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Progress Check Week 3

1. State which events are independent and which are dependent.

a. Tossing a coin and drawing a card from a deck Independent
b. Drawing a ball from an urn, not replacing it, and then drawing a second ball Dependent
c. Getting a raise in salary and purchasing a new car Dependent
d. Driving on ice and having an accident Dependent
e. Having a large shoe size and having a high IQ Independent
f. A father being left-handed and a daughter being left-handed Dependent
g. Smoking excessively and having lung cancer Dependent
h. Eating an excessive amount of ice cream and smoking an excessive number of cigarettes Independent
2. Exercise If 37% of high school students said that they exercise regularly, find the probability that 5 randomly selected high school
students will say that they exercise regularly. Would you consider this event likely or unlikely to occur? Explain your answer.
0.69% This event is unlikely to occur given the fact that the probability of it occurring is close to 0 (0.69%).

3. Video and Computer Games Sixty-nine percent of U.S. heads of households play video or computer games. Choose 4 heads of
households at random. Find the probability that
a. None play video or computer games 0.92%
b. All four do 22.67%

4. Seat Belt Use The Gallup Poll reported that 52% of Americans used a seat belt the last time they got into a car. If 4 people are
selected at random, find the probability that they all used a seat belt the last time they got into a car. Source: 100% American.

5. Medical Degrees If 28% of U.S. medical degrees are conferred to women, find the probability that 3 randomly selected medical
school graduates are men. Would you consider this event likely or unlikely to occur? Explain your answer.
37.32% The event is unlikely to occur given by the fact that the probability is less than 50%.

6. Prison Populations If 25% of U.S. federal prison inmates are not U.S. citizens, find the probability that 2 randomly selected federal
prison inmates will not be U.S. citizens. Source: Harper’s Index.

7. Computer Ownership At a local university 54.3% of incoming first-year students have computers. If 3 students are selected at
random, find the following probabilities.
a. None have computers. 9.54%
b. At least one has a computer. 90.46%
c. All have computers. 16.01%

8. Cards If 2 cards are selected from a standard deck of 52 cards without replacement, find these probabilities.
a. Both are spades. 13/52 x 12/51 = 156/2652 = 1/17
b. Both are the same suit. 4/4 x 12/51 = 12/51
c. Both are kings. 4/52 x 3/51 = 12/2652 = 1/221

9. MLS Players Of the 216 players on major league soccer rosters, 80.1% are U.S. citizens. If 3 players are selected at random for an
exhibition, what is the probability that all are U.S. citizens? Source: USA TODAY.
.801 raise to 3 = 51.39%
173/216 x 172/215 x 171/ 214 =3287/6420 = 51.2%

10. Cable Television In 2006, 86% of U.S. households had cable TV. Choose households at random. Find the probability that
a. None of the 3 households had cable TV 0.27%
b. All 3 households had cable TV 63.61%
c. At least 1 of the 3 households had cable TV 99.73%

11. Working Women and Computer Use It is reported that 72% of working women use computers at work. Choose 5 working women
at rando’m. Find
a. The probability that at least 1 doesn't use a computer at work 80.65%
b. The probability that all 5 use a computer in their jobs 19.35%
1. Define and give three examples of a random variable.
A random variable is a variable whose value is unknown or a function that assigns values to each of an experiment's
outcomes; A Random Variable is a set of possible values from a random experiment.

A variable whose values are determined by chance.

