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General Studies and Engineering Aptitude


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

By- Rahul Verma

(IES officer)

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S. No. Topic
1. Tools of I.C.T
2. Networking
3. E-governance
4. E-education
5. Latest development in I.C.T

Information and communication technology is the technology which are used to transmit
process store create display share or exchange information by means of electronics
Objective- 1 .formulating information system – Easy access to scientific facts
2. Interpretation of information
3. Information processing
4. Improve decision-making problem-solving abilities
▪ Good governance- for good governance ICT is needed

Ministry of information and communication technology: 3 departments-

1. Department of post
2. Department of information technology
3. Department of information technology.

In 2005- right to information act was launched under this a 2-way interaction between the
government and the citizens start.
e-governance- 1. Information
2. Iterations (2 ways)
3. Transaction.
In 2006- NeGP (National e-governance plan): Background- Rajiv Gandhi DISNIC
Program (District info system for national info centre)

NOFN (National optical fibre Network)

Under this program more than 20,000 Gram-Panchayat would be connected with broad band
internet connectivity for communication among themselves and with state.

E-panchayat- 1. Kerala
2. Sikkim

In 2015- NeGP 2.0.

1. BNP (Bharat net project)
1. Project Loan-Google 2. White fi – Microsoft 3. Free basics - Face book.

BNP- under this project more than 2 lakh gram panchayat worlds be connected with broad
band connectivity optical fibres world be use. Govt Has tied up with their company
1-Google-project loon
2-Microsoft-white fi
3-Face book-free basic(x)

BNP- Provide 100 Mbps speed in gram panchayats, School College, bus stops, railways etc.

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Under BNP even individual can get connectivity on payment.
2. E.Kranti – To provide the govt related services at any time anywhere, on 24 hr. basis.

E-police. There will be a website/app acting as a platform where a police complaint can be
filed. 2 Type data base-
(i) Active criminal in particular area
(ii) Efficient police personnel- transfers & postings can maintained

E-court- There will be a website \ app where a court complaint can be fired. It is also
possible to check the star of any case.
E-secretariat- To check and find out the related govt program online.

Tools of ICT- Post, Radio, TV & Satellites, Mobile and computer

(1) Post-Under digital India program the post offices is converted into e-post in which
following provisions had been added.
▪ All post offices of India connect with internet so it is possible to transfer
money from one post office to one the post office.
▪ The post offices can act as the alternate banking system
▪ The post offices provide e-stamp paper, where property birth & marriage
registration can be done.
▪ Tracking of assignment is possible under e-post.

(2) Radio- Radio was launched after 1947 as “All India radio” It has 3 main agenda.
(i) Agriculture - “Krishi charcha” program started, is the longest-running program on
radio in the world.
(ii) Education-“Gyan vani" program was started by IGNOU provide quality
education, adapted by more than 8 countries including the USA.
(iii) Health –Radio focuses its compaining in health & companied for pulse radio Abhiyan
& dots program For T.B.

Radio & e-government- the prime minister has started a program on the radio called “Mann
ki Baat” This is a direct interaction b/w the government &citizen through radio.

▪ Radio works on following rules

1. Higher the data content, higher is the energy of radio.
2. Radio user, em waves that has a frequency less than 2 GHz.
3. Radio works by the reflection of low energy wave from the ionosphere, and reaches
any point on earth. At the broad casting station signals is modulated with amplitude
and send towards iono spheres from there it gets reflected back which Is received by a
radio town there & it gets reflected back which is received by a radio town & them
spread in all direction.

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Type of radio-

(i) Satellite-based radio- it is used for personal communication

interdepartmental communication & it is used by security agencies railway
defense etc.

(ii) Web-based radio- it is also called as digital radio The brand casting station
pulse modulates the massage signal with the carrier wave & it is then store in
central server website or app on mobile acts as a radio web bases radio allow any
time program & any where radio.

(3) Satellite

Polar satellite geostationary satellite

Satellite placed in polar satellite place in geostationary
Orbits that range b\w orbit (i.e. that is 20000 km
200 km to 4000 km to 36000 km)

Application of polar satellite-

(1) Land mapping-

Cortosat 1A- Computerization of land records. Under this 2D image of the available land in
India were made & 2 types of bills
(a) Landowner bill
(b) Tenant bill was launched together they are called as records of rights it gives data to the
government for usable land.

Cortosat 1B –(a) PM Krishi sinchai yojana (b) Soil health card.

(a) PM Krishi sinchai yojana- provide irrigation facilities to former using soil health cart.

It will save water wastage agriculture and also it will help in reduction of the unnecessary
satification for this another program ‘PER DROP MORE CROP’ is launched.

(b) Soil health card-

Through this the nutrient moisture content of soil up to 6cm longer can be obtained & data
would be put in to –
1 physical form- given to formers
2 digital forms- available for government
Together they are called as soil health card. Using soil health card fertilized subsidies
pesticides availability can be maintained.

Cartosat 2- Under this program per drop more crop drip irrigation and sprinkling irrigation
facility would be provided through which the water management for irrigation can be done

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(2) Fisheries- Presence of phytoplankton’s is found by green dots in polar satellite images
these green dots are not fixed but they keep on changing these position GOI developed a
fishing app with help of satellite that gives location of fishes in the sea
(3) For disaster management- Polar satellite for disaster management was launched after
Uttarakhand disaster in which many people were missed so Google launched a satellite
SARSATT (search and rescue satellite) it will help in locating missing persons in disasters.
There was another program linked with SARSATT called khoyapaaya programm it is to find
out the missing children from India was launched in collaboration with an NGO Bachapan
bacho andolan.
(4) For spying- Polar satellite are primarily used for spying purpose & as it moves from
north south north the polar satellite can map the would

Geostationary satellite-
(1) Tele communication- 1 Transponder 2. TV 3. VSAT
(2) Navigation- 1. GPS 2. IRNSS 3. GAGAN

▪ Geostationary satellite is placed above equator & have equal angular velocity to
angular velocity of earth they appear stationary w.r.t any point.
▪ It can communicate equally in both the hemi spheres.
▪ The coriolis force is maximum at the poles & minimum at the equator due to which
any satellite i.e. launched get aligned toward equator.

Application of geostationary satellites-

Transponders–Transponders are the devices in the satellite that responsible for frequency
reflection on earth these transponders are provided by solar cells
There are different frequency bonds in transponders such as for mobiles, TV etc

The frequency division follows following radio.

(1) Higher is the energy, higher is the data content-Therefore radio user lower frequency
& TV user higher frequency.

(2) The size of the antenna is half of the size of the wavelength-
radio user lower frequency & higher wavelength so antenna size is larger.

(3) Higher is the energy of wave more are the chance of getting it corrupt.
Therefore lower frequency wave are used in hilly regions & higher frequency are
used at plane regions.

ITU (international telecom union) nomenclature-

(1) L-Band – 1 to 2 GHz– Big dish system (Radio)

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(2) S-band – 2 to 4 GHz- Big dish system (space commune)
(3) C-band – 4 To 8 GHz- Meteorology (PSLV 25)-mom
(4) X-Band - 8 & to 11 GHz – Mobile telephony
(5) Ku-Band – 12 to 18 GHz – TV. VSAT
(6) K-Band – 18 To 26.5 GHz – defense.
▪ X Band is the most exploited band and frequency has exhausted in it.
▪ Ku band has remaining frequency for mobile telephony in 4G, 5G etc.
▪ The defense needs a higher range of frequency since it keeps on changing its
frequency ranges.

Analog based on FDMA tech. (Frequency division multiple access)

(4) T.V
Digital T.V- Band on CDMA Tech. (code division multiple Access)

(1) Analog T.V-

▪ The analog T.V. uses different frequencies for different T.V. Channel. for large no. of
T.V. channels a large no. of frequnties are exhausted.
▪ FDMA tech uses frequency of the lower bandwidth so audio, video quality in it is not
very good while the analog T.V uses ground towers to receive signals directly from
the satellite, The T.V towers spread signal on earth through grand wave it has a range
up to 50 km.

