Summer Training Project Report ON: Institute of Management Research & Technology (Imrt)

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Submitted in partial fulfillment for award of

Degree of Master of Business Administration
From Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

(SESSION 2019-2021)

Submitted To Submitted By
Dr. Pooja Agarwal Nidhi Yadav
(Faculty Guide) Roll No. 1907560700033
IMRT, Lucknow MBA – IIIrd Sem.



I undersigned, hereby declare that the project titled “Study Of Customer

Satisfaction Of HDFC Bank On Two Wheeler Loan” submitted in partial

fulfilment for the award of Degree of Master of Business Administration of

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University is a bonafide record of work

done by me under the guidance of Dr. Pooja Agarwal, Institute of

management research and technology. This report has not previously formed

the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, or similar title of any


Date:- Nidhi Yadav

Place:- MBA IIIrd Sem.


Through this acknowledgement I express my sincere gratitude towards all

those people who helped me in this project, which has been a learning


This space wouldn’t be enough to extend my warm gratitude towards my

project guide Dr. Pooja Agarwal for his efforts in coordinating with my

work and guiding in right direction.

I escalate a heartfelt regards to our Institution Director Dr. S.V. Singh for

giving me the essential hand in concluding this work.

It would be injustice to proceed without acknowledging those vital supports

I received from my beloved classmates and friends, without whom I would

have been half done.

I also use this space to offer my sincere love to my parents and all others

who had been there, helping me walk through this work.



A Vehicle Loan is a debt provided by one entity (organization or individual) to another

entity at an interest rate, and evidenced by a note which specifies, among other things, the

principal amount, interest rate, and date of repayment. A Vehicle Loan entails the

reallocation of the subject asset(s) for a period of time, between the lender and the


In a Vehicle Loan, the borrower initially receives or borrows an amount of money, called

the principal from the lender, and is obligated to pay back or repay an equal amount of

money to the lender at a later time. Typically, the money is paid back in regular

installments, or partial repayments; in an annuity, each installment is the same amount.

The Vehicle Loan is generally provided at a cost, referred to as interest on the debt,

which provides an incentive for the lender to engage in the Vehicle Loan. In a legal

Vehicle Loan, each of these obligations and restrictions is enforced by contract, which

can also place the borrower under additional restrictions known as Vehicle Loan

covenants. Although this article focuses on monetary Vehicle Loans, in practice any

material object might be lent.

Acting as a provider of Vehicle Loans is one of the principal tasks for financial

institutions. For other institutions, issuing of debt contracts such as bonds is a typical

source of funding.


In today’s scenario, it is not possible that we get knowledge about the market

without practical training. By the practical training a management student can

understand the management working in the area of their specialization.

Actually practical knowledge increases the knowledge of students in real field

of market & also integrates the theoretical concepts with the practical working

of the organization.

This project report embodies the result of summer training report in partial

fulfillment of MBA. It was a great opportunity to me to work with such a

flagship organization. Management of HDFC Bank has given me this golden

opportunity to get familiar with the organization and its functioning. Since

the duration of research work was short so it become difficult to cover each

and every aspect in detail but I tried my level best to give due consideration

to all important aspect related to my study.







4.1 :- Objective
4.2 :- Research design
4.3 :- Source of data

4.4 :- Primary and secondary data

6. FINDING 89-91
9. Limitation 97-98
10. Annexure 99-105



A Vehicle Loan is a debt provided by one entity (organization or individual)

to another entity at an interest rate, and evidenced by a note which specifies,

among other things, the principal amount, interest rate, and date of

repayment. A Vehicle Loan entails the reallocation of the subject asset(s) for

a period of time, between the lender and the borrower.

In a Vehicle Loan, the borrower initially receives or borrows an amount

of money, called theprincipal, from the lender, and is obligated to pay

back or repay an equal amount of money to the lender at a later time.

Typically, the money is paid back in regularinstallments, or partial

repayments; in an annuity, each installment is the same amount.

The Vehicle Loan is generally provided at a cost, referred to as interest on

the debt, which provides an incentive for the lender to engage in the Vehicle

Loan. In a legal Vehicle Loan, each of these obligations and restrictions is

enforced by contract, which can also place the borrower under additional

restrictions known as Vehicle Loan covenants. Although this article focuses

on monetary Vehicle Loans, in practice any material object might be lent.

Acting as a provider of Vehicle Loans is one of the principal tasks

for financial institutions. For other institutions, issuing of debt contracts such

as bonds is a typical source of funding.

Types of Loans


A secured Loan is a Loan in which the borrower pledges some asset (e.g. a

Vehicle or bike) as collateral.

A mortgage Vehicle Loan is a very common type of debt instrument, used

by many individuals to purchase Vehicle loan. In this arrangement, the

money is used to purchase the Vehicle . The financial institution, however,

is given security — a lien on the title to the house — until the mortgage is

paid off in full. If the borrower defaults on the Vehicle Loan, the bank would

have the legal right to repossess the house and sell it, to recover sums owing

to it.

In some instances, a Vehicle Loan taken out to purchase a new or used

Vehicle may be secured by the Vehicle , in much the same way as a

mortgage is secured by Vehicle loan. The duration of the Vehicle Loan

period is considerably shorter — often corresponding to the useful life of the

Vehicle . There are two types of auto Vehicle Loans, direct and indirect. A

direct auto Vehicle Loan is where a bank gives the Vehicle Loan directly to

a consumer. An indirect auto Vehicle Loan is where a Vehicle dealership

acts as an intermediary between the bank or financial institution and the



Unsecured Vehicle Loans are monetary Vehicle Loans that are not secured

against the borrower's assets. These may be available from financial

institutions under many different guises or marketing packages:

 credit Vehicle d debt

 personal Vehicle Loans

 bank overdrafts

 credit facilities or lines of credit

 corporate bonds (may be secured or unsecured)

The interest rates applicable to these different forms may vary depending on

the lender and the borrower. These may or may not be regulated by law. In

the United Kingdom, when applied to individuals, these may come under

the Consumer Credit Act 1974.

Interest rates on unsecured Vehicle Loans are nearly always higher than for

secured Vehicle Loans, because an unsecured lender's options for recourse

against the borrower in the event of default are severely limited. An

unsecured lender must sue the borrower, obtain a money judgment for

breach of contract, and then pursue execution of the judgment against the

borrower's unencumbered assets (that is, the ones not already pledged to

secured lenders). In insolvency proceedings, secured lenders traditionally

have priority over unsecured lenders when a court divides up the borrower's

assets. Thus, a higher interest rate reflects the additional risk that in the event

of insolvency, the debt may be uncollectible.


Demand Vehicle Loans are short term Vehicle Loans  that are atypical in

that they do not have fixed dates for repayment and Vehicle ry a floating

interest rate which varies according to the prime lending rate. They can be

"called" for repayment by the lending institution at any time. Demand

Vehicle Loans may be unsecured or secured.


A subsidized Vehicle Loan is a Vehicle Loan on which the interest is

reduced by an explicit or hidden subsidy. In the context of college Vehicle

Loans in the [India], it refers to a Vehicle Loan on which no interest is

accrued while a student remains enrolled in education.


