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Fish & Shellfish Immunology 35 (2013) 766e775

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Fish & Shellfish Immunology

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Effects of dietary arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides (AXOS) and

endogenous probiotics on the growth performance, non-specific
immunity and gut microbiota of juvenile Siberian sturgeon
(Acipenser baerii)
Zahra Geraylou a, b, *, Caroline Souffreau a, Eugene Rurangwa a, c, Luc De Meester a,
Christophe M. Courtin d, Jan A. Delcour d, Johan Buyse b, Frans Ollevier a
Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Laboratory of Livestock Physiology, Immunology and Genetics, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies (IMARES), Wageningen UR, Yerseke, The Netherlands
Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry & Leuven Food Science and Nutrition Research Centre (LFoRCe), KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We investigated the effects of administration of putative endogenous probiotics Lactococcus lactis spp.
Received 12 May 2013 lactis or Bacillus circulans, alone and in combination with arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides (AXOS), a new
Received in revised form class of candidate prebiotics, in juvenile Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii). Eight experimental diets
3 June 2013
were tested: basal diet (Diet 1), basal diet supplemented with 2% AXOS (Diet 2), or L. lactis ST G81 (Diet
Accepted 10 June 2013
3), L. lactis ST G45 (Diet 4), B. circulans ST M53 (Diet 5), L. lactis ST G81 þ 2% AXOS (Diet 6), L. lactis ST
Available online 25 June 2013
G45 þ 2% AXOS (Diet 7), B. circulans ST M53 þ 2% AXOS (Diet 8). After four weeks, growth performance
and feed conversion ratio significantly improved in fish fed diet 7. Innate immune responses of fish were
Siberian sturgeon
boosted with both AXOS and probiotic diets, however synergistic effects of AXOS and probiotic diets
AXOS were only observed for phagocytic and alternative complement activity. Phagocytic and respiratory burst
Probiotics activity of fish macrophage increased in fish fed diet 2 and 7, while humoral immune responses only
Synbiotic increased in fish fed diet 7. Pyrosequencing analysis (16S rDNA) of the hindgut microbiota demonstrated
Immune responses that AXOS improved the colonization or/and growth capacity of L. lactis, as a higher relative abundance of
L. lactis was observed in fish receiving diet 7. However, no observable colonization of B. circulans was
found in the hindgut of fish fed diet 5 or 8, containing this bacterium. The dietary L. lactis ST G45 þ 2%
AXOS caused significant alterations in the intestinal microbiota by significantly decreasing in bacterial
diversity, demonstrated by the fall in richness and Shannon diversity, and improved growth performance
and boosted immune responses of Siberian sturgeon.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction infectious diseases is therefore vital. Traditional disease control

strategies include antibiotics and chemical disinfectants. However,
In recent years, sturgeon culture has developed into a very these are no longer recommended practices due to the emergence
successful industry, due to the precious eggs (caviar) and meat. of bacterial resistance [1] and concerns about environmental
Intensive culture exposes the fish to different sources of stress such impact and wildlife protection [2]. In the past decennium, natural
as high stocking densities and manipulations. Development of prophylactic supplements including probiotics and prebiotics have
effective methods to boost the fish immune system and to avoid received a great deal of attention to replace chemotherapeutics in
aquaculture. Probiotics are defined as live microbial feed supple-
ments which beneficially affect the host animal by improving its
intestinal microbial balance [3]. Several studies have demonstrated
* Corresponding author. Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, Evolution and Conser- that probiotics can improve growth performance, feed utilization,
vation, Zoological institute, KU Leuven, Charles Deberiotstraat 32, 3000 Leuven,
digestibility of dietary ingredients, disease resistance and immune
Belgium. Tel.: þ32 16 32 39 48; fax: þ32 16 32 45 75.
E-mail address: (Z. Geraylou). responses of aquatic animals [4e7]. The most common probiotics

1050-4648/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Geraylou et al. / Fish & Shellfish Immunology 35 (2013) 766e775 767