Throwing a die once:

Random Variable X = "The score shown on the top face".
X could be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6
So, the Sample Space is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

Tossing a coin once:

Random Variable X = "The side of the coin that is perceptible".
X could be Head or Tail
So, the Sample Space is {H,T}

The selection of a numbered ball (1-50) in an urn:

Random Variable X = "The number of the drawn ball".
X could be from 1 to 50
So, the Sample Space is {1, 2, 3,…,50}

2. Explain the difference between a discrete and a continuous random variable.

The main difference between the two kinds of variables Is that discrete random variable is a kind of variable that has finite
number of values or infinite number of values that can be counted. While, continuous random variable is a variable that can assume all
values in the interval between any two given values and these data are garnered through measuring rather than counting.
3. Give three examples of a discrete random variable.
Examples: number of students present
number of red marbles in a jar
number of heads when flipping three coins
students’ grade level

4. Give three examples of a continuous random variable.

Examples: height of students in class

weight of students in class
time it takes to get to school
distance traveled between classes
5. What is a probability distribution? Give an example.
A probability distribution is a function that describes the likelihood of obtaining the possible values that a random variable can
assume. In other words, the values of the variable vary based on the underlying probability distribution.

For Exercises 6 through 11, determine whether the distribution represents a probability distribution. If it does not, state why

6. Not a probability distribution – the sum of all the probabilities p(x) Is not equal to 1. 10/11
7. Not a probability distribution –P(x) can’t be -0.8
8. Not a probability distribution –P(x) can’t be -0.8
9. Probability Distribution
10. Probability Distribution
11. Not a probability distribution –P(x) can’t be 1.2

For Exercises 12 through 18, state whether the variable is discrete or continuous.
12. The speed of a jet airplane Continuous
13. The number of cheeseburgers a fast-food restaurant serves each day Discrete
14. The number of people who play the state lottery each day Discrete
15. The weight of a Siberian tiger Continuous
16. The time it takes to complete a marathon Continuous
17. The number of mathematics majors in your school Discrete
18. The blood pressures of all patients admitted to a hospital on a specific day Continuous

For Exercises 19 through 26, state whether the variable is discrete or continuous.

19. Medical Tests The probabilities that a patient will have 0, 1, 2, or 3 medical tests performed on entering a hospital are 6/15, 5/15,
3/15, and 1/15, respectively
Discrete Prob
20. Student Volunteers The probabilities that a student volunteer hosts 1, 2, 3, or 4 prospective first-year students are 0.4, 0.3, 0.2,
and 0.1, respectively.
Discrete Prob
21. Birthday Cake Sales The probabilities that a bakery has a demand for 2, 3, 5, or 7 birthday cakes on any given day are 0.35, 0.41,
0.15, and 0.09, respectively.
Discrete Prob
22. DVD Rentals The probabilities that a customer will rent 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 DVDs on a single visit to the rental store are 0.15, 0.25, 0.3,
0.25, and 0.05, respectively.
Discrete Prob
23. Loaded Die A die is loaded in such a way that the probabilities of getting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are 1/2, 1/6, 1/12, 1/12, 1/12, and 1/12,
Discrete Prob
24. Item Selection The probabilities that a customer selects 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 items at a convenience store are 0.32, 0.12, 0.23, 0.18,
and 0.15, respectively.
Discrete Prob
25. Student Classes The probabilities that a student is registered for 2, 3, 4, or 5 classes are 0.01, 0.34, 0.62, and 0.03, respectively.
Discrete Prob
26. Garage Space The probabilities that a randomly selected home has garage space for 0, 1, 2, or 3 cars are 0.22, 0.33, 0.37, and
0.08, respectively.
Discrete Prob
27. Selecting a Monetary Bill A box contains three $1 bills, two $5 bills, five $10 bills, and one $20 bill. Construct a probability
distribution for the data if x represents the value of a single bill drawn at random and then replaced.
X $1 $5 $10 $20
P(X) 3/11 2/11 5/11 1/11

28. Family with Children Construct a probability distribution for a family of three children. Let X represent the number of boys.

X 0 1 2 3
P(X) 1/8 3/8 3/8 1/8

29. Drawing a Card Construct a probability distribution for drawing a card from a deck of 40 cards consisting of 10 cards numbered 1,
10 cards numbered 2, 15 cards numbered 3, and 5 cards numbered 4.
X 1 2 3 4
P(X) ¼ ¼ 3/8 1/8

30. Rolling Two Dice Using the sample space for tossing two dice, construct a probability distribution for the sums 2 through 12.
X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
P(X) 1/36 1/18 1/12 1/9 5/36 1/6 5/36 1/9 1/12 1/18 1/36

Progress Check
1. Defective Transistors From past experience, a company has found that in cartons of transistors, 92% contain no defective
transistors, 3% contain one defective transistor, 3% contain two defective transistors, and 2% contain three defective
transistors. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation for the defective transistors. About how many extra transistors per
day would the company need to replace the defective ones if it used 10 cartons per day?