A concessional Vehicle Loan, sometimes called a "soft Vehicle Loan," is

granted on terms substantially more generous than market Vehicle Loans

either through below-market interest rates, by grace periods or a

combination of both.[3] Such Vehicle Loans may be made by foreign

governments to poor countries or may be offered to employees of lending

institutions as an employee benefit.

Target markets

Personal or commercial

Vehicle Loans can also be subcategorized according to whether the debtor is

an individual person (consumer) or a business. Common personal Vehicle

Loans include mortgage Vehicle Loans, Vehicle Vehicle Loans, home

equity lines of credit, credit Vehicle ds, installment Vehicle Loans and

payday Vehicle Loans. The credit score of the borrower is a major

component in and underwriting and interest rates (APR) of these Vehicle

Loans. The monthly payments of personal Vehicle Loans can be decreased

by selecting longer payment terms, but overall interest paid increases as

well. For Vehicle Vehicle Loans in the U.S., the average term was about 60

months in 2009

Vehicle Loans to businesses are similar to the above, but also

include commercial mortgages and corporate bonds. Underwriting is not

based upon credit score but rather credit rating.

Vehicle Loan payment

The most typical Vehicle Loan payment type is the fully amortizing

payment in which each monthly rate has the same value over time.

The fixed monthly payment P for a Vehicle Loan of L for n months and a

monthly interest rate c is:

For more information see "Monthly Vehicle Loan or mortgage payments"

under Compound Interest

Abuses in lending

Predatory lending is one form of abuse in the granting of Vehicle Loans. It

usually involves granting a Vehicle Loan in order to put the borrower in a

position that one can gain advantage over him or her. Where the

moneylender is not authorized, they could be considered a Vehicle Loan


Usury is a different form of abuse, where the lender charges excessive

interest. In different time periods and cultures the acceptable interest rate has

varied, from no interest at all to unlimited interest rates. Credit Vehicle d

companies in some countries have been accused by consumer organizations

of lending at usurious interest rates and making money out of frivolous

"extra charges".

Abuses can also take place in the form of the customer abusing the lender by

not repaying the Vehicle Loan or with an intent to defraud the lender.


Most of the basic rules governing how Vehicle Loans are handled for tax

purposes in the United States are codified by both Congress (the Internal

Revenue Code) and the Treasury Department (Treasury Regulations —

another set of rules that interpret the Internal Revenue Code).[6] Yet such

rules are universally accepted.

1. A Vehicle Loan is not gross income to the borrower. Since the

borrower has the obligation to repay the Vehicle Loan, the borrower has no

accession to wealth.

2. The lender may not deduct (from own gross income) the amount of

the Vehicle Loan. The rationale here is that one asset (the cash) has been

converted into a different asset (a promise of repayment). Deductions are not

typically available when an outlay serves to create a new or different asset.

3. The amount paid to satisfy the Vehicle Loan obligation is not

deductible (from own gross income) by the borrower.

4. Repayment of the Vehicle Loan is not gross income to the lender. In

effect, the promise of repayment is converted back to cash, with no

accession to wealth by the lender.

5. Interest paid to the lender is included in the lender’s gross

income. Interest paid represents compensation for the use of the lender’s

money or Vehicle and thus represents profit or an accession to wealth to the

lender. Interest income can be attributed to lenders even if the lender doesn’t

charge a minimum amount of interest.

6. Interest paid to the lender may be deductible by the borrower. In

general, interest paid in connection with the borrower’s business activity is

deductible, while interest paid on personal Vehicle Loans are not

deductible. The major exception here is interest paid on a home mortgage.

Income from discharge of indebtedness

Although a Vehicle Loan does not start out as income to the borrower, it

becomes income to the borrower if the borrower is discharged of

indebtedness.  Thus, if a debt is discharged, then the borrower essentially

has received income equal to the amount of the indebtedness.

The Internal Revenue Code lists “Income from Discharge of

Indebtedness” in Section 61(a)(12) as a source of gross income.

Example: X owes Y $50,000. If Y discharges the indebtedness, then X no

longer owes Y $50,000. For purposes of calculating income, this should be

treated the same way as if Y gave X $50,000.

For a more detailed description of the “discharge of indebtedness”, look at

Section 108 (Cancellation of Debt (COD) Income) of the Internal Revenue




A review of literature shows that researchers investigated the relationship

between attribute and overall customer satisfaction with HDFC Bank using

different car and nature of attributes. In addition, the results of these studies

will empirically validate that proposed attributes considerably affects overall

customer satisfaction with HDFC Bank car of service provided.

Rana and Lokhande (2013) study showed that in March 2008 HDFC

Banksales were Rs.21221 crore which was more than March 2007 by Rs.

21.559. The industrial sales of HDFC Bank in the year March 2008 were

Rs.20070.9 crore which is 23.26% greater than previous year. It concluded

that in today’s scenario the success of company lies in structuring and

restructuring the marketing strategies and continuous innovation of product

and service.

Singh and Srivatava (2013)study showed various factors affecting

customer satisfaction towards HDFC Bank. Exceptional customer service

results in greater customer retention, which in turn results in higher

profitability. Customer loyalty is a major contribution to sustainable profit

growth. Measuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of how

successful the organization is at providing products or services to the

marketplace. It also concluded that all the factors considered in the study

have significant effect on the overall satisfaction of the customers. It

conducted that satisfaction levels for pricing attributes (such as Car price,

discounts and service charges) are generally lower than product related


Ranjith and Snekalatha (2013) focused on the customer’s brand loyalty

and satisfaction towards Maruti car. HDFC Bank India Limited is India’s

leading & largest passenger car manufacturer which accounting for nearly

50 per cent of the total industry sales. Customer loyalty is a major

contribution to sustainable profit growth to achieve success. This study

found that Maruti Udyog Ltd has various brands of car, but majority of

respondent prefer Omni. They are satisfied with price, band, image,

convenience, appearance quality and require less maintenance cost.

Parthian and Rajendran (2014) study was carried on customer preference

toward HDFC Bank. Main aim of this study was to understand the mind of

customers whether they was eager and satisfied to handle. Even though most

of the customers were satisfied with present model and service, few

customers were not satisfied about the facilities provided by the car. If the

Maruti car service providers give enough attention regarding this, they can

ensure a large level of customer preference.

Akhila and Thayyullathi (2015) in his study on customer satisfaction

toward HDFC Bank in Coimbatore found that majority of the respondents

were using SUV (Sport utility vehicle) type cars. They found that HDFC

Bank cars were the best and fast moving brands. Therewere increasing trend

because of easy handling, safety, security and high performance, which

makes the advanced technologies to adopt new model.

Suganthi and Renuka (2016) focused on data collected through

convenience sampling of 200 consumers of HDFC Bank car users of

Udumalpet Taluk. Later the data was analysed with statistical tools like

mean and the hypothesis was tested by using Chi-Square analysis. HDFC

Bank is most preferred brand by the majority of the customer. It is going to

pose great challenges to other small cars in India. Most of the customers are

satisfied with the mileage and fuel efficiency of the car and they preferred

HDFC Bank.