used in aquaculture are Lactobacillus spp., Bacillus spp., Vibrio spp., diet þ B. circulans ST M53; Diet 6: basal diet þ L. lactis spp. ST
Saccharomyces spp. and Enterococcus spp. [8]. G81 þ 2% AXOS; Diet 7: basal diet þ L. lactis spp. ST G45 þ 2% AXOS;
Evidence of the beneficial effects of probiotics gave birth to the Diet 8: basal diet þ B. circulans ST M53 þ 2% AXOS. The composition
concept of prebiotics [9], which are defined as indigestible (by the of the basal feed and the experimental diets is given in Table S1.
host) feed components that provide beneficial effects to the host
through their selective metabolism by favourable bacteria in the 2.1.1. Rearing
gastrointestinal tract (GI) [9,10]. It appears more practical in aquatic Juveniles of A. baerii (48.4  1.4 g) were obtained from Joosen
animals to manipulate the GI tract microbiota through the use of and Luyckx Aquabio (Turnhout, Belgium). The animals were accli-
prebiotics that alter the GI tract conditions to favour certain bacte- matized for two weeks to the experimental conditions and basal
rial species which may enhance fish growth efficiency and reduce diet. Fish health status was verified by physical examination (excess
disease susceptibility of the host organism [11]. However, only of mucous secretion, normal colouration, erosion of scales or fins,
during the last decade that an improved understanding arose of the skin, bulging of eyes and presence of cysts, spots or patches over
importance of commensal microbiota in the fish intestine [11]. Since the body and gills) and behavioural signs (swimming and feeding
then, positive effects of some prebiotics have been presented on reflexes). Tanks of 60-L, supplied with water flow-through
growth performance, innate immunity, haematological and serum (400 ml min1) and aeration were used. Water quality parame-
biochemical parameters, microbial fermentation and autochtho- ters including dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were measured daily,
nous intestinal microbiota of some sturgeon species [12e17]. whereas nitrate, nitrite and ammonia concentrations were moni-
Arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides (AXOS) represent a new class of tored biweekly. Nitrate, nitrite and ammonia concentrations were
candidate prebiotics. They are fragmentation products of arabi- determined using a portable Hach DR/2400 spectrophotometer.
noxylans (AX), which occur in the cell wall of many cereal grains, Water temperature, DO, pH, ammonia and nitrate ranged from 20.8
consisting of a main chain of beta-1,4-linked D-xylopyranosyl units to 21.4  C, 6.6e6.9 mg l1, 6.84e7.06 mg l1, 0.34e0.39 mg l1 and
to which O-2 and/or O-3-L-arabinofuranosyl units are linked [18e 9.12e10.53 mg l1, respectively. The lightedark cycle was fixed at
20]. Beneficial effects of AXOS on growth performance, gut micro- 12 h light and 12 h dark.
biota composition and fermentation have already been reported for
pigs [21], broilers [22,23], rat [24] and humans [25e27]. Our pre- 2.1.2. Microorganisms
vious study indicated that incorporation of AXOS in Siberian stur- The potential probiotic bacteria Bacillus circulans ST M53
geon diet resulted in modulation of gut microbiota and their (Genbank accession number JQ765857), Lactococcus lactis subsp.
metabolites in hindgut and subsequently improved innate immune lactis ST G45 (Genbank accession number JQ765861) and L. lactis
responses of Siberian sturgeon [28]. subsp. lactis ST G81 (Genbank accession number JQ765865) were
Synbiotics are products that contain both probiotics and pre- previously isolated from the gut contents of healthy Siberian stur-
biotics. Gibson and Roberfroid stated that the use of synbiotics geon and identified as potential probiotics based on diverse in vitro
provides the benefits of both pre- and probiotics mainly due to test [35]. More information concerning the identification, isolation
their synergistic effects [9]. The combined application of probiotics and selection methods can be found in Ref. Geraylou et al. [35].
and prebiotics, is based on the principle of providing a probiont Brain heart infusion (BHI) and Man Rogosa Sharpe broth (MRS)
with a competitive advantage (a fermentable energy source) over were used to grow B. circulans ST M53 and L. lactic ssp. lactis strains
competing endogenous populations, by effectively improving the (24 h at 22  C), respectively. Cell density was calculated from OD600
survival and implantation of the live microbial dietary supplement values and correlated with colony forming unit (cfu) counts using
in the gastrointestinal tract of the host [9]. serial dilution and spread plating on BHI (B. circulans ST M53) or
Although the use of pro- and prebiotics are now widely accepted MRS agar (L. lactis ssp. lactis strains). The bacteria were subse-
in aquaculture, only a few studies have focused on the effects of quently harvested by centrifugation at 1500 g for 15 min in sterile
synbiotics in farmed aquatic species. Nevertheless positive impacts phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). The quantified bacteria were
of synbiotics on growth, feed utilization, body composition, diges- maintained at 4  C in a suspended form and were used for feed
tive enzyme activity and immune responses have been reported preparation as required.
[29e34]. To the authors’ knowledge there is no information avail-
able regarding the combined effect of AXOS and probiotics. The 2.1.3. Diet preparation
present study was undertaken to evaluate the potential effect of the AXOS-32-0.30 [average Degree of Polymerization (avDP) ¼ 32;
dietary administration of AXOS and selected endogenous pro- average Degree of Substitution (avDS) ¼ 0.30] was prepared as
biotics, each separately and combined, on growth parameters, gut described earlier [19,20] and kindly provided by Laboratory of Food
microbiota and immune responses of juvenile Siberian sturgeon Chemistry and Biochemistry (KU Leuven, Belgium). The composi-
(Acipenser baerii). The candidate probiotics, two strains of Lacto- tion of the AXOS preparations is summarized in Table S1. Com-
coccus lactis ssp. lactis and one strain of Bacillus circulans, were mercial powder of grow-out feed for sturgeon (Joosen & Luyckx
isolated from the hindgut of Siberian sturgeon [35]. Aquabio, Turnhout, Belgium) was taken as the basal diet for the
supplementation of the probiont, separately or in combination with
2. Material and methods AXOS. The results of our previous study showed that incorporation
of 2% dry matter of AXOS-32-0.30 resulted in better performance in
2.1. Experimental setup juvenile Siberian sturgeon [28]. Thereafter in the current study,
AXOS-32-0.30 were supplemented at level of 3.2% (wt/wt) to the
The experiment was conducted at the laboratory of Aquatic basal diet, corresponding to 2% AXOS after correction for purity.
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation (KU Leuven, Belgium), and Based on literature [36,37], candidate probiotics were considered to
consisted of eight experimental diets with three replicates each add to diet at final dose of 1  109 cfu g1. Briefly, commercial
following a completely block design. It was run in 24 aquaria of 60 L sturgeon feed powder was mixed either with tap water and AXOS-
for 28 days using 36 fish per treatment. 32-0.30 (diet 2) or bacteria suspension (diet 3, 4, 5) or AXOS-32-
The experimental treatments were as follows: Diet 1: basal diet 0.30 and bacterial suspension (diet 6, 7, 8). Two percent binder
(control); Diet 2: basal diet þ 2% AXOS; Diet 3: basal diet þ L. lactis (carboxymethyl cellulose) was added to all diet. Cellulose was
spp. ST G81; Diet 4: basal diet þ L. lactis spp. ST G45; Diet 5: basal replaced AXOS in control diet and diet 3, 4 and 5 (Table S2). The
768 Z. Geraylou et al. / Fish & Shellfish Immunology 35 (2013) 766e775