X P(X) X.P(X) X2.P(X)

0 .92 0 0
1 .03 .03 .03
2 .03 .06 .12
3 .02 .06 .18
SUM Mean=0.15 .33
Mean= 0.15
Variance= 0.33-0.152=0.3075
S.D. = 0.5545
Two extra transistors per day the company needs to replace.

2. Suit Sales The number of suits sold per day at a retail store is shown in the table, with the corresponding probabilities. Find the
mean, variance, and standard deviation of the distribution.
X P(X) X.P(X) X2.P(X)
0 .18 0 0
1 .34 .34 .34
2 .23 .46 .92
3 .21 .63 1.89
4 .04 .16 .64
SUM Mean=1.59 3.79

Variance= 3.79-1.592=1.2619
S.D.= 1.1233

If the manager of the retail store wants to be sure that he has enough suits for the next 5 days, how many should the manager
purchase? 1.59 x 5 = 8 suits

3. Number of Credit Cards A bank vice president feels that each savings account
customer has, on average, three credit cards. The following distribution represents the
number of credit cards people own. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation.
Is the vice president correct?

X P(X) X.P(X) X2.P(X)

0 .18 0 0
1 .44 .44 .44
2 .27 .54 1.08
3 .08 .24 .72
4 .03 .12 .48
S Mean=1.34 2.72
Mean = 1.34

Variance = 2.72-1.342=0.9244

s.d. = 0.9615

the vice president was incorrect since the mean number of credit cards that a person own is 1.34 or 1 credit card only.

4. Trivia Quiz The probabilities that a player will get 5 to 10 questions right on a trivia quiz are shown below. Find the mean, variance,
and standard deviation for the distribution.

X P(X) X.P(X) X2.P(X)

5 .05 .25 1.25
6 .2 1.2 7.2
7 .4 2.8 19.6
8 .1 .8 6.4
9 .15 1.35 12.15
10 .1 1 10
Mean=7.4 56.6

Mean= 7.4

Variance= 56.6-7.42=1.84

S.D.= 1.3565

5. Cellular Phone Sales The probability that a cellular phone company kiosk sells X number of new phone contracts per day is shown
below. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation for this probability distribution.

X P(X) X.P(X) X2.P(X)

4 .4 1.6 6.4
5 .3 1.5 7.5
6 .1 .6 3.6
8 .15 1.2 9.6
10 .05 .5 5
Mean=5.4 32.1

What is the probability that they will sell 6 or more contracts three days in a row? 2.7%

Mean= 5.4

Variance= 32.1-5.42= 2.94

S.D.= 1.7146

6. Animal Shelter Adoptions The local animal shelter adopts out cats and dogs each week with the following probabilities.

Mean= 4.84
Variance= 25.06-4.842=1.6344

S.D.= 1.2784

Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation for the number of animals adopted each week. What is the probability that they find
homes for more than 5 animals in a given week? 0.3

7. Commercials During Children’s TV Programs A concerned parents group determined the number of commercials shown in each
of five children’s programs over a period of time. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation for the distribution shown.

Mean = 6.59

Variance = 1.2619

SD = 1.1233
8. Number of Televisions per Household A study conducted by a TV station showed the number of televisions per household and the
corresponding probabilities for each. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation.

