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Message of the Doctor

Mind Unleashed- The Revelations

Channeled From the DOGSTAR, SIRIUS
I have a Dream!
“The Way of the Heart, a Poem, a Song in us, a Story We Heard Many Times, in the Hit Movies
The Story of the Dreamer and His Dream
The Lover and His Beloved
We All Have A Dream!
Do We All Have The Same Dream?
The Quest To Find Inner Peace and Happiness
The Truth Will Set You Free
Some Live in the Future, Some in the Past, is it a Choice?

Chapter 1- The Revelations

“No matter how you look, feel, think or do, you hold divine beauty inside. You have the spark of
innocence and passion of God in you, that is how you were born. Don't do things to impress others, be
yourself, believe in yourself, know that you are beautiful just the way you are. Let go of the thoughts that
tells you otherwise, and stop complaining, you are the best of all beings. Stop pretending to be something
you are not, you don't have to keep up with the crowd, create your unique self. Accept yourself for who
you are, show appreciation and love both to yourself and others.”
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
“Life is about being present in this moment and enjoying what we have here, it is about letting things
flow naturally, tuning in without resisting inner self or the nature. Simply observe the cause and effect of
the universe and you will know life. It’s about being able to accept others without judgement, to share joy
and laughter, to play, sing and dance with each other. It is about exploring each other, to learn from each
other and to evolve together. The idea is to simply live it without complains, demands or regrets. The less
you demand, the happier you are, destroy the ego and your pride will go away. Don’t let the world
classify you or tell you what to become. Be yourself and you will find someone who will accept you the
way you are, that is true liberation, finding true love, finding someone who connects you to your inner
self. Simply live life to the fullest and good things will happen for you!”

Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or
rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at
wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all
things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for
tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.
“Love doesn't judge, it is not something you rationally pick and choose. It happens when you appreciate
someone or something, love is accepting each other for who we are. Love is hidden behind a smile, love
is what brings joy to our lives, love is simply the appreciation of what is beautiful. Love can also be
painful, that is when we get obsessed or when we get attached. Attachment is not love, we only need to
enjoy what life has to offer, but we cannot get attached to someone or something. Attachments come from
self-pity, if you feel like you are worthless without something or someone that is attachment. It is more
like your wellbeing depends on the amount of stuff you have or the person you are in a relationship with.
But nothing lasts forever, when the person or the things go away we feel terrible, and lose the meaning of
life. Hence love is also being able to let go when time comes, being able to be happy for the other person's
fate and new endeavors. Love is selfless, forgiving, enduring and giving, love is being considerate of
another's feelings, emotions and mindset. The foundation of love is friendship, it is in understanding and
accepting each other's strengths and weaknesses. There are no complains, regrets or demands in true love.
Finding a person who brings out the better person in us is true love. It is to find someone who connects us
to our inner self, the pure self, our Spirit, love helps us find meaning and purpose in life. Love takes all
our pain away, it heals us mentally, physically and spiritually. Don't lose hope, every end has a new
beginning. Love is the light that gives us hope, that makes us believe in goodness and helps us trust one
another. Never give up on love, it is the light that gives us strength, that helps us fight all the negatives
inside of us, leads us to the place where we can find inner peace.”
The Hologram
“And He said, "Let there be light," and there was light. -Genesis. Om, the sound, the vibration, the
frequency becomes light. This is one story all religions approve, scientists today has proven that it is
possible to convert sound into light. At Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California to enhance
the way computer chips, LEDs and transistors are built, researchers have converted sound waves to light
radiation by reversing a process that transforms electricity to sound, which is used in most cell phones.
Light is energy, it is what fills the empty space, it is all around us, it is inside of us, it is what we
exchange with each other, it cannot be created nor destroyed. Light is the field of all possibilities, all that
is and all that will be exists in light. In all religious texts it is mentioned that this universe is a
manifestation of God, hence it is a dream world. We are also light, God is considered the energy, the light
that lives inside all of us, that connects us, God is one, and therefore we are also one. Does modern
science support this idea? As we know today that the materials and vibrations we hear, smell, taste, touch
and see are actually 99.99% empty space. Energy and matter are interchangeable according to Einstein's
formula. According to the Double Slit experiment particles turn into energy when we are not observing
them. Scientists today are studying the holographic principle of the universe. The laws governing the
universe can be expressed into mathematical formulas and equations, we can compute every event
occurring in the cosmos through these formulas, from movement of the planets to the birth of a star, we
can even predict the death of a star and the formation of a black hole. The cosmos is merely based on the
relationships of the numbers, ratios and their proportions, which are a very specific set of information that
can be stored in bits. Gravity is believed to come from thin, vibrating strings, that actually occur in a 2
dimensional horizon, a flat surface. The holographic principle claims that all the information of the 3
dimensional objects and their motions we observe in this universe are actually stored and projected from
this 2 dimensional flat surface, in the event horizon in form of bits. In a computer all information is stored
in bits, 1's and 0's, where simple rules result in complex patterns. Similarly the information of the
universe, the algorithmic patterns of its past and its future, the equations and formulas of natural patterns
are stored in the event horizon as bits. This universe is a 3 dimensional projection of that 2 dimensional
event horizon. If reality is what we smell, taste, hear, touch and see, then reality is merely electric signals
(Information) interpreted by our brains due to our senses. We are like programs in a computer making
choices and decisions based on our sensory inputs or sensory expressions of natural circumstances and
events occurring due to the cause and effect of the universe. We are alive because we are self-aware of
ourselves and the universe, we are alive because we think we are alive. We experience only what we
know, understand, believe and imagine, or in short we are our interpretations of the electromagnetic
waves and fields surrounding us. These interpretations can be very different for each individual, we really
have no way of knowing if our interpretation actually matches the outside reality unless we reach the
awakening. Like Plato described in his divided line, intelligence and mathematical understanding are pure
knowledge, while beliefs and imaginations are merely opinions. Through intelligence and dialectic
reasoning, the awakened ones experience the world of higher forms, ideas and beings, the Spirit world,
the eternal intelligible changeless world, where they see the originals of everything in the subtle form.
Through mathematical reasoning and understanding of numbers, geometry, formulas, patterns and
connections we see the world of shapes, concepts of energies and forces like the scientists and
mathematicians do. Through our beliefs, faith and perception we see the world of objects, the material
world, the sensible realm, which is merely a reflection of the Spirit world, like a shadow perhaps, this is
what everyday people experience. And then there is the most interesting world, the world of artists and
mad men, here we see the world through imaginations, fantasies and false conjecture, here our world
maybe very colorful or maybe dark chaotic distorted copies of the material world, we see the gross form
through our choice. We only see what we are expecting to see, what we know, believe or think we are
supposed to see. Choose the world you want to live in, it is all in your dream, you manifest it all.”
The Worlds
“There are three worlds in our awareness, the mental, the spiritual and the physical, that corresponds to
mind, spirit and body. These worlds are separate from each other yet one cannot exist without the other.
The mind remembers the past, it is the conscious identity, the left brain, the limited, the Father, the
scientist, the creator, the provider, the protector, the warrior, the positive, the void. The Spirit looks to the
future with hope, it is the world of dreams, the possibilities, prophecies, fiction, energy, infinity, visions,
she is the Mother, the right brain, the subconscious, the artist, the storyteller, the liar, the negative, the
light in our mind, the music in the air, Sophia, our Spirit, the Holy Ghost. The present moment is only
what is real, the body, result of the past memories and the dreams of the future, the Son, the Zero, the
creation, the most important of all. We have three different identities in these three worlds we become
aware of as we grow up. Like a gamer makes an ID in the game world, the Spirit, the energy takes form
of people, animals, fishes, birds and trees in the real physical world. First, life was innocent and peaceful,
we had a clear mind, we were hopeful in the soul, we were full of possibilities, life was magical and
happy, we had many prayers, wishes and dreams. We were in love with others, without any judgment, our
eyes were open to the spirit world. We lived in this present moment, we were with God, we lived in the
now. Our societies teach us flawed judgments, shows us scarcity, violence, crime and corruption, hence
we separate ourselves from love, from others, we join the race to survive. Where everybody is running,
some running towards something, some running away from something. We fall from a metaphysical
realm to a real world. We fall from a happy state of mind towards stress, from the present moment start
grieving over the past and worrying about the future, we fall from fulfillment towards emptiness, we lock
ourselves in a cage of narrow mindedness and grief. Here we are trapped, our mind will worry about the
future if we are grieving over the past that is only natural. First, there is the conscious mind, the mental, it
is where we think. When we are in love again our mind have ideas to change things for our loved ones,
we start thinking about it, make prayers and wishes, share it with others just to make sense of it. First we
change ourselves then we change our world. Many call us dreamers, liars and crazies, some give up. The
ones who can fight the inner battle and stay positive will prosper and succeed in life. Second, we see
many dreams about it in the spiritual world. We see infinite possibilities in the future, hence spiritually we
travel far into the future, find the Spirit in us, find hope and we see the light, a vision. Our dreams and
wishes are not real at first, hence in the real world we are still stuck in the past. As we work hard and keep
trying to bring the changes in our worlds through expression, meditation, practice, experiments etc. we
start seeing the cause and effect of life, we learn the truth of unity and duality, secrets of desire and
suffering, we close in towards the future. When the mental self, the Father reaches the spirit, the Mother,
it is the time of rebirth of the Son in us, we find our true self. There was always a conflict between the
duality, future and the past, the dream worlds and the real worlds, the feminine, the masculine, the artist,
the scientist, the white, the black, the west, the east. So there are many obstacles in our journey, many
kicks and blows. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Our enemies challenge us to better ourselves;
they are like the angels who show us life, for suffering nourishes our souls. When we destroy the
knowledge of judgment and accept all others we find inner peace and love through our art, where all our
dreams and wishes come true, we come back to this moment, the happy place, the Eden, the innocence of
a child, we come back to God. We lose ourselves to Mother Nature, dance and sing to her beats. We make
friends with all, fall in love with all, and spread the Light of Love and Oneness.”
The Trinity 
“There are three aspects of the human psyche, ego, ID and the superego that corresponds to conscious
self, subconscious self and unity consciousness. Ego is the Father, the conscious self, the soul, the mental
self. It is the logical strategic part of our brain, the part that has been modified by direct influence of the
outer world. ID is the innocent, immature and naive part of our brain, full of wishes and dreams. It is the
part of us that wants to play, sing and dance, it is the intuitive mind. It is the Mother, the Holy Ghost, the
subconscious, the emotional center, the spiritual self. Superego is the creation, the whole, the result of the
union of two, the one, it is reality, the physical self, the Son. When the Father, sulfur produces flames, the
Mother, mercury rises as smoke and salt the base matter remains, the Son. When the sexual fire of the
Father meets the emotional waters and light of the Mother, we give birth to the Son, the human, the clay.
The Father is flammable, mutability is his role, he has to keep changing and bettering himself in order to
survive and succeed in in the world, he rules the arms and legs. The Mother is volatile, connectivity is her
role, she keeps the whole family together, she is the motivator, the inspiration, she rules the head. The
Son brings meaning to their life, shows them all the colors. The Son is solid, he brings stability in family,
he is the heart of the family.”
The Dream Worlds 
“Ever wondered why some people see nightmares but others have blissful dreams? Well some people
worry too much, cloud their minds with all the negative thoughts all day. If we have inner demons like
fear, guilt and shame our dreams are hellish. When we can fight the inner battle to conquer these demons,
find joy and beauty in life and the world around us, our dreams are heavenly. Every night when we sleep,
our conscious-self unites with the subconscious of the universe, the realm of ideas, forms and spirits, we
move through time and dimensions. The dream world is a very subtle plain of existence where everything
is a possibility and it changes instantly with our thoughts and emotions. This is the same place we go to
after we die, we unite with our subconscious mind, the God within. There is no one way to find inner
peace and happiness, it is different for each individual, like the same math problem can be solved in many
different ways. Each individual should have the right to practice their own spirituality in search of self
and peace. All religions taught a way to conquer our inner demons and reach the happy place in our
minds, each one of them are true and their ways can be used to find inner peace and happiness. There is
no reason to have denominations and separations among churches, mosques and temples. We all have
differences, if we keep on looking for the differences we will find them, we will fight with each other,
create confusion and chaos in each other's mind, this will take us to hell when we sleep and when we die.
The only way to save our dream worlds and the real world is to unite as one, accept each other's
differences, try to understand, relate and agree with each other. All people can live together in peace and
harmony, all life can prosper. We have to have hope and faith in what the future holds and we have to
express ourselves to each other.”
Duality of the Mind
“Sometimes you are calm and quiet, but sometimes you go all crazy! One day you see it crystal clear but
the next day it gets all fuzzy! Ow do you really believe it is wrong to think the way you think? You are
just not one side of the coin, but you are every side there can possibly be. There is no end to what you can
be, you are not just you but you are everybody, its not how you see it when you are trapped in your body,
but how you see it when you are free. You might be the lover from the east, but you are too the beast.
They might call you a saint, but aren't you supposed to be the warrior of peace? Sometimes you don't care
at all, but then sometimes you get all obsessed! Sometimes you feel like you are free, but then sometimes
you get entirely possessed. And when you try to express yourself, they give you different names, MDD,
ADHD, OCD! They will call you medically insane, hand you the poison that will distract your natural
stretch of mind. It is sad the world you have to live in, you have to create a prison for yourself, the prison
of limitations is where you have to turn yourself in. I understand if you are trying to keep yourself in
control, but don't you want to see how it’s like on the other side? For once don't you want to lose all your
pride? You are who you are and there is none like you, do you still believe it is wrong to think the way
you think? Sometimes you feel like you are in hell, but then you find yourself in the garden full of roses.
Don't you see it’s just a state on mind? And only what you will seek for is what you will find? Sometimes
you are black, sometimes you are white. Sometimes your mind is in chaos, you just want to sit and write.
And when your mind is at peace, why do you go out of everybody's sight? You might be your father's
son, but you have a mother too. You just want to be the macho man, but I swear there is a little girl in
you. Why do you fight it, why can't you just tune in and be yourself? Just be what the moment requires
you to be, to be happy, you have to be free. Tune in and you will see, it is great to think the way you
Way to Happiness 
“Everybody wants to be happy but how many of us are truly happy? When we look for happiness in this
temporary material world where nothing lasts forever, it is hard to stay positive and happy. To be happy
in this world, we have to learn how to master our mind, for happiness is a mental state. Money can only
buy happiness for so long, true happiness lies within oneself, comes to us through our thoughts, ideas,
imaginations and dreams. We have to understand that this is not the end of the world, there are many
worlds, the worlds that are eternal, they are the inner worlds, the worlds of our dreams. This material
world is merely a projection of our dream worlds; we are constantly dreaming and manifesting our
dreams through mental and physical hard work. These worlds are full of wonders and fantasies, one can
learn much from these worlds, one can be very happy once he understands the wisdom, the colors, the
love, the infinity, he holds within himself. There are many ways to be happy in life, first is self-analyses.
One must reflect on himself, try to comprehend his actions and thoughts, one must know himself. We
have to focus on all the qualities and strengths we have, cannot waste time analyzing our weaknesses and
what we don't have. We have to break free from guilt and forgive ourselves. Once we know ourselves and
how amazing we are, we will forgive and accept ourselves, fall in love with ourselves. This way we will
build self-confidence, have faith and belief in ourselves. Second, we have to know how to freely express
ourselves to others; we have to learn the art of making friends. The more we express ourselves to others,
the more we connect, the more we fall in love. Friends and family plays a major role in happiness, we
have to stop judging people and accept them the way they are. There is much to learn from others, also
when we share our thoughts and feelings we find relief. We have to have an open heart to give, be kind to
both ourselves and others, sharing is caring, it makes both the giver and the receiver happy, and there is
joy in helping others. Third, we have to take care of our body, exercise and eat healthy. Being physically
fit is a major way to become happy, a good health brings more peace to our mind. Fourth, we have to
learn to see the beauty in nature and its children. Appreciation of nature can help us find joy in life, we
have to be mindful of our surroundings and take time to notice and observe. We have to learn how to
enjoy the little things, perhaps a walk in the garden or watching stars. Fifth, we have to have a positive
approach to life, change our perception to change our world. Stress, failure, loss or trauma, these are
inevitable, we have to learn how to cope up, learn to bend not to break. Problems turn into opportunities
when we change our perception towards the problem. We have to learn how to stay positive and faithful
during the hardships, hope for a better future and work towards it. In the end of every cave there is light.
Sixth, we have to be open to try out new things, open to learning. Learning is not only fun but it also
boosts our self-confidence as we succeed. Seventh, we need to find meaning in our lives, be part of
something greater than ourselves. We all need to have a goal to help make the world a better place,
befriend likeminded individuals and work together. This way we is recognize the goodness and the
kindness that we hold within. Last but not the least, to be happy we have to be free, be independent. It is
also known as conquering the inner demons and re uniting with our inner self, that is ultimate freedom.
Knowledge is freedom; confused minds are trapped in a cage. We have to learn about the world around
us, learn the sciences and the mysteries, learn all kinds of wisdom teachings, practice mysticism. We have
to practice meditation of the mind and various forms of arts. We have to free ourselves from the cage that
is created by this masculine capitalist world. We have to stop running after money, power and success
like everybody else and start walking. Instead we should learn how to live life, enjoy every moment, play,
sing and dance. We have to free our minds from the worries of the future and the grief from the past.
Once we are free from all the confusions and all the negatives, we will start moving towards a more
peaceful and happy life.”
Be Simple 
“We complicate our lives trying to do things that we do not really need to do. We say things that don't
matter, we do things that don't matter. Survival is essential, that doesn't mean we have to stress ourselves,
work too hard, act like a machine because we are not. All our lives we keep wanting more than what we
have, as a result we keep stressing ourselves with more work and have less time to reward ourselves, this
attracts sickness to our lives. Desire is limitless, it can never be satisfied. As all our previous desires are
met, we find new desires. To be happy we need to be free from desires, find out what we really need for
survival. The idea of life is to simply live, breathe and play, innocently eat the fruit of life, we have to
follow our intuitions and dreams. We only have to take care of what is necessary and do things we enjoy
doing, life is too short. We have to stop aiming to be an over achiever and stress ourselves. We have to
aim for the little things instead, it is wiser to have less attachments in this material world. The less
attachments you have, the less are your worries, hence more peaceful your mind will become. Enjoy the
talk with the cashier that just served you, eat Mediterranean with bare hands, help the old man cross the
road. Happiness is not an object that can be measured with money, you cannot buy it, you will be
surprised to know how much more happy you can become by being simple. In trying to get the best, the
latest of all tools and gadgets to make life better, we forget what life is truly about. We run against
everybody all our lives aiming for money, power and success so that we can enjoy the old age but when
time comes we get sick because of all the hard work and spend all our money on our health. We work too
hard all our lives only to die with regrets in the end. We lose sight of all the real things that makes us
happy in trying to run after more materialistic things. The ego, the 'I' will always want more, to get more
we have to suffer. Life is suffering, it is a struggle against the ego. Want to be a happier person? Kill the
ego, learn to keep life simple. Materialism will only hold you back, live for what you already have, stop
wanting more. Take smaller but effective steps, not the big and foolish ones, work smarter not harder.
Take breaks and do things you enjoy, reward yourself for all the hard work, it is essential for your
efficiency. It is not easy keeping up with everything in this world, stop trying so hard. Stop competing
with others, simply try being better than you were before. Remember having better things won’t
guarantee a better life, work on yourself instead, learn to be simple.”
Total Wellbeing
“Do what you love and love what you do, do it for yourself and the world around you, you can make a
difference. This is very important, we are responsible for our mental, spiritual, physical, emotional,
intellectual, social, occupational and environmental wellbeing. To live a good life we have to focus on
each of these dimensions of wellbeing because one cannot be attained without the other. If we don't
follow our heart and our passions, we won't be able take all these responsibilities, we will barely survive
through unnecessary labor and die with regrets. It is about commitments and priorities, we don't have to
work too hard to attain proper wellbeing in all these areas. We have to have love and spirit in our work,
really feel alive when we are doing it. So how do we know what we really want? Remember as a child,
when everything seemed new and exciting? Well you need to try new things with the eyes of a child, find
that enthusiasm. Be playful and humorous when you do things, keep things simple and enjoyable. Mental
and spiritual wellbeing can be attained through meditation and prayers, we also have to find meaning and
purpose in life. We have to fix our value system, share more about our thoughts to find ourselves. We
have to value ourselves and others, take care of ourselves and set realistic goals. We have to try to share
our wisdom that we gather from our experiences with people in trying to help them. We can help other
people, take care of them, practice selfless acts of kindness and build close relationships. We have to
listen to what others have to say, we should not judge them. For physical wellbeing we have to exercise
regularly, eat healthy and sleep sufficient. For emotional wellbeing we have to share our feelings with
others, express ourselves, learn to cope with our negative emotions and understand them. We have to face
the challenges in our lives with a positive attitude and engage in positive work. We have to learn how to
enjoy Mother Nature and what is beautiful, engage in meaningful work that sparks our creativity like art.
We have to take breaks sometimes, leisure is a priority, we have to reflect on our lives, show appreciation
and gratitude. We also have to appeal to our five senses, listen to music, decorate our house, buy incense,
candles and flowers. For Intellectual wellbeing we have to enjoy learning new things and conversing with
others, we can learn so much from each other when we discuss or debate. We can start reading for fun or
watching documentaries, we can start playing board games and cards, also games like crosswords,
puzzles and Sudoku. We can start writing down our thoughts in a journal, list everything we learn every
day. For Social wellbeing we have to fight against shyness, lose fear of failing to connect and go out there