▪ The analog TV consumes large no. of frequency the audio, video quality is not good
so H.D. TV IPTV are not portable in it.

(2) Digital T.V.-

▪ A single frequency of higher bandwidth is given to multiple T.V channels. These
channels together in a single frequency are called as a bouguet of channels.
▪ CDMA saves a lot of frequency since it uses the frequency of higher band width so
audio, video quality in it is better.

Working of digital T: V-
▪ The mechanical signal of audio & video is converted into digital pulse & then it is
pulse-modulated then these modulated signals sent to toward Satellite then satellite
transmits it to DTH (direct to home) the antenna which is the size of 70 to 120 cm.
▪ HPTV & IPTV are for table in digital T.V.

The GOI made it compulsory for all TV channels to come to the digital platform & also to the
user to use set up box, which is a demodulator that converts digital signal into an analog
signal, so large number of frequency can be saved from Ku bond.

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HDTV (High definition T.V)-


1080*900= 10 lakh Pixels /inch


In HDTV is more pixel density per inch i.e. in an HDTV higher bandwidth given more
detailing about the image & audio & it must be supported by higher pixel density which is
achieved by more number of boxes in a unit area. Here boxes are LEDs recently quantum dot
display use LEDs in nano form that can produce better image quality.

IPTV (Internet protocol T.V)

▪ It is a combination of TV, mobile phone & a computer on the same screen. It is a form
of digital TV where all these applications are based on digital systems.
▪ Example -Through apps such as GIO TV, Hot start etc. a mobile phone can oct as a
TV, here more & more digital platforms are brought on the same screen & It is called
as digital convergence in the present case it is also called as triple-play service.

VOIP- (Voice over internet protocol)

It allow computer to computer call without Identification, It is not allowed in India but can be
possible through apps such as what apps Viber, skyp etc

VSAT (very small Aperture Terminal)


Hub station not identify receiver




▪ A VSAT is a duplex system where incoming & outgoing both are possible
▪ VSAT antenna range from 70 to 120 cm
▪ It utilizes frequency in Ku bond.
▪ The transmitter sent the signal towards the satellite con not identify receiver hence it
sends the signal again to a hub station, the hub station identity receiver & sends the
signal to the satellite from there it is sent again to-wands receiver.
Therefore, a time gap appears in initial communication started it
remains continuous there are at least 3 satellites needed to cover the whole of earth & it
does not require internet to operate but it can play internet itself.
▪ It is possible to visit in the post of any prog. Through VSAT, since the data is stored
in a central server.

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Application of VSAT
▪ Telemedicine
▪ Tele education
▪ Tele conferencing

Tele medicine- It provide quality health care at the rural areas, difficult areas & remote areas,
under this the GOI collaboration with ISRO has launched specialized satellite under SEHAT
▪ For VSAT communication, community service centers (CSC) would be established at
these areas & these service centers would have pathological test m/c, x-ray m/c etc.
that would be controlled by remote by a doctor in a city hospital.
▪ Under SEHAT (social Endeavors for health & Tell medicine) the Ministry of health &
family welfare has tied up with Apollo hospital & Medanta hospital to establish
60,000 such community service centers, It provide quality health & also to bring
down high MMR (Maternal mortality rate) in India.
▪ In May 2017, ISRO launched south Asian satellite, It will help in providing VSAT
facility to 7 SARC member (except Pakistan)
▪ South Asian satellite has transponders in Ku band and it will help in telemedicine
teleconferencing & tell education in these counties.

Tele education- In this for secondary education VSAT based education was launched in
Andra Pradesh & Chandigarh that has been highly successful & also in higher education the
VSAT based system for was launched under a program called NKN (national knowledge
network) in which more than 400 universities & colleges would be connected with brood
bond internet connectivity to provide quality education from JITs.

Tele conferencing- It is used by news channels, Govt agenties such as PM office &

Navigation (1) GPS – (Global Positioning System)

▪ GPS is based on the principle of tri-lateration.
▪ GPS is a constellation of 24 satellites placed in
▪ Geosynchronous and geostationary orbits alternatively, where the satellite can
communicate with each other & also communicate with a place on earth.
▪ The information passes from are satellite to another in the form of encrypted messages.
▪ At least 3 satellites is used for navigation in GPS. But for more accuracy 4 satellites are
needed. The 4th satellite provided it better accuracy.
▪ The GPS system is inaccurate up to 20m for 3 satellites up to 10 m for 4 satellites (it is
due to Larentzion contraction)
▪ The GPS system is used for navigation of automobile navigation of the ship, aircraft 4 it
is also used by social media websites such as face book to track the activity of also by
online games, e-commerce websites etc.

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Geosynchronous orbit-
This orbit is b/w 10,000 to 20,000 km height it is placed in inclined orbit & also called as sun
synchronous geosynchronous satellite used for navigation purposes.
Other global navigation systems are.
(1) Rusia- Glonass -30 satellites
(2) USA – Galileo – 24 satellites
(3) China – Beidou- 35 satellites

IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite system)-

It is a constellation of 7 satellites out of which 3 are placed in geosynchronous orbit & 4 are
placed in geostationary orbits.
Satellites in geostationary orbit hour a unique motion in a figure& they revolve around
the common axis of geosynchronous satellites, it can cover a range of main boundary
territory of India & also 1500 km beyond it.
It has an inaccuracy 10m, 5m
The IRNSS has 2 types of uses-
(1) The standard use for civilian purposes & will be used for navigation of automobiles &
(2) Restricted use will be used for defense navigation.

The 7th satellite of series i.e. IRNSS 1G was launched in April 2016 & PM inaugurated it
from moritus where named it as NAVIC (Navigation with Indian constellation), it is an
autonomous regional satellite navigation system, that provides accurate real-time positioning
& timing services.

(3) GAGAN (GPS aided geo augmented and navigation)

It is a joint venture b/w airport Authority of India & ISRO. It has a constellation of 2 satt.
Out of which one is geosynchronous orbit & other is in geostationary orbit.
This satellite communicates with an airport in India & also communicate with any Aero plan
in Indian sky,It will help in safe flight take-off & landing in the difficult airport.

Note – In May 2017, GOI launched UDAN (Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik) It was launched to
link smaller airports with large airports to bring these smaller airports into profit. Therefore
smaller airport users linked with New Delhi airport.

A computer is based on the concept of town planning & therefour, its terminology such as
boot on, worm booting, cold booting, bootstrap loader, brunt etc. has been derived from town
planning. In 1990, Intel launched processor that increased the speed of the computer by
increasing its processing power.

Processing power- The processing power of the computer is its ability to perform as many
names of switches together in a cycle. Therefore, processing power depends upon no. of

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1 Switch 2 functions

8 switches 8*2 =16 functions = 1 bit

8 bits 16*8*2 = 256 functions = 1bits

All the computer systems starting from very small computing devices up to very large
supercomputer but in a super computer no. of processors are combine together in parallel
called as parallel computing.
Example- 2 processors called dual core
8 processors called octo care etc.

In supercomputer millions of such processors are combined together in the parallel computer
but they also have GaAs (Gallium arsenide) the chip that produces lesser heating than silicon
bases chip.

Moore’s law - The number of bits are constant in the computing world with the computing is
increasing every year therefore after a large connection of programs in the computer world
the number of bits requirements will be more & at that time when the availability of bits will
be less than required bits than the computer the world will be earth.

According to Moore’s every 2nd year the number of data becomes double and it requires the
bit availability by half & therefore by 2024 the number of bits required will be more than the
bits available & that will crash the computer world.

