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Manusmriti is a rule book where you will find all the rules about Hindus-

In first chapter of this book it is written caste should be decided on the basis of actions of
individuals- for example -If someone born in upper caste family but his actions are of lower
caste (Cheating people, Giving hard time to people who are less privileged ,speaking ill to
parents etc) then he should be considered low class.

When Chanakya proposed Chandragupta maurya to be king of Magadh some of the brahmins
opposed to it by saying he belongs to family of maurya (People who look after peacocks)
how can he will be king ?

Chankya replied-The one who serves nation, protect his people and take care of everyone in
nation should be considered as Upper caste.

So caste is divided on basis of Karma only nothing else.

These are division of Caste according to Karma-

Brahmins- Who does intellect work, Continuously learn something new to continue his path
to enlightenment.People who are satisfied in their means, do good for masses and don’t
expect much in return, The provide ideas to society that is why given most important position
of society. In earlier times when you read stories devils used to block communication
between King and Gurus -These people are ruled by Jupiter.

Khsatriyas- Who does all the policing and protection work for nation-Everything they do to
protect nation is justified. For example-Police,Army. Ruled by Mars.

Vaishyas - Businessmen, traders people who keep economy running. Always think about
making money but donate also to make their money pure. As during trade there will be times
when they have to do things out of the way like bribing official, tax evasion.- Ruled by

Sudra- People who do basic skilled jobs such as tailors, technicians, Fight on roads, speak ill,
Do backbiting and gossips.- Ruled by Saturn.

Now coming to the point of Marriage-

Imagine someone who has all qualities of brahmin in him and if he/she gets married to
someone with different qualities then he/she will always be stressed as this person will not be
according to his soul constituent.

This is why getting married to person of another caste is prohibited.

Birth Time Rectification

A couple of weeks back Youtube's algorithm suggested me this song, perhaps since I like to
listen to sufi songs. I was immediately attracted to the lyrics, her high pitch and husky tone
and it piqued my interest on her. One of my favorite ways to learn Jyotish is to take popular
personalities, read up on them or listen to their interviews and try to fix a lagna on their
charts, as their accurate time of birth is not usually known. Another aspect of this and the
next step in learning and predicting is to do birth time rectification (BTR). Lets try to do this
on Sanam's chart.

I went to her wikipedia entry and listened to her interview here. What a poignant story! Here
are some notes from her interview and I thought these are good enough to fix her lagna.

Mother is a Punjabi and her biological father is a Sindhi. Love marriage, parents met first met
at Kalandar Pak Urs (religious place). Mother was very poor and biological father was a
"wadera" (feudal lord). After marriage found that he already had 7 wife's but without any
children from them. When Sanam was two years old father was murdered due to property
disputes. Her uncles threw her and her mother away from their house. They were forced to
beg at the same Urs. Sanam and her mother started working as a maid at a "mujrewali"
(singer/dancer for rich people). Her adopted father used to come to that place to make the
"mujrewali" practice her singing. Her adopted father was a fakir and a singer and married her
mother. Sanam considers her adopted father as an angel. He became her teacher in singing at
the age of 7. Later at 9 years she also started learning classical Hindustani from Ustad Fateh
Ali Khan. Later on she started learning Ghazals and Thoomri as well. But in 2006 she was
married at 20 years of age to a 50 year old rich man. After 3 years her husband was killed due
to property disputes, in 2008. She then married her cousin (this is common in the Indian sub
continent). 2009 career started taking off but at the same time her daughter was kidnapped! In
the interview she says that she was most distraught about her daughter and her fear of her and
her mother's life events repeating with her daughter.

Asc: 7 and ketu, Sat 8, Mar 9, Jup11, Mer 12, Rahu, ven , sun 1, Moon 4

The first clue to her lagna was the gap in her upper teeth which immediately indicated a 2nd
house Shani which also clearly shows her family's poverty, her 4th lord of mother Shani is
vakri and uncomfortable in Vrischik. In the interview she says her mother was very beautiful
looking, this could be ascribed to Shani being in Anuradha whose symbol is a lotus flower.
Her mother was beautiful like a lotus in a muddy pond (poverty) in Vrischik a watery rashi.
Budh indicates childhood, and its debilitated in Meen rashi, which is a dark, unknown deep
sea/space like rashi (situations). So her childhood was all dark. Her biological father is
indicated by the 9th lord Budh in Meen rashi also a symbol for moksh/final exit/secret
enemies/murder and in the 6th house of fights/disputes. 6th lord of disputes from Mithun is
Mangal and aspects lagna lord Budh, which killed him from his marak sthana. His multiple
wifes are indicated by the Mithun/Dhanu axis of dwiswabhav rashi's. He being rich is
indicated by Chandr the 10th lord (2nd/resources to the 9th) in his own rashi. Mangal aspects
this Chandr forming Chandra-Mangal yoga but it also killed his wealth by his family
(Chandra karaka for family).
Sanam's adopted father is shown by the 11th (3rd from 9th) lord Surya, which is exalted and
with her lagna lord Shukra, hence he had the highest qualities and looked after both of them
well and performed his dharm (Surya is 9th from Simha). Shani aspects Simha which
indicates her adopted father's poverty as well and he being like small time singer and a
"fakir". Sanam in the interview considers her adopted father as "farishtha" or an angel.

Her first husband was killed by Rahu's 9th aspect on Mangal. Rahu's aspect contains the
double marak Shukra's energy, for a Mesh lagna. Her second husband is indicated by Budh
the 9th lord (3rd from the 7th) and is in the 6th house. He is her cousin. Her 5th house Guru
indicates the well being of her children. Ketu's aspect on Guru indicates the kidnapping
incident of her first daughter.

Her high pitch top notes and husky voice in her singing is indicated by Mangal in the 3rd
house but her subdued voice and demeanor while speaking on the interview is shown by
Shani in the 2nd house. Her life is all about Sufi songs - 3rd lord Guru aspecting Ketu on the
lagna. Guru's aspect on lagna also gives her a stout physique. I would fix her lagna to be in
Swati nakshatra. Swati is symbolized by plants sometimes you see on walls or tar roads
standing alone surround by concrete, being swayed by the wind. Her life is like that standing
against the vicissitudes of life. Swati also means "self going", "independent", "delicate",
"tender", symbolized by Saraswati the godess of learning all which represent Sanam. The 4th
pada of Swati is from 16.40 to 20.00 degrees in Tula and falls in Meen Navamsha. So the
probable time would be around 7:45 PM to 8:00 PM, with Guru in Navamsha Meen Lagna.
Now how do we further refine this time? I will take my favorite timing tool Kala Chakra
Dasha. After playing around with the time on JHora (using SM Singh option) if we place the
time as 7:55 PM, we get the Maha Dasha as Meen and the antar dasha of Tula from July 2009
to May 2011. This is when she started getting opportunities and recognition. Tula rashi is all
about new opportunities and choices, which also has her Arudha Lagna, aspected by lagna
lord Shukr, Rahu (sudden) and the naisargik panchamesh Surya. All these aspects are from
Mesh which again indicates new beginnings.

Her life is beautifully portrayed by these lines ".....kya khub teri is ulfat mei

miskeen se mei sultan hua ...." on the song "Hairan Hua" (linked above).

I write this as a small tribute to Shri Deepanshu Giri ji's vidya (my Jyotish Guru) and his
parampara, who by the way come from Pakistan.

Job or Business
[00:00:08] Welcome to Lunar astro. So the last topic we did that was of bahubal .a very basic
concept. But I hope you guys have enjoyed it. You guys have at least tested it on your charts
This time I'm going to teach you a very basic stroke within Bhav bal. Like there are answers
which can be given for from Bhav bal. Then later on you can check planets. Like my work
I've shown you a technique last time. How to use planets and about where to look. And then
you can follow that planet. Now to the documentation which I'm going to discuss today is a
lot of people ask me whether they should do business or they should do job. It's a very
common question in Question nowadays. So let me share my screen with you.

[00:01:01] OK. This is a chart of someone. Was a businessman. And let's look at district the
six house . Is hard work sixth house is parishram

[00:01:14] If you know basics not let go of six house is parishram success is hard work sixth
house is your service working for somebody else then not opposite to it.

[00:01:22] Just the exact opposite to it. Twelfth house . That is your free will. Free will
independent decision making. If somebody does not have a good twelfth house. It will not be
able to make independent decisions. Also the three hundred rules by Pullipani Jyotidham
publish by it is written in that book twelfth house is in independent profession read that book
That's one of the greatest classic books now translated.