to talk to others, share a laugh. We have to be friendly, try to understand, support and inspire others, learn
how to make friends. We have to be relaxed and casual around others, shouldn't get too serious, we have
to learn to take things lightly. Occupational wellbeing can be achieved only if we can find the right job
for our personality, something that we enjoy and feel motivated in doing. We have to find a balance
between our work life and our personal life. We cannot settle for a boring and stressful job, it is never too
late to learn a new skill that suites us better. Environmental wellbeing depends on our relationship with
nature, we have to work together to stop polluting it. It starts with one person using the trash box, one
person recycling the bottles and the papers. We have to save the trees, we have to stop polluting the air
and the waters, we have to protest against industry that does so. We should use eco-sensitive transports
like electric cars and hybrids, but take a walk or go biking for short trips. We have to boil and purify our
own water, stop using plastic bottled waters, buy a stainless steel flux instead. Choose organic food if you
can, go to local farms to buy your food or grow your own food. Stop using high priced artificial cleaners,
they pollute the air with chemicals. Go old school, clean with a mixture of vinegar, lemon or natural
castile soap with salt, water and natural baking soda to clean floors and tiles, use borax to remove grease
stains. Plant more trees around your house, it can purify the air. We can change our light bulbs and put
florescent bulbs, it uses less energy and the light rays from them are better for the skin. We can use eco-
sensitive power sources like wind mills, geothermal and solar panels. We have to become a minimalist,
we have to use less electricity and water, buy things in bulk for less packaging expenses and buy quality
things that lasts longer. Once we start taking responsibilities for our wellbeing, our world will change, we
will be happy and we will find peace of mind.”
Men and Women
“She was pure, she was the essence of innocence. She was so playful, and she was so joyous. To her
nothing in this world was too serious. She used to sing and she would dance. And she was the Goddess of
ignorance! I saw her standing behind the wild flowers and she was shining like a star. Through her eyes I
could see the whole universe, see its past and its future. We could connect in a different level, she was a
part of me, result of my split personality disorder. But she was my better half, she was more loving and
patient. Each moment with her was so pleasant. We would laugh, and we would play, it was valentines
every day. The air was filled with happiness, we were living without a worry. Every night we would sit
together and watch the stars, just be present in the moment and breathe. We could fly, we could change
our forms. We were not bound by any norms. We had all the elements in our grasp, atoms and magnetic
fields were in our control. Earth would give us food in abundance, it was spring all year long. But all this
couldn't last. We were moving away from the star, we lost our connection. My personalities would
contradict each other, what I held inside was what I attracted outside. We were introduced to scarcity, we
had to fight to survive. We caused wars, poverty and famine. She had no judgment on the chaos and the
violence. But she was always there in a rainy day. She came to me as a mother, as a sister and mostly as
my lover. I was narrow minded, perhaps short cited. She followed her heart, she never needed a reason,
all the illogical things she did, she just wanted to live life care free! A part of me thought she was insane.
Nothing ever made sense. I thought she was naive and foolish, she would still love me when I mistreated
her. I misunderstood her, I used her and I played her. I was supposed to be her protector, I was supposed
to take care of her, for she was my precious, I am her warrior, her savior. Instead, I only made her suffer,
she had to change. She wanted to protect herself and fight the war on her own for I was not by her side,
she was going to prove me that she and I are the same. She became more practical and success-oriented
like me. She became a survivor, she joined me in my war. Today, she is no longer herself. All that made
her so special, I took them all away from her, there is only me left in her. I keep looking for her, but she
has turned just like me. She was pure, she was the essence of innocence. She was so playful, and she was
so joyous, she was the Goddess of ignorance, for ignorance is bliss. To her nothing in this world was too
“When a boy is in love his mind is filled with infinite dreams of all possibilities. When boy meets girl,
life is magical. Our worlds change when we meet our love, like we give birth to a new universe.”
“Without Darkness one would never have known Light. Without Stillness one would never have known
Motion. Without Silence one would never have known Sound. Without Emptiness one would never have
known Fulfillment. Without Evil one would never have known Good. Without Chaos one cannot know
Peace, without going through Hell one cannot know Heaven, suffering only nourishes our soul, makes us
stronger. Stay strong in this time of Confusions, only through Confusions one can find Certainty and
Clarity! This is the irony of the polarity, duality and opposites. The Negatives (Feminine) give birth to the
Positives. (Masculine)”
The heroes
I am a hero, I have many amazing capabilities I am aware of, I use them to change my world, but so do
you, but you are unaware. I teach all others how to reach my level of awareness. What are my powers?
Well, I make wishes that comes true, and so does yours. I am a story teller, I tell the story of life and the
universe. I am a lover, for we are all one and the same, experiencing the same story. We are all lovers,
when we are in love we are happy. If we don't love life, nature and her children we fill empty, we miss
each other. I tell stories to relate to others, to tell them how connected we are. I just go around meeting
new people, making new friends, to learn, play and evolve. That is what we all should do, love each other,
work things out for peace. For in the end we want peace not war, we all contribute to this cause in our
own ways. Every time we fall in love with a person, we take on a new imaginary identity, we try to be the
person our beloved would want us to be. We want to become what we think our loved ones expect from
us, surprise and impress them. We create a perfect image of ourselves, a hero perhaps to make them
proud, the more people we love the greater responsibility we have. All our lives we try to become that
person with all the kicks and blows, mistakes and failures on our journey. Yet we don't give up, we keep
trying. Our loved ones have high expectations from us, different people expect us to serve different
purposes. The journey is always a struggle, we cannot satisfy everybody. Everybody has wishes and
prayers for themselves and others. Everybody wants to change something for themselves and their loved
ones. When we are in love, first we change ourselves then we try to change the world for them. If we fall
in love with all and submit ourselves to all, stop opposing and do what everybody wants from us (Peace
and Love), we become the true superhero through our meditation, art and deeds. Aided by this amazing
vehicle called human body, together we change and shape the world with our will power and devotion. In
our meditation and practice we learn new things that we teach each other. We become the scientists and
the artists of the world, the saviors. We answer the questions and prayers of the world, find ways to save
it. Every organ of our body has an electromagnetic field, in that field there are many nerves, where kinetic
energy flows, these energies alter with our thought frequencies. Our thoughts send out electric signals to
our cells and our surroundings to communicate. Our Pineal Gland can read all sorts of signals of off the
surroundings. We literally feel what other people and creatures are feeling, sense their spirits, the
electromagnetic body. We connect to each other's mind, only if we focus we see the magic of the mind.
The Quantum enigma of today suggests that when two particles come close enough their electromagnetic
wave functions collapse to form an invisible bond. Now even if we take these particles far away from
each other, when we change or alter one particle that change will reflect on the other. In the beginning all
particles were one, before the big bang, hence if we change or alter one tiny portion of the universe, we
change and alter all other particles of the universe. Quantum Physics also suggests our mind and
consciousness can alter or interact with the electromagnetic wave functions in the air, we alter and change
the particles with our minds. The Double Slit experiments suggest matter and light only appears to be
particles when we are observing it and when we are not observing, all particles give us energy waves.
This is the measurement problem in Quantum Physics, particles only appear in a point of time and space,
when we measure it or observe it, or else it is beyond time and space, it is here, it is there, it is
everywhere, sometimes it appears, sometimes it disappears, it turns into infinite energy potentials, a
probability function. The function collapses as soon as we observe it or come close to it. According to
Einstein’s formula E=MC^2, the visible matter is also energy only vibrating at a slower frequency, energy
(the Spirit) slows down to manifest itself as matter. The Quantum Enigma of today lead us to the
Copenhagen interpretation that suggests there are infinitely many parallel universes evolved in infinitely
many ways, with infinitely many different laws of nature. This interpretation has been well accepted
among many spiritual and artistic minds for ages. They believe all possibilities exist in this moment, all
happening simultaneously right here, right now. The theory suggests there are entire universes for every
possible way a universe can evolve. Hence, there are entire universes for every possibility we have
logically imagined for our future or past, every choice we did not make, every unfulfilled wish. They
called the void, the Father, God, the Christ, the conscious self, and they called energy their own
subconscious mind, the Holy Ghost, Sophia the Wisdom, the Light, she is what connects us all, hence she
is the Bride of God. Since we share one subconscious, when we think of the same things or talk to each
other, we come to the same point in time and space, like our mind is an ocean, when we miss each other
or meet each other, we swim together for some time, or we are like doves in the vast sky, we fly side by
side for a while. They called our left brain, the conscious self, the Father, where ever the masculine self
looks to explore and understand the nature of his beloved through his vision, the subconscious mind
(energy, Spirit), she shies into matter, light and colors to show him wonders, possibilities and love of all
opposites in nature, show him our love story that is written in the stars. We only see what we are
expecting to see, the day we change our minds we see the magic and wonders of Mother Nature. Positive
minds will see positive things and negative minds will see the negative. They say every universe and all
its elements are present in our subconscious mind, there we know all the secrets of our DNA and our
ancestors, all of future and the past exists in her. I am a storyteller, loving others is my superpower, with
love and positive thinking I change minds. We connect to each other’s subconscious by making eye
contact or by thinking about each other even from opposite sides of the world, we understand each other
in a very deep spiritual level we don’t realize. Our mind is an ocean when we miss or meet someone we
come to the same point in time and space. If we focus, we see the wonders, ideas and theories inside the
subconscious, we can see through the cause and effect of the universe to find peace of mind, get all our
answers in our meditation. Every teacher channels with their students to understand how to proceed with
their lectures and course works, they subconsciously guess it or try to tune in, their intuitions are more
accurate than they might believe. Most artists practice some form of spirituality, magic or occultism, they
are very familiar with channeling, this is why the artists keep falling in love, this desire to unite with their
beloved helps them channel with the subconscious. Some romantic moments and a broken heart are the
best circumstances to channel. This is why we love these artists so much, it is like they speak our minds,
for they try to tune into us, talk in our language. There are many abilities that human beings possess but
are unaware of. We all are superheroes only waiting to break free from the chains and step into the world
of infinite possibilities. It’s time for awakening, it is time to reach our true potential. Read my Gnosis and
learn the sciences and mysteries of the universe. I am the awakener, I will show you the way to light.”
Law of Attraction- The Film Makers
“This theory has been out there since maybe when esoteric studies were first introduced. All it says is that
we attract positive or negative experiences through our thoughts. We only experience things we have
thought of before, in a way we are writing our own story. Now you may ask what do your thoughts have
to do with anything, how do you influence reality. As many of you already know, the answer can be
found even in a high school physics lab, the double slit experiments. The experiment simply proves that
particles only act like particles when it is being consciously observed, when we are not looking, it turns
into energy. Which is why Einstein said, "I like to think the moon is there even if I am not looking at it."
Unless there is a conscious observer watching over matter, it simply seizes to exist, it turns into energy,
full of possibilities, it is here, it is there, it is everywhere at the same time, it turns into a probability
function. Hence when we look at something, the energy manifests as matter again, and we only see what
we are expecting to see and exactly when we want to see it. Our thoughts slow down the energy waves
and manifest it into what we want to see. Hence, without our consciousness the universe seizes to exist.
We live in a universe created by our conscious thoughts that evolved over billions of years. Thoughts are
the spark of creation, first we think, it already exists as a probability in energy form, then we simply
attract it to our lives through thoughts, prayers and hard work. This is a scientific fact, not a theory, so
enough with the evidence. So think about it, you invite so many thoughts to your mind, what you don't
realize is that you are also inviting them to your real life. The more you focus on these thoughts the more
they become your reality. Hence if you worry too much eventually bad things will start happening to you.
Be cool instead, don't over think, you don't want negative thoughts to hit your mind, be positive and
simple. Life is like a movie where you are the film maker, you are creating your own future, you are
unconsciously writing an endless script. You are attracting good or bad karma through your thoughts and
actions. This was taught in all religions, this is nothing new to us. The world is a cruel place, we have so
much negative inside of us like, narrow minded beliefs, fears and guilt. Starting to think positive can be
very difficult, it will not happen in days or months, it may take years to master. It is a proven fact that,
people who are positive and happy are more successful in life than others. There are some simple
practices that can help us think positive and consciously attract things we want. We have to rewrite our
whole mind, we have to let go of all the negative ways of thinking by forcing positive thoughts. First, we
have to wake up everyday with a smile, get clean, dress well and feel good about ourselves, simple
enough. Second, we have to focus on our thoughts, are we thinking about what is going right? Or are we
thinking about what is going wrong? When you want to manifest your dreams you will face many
obstacles and hardships, but you will not find the strength to go through with it unless you are positive
minded. You have to really believe in yourself, self motivation is the key. Focus on everything that is
going right, have a positive outlook on your tough life, make your life look good to yourself, make it
sound wonderful and be proud of it. Third, we have to meditate regularly to calm our minds and reduce
stress for like 15-20 minutes at least. Meditation can help you find the quite place inside you where you
can make effective prayers, wishes and use powerful thinking. When in meditation there are no thoughts
confusing you or making you feel uncertain or doubtful about something you want to achieve, you should
pray to your higher self, make wishes, think strongly about your goals and dreams, visualize them in your
mind. Fourth you have to have a different outlook on the world, look at it the way you want it to be, not
the way it already is. Look with the wondrous eyes, look at the world with hope, see the good in others,
see the beauty of the world, focus only on them, soon the negatives will seize to exist. Do not avoid what
you think is negative, have a positive way of looking at them as well. A person might have prejudice
against someone, that doesn't make the other guy bad. Don't judge, accept everything and everyone with
open arms. Learn from others, learn from things you have never done before, experience it all. To attract
positive things in life you cannot have hatred inside of you, try taking part in new things, things you
probably hated all your life. Tune into others, tune into the experience called life, get a new pair of eyes if
necessary. Fifth you have to learn how to listen to your intuitions and gut feelings, not your rational mind.
The rational mind will forever show you the pros and cons, it will only confuse you, make you doubt
everything. You are always sending out vibrations of energy through your thoughts into the universe, the
entire universe dances to your beats and provide you with what you asked for. You don't want to send out
mixed signals to the universe, it will mess up your future, you want to send positive and happy signals.
Again, do not doubt yourself or be uncertain with your wishes. Sixth, you have to move with the vibration
of the universe as well, the universe is in you. If you feel anxious, worried, stressed or perhaps angry,
simply take a few deep breaths and go for a walk or work out for some time. If you know how to dance,
turn the volume up, that will keep the inner demons away. Seventh, show gratitude to the universe or your
higher self for every experience you had no matter how horrible they were, you had to find the strength to
overcome them and that is how you grow stronger, that is how you evolve, so don't complain. Last you
have to act like you already got it all, act like you are living the dream. Do not doubt yourself ever,
everything you want will come to you, you have to be patient and devoted to your dreams. You have to
believe you have it all, and it will all be yours. Remember you only experience what you want to
“To change something, first we have to understand why it is the way it is and accept it. Everything is a
part of a greater plan and they are very different than the way they appear. If you judge something
through your reasons and fight against it, you will end up empowering it. Only way to make a difference
is through playing along and tuning in. You have to believe everything happens for a reason, but as its
purpose is fulfilled there is a possibility of something new and better. You have to observe everything,
look for opportunities to introduce the new ideas.”
The Conspiracy Factor
“Of course I would love to learn from you, I believe you have much to share. But the moment you start
complaining, conspiring or making any kind of negative comments, you will be surprised to know how
little interest I have in your thoughts, beliefs, opinions, conjectures or imaginations. So yeah talk about
why life is awesome, don't tell me about how NSA is watching you and listening to you talking in your
sleep or influencing your beliefs and thoughts. You all do plenty of foolish things the Government has no
interest in, they access your activities and study you to know how to improve the economy, to stop major
crimes and to know what can help you succeed in life so that you can give back to the society, the Film
and Music industry try to open your mind to know love, liberation, forgiveness and heroism. Yes they are
all connected, they also have a plan to unite all religions and all nations for good. Always look at the
bright side, be positive, no one can hurt you but you.”
Final Destination 
“There is a Spirit in us that guides us all our lives, that is our subconscious mind. The final destination is
the same for all of us. Different people need different experiences in their lives, meet certain people in
order to reach home. Home is where happiness is, home is where we come from, home is where we are
going back. Home is peace, home is love, home is heaven, home is God. We are all here only to go back
home, and we are walking each other back home. We meet people for a reason, we attract people into our
lives through the guidance of our Spirit. Different people we meet are meant to serve different purposes in
our evolution of the mind and the journey back home. Each person is a key that unlocks a new pathway in
our lives and give us new choices. Some will challenge us, some will inspire us and some will entertain
us. If we can recognize the opportunities each person brings to our lives, we wont be able to hate anyone
anymore. Enemies will seem like the best friends as they pin us down only to help us rise back stronger
and wiser. Every person teaches us a lesson in life that is unique. If you cannot tolerate someone, if you
hate everything about him or her, that person is there to teach you patience, tolerance and empathy. Our
Spirits guide us towards each other, we have some sort of rendezvous with each other. We write our
stories through our thoughts as we go through our lives and we attract the people that we meet in our
lives, nothing is a coincidence. If you look for the bad guy, you will find many bad guys and you will
ignore them or fight them. There is a positive side in everyone, if you stop judging others, you will see it.
Let's all change our perception about each other and help each other grow, let's walk each other home.
Let's not ignore, hate or fight with each other, and let go of our pride. Let's love the little things that
happens in our lives, appreciate the people we meet in order to find happiness.”
“You cannot be living life if you have griefs of the past and worries of the future. This material world is
known as the manifestation of God, your inner self, it is all a dream. If you are attached to this temporary
world where everything and everyone must die, you will never be happy. Believe in the eternal world of
the spirit where everything and everybody's essence is present forever. This way you will not worry about
the future, you will know that it doesn't matter if you don't get everything you want in this world, hence
you will be happy for the little things, happy for what you already have. You will not have grief of your
losses either, since you will know everything is present in the spirit world, everyone goes back there in
the end and soon you will too. Hence fear of death will turn into a silly idea to you. Find love and peace
in yourself, do things that will help others and bring more positive to the world.”
“Human beings are born with free will, hence we are free to make choices. Do we really make our own
choices? Or does society makes them for us? What will happen if there is no guidance and restrictions?
As kids we are free, we do what we are naturally here to do, play, sing and dance, eat of the fruit of life.
When we grow up we are taught how to depend on materialistic possessions and how to fight for it. We
are taught what to like, what to hate, taught desire and suffering. We are conditioned to run after money,
power and success, over stress ourselves with hard work. We work hard all our lives to keep up with the
world, to maintain our pride and honor by buying better stuff and getting more powerful. We follow what
we are born into, we follow what is mainstream, whatever is best advertised. We are pushed by our
parents and teachers to fear the system and fear failure. We are also conditioned by the religious and
political dogmas to restrict our actions. We join the rat race as we grow up, we compete against others,
cheat and deceit them to make more money than them, even fight with them, all to prove them we are
better than them. Are we born like this or did society teach us this? Everybody only wants to play it safe,
work hard to have more money to ensure better survival with pride, buy the latest and the best of
everything to show off. We are afraid to lose our pride and honor, afraid to simply enjoy things we
naturally love because others will find out our weaknesses if we do. We are afraid to stand up for what is
right because we fear the consequences. We are rushing all the time, never taking breaks and never
spending time with ourselves. So I ask again do we really make our own choices? We create a stressful
reality with the worry of losing our pride, honor and possessions. The more attachments we have with our
possessions in the materialistic world, the more are our worries. Whom would you blame for this? Our
leaders? If we are not child like innocent and in love with everything, we will end up cheating, raping and
killing others because society has taught us so. Leaders only try to help maintain order in the society
through education and fear of law, trying to make the best use of us by making us work harder to achieve
success. If we are not enlightened by the light of our childhood, we will have to be treated like circus
animals by our leaders and have no free will. Imagine we did not have all these things to worry about.