Mean = 1.9

Variance = 0.63

SD = 0.7937

If you were taking a survey on the programs that were watched on television, how many program diaries would you send to each
household in the survey? 2 program diaries

9. Students Using the Math Lab The number of students using the Math Lab per day is found in the distribution below. Find the mean,
variance, and standard deviation for this probability distribution. What is the probability that fewer than 8 or more than 12 use the lab in
a given day? .15+.1= .25

Mean = 9.4

Variance = 5.24

SD = 2.2891

10. Pizza Deliveries A pizza shop owner determines the number of pizzas that are delivered each day. Find the mean, variance, and
standard deviation for the distribution shown. If the manager stated that 45 pizzas were delivered on one day, do you think that this is a
believable claim? No, because the mean number of pizzas that are delivered each day is 37. Moreover, the highest recorded number of
pizzas that were delivered was only 39 with 0.1 prob making it unbelievable.

Mean = 37.1

Variance = 1.29

SD = 1.1358

11. Insurance An insurance company insures a person’s antique coin collection worth $20,000 for an annual premium of $300. If the
company figures that the probability of the collection being stolen is 0.002, what will be the company’s expected profit? 260

Win Lose
Gain (X) 300 -19700
P(X) 0.998 0.002
299.4 -39.4

E(X) 260

12. Job Bids A landscape contractor bids on jobs where he can make $3000 profit. The probabilities of getting 1, 2, 3, or 4 jobs per
month are shown.

No. of Jobs (X) 1 2 3 4

P(X) .2 .3 .4 .1
X.P(X) .2 .6 1.2 .4
Total X.P(X) 2.4

Find the contractor’s expected profit per month.

E(X) = $3000 X 2.4 = $7200

13. Rolling Dice If a person rolls doubles when she tosses two dice, she wins $5. For the game to be fair, how much should she pay to
play the game?

GAIN (X) 5
P(X) 1/6 5/6
X.P(X) 5/6

Since WIN = 5/6 = 0.83 = $0.83

14. Dice Game A person pays $2 to play a certain game by rolling a single die once. If a 1 or a 2 comes up, the person wins nothing. If,
however, the player rolls a 3, 4, 5, or 6, he or she wins the difference between the number rolled and $2. Find the expectation for this
game. Is the game fair?


GAIN (X) -1 0 1 2 -2 -2
P(X) 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6
X.P(X) -1/6 0 1/6 2/6 -2/6 -2/6

E(X) = -1+0+1+2-4= 2/6 = 1/3 = $0.33

15. Lottery Prizes A lottery offers one $1000 prize, one $500 prize, and five $100 prizes. One thousand tickets are sold at $3 each.
Find the expectation if a person buys one ticket.

WIN 1000 WIN 500 WIN 100 LOSE

GAIN (X) 997 497 97 -3
P(X) 1/1000 1/1000 5/1000 993/1000
X.P(X) 997/1000 497/1000 485/1000 -2979/1000

E(X) = 997 + 497 + 485 – 2979 = -1000/1000 = -$1

16. In Exercise 15, find the expectation if a person buys two tickets. Assume that the player’s ticket is replaced after each draw and that

WIN 1000 WIN 500 WIN 100 LOSE

GAIN (X) 994 494 94 -6
P(X) 2/1000 2/1000 10/1000 986/1000
X.P(X) 1988/1000 988/1000 940/1000 -5916/1000

E(X)= 1988 + 988 + 940 – 5916

17. Winning the Lottery For a daily lottery, a person selects a three-digit number. If the person plays for $1, she can win $500. Find
the expectation. In the same daily lottery, if a person boxes a number, she will win $80. Find the expectation if the number 123 is played
for $1 and boxed. (When a number is “boxed,” it can win when the digits occur in any order.)

A Win Lose
GAIN (X) 499 -1
P(X) 1/1000 999/1000
X.P(X) 499/1000 -999/1000
E(X)= 499/1000 - 999/1000 = -500/1000 = -$0.5

B Win Lose
GAIN (X) 79 -1
P(X) 6/1000 994/1000
X.P(X) 474/1000 -994/1000

E(X)= 474/1000 - 994/1000 = -520/1000 = -13/25 = -$0.52

18. Life Insurance A 35-year-old woman purchases a $100,000 term life insurance policy for an annual payment of $360. Based on a
period life table for the U.S. government, the probability that she will survive the year is 0.999057. Find the expected value of the policy
for the insurance company.