Therefore, quantum computing is the next generation of computing which is a combination of

quantum physics & computer science.

Quantum computers-

▪ It uses the principle of digital computing but instead of switches here quotes are
used as a switcher. Here
▪ 1quantu is 1e
▪ 1e can have up spin or down ship
▪ Therefore, Increasing or decreasing =1 b/w decreasing and increasing=0

The processing power increase exponentially while in digital computing the processing
power increase by geometric progression. Therefore, a single chip in quantum computing
can perform billions of functions together. So, they can act as a supercomputer & size of the
supercomputer will we the size of a mobile phone.
The advantage of quantum computing over simple computing is that a quantum computer can
perform the functions involving prime number very will & very fast also in Internet of things,
quantum computing will be able to analyze big data.
In quantum computing, the digital digits of bit & bytes are replaced by Qubit (quantum bits)
Quantum computing is more accurate than simple computing because have the energy at the
quantum level does not affect the quantum particle. Therefore, data Antoine &analyzed
through quantum computing will be more accurate.

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Quantum computing uses superposition and entanglement

Supercomputers- A supercomputer is every advanced computing system that can perform

billion of functions together, therefore a supercomputer can be used in nuclear reaction
missile launching, whither forecasting, also in high energy particle studies.
Fastest of world-
(1) Sunway Taihulight (China)
Speed – 93 Peta flops.
1 Peta flops = 1015 floating-point/sec
(2) Tianhe (II) (china) -33 Peta flops.
Fastest of India-

1. SERC-CRAY-0.6 peta flops

This supercomputer is kept at Indian Institute of science for research collaboration under the
program NKN (National knowledge not work)

2. Aaditya CRAY -0.56 peta flops it is used by ISRO for its Aaditya mission.

3. PARAM Yuva -(II) 0.5 Peta flops (CDAC)

It will be used for pharmaceutical research and it will reduce the pharmaceutical research
and development time from (20 to 30) year to (2 to 3) year.
In India after 2008 CDAC partnered with CRAY computing to develop its own
supercomputer, ministry of science & tech under national innovative council has formed a
national supercomputing mission that has a target to develop so supercomputers by 20, 30 out
of these some of them will be in top 500 supercomputers of the world.

Computer: - Black diagram of computer

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Input unit:

(1) Keyboard- A keyboard contains a matrix of switches (one switch per key). The wireless
keyboard is Bluetooth enabled.

(2) Mouse-A mouse generally has two their buttons & it may or may not have a wheel.
Mouse when kept on a surface it divides the surface into x & y co-ordinate as the moves the
heavy ball in it rolls& changes the x-y co-ordinates portion. For the function less, surface
mouse did not move.
The optical mouse contains a very small camera light device that takes multiple pictures
of the surface at some time. As the mouse image changes & curser also moves.

(3) OCR (optical character radio)-OCR is of many types such as a barcode. or code, hoper
graphic storage.

Barcode- It is an alternative thin &thick line combination of block colour bar on a white
background Bar code consists of a 13-digit number that gives information such as the origin
of the product, type of product, expiring data etc.

The barcode reader has a high-intensity light in the red color wavelength,
when this light falls on the bar code the black bar absorbs some light & white surface reflects
this light, this creates a pattern of bandwidth where info. About the product is contained

OR code- (quick suspense code)- It is a 2d block colored thick line image on a white
background. When an OR code is scanned the reflected light through white background has a
higher bandwidth hence it can contain some information image or even a video is produced.

(1) Paytm QR code – It is a money transfer app in OR format that identifies the user &
merchant, the money has to be he posited in an OR code account, RBI permission is not
required in it,
(2) Bharat QR code- Developed by G0I NPCI (national payment corp. of India) It is an
interbank money transfer & there is no need to deposit money in a QR code account. It
identifies the user & merchant bank account, RBI permission is required in it, but in Bharat
OR code post-transfer permission is given.
(3) Holostone- Holostone is an optical storage device that creates static or movie image
where the light falls on it, it may be 3D image storage system in OR code or it may be even a
2D storage system also.
It is an advanced holo graphic image OR code creating an image of a product
an old park such as Jurassic park.

Virtual reality- It is a reality in a virtual form that does not exist. It can be seen using a
specialized device & when this device can produce an image in 360 views, it is mostly used
for gaming or in movies.

Augmented reality- Augmented reality is a virtual image that can be filled or given an
appearance of reality. Ex. Holostone or holographic image etc. These products such as
Google glass that can produce a virtual reality.

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MICR (Magnetic ink character reader)- It is used in the banking system where checks
have magnetic ink code on it when the checks are put into the reader the information obtained
are home branch account no. & also the authenticity of the checks.

The light pen- It is a pointer device; the light pen consists of a photocell mounted in a pen-
shaped tube. The light pen is used to draw the image or the screen.

Micro phone- through microphone we can send sound input to the computer.

Digital camera- Use to recording films.

Output devices-

(1) LCO (liquid crystal display)

It consists of 2 panels & b/w them there is one plasma membrane panel. The plasma are solid
at lower temp & behaves like a liquid at higher temp, they radiate when heated. The LCD
screens contain the heating & lighting device at the back of panel when plasma is heated they
radiate & produce image at the grid pattern screen.
It is also based on heating; therefore, it created a problem of screen born, therefore screen
savers are used to saving the screen. It consumes more electricity the image quality cannot
produce HD quality & IPTV is not possible in it. Each tiny cell of liquid crystal is a pixel.

(2) The LED (Light Emitting diodes)

It consists of a single screen and on LED panel behind it, It contains only one screen, their
fore-screen blackening beyond 120; does not happen in it. The LED is more durable
consumes very lies electricity and it can be converted into very small size bulbs, therefore.
HPTV, IPTV, quantum dot displays are possible in it. In LED TV no heating is produced
therefore it does not experience screen burn.

(1) Tuch Screen

Capacitive tuch- It consists of a single screen which is connected with battery so that
battery can provide charges to it, therefore capacitive touch screen is completely charged if it
is touched at any point, charges transferred in body & it creater potential difference area at
that point & each point where potential difference is created is associated with a command.
Its response is very quick hence it is called an instant touch.

Resistive touch- It consists of 2 screens the top screen is only a protective layer while the
bottom screen is a highly sensitive screen. This sensitive screen notes pressure differences
when pressure is applied to the top layer being a stick, the pressure gets transferred to the
bottom layer & with each point, the command is associated. Its Response is not instant
&sometimes can produce the wrong command; also, the image quality is not very good. But
it is used in ATM m/c defence equipment etc.

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Impact printer Non-impact painter

Impact printer – It is based on type writer technology i.e. there is a physical contact b/w the
paper & printing head, in this, there are fixed alpha numeric characters that can be printed.
2n/c bloats images quality is not very good & the pointing is very slow. Most famous impact
printer was the dot matrix printer, in which there was an inked ribbon b/w the paper &
printing head & in place of printing heat it was replaced by pins when the pins pass through
the ribbon. it gets ink on its tap & strike on the paper in the form of a matrix of dots
The printing became faster, image quality better & also it was cheaper to use.

Non-impact printer- It is based on photocopy m/c technology where there is number contact
b/w the paper & printing head.
▪ The ink is guided by electrostatic forces and then it is dried using a heater.
▪ Image quality in it is better & printing is faster.
▪ Non-alpha numeric character can also be printed.
▪ The most famous non-impact printer is inkjet printer but recently laser printer that is
based on electrostatic guiding of ink and loses is used to strike the solid ink on paper.
In this image quality is better & cost of printing is low.

3D printers – They manufacturing machines and it manufactures anything by layer by layer

of the deposition of the particles. It can manufacture very fast & width more precision, the
manufacturing by 3D printers is of highly accurate quality & chances of error in it are least, it
will lead to work automation & manufacturing revolution.