[00:01:54] there are a lot of techniques in it a vrish sloka alike technique. Now twelfth
house Is an independent decision . Sixth house is service so what I do I usually compare six
house strength and the twelfth house strength and whichever is great. Out of the two usually
the person will get most suited in that kind of profession. Now you see you can deter mining
profession something subject that will discuss something later on. I use a very classical very
technic of settle and trends . That's a technique which works hundred percent in combination
with the tenth house . You can have a look and you can make it your own yogas you can
make which this particular person will do data science data mining or will work in a service
industry that we will discuss in separately. But today's topic service or independent
professions. The six house we see the strength is generally 70 which is very low as compared
to 400 to 420. The twelfth house had a strength of 416. Is still better than the 79. This person
is an independent.

[00:03:09] hee has an independent business. What was that. Yes we will discuss some day
else in some other topics. But by this bahu bal only you can see that that person will not be
able to walk unless someone's you need a very good strength of six house To walk onto
someone if you do not have a strong and good strength of six house then it means you can do
that much of hard work what will come and this guy has its own business. He wakes up at
William. Then it goes out to do his business.
[00:03:43] Whatever it was as he has because he is capable to make independent decisions
for the twelfth house . Somebody if you see I would show in another chart

[00:03:56] So this guy does not have a good six house 373 but the 12 House has it quite
good. Twenty six hundred and forty four but whenever I saw these kind of combinations.
Always remember. 6, 10,12. If one comes with extra cent might be that person is not running
the business. Might be that person is in a position where he can take independent decisions
like this guys has director in a bank. These are the post where on a daily basis he has to make
several decisions for people. twelfth house is basically an independent decision making. I feel
good that somebody is good at independent decision making. You will get suffocated and this
is what's happening with this guy. This guy is getting suffocated in the job. Every single time
on this season of this. Well anyhow.

[00:04:48] If you look at the yogas this guy is facing a lot of inquiries. Yeah. So this guy's
facing a lot of inquiries and all the other things. But anyhow this guy is getting suffocated in
an Indian environment even being the director . He knows he can perform better. All the
people who you will see are frustrated in their jobs.

[00:05:08] They have a good twelfth house

[00:05:11] I mean you can just look at that and say it like this guy can perform better but due
to his boss or his company policies is not able to people who have good twelfth house will be
successful either outside the house and to have the combination to their home town or if they
do the independent business like there was a girl from chandigarh. And I was in predictions
for her doctor but a qualified doctor and she was not happy with the profession and the only
session i gave her was. Do your own business. Leave everything else. Don't walk into
someone because you will get suffocated. Look in your chart as well if you have a Good
twelfth house. Start your own business. Look for the other combinations as well. I will teach
timing some other day. This is what I have in my in my plan. Like everyone will tell you you
guys right that the moon has Jupiter and desperation sets an educate so you. This one is a
daridra yoga all the other bhadra yoga all the other I don't remember the names.

[00:06:21] But what I found out.

[00:06:24] No book is telling you when you learn that particular yoga that giving you the
result its not giving any kind of result that's for sure. Then what's the use of IT.
[00:06:35] I'M GOING TO TEACH YOU HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN hundred and
forty four yyoga your personal yoga your personal chart

[00:06:42] Like at what particular stage. This person will start doing independent business.
When the bhagyabal rise like to see when the bhagyabal rise race you can have at least 18
events that display this month you will have a rising bhav bal bhagya will support you.

[00:07:06] You can make 144 yogas of a personal chart

[00:07:11] It is very simple.

[00:07:14] I will show you why. I might give it out for free to all you guys.

[00:07:20] Please use it.

[00:07:22] Like there's no book on it. There's there's nothing like this one on yogas right.
What I'm talking about how to make your own yogas . That's your personal yoga on the chart
. Like in this particular dasha, dasha, maha dasha, anter dasha ,pratyant dasha dasha mukti

[00:07:38] This yoga is getting filled . you can bang on working

[00:07:43] Like you can tell in the age of this particular age you will have a very good time
in terms of business. I will give it out the next few videos. It's a bit complicated to explain.
You know the the video itself because I don't know whether you're understanding the basic
stuff because very basics such as science.

[00:08:05] The other day I was doing a prediction with someone on the basics of on the
basis of a segment you can predict so into at least 18 events you can predict on the science .
So to yoga I will teach you later on. But this job ok I'm going to show you. Look at this one.
Somebody will on the first video that this guy had an accident at the age of 28. And it is very
easy to judge right. I mean there's so many combinations of axioms in this chart. But let's see
the 8 house the dasha is running from 8th to 12th rather the mercury in the chart rahu is the
8th lord and mercury in 12th loard now the pada is a6 , a2 and a10 and the pada of the fourth
house and the 8th house so now you now the 8th house is something bad regarding the 4th
house similarly when the 12th house is active in the dasha a6,a8,a10 all the things are the
three things in trouble also the mindage there 12 th house is has been expected by venus
which is 4th lord this is the pada of an 8 now this conform something very bad in 4th house
that is happening in that dasha into this dashas saturn mercury

[00:09:39] Even if you look in the. If you look at the strength of the House basically so you
will find the two lowest houses which have strength is 8and 12

[00:09:58] And with these two houses have the minimum amount of strength. So in this
dasha saturn mercury you can blindly predict this is going to have.

[00:10:07] The most was the accident happened at the age of 28 and this guy got paralyzed
from the lower portion of the body got paralyzed after that accident.

[00:10:19] A very major turning giving turning happen in that dasha but even by using it in
houses and the strength you can predict that.

[00:10:32] Now how to see this calamity in d 30 . I'll go see this climate in d8 . It obviously
doesn't be 60. But this is about to happen. How to see that person is about to go from rags to
riches. Major turn around of life I'M GOING TO TEACH YOU A Dasha which is known as
a kaal chakra dasha . kaal chakra dasha . I used so extensively. If you use kaal chakra dasha
to put this on a god to talk through this is fine. All did their techniques are OK. But to see the
major pattern change. The transformation of life from the sea is a kaal chakra dasha . There's
a book by shakti and ahol singh ji known contact with the show a very legendary writer. I
mean there are so many mistakes in that book. I agree on that. If you want deal I contacted
some synergy regarding this. I said you know there are so many mistakes even the calculation
part which has been explained in the book that itself is wrong. Then he sent me a list of the of
the writer and I have that available with me. What I will do I would put it on my website
which has numerous dot com. You can see in the description below what I will do product
that she do there and you can download that that form from there to see what are the errors
within the book. But that does not to complete even after that you will find there are
[00:12:04] But if you know basic calculations such as basic questions such as calculate
denamach if saturn in 4 degree so which navamsa we're going to second the right to do the
next one. So if you know this because in that one example I remember the Nevash set is
completely upside down.

[00:12:31] So but that book you should read it to see how a legendary slugger legend like
him. Books and very much a detailed. You could buy that book and learn it from that book as
well. But I will also teach you what I'm going to teach you the kaal chakra dasha on the
basis of that dasha only you can predict the show only I remember it could somebody that is
Saturday will get stopped.

[00:12:57] I mean does such a mind you do and will also show up in that little of the shape
you should be able to predict. So the Dara will teach you but this one. What I want you to do
is the next few days check for the people who are capable of. You will see those people right.
Who are who you cannot predict who cannot take decisions or not. Check that 12
house very low and they're always confused. There are people who will wind up abroad and
settle abroad and do well abroad but not in their own country. There are good 12 house
people who can make independent decisions. Good 12 house. People who can follow orders
will come to somebody good sex house So you have to check the basic of the charge whether
this person is able to do hardwork Somebody else or not its is going to do a combination. I
remember oh.

[00:13:54] I was telling somebody if that person works for somebody else he'll make his
boss that always.

[00:13:59] But he will never become rich. That's a combination of the chart. And I'm going
to teach all these your best. Stay with me. One by one bit by bit we're going through all the
other yogis all these dashas . This channel I'm not going to teach you anything which is on
the books and the books will teach you what the practical experience experiences. So
practices send it in the comments. I always read and always reply it was about most of the
time because getting busy nowadays. So do this come back and do something. Next. Next
video I'm going to explain to you some thing regarding the dashas OK. Hope you liked the
video. Thanks for watching it.

Remedy for Retro Saturan

[00:00:05] Hello. Welcome to the lunar astro . So this video we are doing for retrograde
saturn . If you also have retrograde Saturn in your chart. This really. I would love to tell you
what is the remedy for that retrograde saturn. Because whenever someone will have a retro
planet especially retro Saturn the effect will be very prominent. Why. Because Saturn is one
of the major planets in anyone's stats. It is only the shelf Saturn sade sati People are afraid of.
Satan is a king maker basically. Saturn signifies hard work . Saturn signifies patience Saturn
signifies just start taking capability in the body start retaking capability. Saturn signifies your
ability. To be consistent in your discipline consistency that is saturn

[00:01:09] Now.