Survive Died
GAIN (X) 360 -100,000
P(X) 0.999057 0.000943
X.P(X) 359.66052 -94.3

E(X)= 359.66052 - 94.3= 265.36052

19. Raffle Ticket Sales A civic group sells 1000 raffle tickets to raise $2500 for its namesake charity. First prize is $1000, second prize
is $300, and third prize is $200. How much should the group charge for each ticket?

1000+300+200+2500=4000/1000= $4

1. Which of the following are binomial experiments or can be reduced to binomial experiments?

a. Surveying 100 people to determine if they like Sudsy Soap YES

b. Tossing a coin 100 times to see how many heads occur YES

c. Drawing a card with replacement from a deck and getting a heart NO, NO TRIALS BUT THE EXPERIMENT CAN BE YES,

d. Asking 1000 people which brand of cigarettes they smoke NO

e. Testing four different brands of aspirin to see which brands are effective NO

f. Testing one brand of aspirin by using 10 people to determine whether it is effective YES

g. Asking 100 people if they smoke YES

h. Checking 1000 applicants to see whether they were admitted to White Oak College YES

i. Surveying 300 prisoners to see how many different crimes they were convicted of NO

j. Surveying 300 prisoners to see whether this is their first offense YES

2. Compute the probability of X successes, using Table B in Appendix C.

A. 0.42

B. 0.346

C. 0.59

D. 0.251

E. 5.346 X 10 ^-9

F. 0.2501

G. .4181

H. 0.1762

I. 0.2463

3. Compute the probability of X successes, using the binomial formula.

A. 4.928 x 10^-4

B. 0.1307

C. 0.3423

D. 7.428 x 10^-3

E. 0.1734

4. Burglar Alarms A burglar alarm system has six fail-safe components. The probability of each failing is 0.05. Find these probabilities.

N= 6 p= 0.05 q= 0.95

a. Exactly three will fail. N= 6 p= 0.05 q= 0.95 x=3 0.0021

b. Fewer than two will fail. N= 6 p= 0.05 q= 0.95 x=1 x=0 0.23 + 0.74= 0.97

c. None will fail. N= 6 p= 0.05 q= 0.95 x=0 0.74

d. Compare the answers for parts a, b, and c, and explain why the results are reasonable.
5. True/False Exam A student takes a 20-question, true/false exam and guesses on each question. Find the probability of passing if
the lowest passing grade is 15 correct out of 20. Would you consider this event likely to occur? Explain your answer.

N=20 p=0.5 q=0.05 x=15 x=16 x=17 x=18 x=19 x=20

0.01479 0.00462 0.00109 0.00018 0.00002 0.000001 = 0.020701

6. Multiple-Choice Exam A student takes a 20-question, multiple-choice exam with five choices for each question and guesses on
each question. Find the probability of guessing at least 15 out of 20 correctly. Would you consider this event likely or unlikely to occur?
Explain your answer.

N=20 p=0.2 q=0.8 x=15,16,17,18,19,20







Total = 0.00000018027639734656

7. Driving to Work Alone It is reported that 77% of workers aged 16 and over drive to work alone. Choose 8 workers at random. Find
the probability that

a. All drive to work alone N=8 p=0.77 q=0.23 x=8 0.1236

b. More than one-half drive to work alone N=8 p=0.77 q=0.23 x=5,6,7,8





Total: 0.912

c. Exactly 3 drive to work alone N=8 p=0.77 q=0.23 x=3 0.0165

8. High School Dropouts Approximately 10.3% of American high school students drop out of school before graduation. Choose 10
students entering high school at random. Find the probability that

N=10 p= 0.103 q= 0.897

a. No more than two drop out N=10 p= 0.103 q= 0.897 x=0,1,2




Total: 0.9245

b. At least 6 graduates N=10 p= 0.897 q= 0.103 x=6,7,8,9,10

N=10 p= 0.103 q= 0.897 x= 0,1,2,3,4





Total: 0.9981

c. All 10 stay in school and graduate N=10 p= 0.103 q= 0.897 x=0 0.3372

9. Survey on Concern for Criminals In a survey, 3 of 4 students said the courts show “too much concern” for criminals. Find the
probability that at most 3 out of 7 randomly selected students will agree with this statement.