Control processing Unit (CPU) – Micro procession – It is brain of computer

Control unit- C.U complete instruction cycle.

Instruction Cycle-
▪ Fetch the instruction
▪ Decode the instruction

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▪ Calculate the effective address
▪ Execute the Instruction
CU directs the operation of the processor
CU works by receiving input information that it converts into control signals.

Register- It is an electronic component that is used to hold the information as bits.

ALU- Arithmetic& logic unit is used to perform all Arithmetic operation and all logical
operations. ALU is also called the core of the CPU.

Memory- It stores all the information entered through the input unit.

(1) Primary Memory/ Storage Memory

RAM (Random Access memory)

ROM (read-only memory)

Primary memory used to store data but a memory required for processing, in intermediate &
final results of processing.
It holds the result till the computer is on.
▪ it is a volatile type of memory, it is made up semiconductors devices the basic unit of
memory is bit.

Ram – A flip flop mechanism available in the semiconductor

▪ It is volatile memory, which means when there is no power supplied to memory cell
▪ It will lose its bits stored in it.
▪ The data retrieved from the memory or to be stored in the memory one kept in a
memory date register.
▪ Dynamic RAM uses an on-clip capacitor for each storage element.
▪ Static RAM uses a flip flop each memory element.

ROM- Use to store programs or data permanently it is known as non-volatile memory. Data
will not be erased even after the power interruption.

(2) Secondary memory-

(i) Floppy – It is based an analogy signal that uses magnetic signals which are converted into
mechanical signals, A floppy is not based on friction hence its durability is longer.

(ii) CD- It is an optical storage device that consists of a plastic disc on which a layer of
aluminium is placed; the Al lager is highly polished.

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In CD drive, there is high-intensity lager light that falls in red colour wavelength and this
lager light creates a series of pits and place surface that act as a digital system of o & 1 .
In CD drive another longer light is there that has a lower intensity & this light is reflected
from plane surface & it is diverted by the pits, therefore plane surface are read as 1 and pits
are read as 0, A digital code of 1 & 0 is created. That is converted into em signal & then into
the mechanical signal.

(iii) DVD (Digital Versatile Disc)-

It uses laser light of a lower wavelength that can read more no. of pits. Therefore, its capacity
is in 3 to 4 Gb.

(iv) Blue-Ray Disc – It uses a wavelength of laser light in blue colour & therefore it can read
more no. of pits since the wavelength of blue is lowers. As Wavelength reduces the frequency
increases hence. It has better audio, video quality; its capacity is up to 8 Gb.

(v) Flash drive- The flash drive is of multiple types such as pen drive, solid-state drive, hard
drive etc. The information is contained in the form of charged & uncharged particles & it
makes a NAND gate along with USB drive.
In high capacity Pen drive or hard disc drive, there are layering of such charged & uncharged
particle that gives the output.

Mobile – The mobile phone was started as FDMA & CDMA

(1) FDMA – (Frequency division multiple access) in these different frequencies are gives
to different were so that our lapping of signals to not take place in FDMA. The signals over
lop only where they are very closely spaced.

(2) CDMA- (code division multiple access)- In it multiple channels/users are connected in a
single frequency called multiplexing, multiplexing, are of 4 types.

(a) Space division multiplexing- In space division, there are different networks to the same
channels for transmission of lines, they are connected point to point. In this save frequency
can be used in a different place.

(b) Frequency division multiplexing- different frequencies are used for different users.

(c) Time-division multiplexing- This is a division of time for the frequency and generally
the frequency is given 3-time slots, frequency use increases by 3 times.

(d) Code division multiplexing- single frequency is divided into multiple uses & these users
are differentiated on the basis of different code given to them.

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Generation of mobile phones.
0 G- launched by bell laboratory but it was marketed by Motorola Company. It was based on
analogy system and the calling was half-duplex i.e. either incoming or outgoing is possible at
a time, SMS was not there.

1G – It was also launched by Motorola company but for this 1st-time duplex communication
started but it was also based on analogy therefore SMS facility was not there

2G – This was the 1st digital mobile telephone launched by Nokia company of fin land, It
was smaller in size since sim was not integrated & the sim or mobile or both could be
changed. It had added feature of SMS, call waiting, call forwarding etc.

2G was based on circuit switching technology is many when a call is made from one
telephone to another telephone this switches within a telephone exchange create a continuous
wire connection b/w 2 telephone & it remained as continuum wire connection b/w2 telephone
& it remained as continuous circuit till the call is made. This was completely different than

2.5 G- It comes out with innovative technology of GPRS (General packet radio service ) in
which the data packets are divided into multiple packets & then transmitted through the
network, it was faster than circuit switching since it was not necessary that data packet to
flow the same channel so internet in 2.5G Become faster & also calls in 2.5G were better.

2.75 G – It comes out with technology called EDGE technology ( enhanced data network
for GSM Evolution) EDGE tech. has idle time concept in it, i.e. If a person is idle on a
network then the data will pass on to the neighbouring user on the same network. It reduces
the cost of & also increases the data speed. Therefore, EDGE tech becomes very popular & it
was the beginning of the internet revolution in India.

3G – It was the 1st brand band network in which higher band width was used. In 3G the
internet speed was better but did not become cheaper. Therefore it did not gain popularity in
rural areas therefore 3G did not become as successful as 2.75G.

4G - 4G was launched in India initially in GSM network by Airtel but it used costly & was
not able to penetrate in an urban area only. It had only started then reliance jio launched 4G
networks in CDMA with LTE technology.
▪ Actually 4G LTE is an enhanced 3G data network that centre into the criteria of 4G. It
was launched by 3GPP.
▪ The EDGE, GSM & CDMA tech. All can be integrated, it is purely data network, for
calling also LTE use, VOLTE (voice-over long term evaluates tech. In this voice
converted to data & transmitted through internet signals, voice calling is almost zero.

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▪ The LTE tech. is marketed as 4G LTE there are 2 types of LTE.

(1) LTE – TDD- (long term evolution- time division duplex) it is developed by a group of
mobiles phone companies such as Nokia, Samsung, etc. It is an innovative tech. of LTE; it
uploads the data faster & therefore increases the speed.

(2) LTE –FDD ( long term evaluation- frequency division duplex) In is based on pairing
of the network, it means its range can increase by multiple time.

(3) 5G- 5G is not yet launched but its expected speed is 1 GB/s to 10 Gb/s. therefore it will
increase the digital convergence such as file medicine, tele education & teleconferencing in a
single device i.e. Mobile.

Cyber world –
In 2000:- STUX NET started a cyber war. The cyber-world is digital; a world that runs
parallel to the real world. For the 1st time, the cyber world was noticed in the year when
STUXNET was launched Iranian Nuclear program, STUXNET was a cyber nuclear bomb
that destroyed Iranian power grid system completely and also affected 50% of computer in
the world this event laid to cyber war in the world & gave birth to malware.

Malware- Malwares is malicious software that gives negative result, some of the malware

(1) Virus - Vital information resources under seige)- In day to day left virus also spreads
on the computer through contact, it can come through e-mail or through visiting e-mail or
through visiting a malicious website but the virus do not appear till the program is either
download or clicked upon.
A virus can affect the software or important program, to protect the computer from virus, the
antivirus is available, and antivirus are types-
Offline antivirus-which is network security features
Online antivirus -which is network security features
▪ Antivirus is only software.
▪ Effective antivirus is a combination of offline & online both.

(2) Worms – worms are a bad program that does not need contact to spread & it can appear
in the computing system on its own.
It can spread in computing system & can affect hardware & software both, therefore
they are more dangerous than a virus, to protect the computer from worms the affected
programs are deleted or computer has to formatted.