[00:01:11] Saturn in your chart it is when 3rd and 4th house the 7th and 8th house sixth
house which our house is still ruling. Saturn we'll ask you to hardworking that like what an
example. People only people who would see are afraid during sade sati or the dasha of saturn
is who are not willing to give a hundred percent. In the hard work . saturn will make you rich.
If you're going to work hard in the appropriate dasha and saturn never denies for anything. I
mean for cancer to set in people in Saturn was worst . Right. No person. the day sarisati is
started saturn made in the king but during this period the hard work was like a 500 percent.
Well sleepless nights away from the family. It started with him looking in the same year. The
first thing to bear in mind. Saturn is the only trouble you if you not ready too hard work. If
you're not ready to go out of your comfort zone. The moment you decide you're going to go
out of your comfort zone and do the hard work saturn will not trouble you. Now retrograde
are in some different stories. retograde Saturn will not ask you . Ask you hundred 300 % hard
work it will ask you 300% hard work because why. Because Saturn is not chestabali just 3
times more stronger. Retro means something is very odd with these this planet because it has
a quite a retro motion. It does not in normal course. So whenever a new planet is in retro
motion. All the signification of this planet is going to be very odd. For example when we see
retro Saturn blindly predict the person will keep short hair. Or some problem with the hair a
little bit there. My little friends. Are there always exceptions like. One of my friends was
sick. He has a retro Saturn

[00:03:18] Of course he does not have short hair. He keeps the complete bug.

[00:03:24] But something odd in hair is there. That's a special retro Saturn the person will
never do a normal 9 to 5 job. His job will be something different. Retro Saturn the person
changes professions several times in life. Not a stable profession. Victim in houses. Let me
give you an example. You see the chart retrograde Saturn retrograde Saturn and nine
house father. So something odd regarding Father will be there. Why. Because Saturn is
sitting in the 9th house something very odd in the religion in terms of religion the religion
will be there

[00:04:02] The Saturn is very strong with the ritual it's at the highest point of retrogression.
[00:04:11] Signifies fourth and fifth house . So these two houses the significations of these
two houses will be very odd. in terms off for see his house talks about his kids. Something
should be very odd . Why. Because Saturn is retro. Now you see the dasha run into trouble.
The father was indicated and I asked him how's the father. And he said father has a problem
to redeem salt in the body. Now you see retro Saturn Saturn and salt. The body of Father
father's not able to do to consume salt not able to retain salt in his body. That's what has
happened. This is how you see retro saturn behaving in his chart but. Also we know this guy
will do anything related to the fourth house like buying property. It will never be in one go
because Saturn is retro. This person has to do paperwork of something regarding
construction has to be done. Similarly the same thing is for the education as well. Now this
retro saturn . Whenever the planet is retro you will see when you see retro Saturn in any of
the 5 th 6 th 7 th and 8th house in the chart of the female that I've seen female suffering from


[00:00:05] Hello. Welcome to the lunar astro . So this video we are doing for retrograde
saturn . If you also have retrograde Saturn in your chart. This really. I would love to tell you
what is the remedy for that retrograde saturn. Because whenever someone will have a retro
planet especially retro Saturn the effect will be very prominent. Why. Because Saturn is one
of the major planets in anyone's stats. It is only the shelf Saturn sade sati People are afraid of.
Satan is a king maker basically. Saturn signifies hard work . Saturn signifies patience Saturn
signifies just start taking capability in the body start retaking capability. Saturn signifies your
ability. To be consistent in your discipline consistency that is Saturn

[00:01:09] Now.

[00:01:11] Saturn in your chart it is when 3rd and 4th house the 7th and 8th house sixth
house which our house is still ruling. Saturn we'll ask you to hardworking that like what an
example. People only people who would see are afraid during sade sati or the dasha of Saturn
is who are not willing to give a hundred percent. In the hard work . Saturn will make you
rich. If you're going to work hard in the appropriate dasha and Saturn never denies for
anything. I mean for cancer to set in people in Saturn was worst . Right. No person. the day
sadesati is started Saturn made in the king but during this period the hard work was like a 500
percent. Well sleepless nights away from the family. It started with him looking in the same
year. The first thing to bear in mind. Saturn is the only trouble you if you not ready too hard
work. If you're not ready to go out of your comfort zone. The moment you decide you're
going to go out of your comfort zone and do the hard work Saturn will not trouble you. Now
retrograde are in some different stories. retograde Saturn will not ask you . Ask you hundred
% hardwork it will ask you 300% hard work because why. Because Saturn is not chestabali
just 3 times more stronger. Retro means something is very odd with these this planet because
it has a quite a retro motion. It does not in normal course. So whenever a new planet is in
retro motion. All the signification of this planet is going to be very odd. For example when
we see retro Saturn blindly predict the person will keep short hair. Or some problem with the
hair a little bit there. My little friends. Are there always exceptions like. One of my friends
was sick. He has a retro Saturn

[00:03:18] Of course he does not have short hair. He keeps the complete bug.

[00:03:24] But something odd in hair is there. That's a special retro Saturn the person will
never do a normal 9 to 5 job. His job will be something different. Retro Saturn the person
changes professions several times in life. Not a stable profession. Victim in houses. Let me
give you an example. You see the chart retrograde Saturn retrograde Saturn and nine
house father. So something odd regarding Father will be there. Why. Because Saturn is
sitting in the 9th house something very odd in the religion in terms of religion the religion
will be there

[00:04:02] The Saturn is very strong with the ritual it's at the highest point of retrogression.

[00:04:11] Signifies fourth and fifth house . So these two houses the significations of these
two houses will be very odd. in terms off for see his house talks about his kids. Something
should be very odd . Why. Because Saturn is retro. Now you see the dasha run into trouble.
The father was indicated and I asked him how's the father. And he said father has a problem
to redeem salt in the body. Now you see retro Saturn Saturn and salt. The body of Father
father's not able to do to consume salt not able to retain salt in his body. That's what has
happened. This is how you see retro Saturn behaving in his chart but. Also we know this guy
will do anything related to the fourth house like buying property. It will never be in one go
because Saturn is retro. This person has to do paperwork of something regarding
construction has to be done. Similarly the same thing is for the education as well. Now this
retro Saturn . Whenever the planet is retro you will see when you see retro Saturn in any of
the 5 th 6 th 7 th and 8th house in the chart of the female that I've seen female suffering from
PCOd the Saturn is active. B C O D is a disease. If you know for hormonal imbalance not of
good suffer from it then you see it. It is always the retro Saturn . The first 6,7,8 see...... And
also the same time the problem will be here.

[00:05:56] It will be indicators that can't follow excessively.

[00:06:01] Now the profession. I have one of the friends. She is very good in software and in
developing software. And there was a project she never wanted to do. She did that project. I
why I'm telling this story is wonderful to see the practical effect of it. She should do that
complete project. But half part. But that project went out so good that it got awarded by one
of the number one leading in this list in India. This is what she made up. But by the time it
got so much recognition she has already left the company. She moved to some other domain.
She never wanted to do this type of coding. She wanted do something is in terms of project.
Some older. And you see in her chart those other combination which was running with ai told
her that whoever she will work for will make a lot of money and recognition beautiful. Like
there is a chart where I will show you whether will become his boss but have a problem in his
married life. And the moment I predicted it he said the moment I joined the company his wife
is his boss wife started having depression. So be very careful who you hire because you're
using that energy. There are people we will they will work for to make a lot of money and
there are people who will work for like one of my siblings. Where will he look work for. His
boss gets fired within six months. That's the combination of the chart . Every six months as a
new boss his boss has to leave the company. So you see these combinations you should be
able to read from the chart and notebook is going to teach you that. You should able to
recognize a pattern based on different planets. Basically this is a past life combinations.
You'll. You notice the pattern. Suddenly people are. What I noticed doesn't excuse me. What
I noticed is whenever people have retro Saturn they are not able to concentrate. On the work
which are assigned to them they're always looking for the new opportunity something new to
learn. Once they get committed especially this one especially these people will change
several times the routine business several times in their life. Depending on the point of
retrogression In Saturn . But. 33 to 36 is the age of Saturn. That's where the major change
will happen. I've seen people till the age of 36. They have changed in business. We have for
thirty six people never get settled never get settled because they're not understanding what a
work has given to them. Not putting them 100%

[00:09:11] They're looking for somebody that's.

[00:09:14] For example I have a friend who's a very good in one particular domain but his
brain is someone of some other domain. Why. Because it's retrograde saturn

[00:09:29] This retrograde Saturn the remedy is. To concentrate on the work which I would
assigned to you without thinking about the second one.

