The Role of Religion in Developing Ethics: (Reflective Writing)

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Q Beryl Roson Bencito 09/07/2020

REMS TTh 5:30-7:00 PM Cadao, Cerelito

The Role of Religion in Developing Ethics
(Reflective Writing)

1. When it comes to having a basis of our morality, it is usually or always linked to

our beliefs in our respective religions. This is the reason why ethics is linked to
religion. Most of our morality ideas are connected to our ideas in our religion, like
how murder or killing and adultery are not allowed and are immoral. Most
religions show that their beliefs are the bases when it comes to making decisions
in the moral aspect.

2. I think it would be how Seventh Day Adventists are not allowed to eat pork and
seafood and are not allowed to wear any jewelry of some sort. Most religions
who do not believe this ideology will disagree and say that it is fine to eat those
kinds of food, arguing that they are not dirty.

3. According to Ted Wilson, the moral standard that superseded cultures is the Ten
Commandments. I personally agree with that because we usually base our
actions and decision-making on the Ten Commandments. Our morality is
basically based on the rules that God gave us. We usually decide what is right or
wrong to do by considering the Ten Commandments despite the fact that most
people seem to neglect them during this age and throughout the past years since
a lot of wrongdoings have been committed by people.

4. We were made to be living witnesses of God and through conversion and

transformation of our mind and character, we get the grace of God. As we
continue to live while fulfilling our purpose as God’s witnesses, we abide and
grow up through His power. What He wants is for us to become like Him through
His power.

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