(3) Trojans – Trojans are good looking prog, but they turn out to be very bad when they are
clicked upon. The Trojans are more dangerous than any other malware since it has no
effective tool against it also Trojans are of a large number of type hence no specific tool can
be designed for it.

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They appear Inform of lottery, an antivirus important software, a heavy discounted
In 2015. A Trajan named as Beebon virus become popular & it appeared as removing
Beebon virus from the computer but secretly downloaded the syware. it affected Indian
economy by 9000 crore rupees by hacking important information such as bank account
number, pass wands etc.

(4) spyware- It is a program that downloads in the computer automatically & starts sending
important information to the host computer.
Spyware is used for stealing sensitive informative.

(5)Adware – these are computer adds that appears as a pop-up window & this window
cannot be removed, the only way to remove it is by cold booting. Adware’s are generally
unharmful but the temporarily black the ongoing program.

(5) Ram som ware– these are the programs that encrypts important files or programs with a
time of self-destructive. It demands ransom affected India & the world & demanded a ransom
of files.
Other ransom ware also followed it but they did not become successful because of very high
price rise in bit coin.

Cyber scam:-
(1) Phishing- it is a scam in which there are fake lottery fake heavy discounted products to
gain sensitive information such as bank account no. & password etc.

(2) Visiting- These are the scam to spread communal violence through email social media
website such as Face book or through Whats app. It disturbs a peaceful environment of the

Cyber security- There is generally 2 types of security.

(1) Network security
(2) System security

(1) Network Security- A network security is to secure malwares from the network, In
network security, there are threads at multiple lagers, therefore, the security are also in layers
called as SSL (Security socket layer) where each lager works independently but also
connected with each other in a socket.
The other type of network security is security from phishing, vishing & spoofing.

Spoofing- Spoofing is a type of scam where an intruder attempts to gain unauthorized access
to user system or information by pretending to be the user.
To save from the spoofing regular change of password most be applied & to save from
phishing. the vishing unwanted mails should be marked as spam.

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(2) System security- there are offline antivirus & system security but the most important is a
Firewall – It is a network security & system security both as it is not allowed to malacious
prog. to spread outside or outside malicious program to inter inside it is hardware, software or
a combination of both. A firewall can protect particular affected program or the entire system
as well.
A Fare wall acts as barrier b/w a trusted and un-trusted network.

Bit coin – It is a crypto currency and it does not exist physically but it is a virtual currency
based on the principle of a limited number of bit coins in the computing world (2^128).
▪ Its advantages are that it does not need to carry physically, no banks have to control
over it and no govt. Can control bit coin neither it can be printed more nor it can be
block marketed.

▪ In gear 2010, a group of people started the idea of such digital currency in which there
would be the distribution of this currency according to demand & supply & carry
transaction in bit coin can be found by a mathematical operation.

▪ Bit coin is today goining market in the world & few countries like japan have
legalised it. In April 2017. The transactions are registered in black chain &value of bit
coin is determined according to the demand and the available bit coins & every bit
coin user become a member of block chain.
Disadvantages of bit coin:-
1. transactions and original ID of transactions cannot be found out, Anybody can transact bit
coin using a fake address their four GOI on 1st April 2017 make bit coin as illegal currency
because it believed that bit coins can be used for terrorisation activity & Illegal transactions.
2. The bit coin value is highly volatile and its value changes very rapidly therefore it is
passable to use it for black marketing.
3. Bit coin has a very large value therefore it makes difficult to trade in smaller
denominations, therefore, smaller denominations of bit coin was launched called as Santoshi
but shill it is not always convenient for very smaller values of coins.

There are other crypto currencies as well such as lit coin but bit coin is the only popular
Superposition- means at the same space multiple switchers can function together.
Entanglement – is the performance of a 2 different system producing the same result?
Quantum computing user super position & entanglement.

Page 19

Network – A network is an interconnection of a series of ports or nodes connected together

by communication both.

A network is a combination of two or more computer connected together for the purpose of
exchange in information

The goal of networking-

1. Resource sharing
2. Provide high reliability
3. Saving money.
4. Increase system performance.

Various components of the network are-

▪ .Media – provide a physical connection
▪ Processors – support the network connectivity
▪ Modems – modems stands of modulator demodulation.
▪ Multiplexers –use to combine data of multiple users to transmit over a common path.
▪ Switch – make connection b/w various nodes of a network.
▪ Router- it is an intelligent communication processer which makes connection b/w
various nodes of the program with the help of protocols different rules.
▪ Hub – It is port switching communication processor which is used for automatic
switching of various ports.
▪ Getaways – It is the communication process. Which connects the network? Which
use different communication architecture? it is classified as.
(a) On the basis of the network topology.
(b) On the basis of network extent.

Based on the network topology-

The network topology is deferent as the physical interconnection of its constituent element.
The interconnection may be real logical real interconnection refer to actual (physical)
connection of a network. whereas logical interconnection refers to the way data is exchanged
b/w the constituent element.
Network topology

Mesh topology Star topology Bus topology Bus topology

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(1) Bus topology-




▪ Bus topology is used when a network installation is small.

▪ The various nodes like a computer as shown in fig. are interconnected through cable
▪ The cable is ore more wires with no active electronics to amplify the signal i.e. it is a
passive bus topology.
▪ When one computer sends a signal up to the cable, all the computer on the network
receives the information but only one who in code the message accept the information
which all others reject the massage.
▪ The speed is slow as at a time only one computer can send a message at a time on the
▪ The bus topology required proper termination at both end of the cable.

Advantages- Easy to understand & requires the least amount of cable.

Easy to expand by joining two cobles with BNC (Bayonet Neil –councilman connector).

Disadvantages- Heavy network traffic slows down the bus speed cable black loose BNC
connector causes reflection and brings lown the whole network..

(2) Ring topology

In ring topology each computer is connection to the next computer. With the last one
connected to the first.

Page 21
▪ Rings are used in a high-performance network where large bond with is necessary.
▪ The message flow around the ring in one direction, there is no termination of the ring
because there is no end. So, ring to token passing. A sort message called as token.
Advantages- No one computer can monopolise the network because every computer is given
equal access to the token.
▪ The fair sharing of the network.

Disadvantages-Failure of one computer on the ring can affect the whole network.
▪ Initial installation cost is high and hence not preferable for low-density traffic.
▪ To install a new repeater for supporting a new device it is necessary to have the
identification of two nearby networks.

(3) Star topology-

All computer run from the computer to a central location where they are all connected by
device called a hub as shown in fig.
The hub in a broadcast star can be active or passive an active hub generates the electrical
signal and sends It to all computer connected to it, Active hubs needs & power supply while
passive hub doesn't need it.
Advantages-As computer to the Bus topology, it gives for much better performance, signals
don’t necessarily get transmitted to all the work station.
▪ Easy to connect new nodes or device.
▪ Failure of one node or link does not affect the rest of the network.
There are hugs dependence on a central hub if it fails the whole network fails to operate.
Cabling cost is more since cables are connected to all nudes/computer from a central hub.

(4) MESH topology- In case of mush topology, there is a dedicated point to point link from
one device to another.

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If there are N-devices, then a fully connected network will have N(N-1)/2 physical channels
to link devices. Each device in the network contains (n-1) input/output ports.)

▪ The use of dedicated link guarantees that each connection can carry its own data load,
these Eliminated traffic problems.
▪ In the case of mesh topology failure of one node/computer does not bring down the
entire network.
▪ It provides security and privacy because every message is sent along dedicated line.
In case of failure, troubleshooting is easy.

Disadvantages- Installation and reconfiguration of mesh topology are difficult.

▪ Cable cost is more.
▪ The hardware requires to connect each link input/output and cable is expensive.

Based on Network Extent – Network topology is tightly coupled with network extant and
this classification leads to different types of are networks. This is needed because the network
comes in different shapes & sizes.