[00:09:40] And I've used this personally and practically I've suggested it to someone who
was very close to me. Let's call it that instead of looking for new projects or looking for this
new domain. Who wanted the next six months. Thinking your brain that I'm committed to
this work. This is this is what I have to do. This has been assigned to. The result was once
again committed to your work. What has been assigned to your brain. The Saturn Saturn
starts coming out affecting the positively. Within three months the remedy which have given
him a friend thus the remedy to concentrate on the work and leave everything else. In three
months what happened was he was awarded and he got promoted as well. Two things
happened. So this remedy. I'm not sure and in your case, how much time it will take because
depends on.

[00:10:43] So it depends on your commitment. How much committed you're going to get
towards the work retrograde Saturn person never gets committed to will work.

[00:10:55] The moment just finished this retrogression in your brain that I'm just to take the
business its pass or fail to retrograde Saturn patience will be absent in invertebrate is Saturn
in inserted

[00:11:08] For example Saturn retro in the 9 house which I showed you the patience towards
finding a guru or knowledge will never be the. They need it now. Retrograde Saturn in fifth
house the person will never be committed to learn in school. Sitting in class would be a
problem learning through a guru would be a problem. Problem. A person will cry a lot. Why
didn't the school order tuition.

[00:11:35] So wherever the retrograde Saturn will take that person.

[00:11:42] That particular part of your life will you never have patience regarding it.
Secondly if you do something very odd in that particular area that particular area very
suddenly Saturn will be in 5th house education will be odd something will be odd

[00:11:58] Saturn in sixth house something is odd with the maternal uncle saturn retro in
third house the bulk of the property of any will have to be done twice thrice four times have
to go through it. Now it all depends on the strength of the saturn which has acquired.

[00:12:17] But this retrograde Saturn only get started you get committed. What's all the
certification of starting if your seventh largest Saturn. That's just part of an absolutely

[00:12:32] Your partner.

[00:12:35] Or before the marriage. One of the girls or one of the boys will say no good to the
marriage at the last moment because they'll back off retrograde Saturn

[00:12:46] Also even after a marriage you're not really sure whether I've married the right
dilemma for good. That's a fact of retogen satun at the moment. And that's where the problem
the marriage will happen the moment you get committed to your spouse.

[00:13:01] This problem of marriage will end. See that's how the retrograde Saturn is work
this is the only remedy which i found working . the commitment you need to be committed.
What's all the signification of Saturn what it signifies in your chart and what it signifies in
general. Developing a patience no amount of remedy is going to do it. You need to. You need
to concentrate on this. Every morning if you do yoga and try to control your breathing pattern
that's patience try to eat up and start with that .. So these things like doing yoga or walking
developing a patient's within yourself by self-help books. Instead of doing a and remedies
electing the electing a bill people say they like the idea to go to saturn every Saturday. I mean
that's not a remedy that that's a general way of into living. If you think that's the remedy
you're living in the wrong word. You have not read. You're not following Dennis anyhow. So
instead of relying that lightning DiA lightning a DiA is a wonderful thing everyone should do
it. Morning and evening but do not believe this is a remedy. People have made it Remedy
because somehow you forgot that just household anyhow. I mean this is a basic basic normal
routine of anyone's life be there. So but remedy is you do my duty of the patients and enjoy
yourself. Because Saturn is an old man old man has to think a lot. Not for that speaks. Well
that's what I mean. You imagine why Saturn is dead in Aries. It is is a harsh sign. It is this.
Let's go let's go. It is it is is the hype is a most energetic sign as is Aries .

and you put Saturn in there the old man in there and you keep pushing the old man in go go
go pattern Saturn gets stressed out it that was has happened gets sablicant in Aries with libra
nakshatra swati well need to balance everything so to make a judgment you have to leisten
everything you have to make sure you pick up the right choice is no hurry in Libra Libra is a
freeware house that's why Saturn is pretty much good there so Saturn we need to develop
patience this is a remedy you need to get committed from whatever significant

Saturn in the second house get committed towards your family members retrograde saturn in
the book of H.N Katwe says saturn in second house the person will remain poor until the
sensation of home town then he says in the next paragraph the person will make money
outside the house saturn in second house definitely you are going to get out of the house if
you live in the same family, the family will be going to get a lot of problems get committed
with the family without there is a story on viragyasatan viragyasatak is a book that was
written by raja bharat hari and he is written complete slokas for how to develop vairagya and
basically what it does it add presence in you you not attach to anything that was Saturn was
so developed distance of saturn in you develop patience inside you develop where able
saturn is sitting Saturn in 10th house attract the person that not have patience towards the in
the professional area so your saturn is signifies the profession any how Saturn is retrograde

if you have retrograde Saturn in your chart you will have lots of patience in terms of
profession if need result very soon and due to this you will destroy everything you created
so take my advice develop patience with saturn to get good results this is the only remedy get
commited are found working in terms of retrograde saturn nothing else and it comes with the
time it comes with the practice so i am trying to make the video regarding the D9 yogas i
have tried three times some other problem happen so i decided to drop it because i think the
technique does not work to come out but kaal chakra dasha i am trying to make in a series
because the commerce trying to make video i realise is so much to cover in kaal chakra

it's a complete course in itself kaal chakra dasha so i would try to do that kaal chakra dasha as
well but


the Saturn is active. B C O D is a disease. If you know for hormonal imbalance not of good
suffer from it then you see it. It is always the retro saturn . The first 6,7,8 see...... And also the
same time the problem will be here.

[00:05:56] It will be indicators that can't follow excessively.

[00:06:01] Now the profession. I have one of the friends. She is very good in software and in
developing software. And there was a project she never wanted to do. She did that project. I
why I'm telling this story is wonderful to see the practical effect of it. She should do that
complete project. But half part. But that project went out so good that it got awarded by one
of the number one leading in this list in India. This is what she made up. But by the time it
got so much recognition she has already left the company. She moved to some other domain.
She never wanted to do this type of coding. She wanted do something is in terms of project.
Some older. And you see in her chart those other combination which was running with ai told
her that whoever she will work for will make a lot of money and recognition beautiful. Like
there is a chart where I will show you whether will become his boss but have a problem in his
married life. And the moment I predicted it he said the moment I joined the company his wife
is his boss wife started having depression. So be very careful who you hire because you're
using that energy. There are people we will they will work for to make a lot of money and
there are people who will work for like one of my siblings. Where will he look work for. His
boss gets fired within six months. That's the combination of the chart . Every six months as a
new boss his boss has to leave the company. So you see these combinations you should be
able to read from the chart and notebook is going to teach you that. You should able to
recognize a pattern based on different planets. Basically this is a past life combinations.
You'll. You notice the pattern. Suddenly people are. What I noticed doesn't excuse me. What
I noticed is whenever people have retro saturn they are not able to concentrate. On the work
which are assigned to them they're always looking for the new opportunity something new to
learn. Once they get committed especially this one especially these people will change
several times the routine business several times in their life. Depending on the point of
retrogression In saturn . But. 33 to 36 is the age of Saturn. That's where the major change will
happen. I've seen people till the age of 36. They have changed in business. We have for thirty
six people never get settled never get settled because they're not understanding what a work
has given to them. Not putting them 100%
[00:09:11] They're looking for somebody that's.

[00:09:14] For example I have a friend who's a very good in one particular domain but his
brain is someone of some other domain. Why. Because it's retrograde saturn

[00:09:29] This retrograde Saturn the remedy is. To concentrate on the work which I would
assigned to you without thinking about the second one.

[00:09:40] And I've used this personally and practically I've suggested it to someone who
was very close to me. Let's call it that instead of looking for new projects or looking for this
new domain. Who wanted the next six months. Thinking your brain that I'm committed to
this work. This is this is what I have to do. This has been assigned to. The result was once
again committed to your work. What has been assigned to your brain. The Saturn Saturn
starts coming out affecting the positively. Within three months the remedy which have given
him a friend thus the remedy to concentrate on the work and leave everything else. In three
months what happened was he was awarded and he got promoted as well. Two things
happened. So this remedy. I'm not sure and in your case, how much time it will take because
depends on.

[00:10:43] So it depends on your commitment. How much committed you're going to get
towards the work retrograde Saturn person never gets committed to will work.

[00:10:55] The moment just finished this retrogression in your brain that I'm just to take the
business its pass or fail to retrograde saturn patience will be absent in invertebrate is saturn in

[00:11:08] For example Saturn retro in the 9 house which I showed you the patience towards
finding a guru or knowledge will never be the. They need it now. Retrograde Saturn in fifth
house the person will never be committed to learn in school. Sitting in class would be a
problem learning through a guru would be a problem. Problem. A person will cry a lot. Why
didn't the school order tuition.