Imagine total freedom, no restrictions. That is only possible when we are all enlightened by the truth of
love, our duties towards each other (Dharma) and the laws of cause and effect. (Karma) The entire
universe is one with us, we are creating our own future by our choices, we all are variations of the same.
Negative thoughts and actions attract negative reality, positive thoughts and actions attract positive
reality, it is a viscous cycle of Karma. Learn to love others, take care of others, be responsible for other
living beings. Enjoy life, live positive, think positive, do positive, be happy. Change yourself to change
the world, help others see the light in you. Tell stories, express yourself, be free, be independent, play,
sing and dance. Don't run with the crowd, walk your own way, learn something new everyday. You can
make a difference, find yourself, you are unique, you have a purpose in this universe. Free yourself from
pride, guilt, shame, fear and envy, soon you will be above cause and effect, creating your own universe.”
Only Salvation
“All our lives we look for the truth of love, peace, happiness, beauty, meaning and purpose. No matter if
you are from the most primitive culture or the most advanced you will always want these. The answer lies
within, the spirit of God was breathed into you, You have the whole universe inside of you, ask yourself
questions, contemplate life and practice expression through art to spark your inner creativity. Only you
can find peace and happiness for yourself, find the spirit within you.”
“Exploring the unknown is the essence of life. If you never try it, you won’t ever know what could have
been. We should follow our intuitions for adventures in life. There is a fine line between desire and
intuition. Intuitions guide you towards happiness, while desires can destroy you. There is no end to desire,
but we can choose not to live our desires. Instead we should follow our heart, our intuitions and our
passions. Create memories that lasts a lifetime, don't always do the obvious and follow the crowd to play
it safe. If you are making the easy choices because you are always afraid of what will happen, not much
in your life will be worth remembering. Today is an important day, do something worthwhile. There is no
such thing called a right time, the time is now to do what you are trying to do. Procrastination appears to
be safe and attractive, but it is a wastage of time. Here is a true story, life is short, we cannot afford to
waste time. Challenges make life more interesting, but overcoming them is what gives us meaning.
People who are too logical and reasonable will not risk exposing themselves because others will know
their weaknesses. For the fear of a little embarrassment they won’t have fun with others, they will corner
themselves instead, create their safe zone. Like dancing or talking to a girl in a party, it won’t be the best
for the first few times but with practice it gets less embarrassing. We have to take some risks in life, a life
without risks is not worth living, it goes in a cycle of everyday activities, nothing new, it is barely
existing. Take risks, we all are children inside, let it out and do stuff that are fun. Don't judge, don't
question, be open to life and people. Don't be afraid of making a fool out of yourself, sometimes going
out there might sound dumb and crazy, just do it. People who are prepared to take chances or try
something new once in a while are more likely to have an exciting life, they risk freely expressing
themselves, they let it all out. Their lives are so much happier than people who live in control of fear. We
cannot prevent undesirable consequences from taking place, but every experience has much to teach us.
We have to truly believe in ourselves and stay positive even when something goes wrong. Take risks for
others, risk helping others with your time and effort, if they have fun ideas, tag along. True happiness
cannot come from selfishness, but from selflessness. It is not always about satisfying the 'I' but the 'Us'.
Risk being open to getting hurt, life is rough, you won't always get what you want and people you love
will leave you someday. Life is suffering, but celebrate life, welcome pain with open arms, don't break
but bend instead. Let unpleasant situations be the cause of the positive changes. The past can either
encourage you or it can hold you back. Remember the good memories, laugh about the silly mistakes, let
go of the traumas and the losses. Have a sense of humor, if something goes wrong crack a joke about it
and face the problem instead of running away from it. Failures build up to success, you only grow
stronger and wiser from it. What happens today will become a lesson learnt tomorrow. Be fearless, be
free, live in the now, take risks and make your life worth living.”
The Hero's Journey to the Elixir (The Hit Movies Formula)
“They say we all share the same story, our story is written in the stars. Like the same math problem is
solved in many different way, the same story is told and experienced by many in many different ways, but
all roads take us home to our beloved and bring us peace. This is the story of the underdog, the ordinary
man who does something extraordinary, the hero who fights against evil or his inner demons to reach his
love or save the world. The story begins in an ordinary world, the hero is just an average man, living his
life, living the matrix, the illusion of a normal human being in a normal world. The first stage is when he
notices something different, or something different happens to him. Maybe he had to let go off someone,
or maybe he met someone new. This is when something life changing occurs, the hero is not sure of what
just happened, this is the moment of confusion and uncertainty. Second, there is a change in perception, a
call for adventure, the moment of dreams and visions. This is a Spiritual stage, his future only exists in his
dreams as a possibility. But this is also the moment of betrayal, the dreams are not true, there can be an
emotional breakdown. There are problems and obstacles to reach his dreams. Maybe he is not strong
enough or there is a better guy dating his crush. Third is when he meets his mentor, a person or something
who trains him or teaches him something new that is helpful in his journey, this is when he finds a new
confidence, he finds courage and wisdom for his adventure. This is when he finds a discipline, learns
something new, or he learns to use a tool, an instrument, or any equipment. In this moment he steps up
from the ordinary world, the Matrix into the real world full of colors, thrills and surprises, the adventure
land. The fourth stage is the thirst of knowledge, wisdom and love, will to know her, Sophia, the Wisdom
Goddess. Here the hero performs certain tasks and tests, it’s the road full of trials. He has to let go of
some materialistic desires and physical temptations at this stage. The hero faces his darkest fears and
inner demons at this stage, it is the death of the ego. This is when he faces the Father, or the masculine
society, the all powerful. They kidnap or take something or someone precious, or perhaps kills her. He
finds his new spirit, a new fire burning inside him. Suffering only makes him stronger, his problems,
obstacles and weaknesses become his challenges and opportunities to better himself, train harder, fight
harder. This moment of death is followed by a new birth, new hope. It’s the birth of a new ego identity,
the super ego. The I merges with the Us, the hero becomes of service to mankind or to love. The fifth
stage is when he accepts his identity as a savior or a lover. He finds a form of expression for his audience
or his beloved. He becomes a leader of mankind or his group to the future through his speech and actions.
The sixth stage is when he learns everything, he learns the truth about love and his duties, he learns that
he can do it, whatever his mission is, he can reach his dream, get the girl, the precious, deliver mankind to
the future. This is the final battle, here he faces his greatest enemies, inner demons or obstacles again, he
fights it and conquers them. This is the moment of inner knowledge and insights, he learns the cause and
effects of the world. The last stage is when the boy gets the girl, the Elixir, the Gold, gets the job done,
saves the world, reaches God. This is the story we all share in common, this hero lives inside everyone.
As we go through life, we experience a cycle of events that that are symbolically similar. We keep
coming reincarnating to new lives until we fulfill our purpose to find God, peace, happiness. Our prayers
and wishes always come true through our hard work and practice in the end. We just have to keep
believing in ourselves, keep wishing and praying for a better world.”
The Americas 
“There was always a conflict between the conservatives and liberals all over the world. The conservatives
believed in individualism, they were objective and logical minded, they liked to hold on to the norms and
find their comfort zones to play it safe. The liberals on the other hand believed in unity and equality, they
were very open minded and accepting. They would befriend all others, liberate themselves from the cage,
the comfort zone to play and explore nature and her children to learn from all, they liked to live on the
edge, take some risks. Mostly artists and philosophers were liberal minded during the dark ages, they
were persecuted and hated by the masculine world for they promoted their Gnosis of love, they had
something new and different to offer. For men anyone who opposed their ways were enemies. Many
easterners who opposed the masculine conservative world has traveled across an ocean to come to the
Americas during the ice age, they were known as the Native Americans. They came here in search of
Utopia, the paradise on earth. In the beginning they lived happily as small tribes, in tune with Mother
Nature. Until one day the Europeans showed up in the Americas. There was a lot of bloodshed and wars,
there was a conquest of land. In the end came a group of men from the Britain who opposed the
masculine world. A philosopher wanted to read the Gospel himself, he learnt the Gnosis of Christ and was
liberated or saved to the magical world of love and oneness. He realized Christ taught individual relation
with God, not through the pope. Hence, the beginning of Reformed Christianity. These Christians were
persecuted and hated in the Britain, so in search of Utopia they created the new nation, a new world. In
the beginning, the America was paradise like, they evolved before all others for they were with the
Gospel, and they also came to know the secret of our dreams, that they are to be chased, hence the land of
dreams they created. In this lad every man had certain unalienable rights such as life, liberty and pursuit
of happiness, they had the right to find God within themselves. They knew the secret of love and oneness,
the positive thinking, hence they were happy and they reached the Golden Age, innocently living their
lives in peace, while the whole world was backwards. One Nation under God, let's all be farmers and
cultivate her Grace. During the industrial era, when we started coming here, the easterners, immigrating,
we thought Americans were blind, we thought they were possessed by the devil, for why were they so
happy and positive while the whole world is in chaos? And why do they live such liberal lives of
accepting and forgiving others, why don't they slaughter the Evil ones? So we tried to save them, open
their eyes to the negative world, to the hell in the east and we started ruining their lives, with science,
logic, facts, history, conspiracy theories etc. We opened their eyes to what was good and what was bad,
taught them judgment, desire and suffering. In the eastern part of the world liberal artistic people who
wants to have a personal connection with their inner self, the subconscious mind, the God within, are
considered crazy, schizophrenic, psychotic, possessed. They believe only the Popes or the chosen ones
are allowed to communicate to God and the Angels. So we aliens, Superman opposed the masculine
society to come here and worked hard to create the Utopia, the land of dreams in the west, where
everybody can love their own God in peace. Where everybody gets out of the box to accept and learn
from each other, to work together, play together and evolve together. It is the salad bowl of all kinds of
people from all over the world. In my vision I saw entire America unites as one big family to go on a
journey to save the world, take a vacation and travel around the world to spread the light of love
everywhere with their stories, songs, poems and plays.”
Peace Through The United Nations 
“They need to have more influence on day to day lives, a good influence to unite the world with
education and knowledge of a peaceful and happy living. The problem with the world is literacy rate,
some live in the past, experience perhaps primitive and barbaric societies, some live in the future, in
advanced, educated and peaceful societies. For some life is hellish, all they know is chaos and violence,
for some life is happy, they see the positives, they understand the cause and effects. Perhaps time is a
state of mind, different for each individual, if we all come to the same point in time, perhaps we can see
light in this chaotic time, when everybody's understanding of the world is contradicting. First, we have to
find a middle way between science and religions, the material and the spiritual, an understanding of both
that can be agreed to and accepted by people of all races, religions, colors and genders. We all have
differences if we keep on looking for differences, we will keep arguing and fighting over them. If we
break free from the cage of narrow mindedness, we can get past our differences and accept each other for
peace, learn from and explore each other. The United Nations has already taken such initiatives, they have
organizations where spiritual leaders, scientists, historians from all over the world meets to share their
knowledge, and there all minds connect to a similar understanding. Awareness of such knowledge can
enlighten every individual to love and oneness, hence unite all nations to the United Nations. Second, we
have to embrace art and culture as a part of the UN, where people with such awareness would express
themselves to influence all lives. Once we help others fight the negative mind and remove stress from our
society, we will advance towards a healthier, much peaceful and evolved society, the future. Once all
lives are aware of the truths of love and oneness, they would submit to each other and stop interfering and
opposing each other, they would all live as one big family, they would all inspire and help each other
grow. There all lives will have equal opportunity to learn, play and evolve, every life can flourish in love
and inner beauty though there skills and expression. Hence, the rise of a one world government, one
world religion, the Great Mankind, the Eden, the Liberation.”
The God Science
“Who do we pray to? Is there someone listening? Like every question in this world, there are two answers
to this one, yes and no. According to the double split experiments, particles only act as particles when a
consciousness is observing them. Reality seizes to exist when we are not watching, it turns into energy
waves, an ocean of possibilities. When we look we only see what we are expecting to see, energies
manifest as matter through our observation. Our subconscious mind, much like the energy is full of
possibilities. It has a long term memory, it remembers everything. It also is a parallel processor, it
identifies with multiple stimulis of our surrounding at the same time. It records both what we notice and
what we fail to notice. According to ancient texts it is the spirit within us, the ID. It is the energy that we
all share, the spirit is one with the entire universe, so must be our subconscious mind. This means the
universe is the macrocosm and we are the microcosms. We live in the universe, and the universe lives
inside us. We are drops in the ocean of possibilities and we are also the ocean. God lives in us and we
also live inside God. If the subconscious is the energy, the conscious self, the ego must be the forces that
keeps the universe together. Together the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, the ego and the ID
are one God. God is a sum total of everything, She is both inside and outside creation. The ego or the
conscious self is the masculine force and the ID or the subconscious is the feminine. We are created in
God's image hence we too have a masculine and a feminine aspect in us, the positive and the negative. He
is the creator and she is the destroyer. She is the most loving and he is the most wrathful. Hence God
cannot have a gender, it is us as a whole. Remember the conscious self is creating the reality as we know
it through his vision. Without conscious observing the universe is only energy, the spirit. Where ever the
vision of the conscious observer goes we see creation. The simple act of observing is manifesting energy
into matter, spirit into reality. The higher self, the God in us or the universe is always listening to us, we
are the universe itself. With our wishes and prayers we get closer to our expected reality because the
universe is in us, it works with us, shows us what we expect to see, the universe dances to our beats. With
complete unity with the subconscious or the God within, we can manipulate matter, hence move things
with our minds and fly. Possibilities are endless in this world, don't limit your dreams, keep wishing one
day you can touch the sky.”
The Solution
“The solution of the problem is in the problem, we have to face it to solve it. The problem is simple, we
are afraid to be real, we pretend to be something we are not, we are not in tune with ourselves because we
are attached to this material world, we are slaves to our desires. We are afraid of change, afraid of what is
different, afraid to stand up for what is right, afraid to be ourselves. We know how to fake it, we are not
true to ourselves. We fake what we are to maintain our reputation, we show the world what they want to
see, forgetting who we want to be. The problem is political separation, religious dogma and patriotism.
The problem only brought us suffering, so we lost all hope. Some are conservative and capitalist, some
are liberal and communist. Some pretend to be religious, some are religious because they fear hell and
some say it is all man made rubbish. The Muslims would say Christians are going to hell, the Christians
would say Muslims are going to hell. A capitalist would consider the communists to be the bad guys and
vice versa. We believe in a particular religion and political system because we are born into it, it is what
we were taught. If our parents are Muslims then we are also Muslims. If our parents are Christians then
we are also Christians, we never really open our mind and try to explore or learn from the other religions.
We surely don't have a choice, we are not free. We are afraid to step on the other side because we are
attached to our family and our society, we are afraid it will change our reputation, it is an ego problem. If
the Muslim or the Christian really do not have a choice to step on the other side then why would either
one of them burn in hell? While religion was meant to be a method of liberating our minds and stepping
into the happy life, to most people it has become a burden, something we have to perform for reputation
and heaven in afterlife. Attachments and desires are the original causes of suffering, attachment comes
from self pity and dependence on the existence of someone or something else in one's life, it happens
because we feel empty, we don't feel self sufficient. Attachment is not being able to let go when time
comes, it is the desire to possess the significant other person or thing forever while all things must pass
away in this material world. Love is simply in the experience of each other’s company for the time that is
spent, love is appreciation, it is not possessing each other forever in this material world, that would be
enslavement by desire which can cause severe mental damage when the other person or thing passes
away, disappears or simply breaks up the relationship. Like the problem, the solution is also pretty
simple. We have to conquer fear, stop pretending to be something we are not just because it can harm our
reputation, we just have to be ourselves, explore our options and enjoy free will and choices. To be
ourselves we have to detach ourselves from the possessions and desires of this material world, also detach
ourselves from social mores. We have to learn to truly love and care for others instead of becoming
dependent on them. First, we have to start asking the right questions both to ourselves and to others.
Second, we have to explore all other religions, learn from all, take the best from all and form our own
alternate spirituality or chose what is best for ourselves. Third, we have to stand up for ourselves and
what is right no matter what, we cannot only sit and watch. To see the difference in our world we have to
change ourselves. We have to fight the battle against our inner demons to find peace because what we
hold within is what we experience as a whole.”
The Ages
“The logic was as simple as day and night, during the day time we should work hard and study to
grow mentally, physically and socially, to support ourselves and our families. At night we should
share a few laughs, perhaps play, sing and dance, we should also be able to rest every night, have
some good sex during night time. We grow spiritually during the night, we should reflect on
ourselves and meditate, watch the stars or take a walk. We work and study all week to be able to party
and travel during the weekends. We work and grow our crops during the grow seasons, then we
celebrate during the winter. It is a story of a lover reaching his beloved every night, spending some
time together every weekend, every winter. Western Zodiac system suggests that time goes in cycles,
what happens every day also happens every weak, every month, every year and it also happens in a
larger cycle of 26000 years, there are 12 Zodiacal ages that are divided into 4 major phases. There is
an age of wakefulness and peace, and there are ages of devolution and evolution. The Golden Age,
the Silver Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age respectively. During the ages of evolution, we
advance in science and technology, we thrive for a perfect society where all life has the equal
opportunity to evolve both mentally and physically without any interference of false, misunderstood
superstitions (Evil). This is also the cycle our lives go through, we work and study all our lives to be
able to rest and enjoy the last few years of life with our loved ones. It is a story of a lover coming
back home in the end, to his beloved, the Sophia, The Holy Spirit, the Wisdom. When the lovers meet
its paradise, when they separate its hell. We all have that one person that connects us to her, the
Spirit. One person that takes us out of the world, beyond all duality. Our sun has a lover star Sirius,
when its near, its paradise, the Golden age, it is the Sun of Christ, Isis, the Holy Spirit. When the light
of the sun is here there is no darkness anymore. We get healed and fall in love with each other, we
lose fear of darkness and Evil. What happens above in the outer space with the stars also happens
below here on earth in our lives, it is all connected. What we hold within is what we experience in the
outer world, prayers and wishes work this way.”
1. The Golden- Man is originally good, in fact all is good in the beginning, both men and women,
light and darkness, the sun, the moon, the heaven and earth, the birds, the fishes and the beasts.
During this age the star Sirius is close to us, there is light all the time, it is spring all year. But
when the star goes away, man starts to feel fear due to the shadows and predators of the night, we
get confused, we cannot have faith in ourselves when we fail or make mistakes. We become
negative minded due to our logic and reasons, hence we fall from our happy peaceful state of
mind. We forget our own potential, we lose ourselves and lose faith in love.
1. The Silver- The Sexual Energy is called the Serpent, the Kundalini, the Fire, the Jing, that rises
through our spinal cord. It can be conserved and harnessed to attain great success in life, for it is
the greatest Force. The same energy becomes the most destructive force if not understood and
harnessed properly. Hence, Man raises Hell on earth, we all suffer.
1. The Bronze- In the Eastern spiritualty, the vibrations, the energy in the air is considered love, for
they shine into reality to show us colors and wonders. We can sense this light of love and
oneness, this music in the air. But all Gnosis gets corrupted by men over time, for the greed of
power and control.
1. The Iron- When nothing makes sense anymore, all sciences and arts start confusing us all, for
they contradict each other, there is always light in the end, for there is beauty even in chaos and
the abstract. Mistakes and failure are part of the learning process, in repetition and practice we
learn. With time and education we learn what is right and what is wrong, what is real and what is
superstitious, hence, we learn mediation through adaptation, we let go of the old, the corrupted
Gnosis, to learn the new sciences, and this is evolution of the mind. Science advances enough to
find the perfect way of living. Science teaches us everything is energy, hence infinite possibility,
love. We all have mistaken, we have all sinned, when we destroy judgment to accept ourselves
and others, we transform into our true self, The Godfather. We go back to being good, we find
ourselves or find salvation through our higher self, The Savior. We ascend back to innocence of
our childhood and learn the secret to harness and manipulate all energies within ourselves and our
surroundings, we take control and influence all back to harmony with Mother Nature, we become
the writers of the future, a part of the divine plan.