(1) LAN (Local Area networks)- A LAN is a network restricted to a small region.
▪ The main aim of LAN is to provide access at data terminal equipment (DTE) such as
printers, plotters within the office.
▪ A LAN is composed of computer hardware transmission media and software.

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▪ The common forms of LAN are described by IEEE standard 802.

▪ Main characteristics that differentiate one LAN from another.

(1) Topology such as a star, bus, ring etc.
(2) Protocols such as peer to peer client/seven architecture
(3) Media such as twisted-pair wire, coaxial cables or fibre optics.

(2) WAN (Wide Area Network)- A WAN covers a large geographical area as compared to
Characterises of WAN-
▪ They have a diameter of the order of few 1000 km.
▪ Their bandwidth is very costly, hence band width allocation plays an important role.
▪ WAN works on store and forward subnets it. The packet from a transmitter is routed
to an intermediate node which stores it and routers it to next node until it reaches the
receiver/receiving node.
(3) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)- A MAN, larger than LAN but smaller than WAN
and is limited to the city. It uses similar technology as LAN. The MAN standard is organized
around a topology called distributed queue dual Bas (DQDB)
MAN is based a fibre optic transmission technology

(4) Personal Area Network (PAN) –Hot spot.

A PAN is a network that is used for communicating among computer and computer devices.
PAN can be wired or wireless.

Network connections
Wired: copper co-axial cable, optical fibre.
Wireless: Bluetooth, wife, Wi-MAX, lifi

Wired network connection-

(1) COPPER COAXIAL CABLE- The copper co-axial cables are good conductor of
electricity i.e. em waves and these wires are co-axial because they save from electric flux
losses, the copper co-axial cables are able to support multiple channels within a single wire.
The audio signals are converted into em waves that are passed through these wires as
potential difference.

(1) Copper is a good conductor of heat; therefore, it makes amplifiers periodically.
(2) The number of channels that supports it very less.
(3) Thin wires of copper are cannot be made.
(4) The copper cobles require high maintenance.

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(2)- Optical Fibres-

fibreglass layer >classing

optical fibre consists of 3 layers-

(1) Fibreglass layer- That has the highest density
(2) Cladding- its density is lower than the fibreglass layer
(3) Buffer coating- It is only a protective layer & its density may be more or less.

The optical fibres are based on the principle of Total Internal Reflection (TIR). The em
signals are conducted into optical signals & then it is passed through the fibreglass layer at an
angle which is greater than critical angle so that TIR should take place.

Conditions for TIR

▪ The angle of incidence must be greater than the critical angle.
▪ The light must pass from denser medium to rarer medium.
▪ Because of TIR, no loss of signal takes place therefore 14 does not require amplifiers
& repeaters very thin wires of optical fibres can be drawn ( size = o.6 cm)
▪ The frequency of light is very large hence it is not possible to copy it, therefore of
fibre communications are very safe.
▪ Optical fibres use light that travels very fast and communications data can be sent at a
very high speed.
(1) In medical optical fibres are used to find out oral cancer, bloodless surgery, lesic laser
surgery etc.
(2) In engineering optical liber are used in the constitution of large buildings, dams etc. To
find out any hairline strain.
(3) Optical fibre are used in e-governance such as BNP, NOFN (National optical fibre
In those areas such as remote, rural & difficult areas optical fibre cannot reach therefore
Google under project loon would provide broadband internet connectivity.

Page 25
(1)- project loon (Google)- Project loon has silicone-based balloon filled with helium is send
in the stratosphere from where it radiates signals and make an area wifi hot spot, in this the
weather phenomenon or any disaster does not affect the signals.

(2) White Fi (Microsoft)- Microsoft comes out with innovative technology in which it
reflects em waves that are idle from our area to another area and this frequency would be
used to ‘provide broad band internet connectivity through within that area.

(3)- Free Basics (Face book)- Face book launched the concept of free basics in which the
basic requirement such as air water and internet to all.
GOI made a tie-up with Face book to provide broadband internet connectivity but free basics
were biased d therefore. It was against the fundamental right of the freedom of choices.
Therefore, TRAI launched Net neutrality which free then it should be available to all
unbiased A case was registered in the court against free basics& the high court gave
judgement in favour of neutrality since then free basics in India stopped.

Wireless Network connections-

(1) Bluetooth- It is a personal area network communication in which a frequency signals
of2.5 GHz is generated Bluetooth require very less every less energy therefor. It can be
integrals ‘with very small devices also such as speakers, mobile phone even goggles
The blue tooth tech. works by identification of MAC address that is a private address of all
digital devices, the Bluetooth can be generated by integrating a microchip in a device the
radiated signal in all directions, the other Bluetooth device in a range of 10 m can identify the
signals & can interfere. Constructively after this, the signals become unit directional & this is
called as a pairing up of the devices, In pairing made higher data content such as ar audio,
video, multimedia can be sent.
The Bluetooth 4.0 discovered in 2016 has a range up to 400m. Bluetooth does not require line
of sight communication there face the Bluetooth signal can pass through the opaque media
such as walls building, there etc.

(2)- With (wireless fidelity)-

With is a local area network that has a range up to 100m. it is created by embedding
microchip in a device that radiates signal in all direction, its freq. is from 2.5 GHz to 5 GHz.
It can connect with multiple devices at some time without the need for pairing up. With also
does not require a line of signal communication.

There are 2 types of Wi-Fi-

(1) Provided by a public service provider such as Vodafone, Idea, BSNL. Etc
(2) Provided by a private network that identifies MAK address.

The Wi-Fi can be created at static point or itcan be created in a moving vehicle such as bus-
train etc. Wi-Fi point from where it originates is called as a Wi-Fi hotspot. The Wi-Fi signal
is of higher frequency. Hence it can support audio, videos, multimedia at the same time, it is
used is the same time, it is used in home, office etc.

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The basic difference b/w with & Bluetooth is-

1. Range
2. Wi-Fi can connect with multiple devices
3. With requires more power than Bluetooth devices.

Wi max (worldwide interoperability of microwave access)

A WI max is a metropolitan area network that has a range up to 50 km. It is produced by a
ground-based static antenna that is easy to install & it is power also, therefore, it is considered
as an ideal technology for a country like India. The WiMAX is able to provide a frequency
range of 5 GHz to 7.5 GHz that is able to provide around band internet connectivity but it is
being removed from europian countries & USA bcoz it is assumed to be security hazards also
health hazards.
WiMAX antenna is with speed 700 Mbps
Wi-Fi is based on IEEE 802-11 standard.
Wi max is based on IEEE 802-16 standard.

Lifi ( light fidelity)-It is based on the optics-based wireless communication system in which
the LED bulbs that have a large range of frequency. Of light are used to provide internet

It is produced by converting message signal into optical signal & then modulated it with the
optical signal of the LED bulbs. It is very much cheaper than other system & LED bulbs are
more durable, environment-friendly here it is considered as technology of future the LED
enabled can in self-driving can communicate with the LED bulbs of other cars & can avoid
possible collision similarly the LED of aeroplane can communicate LED of other plane & can
avoid mid-air collision. So, LED in life have other used also then only producing wireless
communication channel, its only disadvantage that it requires a line of right communication.
So, walls. Buildings etc. act as opaque media for it but its speed is very high & in the range of
10 to 100 GPs. It was invented by Herold has in 20011.

Indian railway introduced TRINETRA system for security in railways. TRINETRA

system includes a very high-resolution optical camera a very high-resolution IR camera &
RADAR system.