HDFC Bank Limited

"We understand your world"

Type Public

Traded as BSE: 500180
BSE SENSEX Constituent
CNX Nifty Constituent

Industry Banking, Financial services

Founded August 1994

Headquarters Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Area served Worldwide

Key people Aditya Puri (MD)

Products Credit cards, consumer

banking, corporate
banking,finance and

insurance, investment
banking, mortgage
loans, private
banking, private
equity, wealth management

Revenue  US$ 6.5 billion (March


Operating  US$ 1.87 billion (March

income 2013)

Profit  US$ 1.1 billion (March


Total assets  US$ 66.7 billion (May


Total equity  US$ 8.6 billion (March


Employees 69,065 (March 2013)


HDFC Bank Limited is an Indian banking and financial services company

headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is the fifth largest bank in India

by assets, incorporated in 1994. It is the largest private sector bank in India

by market capitalization as of 24 February 2014. As on Jan 2 2014, the

market cap value of HDFC was around US$26.88 billion, as compared

to Credit Suisse Group with US$47.63 billion. The bank was promoted by

the Housing Development Finance Corporation, a premier housing finance

company (set up in 1977) of India. According to the Brand Trust

Report 2014, HDFC was ranked 32nd among India's most trusted brands.

As of 31 March 2013, the bank had assets of INR 4.08 trillion. For the fiscal

year 2012-13, the bank has reported net profit of INR 69 billion, up 31%

from the previous fiscal year. Its customer base stood at

28.7 million customers on 31 March 2013.

Join the winning team

HDFC Bank is a young and dynamic bank, with a youthful and enthusiastic

team determined to accomplish the vision of becoming aworld-class Indian


Our business philosophy is based on four core values - Customer

Focus, Operational Excellence, Product Leadership and People. We

believe that the ultimate identity and success of our bank will reside in the

exceptional quality of our people and their extraordinary efforts. For this

reason, we are committed to hiring, developing, motivating and retaining the

best people in the industry.


Our mission is to be "a World Class Indian Bank", benchmarking ourselves

against international standards and best practices in terms of product

offerings, technology, service levels, risk management and audit &

compliance. The objective is to build sound customer franchises across

distinct businesses so as to be a preferred provider of banking services for

target retail and wholesale customer segments, and to achieve a healthy

growth in profitability, consistent with the Bank's risk appetite. We are

committed to do this while ensuring the highest levels of ethical standards,

professional integrity, corporate governance and regulatory compliance.

Our business strategy emphasizes the following :

 Increase our market share in India’s expanding banking and financial

services industry by following a disciplined growth strategy focusing

on quality and not on quantity and delivering high quality customer


 Leverage our technology platform and open scaleable systems to

deliver more products to more customers and to control operating


 Maintain our current high standards for asset quality through

disciplined credit risk management.

 Develop innovative products and services that attract our targeted

customers and address inefficiencies in the Indian financial sector.

 Continue to develop products and services that reduce our cost of


 Focus on high earnings growth with low volatility.

 HDFC Bank Limited does not charge applicants any recruitment fee

for gaining employment. HDFC Bank Limited does not authorize any

third party (such as vendors, placement services, recruitment agencies

etc) to make any employment offers to the applicants / candidates and

does not collect any fee / registration / recruitment charges etc for

referring and placing applicants / candidates with them. If you are

approached for a fee / charges / payment of whatsoever in nature, by

anyone, please do not make such payment and immediately inform us

in writing with full details of such agencies / vendors / firms / persons.


HDFC Bank offers the following core products:

NRI banking

Under NRI Banking, HDFC offers:

 Accounts & Deposits

 Money Transfer

 Investments & Insurance

 Research Reports

 Payment Services

SME banking

Under SME Banking, HDFC offers:

 Accounts & Deposits

 Business Financing

 Trade Services

 Payments & Collections

 Cards

Wholesale banking

HDFC offers Wholesale Banking for Corporates and Financial Institutions

& Trusts. The Bank also provides services such as Investment Banking and

other services in the Government sector.


Wholesale banking services

HDFC Bank provides a range of commercial and transactional banking

services, including working capital finance, trade services, transactional

services, cash management, etc. to large, small and mid-sized corporates and

agriculture-based businesses in India. The bank is also a leading provider of

these services to its corporate customers, mutual funds, stock exchange

members and banks.

An HDFC Bank Branch

Retail banking services

HDFC Bank was the first bank in India to launch an International Debit

Card in association with VISA (Visa Electron). The bank also issues

the MasterCard Maestro debit card. The Bank launched its credit

card business in late 2001. By the end of June 2013, it had a credit card base

of 5.94 million. By March 2012, the bank had a total card base (debit and

credit cards) of over 19.7 million. The Bank is also one of the leading

players in the "merchant acquiring" business with over 240,000 point-of-sale

(POS) terminals for debit / credit cards acceptance at merchant

establishments. The Bank is positioned in various net based B2C

opportunities including a wide range of Internet banking services for Fixed

Deposits, Loans, Bill Payments, etc.


The bank has three main product areas - Foreign Exchange and Derivatives,

Local Currency Money Market & Debt Securities, and Equities. These

services are provided through the bank's Treasury team. To comply with

statutory reserve requirements, the bank is required to hold 25% of its

deposits in government securities. The Treasury business is responsible for

managing the returns and market risk on this investment portfolio.


As of 30 September 2013, HDFC Bank has 3,251 branches and 11,177

ATMs, in 2,022 cities in India, and all branches of the bank are linked on an

online real-time basis. The Bank has overseas branch operations

in Bahrain and Hong Kong.

HDFC Bank has two subsidiaries:

HDB Financial Services Limited (‘HDBFS’): HDBFS is engaged in retail

asset financing. It is a non-deposit taking non-bank finance company

(NBFC). Apart from lending to individuals, the company grants loans to

micro, small and medium business enterprises. It also runs call centers for

collection services to the HDFC Bank’s retail loan products. HDFC Bank

holds 97.4% shares in HDBFS. As of March 31, 2013, HDBFS has 230

branches in 184 cities. During the FY 2012-13, HDBFS had turnover of INR

9.6 billion and profit after tax of INR 1 billion. It has 6,404 employees as of

31 March 2013

HDFC Securities Limited (‘HSL’): HSL is engaged in stock broking. As of

March 31, 2013, HDBFS has 194 branches across 150 cities. HDFC Bank

has 62.1% shareholding in HSL. During the FY 2012-13, HSL had turnover

of INR 2.3 billion and profit after tax of INR 668 million. During the year,

the Company received the “Best e-Brokerage Award - 2012” in the Outlook

Money Awards in the runner up category.