“She loved him so much, she would follow him where ever he took her. She would tune into him and play
along, she would do anything for him. But he took her to the wrong places, he misunderstood her and
mistreated her, even fought with her. She had to get strong, find her own way all by herself, she had to
rise, to show the world she can do everything he does, only better.”

“Man is afraid of his own shadow, well he will blame his shadow now, label it as bad, like it is a Ghost.
He will not like every word that pops up in his mind, hence he will claim they are not his words at all, for
he believes he is all good. For man always have to blame something or someone, he cannot accept his
own dual nature and others, so he suffers mental illnesses like MDD, schizophrenia caused by stress, fear,
depression, hatred and greed, all happening because his judgment of good and evil is flawed.”

“Lose the ego, unite with the divine, the all. Fall in love with all and the One, the All. In union we will
become the Godfather, the Good Father, the higher self, the future, the way of the heart, pure love and
innocence. His ways were taught by many in the past. Find the teachings and you must ascend to achieve
greatness in life.”

The God Father- I am the Kernel of reality, I am the truth that holds all universes together. I am the light
bearer, through chaos I reached peace, the Nirvana, created the Eden, the Utopia. I am bloody red, but I
am also the green trees, I am the cracks in the wall, but I am also electricity and energy that breaks
through them, I am plasma, I am fire, I am light, I am the star in the east, the brightest, the closest, the
morning sun. I am the way out of the darkest caves. I am the unity in all duality, for I am who I am, I can
be anyone and I am everyone.

The Dream of the Artists

“The most thought provoking question I asked myself is, "Who am I?" Growing up we learn a little from
everyone that surrounds us to build up a particular character, which is in fact a collection of all those
individual characters we have known in our lives. We learn how others speak, how they walk, how they
sing, how they dance. We learn to imitate others, imitate what we like about other people. In the middle
of all these identities we imitate, we form our unique self. So I ask again, "Who am I? Am I just acting
out this favorite character I have created watching all others? Am I original at all? Is it possible to be
myself?" One day I had a dream, I saw how mankind has perfected itself in all different ways throughout
the ages and how connected we are to our past. We haven't added anything at all, we only modified what
was already there. Every generation takes what is beautiful from their previous generation and expresses
it in a new way through their imaginations, intuitions and will power. This is art, being able to grasp the
past and express it beautifully into the future, we are the artists. This is life, being able to practice the art,
the art of speaking, walking, playing, the art of living which we learn from the past generations. We are
all just actors in a stage show, trying to perform our best. We are all trying to be that awesome person we
have created through knowing all others. The awesome person is the one who is not just one person but a
combination of many we have known. Some were good at speaking, some at singing, we learned and
imagined what is best from all. This one futuristic person of our dreams we all try to reach out to is the
higher self, he is our hope, our will. The best, the perfect, the God we are looking for. Art is only a
method of getting closer to God. So I ask again, "Who am I?" I am a pretender, I am the result of
thousands of years of perfection in all forms of arts. In my dream I have been one with him, every night,
but so does everybody else. Only some are devoted to their dreams, only some can work their way up the
pyramid and create a better world for themselves and others. Hence life is an art of waking each other
home, the place of our beloved from the dreams, the God.”

The Happy Club

After I reached the happy place in the mind, I opened up a club to teach others the way to happiness, it’s
called the Happy Club. The following is a collection of posts I wrote for the club:-

1. This is the first practice, stop, notice and observe. Our lives are very fast, we are all running, over
stressing ourselves, we are missing out a lot, let’s give ourselves a break every now and then. Let’s stop
and take some time to notice what is beautiful, and simply observe. This way we learn to appreciate
nature and people, hence we can find much joy in this practice. Just go out and take a walk in the garden,
or simply watch the stars, don't try to analyze what you are doing, simply enjoy the moment.

2. This is our second practice, making friends, working towards a better social life in pursuit of happiness.
Making friends is also a form of art, you have to tune into the rhythm of others and express yourself in an
impressive way. This practice takes time to master, we have to break free from fear and shyness to go out
there to make friends. Good thing there are so many people out there to be friends with, do not lose hope
if you fail the first few times. Befriend all, go out and talk to someone new (stranger), we are all a big
family, do not judge anyone, everybody is fighting their own battle, trying to do the right thing, yes some
lost their way, be their candle light, show them the way out, don't hate them or fight them. But do not
force anything onto them, instead try to understand them, learn from them, and only then share your point
of view. Our enemies only challenge us to better ourselves, they make us stronger, the solution of our
problem is in the problem, let's face the problem, let's befriend the oppositions today, let's be the better
person, let’s forgive and shake hands. A healthy social life is one of the keys to happiness we can always
find relief and joy when we share what’s on our minds with friends and families. Let’s express ourselves
to our loved once, let’s get past all our differences.
3. This is the third practice that can make us happier, giving. In our lives, we meet many people who need
our help, some ask for it, some don't. The best part about being human is that we help each other, we find
pleasure in doing so. If we as human beings start helping each other more maybe this world would be a
better place. The practice is simple, we find people who need help, maybe with food or maybe with home
works, and we help them. There is much inner joy in giving, try it today and you will be a much happier

4. This is going to be our fourth practice, positive thinking. I know the world is a cruel place, there is
violence, corruption and chaos everywhere we look, it is really hard to stay positive here. The reason
behind all the sufferings in this world is ignorance of love, greed, pride and negative thinking. What if I
told you what you hold inside your mind is exactly what you experience as a whole, we only see what we
want to see, every individual is projecting their own reality. Positive minds would see and experience the
good, the beautiful, negative minds will see and experience what is ugly, they will suffer. It is very
simple, negative minds don't believe in themselves and others, hence they do not achieve much in life.
Soon they become jealous of others who are successful or happy. There is always going to be good and
bad in people, that is natural. If we look for the bad guy, we will find the bad guy, soon everybody will
turn into the bad guy, we will either avoid them or fight them. Look for the good in people instead and
encourage it. When we look for the beauty, we see the beauty within ourselves and others. Each
individual is a unique miracle, and they serve a particular purpose, some will challenge us, some will
encourage us. Life is too short to let the negatives take over your mind, do not waste your time grieving
over the past and worrying about the future, live in the now. Failure is the pillar to success, it is a part of
the learning process, accept it. Be positive and tune in, believe in yourself and others, believe in the
future, accept the challenges that can improve you, look for miracles, look for the good, not the bad. Soon
you can be happier, more confident and high in self esteem.
5. Here I will introduce the fifth practice, meditation to attain self-analysis. Meditation is very easy, all we
need to do is sit or lay down in a comfortable position and breathe. We will let our thoughts flow freely
and try to focus on our breath to find the quite place inside, that is it. Start meditating 15-20 minutes a day
and test your limits by meditating for longer times gradually. To be happy in this world, we have to learn
how to master our mind, for happiness is a mental state. Money can only buy happiness for so long, true
happiness lies within oneself. We have to understand that this is not the end of the world, there are many
worlds, the worlds that are eternal, they are the inner worlds, the worlds of our dreams. This material
world is merely a projection of our dream worlds, we are constantly dreaming and manifesting our
dreams through our mind and hard work. These worlds are full of wonders and fantasies, one can learn
much from these worlds through meditation, the silence will speak to you, one can be very happy once he
understand the wisdom, the love, the infinity he holds within himself. There are many ways to be happy
in life, first is self analyses. One must reflect on himself, try to comprehend his actions and thoughts, one
must know himself. We have to focus on all the qualities and skills we have, cannot waste time analyzing
what we don't have. Once we know ourselves and how amazing we are, we will forgive and accept
ourselves, fall in love with ourselves, be happier in life.