TRINETRA- (terrain imaging for diesel driver infra-red Enhanced optical and radar system)

INTERNET- Internet is a large network of multiple networks and it is generally in

unidentified network pattern but the most important network patters for internet is grid
network. In this there are parallel horizontal & vertical lines that the Internet each other
perpendicularly. At the intersection point- nodes are created at the nodes data traffic is
managed by the servers, 2f a server is physically present at the nodes then it is called as

Page 27
physical server & if no server is present but a protocol manager the data traffic, then it is
called as a proxy server
A proxy server is only a protocol that is unwritten. 1f a proxy server is present then data
storage does not take place.

The most famous server type in the world is Clint based server model which is based on
a star topology in which data storage & data traffic management both can take place but is
excessively dependent on a central server. Therefore a backup server is required in client-
based server model.

The other types of servers-

(1) Pear to pear server- In which all other servers work independently but they give a
common result & in case any of the servers got affected the other server data its place.

(2) DNS (domain name system/server)- It connects the domain name with resources.
ex- In domain name the data in this domain name cannot be associated with other
domain & in signatures such as in. Ong. com. The no. of available domains is controlled by

Protocols- A protocol is nothing but a program that decides the way in which a program
should function. or a command should be given.
A protocol can be a written protocol or unwritten protocol. If it is a written protocol then It
can be any program or any command but important underwriter protocols are-
(1) Timing protocol- It decides the timing of data.
(2) Semantic protocol- It decides the root of data.
(3) Http (hypertext transfer protocol)- This is the most important protocol & it decides the
origin of the data & it connects the data with the domain.
An http is the foundation of data communication for worldwide web therefore it is a protocol
to link or exchange & transfer the hypertext.
In cyber security, it also acts as a security feature i.e. if the origin is not secured then a real
litter appears with Http & if it is second then no letter appears or green letters appears.

Hypertext mark-up language (Html)- html is make up language for creating web pages and
web application, therefore, the mandatory requirement to create a web page/application in
html only.

WWW (World Wide Web)-

World Wide Web is a common platform where all the IP address can connect. & there a
common platform of www is supported by the service providers such as mozilla firefox or
internet explorer or chrome.
1996- web 1.0- Tim Berners lee- read-only web data is the king

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2006- Web 2-0 – Tim Siemens – read & write web activity is the king –
Ex- Wikipedia , Facebook, etc.
It was geminated by social media websites such as Facebook, YouTube, etc.

2016- Web 3.0- Tim burners lee – read, write & executable web.
Web 3.0 is read-write & executable web & here web itself can create the data therefore web
3.0 is based on location & activity both.
Web 3.0 has brought Face book 3.0. Google app and also many new e-commerce websites
Ex- Pokémon go home.

In web 2.0 web mash up fixture was included that sags the data dragging, pasting and
posting is allowed.

Web services- These are the services that help in the functioning of web i.e. Due to these
web services, the web can function in a particular pattern, for.

Ex- XML (Extended mark-up language). RSS (Rich site summary) Http. Php.

XML (Extended mark –up language)-

It is a web service that converts a human-readable format into m/c readable format & vice
Versa. Faster is the format, faster is the internet.

RSS (Rich site summary)- It is a web service that is used for syndication of data from
various sources and is used for syndication of particular content. It removes the burden of
manually aggregating the data from various sites and RSS is able to monitor the data content
on 8 websites at the same time.
Presently RSS 2-0.1 is working & it means really simple syndication; Bit torrent
supports RSS earlier Facebook & internet explorer use RSS by to default & Feebly uses RSS
for synchronization of data.

Cloud computing- cloud computing enables us to utilize high-end resources. So, we build a
great application without warning about the infrastructure.
▪ Instead of installing a suite of software for each Computer, only one application has to
be installed, this application would allow all the employees to log into a web-based
service which hosts all the program the user would need for his on her job. This is
called cloud computer.
▪ Hardware & software demands on the users' side decrease.

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Cloud computing payment methods-
(1) Time-based payment- The cloud computing payment is based on time & there are no
changes for volume.
(2) Volume-based payment- No changes for time & only the volume of data used is
(3) Time & volume both- It pay per use” i.e. the payment is charged according to the time of
use and the volume of data used.

Type of cloud computing-

(1) Private cloud – there are defined a number of users but the services are not defined.
(2) Public cloud- there are no definition of members but the services are defined.
(3) Hybrid cloud- some of the feathers are like public cloud & other features are like
private cloud.

Type of cloud computing services-

(1) IAAS (Infrastructure of cloud computing services)- There is no need to buy the
infrastructure but the in infrastructure can be taken an rent. Ex- google drive.
(2) PAAS (plat form as a service)-
The cloud computing features can be developed on plat form which is available through
(3) SAAS (software as a service)- The software is available on cloud computing and it can
be downloaded and used only but cannot be modified. It can be used only through the
internet. Ex.- all application on mobile that plays through the internet.

Page 30

Operating software Application software

ex- window android ex-face book, Google

Open-sourced Closed sourced

Ex- LINUX Ex- window
Hare IPR are not applicable. Hare IPR are applicable

Cloud computing & e- government-

Under digital India prog. Cloud computing feature has been launched by GOI called as
meghraj. Under this, there would be private space for every citizen a public cloud. This cloud
is also called a digital locker in which driving licence, pan card, another car, bank account no.
mark sheets & property papers would be kept in digitized format, It will help in easy admins
traction & black marketing would stop.
The property paper in digitalised form would help in identifications of real owners
& also the digital lacked would be licence with Adhere card to find out the owner of the
properties & identification.

NDL (National digital library)- there would be a digital library on which more than 13laks
books are available in digitised format & will be available fore of cost to the user at any time

Social media website- The social media website staring after the launch of web 2.0 in 2006,
The social media websites were available in web 1.0 also such an arkut it with the launch of
web 2.0 social media websites such as Facebook &YouTube become more popular.
Some of the famous social media websites that are not working now are myspace, Xing, ping
etc. the social networking site is an online platform to hare experiences interest or to discuss

Face book- Face book started on web 2-0 but prison only works on web 3.0. It has launched
new feature in it used on web 3.0 called as Instagram for photos Face book uses a photo
aggregator or video aggregator called or pic & there are social media website that allows
image sharing called as pintrest, another social media website that allows sharing of 140
character content is twitter. All are based on cloud computing, recently snap chat is a social
media site that uses the self-destructible post.

Internet of things- The internet of things (IOT) is the network of physical devices. Vehicles
and other items embedded with electronics, software. Sensors. Actuators and network
connectivity which enable these objects to collect and exchange data.

Page 31
The IOT allows objects to be sensed or controlled remotely across an existing network
infrastructure. It is a combination of technology & ICT, It can be connected with wired &
wireless network both. The IOT is able to communicate with m/c called H2m or M/c with
m/c ( m 2 m) communication.

Digital signature- A digital signature (not to be confused with a digital certificate) is a

mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message, software
or digital document.




Digital signature needs – public key system.

Purpose- Signer authentication

Ménage authentication
Non- repudiation (send by sender only, cannot say no) integrity.

Page 32
3. E-Governance

The objective of e-governance-

1. e-govt. brings information & information is empowerment
2. e-governance brings transparency & transparency brings trust- good public relation –
good governance.
3. Citizen feels that they are the port of the government therefore it brings decision-
making capacity in govt.
4. It brings subjectivity in decision making & objectivity in decision taking.
5. E- governance reduces corruption.
6. It reduces cost & time delay of the project
ex- khajana project by Karnataka govt. under this, the project would directly be
linked with the treasury and it will monitor a project from the time of implementation
up to the time of completion & time of implementation up to the time of completion
& it will monitor the project in the step by step manner.
7. e-governance brings a feeling of participation in the government by the citizen.

Producer of e-governance
(1) Information ex- man Ki book
(2) Interaction ex- RTI
(3) Transaction

Transactions- G2C (got to citizen) transaction

G2G transaction
G2B (govt to business) transaction
G2E (Govt to employ) transaction

(1) G2G transactions – it is launched in the single tire that is from the centre to state or 2 tier
from the centre to the state to gram panchayat.
Ex- e-court, e- secretariat, khajana project, e-seva.
e- seva- It is launched Andhra Pradesh secretariat for work automation & also for
interdepartmental coordination.