mixture was minced and pelletized with a lab scale kitchen meat Fifteen ml of serum was diluted by 35 ml of Ca2þ and Mg2þ free HBSS
grinder (Kenwood) to obtain 3 mm sized pellets. Feeds were dried in flat bottomed 96-well plates. Lastly, 100 ml of solution of
overnight at 50  C in a Heraeus oven with ventilation. peroxidase substrate was added. The colour-change reaction was
Viability of the candidate probiotics in feed was checked peri- stopped after 3 min by adding 50 ml of 2.0 M sulphuric acid and the
odically using the spread plate method. For four weeks, the fish optical density was read at 450 nm in a microplate reader (Bio-Rad
received a daily feeding rate of 3.0% body weight, using automatic Benchmark plus microplate reader). Standard samples without
feeders. The total fish biomass in each aquarium was determined serum were analysed as control. The stimulation index was ob-
every week and the daily ration adjusted accordingly. tained by dividing each sample value by its mean control value.
The alternative haemolytic complement activity was assayed
2.2. Growth parameters according to Yano [41] and based on haemolysis of sheep red blood
cells (SRBC). The washed SRBC were adjusted to 2  108 cells ml1
After four weeks, growth performance was assessed in terms of in ethylene glycol tetraacetic-magnesium-gelatin veronal buffer
weight gain (WG), Specific Growth Rate (SGR) and Feed Conversion (0.01M EGTA-MG-GVB). The diluted serum was adjusted in vol-
Ratio (FCR). The calculations were performed using the following umes ranging from 0.1 to 0.25 ml using EGTA-MG-GVB and incu-
formulae: SGR ¼ 100 (ln Wt  ln W0)/t; FCR ¼ FO/(Wt  W0), bated with 0.1 ml of SRBC suspension for 90 min at room
where Wt is the weight of the fish at day t, W0 is the initial weight temperature (22  C) with occasional shaking. After centrifugation
of the fish, t is the duration of feeding (in days), FO is the quantity of at 1600  g at 4  C, absorbance of the supernatant was measured at
feed offered. The survival (%) ¼ 100  survival number/initial 414 nm using a microplate reader (Bio-Rad Benchmark plus
number and was calculated after four weeks. microplate reader). The degree of haemolysis (Y) was estimated and
the lysis curve for each specimen was obtained by plotting Y/(1  Y)
2.3. Non-specific immunity parameters against the volume of serum added (ml) on a logelog scaled graph.
The volume yielding 50% haemolysis was calculated and in turn
2.3.1. Sample collection used for quantifying the complement activity of the sample (ACH50
At the end of trial, three apparently healthy fish (no obvious skin value ¼ units ml1).
lesions) from each replicate tank (9 fish per treatment) were Total immunoglobulin (Ig) was measured by the method
anesthetized with 120 mg l1 benzocaine. Blood was collected from described by Siwicki and Anderson [42]. Shortly, the plasma was
the caudal vein using 1.0 ml non-heparinized syringes. For serum diluted 100 times with 0.85% NaCl and the Bradford method was
isolation, blood samples were left for 4 h at 4  C, centrifuged at employed for determining the protein content. On the other hand,
6000  g for 10 min and the supernatant retained as serum. Serum an aliquot (0.1 ml) of each plasma sample was mixed with an equal
of the three fish of each replicate was pooled, yielding three rep- volume of 12.0% solution of polyethylene glycol (MW 10,000), and
licates per treatment. Serum samples were stored at 80  C for incubated for 120 min. This precipitated the Ig molecules, which
further analysis. The head kidneys were removed and pooled for were removed upon centrifuging at 5000 g at 4  C. The supernatant
the three representative fish per replicate. Then macrophages iso- was diluted 50 times with 0.85% NaCl and the protein content was
lated as described by Secombes [38]. Cell viability was evaluated determined as mentioned above. The difference between the pro-
using the trypan blue exclusion test and the cell density was tein values of each untreated and polyethylene glycol treated
adjusted to 2  107 cells ml1. sample corresponds to the total Ig content and is expressed as
mg ml1.
2.3.2. Immunological assays
Phagocytic activity (PA) was assessed by incubating phagocytic 2.4. Bacterial community analysis
cells from the head kidney with congo red-stained yeast cells
overnight at 15  C. The PA was determined as the percentage of 2.4.1. Hindgut microflora sampling
phagocytic cells quantified from 200 cells observed under a mi- A preliminary investigation of different sections of Siberian
croscope. Respiratory burst activity (RBA) of macrophages was sturgeon’s gastrointestinal tract using plating on BHIA revealed that
studied by monitoring their ability to reduce nitroblue tetrazolium density and diversity of cultivable bacteria in the hindgut (spiral
according to the method of Chung & Secombes [39]. In brief, the vesicle) was significantly higher in comparison to the midgut and
wells of 96-microtitre plates were coated by 200 ml of cell sus- caecum. Therefore the sampling was only performed from the
pension of head kidney cells (2  107 cells ml1), which were hindgut of the fish. The microflora characterization was performed
allowed to adhere for a 4e5 h. The non-adherent cells were washed on the hindgut of the fish which were sampled for the immune
carefully and 100 ml of Nitroblue Tetrazolium (NBT) (2.0 mg ml1 in assays. After disinfection of the fish in a 0.1% benzalkonium chloride
Hank’s Buffered Salt Solution (HBSS) without phenol red, Sigma) solution, the hindgut was dissected using sterilized surgical scissors
was added into each 96-microplate well. Subsequently, 100 ml of and the content was frozen at 80  C for further DNA analysis.
zymosan solution (Sigma, 2.5 mg ml1 PBS) was added into each
well. The same volume of HBSS was added into control wells. The 2.4.2. DNA extraction and pyrosequencing
cells were incubated for 90 min at room temperature. NBT solution Total DNA was extracted from hindgut content using the
was then removed and the remaining cells were fixed for 5 min NucleoSpin 1 Tissue kit (Macherey-Nagel) according to the manu-
using 200 ml 100% methanol. Cells were washed 3 times in 70% facturer’s protocol. For 454 pyrosequencing, an amplicon library
methanol and allowed to dry. The reduced form of the NBT inside was prepared using eubacterial universal primers. Given the mean
the cells was solubilized by adding subsequently 120 ml of 2.0 N sequencing length of 400e450 bp for the 454 GS FLX Titanium
KOH and 140 ml of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO). Finally, the optical platform. The 16S rDNA gene was amplified from extracted DNA
density was measured at 630 nm by a microplate reader (Bio-Rad using the composite forward primer 50 -CGTATCGCCTCCCTCGCGC-
Benchmark plus microplate reader). CATCAG MID ACTCCTACGGGAGGCAGCAGT-30 where the underlined
The total serum peroxidase activity (PO) was measured ac- sequence is the 454 Life SciencesÒ primer A-key, MID is a 10 bp
cording to the method of Quade and Roth [40]. We used 3, 30 , 5, 50 - barcode specific for each replicate treatment, and in italics is the
tetramethylbenzidine hydrochloride (TMB, Sigma) and hydrogen broad range bacterial primer E338F. The reverse primer was 50 -
peroxidase (H2O2, Sigma) as substrate for the peroxidase enzyme. CTATGCGCCTTGCCAGCCCGCTCAGGGGTATCTAATCCTG-0 3, where the
Z. Geraylou et al. / Fish & Shellfish Immunology 35 (2013) 766e775 769