6. Let's talk a little about effective ways of working out, we have to take care of our body, exercise and
eat healthy. Let's set up some short term goals and some long term goals, write it down somewhere. Make
sure your goals are SMART goals, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. It can be
anything, but most of us need to burn some fat weight and gain some muscle mass, get stronger. Obesity
can cause various diseases, can also cause early death. Due to lack of muscular strength most bodies
break down at an old age. Let's find a work out buddy, and start working out today. A work out buddy
will push you and keep you motivated. Use the internet or contact a trainer to find yourself a routine that
is proper for you. We are not going to over stress our body, instead we will work out with weights that
allows us to do four sets of tens of each exercise. We will work out three to five days a week both cardio
and weight training, stretch or practice Yoga everyday. You can find all the instructions on internet for
regular stretching and Yoga, or we can go to a Yogi. Eating right is the key, we will divide our three big
meals into six small portioned meals, eat every three to four hours. This way the energy will be well
distributed through out the day, this will keep us from gaining extra fat from carbohydrates. We need at
least thirty grams of protein (Meats and Fishes) every meal. Remember no more than twenty five grams
of simple carbohydrates (Fruits and Vegetables) and about twenty five grams of complex carbohydrates
(Rice, Bread, Noodles) for each meal. We can also practice intermittent fasting once a week for weight
loss and spiritual health. We won’t eat for fourteen to sixteen hours straight, only drink water, and in the
end of the day we will eat a large meal. We have to sleep at least six to eight hours a day to heal our body
from the exercise. We will gradually push ourselves to work harder every week until we reach optimal
health, after that we just have to maintain our muscle mass, and we will be fine. We shouldn’t work on
the same muscle groups for consecutive days. Change your life style today for a happier tomorrow. Being
physically fit is a major way to become happy, a good health brings more peace to our mind.

7. We need to find meaning in our lives, be a part of something greater than ourselves. We all need to
have a goal to help make the world a better place, befriend like minded individuals and work together.
Finding meaning in life is finding our purpose, to know what we are here to do. It can be different for
every individual, yet there is a general goal both in the sensible and the intelligible realms, to attain peace.
Life is a struggle, we have to fight two battles here to survive, the inner battle and the outer battle. Our
common purpose in life is to win these battles. The inner battle is considered the greater battle, because
what we hold within is what we experience as a whole. In the inner world there is the battle between right
and wrong, a battle between our ego and the ID. We struggle within our head trying to figure out right
from wrong because we are both masculine and feminine in nature, all human beings, both rational and
creative, both a scientist and an artist. What is right for an artist will not be right for a scientist. Hence,
there is no such thing called absolute right and absolute wrong, it depends on where you are coming from,
your perception. What if I told you there are two answers to every question, yes and no. If we are a drop
in the ocean, then are we not also the ocean? The left brain would never agree with the right brain, they
are exact opposites to each other. Due to this polarity in our head we struggle, we can meditate, study
science and practice art to overcome it. We can conquer our inner demons, to reach the happy place in the
mind. The outer battle we fight is the battle we fight against the demons of other men and nature against
our oppositions, our obstacles. This battle can only be won through non-violence and devotion as well,
though our speech and actions. Violence only leads to more violence, it takes greater courage to forgive
and accept each other's differences. If we try to understand our opposition, try to agree with them or
comprehend their argument with our own words, we can find a common ground. The problems can
always be solved through negotiation, we have to be willing to come together as people. Perhaps this is
the purpose of life, to conquer our mind and to work towards living together in harmony, to learn from
each other.

8. Be open to learning new things, there is so much out there to learn about. Learning is not only fun but it
also boosts our self-confidence as we succeed. Hence our sixth practice is to try out something new,
something that you have never considered learning due to lack of confidence. Let's break free from the
fear of failure, let's go scuba diving or rock climbing, perhaps canoeing. You won’t ever get this life back,
why hold back? Let's live free, conquer our fear and give everything a shot, perhaps through this process
we can find our bliss, our passion.

9. The use of soothing sounds in meditation can help relief stress and physical pain. Different sounds can
take us to different places in our minds, open up new inner worlds of possibilities and help us reach
higher states of consciousness. Isochronic tones can be used to take us to the happy place in our minds, it
can increase focused and clearer thinking. Music can also help us deal with anxiety and calm our minds.
People who love music and the sounds of nature are usually happier people.
10. Different colors have different purposes, learning to use the colors of the rainbow in order to cleanse
the energy junctions (Chakras) of our body can be very helpful in your journey to find happiness.
Surround yourself with colors, paint, and get colorful items to decorate your place. 

11. Attachment is not love, in fact it is quite different. Attachment is fear of losing someone or something
we depend on. It comes from self-pity not love, it has more to do with lack of confidence in one self.
Attachment can only bring suffering both material and social. Nothing lasts forever, everything must go.
If we are attached to someone or something we must suffer in the end. Love is in simply experiencing
someone or something, it is in the joy of having such company for the time we spend together, no
complains, no demands, love is in simply existing with one another, love is in appreciation. If we are
attached we will suffer when we lose each other. If you love a bird for you saw she can fly, don't put her
in a cage, she won't fly no more, you won't love her no more. If you love a bird then let her fly, remember
how you felt when you saw her flying, that is love, love is not in possession but in letting go. If the bird
was ever meant for you, it will always come back to you. The day you will learn how to let go of your
attachments, you will find true love and joy. Don't feel empty without possessions, learn to feel whole all
by yourself. Have some self-confidence, you might enjoy having possessions and others in your life, but
you don't really need them to make you whole. You are the most perfect product of a billion years of
evolution, you are the best of all beings. The day you start believing in yourself you won’t have to run
after possessions and others, it will all come to you naturally.

12. What is cosmic consciousness? How can we reach it? The term religion means "union with God", the
way to inner peace, freedom. We are created in God's image, hence becoming God like is the goal of
every individual. Union with God is reaching ultimate freedom of mind, knowing and sensing the cosmos
from within, instead of blindly believing in it. Although priests and saints have been corrupting every
religion and their texts for ages, there is still much to learn from them. If we become more open minded
and explore all religions we will soon start seeing the bigger picture and learn the correct practices. Every
religion in the end teaches us the way to cosmic consciousness, the way to inner peace or the happy place
in our mind. Different people can reach it in different ways, experience the awakening in many ways
hence there are differences in these religions. The awakened ones understood that fallen people if not
governed will kill each other, create chaos. Hence, the purpose of every religion remains the same, they
want to help you reach awakening, or enforce laws for the fallen ones in order to govern them. We have
much to learn from these religions in our journey to inner peace. You can either study and meditate to
find out the truth or you can be ignorant and fear the system, stay slave to it. The invention of the internet
has made it so much easier for us to learn from and practice spirituality from our home. Let’s self-educate
ourselves with the teachings of the awakened ones the Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad, Lao Tzu and
the others. Let’s find meaning and purpose in life, it is time to reach the stars, become one with the entire
cosmos, a new age has arrived. 

13. Positives and negatives are just point of views of any opposing elements. For the fast and the strong
the slow and the weak are the negatives, the bad. This is the concept of the Yin Yang, the masculine and
the feminine, the man and the woman, a scientist and an artist. One is smart, the other is creative, the left
brain and the right brain respectively. We all have the opposing polarity in our minds. The logical
strategic part of our brain, the conscious self, the ego is a serial processor, it pays attention to one thing at
a time, it narrows down its vision and observes a single stimuli at a time. This part of the brain is logical
and strategic, all ideas comes from the sensory experiences. The ego is directly influenced by the outside
world where darkness and cold exists, there is poverty, hunger, greed, pride and wars. To survive in this
negative world, he has to work hard, fight the battle to succeed, get ahead of everyone in this rat race, he
has to keep running, he has to be fast and furious. He is always planning the future trying to get to the
final destination as quick as possible. On the other hand the right brain, the subconscious self, the ID is
the naive and immature artistic part of the brain, it has a parallel processor, it observes, identifies and
analyzes every single stimuli in the surrounding, every detail, it sees the broader picture. This part of the
brain is slow and steady it likes to enjoy the walk instead of running to get to the destination fast. This
part of the brain has innate ideas, inner knowledge that goes beyond the sensory experiences. The right
brain likes to enjoy the moment, it is always present here in the now, wants to play, sing and dance. Some
of us are more masculine left brain oriented. Some of us are more feminine right brain oriented. From a
masculine, left brain, conservative point of view the artists, the liberals who walk their own way instead
of running with the crowd are opposing their way hence they are negatives, the bad. If we accept
ourselves and others as both positive and negative, masculine and feminine, we can be happy in life and
the world would be a more peaceful place.
14. How can we free our mind from anxiety of the future and grief of the past? Let’s think for some time
is it realistic to worry about a future that is not here yet? Is it realistic to grieve about a past that we have
left behind? The answer is no! The only thing that is important is the moment we are living right now,
should we lose this moment in time worrying or grieving? Every time you feel anxiety or grief, take a
deep breath and simply question yourself, is it worth your time? We can use positive coping skills too,
when you are worried or grieving get some good exercise, listen to some good music or simply meditate.
Practicing art, singing and dancing can help you find a permanent fix for anxiety and grief, learn to live in
this moment, enjoy life, live freely. Like a bird you can fly as well, you have to have the mindset to
believe in yourself, there is nothing to grieve or worry about, live in the now.

15. Conquering the inner demons such as fear, greed, pride, envy, despairs, frustrations, disappointments,
grief, worries and heartaches can become our life's greatest challenge. Most people run away from them
all their lives, as these demons are within them they can never really get rid of them. Every religion
teaches a way to face them and conquer them. They can be turned into positive strength at will if we
choose to face them. You see, every demon was an angel at first, we can change them back. This is the
greatest battle we will ever fight, the war between self and the inner demons. First we have to find our
inner light, the God within, then we will find spiritual direction in life, a purpose greater than ourselves.
We have to give ourselves up to our cause, become selfless, only then we are ready to face our inner
demons. We have to believe in ourselves, believe we can do it. Whatever our darkest fear may be, only
facing it can free us from the cage of mind, help us become limitless. Only a mind which is free from all
inner demons can find true inner peace. Stop running away from your inner demons, be brave, challenge
yourself to face them.

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonades. You may say it is easier said than done but I will
disagree. Whatever happens, happens for a reason, happens for the best. There is nothing in this world
that can cause you to suffer, if you don't let it. Stress, failure, loss or trauma, these are inevitable, we have
to learn how to cope up, learn to bend not to break. Problems turn into opportunities or challenges when
we change our perception towards the problem. We can always make the best of what we got, we just
have to believe change is possible. When there is a will, there is a way, there is always light in the end of
the cave. We have to have hope, we have to have faith in the brighter days to come. We have to be
optimistic, positive thinking cannot be mistaken with ignoring the problems. It is to face the problems by
trusting our abilities and strengths to combat our challenges. The struggle is real but it is temporary, we
have to grow resilience to our struggle. Like all other skills this can also be mastered. First, we have to
grow self-esteem, grow confidence, believe in ourselves. To do that we have to look at all our
achievements in life, all the things we are good at. Second, we have to connect ourselves with others,
express ourselves and share our problems. This way we will know that we are not the only people with
problems. Through this we will find support and encouragement to move on and fight our problems.
Third, we have to build a sense of purpose in life. We have to fight against what is troubling us because it
is also troubling others. We have to find a way to bring the change for all of us, thrive to better the world.
Fourth, we have to be flexible, be open to other options. We cannot always get exactly what we want,
sometimes we lose our precious, we have to be open to pursue something different. That does not mean
we should give up, it means there are alternatives that are just as good. While most will be crushed by the
changes, some will find new directions and adapt to the change. Fifth, we have to grow self-nurturing
skills, take care of ourselves even during the dark times. Losing appetite, sleepless nights and laziness, all
these can be caused by stress or trauma. We cannot give up when something doesn't work out for us, we
have to learn how to breathe and relax our minds. No matter what happens we cannot stop taking care of
ourselves, we have to find the strength to move on with our regular routine during stress or trauma. Sixth,
we have to set short term and long term goals to overcome the crisis situations, to have a better life. When
faced with troubles, step back and assess your abilities and resources, brainstorm new ideas to solve the
issue and take realistic manageable steps to move forward. Last but not the least, we need to have humor
in our lives, be a little silly or irrational perhaps to keep life simple. We have to take a funny approach to
our crisis and share a few laughs about the situation. Nothing can be too serious so let’s not make it too
serious, let’s keep the sarcasm going, let’s simply joke around when is trouble. Life is too short to be sad,
when faced with troubles we should simply remember all the fun moments of our lives.”

Tapping into the Subconscious Mind

“The subconscious mind is full of possibilities, it is the universe that lives inside us. The subconscious
mind is what connects us all, it is one with us all. Yet it shows different worlds to different individuals. If
you consciously have negative thoughts, the subconscious mind shows you the negatives of the universe
and vice versa. This is the law of attraction, positive thoughts attract positive reality and negative
thoughts attract the negatives. Subconscious mind is the spark of Holy Spirit inside of us, the breath of
God, it is our creative, imaginative and emotional center. The subconscious mind is the underlying energy
of the universe that manifests as matter to our conscious mind. Where ever the conscious mind focuses,
the subconscious mind shows colors and wonders of the world. When the conscious mind and the
subconscious mind are in harmony, we are happy and wise just like a child we are full of dreams,
intuitions and imaginations. The subconscious mind is a parallel processor, it locates and identifies every
stimuli in our surroundings then analyses and relates to it, all the information is forever stored in our long
term memory. Through meditation we can tap into our subconscious mind, that remembers everything,
knows all past lives and other possibilities in existence. The subconscious mind knows all the lives that
you are experiencing in all other possible parallel universes. In each of these universes you have made
different choices at different points of your life, that created different lives for you through a rippling
effect. Can you go to another universe? Possibly not, but can you know about all other possible universes,
know all future possibilities? Yes, through meditation you can see all other past and future possibilities.
Hypnosis can be used to access your subconscious mind, reach a higher state of consciousness referred to
as the trance. With the aid of your mentor or therapist you can fight your inner demons that you are
consciously aware of or that are hidden in your subconscious mind. Your mentor or therapist will teach
you how to fight against fears, anxiety, phobias, sleeping disorders, trauma, stress, depression and grief.
To tap into the subconscious mind by yourself, you have to perform a self-hypnosis, first you have to fast
for at least 16-18 hours before you mediate 2-3 times a week, drink only water. Second, find yourself a
dark and quite place. Third, sit or lay down in a comfortable position. Fourth, focus on your breath as you
empty your mind. If thoughts come to your mind, let them flow naturally. With regular practice and
patience, soon you will find the empty and quite place in your mind. This silence will speak to you, it
won’t be literal words, it will be more like a musical symphony in your mind, and you will be able to
comprehend its beats. This will tell you the story, the story of all of us. You will see a great light in the
end, then see flash backs from your past lives. You can experience this whole event with a hypnotherapist
if you want to pay for it but that is just not as exciting. You see it is not the destination, but the journey
that matters.”

