystal
accumulate more
crystals and grow in size.
Tiger stripes
The stripes on a tiger
are, in general, evenly
spaced and
perpendicular to the
spine. The stripes help
in camouflage, they
allow the tiger to blend
with its environment.
Hyena’s Spots
The spots on hyenas
are shaped and
distributed in a
pattern that helps
also with
A sunflower displays
many patterns, the
most prominent
among them are
intersecting families
of spirals.
Snail’s Shell
The snail’s shell
has the shape of
spiral. The radius
of the shell
increases in length
as the mollusk
grows inside the
Flower’s Petals
The number of petals
of a flower are
observed to follow
the following pattern :
3, 5, 8, 13, …
Which are numbers
found in Fibonacci
Weather Patterns
Weather is observed to
repeat a pattern for days,
weeks, or months after which
a new weather sets in. This
sequence of weather
patterns produces a cycle,
such as, dry monsoon
seasons, summer–autumn–
winter-spring seasons,
habagat-amihan wind
patterns etc.
Human Populations
The demographic distribution of
people in human populations is
observed to follow a pattern.
Poor nations display a pyramid
shaped demography with the
young occupying a prominently
large section of the population.
But as a nation progresses
economically, the base thins out
in favor of the older segments
of the population.
Activity 1
Write an essay discussing the following
ideas: what new ideas in mathematics
have you learned or changed your
previous beliefs about mathematics? What
is most useful in mathematics for human
Activity 2
Measure the following:
1. Distance from the ground to your belly
2. Distance from your belly button to the top
of your head
3. Distance from the ground to your knees
4. Distances A, B and C
5. Length of your hand
6. Distance from your wrist to your elbow
Calculate the following ratios:
1. Distance from the ground to your belly to
the distance from your belly button to the
top of your head
2. Distance from the ground to your belly
button to the distance from the ground to
your knees
3. Distance C to distance B
4. Distance B to distance A
5. Distance from your wrist
to your elbow to the length
of your hand
Write all your results on the following table:

Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5

Can you see anything special about these

ratios? Explain your observations.

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