(2) G2C transactions:-

(i) Bhoomi project – By Karnataka govt. – launched in Karnataka to provide the records of
land to the land to the landowners & also to get the record of land availability in the state of

(ii) Gyandeep project- By M.P govt. It was started in yr 2000 from Dhar district of M.P It is
to provide the govt related services such as income certificate, cast certificate etc through
online now it works through kiosk MP online.

(iii) Lak Mitra project- My Rajasthan govt. It is an innovative project by Rajasthan govt. to
include most of the govt related services such as school admission, doctors’ appointment etc,

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It is launched through kiosk Lokmitra Jonmitra.

(iv) Lokvani project- by U.P. govt. It is a single-window kiosk to provide most of the govt
related services through it.

(v) Friends project – By Kerala govt. The project was launched to pay the govt related dues
in the state of Kerala.

(vi) CET- By Karnataka – common entrance exam it is fan admission professional colleges
in Karnataka.

Central govt. project-

(1) Agriculture-related-
(i) e- pashuthan- It is for online sate & purchase of cattle it is available in website/app
(ii) Mere Gaon, Mera Gaurav- agricultural scientist will have to adapt 1 village each & to
improve forming activity in it for communication b/w the villagers & scientists VSAT system
at gram panchayat would be used.
(iii) PM krishi sheva yojana.
(iv)PM fasal bima yojana- it is the most innovative program involving ICT under this
program the farmers' how to take the image of the damaged crop and attach it with e-mail
then e-mail would be sent to respective dept. The dept. Will analyse the image using Palan
Satelite & if found correct hub the compensation would be transferred using direct benefit

(2) Pension
Jeevan promaan – It is a digital life certificate is to provide the pension through the app &
giving her thumb impassion & scan digital life certificate. Directly send to their home bank.

(3) Films
Cine pramaan- It is for film certification online to avoid clashes and also to provide the
certificate faster in a time-bound manner.

National digital literally mission (NDLM)- It provides digital literacy to more than 6 carurl
households & also to provide literacy in digital financial transactions attach files in emails &
also to send grievances to the concerned authority.

Pragati (proactive governance & timely implementation)- It is to monster the govt related
programs & policies in a timely action & also to address any grievance it is launched in 3 tier
( G2G)
PMO-----------departmental Secretaries------------state govt secretaries

Every 4th Wednesday of the month is declared as PRAGATI day since on this day the
monitoring of the program is done after 3:30 Pm. PRAGATI involved 3 technologies.

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(1) Digital data management
(2) Video conferencing
(3) Geospatial technology

Digital India program- The digital India prog-is an umbrella prog. Where all other
programs are launched under it. Its objective is empowerment through information. It has 3
vision areas & 9 pillars of growth.

(3) vision areas-

Infrastructure as a utility to every citizen. Intra-structure manes brand bond high way,
universal access to mobile connectivity, digital locker etc.
Governance and services on-demand- services available on real-time from online & mobile
platform, all citizen services would be available on digital cloud financial transactions would
be electronic & cashless.

Digital empowerment of citizens- Universal digital literacy universal access to digitals

resource and national digital literacy mission
There 3 vision area depend upon g pillar of growth-
(1) Brood band highway ex BNP
(2) Universal access to mobile connectivity
(3) Public internet access program
(4) E governance all government procedures brought to on a platform
(5) E kanti
(6) Information for all ex NDLM
(7) Electronics manufacturing
(8) It for jobs
(9) Early harvesting program - to implement those prog 1st that can gave early result

Digital financial transaction after demoneytisation

(a) Internet banking
(1) NEFT (National electronic fund transfer)
Limited of transaction up to 2 lakh it has time gap up to 2 hr because it needs RBI Permission
(2) RTGS (Real time gross settlement) -It is for financial transaction above 2 lakhs
(3) IMPS immediate payment service)- up to 5000 can be transferred immediately

(4) ECS (electronic clearing system)

It is an automated payment for utility bills directly from the account.

(b) Bharat or QR code-

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(c) BHIM app (Bharat Interface for Money)-

It is a UPI (universal payment interface) to transfer money for utility wills or to make
payments ex- HDFC bank UPF is pay zapp.

(d) USSD (Unstructured supplementary services data)

It is to transfer up to 5000/- by using a but a mobile phone that does not have an internet
connection, though they by using *99# ------MPIN can be obtained for money transferred.

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4- E-Education

Primary education – SSA (Sarva Sik Shya Abhiyan) 3- lays

new school ware enrolled, it enrolled 100% children
6-14 years but the problem is quality of education.

E-Education Secondary education-

Model school system launched, the classroom was equipped
With VSAT system in the school of
andra & chandigad
Highly successful model.

Higher education NMEICT,


NMEICT- (National Mission on Education through ICT) it has 7 programmes under it.

(1) NPTEL- This is joint collaboration b/w It’s & IISC more than 300 courses are launched
under it.

(2) e-temple- it is an undergraduate contain development program for 68 subjects.

(3) e-pathshala – It is a post products contents development program.

(4) Cloud computing- NDL(national digital library)

(5) E-yatar- 21 is a robotics content development prog.

(6) FOSSE- Free & open-source software on education.

(7) Spoken tutorial- It is 10 min audio prog. On the use of education-related software.

Under NMEICT, Aakash tablet was launched in callable ration b/w IIT Rajasthan & British
telecom company data win, It has connections fun USA & wife.

NKN (National knowledge network)- Its objective is that no talent of India should ve left
behind, It is to establish a strong network for research collaboration b/w educational institute
& also to provide cloud computing services.

E- DUSATA- It is India's 1st education-specific satellite launched in 2004, It is to strengthen

the education services in remote areas to provide quality education & also to provide support
to teachers.

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e-Basta- It is a portal where authorised school teacher can complete course, textbooks or
even home works, It is available on the website, a mobile platform both.

Difference b/w e-education & smart education-

Smart education.-There is a traditional classroom concept in which smart technology is used

for teaching such as smart board, smart pen and smart diary.

e-education-There is no concept of classroom & teachers but there are recorded lectures in
pin drives CDY and also in websites.

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5. Latest Development in ICT

Artificial intelligence- artificial intelligence is a way of making a computer, a computer-

controlled rotor, or a software think intelligently




Socilogy Neuron science



Artificial intelligence includes- making a machine intelligence.

(1) Gaming
(2) Expert system- programming computer to mala decision in real-life situations
(3) Robotics
(4) Neutral networks.
5th generation of computer is associated with artificial intelligence

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HVD – Holographic versatile disc.
It is an optical disc technology that uses holographic storage and can store 1-10- terabyte of
data. No company has yet released an HVD.

Holographic storage-
▪ It is computer storage that uses laser beams to store computer data in 3D.
▪ The holographic method can be compared with the holographic storage which can
display 3d objects, even though the sticker is only two dimensional.
▪ It can store large amounts of data in a small space.
▪ Capable of recording multiple images in the same area utilizing light at different

Struxnet –struxnet is a computer worm discovered in July 2010, It targeted five Iranian
organization with the probable target widely suspected to be uranium enrichment
infrastructure in Iran.

Big data – By data is a term describer the large volume of data both structured and
unstructured that overran a business on a day to day basis.

It can be characterized by 3vs-

(1) The extreme volume of data
(2) The wide variety of types of data
(3) The velocity at which the data must be processed.

Net Neutrality – Net neutrality is the principle that individuals should be fire to access all
content and applications equally, regardless of the source, without internet service providers.
Net neutrality means the government should treat all data on the internet are some, not
discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site etc.

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