underlined sequence is the 454 Life SciencesÒ primer B-key and in 2.5. Statistical analyses
italics is the broad range bacterial primer E797R. As sequencing was
done in only the forward direction, no barcode was necessary Diet response in terms of growth performance and immune
within the reverse primer. Reaction conditions were as follows: responses were analysed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA),
2.5 ml 10  PCR buffer II (Eurogentec), 1 ml MgCl2 (50 mM, Euro- using AXOS diet and probiotics as factors. When the differences
gentec), 2.5 ml deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (2 mM), 1.0 ml were significant at p < 0.05 level, Tukey’s Multiple Comparison test
forward primer and 1.0 ml reverse primer (20 pmol/ml each) and was utilized to compare the mean values among the treatments
0.2 ml Silverstar Taq DNA polymerase (2.5 U, Eurogentec) and 50 ng due to main effects. Statistical analyses were conducted using
template DNA in a total reaction volume of 25 ml. The PCR condi- STATISTICA (version 11). To analyse the overall effect of treatment
tions were as follows: 5 min denaturing at 95  C followed by 30 on gut microbiota, non-zero relative abundance OTUs were
cycles of 1 min at 95  C (denaturing), 1 min at 55  C (annealing) and assessed at phylum, class, family, genus and species level. It was
1 min at 72  C (elongation), with a final extension at 72  C for 5 min. first determined whether the relative abundances were signifi-
PCR products of three samples of the same treatment were pooled cantly different from zero using a t-test, after which the effect of
and purified using Nucleofast (Macherey-Nagel, Germany). The 24 treatment on relative abundance was assessed by two-way ANOVA
amplicon libraries were checked by agarose gel electrophoresis, in STATISTICA (version 11) for non-zero relative abundances.
their concentration was estimated using Quant-IT PicoGreen Relative abundances were log2 transformed and a threshold of
(Invitrogen), and they were then pooled to an equimolar concen- p < 0.05 was used to determine statistical significance. Taxonomic
tration. Pyrosequencing was performed with a Roche GS-FLX Ti- richness was calculated by summing the number of OTUs per
tanium sequencer by Biogenomics at the Genomics Core Facility of replicate, including singlet OTUs (OTUs with only a single obser-
KU Leuven (Belgium). vation in a single replicate). Shannon diversity was calculated
following H0 ¼  pi ln (pi) where pi is the proportion of taxon i
2.4.3. Sequence processing using the script of the PANGEA pipeline. A 99% similarity
The sequences generated from pyrosequencing were mainly level (species level) value was used for assigning an OTU.
analysed with the software PANGEA for identification of opera-
tional taxonomic unit (OTU), taxonomic assignment and commu- 3. Results
nity comparison [43]. Raw 454 FLX data were parsed using the script from the PANGEA to only keep the reads that passed 3.1. Growth
quality control. They include a minimum sequence length of
100 bp, minimum phred quality score of 20 and presence of a Growth parameters are summarized in Table 1. A two-way
correct barcode at the beginning of the sequence. The trimmed file ANOVA showed that final weight, SGR and FCR were positively
was splitted into different files based of their barcode using a perl affected by AXOS treatments (p < 0.05). However, there was no
script named The sequences were phylogenetically effect of the probiotics independently, and no interaction was found
classified using a standalone BLAST against a modified bacterial between the candidate probiotics and AXOS group treatments
RDP-II database prepared using Tax Collector (http://www. (p > 0.05). The WG and SGR significantly increased in fish fed diet 7, which attaches complete taxonomic information (basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS) in comparison to
from domain to species to each sequence in the database and can be control fish. Moreover FCR decreased in fish receiving diet 7. The
obtained from Sequences classified by survival was high in all groups (100%).
Megablast were clustered into OTUs based on the relatedness of
classification. The sequences not classified by Megablast were 3.2. Non-specific immunity parameters
captured using a perl script called and then
submitted to CD-HIT (Cluster Database at High Identity with Toler- PA was significantly affected by dietary AXOS and candidate
ance) to be clustered into OTUs based on the relatedness of the probiotics separately (p < 0.05, Table 2). Moreover, a synergistic
sequences [43]. To assess the bacterial diversity in the DNA samples effect between biotics was observed. (p ¼ 0.05). PA was significantly
in a comparable manner, the number of reads was normalized to higher in fish receiving dietary AXOS, L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 and
the same number of reads in each sample. This was done by a combination of L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 and AXOS, compared to
identifying the sample with the smallest number of reads and fish fed the control diet (p < 0.05, Table 2). RBA was significantly
randomly selecting this same number of sequences for each of the increased by dietary AXOS (p < 0.05), however, no significant ef-
samples. fects of probiotics dietary (p ¼ 0.08) or synergistic effects of AXOS

Table 1
Growth performance, feed conversion ratio and survival of the Siberian sturgeon fed different experimental diets.

Diet Initial weight (g) Final weight (g) Weight gain (g) SGR (% day1) FCR Survival (%)
a ab a
Diet 1 (Basal feed) 50.7  0.4 87.8  5.5 37.0  5.1 1.95  0.15a 1.31  0.25a 100
Diet 2 (Basal feed þ AXOS) 47.8  2.8a 95.0  4.9ab 47.1  7.0ab 2.45  0.27ab 1.19  0.35ab 100
Diet 3 (Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81) 48.0  1.2a 87.75  5.2ab 39.6  4.9ab 2.14  0.15ab 1.18  0.01ab 100
Diet 4 (Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45) 48.0  2.5a 89.1  1.1ab 41.1  3.4ab 2.21  0.17ab 1.06  0.04ab 100
Diet 5 (Basal feed þ B. circulans ST M53) 49.5  0.6a 91.3  2.7ab 41.7  2.6ab 2.18  0.08ab 1.24  0.31ab 100
Diet 6 (Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81 þ AXOS) 46.0  4.3a 85.0  4.8a 39.0  5.3ab 2.19  0.11ab 1.17  0.15ab 100
Diet7 (Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS) 49.0  1.3a 105.9  5.1b 56.8  4.7b 2.74  0.11b 0.92  0.01b 100
Diet 8 (Basal feed þ B. circulans ST M53 þ AXOS) 48.1  1.3a 91.2  14.3ab 43.0  13.4ab 2.24  0.38ab 1.14  0.22ab 100
Two-way ANOVA
Probiotics 0.35 0.11 0.12 0.19 0.20
AXOS 0.15 0.09 0.03 0.02 0.04
Interaction probiotics * AXOS 0.46 0.13 0.15 0.25 0.29

Data are means of triplicate. Means in the same column sharing a same superscript letter are not significantly different (p < 0.05) (by Two-way ANOVA). SGR: specific growth
rate, FCR: feed conversion Ratio.
770 Z. Geraylou et al. / Fish & Shellfish Immunology 35 (2013) 766e775

Table 2
Immune responses of juvenile Siberian sturgeon fed different experimental diets for 4 weeks.

Diet Phagocytic Respiratory burst Alternative complement Serum peroxidase Total

activity (%) activity activity (ACH 50 U mll) (stimulation index) immunoglobulin
(O.D. at 630 nm) (mg ml-1)

Diet 1(Basal feed) 35.0  1.55a 0.143  0.02a 0.39  0.05a 1.24  0.09a 29.3  3.2a
Diet 2 (Basal feed þ AXOS) 48.6  3.01b 0.258  0.02b 0.56  0.04ab 1.47  0.11ab 34.0  4.3a
Diet 3 (Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81) 36.0  2.35ab 0.174  0.01ab 0.42  0.08a 1.33  0.13a 33.3  9.4a
Diet 4 (Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45) 43.0  4.24b 0.221  0.03ab 0.41  0.11a 1.47  0.09ab 32.6  5.4a
Diet 5 (Basal feed þ B. circulans ST M53) 41.3  0.89ab 0.146  0.01a 0.41  0.07a 1.29  0.12a 28.0  5.4a
Diet 6 (Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81 þ AXOS) 41.0  3.0ab 0.210  0.04ab 0.45  0.03ab 1.40  0.04ab 31.3  6.9a
Diet 7 (Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS) 50.0  2.94b 0.275  0.01b 0.61  0.03b 1.98  0.28b 30.6  5.6a
Diet 8 (Basal feed þ B. circulans ST M53 þ AXOS) 42.6  1.79ab 0.210  0.02ab 0.42  0.02a 1.31  0.27a 31.6  6.8a
Two-way ANOVA
Candidate probiotics 0.01 0.08 0.06 0.01 0.53
AXOS 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.12
Interaction probiotics * AXOS 0.05 0.48 0.03 0.22 0.32

O.D. ¼ optical density.