N=7 p= 0.75 q= 0.25 x= 0,1,2,3





Total: 0.07056

10. Labor Force Couples The percentage of couples where both parties are in the labor force is 52.1%. Choose 5 couples at random.
Find the probability that

N=5 p=.521 q=0.479

a. None of the couples have both persons working N=5 p=.521 q=0.479 x=0 0.0252

b. More than 3 of the couples have both persons in the labor force N=5 p=.521 q=0.479 x=4,5



Total: 0.2149

c. Fewer than 2 of the couples have both parties working N=5 p=.521 q=0.479 x=0,1



Total: 0.1623

11. College Education and Business World Success R. H. Bruskin Associates Market Research found that 40% of Americans do not
think that having a college education is important to succeed in the business world. If a random sample of five Americans is selected,
find these probabilities.

N=5 p= 0.4 q= 0.6

a. Exactly 2 people will agree with that statement. N=5 p= 0.4 q= 0.6 x=2 0.3456

b. At most 3 people will agree with that statement. N=5 p= 0.4 q= 0.6 x=0,1,2,3






c. At least 2 people will agree with that statement. N=5 p= 0.4 q= 0.6 x=2,3,4,5




Total: 0.663

d. Fewer than 3 people will agree with that statement. N=5 p= 0.4 q= 0.6 x=0,1,2




Total: 0.6826

11. Destination Weddings Twenty-six percent of couples who plan to marry this year are planning destination weddings. In a random
sample of 12 couples who plan to marry, find the probability that

N=12 p= 0.26 q= 0.74

a. Exactly 6 couples will have a destination wedding N=12 p= 0.26 q= 0.74 x=6 0.0469

b. At least 6 couples will have a destination wedding N=12 p= 0.26 q= 0.74 x=6,7,8,9,10,11,12








Total: 0.064624437

c. Fewer than 5 couples will have a destination wedding N=12 p= 0.26 q= 0.74 x=0,1,2,3,4






Total: 0.82103141

12. People Who Have Some College Education Fifty three percent of all persons in the U.S. population have at least some college
education. Choose 10 persons at random. Find the probability that

N=10 p=0.53

a. Exactly one-half have some college education N=10 p=0.53 x=5 0.241695842

b. At least 5 do not have any college education N=10 p=0.47 x=5,6,7,8,9,10






Total: 0.547373025

c. Fewer than 5 have some college education N=10 p=0.53 x=0,1,2,3,4






Total: 0.305677183

13. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation for each of the values of n and p when the conditions for the binomial distribution
are met

n p q Mean Variance SD
100 0.75 0.25 75 18.75 4.330127
300 0.3 0.7 90 63 7.937254
20 0.5 0.5 10 5 2.236068
10 0.8 0.2 8 1.6 1.264911
1000 0.1 0.9 100 90 9.486833
500 0.25 0.75 125 93.75 9.682458
50 0.4 0.6 20 12 3.464102
36 0.166667 0.833333 6.000001 5.000001 2.236068
14. Social Security Recipients A study found that 1% of Social Security recipients are too young to vote. If 800 Social Security
recipients are randomly selected, find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the number of recipients who are too young to

n p q Mean Variance SD
800 0.01 0.99 8 7.92 2.814249

15. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation for the number of heads when 20 coins are tossed.

n p q Mean Variance SD
20 0.5 0.5 10 5 2.236068

16. Defective Calculators If 3% of calculators are defective, find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of a lot of 300 calculators.