[00:11:35] So wherever the retrograde Saturn will take that person.

[00:11:42] That particular part of your life will you never have patience regarding it.
Secondly if you do something very odd in that particular area that particular area very
suddenly Saturn will be in 5th house education will be odd something will be odd

[00:11:58] Saturn in sixth house something is odd with the maternal uncle saturn retro in
third house the bulk of the property of any will have to be done twice thrice four times have
to go through it. Now it all depends on the strength of the saturn which has acquired.

[00:12:17] But this retrograde saturn only get started you get committed. What's all the
certification of starting if your seventh largest saturn. That's just part of an absolutely

[00:12:32] Your partner.

[00:12:35] Or before the marriage. One of the girls or one of the boys will say no good to the
marriage at the last moment because they'll back off retrograde saturn

[00:12:46] Also even after a marriage you're not really sure whether I've married the right
dilemma for good. That's a fact of retograde saturn at the moment. And that's where the
problem the marriage will happen the moment you get committed to your spouse.

[00:13:01] This problem of marriage will end. See that's how the retrograde saturn is work
this is the only remedy which i found working . the commitment you need to be committed.
What's all the signification of Saturn what it signifies in your chart and what it signifies in
general. Developing a patience no amount of remedy is going to do it. You need to. You need
to concentrate on this. Every morning if you do yoga and try to control your breathing pattern
that's patience try to eat up and start with that .. So these things like doing yoga or walking
developing a patient's within yourself by self-help books. Instead of doing a and remedies
electing the electing a bill people say they like the idea to go to saturn every Saturday. I mean
that's not a remedy that that's a general way of into living. If you think that's the remedy
you're living in the wrong word. You have not read. You're not following Dennis anyhow. So
instead of relying that lightning DiA lightning a DiA is a wonderful thing everyone should do
it. Morning and evening but do not believe this is a remedy. People have made it Remedy
because somehow you forgot that just household anyhow. I mean this is a basic basic normal
routine of anyone's life be there. So but remedy is you do my duty of the patients and enjoy
yourself. Because saturn is an old man old man has to think a lot. Not for that speaks. Well
that's what I mean. You imagine why Saturn is dead in aries. It is is a harsh sign. It is this.
Let's go let's go. It is it is is the hype is a most energetic sign as is aries .

and you put Saturn in there the old man in there and you keep pushing the old man in go go
go pattern Saturn gets stressed out it that was has happened gets sablicant in Aries with libra
nakshatra swati well need to balance everything so to make a judgment you have to leisten
everything you have to make sure you pick up the right choice is no hurry in Libra Libra is a
freeware house that's why Saturn is pretty much good there so Saturn we need to develop
patience this is a remedy you need to get commited from whatever significant

Saturn in the second house get committed towards your family members retrograde saturn in
the book of H.N Katwe says saturn in second house the person will remain poor until the
sensation of home town then he says in the next paragraph the person will make money
outside the house saturn in second house definitely you are going to get out of the house if
you live in the same family, the family will be going to get a lot of problems get committed
with the family without there is a story on viragyasatan viragyasatak is a book that was
written by raja bharat hari and he is written complete slokas for how to develop vairagya and
basically what it does it add presence in you you not attach to anything that was Saturn was
so developed distance of saturn in you develop patience inside you develop where able
saturn is sitting Saturn in 10th house attract the person that not have patience towards the in
the professional area so your saturn is signifies the profession any how Saturn is retrograde

if you have retrograde Saturn in your chart you will have lots of patience in terms of
profession if need result very soon and due to this you will destroy everything you created
so take my advice develop patience with saturn to get good results this is the only remedy get
commited are found working in terms of retrograde saturn nothing else and it comes with the
time it comes with the practice so i am trying to make the video regarding the D9 yogas i
have tried three times some other problem happen so i decided to drop it because i think the
technique does not work to come out but kaal chakra dasha i am trying to make in a series
because the commerce trying to make video i realise is so much to cover in kaal chakra

it's a complete course in itself kaal chakra dasha so i would try to do that kaal chakra dasha as
well but

Predict story in One line

Hello welcome to the Lunar astro so this is the first video I am doing in terms of series which
is a basic series and the reason why I am doing the basic series because all the stunning
predictions which you have seen it required a very basic knowledge your basic circle you
know what is the strength of the chart is we have to actually look at it was the incident of bar
I was doing a reading for a lady 40 years old and look at the chart and I create prediction that
this year was taking a major decision was of life and the decision is choose between husband
or money to make a choice this is the year this is the story of her life in one line after these
situation her life was looking like a black and white that's how the life is assign it is very
complicated situation but yes its the test she has to do past life she must failed in that same
test that's why same test is coming next life she failed again this particular life same test will
come up choose between money or husband after that she come out of consultation now the
prediction is required because it over of the chart now you don't require the thing is tell them
the greatest prediction of the chart prediction like 4 years before your birth your father was
fight with a priest that is the prediction that is why your problem right now this is a
prediction and still the people could ask leave it sir my father was fight with someone that is
fine I know about this someone how is stealing money they fought with him oppressed
Brahmin was came to the house for a Pooja and they fought with him we confirmed it it
happen what happened very begins it leave it just tell me how we get the money some people
does not deserve the predictions but that's the story of life when we pin the particular event in
the chart one particular event lots of hard work is required hard work starts with basic we
actually look at so I am going to give you a technique today one technique I am going to give
you a half technique rest half you work hard you get it you work to at least 50 charts then
you see how the life does you can pinpoint on that particular area or not you can just tell the
story of life in one line like there was daily based very big daily based prediction was doing
for her for him ok prediction right the last employee came back the old employee must come
back and must give you a losses sir yes there was a big losses still not convinced that it made
a prediction that you are very close to achieve spiritually very close then the lady came and
you fall from that place and this is the prediction he said what you said is absolutely true has
happened this is the prediction but you get the prediction we need to concentrate on the
certain things on chart i am going to start the very basic step today and the very basic steps is
bhaavbal you see whenever bhaavbal is a composition of three sense the strength of the lord
the strength of the house how many plants are respected here good part doesn't matter this
thing that start up the Bhav Bal is formed sothe house in some case house deserve to see and
requires special attention all the yuvas found in these particular houses we need to you have a
look so let me share with you bhav Bal the strength of the house every house has a strength
and that house deliver the results according to strength only regarding rajyog strength of the
house should be more than 480 ordinary how strength should be 420 any house going too low
and too high of a strength requires attention suppose any house has strength 150 then this
definitely requires your attention and a house go 480 requires your attention usually mainely
pinpointing purpose of the life look at the highest strength of the house you should be able to
major pattern of life through bhav Bal only for example looking at someone's hard work and
gain and expenses look at 10th 11th with how much whether it's job is completely is a regular
job or a freelancer

Potential strength will tell you suppose ten thousand strength of three hundred and eleven
houses a strength of eight hundred something this means as possible is a freelance

Will not work regularly but we'll give them very high among the short span of time okay the
second house as well because the second houses are running capacity similarly the twelve

All your expenses a lot of other things as well but i'm talking in terms of finance right now to
compare the married life compared the strength of the first in the seventh house

Early other matters can be seen through you can use it when you when you will use it on
several charts which you know you'll find a lot of things through

Okay this is a first example this is john arnold schwarzenegger you can see the first house has
a strip of seven hundred and twenty eight

All his life he's known what why is not known for his own for his body first

Secondly for sprint lowest trend is ending it

Three hundred and forty seven now this is a technique which i'm giving you a slot where it is
going a lot is going in second house a family first conducted with a fifty dollar

Now what if you know arnold schwarzenegger hadn't legal affairs and was but the servant
made there was a some of him as well illegal some fifteen eight connection given that if you
will notice in the short periods when when this particular things apply

You will find the pattern will match up

I've shown you how to use the so you can see but today i'm not going into yoga to make us or
how to what i'm where i'm going

Going is going to tell you where to actually concentrate in a particular chart

Example number two

It was a great project but why he gained prominence was

You gain prominence and because we predict world war his highest strength is in the six
thousand calamities look six tells six hundred and three points

Six thousand six hundred and three points but that's where he got gain from minutes

You can look at the universe later on if you know how to make us go ahead delete the chart
deliver the charts which you know

See see how the us playing up which is the size actually given the results

You should follow

To see all these things which i will give which particular result example number three is
donald trump the first house has the maximum should assign their leo

Then you can make the combinations why he became famous what he has done in life

Life partner the lower strength is in several house you can you all know three marriages kind
of relationship where he has with women

That's actually the problem area


I'm going to share

Another chart which i which i told you the prediction which i did for the lady to see it choose
between husband husband off money

First house
Second six hundred and thirty eight in the ten house first house and ten thousand has a