Values are presented as mean  standard error (n ¼ 9).
Values with a different superscript in the same column are significantly different (p < 0.05).

and candidate probiotics were observed (p > 0.05, Table 2). RBA (basal feed þ L. lactis ssp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS), in comparison to
was significantly higher in fish fed L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS fish fed the control diet (Table 4). The abundance of Fusobacteria
(diet 7) or AXOS (diet 2) than in the control and in fish receiving was affected by synergistic effects between AXOS and probiotics, so
only B. circulans ST M53. Among the studied humoral parameters, that their abundance decreased in the hindgut of fish fed diet 7
alternative complement activity was significantly boosted by a (basal feed þ L. lactis ssp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS) in comparison to
synergistic effect of AXOS and the candidate probiotics as well as by control fish. No significant changes in relative abundance of Pro-
AXOS or candidate probiotics dietary separately. Alternative com- teobacteria were observed (Table 4).
plement activity was significantly higher in the serum of fish Among the Firmicutes, the classes Bacilli and Clostridia had the
receiving diet 7 (basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS) highest relative abundances in all samples. The dietary biotic sup-
than other treatments, with the exception of fish fed AXOS (diet 2) plementation significantly affected the relative abundance of bacilli
and diet 6 (basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81 þ AXOS) (Table 2). (p < 0.05, Table 4). Relative abundances of Bacilli were significantly
Serum peroxidase content was positively affected by both AXOS higher in the hindgut of fish fed a diet supplemented with L. lactis
and probiotic diets. It was significantly higher in fish fed diet 7 spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS (diet 7) than in other treatments.
(basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS) than fish fed control Moreover, Bacilli significantly increased in fish fed a L. lactis spp.
diet (diet 1), diet 3 (Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81), diet 5 lactis ST G45 (diet 4) in comparison to the fish receiving the control
(Basal feed þ B. circulans ST M53) and diet 8 (Basal diet, Diet 2 (AXOS), diet 5 (basal feed þ B. circulans ST M53) or diet 8
feed þ B. circulans ST M53 þ AXOS). The total immunoglobulin (basal feed þ B. circulans ST M53 þ AXOS). Within the Bacilli, the
content was not affected by dietary treatment (Table 2). most striking difference between treatments was due to Lacto-
coccus, which had a significantly higher relative abundance in the
3.3. Hindgut microbiota analyses hindgut of fish fed diet 4 (basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45)

A total of 44,697 high quality pyrosequencing reads were ob-

tained after quality control processes, covering 4087 OTUs at 99% Table 3
similarity level. The number of sequences per sample varied be- Diversity indices of the hindgut microbiota of Siberian sturgeon fed different
experimental diets for 4 weeks.
tween 561 and 3174. The number of OTUs per sample averaged
between 106 and 410 at species level (99% similarity level). Experimental diet Richness Shannon
Two-way ANOVA results showed that both bacterial richness index

and Shannon index were affected by candidate probiotics dietary or Diet 1 (Basal feed) 140.3  3.84a 3.22  0.16a
AXOS, while no synergistic effects of candidate probiotics and AXOS Diet 2 (Basal feed þ AXOS) 117.0  9.4ab 2.86  0.25ab
Diet 3 (Basal feed þ L. lactis ssp. 99.0  8.05ab 2.05  0.34ab
on bacterial diversity were observed (Table 3). Bacterial richness
lactis ST G81)
was significantly reduced in fish fed diet 7 (basal diet þ L. lactis spp. Diet 4 (Basal feed þ L. lactis ssp. lactis ST G45) 82.3  14.01ab 2.34  0.31ab
lactis ST G45 þ AXOS) and diet 8 (basal diet þ B. circulans ST Diet 5 (Basal feed þ B. circulans ST M53) 105.3  21.2ab 2.68  0.51ab
M53 þ AXOS) in comparison to fish fed the control diet (diet 1). Diet 6 (Basal feed þ L. lactis ssp. lactis ST 126.0  6.27ab 3.06  0.21a
Shannon diversity was significantly lower in fish fed diet 7 (basal G81 þ AXOS)
Diet 7 (Basal feed þ L. lactis ssp. lactis ST 60.0  9.95b 1.28  0.26b
diet þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS) than in fish fed control diet G45 þ AXOS)
and diet 6 (basal diet þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81 þ AXOS). Changes Diet 8 (Basal feed þ B. circulans 71.0  10.7b 2.00  0.21ab
in the relative abundance of the hindgut microflora were analysed ST M53) þ AXOS
at phylum, class, genus, and species level. At the phylum level, Two-way ANOVA
Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Fusobacteria were the most abun-
Candidate probiotics 0.00 0.01
dant. Two-way ANOVA showed that the relative abundance of AXOS 0.04 0.01
Firmicutes was significantly affected by the probiotic diets Interaction probiotics * AXOS 0.24 0.14
(Table 4), while the effect of AXOS on the abundance of Firmicutes Values are presented as mean  standard error (n ¼ 9).
was almost significant (p ¼ 0.08). The relative abundance of Fir- Values with a different superscript in the same column are significantly different
micutes significantly increased in fish fed diet 2 (AXOS) and diet 7 (p < 0.05).
Table 4
Relative abundances (% of sequences per treatment)  standard deviation of the most abundant bacteria at different taxonomy levels, in the hindgut of juvenile Siberian sturgeon fed with different experimental diets.

Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 Diet 5 Diet 6 Diet 7 Diet 8 Two way-ANOVA

Probiotic AXOS Probiotics*AXOS

a b ab ab ab ab b ab
Phyllum Firmicutes 16.8  6.31 53.0  15.2 46.9  18.9 51.8  27.6 53.2  34.0 40.2  12.2 96.8  3.0 78.5  21.7 0.05 0.08 0.18
Proteobacteria 5.64  4.00 28.6  9.60 35.0  12.6 5.33  2.11 10.0  4.53 33.5  13.7 1.22  0.60 6.31  4.90 0.06 0.10 0.44

Z. Geraylou et al. / Fish & Shellfish Immunology 35 (2013) 766e775

Fusobacteria 70.4  18.5a 15.2  9.21ab 10.0  0.24ab 41.7  14.2ab 34.9  12.4ab 22.8  10.6ab 1.35  1.0b 18.6  12.5ab 0.12 0.84 0.02
Class Bacilli 1.81  0.08a 2.62  1.57a 11.8  4.51ab 24.7  2.70b 2.76  1.71a 13.5  9.44ab 82.4  5.56c 1.09  0.30a 0.00 0.00 0.00
Clostridia 3.12  0.40 15.4  3.21 10.0  0.07 14.3  7.54 24.0  12.6 3.66  2.44 1.80  0.66 10.5  4.46 0.14 0.24 0.36
Fusobacteriia 69.7  18.5a 16.5  9.05ab 10.1  0.25ab 40.6  14.1ab 35.8  18.2ab 23.6  10.5ab 1.74  0.99b 20.7  13.9ab 0.12 0.84 0.02
Family Bacillaceae 0.65  0.21 0.64  0.42 1.02  0.34 0.30  0.12 1.41  0.81 1.26  0.94 0.90  0.44 0.45  0.37 0.74 0.95 0.67
Clostridiaceae 3.90  2.71a 46.6  24.2ab 39.4  18.3ab 21.8  16.8ab 36.2  16.9ab 28.4  24.2ab 11.4  6.20ab 71.3  24.5b 0.04 0.86 0.22
Lactobacillaceae 0.18  0.00a 4.92  1.22b 1.26  0.64a 1.26  0.59ac 0.62  0.3ac 4.68  2.11b 7.08  1.07b 0.00  0.00c 0.00 0.00 0.02
Streptococcaceae 0.09  0.02a 5.16  0.58a 6.36  1.60a 24.2  2.41c 0.31  0.20a 9.00  3.03a 81.4  6.00b 0.18  0.10a 0.00 0.00 0.00
Eubacteriaceae 5.13  1.47 4.56  1.64 2.10  0.50 5.64  1.67 13.3  8.27 0.44  0.34 1.08  0.73 6.60  5.90 0.16 0.23 0.85
Fusobacteriaceae 69.8  18.8a 16.4  9.17ab 10.45  0.58ab 40.6  13.3ab 35.2  19.5ab 23.2  10.0ab 1.74  1.00b 14.0  7.91ab 0.12 0.84 0.02
Rhodobacteraceae 0.97  0.41a 0.36  0.78a 0.65  0.30a 0.30  0.16a 2.58  1.26ab 15.9  6.40b 0.30  0.22a 3.42  1.77a 0.03 0.05 0.04
Enterobacteriaceae 29.9  10.2a 25.5  11.23a 2.22  0.78a 2.40  1.19a 4.80  3.68a 4.80  2.34a 0.30  0.22b 1.32  0.82a 0.01 0.56 0.99
Genus Lactococcus 0.18  0.02a 3.22  0.41a 6.48  3.65a 24.1  2.51b 0.10  0.07a 8.11  3.11a 80.2  6.20b 0.19  0.20a 0.00 0.00 0.05
Lactobacillus 0.18  0.00a 3.69  0.07ab 1.14  0.06a 1.08  0.56a 0.48  0.23a 4.32  0.25ab 6.07  1.02b 0.00  0.00a 0.00 0.00 0.02
Candidatus Arthromitus 1.08  0.63a 27.9  10.9ab 40.7  17.2ab 12.9  6.26ab 18.7  4.73ab 28.6  19.6ab 10.8  5.47ab 54.0  14.5b 0.05 0.97 0.08
Clostridium 1.35  0.67 0.54  0.29 0.24  0.08 0.30  0.09 0.72  0.19 0.12  0.09 1.22  0.70 0.90  0.20 0.21 0.23 0.82
Eubacterium 0.42  0.10 4.38  1.33 4.71  1.12 5.04  1.67 13.2  10.7 2.04  0.47 1.01  0.75 6.65  3.77 0.15 0.26 0.85
Bacillus 0.18  0.07 0.12  0.08 0.42  0.06 0.06  0.01 0.72  0.23 0.42  0.21 0.42  0.08 0.36  0.13 0.51 0.83 0.35
Rhodobacter 0.70  0.30ab 0.18  0.09a 0.54  0.41a 0.18  0.13 1.26  0.70 12.6  7.89b 0.18  0.10a 2.70  2.0ab 0.03 0.09 0.02
Cetobacterium 69.9  0.27a 16.3  9.06ab 9.7  4.4ab 41.7  14.3ab 34.3  18.2ab 22.2  8.10ab 1.27  0.97b 13.6  6.8ab 0.13 0.84 0.02
Species Lactococcus lactis 0.18  0.00a 2.33  0.75a 6.90  1.06c 14.0  6.62b 0.00  0.00a 5.70  3.15c 74.2  5.84b 0.00  0.00a 0.00 0.00 0.03
Lactobacillus aviarius 0.18  0.00a 4.26  1.36b 0.90  0.60a 0.18  0.00a 0.24  0.15a 3.84  1.15ab 6.24  1.25b 0.00  0.00a 0.01 0.00 0.01
Cetobacterium somerae 62.3  21.9a 14.2  8.11ab 9.09  0.29ab 36.0  12.5ab 31.5  15.9ab 20.36  12.1ab 1.56  0.95b 12.9  9.20ab 0.13 0.86 0.02
Rhodobacter sp. 0.63  0.35ab 0.18  0.10a 0.48  0.12ab 0.12  0.04a 1.20  0.66ab 9.24  2.16b 0.18  0.10a 2.34  0.98ab 0.04 0.10 0.06

Values with a different superscript in the same row are significantly different (p < 0.05).
Diet 1: Basal feed, Diet 2: Basal feed þ AXOS, Diet 3: Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81, Diet 4: Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45, Diet 5: Basal feed þ B. circulans ST M53, Diet 6: Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81 þ
AXOS, Diet 7: Basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS, Diet 8: Basal feed þ B. circulans ST M53.