Listings and shareholding

The equity shares of HDFC Bank are listed on the Bombay Stock

Exchange, where it is a constituent of the BSE SENSEX index, and

the National Stock Exchange of India, where it is a constituent of the CNX

Nifty. Its American Depositary Shares are listed on the NYSE.[2] Its Global

Depository Receipts (GDRs) are listed on the Luxembourg Stock

Exchangewhere 2 GDRs represent one underlying equity share of HDFC


Shareholding: On 30 September 2013, the promoter group Housing

Development Finance Corporation held 22.72% of itsequity shares. 33.61% of

the shares were owned by the Foreign Institutional Investors (FII). Around 428,000

individual public shareholders own approx. 8.43% of its shares. The remaining 35.24%

shares are owned by others.

Shareholders (as of 30-September-2013) Shareholding

Promoter Group (HDFC) 22.72%

Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) 33.61%

Individual shareholders 08.43%

Bodies Corporate 08.01%

Insurance companies 05.38%

Mutual Funds/UTI 04.34%

NRI/OCB/Others 00.40%

Financial Institutions/Banks 00.09%

ADS/GDRs 17.02%

Total 100.0%


As of 31 March 2013, the company has 69,065 employees, out of which

12,295 are women (17.80%). In June 2013, the company reported an annual

attrition rate of approx. 20%. During the financial year 2012-13, the

company incurred INR 42 billion on employee benefit expenses.

CSR Activities

HDFC Bank has taken several initiatives as part of its corporate social responsibility. It

has collaborated with several NGOs to assist in its activities.

Initiative Objective Activities Facts/Figures

Training for
Provide livelihood finance to
Occupation Skills Reached 20 lakh
Sustainable empower rural people,
Credit Counseling households across
Livelihood especially women at the
Financial Literacy 24 states
bottom of the pyramid
Market Linkages

600 government
schools across
Provide affordable access to Andhra Pradesh &
Literacy programs in
basic banking products and Odisha in literacy
Financial schools
services to excluded and programs
Literacy ‘Power of Banking’
underprivileged sections of 3365 students
the society across 6 locations
covered in

Education Spread the importance of Galli School Project A large number of

education by providing Grow with Books students reached
quality education to children Library programs through various

Child development programs across
program the country
Family based care

Skill-based courses
Enhance employability of Technical & More than 1500
youth and women in the vocational training youth benefitted
Training weaker sections of the society Basic computer through various
by providing training and programming programs across
capacity development Educational support the country
for children

Rain water 150 tribal girls

harvesting programs benefitted through
Setting up blood sanitation
Enable economic growth and
storage facilities Research Report
sustainable development
Community Construction of 350 poor and
through community building
sanitation facilities in needy children
schools supported
Child Aid 1600+ children
Foundation rescued

Go Green Take responsibility for the Promoting paperless As of Mar 2013,

82% of customer-
initiated retail
transactions direct
banking banking channels,
Multi-channel reducing the need
effects of the operations of delivery (Internet, to commute
the Bank on the environment Mobile, Phone, 66 lakh retail
and the society. ATM) customers
Energy efficiency subscribed for e-
Green infrastructure statement
20 ATMs
operating on clean


Outlook Money award 2013 +Best Bank in Large Banks Category

IBA Innovation Awards Most Innovative Use of Technology

Best Private Sector Bank Technology

Dun & Bradstreet Polaris
Financial Technology Banking
Best Private Sector Bank Retail
Award 2013
Overall Best Private Sector Bank

Best Bank in Asia

Institutional Investor
Mr. Aditya Puri - Best CEO

Fab 50 Companies List for the 7th

Forbes Asia

Best Private Sector Bank: Large

Sunday Standard Best Banker
Safest Bank: Large
Mr. Aditya Puri: Top Achiever

Asia Money 2013 Best Domestic Bank in India

Mr. Aditya Puri: Best Executive in


Best in Financial Services: Bank

MACCIA Awards 2013

UTI Mutual Fund CNBC TV 18

Best Performing Bank - Private
Financial Advisory Awards 2012

Dun & Bradstreet Corporate

Best in Banking sector
Awards 2012

NDTV Profit Business Leadership

Winner in the banking category
Awards 2012

NASSCOM CNBC–TV18 IT Best IT Driven Innovation in Banking

Innovation Award (COMMERCIAL)

The National Quality Excellence

Best Customer Service Result

Brand Trust Report 2013 Most Trusted Finance Brand

FE Best Bank Awards Best Bank: New Private sector

Best in Strength & Soundness

Mr. Aditya Puri: Best Banker

Skoch Financial Inclusion Awards

Organization of the Year

For The Annual Blood Donation

Guinness World Record


Security in Bank (2nd time in a row)

DSCI Information Technology
Security Leader of the Year
Award 2012

Businessworld Awards for Most tech-friendly Bank

Banking Excellence 2012 Deal of the year (Rupee Bonds)

HT-Mars Customer satisfaction Winner: Bank and Credit Card

survey customer satisfaction Survey

Best Organization for Information

CSO Forum Information
Security Practice
Technology Award 2012
(2nd time in a row)

ET Awards for Corporate Excellence
Economic Times
- Company of the Year 2012

CNBC TV18's India Best Banks

and Financial Institutions Awards Best Private Sector Bank


Mint-Aon Hewitt study on India's One of India's six best managed

Best Managed Boards 2012 Boards 2012

Fab 50 Companies - Winning for the

Forbes Asia
6th year

Best Online Bank

Best Use of Business Intelligence

Best Customer Relationship Initiative

IBA Banking Technology Awards
Best Risk Management & Security

Best Use of Mobility Technology in


Dun & Bradstreet Banking Overall Best Bank

Awards 2012 Best Private Sector Bank

Asset Quality - Private Sector

Retail Banking -Private Sector

IDRBT Banking Technology Best Bank in 'IT for Operational

Excellence Awards 2011-12 Effectiveness' category

Asia Money 2012 Best Domestic Bank in India

India's Top 500 Companies -Dun

Best Bank in India
& Bradstreet Corporate Awards

Best Managed Company

Finance Asia
Best CEO - Mr. Aditya Puri

UTI Mutual Fund CNBC TV 18

Best Performing Bank - Private
Financial Advisor Awards 2011

Asian Banker International Best Retail Bank in India

Excellence in Retail Financial Best Bancassurance

Services Awards 2012 Best Risk Management

5th Loyalty Summit award Customer and Brand Loyalty

Brand Trust Report 2012 Most Trusted Finance Brand

Skoch Financial Inclusion Award Skoch Foundation Award for the

for 2012 SHG/JLG Linkage Programme

ICAI Awards 2011 Excellence in Financial Reporting


Money laundering allegations

On 14 March 2013 an online magazine named released video

footage from Operation Red Spider showing high-ranking officials and some

employees of HDFC bank and two other leading banks, willing to turn black

money into white, a violation of Money Laundering Control Act.

Following the release of the footage, the Government of

India and RBI ordered an inquiry. The banks under question also conducted

investigations of their own. HDFC appointed Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu to

conduct a forensic inquiry. The bank also appointed Amarchand &

Mangaldas & Suresh A Shroff & Co (AMSS), a law firm based in India, to

investigate in association with the internal departmental inquiry, the

breaches in the bank’s code of conduct and ethical standards by the officials

involved. On March 16, 2013, HDFC released a statement announcing the

suspension of over 20 employees involved in the videotape to ensure fair

and unbiased investigation process.