Lot of these stool houses schools and

Second house conducted with the venus i looked at all we ever look at the look

Relevant techniques make this prediction but this what i'm trying to say is the first first thing
you need to see mhm make sure you have the right now different different software

Calculated very differently they will be different skin color will be different

Russia it doesn't matter what you can do is you can either calculate it yourself order will
combine of by we will be so there are several others as well

Or you can stick a ballpark figure that will do ballpark fitness plus milestone two points it
doesn't matter much

Another thing is

When you open your bible please buy from com because of their website

What happens when you buy books with the money which is going to the books

First of all these always a scheme that if you buy for five years

i think you get an extra book secondly the money she is getting utilizing the

Additionally they're working with us so much so you should buy from them on

The main thing is there's coming up what you should do subscribe to

Very cheap very normal they've kept it for julio the subscription is for five thousand a piece
and what they're doing is they're bringing all the complete full of astrologers the first lecture
itself is going to be so great that lecture could have cost five thousand rupees

You should go and subscribe to that one



Process unless unless you have a good thought to see how the technique is polluted because
working what i've given you are giving you a thought

Up to you how you're going to work on it

So this thought process should not be stopped if you have good players with you if you have
good thoughts with you the energy of the largest you can be able to measure

If it's missing you will act out it is very simple for the cloud generation process

Subscribe to so your visit technique of k two get to wherever it sits it divides this is from us
for the robot

k two wherever it will sit it will divide the technique from us

It never fails i use it every single day reparations subscribe to this one and subscribe to my
channel as well

Will do i will keep coming up with the next building look what i'm going to do is i'm going to
streamline the process for you a lot of people out there i know have more i know this because
a lot of

You know every single detail every single every single technically from bush

Everything you guys but when it comes to predicting predictions there's no friction what i'm
going to do i'm going to streamline that process so this is the first thing I awould like you to
do look at the power

Look at fifty jobs people you know see how this that particular area which like when
somebody something matters look at the seven thousand

What is actually happening sometimes the house with the highest highest power one is the
problem with you why because might we all all the markets are respecting it

Will kill the living beings rule of

Will kill all the living but it will increase nonlinear business will increase but there will be no

Second house all the artifacts lots of money no family how it works and benefits what they
will do they will kill all the non living organism living

All the people in that house it's a very wonderful rule you should work out you should

Subscribe to this channel next video what i'm going to do i'm going to show you how to make
portfolio but today i showed you a glimpse of it after a collection illegal appears illegal it is
also the combination for us lunches as well

It means a lot of things but how to whether it's going to be a neighbour or sibling how to
differentiate it

I will show you how to do that how to make predictions like this okay so see you next time
Job change

A job change is to be looked using D-10 chart- whenever any planet is in the 3rd house of D-
10 or 8th house of D-10 chart that is capable of giving a significant change in the profession
and then there are other factors include.

Another technique is to use Dasha lagan- Means whichever Mahadasha you are running at
present -Make that particular planet as an ascendant and then see the chart -If any connection
between 10th lord and 3rd lord or 10th and 12th lord is happening in that chart- During that
particular dasha change of place will happen.

One more combination which works is the connection of 10th lord with 8th house shows
displacement from the current position -there are several techniques like this.

One more of them is paribhraman Paddati in which one house/year is used if in that system if
10th lord is getting involved with houses or lord of 3rd/8th/12th then some change in the
work area that particular area is coming.

Sign Quality

Learn basics and observe the pattern and behavior of different people- Reading basics are one
thing and applying is other -For example- Cancer is a sign of peace and harmony but to apply
this principle is something else.

Cancer is a Sattvic Rashi, a sign of peace, harmony, comforts; it wants to avoid conflicts.
Wherever cancer rashi is falling in your chart, you are seeking 'sukha and shanti' (happiness
and peace) in that area of life. So if your cancer falls in the 10th house then you are most at
peace when you are in the presence of your father's family members (because 10th is 2nd to
9th house of the father). Benefics in cancer rashi are good, but malefics rob you of mental
peace in that area of life represented by the bhava where cancer is falling in the chart. For
example: let's say cancer is falling in your 5th house and only malefics are sitting there then
you will lack peace of mind in matters related to progeny or romance or education or any 5th
house signification.

Aquarius Lagna natives will have Cancer rashi falling in their 6th house - these natives will
find joy and peace working in their office environment. Even if you give them the option of
working from home, they will prefer the office environment because it brings them 'sukha
and shanti'. One example mentioned in the video is of an Aquarius Lagna native who prefers
to go to his office even on Sundays and even though it is located at a fair distance from his

Virgo lagna natives gain comfort and peace when they are chasing their desires or when they
are earning income or when they are engaging with their network circles or large groups or
dealing with their elder sibling - because the peace and comfort significations of cancer are
falling in their 11th house. For a Scorpio lagna native, their sense of peace and comfort may
come from studying philosophy or religion or pursuing higher education or engaging with
their father or guru.
For a Virgo Lagna native, Sagittarius rashi falls in the 4th house - so the more this native
gains in terms of knowledge the more he will gain peace and happiness - because here
Sagittarius, which is the sign of knowledge, is falling in the 4th house - the natural influence
of cancer is there in the 4th bhava. Here the rasi signification (Sagittarius) and the bhava
signification are being combined to make predictions. I hope this is clear.

Leo is the sign of motivation, royalty, sign of the king, a sign of honor and pride. The Sattvic
signs (Leo being one of them) are always focused on long-term goals. The Rajasic and
Tamasic signs are more focused on short-term goals. So where Leo is falling in your chart,
you will always take up that area of life as your responsibility and act as a good king would.

For Cancer lagna natives, Leo rashi falls in their 2nd house so they take up responsibilities
related to family members. They are the most dependable in this area of life. Aquarius lagna
natives take up responsibilities related to spouse or marriage or business partnership or
dealing with others as the Leo rashi falls in their 7th house. Basically, a good king has to take
care of his entire kingdom and that is the meaning of responsibility here.

Deepanshu says the fourth house is considered as the house of masses (this is mentioned in
the book Pulippani Jothidam as well). I know someone who has Taurus lagna and his Leo
Rashi falls in his 4th house - this person is always engaged in public service projects
connected to his church groups. He goes to sort out the needs of complete strangers (masses)
through his church programs and is always engaging with these large groups of people. He
feels a sense of responsibility there.

Sagittarius is also a Sattvic sign which helps you move towards the real (higher) knowledge.
It is not just about MBA or Ivy League academic knowledge, but Sagittarius is about the
knowledge of the Supreme Consciousness, the knowledge gained by the Jnanis (Self-realised
souls) through reflection, learning, sadhana, bhakti and the dissolution of ahamkara (self-
sense). So when you are thinking about Sagittarius rashi significations don't just think along
the lines of higher academic studies but also think of figures like Adi Shankara or Ramana

So where Sagittarius is sitting in the chart, you will gain higher knowledge pertaining to that
area of life. So for Cancer lagna natives, Sagittarius is falling in their 6th house - so they may
gain knowledge in matters of that house which includes treatment of diseases, legislation,
agriculture (the symbol of kanya points to grains), fighting skills or weaponry skills, sports
knowledge, daily everyday tasks, accounting, small animal handling, pet rearing, loan
processes, etc.

At the same time, for Cancer lagna, Pisces rashi falls in the 9th house - so they can gain
knowledge of Moksha as Pisces is the sign of liberation which is sitting in their 9th house that
has the energy of Sagittarius as well. Observe the rashi that is falling in your 9th house,
whatever it is, you will gain the knowledge pertaining to that particular rashi significations.
So here we are mixing the energy of rashis for specific lagnas and the basic Kalapurusha
rashi significations (as noted earlier).

If someone is born under Aquarius lagna, he may have knowledge related to the affairs of his
father's younger siblings or knowledge about paperwork connected to his father or knowledge
about how to grow his money/income - because Sagittarius is falling in his 11th bhava (house
of gains) and 11th is also 3rd from 9th house of father (so it points to paperwork connected to

Libra rashi falls in the 9th house for Aquarius lagna natives, so this native has good
knowledge about picking the right kind of partners in life (be it for business or marriage),
native has knowledge related to trade, commerce and marketplace and other Libra rashi
significations. Knowledge on these specific matters come naturally and easily to Aquarius
lagna natives. So if you ever want a business adviser or business partner, just look for an
Aquarius lagna friend who has a good Libra placement and take their opinions into

Virgo lagna natives have Sagittarius rashi falling in their 4th house - so this native will have
knowledge about property matters, real estate, mother-related issues or something else
associated with the 4th house - like schooling or farming or home affairs or vehicles. So if
you are trying to buy the latest car or furniture for your home or thinking of investing money
in some valuable property or land, then look for a friend who has Virgo lagna and a
favourable 4th house; they may be the most knowledgeable person on this particular subject

Gemini is a sign of pleasure. Mithuna in Sanskrit means "copulation". It is the first of the
three kama houses in kalapurusha chart. So where Gemini rashi falls in your chart, you will
act on that area of life only to the extent that it interests you or excites you or "pleases you".
If Gemini is not interested or excited, he/she will not respond. They will go cold. So if you
meet a Gemini lagna person and you bring up a topic about themselves (because lagna is
self), they will listen and respond to you with full interest. But the minute you bring up a
topic that isn't about them or that doesn't 'excite' them personally they will instantly
disconnect from the conversation. One example mentioned in the video is of a person who
has four planets in Gemini lagna: if you talk to him about something that interests him, he
will respond, but the minute the conversation moves to an area of non-interest to him, he will
tell you: "Sorry I have to run, I have some other work pending." I am not trying to offend any
Gemini lagna natives here, but I am just sharing what has been observed by others too.