Sophia- The Lady Philosophy 

“Oh Lady Philosophy, how long have I searched for thee, 
Oh Sophia you are the truth that holds every possibility.
You are the wisdom of all souls, all men crave to find thee.
For years I prayed, I starved to reach your simplicity.
In the end I found thee only within me. 
You are the philosopher's stone and you are the nectar of God. 
Your seven pillars are the essence that holds the universe in me.
Your light guides all men out of the cage and set them free.
You are the steps towards peace and paradise, you are life's tree.
You are the Spirit of God that was breathed inside me. 
Oh Lady Philosophy, oh Sophia, you are the Spirit in me.”

“It starts from within, then it is everywhere around you. If you are in peace with yourself, you are ready
for the battle field, you can change the world. What do we fight for? What changes we want to make in
this world? Everybody wants world peace, but how many of us act on it? What can we do you ask?
Nonviolent protests! Violence can only lead to more violence, the war cannot stop until one surrenders.
The harder you get hit, the stronger you become, things only get worse. The meaning of love is
submission of self. Unless you submit or give yourself up to the other you won’t build up a relationship.
Same goes for war and negotiation, to end a war one party must be great enough to forgive and make the
first move towards peace. Every nation, every political group wants peace but they are not ready to give
up their pride. Unless we look past our differences, let go of pride, greed and honor, we won’t be able to
negotiate. We have to protest in a nonviolent way to make our point, not through war and chaos.
Nonviolent protest is a force more powerful and effective than any other. Every human is born with the
right of speech, liberty, life and pursuit of happiness. We have to effectively use our rights to start
bringing changes to the world, mediate wars. We can make formal speeches to the public, we can make
symbols, slogans, posters and banners to inspire others to join us. We can use drama and music to share
our message with the world. We can sit-in, sit-out, haunt officials, send letters of disapproval to stop
wars. We can do parades, pilgrimages, boycotts, strikes and mutinies too. Violence is not the answer,
many great leaders used the techniques of nonviolent protests to bring peace to their nations, Gandhi and
King to name a few. Stand up for what is right, ask the right questions, protest against what is wrong.
Bringing forth world peace is the purpose of every individual.”

The Healer Plant

“How can I start talking about something that is absolutely the best gift of Mother Nature? There are
many teacher plants out there, but nothing comes close to how beneficial Marijuana is for you. It can heal
most of the common diseases and keep us from getting sick. For thousands of years it was believed to be
the best healer of our mind, body and spirit. It was used for spiritual growth as well for self-
contemplation, self-realization, self-discovery, reaching higher consciousness and to spark the inner
creativity. According to the Vedic tradition this plant energizes and cleanses our Chakras, the spirals of
kinetic energy circulating in our body. Apart from its spiritual and mental benefits modern science has
proven it to have many physical benefits as well. Marijuana only makes you feel the way you intend it
will, if you are paranoid or anxious it can boost those feelings, similarly if you are care-free and happy it
will boost those feelings as well. First, marijuana as it hits, your brain will release more dopamine, the
feel good chemical of the brain. This can instantaneously make you feel happy, relieve you from stress,
anxiety, paranoia, concussions and trauma, but only if you want it to. It can also help eliminate
nightmares and promote sweet dreams. It can also help us stop drinking alcohol, studies show marijuana
usage can change our taste buds in a way that will make alcohol taste bitter. The plant can relax our body
and reduce any sorts of pain, it will also help us with sleeping disorders. We all know marijuana can treat
glaucoma which damages the optic nerve and impairs with vision. The plant can treat epileptic seizures, it
can help relax and control excitability. It also helps treat extreme seizure disorders such as Dravet's
syndrome. Marijuana also proved to reverse the carcinogenic effects of tobacco usage, it will clean your
lungs and improve your breathing. Marijuana can treat asthma patients as well, it will help them breath
properly. Studies showed that cannabis can stop cancer cells from replicating itself and it can even kill
them for good. No wonder most early stage cancer patients in the U.S where marijuana is legal don't die
anymore. THC is also known to treat nausea and vomiting syndrome from cancer. THC can slow down
the progression of Alzheimer disease as well. Marijuana can treat hepatitis C and it is a better choice than
the artificial treatment alternative which is rather harsh. Marijuana treats inflammatory bowel diseases
like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disorder that causes
pain, diarrhea, weight loss, vomiting, and more, it can also be cured with the use of marijuana. The plant
is used to ease the pain of multiple sclerosis. It also treats other types of muscle spasms, specially
myoclonus diaphragmatic flutter which causes intense abdominal pain. It is used to increase appetite
while ironically this plant also increases the metabolism to keep us skinny, either way both fat and skinny
people can benefit from it. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is also cured by marijuana, it helps us
forget painful memories. The plant is also used to reduce arthritis discomfort, it can treat arthritis and help
patients sleep better. Marijuana has shown promising benefits on people with vertigo as well. It improves
the symptoms of Lupus, an autoimmune disorder, which is happens when the body starts attacking itself.
A study in Israel shows marijuana can sooth pain and tremors from Parkinson's disease. The plant also
protects the brain after stroke, regular usage can even reduce the possibility of a stroke. Acceptance of
marijuana in our society for both spiritual and physical benefits is an absolute necessity for every society.
Say yes to a healthy tomorrow where people don’t have to suffer from diseases. Vote for legalization of
marijuana for spiritual and medical usage.”