The RBI forensic investigation did not reveal any prima facie evidence for

the allegations of money laundering. Deputy Governor at RBI, K.C.

Chakrabarty, said in an interview that no transactions had taken place. The

Executive Director of HDFC, Paresh Sukthankar, also confirmed that their

investigations revealed the same on April 24, 2013, “The issue is being

reviewed and investigated from multiple quarters. Clearly, all the

investigations have shown that there have been no instances of transactions

actually taking place. Our belief is that the existing processes seem to have

worked in not allowing these transactions to happen.” 

However, RBI investigations revealed violations of KYC (Know Your

Customer) norms, for which the three banks were imposed penalty, with Rs.

4.5 crores imposed on HDFC.

Training programme provided by HDFC Bank

Modern Banker Program

HDFC Bank and TimesPro (a Times Of India Group initiative) have

embarked on a journey to create  skilled professionals to meet the ever

growing needs of the banking industry by introducing the Modern Banker


An intensive classroom program of 2 months will enable the student to be

proficient in customer management and banking operations. The future

banker will have skills to match the high service delivery levels are expected

from an HDFC Bank employee.

Admissions for the Modern Banker Program are now open. Selected

students are awarded a conditional offer letter by HDFC Bank during


Professional Banker Program

In association with our empanelled training partners we are launching a

training course for graduates - Professional Banker. Aimed at bridging the

skills-gap in the banking industry and transforming candidates into job-

ready professionals, this program develops people for various roles in Retail

Branch Banking such as Personal Banker and Teller. 

The 'Professional Banker' program will be launched in various locations

across India in association with multiple training partners. Some of our

partners include The Skills Academy, National Institute of Banking &

Finance (NIBF), CMC and Aptech.

Eligible candidates will need to undergo a three step selection process

involving a written test and two rounds of interviews - one with the training

partner and the other with the Bank. Selected candidates will be given

conditional appointment letters and will need to undergo a 2 month training

program. This intensive training includes a mix of theory, experiential

learning and case studies. On successful completion of the program,

candidates will be absorbed by the Bank

For more information on 'Professional Banker Program', please click on

location from where you wish to apply: 

1) Nagpur, Kolkata and Jalandhar

2) Raipur and Indore

3) Neral

4) Bangalore & Chennai

The Branch Sales Officer Program


1)HDFC Bank and National Institute Of Banking & Finance. (NIBF: is the

hub of excellence in the field of banking, insurance & financial services with

a mission to E2E - Education to Employability and is driven by a single

purpose – “to offer a learning experience that will create Day Zero Ready

professional for BFSI Industry”) have joined hands to offer young graduates,

a start to a banking career, in the high growth area of sales: with the Branch

Sales Officer Program under ‘Hire Train & Deploy’ model.

The NIBF Branch Sales Officer Program is a 2 weeks residential training

program where the participants would undergo required functional

knowledge, selling skills & simulations exercise. On successful completion

of NIBF Branch Sales Officer Program, the candidate joins HDFC Bank.

The training fee is shared by participants & HDFC Bank.

To more about NIBF Branch Sales Officer Program click to 

2)HDFC Bank and Finitiatives Learning India Pvt. Ltd. (FLIP: India’s

largest range of role based eLearning & Certifications across Banking &

Financial Services), have joined hands to offer young graduates, a start to a

banking career, in the high growth area of sales: with the Branch Sales

Officer Program

The FLIP Branch Sales Officer Program is a high quality, certification

program delivered on an e-learning model;ensuring that candidates gain

both: the required functional knowledge and selling skills. Eligible

applicants will go through HDFC Bank’s interview; post selection they will

get a conditional offer letter. On successful completion of the FLIP Branch

Sales Officer Certification Program, the candidate joins HDFC Bank. The

training fee is shared by participants & HDFC Bank.

Enrolment for batches across locations, has started. .

3) HDFC Bank launches “ADROIT” a joint certification program in

association with E3 Zone Edutrain Pvt Ltd. ADROIT aims to provide

deserving candidates with an opportunity to get employed with HDFC Bank

as a Branch Sales officer. The minimum eligibility for applying to this

program is graduation. Final year students nearing completion of graduation

can also apply. Emoluments are pre-determined based on qualification and


Edutrain will be responsible for preliminary round of interviewing and short-

listing suitable candidates for final round of interview with HDFC Bank.

The candidates selected by HDFC Bank Interview Panel will be given a

Conditional Offer Letter and will undergo a 2 week training. On successful

completion of “ADROIT” candidates will have to join the Bank within 15


HDFC 2 Wheeler Loan Apply

HDFC Bank gives the facility of bike loan to the people who want to fulfill

their dream of having their own 2 wheeler. There are some features and

benefits of taking auto loan from HDFC Bank:

 Convenient and hassle free process

 Speedy loan approval

 Competitive pricing

Documents Required for HDFC 2 wheeler Loan

Two wheeler loan HDFC Bank documents for salaried employees

 Signed loan application form

 Photographs

 Income Tax PAN Copy

 Identity Proof – Driving License/ PAN/ Passport/ Voter ID

 Address Proof - Registered Rent Agreement/ Passport/ Leave and

License/ Utility Bill

 Income Documents – Form 16, last 3 months pay slip, bank statement

of 3 months showing salary credit and any EMI debit

Two wheeler loan HDFC Bank documents for Self-Employed

 Signed loan application form

 Photographs

 Income Tax PAN Copy

 Identity Proof - Driving License/ PAN/ Passport/ Voter ID

 Address Proof - Registered Rent Agreement/ Passport/ Leave and

License/ Utility Bill

 Income Documents – Last 2 years ITR

 Business existence proof such as VAT/ service tax registration,

business address proof, incorporation details in case of companies

HDFC Two wheeler Loan Interest Rate

Last Updated 18th Nov 2019

HDFC Bank Two wheeler Loan Interest Rates India Nov 2019

Interest Rates 14.03%

Maximum Loan Amount Eligibility 85% of On Road Price
Maximum Loan Tenure 4 years
Lowest EMI per Rs. Ten Thousand
₹ 273
Loan Amount
3% of Loan Amount with Minimum
Processing Fee
Rs. 600
Prepayment Charges 3%-10%, after 3 EMIs
Interest Calculation EMI on a monthly reducing balance
Age Between 21 years and 65 years

HDFC Bank Two wheeler Loan

HDFC Auto Loan Interest Rates

HDFC Bank bike loan Interest rate calculator works on various inputs like:

 Salary - Higher salary bracket individuals are offered loans at lower

interest rates. HDFC Bank auto loan rate varies with your net monthly


 Employer category – Employer category of the borrower is a major

deciding factor in order to determine his/her rate of interest. HDFC

Bank has a list of company categories of salaried individuals to which

they avail two wheeler loans. So, higher company category leads to

low rate of interest.

 Type of two wheeler - HDFC interest rate depends upon the type of

bike you want to buy. If you have applied loan for a high value two

wheeler, then the bank offer low interest rate on your two wheeler.