772 Z. Geraylou et al. / Fish & Shellfish Immunology 35 (2013) 766e775

and diet 7 (basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS) (Table 4). Positive growth effects of B. circulans have been reported for
Lactobacillus, another dominant genus of the class of Bacilli, was Rohu (Labeo rohita) fingerlings [47], but this was not confirmed for
significantly affected by biotic diets. It was significantly higher in the strain used in the underlying study.
fish fed diet 7 (basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS) than Growth-promoting effects of dietary arabinoxylans (AX) and
in fish receiving other diets, with the exception of diet 2 (AXOS) and their hydrolysis products, such as xylooligosaccharides (XOS) and
6 (basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81 þ AXOS). Within the class AXOS, are less studied in fish in comparison to other animals. Xu
Clostridia, relative abundances of Candidatus Arthromitus, the most et al. [48] indicated that XOS supplementation promoted growth
abundant genus of Clostridia in the hindgut of sturgeon fish, were performance of Crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). In our
stimulated by probiotics. Abundances of Candidatus Arthromitus previous study, sturgeon juveniles fed 2% AXOS-32-0.30 had a
were significantly higher in the hindgut of fish fed B. circulans ST higher specific growth rate and weight gain, but not significantly
M53 þ AXOS than of fish fed the control diet (Table 4). Eubacterium due to a large internal variation [28]. Likewise, in the present study,
and Clostridium were the second and third most abundant genera separate administration of AXOS did not significantly affect the
from the class of Clostridia, but no significant effects of biotics was growth of Siberian sturgeon. Moreover, no synergistic effect be-
observed on their abundances. Within the phylum Fusobacteria, tween AXOS and L. lactis observed. The significant improvement in
the class of Fusobacteria and its most abundant genus, Cetobacte- fish growth performance when simultaneously adding L. lactis spp.
rium, had significantly higher abundances in fish fed the control lactis ST G45 and AXOS can be explained as a cumulative outcome
diet than in fish fed diet 7 (basal feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST of the improvements observed when L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 and
G45 þ AXOS). AXOS were applied independently.
At the species level, the abundance of L. lactis ssp. lactis was Improvement of growth performance in fish fed a synbiotic diet
affected by biotic supplementation. L. lactis spp. lactis significantly might be attributed to an elevated health status, an increased di-
increased in fish receiving the diets supplemented with L. lactis spp. gestibility of the prebiotic, or the improvement of survival and
lactis (diets 3, 4, 6 and 7) (p < 0.05, Table 4). L. lactis composed on colonization of the probiotic [29e34] compared to the separate
average 6.9% and 5.7% or 14% and 74.2% of reads in the hindgut pre- or probiotic diets. It has been demonstrated that L. lactis can
samples of fish fed diets supplemented with L. lactis spp. lactis ST provide disease protection by activating cellular and humoral im-
G81 or L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45, respectively. No sequences of mune defenses in several aquatic animals including turbot (Psetta
L. lactis spp. lactis were detected in fish fed B. circulans ST M53 or maxima) [49], tilapia (O. niloticus) [45] and Olive flounder (Para-
the control diet. In contrast, biotic supplementation of B. circulans lichthys olivaceus) [50]. Bacillus spp. have been successfully used as
ST M53 (diet 5 and 8) did not affect the relative abundance of Ba- probiotics in aquatic animals and their immunodulatory effects
cillus spp. in the hindgut of sturgeon and its relative abundance was have been proven in several studies, including the improvement of
lower than 1%. the phagocytic ratio and phagocytic index of C. catla [46], and the
Interaction effects between AXOS and candidate probiotics increase of resistance against salinity, temperature, ammonia and
significantly affected the relative number of Lactobacillus aviarius, pH stress in larvae of Acipenser percicus [51].
Cetobacterium somerae and Rhodobacter sp. L. aviarius significantly In the present study, administration of L. lactis ssp. lactis ST G45 in
increased in fish fed diet 2 (AXOS) or diet 7 (basal feed þ L. lactis feed of Siberian sturgeon significantly increased phagocytic activity,
spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS), in comparison to fish fed probiotic di- respiratory burst activity, alternative complements activity and
etaries (diet 1, 3, 4, 5) and diet 8 (basal feed þ B. circulans ST serum peroxidase content, while no effects of L. lactis ssp lactis ST
M53 þ AXOS). L. aviarius was not detected in fish fed diet 8. Relative G81 and B. circulans ST M53 on immune responses were observed.
abundances of C. somerae were significantly higher in the hindgut Research on the effects of arabinoxylan (AX) and their hydrolysis
of fish fed the control diet than in fish fed diet 7 (basal products on fish immune responses are scarce [52]. In a previous
feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS). The abundance of Rho- study on juvenile Siberian sturgeon, AXOS augmented phagocytic
dobacter sp. significantly increased in fish fed a diet supplemented activity, alternative complement activity and total serum peroxidase
with L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81 þ AXOS in comparison to the other content [28]. Similarly, the immunodulatory effect of AXOS was
treatments, with the exception of fish fed control diet (diet 1), diet 5 again proven in the current study. This study demonstrated that the
(basal feed þ B. circulans ST M53) or diet 8 (basal feed þ B. circulans combined use of AXOS and L. lactis ssp. lactis ST G45, positively
ST M53 þ AXOS) (Table 4). affected cellular immunity as well as humoral immunity of juvenile
Siberian sturgeon. Such prebiotic induced immuno-modulation can
be due to selective increase/decrease in the abundances of specific
4. Discussion intestinal bacteria, interactions with carbohydrate receptors on in-
testinal epithelial cells and immune cells, or partial absorption
The current study demonstrates the benefits of supplementing resulting in systemic contact with the immune system [53]. The
sturgeon feed with AXOS-32-0.30 þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 on exact process by which AXOS and L. lactis act on the immune system
the growth performance and feed utilization of juvenile Siberian of Siberian sturgeon is however unclear and needs further study.
sturgeon. Information about the combined use of L. lactis and AXOS Because both pre- and probiotics potentially act through the
were not yet available, but it is already known that the separate modulation of the intestinal microbial community, the hindgut
supplementation of L. lactis or AXOS is able to improve growth microflora was assessed by pyrosequencing. In addition, this allows
parameters in several organisms. confirming colonization by the candidate probiotics in the hindgut
Stimulation of growth by L. lactis has been previously reported of the juvenile Siberian sturgeon. The inclusion of the combination
in several aquatic animals and in teleost fish, including the rotifer of L. lactis ssp. lactis ST G45 and AXOS in sturgeon feed resulted in a
Brachionus plicatilis [44], Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) [45] significant reduction in the bacterial diversity in terms of specific
and Catla catla [46]. Bandyopadhyay et al. [46] showed that sup- richness and Shannon index in comparison to the control diet.
plementation of 2  105 cfu of L. lactis per g feed induced a Moreover, the combined use of B. circulans ST M53 and AXOS in
better growth and a significantly lower feed conversion ratio in C. sturgeon feed resulted in a significant decrease in bacterial rich-
catla. However, in the present study, no influence of single sup- ness. A similar reduction in microfloral richness has already been
plementation of L. lactis on growth parameters of Siberian sturgeon shown after dietary administration of carbohydrates in Arctic char
was observed. (Salvelinus alpinus) [54], a combination administration of dietary
Z. Geraylou et al. / Fish & Shellfish Immunology 35 (2013) 766e775 773