n p q Mean Variance SD
300 0.03 0.97 9 8.73 2.954657

17. Federal Government Employee E-mail Use It has been reported that 83% of federal government employee use e-mail. If a
sample of 200 federal government employees is selected, find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the number who use e-

n p q Mean Variance SD
200 0.83 0.17 166 28.22 5.31225

18. Watching Fireworks A survey found that 21% of Americans watch fireworks on television on July 4. Find the mean, variance, and
standard deviation of the number of individuals who watch fireworks on television on July 4 if a random sample of 1000 Americans is

n p q Mean Variance SD
1000 0.21 0.79 210 165.9 12.88022

19. Alternate Sources of Fuel Eighty-five percent of Americans favor spending government money to develop alternative sources of
fuel for automobiles. For a random sample of 120 Americans, find the mean, variance, and standard deviation for the number who favor
government spending for alternative fuels.

n p q Mean Variance SD
120 0.85 0.15 102 15.3 3.911521

20. Survey on Bathing Pets A survey found that 25% of pet owners had their pets bathed professionally rather than do it themselves.
If 18 pet owners are randomly selected, find the probability that exactly 5 people have their pets bathed professionally.

N=18 p=0.25 x=5

n x p q combi n-x p^x q^n-x P(X)

18 5 0.25 0.75 8568 13 0.000977 0.023757 0.198781

21. Survey on Answering Machine Ownership In a survey, 63% of Americans said they own an answering machine. If 14Americans
are selected at random, find the probability that exactly 9 own an answering machine.

N=14 p=0.63 x=9

n x p q combi n-x p^x q^n-x P(X)

14 9 0.63 0.37 2002 5 0.015634 0.006934 0.217039

22. Poverty and the Federal Government One out of every three Americans believes that the U.S. government should take “primary
responsibility” for eliminating poverty in the United States. If 10 Americans are selected, find the probability that at most 3 will believe
that the U.S. government should take primary responsibility for eliminating poverty.
n x p q combi n-x p^x q^n-x P(X)
10 0 0.3333 0.6667 1 10 1 0.01735 0.01735
10 1 0.3333 0.6667 10 9 0.3333 0.026024 0.086738
10 2 0.3333 0.6667 45 8 0.111089 0.039034 0.195131
10 3 0.3333 0.6667 120 7 0.037026 0.058548 0.260136


23. Internet Purchases Thirty-two percent of adult Internet users have purchased products or services online. For a random sample of
200 adult Internet users, find the mean, variance, and standard deviation for the number who have purchased goods or services online.

n p q Mean Variance SD
200 0.32 0.68 64 43.52 6.596969

24. Survey on Internet Awareness In a survey, 58% of American adults said they had never heard of the Internet. If 20 American
adults are selected at random, find the probability that exactly 12 will say they have never heard of the Internet.

n x p q combi n-x p^x q^n-x P(X)

20 12 0.58 0.42 125970 8 0.001449 0.000968 0.176765

25. Job Elimination In the past year, 13% of businesses have eliminated jobs. If 5 businesses are selected at random, find the
probability that at least 3 have eliminated jobs during the last year.

5 3 0.13 0.87 10 2 0.002197 0.7569 0.016629

5 4 0.13 0.87 5 1 0.000286 0.87 0.001242
5 5 0.13 0.87 1 0 3.71E-05 1 3.71E-05


26. Survey of High School Seniors Of graduating high school seniors, 14% said that their generation will be remembered for their
social concerns. If 7 graduating seniors are selected at random, find the probability that either 2 or 3 will agree with that statement.

n x p q combi n-x p^x q^n-x P(X)

7 2 0.14 0.86 21 5 0.0196 0.470427 0.193628
7 3 0.14 0.86 35 4 0.002744 0.547008 0.052535


27. Is this a binomial distribution? Explain.

The given probability distribution is not a binomial distribution given by the fact that a binomial distribution should only have two
outcomes with its corresponding probabilities. In this case, there are 4 outcomes which directly implies that it is not a binomial
distribution. Furthermore, no identical n trials are stated.

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