 Relationship with the Bank – HDFC Bank offers special rates, offers

and charges to the salary account holders of the bank. Those who have

managed their accounts low HDFC Bank 2 wheeler interest rate.

HDFC Two wheeler Loan Eligibility

Eligibility of 2 wheeler loan in HDFC Bank relies upon different factors but

the most important factor is your ability to repay the loan. Two wheeler loan

calculator calculates eligibility of an applicant depending upon various

factors like

 Age: Age plays an important role to know your eligibility and

repayment capacity. HDFC Bank offers two wheeler loan to

individuals who are atleast 21 years old at the time of loan approval

and maximum 65 years at the time of loan maturity.

 Income: HDFC Bank bike loan calculator calculates your eligibility

based upon your income. Usually bank set minimum levels of income

to apply for two wheeler loan. HDFC Bank asks for net monthly

income of ₹ 7,000 from salaried professionals.

 CIBIL Score: Your past CIBIL history and repayment record of

existing loans and credit cards has direct impact on your two wheeler

loan eligibility. If you have a poor repayment record, then you may

not get the loan but on the other side, a regular repayment record

increases your two wheeler loan eligibility.

HDFC Two wheeler Loan EMI

Two wheeler Loan EMI of HDFC Bank is a fixed amount that you pay each

month towards the repayment of your bike loan till the end of tenure. Lowest

EMI offered by HDFC Bank is Rs. 273 per ten thousand loan amount at

lowest two wheeler loan interest rate of 14.03%. HDFC Bank bike loan EMI

calculator depends on factors like:

 Auto Loan HDFC interest is an important factor which affects your

EMI. Higher the interest rate, higher will be the EMI

 Loan tenure matters equally as longer tenure reduces your monthly

EMI per lakh

 Your EMI depends upon the amount of loan you are going to borrow.

Loan EMI will be high if you apply for a high loan amount

 Two wheeler loan EMI calculation varies from bank to bank

depending upon the method of calculation

HDFC 2 Wheeler Loan Apply

HDFC Bank gives the facility of bike loan to the people who want to fulfil

their dream of having their own 2 wheeler. There are some features and

benefits of taking auto loan from HDFC Bank:

 Convenient and hassle free process

 Speedy loan approval

 Competitive pricing

Documents Required for HDFC 2 wheeler Loan

Two wheeler loan HDFC Bank documents for salaried employees

 Signed loan application form

 Photographs

 Income Tax PAN Copy

 Identity Proof – Driving License/ PAN/ Passport/ Voter ID

 Address Proof - Registered Rent Agreement/ Passport/ Leave and

License/ Utility Bill

 Income Documents – Form 16, last 3 months pay slip, bank statement

of 3 months showing salary credit and any EMI debit

Two wheeler loan HDFC Bank documents for Self-Employed

 Signed loan application form

 Photographs

 Income Tax PAN Copy

 Identity Proof - Driving License/ PAN/ Passport/ Voter ID

 Address Proof - Registered Rent Agreement/ Passport/ Leave and

License/ Utility Bill

 Income Documents – Last 2 years ITR

 Business existence proof such as VAT/ service tax registration,

business address proof, incorporation details in case of companies

Comparison chart

Overview HDFC Bank SBI PNB

Lowest Interest Rate 14.03% 12.65% 10.20%
Loan Tenure 4 Years 3 Years 5 Years
Two Wheeler Loan Charges
1.25% of Loan Amount
3% of Loan Amount Min Rs.
Processing Fee with Min Rs. 250 and
with Minimum Rs. 600 275
Max Rs. 500
Foreclosure Charges 3%-6%, after 6 EMI's Nil Nil


Decide the brand and type of Two Wheeler Loan that is likely to serve your

needs best. If you are looking for something beyond just a regular bike,

HDFC Bank also offers Super Bike Loans.

 You need not bother with standing in long queues since the bank will

send its staff at your door step to complete the documentation work, when

you apply online.

 And you end up saving up to Rs. 12,500

That’s not all. HDFC Bank Two Wheeler Loan has more benefits

 For HDFC Bank account holders, the interest rate is 2% lower

 Get flexible repayment tenure from 12 months to 48 months

 Enjoy superfast loan approvals, so you need not wait forever for your

dream vehicle to arrive

 If eligible, you can get up to 100% financing without having to make

any down payment

2 - Check your loan eligibility

You can check your loan eligibility in less than two minutes. Follow these

simple steps to check your Two Wheeler Loan eligibility and you can get

going with your loan application.

 You can go here to check the eligibility criteria like the minimum

gross income, age limit of the applicant, and residential status among other


 On clicking on the ‘check eligibility’ option, you are taken to a login


 Here, if you are already an HDFC Bank account holder, you can log

in with your Customer ID and verification code. If not, you can still log in

with your phone number and verification code that will be sent to your

mobile number.

 HDFC Bank account holders will see a pop up window informing you

about a possible option of the loan amount and tenure you are eligible for. In

most cases, you can avail up to six times of your annual income as the loan

amount. You can choose to skip this option, if it doesn’t fit suit your needs.

3 - Calculate your Two Wheeler Loan EMI

After an eligibility check, you can find out how much EMI you are likely to

pay out on your loan and in what duration.

 Find the HDFC Bank Two Wheeler Loan EMI Calculator.

 Key in your personal and financial details along with the details of the

vehicle model and indicative prices

 Adjust as required to arrive at an optimal EMI

4 - Apply online

Having done your homework, you can simply go visit the webpage online

and apply for your HDFC Bank Two Wheeler Loan. You will be asked to

fill your personal and financial details. You will also need to provide exact

details about the vehicle like the RTO location, Dealer’s name and on road


Since the entire approval process is digital, you can get your Two Wheeler

Loan application status in 15 minutes straight.

5 - Submit documents

HDFC Bank has the simplest and most hassle free documentation process.

Here is a checklist of Two Wheeler Loan documents.

 A copy of any of the following identity proof documents:

 Passport

 Photo Credit Card (front & reverse)

 Voters ID Card

 Driving License

 PAN card

 Copy of Company ID card of MNC/Public Ltd./PSU/Govt.


 Ration Card (if photo is provided)

 A copy of any of the following documents as address proof:

 Passport

 Voter's ID Card

 Driving License

 Rental Agreement

 Telephone Bill

 Electricity Bill

 Gas Connection Bills

 Ration Card

 Sale Deed

 Property Purchase Agreement

 Credit Card Billing Statement (latest)

 LIC Policy

 Letter from Company or Company Provided Accomodation

(List of the company's as per the Banks List – ID card of MNC/Public

Ltd./PSU/Govt. Company, containing the residence address)

 The following Income Proof:

 Salaried: Latest salary slip for Govt. employees. If Salary slip is

not available, only salary certificate to be accepted with deductions.