probiotics and microalgae in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) between the prebiotic and probiotic bacteria (p ¼ 0.18). Lactic acid
[34], and inclusion of inulin in feed of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) bacteria, mostly L. lactis, composed the main Firmicutes bacteria in
[55]. In contrast, Najdegerami et al. [56] indicated that a well- the hindgut of juvenile Siberian sturgeon, which can be related to
balanced diet with poly-b-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) increased the colonization by the candidate probiotic L. lactis or/and growth
bacterial species richness in juvenile Siberian sturgeon and that stimulation of L. lactis by the AXOS diet. The abundance of L. aviarius
there was a relationship between a high growth rate, low mortality was affected by the biotic dietaries. In vitro stimulation of growth of
and bacterial diversity in the GI tract of fish fed 2% PHB. The Lactobacillus strains by different preparations of AXOS has been
reduction in bacterial diversity obtained in this study could be proven in humans [24,62] and hindguts of Siberian sturgeon
related to the antimicrobial activity of L. lactis [49,57,58] or to a [28,63]. Candidatus Arthromitus was another genus of the Firmi-
competitive exclusion by L. lactis on the hindgut microflora [59]. L. cutes and it was significantly affected by probiotic dietaries. Can-
lactis ssp. lactis ST G45 and ST G81 indeed effectively inhibit the didatus Arthromitus increased up to 54% in fish fed a B. circulans ST
growth of Aeromonas hydrophila, A. salmonicida, Yersinia ruckeri, M53 þ AXOS, however, at the species level (99% similarity) no
Flavobacterium columnare and Vibrio anguillarum in vitro [35], identifiable Candidatus Arthromitus sequences were retrieved.
showing the high antimicrobial capacities of these both strains. Candidatus Arthromitus are host-specific intestinal symbionts that
Based on pyrosequencing analysis of 16S rDNA, L. lactis abun- comprise a distinct clade within the Clostridiaceae and are known
dance levels were significantly higher in juveniles fed L. lactis spp. to (potentially) induce a multifaceted immune response. Although
lactis ST G45, L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS, L. lactis spp. lactis an enteritic syndrome affecting farmed rainbow trout (rainbow
ST G81, or L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81 þ AXOS. L. lactis was not trout gastroenteritis) has been related to the accumulation of
detected in the control group, neither in the group of fish fed Candidatus Arthromitus in the digestive tract of fish [64], some
B. circulans ST M53. Strong synergism between L. lactis strains and papers report the non-pathogenic character of this bacterial genus.
AXOS was also observed, since higher abundances of L. lactis were To our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of Candi-
present in the hindgut when the synbiotic was administrated, datus Arthromitus in Sturgeon.
which is in line with our previous observation that AXOS-32-0.30 Fusobacteria had the highest relative abundance in fish fed the
stimulates the growth of L. lactis in Siberian sturgeon’s hindgut control diet and significantly decreased in fish fed diet 7 (basal
[35]. Our previous in vitro results revealed no significant difference feed þ L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS). Combined with the
in adhesion to and survival in sturgeon’s gut mucus between opposite pattern in abundance of L. lactis in fish fed these diets, we
L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 and L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81. However, hypothesize that these results could be explained by a much
results of the pyrosequencing analysis showed that L. lactis higher competitive potential of L. lactis in the hindgut of fish fed
composed 6.9% and 5.7% of sequences in fish fed L. lactis spp. lactis diet 7 for substrate and adhesion sites. The phylum Fusobacteria
ST G81 and L. lactis spp. lactis ST G81 þ AXOS, respectively, while was at the genus level almost exclusively represented by Ceto-
those value rose 14% and 74.2% for the treatments with L. lactis bacterium, with a high similarity to C. somerae at species level. C.
spp. lactis ST G45 and L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS, respec- somerae has been previously reported in the intestinal tract of
tively. It may be that the adherence capacity of L. lactis is affected freshwater fish [65] and was also detected in Siberian sturgeon
by environmental factors such as gastrointestinal acids and hindgut at relatively high abundances using Denaturing Gradient
competition for surface with other bacteria. Villamil et al. [49] Gel Electrophoresis [28]. The abundance of Rhodobacter sp. was
reported a difference in the adhesion capacity of L. lactis to gut affected by probiotics. Rhodobacter spp. has been known as a
mucus of turbot (Psetta maxima) under in vivo versus in vitro probiotic in aquaculture [66].
conditions. They found that even though L. lactis is able to adhere In conclusion, the ability of L. lactis ssp. lactis ST G45 to colonize
in vitro to turbot intestinal mucus without specificity problems, and modify the intestinal microbiota as a potential probiotic strain,
in vivo adherence and persistence in the intestinal mucus is more was confirmed. The selected probiotic strains isolated from Siberian
variable. Structural differences in the cell wall compositions of sturgeon are safe and capable of surviving and colonizing the fish
different Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) strains can be responsible for intestinal mucus, as well as antagonizing the resident microbiota.
efficacy differences [60]. The results of the present study strongly suggest that the dietary
In contrast to the successful colonization of hindgut by L. lactis, combination of L. lactis ssp. lactis ST G45 and AXOS is cost effective
the relative abundance of B. circulans was lower than 1% in fish fed to promote growth performance and to boost some immune re-
B. circulans ST M53 or B. circulans ST M53 þ AXOS. Dietary sponses of Siberian sturgeon, compared to their separate supple-
B. circulans ST M53 did not affect the abundance of Bacillus spp. in mentation. They could therefore be considered as a useful
the hindgut of sturgeon. Although we previously showed that alternative to chemotherapeutic treatments to promote fish health.
B. circulans ST M53 is able to colonize and survive GI conditions
under in vitro conditions [35], this was not confirmed by the present Acknowledgements
in vivo study. Ouwehand & Salminen [61] suggested that since many
factors interfere with the mucosal adhesion of probiotics, it is We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Bart
difficult to extrapolate in vitro adhesion results reliably to the in vivo Hellemans, KU Leuven. Jeroen KJ Van Houdt from Biogenomics
situation in humans. It has to be pointed out that viability assess- (, a KU Leuven
ments of B. circulans ST M53 and the two L. lactis candidate pro- Research & Development-subdivision, is thanked for the meta-
bionts, added to the feed and then stored at 4  C for up to four weeks, genomics study design and NGS-based development of Genomic
showed an overall maintenance of their initial inoculation level. resources. This research was co-funded by a KU Leuven IDO Project,
In addition to the detection of candidate probiotics in hindgut the IWT (Agency for Innovation through Science and Technology e
samples, we also investigated how the biotics affect hindgut Flanders) SBO IMPAXOS Project, and is part of the Methusalem
micoflora composition at different taxonomic levels (Table 4). The programme ‘Food for the Future’ at the KU Leuven.
relative abundance of Firmicutes bacteria was increased by pro-
biotic dietary. The increase of Firmicutes abundance in fish fed Appendix A. Supplementary data
L. lactis spp. lactis ST G45 þ AXOS can therefore be explained as a
cumulative effect of the interaction of AXOS and L. lactis spp. lactis Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
ST G45, as two way ANOVA did not show any significant synergism
774 Z. Geraylou et al. / Fish & Shellfish Immunology 35 (2013) 766e775

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