Gemini is the sign of communication. If Gemini falls in one's 9th house - that native loves to
communicate with their younger sibling's spouse. Why? Because 9th is 7th from 3rd. For
people having Gemini rashi in their 9th house - they may even love communicating with their
father or guru figures or teachers or mentors or with their own spouse's younger sibling
(because it is also 3rd from 7th). Their excitement comes from talking about higher
knowledge or philosophy. So if you are looking to engage with someone who doesn't talk
much, try to find out where their Gemini falls in their chart and bring up those topics
connected to that house and see how they respond.

For cancer lagna natives, Gemini falls in their 12th house. So where do these natives find the
most pleasure in life? They find it when they are travelling to foreign lands or distant places
or when they experience bed pleasures or when they are in isolated/secluded spots like
ashrams or monasteries, or when they are engaged in charity work, etc... because Gemini sign
is all about doing something that is most pleasurable (the very nature of Mercury is playful,
humorous and fun-loving - he is not a serious planet like Saturn or Jupiter).

Libra is a rashi representing choice, an opportunity; if any malefic planet afflicts Libra in the
chart, then the person will be confused when it comes to decision making, and the bhava
where Libra is falling will show that area of life where there is confusion. Any planet sitting
in Libra sign will bring opportunities during its dasha period. Benefics will bring good
opportunities, malefics can bring bad ones.

Virgo is the sign of conflict, so where Virgo falls in your chart, you will attract some sort of
conflict in that area of life at some point in time. For example: Cancer lagna natives will at
some stage attract conflict when they try to express themselves (especially in writing) - the
reason is that virgo falls in their 3rd house of communication. People will misunderstand or
misinterpret their message simply because Virgo is there. The author who is writing this is
unfortunately a Cancer lagna and is very aware of the irony. xD

So by knowing the basics of rashis, bhavas and the kalapurusha chart significations, you can
combine all their influences together in any chart having any lagna to draw the basic
meanings. Aspects, malefics, benefics, and other elements will colour the rashis and their
meaning ... so always keep that in mind when you explore the basics in any chart. I have only
used a few rashi examples here which were mentioned in the video. If you are more curious
about other signs I am teaching this as a basic course starting from first week of May in 2019.

Some glimpse of the ongoing course is already online on my youtube channel- you are more
than welcome to Subscribe and check it out.

Mahadasha is a very long time period- for example, the smallest of 6 years and longest
mahadasha is of 20 years and we all are very aware that for this long period of time there will
be changes in our life.

The Clue for this lies in Chandra Kala Nadi- Dev keralam - Verse -241 says -”If the Sun is
placed in 7th house and during the mahadasha of Sun -In Mid of this dasha person will be
busy in his marriage arrangements as well as Father will receive royal honors.”

Verse 240 and 242 don’t say a word related to this verse -This means Verse 241 Rishi has
explained the complete system in itself in 2 lines.

Here are a few pointers in these two lines.

 Use Mahadasha lord as Ascendant.

 Progress Mahadasha lord depending on the length of Mahadasha(Calculations in My
 Use the reference of another house- Sun being Karaka for father so results related to
father and Government has been stated.

On my Youtube channel -I explained this verse with examples of Bill Clinton and Lord Osho
Rajneesh as well as on how to calculate progression of Mahadasha lord.
Sarvarth Chintamani- Classical text says-Mars in second house person will be the
eldest in the family.

Then I tried and tested this dictum-What I found was even if a person is not the eldest in the
family he still has loads of responsibility on his/her shoulder of his family. As the 2nd house
is of the family- In the case of Girls I have seen Mars in 2nd house -Husband will be the one
taking full responsibility of the family.

What our rishi actually meant was this person will take the responsibility of family- As an
Indian tradition it is always eldest son taking full responsibility

Look at the position of Mars in any chart and predict blindly- This person will have a
responsibility in that particular area of life.

The catch is Mars is a leader so wherever in a chart Mars sits- the person tends to take
responsibility in that area of life. The person will not listen to others in this particular area of
life -Reason being Mars is a natural leader and decision maker.

Try this in your charts-It works 100%.

Now take Mars in Libra- Libra is a natural house of Marriage and position of Mars is not
considered good here -Reason being-In a relationship person will try to bully another person
and without hearing the opinion of a partner will only give orders.

Mars in Libra- The person will play a part of a matchmaker in the life of a person depending
on the house- For example 3rd house then- Matchmaker and relationship of a younger sibling
will be controlled by this person only.

The person will also play the role of leader in his relationship as well and due to eagerness,
he will spoil the relation.

See the chart below-This chart belongs to a Female-Mars in 11th house in the sign of Aries -
So She will take care of family and reason being -She is the only child of parents-Mars is
aspecting 2nd house as well. She will also take care regarding finances as well as ego will be
an issue as concentration of self image will be there.
Mars retrograde will become chesta Bali in shadbal- Which means extra efforts will be
done by Mars and all significations of Mars will be very different now.

List all the significations of Mars- Courage, leadership, fighting, logic, out of the box ideas,

All of these significations will be very different now-Since ruler of Aries -So face will have
one prominent feature for sure and depending on the house Mars is sitting in that house will
behave differently- For example if 5th house then something regarding education will be odd

Retro planets are not easy to deal with as they are very close to earth and their effect is very
prominent- We just act like it’s in our DNA when it comes to the behavior of Retro planet.
Any signification of Mars will be very hard to control in chart now- For example, if same
Mars is in 2nd house or Taurus then the person will speak very harshly and have spoiled teeth
and no matter what he does but will not be able to maintain good teeth and good speech.

I understand your dilemma as I have seen a lot of people who do have a lot of
knowledge but they don’t know how to practically use it- I have decided to make complicates
sholkas and sutras very simple and explain in a most simple manner I can.

For an example- Look at the chart below to find a reason why he is born?

Sutra is - Sun is the cause of all creation- So let us look at the natural work assigned by nature
to him.

Sun is 5th lord sitting in Lagna exalted in the nakshatra of Bharani and 1st and 5th house
changed signs-

Nakshatra lord of Sun is sitting in 5th house-This person should do something related to
teaching as nakshatra of Sun in 3rd house - the 3rd house is preaching - This person decodes
Bhagwat for masses and preaches them about religion.

While the Venus Ketu trine shows problem or delay in marriage or a very spiritual wife,
Which he is destined to get.
I am starting a new course in May 2019- which will cover how to predict from absolute
basics of astrology. I have given all the details on my website-
regarding this, As I have always said in past basics are the key for prediction.

It is going to be a very small batch so I can give personal attention to everyone present- Even
if someone has 10 years of experience in astrology- This is a must course as for first time
ever- I am going to give out secrets for prediction. The current batch already has people with
12–15 years of experience as well as absolute beginners in course.

The best remedy for Weak Sun- Let me start with basics- Weak can have different

In BPHS maharishi Parashar defined various avasthas (State) of the planet- such as Sad,
Proud, ashamed and several others.

Let us suppose someone has a debilitated Sun in his natal chart- So Sun represents Father,
Confidence, Nature to do the right thing, Being a person who treats everyone equal.

When Sun is in debilitation- The person has to work from basics in these areas- This shows
Father of this native will start his life from scratch and will be successful or not depends on
D-9 chart position of Sun.

This Sun will give him the opportunity to start from scratch in all these areas- Planets only
gives us conditions but how to behave in certain conditions is our free will.

Let me share a practical example with you.

This is a chart of someone I was doing a consultation for- I asked him that around 25th Jan
2019- He should have got some opportunity to work- He said YES but refused.

The thing is debilitated Sun gave him this opportunity-So this Job was where he has to do
everything from scratch.