For Partnership/Proprietary firms & Pvt. Ltd. Co's – Salary Certificate

to be accepted with the following mitigants: Salary Certificate to

clearly state the deductions, and Name & Designation of the authorised


 For Self Employed: Copy of the latest Income Tax Return



One of the biggest plus points of HDFC Bank offices at Varanasi is their

staff. The HR Department has people that are not only extremely competent

in their functions, but are also dedicated to their duties that they have to

perform. As a result, all the day-to-day activities are carried out in an

extremely efficient manner and no work is left pending. Apart from this, the

pleasing attributes of the co-workers creates a tension-free atmosphere at the

office, which in itself is a motivation for increasing productivity of the

organization as a whole. HDFC Bank at Varanasi is housed in a

magnificent multistoried building which provides all the comfort one needs

as far as work is concerned, including canteen services where one can

refresh one’s mind and get back to work with even more vigor.


The HDFC Bank office at Varanasi caters to the population residing in UP

East, which has a very large population. Thus it is natural that the

recruitment process functions throughout the year with a very large number

of applicants wanting to join the organization. The applicants have to

undergo the BPAT and the CRISP tests at the Varanasi Office.

Unfortunately, despite being housed in a multistoried building which is

totally owned by the Company, there is not enough space for a large number

of applicants to take the tests at the same time and thus the waiting time for

the applicants’ increases. Apart from this there are frequent breakdowns in

the link ups of the computers with the server resulting in further loss of time

and disappointment for the test takers. This problem needs to be rectified

and can easily be done by creating more space or just shifting part of the set

up to some other room on the same floor. It has also been found that the

final set of documents for the candidates who are selected are not received

within the required time period, which leads to delay in finalization of the

recruitment process for some candidates. This problem can be rectified if a

list of required documents is attached with the offer letter and then handed

over to the selected candidate. This will not only facilitate the process, but

will also reduce unnecessary wastage of time and burden on the recruiter.


The external environment with respect to the functioning of the office of

HDFC Bank at Varanasi is extremely beneficial to the organization.

Varanasi, being the capital city, is easily accessible from all parts of East UP

and prospective candidates aspiring for a career at HDFC Bank find it easy

to locate the office. The location also facilitates the staffs who wish to travel

in the course of their job activities. The modern and imposing multistoried

building housing the offices stands out in the locality as a center of

excellence in keeping with the tradition of the Tata Group being amongst the

best organizations in the country.


As such, the only perceived threats are from the competitors, who also have

good infrastructure and vie with each other to attract the best talent. These

organizations could also indulge in poaching of experienced staff from

HDFC Bank .



1. To study various schemes of two wheeler loan of HDFC Bank.

2. To know the response of customer regarding two wheeler loan.

3. To know awareness of customer regarding two wheeler loan.




The report is the result of a survey which was undertaken in HDFC Bank

Varanasi . The objectives of the project has been fulfilled by getting

response from the Consumer associated to these segments through a

personal interview in the form of a questionnaire. The responses available

through the questionnaire are used to evaluate the satisfaction level for

consumer Vehicle loan in HDFC Bank Varanasi.

The project also covers an analysis of the effect of Vehicle loan in their



The research design used in the project is Descriptive Research.

The investigation is Vehicle ried upon the customer’s in HDFC Bank

Varanasi. The reason for choosing this design is to get responses from the

Consumer so that their perception about the Organization.

The design is such studies must be rigid and not flexible and most focus

attention on the following:

1. What is the study about?

2. Why is the study being made?

3. Where will the study be carried out

4. What type of data is required?

5. Where can required data be found?

6. What will be the sample design?

7. What techniques of data collection will be used?


The data has been taken from two sources

 Primary data source

The primary data source has been collected through questionnaire by

personally interviewing each respondent on a number of queries structured

in a questionnaire.

 Secondary data source

Secondary data was collected from following sources

Prior research reports




Personal consultation


The field work is conducted in the HDFC Bank VARANASI in

various branch situated in different location all over the premises.


The analytical tools used are mostly graphical in nature which


 Pie charts

 Cylindrical charts

 Column charts

 Tables showing percentage


The sample size consists of 100 Respondent out of which the most logical

and non biased response are selected thus the sample size is taken out to be

100 respondent.




1 Are you wanted to take loan for your Two wheeler ?

yes 73
No 27




Interpretation :

73% respondent said that they want to take loan for their Two wheeler but

27% said no.

2 In which institution you want to take loan for your two wheeler ?

SBI 23





Interpretation :

33% respondent said that they want to take loan for their two wheeler from

HDFC, 23% SBI, 27% ICICI bank 7% hero fincorp, 10% others.

3. Why you interested to take loan for your two wheeler from HDFC Bank?

Low interest 91
security purpose 9


Low interest
security purpose

Interpretation :

91% respondent said that they interested to take loan for their two wheeler

from HDFC Bank Low interest, 9% security purpose.

5. why you are not take loan in pvt. sector ?

high interest 91
Non Security 9


high interest
Non Security

Interpretation :

91% respondent said that they are not take loan in pvt. sector for high

interest, 9% non security.

6:- are you think that HDFC Bank's two wheeler Loan given more security

better than other institution?

Yes 91
no 9



Yes no

Interpretation :

91% respondent said that they HDFC Bank's two wheeler Loan given more

security better than other institution, 9% no.

7. Are you interested to take two wheeler Loan from HDFC Bank?

Yes 89
No 11




Interpretation :

89% respondent said that they interested to take two wheeler Loan from

HDFC Bank, 11% no.

8:- Do you think that loan of your Two wheeler in HDFC Bank is better

than other institution?

Yes 91
No 9



Yes No

Interpretation :

91% respondent said that that loan of your Two wheeler in HDFC Bank is

better than other institution, 9% no.

9:- If yes why:-

Essay finance 65
security reason 35

Essay finance
security reason

Interpretation :

65% respondent said that loan of Two wheeler in HDFC Bank essay

finance, 35% security reason.

10:- Are you trusted in Two wheeler loan from HDFC Bank?

Yes 78
no 22




Interpretation :

78% respondent said that they trusted in Two wheeler loan from HDFC

Bank, 22% no.

11:- are you satisfied from your two wheeler loan from HDFC Bank ?

Satisfied 70
Unsatisfied 30

Interpretation :

70% respondent said that they satisfied from their two wheeler loan from

HDFC Bank, 30% no.

12:- if yes why?

Essay finance 71
Less documentation 29



More profitable Less profitable

Interpretation :

71% respondent said that they satisfied from their two wheeler loan from

HDFC Bank is more profitable, 29% less profitable.

13:- do you think that two wheeler Loan in HDFC Bank is trustable?

yes 92
No 8



yes No

Interpretation :

92% respondent said that two wheeler Loan in HDFC Bank is trustable, 89%

less profitable.

14:- do you think that two wheeler loan give you an opportunity to purchase

a two wheeler ?

yes 83
No 17



yes No

Interpretation :

83% respondent said that two wheeler loan give you an opportunity to

purchase a two wheeler, 17% no.

15:- do you think that without two wheeler loan not possible to purchase

Vehicle in Varanasi city?

yes 87
No 13



yes No

Interpretation :

87% respondent said that without Vehicle loan not possible to purchase

Vehicle in Varanasi city, 13% no.

16. Do you think that possibility of two wheeler loan in HDFC Bank is

play vital role?

yes 93
No 7



yes No

Interpretation :

93% respondent said that possibility of two wheeler loan in HDFC Bank is

play vital role, 17% no.



 73% respondent said that they want to take loan for their Two wheeler

but 27% said no.

 33% respondent said that they want to take loan for their two wheeler

from HDFC, 23% SBI, 27% ICICI bank 7% Bajaj finance, 10%


 91% respondent said that they interested loan for two wheeler Loan in

Nationalize bank 9% pvt bank.

 91% respondent said that they interested to take loan for their two

wheeler from HDFC Bank Low interest, 9% security purpose.

 91% respondent said that they are not take loan in pvt. sector for high

interest, 9% non security.

 91% respondent said that they HDFC Bank's two wheeler Loan given

more security better than other institution, 9% no.

 89% respondent said that they interested to take two wheeler Loan

from HDFC Bank, 11% no.

 91% respondent said that that loan of your Two wheeler in HDFC

Bank is better than other institution, 9% no.

 65% respondent said that loan of Two wheeler in HDFC Bank essay

finance, 35% security reason.

 78% respondent said that they trusted in Two wheeler loan from

HDFC Bank, 22% no.

 99% respondent said that they satisfied from their two wheeler loan

from HDFC Bank, 1% no.

 71% respondent said that they satisfied from their two wheeler loan

from HDFC Bank is more profitable, 29% less profitable.

 92% respondent said that two wheeler Loan in HDFC Bank is

trustable, 89% less profitable.

 83% respondent said that two wheeler loan give you an opportunity to

purchase a two wheeler, 17% no.

 87% respondent said that without Vehicle loan not possible to

purchase Vehicle in Varanasi city, 13% no.

 93% respondent said that possibility of two wheeler loan in HDFC

Bank is play vital role, 17% no.



 Maximum respondent purchase a Two wheeler loan because the

appreciation of Vehicle loan is much better than other field. Where the

appreciation is too much. In lucknwo city Vehicle rate is very high so the

respondent can’t purchase a Vehicle without Vehicle loan. So, the

possibility of Two wheeler loan Varanasi have a bright future.

In our observation maximum respondent secure that their Two wheeler loan

because the growth of the Vehicle loan is day by day increases because

population India is increase so residence problem also increase in our


HDFC Bank Varanasi is one of most popular and reliable sector to provide

Vehicle loan their interest rate is also very nominal.




The following recommendations on the basis of the data collected can be

made the concerned authorities of Two wheeler loan.

It was found that the only few respondent were particularly dissatisfied with

the Two wheeler loan. In consonance with the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

theory the monetary remunerations is required for full filling the first two

lower level needs, which is not up to the mark and fails to satisfy the

Consumers . Maximum respondent need more profits to their investment so

they invest their money in Two wheeler loan.

In accordance with the Herzberg dual structure model of investing handling

procedure the motivators such as profit of their investment, supervision,

Vehicle loan policies and administration, technical supervision, working

condition should be improved to increase the among the Consumers . And

factors like advancement that is the hygiene factors.

Two wheeler loan have a better opportunity in Varanasi city. The possibility

of Two wheeler loan much better because maximum respondent invest

money in Two wheeler loan and without they think without Two wheeler

loan can’t invest or purchase a Two wheeler in Varanasi city.


The suggestions given for the betterment are explained below:

 Provide the opportunity to the respondent to express their views.

 Mission and goals should be cleared to respondent.

 Vehicle Loan interest rates are growing too much so maximum

respondent invest their money in this field.

 Mental relaxation & social cultural development of Consumers ,

who strive hard for the organization.

 Reward or Praise individuals and motivate them for work.

 Role should be defined so based on that individuals could plan

their work accordingly.

 Regular review and compare current & past performance to detect

gradual deterioration in the strategy.



It is not possible to remove the limitation of any investigators. So this

project also has certain limitation that is:

1) Information was gathered through the rating of the subject, thus

biasness is possible.

2) As the sample size was small it is possible that it may not represent

the precise picture.

3) Consumers of the organization may hide the fact.

4) The management did not agree to disclose all the confidential data.

5) Number of respondents are very less, so clear conclusion can’t be




1- ASHWATHAPA K, Human Resource and Personal Management.

2- MONAPPA & SAIYADAIN, Personal Management, TATA MC

GrawHill, second edition.

3- RAO VSP, Human Resource Management

4- Research Methodology CR Kothari

5- Newspaper

Times of India

Economic Times

6- Magazines :

Business Today

Business world

7- Website :

www. HDFC



1 Are you wanted to take loan for your Two wheeler ?

2 In which institution you want to take loan for your two wheeler ?

3 Do you interested loan for two wheeler Loan in Nationalize bank or pvt

bank ?

Public bank
Pvt. bank
4. Why you interested to take loan for your two wheeler from HDFC Bank?

Low interest
security purpose

5 why you are not take loan in pvt. sector ?

high interest
Non Security
6:- are you think that HDFC Bank's two wheeler Loan given more security

better than other institution?

7 Are you interested to take two wheeler Loan from HDFC Bank?

8:- Do you think that loan of your Two wheeler in HDFC Bank is better

than other institution?

9:- If yes why:-

Essay finance
security reason

10:- Are you trusted in Two wheeler loan from HDFC Bank?

11:- are you satisfied from your two wheeler loan from HDFC Bank ?

12:- if yes why?

Essay finance
Less documentation
13:- do you think that two wheeler Loan in HDFC Bank is trustable?

14:- do you think that two wheeler loan give you an opportunity to purchase

a two wheeler ?


15:- do you think that without two wheeler loan not possible to purchase

Vehicle in Lucknow city?

16. Do you think that possibility of two wheeler loan in HDFC Bank is play

vital role?


Questionnaire 2

Q. 1How much interest is charged by HDFC Bank on two wheeler loan?

Ans. HDFC Bank bike loan interest rates today are 14.03% to 27.53%.

Q. 2What is the lowest EMI for ten thousand amount on HDFC Bank two wheeler loan?

Ans. If you apply for a 2 wheeler loan from HDFC Bank, your lowest EMI for ten

thousand amount will be ₹ 273.

Q.3 What is the maximum tenure of HDFC bike loan?

Ans. You can repay your bike loan from HDFC Bank in a flexible period of maximum 4

Q. 4 How much auto loan I can borrow from HDFC Bank?

Ans. HDFC Bank offers you 85% of On Road Price of two wheeler as loan.

Q. 5 How much processing fee is charged by HDFC Bank on bike loan?

Ans. HDFC Bank charge a processing fee of 3% of Loan Amount with Minimum Rs. 600
with applicable service tax.

Q. 6 Is age an eligibility factor to get two wheeler loan from HDFC Bank ?

Ans Yes, age is an important eligibility factor to get HDFC Bank two wheeler loan as
you should be at least 21 years old at loan approval time and 65 years old at loan maturity

Q. 7Are there any prepayment charges on HDFC Bank two wheeler loan?

Ans You can foreclose your two wheeler loan from HDFC Bank with 3%-10%, after 3


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