The best remedy would have been to go through that phase of hard work once so the
debilitation gets over- It’s hard to explain in words that is why making a video on remedial
See the Screenshot below- I am going to discuss the best karmic remedies not only for Sun
but for every planet in coming sessions of my Youtube Videos.

Any house has three things- House- lord and Significator- So-in this case
7th house- 7th lord and significator of marriage is Venus.
Everyone has it’s own responsibility-

7th house- 7th house is responsible for marriage to happen- If damaged badly then marriage
will never happen. When I say damage then it means natural malefic planets aspecting 7th
house and rising nakshtra in 7th house is cusp is also a malefic -Kroor ugra nakshtra then also
marriage will never happen.

7th lord- is responsible for continuity of marriage- If 7th lord is badly placed then sustenance
of marriage is not possible.

Significator- Venus- Happiness in married life is seen through Venus only - As if Venus is
bad then happy married life is not possible.

Now you see when you have clear idea regarding three things in chart then you also know
which remedy to be done- Either remedy to be based on sign, nakshtras, house lord or Venus.

Govt Job

The no-1 rule for looking at Government service is

10th and 5th lord combination native will get a government job- Means by anyway if 10th
lord and 5th lord make a connection in a chart by aspects, sign change, nakshatra or through
dispositor or conjuction, Native will have a good career and will fetch handsome money
through government.

Before you go and start looking at your chart there are always riders to every rule- First of all
this is not the only combination for a government job, It is one of the combinations for
government Job.

Secondly, Same combination everyone will have in D-1 but what matters is D-60 -Which is a
2-minute chart and has minor details- You need to confirm or deny any rajyog in D-9 and D-
60 as well as 2-hour rasi chart is not very useful in making predictions.

Every ascendant has a different set of combinations for a Raj-Yog for example -Cancer
ascendant - If Venus-Mercury is in 12th house it is considered as a Rajyog.

For a detailed combination of every ascendant and all combinations- Please read Bhavarth
Ratnakar- One of the most important classics in astrology.

However- It is important before you make a prediction regarding government job- Please
look for the strength of the house- For example, if suppose 10th house has the strength of 290
and the 11th house has a strength of 600- It means you are looking at a chart of freelancer as
strength of 290 cannot give regular employment as 11th lord of gains is high, It means this
person will work less and gain more money in a short time period as a freelancer.

So these minor details will help you make a decision regarding any chart and guide the
person properly in terms of his career.

I hope my simple explanation helps you.


Scorpio is 8th sign in natural zodiac now when Scorpio start ruling ascendant or moon it
mean this sign is controlling our emotions and thoughts.

Now being a natural 8th house this represent hidden tendencies, secrets, curiosity to find
unknown things, this sign also represents occult. So people who have good intuition and
occult tendencies have scorpion sign in critical position in chart such as 1st, 5th or 8th.

Now when this sign is ruling ascendant or Moon(Thoughts) You are not very open to discuss
your thoughts with everyone. Even public gatherings will make you uncomfortable because
you are hiding thoughts and you love to go to inside world rather than connection to outside

This is a good sign for spies, CBI officers, scientists but not for social people.

You will find most of people who do hidden work and has tendency to hide things will have
scorpio prominent.

Now time for technique- Find out which house has scorpio in your chart-That house will have
things which will never be visible to anyone.

for example- Cancer ascendant has Scorpio in 5th house- All their love affairs will be hidden
always as 5th house governs love affairs and presence of Scorpio there shows affairs will
always be hidden but always unlucky in love as lover will keep things hidden from him.

Let us suppose Scorpio has Venus in it now if you read all the classics everyone will tell you
Scorpion Venus is not good. Reason is Venus represents wife and and placed in Scorpion
sign it shows “Your wife will have some hidden past” that necessary does not mean cheating.

Hope my article has helped you in understanding scorpion mentality.

Let me explain how- Cancer is a very sensitive sign and over emotional which continuously need
support from in emotional terms and kind of psycho to a dangerous level if cancer is controlled by
Rahu. As continuous mood swings are part of the process. The will leave home for one place and
visit someplace else and can’t be trusted.
This is Cancer

Now imagine with this person (Cancer) who is so indecisive has a partner (Pisces) who is always
complaining about what wrong has happened with him -Just driving him nuts all the time.

Soon after a few months, I am sure Cancer will pack his bags and run far away from Pisces as one of
the requirements of cancer is peace and can’t handle nagging of Pisces.

This is Pisces

While Cancer with Taurus is still better as Taurus is a bit practical in approach rather than emotional
and will help cancer in taking a decision and although there will be a conflict from cancer side that
you don’t support me emotionally enough but still better than Pisces.

Retro Satrun

Retrograde, Exalted and Debilitated means- Planet is not following its normal course of
action and something is special with this position of the planet.

In case of retrograde means in classical terms, that planet is going in the reverse direction but
in actual sense, the planet is very near to us and due to the speed of Earth it appears like that
planet is moving in reverse direction.

Anyhow, Since this is a special effect something special regarding house own by this planet
and wherever this is seated is special and challenging.

Saturn Retro- Whenever you see Saturn retro now depending on the sign and house things
will be very odd for this person.

Let us understand this with an example-

So Saturn is retro in 5th house-

First of all look what Saturn signifies in general- Job, Hair, Servants, nails, Patience.
All of this will be Very odd.- This guy has never brought a comb in his life as his hair never
requires it and he always keeps his hair short.

Regarding Profession -Saturn is in Scorpio and in Trine to Venus and Mercury so it means
profession will be good and will involve some research work. This is also true in this case.

Retro Saturn is in 5th house of education- This guy never liked going to a coaching center or
even studying in a classroom. Always studied in isolation and did well in studies.

So we can predict about retro planet not only by placement in the chart but also by what any
planet actually signifies in general.

A lot of cases I saw where Retro Saturn is associated with 6th/7th or 8th house or lord and
girls usually suffer from PCOD issues. At the same time, I noticed something different
regarding hair is there.

In few cases of Saturn retro a person was born with curly hair and later on become straight or
vice versa- Depends on which stage or point of retrogradation Saturn is at time of birth.

However Retro planet also acquires chestabal -which shows efforts of person will be there in
that house.

I have tried to cover all point in small para to give hints about everything. The whole book
can be written only on retrogradation of one planet with examples.


Time for practical lesson.

1. 10th house/lord and related factors

2. Saturn the natural karma Karak.
3. Sign of Capricorn.

Let us see some examples-

Below is the chart of the native-

10th house has Taurus Sign which is a stable sign and shows money, speech and wealth.

10th lord Venus is combusted in 4th house- 10th in 4th shows person is working in an
industry which is consumable items like food or cloth but in a sign of Scorpio in 4th cannot
be food or cloth has to be something hidden.

Also, Venus in the nakshatra of Mercury and also 4th house rises in the nakshatra of
Mercury-Venus and Mercury together makes Medicine.

Now, look at Saturn- Saturn is in the sign of Gemini which shows continuous short travel,
communication also being with Moon shows continuous traveling and communication.
This person is a Senior Manager in a Pharma company and continuously travels and meet
people to pitch for medicines.

Let us see one more example-

Below is the Chart of Indira Gandhi- the 10th house has Aries rising in the nakshatra of
Moon -Now this shows a continuous change in career is going to happen and a lot of
aggressive nature in terms of the profession will be there as Aries is a sign of “Let’s Go”

Lord of 10th Mars is in Royal sign of Leo and sitting in the house of Family -Which shows
she will continue her family legacy and work for the government.

Saturn is in the sign of Cancer-Shows Masses and being in lagan shows drive by masses -
Nakshatra rising and nakshatra of Saturn is Ashlesha- Ashlesha is a nakshatra of planning,
backstabbing, perfect for a politician.

She became the first female prime minister of this country. Cancer Ascendant if Mars is well
placed they always be the first one in their family, tribe, country to achieve something new.

As this is the sign number -1 and placed in 10th house of a chart- Cancer Ascendants anyhow
not very stable in terms of Job and profession due to this only.

Hope small analysis helps.

Venus in 3rd house in dhanu lagna

1. Affair with neighbors in age of 15.

2. Fight with neighbors/sibling while traveling in age of 27.
3. You gained from extra curricular activity such as writing/travel in age 22.
4. Your Mama has a business related to clothes, fashion sort of work.
5. Eyes of your father is very prominent and good looking deep eyes.
6. Good Handwriting.
7. Venus in 3rd house also affect eyes to an extent and not very conducive for married
life, Also person is not very brave or even want to engage in a fight with anyone else
rather he does destroy enemies by plan and back stabbing.
8. As malefics in 3rd provides courage but Benefics like Venus gives you plans to
destroy enemies.

All the above effects will change by Vedh , arudh,aspect and association of other planets.

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