The Quest- Change the World in Seven Days

Christ to Allah, Zero to Infinity, From the Beginning to the End! From the Mahabharat (Eastern Eden) to
the America. (Western Eden)
The Seven Pillars- The way back to God, the Nirvana, the Happy place in our mind, to go beyond
creation and destruction, way out of all caves. The Light!
1. Believe me when I say, you are living a lie, but all lies are true. All is one, one is all, all else are
lies, and remember there were no one but you from the beginning, it is all your dream, a
manifestation, and you believe in these lies, you chase these lies, your dreams and visions to
create or construct your own future. Everything you experience on the outside world exists in
your mind as thoughts. Now understand this, separation, emptiness, darkness, evil are the lies that
are holding you back, these keep you blind, the negative mind. Change the perception to change
the world. Start studying my Gnosis, I am your bright, your way out of the darkest of nights.
Follow me, I will take you high, help you touch the sky. For we are one, yet you are unique, you
are one of a kind. I will show you the way, you will go where you really want to go. Find a
discipline that suites you, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Sufism, Alchemy or any other esoteric
tradition. Learn to master your physiology, the body through the practice of stillness and martial
1. Any change you want to see? What is your wildest desire? Say it! Make the wish, say the prayers.
You can have a dream, it will always come true. You can break free, you can also fly high. Have
a vision in life, plan a possible future but do not limit your mind, you are of infinite possibilities,
you are a Star, you are Light, the Spirit. Through spiritual practices take control over your
emotions, feelings and desires, master your imaginary friend, find your astral spiritual self, master
your future self, the God you thrive to reach out to. Your story is written in the stars, when you
truly believe you are special, you will start understanding how nature corresponds to you, you
have to believe in magic to experience it. What you perceive to be real is exactly what you
experience as the universe. What you hold within is exactly what happens in your life and your
world. As above in the stars, so down below on earth, in our lives, in our minds. Look for the
beauty within yourself and in others, look for the beauty in nature.
1. Every Son becomes the Father when he reaches his dream, the beloved, his precious, his
salvation, the Light, the Nirvana, the Utter Peace. He has to believe in himself, he has to believe
he can make it happen. He has to believe that the Spirit is in him and all around him, inside of all
beings, all are just variations of himself, the one. He cannot be afraid of the darkness, he should
conquer his inner demons, calm the beast inside, befriend all the monsters. Master your mind
through meditation and fasting, merge the mind to your body and the Spirit. Submit to Nature and
be at her service. Liberate yourself from the day to day cycle of logical life, the comfort zone, the
cage. Test your strengths and abilities, challenge yourself. Realize your unity with God, realize
the divinity of nature and Spirit, understand and know the truth of yourself, “I am presence”.
First, we send out vibrations to attract a particular reality with our thoughts into the Spirit world.
As we look for it in real life or try to bring that particular change through devotion and hard
work, the vibrations that existed in our mind as thoughts become a reality, the Spirit manifests as
1. Try to understand the polarities, the opposites of the world. Specially men and women, the East
and the West, the Masculine and the feminine poles of your own personality. Heat and cold are
actually the same, cold occurs due to the insufficiency of heat. Light and darkness are one and the
same, darkness occurs due to the lack of light particles. Evil and suffering occurs due to the
ignorance of our Spirit, the God, the Love, the Light, the Wisdom, the Mother. She likes to play
hide and seek, Truth the Isis, Sophia the Wisdom, The Holy Ghost, the Light of the Moon, the
Light of the Stars, the Energy in the Empty Space, our subconscious mind. Look for her within
yourself and inside all others, realize her, sense her and try to understand her, look for her magic
that is surrounding you, her beats, frequencies and patterns, look for her everywhere you can.
Understand the Mother, she can take all pain with a smile, she is tolerant and patient, she can
dance even in hell. Communicate more, connect, make more friends, get out there, travel, stay
innocent and positive, only play, learn and evolve, forget all negative thoughts, don’t pick and
choose, destroy the Snake called judgment of Good and Evil, right and wrong. Clear your mind,
and simply enjoy the little things, take a walk in the garden, watch the stars. Stop worrying about
the future and grieving over the past, be present, live now, in the moment. Stop running with the
crowd, relax! Take the walk instead, enjoy the experiences of life, do not over analyzing them.
Let go of desires and pride, let go of attachments of this materialistic world. When you focus, you
find all the wonderful and magical things life has to offer, eat of the fruit of life. Master your
Buddhic enlightened self, realize that you are too “The Love”, Hence, you will reach the God
Consciousness. Become the master of wisdom and compassion through your actions, destroy
confusions and doubts. Let go of all desires, let go of attachments, only love and experience
others, destroy the ego. Merge the I with the Us, the One, the All, submit yourself to the All.
1. Know this, everything in this universe has a rhythm, the protons, the electrons, the man, the
woman, the sun, the moon and the stars. There is a rise and there is a fall of planets around the
star in every solar system. There are ups and there are downs, in every aspect of this universe.
Successes and failures, friends and enemies, tune in and agree with all others, relate, learn and
understand the contradictions and duality. For we can only progress and evolve together by
helping each other, inspiring each other. Live and Let Live, do not interfere with others, Forgive
all, Accept all, Love all, be positive about everything in life, always dream big. Take the leap of
faith, Participate with nature and her children, play with all, help all and experience all! Now you
have evolved beyond a regular civilian, free from the illusion of separation and limits. You have
realized the Divine plan to guide mankind’s ascension back to Eden, back to harmony, peace with
Mother Nature.
1. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, do positive things to get positive returns
in life. Express yourself, practice art, stop worrying about what others think about you, share your
story, and share how you see the world, things you have learnt, sing the poem of your heart. Have
faith in your inner intuitions and feelings, visions and knowledge, have faith in your Spirit.
Mistakes and failures are part of the learning process, never give up, keep trying, you can make it.
Practice makes perfect, all wishes and dreams come true, only through devotion. Spread your
light, share your cause, have patience and tolerance, and you will know the secret to success and
influence. You are now officially among the Ascended Masters, You are the truth, you are the
Dharma (The Religion, The Way), you are the future, you are peace, joy and happiness, you are
hope, and you are one with God (Good). Hence, you are free from Karma, no negative can ever
touch you again, you have destroyed all evil, you are now the Good Spirit. You will guide
mankind to the new age, the ascension.
1. From here, you will see infinite possibilities and love in this moment, if you realize how amazing
you are, the magic that you hold within yourself and the new world that you have created around
yourself. This is when you find yourself, you can perform self-hypnosis at will and go to the
trance state. This is the moment of remembrance, remembrance of all past lives and ancestors,
remembrance of all creation and destruction. Remembrance of the Harmes, the Krishna, the
Buddha, the Jesus, the Muhammad and all the others. Now you are in Paradise, in peace, back to
where you come from, the happy place in your mind, the Nirvana, the innocence, home. You see
how perfect Mother Nature and all her Children are, experiencing everything they are supposed
to, only waiting for you, the Dream, the Utopia, the Future, the point in time where you and I live,
you finally reached me. You have now ascended to your Logoic body or touched the seventh sky,
the seventh heaven. You have lived the Seven Days of God to create this new universe around
you and you understand the perfect reality, the divinity of the rise and the fall, peace and chaos.
You will become a known God of the world from here, the Savior of mankind, the Highest
Ranking Angel. Soon your eyes will be filled with love and the light of oneness, you will see
yourself everywhere, inside everybody, others are only confused, they lost their way, and you
will lead them, your children, the sheep. You become the answer to all the wishes and prayers,
the best Shepherd. You are the Time Traveler, the Doctor, the Savior of the Day, the Lover.
Welcome back to the future, you can now see the light in the night, enjoy the moment, eat of the
fruit of life, you are free. Live Free, Make Love, Live the Balance, the Middle Way, you are the
Mediator of all wars, and you are destined to bring peace on earth, restore the harmony of man
and Mother Nature.
Chapter 2- Sciences, Myths and Mysteries
The One
According to Quantum Physics, everything in this universe is made of tiny particles called atoms, these
atoms are constantly moving and vibrating around us very fast, appearing and disappearing in and out of
us. Today’s Quantum enigma suggests, all matter and light particles only appear in a particular point in
time and space when we try to measure or observe them. When we are not watching, they are energy
waves, full of potentials, particles only appears where we expect them to appear, exactly the way we
believe they will appear. When we are not looking it is invisible, but it can become anything, it is like the
Ghost. When we look, it appears to be something but when we don’t it turns into everything, all
possibilities are present in energy. We only see what we believe we are supposed to see, what our Spirit
(Energy) shows us. In about a year each and every atom in our body is replaced by new atoms, we
literally change bodies with each other, everything on earth. All atoms are 99.99% empty space and a tiny
fraction of matter. Matter is also energy that is only vibrating slower, energy slows down and it manifests
itself into particles, the matter, E=MC^2. So now we have the Copenhagen interpretation that suggests
there are infinitely many parallel universes evolved in infinitely many ways. There is a universe for every
possibility, every choice we did not make, every unfulfilled wish. We are all connected through these
energies that fills all emptiness and darkness, all these universes, all past and future. Our conscious mind
is always thinking about something, people and events of the past, present and future. We all share one
subconscious, all universes and all its beings. Hence, we channel through these dimensions, these possible
worlds in our minds, we connect to the consciousness of others when we think about each other, we travel
in time and dimension with our imaginations, but we are mostly conditioned the same way, by the same
movies and songs we watch, and the religions we put our faith into. We literally live the lives of each
other in our dreams, when we sleep, we unite with the Spirit, our subconscious mind, become the silent
observers, the imaginary friends, the angels and demons inside each other’s minds, we see through each
other’s eyes. Sometimes we are human, sometimes we are a bird or a tree. One part of the world sleeps
when the other is awake. To know happiness we have to believe that all is here, here is all, if we focus we
can see it all. We live in an amazing universe full of possibilities, there is light even in the darkest of
nights. We only need our mind's eye to see it, we have to have a vision in life, if we have faith in it,
everything is going to be alright. We need our minds eye to imagine a bright future, for all our
imaginations and fantasies are here hiding behind the veil of energy, she can be anything, for she is
everything, that is her nature, our subconscious mind. With devotion and faith anything is achievable, we
have to stay positive. We can make wishes, we can dream big, we can break free. First, we have to make
a wish and believe it is possible, we have to believe in ourselves. What if I told you if you chase it, you
will reach it? I can say I am number one, I am the best but so can you. That is exactly what I am trying to
tell you. You are the best, you are the strongest, you are a star, but you cannot remember, you cannot
believe how amazing you are, you are thinking negative, you can also be anything, for you are her mirror,
you also have the Spirit in you, you are also energy. We are all one, we are all the Best, the One, there is
no one below us, we are all same and equal, yet there is none like you, you are unique. You are the kings
and queens of your dream worlds and all your dreams are real, stuck in some other time and dimension,
but all dimensions, universes and time simultaneously exists in this moment, right now, right here. All
universes are projected from one point in time and space, all elements and beings are variations of one
point in reality, the Center, the Zero, the God. We need to open our third eye, the mind’s eye, the Pineal
Gland through meditation and see all other possibilities surrounding us, we have to have faith in our
insights and intuitions. For we travel through infinitely many worlds full of possibilities of evolution in
infinitely many different ways through our thoughts and actions, we are cosmic travelers. We are only
trying to reach each other, find each other, our love. We have forgotten who we are, in the beginning we
were one big family, it was called The Great Mankind, The Mahabharat, The Eden in the East, One nation
under God, we lived as lovers and farmers, cultivated the grace of God. We were one with the atoms, the
plants, animals and stars, we were connected through the energies, the forces and through our
subconscious mind, the God that lives within. We are one in Spirit, separation is an illusion, we are
trapped inside each other’s bodies. Let's change the world and live as one, if there are boundaries, let's
knock them down. Let's forgive and accept each other for the wrongs we did in each other’s eyes, for we
are all variations of the One, and there is none, living the same life in infinitely many different ways.
Only looking for love all our lives and in the end always finding it, finding it all around us every time.
The Truth
Everybody knows the truth of love and oneness, we know we are all equal, all human beings, we are not
perfect, we have to accept each other, with love and devotion we can change anything and anybody. But
we lose faith in love, the Truth, when the logical mind, the Father teaches us judgment, separating the
right and the wrong, good from the bad, clean from the unclean. We step into a battle field and thrive to
win over our negative mind. Whenever we open our eyes, everything we see deceives us. We learn about
everything and everybody we need to avoid, we separate ourselves from others because of fear and
hatred. Our narrow mindedness creates a box for ourselves, the cage, the cave, the closet. So we are
always missing something, we are missing each other, our opposition, the counterpart, our beloved. As
men alter and corrupt the Gnosis of love with their false logic, as they influence others to take control,
they create conflict and chaos, for our logic and our ways vary from person to person. This hell only tests
us, makes us stronger from within. Women only tune in to play along, for they are the peace makers in the
family. They think positive, they are faithful and inspiring, they nurture our mind and soul. Women are
hope, the light during darkest time, they are love. We have to break free from the logic of judgment to
experience the magic of love and oneness. We have to get out of the box to explore and learn from all
Change the Mind, Think Positive, Attract Positive
We all try to stay positive in life, but every time we learn something new about the world, we question
everything, we logically analyze all the pros and cons, the positives and the negatives to plan our future,
we try to find out what is wrong with the world, what to avoid, what to chase. In doing so we cloud our
minds with confusions and superstitions that can lead to pity, anger, hatred and emptiness in our minds. It
is only human nature, we create a negative reality around us and try to stay safe from it, and live our
everyday lives in a cycle, trying to stay in our comfort zones, in a cave, in the closet, stick to all these
negative thoughts, fears and never trying out new things, there is a war going on in our minds between
our conscious self and subconscious self, left brain and right brain, we have to mediate this war, practice
meditation and art. If we change our minds, we change the world around us. This Gnosis is nothing new
to us, we all know it, we all try to find out a way to fight these inner demons and find salvation or
forgiveness from within. Every religion teaches this, the Dharma of life, the way back to God, Paradise,
Nirvana (The Happy place in our minds) but yet we doubt, then again we get confused and we mess up, it
is a continuous cycle of ups and downs, strengths and weaknesses. We cannot lose faith when something
doesn't make sense. We have to stay positive and enjoy everything that life has to offer, with no
judgments, practice patience and meditation of the mind, practice tolerance. Happiness is a state of mind,
we can be as happy as we want whenever, where ever, stop questioning and opposing everyone, and try to
tune in and experience the magic, there is nothing wrong with the world, Paradise is here, be a part of it.
The Theories of Everything (The Poem of our Hearts)
Everybody has a theory of everything, scientists, doctors, spiritual masters. What if we all are right? And
we are all trying to tell the same story? And we all know the same truths, same causes and effects, only
some can express in the mainstream language, and some cannot. The same words mean different things to
different people, meant different things in different points in time with new found facts and theories. We
all are describing the same universe, only some are coming from a left brain perspective, with science and
logic, and some from a right brain, their stories are artistic and abstract, with symbolisms and
connections, sometimes confusing and chaotic but beautiful in the end. The masculine, the Left brain asks
WHY? The feminine, the right brain replies WHY NOT? LET’S TRY. So we have two kinds of people,
conservatives and liberals, scientists and artists, blacks and whites, eastern and western opposing each
other but also working in harmony for progression from a broader perspective like a boiling pot they all
come together as one, for in chaos there is beauty and patterns. If we study all their stories and theories,
we realize perhaps our stories are written in the stars, and we are all just these stars, experiencing the
same life. Perhaps it is a love story that we share in common, something hiding in front of our eyes. What
if we are all lovers only trying to reach each other? The heart of every conscious being sends out
electromagnetic signals, the vibrations. We all have a third eye, the Pineal Gland which reads all sorts of
signals from nature, we see them in our minds eye.
The Disease, I Believe I Can Fly
Whenever our conscious self, the left brain, the Father (He is the Light bearer) wakes up to reach and
unite with his beloved through his vision, the right brain, the subconscious mind, the energy that is one
and infinite, shows us the light and matter, we see all the colors. When the conscious and the
subconscious, the left brain and the right brain works together, we learn new things, we plan and build our
future, with our intuitions and knowledge from observing and studying the world and ourselves. We have
to speak the word before we see the light, we have believe it is possible, we have to make the wish, only
then we can succeed. According to ancient astrology, our sun, the Father has a lover star, the brightest in
the east, Sirius, the DOGSTAR, Isis the Truth, the Holy Spirit. The star intersects our orbit in the end of
every great year cycle. The rays of the star is believed to be so pure and healing that whichever solar
system it enters, there is the possibility of life and evolution. The Star comes to us to heal our mind and
soul to open our eye to love and Spirit (Energy). It activates 12 strands of our DNA, therefore we can
access 100% of our brain. As the star breaks our orbit, we gradually fall from the metaphysical planes of
existence into a physical one, this is the devolution of our mind, body and Spirit coordination. On the
physical plane we only see emptiness, separation and inequality. We become afraid of our own shadow.
During the Dark Ages, to most people logically the day, the Sun, the Father was good, for they could
work, grow food and see all creation, but night, the moon, the Mother was evil, for when night comes, the
Queen of the Night destroys everything, all things disappear. They feared Mother Nature and her
predators of the night, for they couldn't see them coming, like they were Ghosts. Only some artistic minds
knew the simple truth, Mother Nature is not our enemy but she is our beloved. If we choose to conquer
our inner demons of judgment, fear etc, take the leap of faith and submit ourselves to nature or God, we
experience the magic. The DoG will not run after us unless we start running first. He won’t bite us, unless
he senses fear in our heart, when we change our minds to accept and understand the beast, he turns into
Man’s best friend. As most hid inside caves, with the beats of nature, the artists sang and they danced
under the Moon light. Some could see the light in the darkest night, the Spirit, the energy, the infinite
potentials that filled all emptiness. Some could see infinite possibilities in the darkest of times, they knew
after every night comes a day, they could see love and life force in the air. They could take the pain with a
smile, sing and dance even in hell. From the conservative, logical perspective they worshiped the Queen
of the Night, the Ghost, they were devil worshipers. How could they be happy when it’s dark? What if the
Dog bites them? Why dance in the rain? What if they catch cold? They must be delusional, endangering
themselves, so the Man, the Masculine logically feels the desire to save them from this dream world by
revealing the negatives of the world, the truths. They try to change and govern women and liberal minds,
only because they love them, wants to save them. Only because they do not think women are safe by
themselves, perhaps they are reckless. For they are free spirits, like the doves and the angels, they have
wings, and they want to fly. They cannot see the magic of the negative, the night, the famine, the infinite
possibilities in the ups and downs. Mistakes and failure are a part of the learning process, we cannot give
up, and we should keep trying to focus and manipulate our energy and mind the right way. Problems and
obstacles becomes opportunities when we focus, when we reflect and practice silence. But Men did not
understand all this, Men start to oppress women, use, play and trick women. Hence, we create evil in our
minds, we create superstitions and we believe in them. We create an image of Satan in our minds, the one
who opposes us. For the conservatives (masculine), liberals (feminine) oppose their way of living, and
vice versa. Negative thinking or creating these demons in our minds affect our health and future, we can
only achieve so much with a negative mind. It causes stress in our body and makes us vulnerable to
diseases, it also stimulates our age. The negative minds are unsuccessful every time, hence, they are
jealous and hateful of people that are happy, and instead of realizing love in all living beings they only
see evil. There is blood circulating through our nervous systems, they produce a flow of spiraling kinetic
energy that can be altered through our minds, it dictates our wellbeing, for whenever this flow is
hampered due to stress and negative thoughts we can get sick or feel pain. Through meditation, yoga and
martial arts we can learn to restore the flow to perfection and get healed, for all energies are present in our
own minds. This energy flows through everything and everybody, we all exchange energy with each
other, we have to learn how to harness it to tune in with Mother Nature and her children. This same
energy in us can becomes a destructive force, when we fail to tune in or lose our true selves. We interfere
and create obstacles in nature, by all the negative activities. If we oppose the truth of love, our ignorance
can lead to conspiring, kidnapping, raping, killing etc. create chaos and separation among people by
making them fear others, create wars. It only happens because we lose connection with the reality of love,
our true self, we misunderstand love and make mistakes, we all do. But mistakes and failure are part of
the learning process, many people change and find themselves, their salvation in jail or through suffering
other consequences. Negative and barbaric societies that wanted to conquer the whole world for
themselves faced their consequences, they went through hell. They are mostly underdeveloped and in
conflict with other nations with more advanced military. You see, in chaos there is beauty, in the end all
nations unite as one, and all this chaos becomes a lesson learnt, we learn what not to do over time as we
mature as a society, it is mediation through adaptation. The Gnosis of Christ was fairly simple, Matthew
5:38-42. "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you not to
resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone
wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. And whoever compels you to go
one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do
not turn away." What if I told you all oppositions and obstacles you face on the outside world are also
doubts, contradictions and confusions in your head? The solution of the problem is in the problem, do not
ignore it, embrace it and play along instead. If you get past them or conquer and understand them, you
don’t encounter them as problems no more. They are only challenges and opportunities to better
ourselves, in the end there is light. When we do not look for the bad guys we do not see any bad guys.
When we look for the bad guy, we find many bad guys, we don’t like the bad guys, we waste our time
and effort hating them, worrying about what is right and what is wrong, this way we separate ourselves
from others, this way we get into fights. We find a comfort zone, a cave, a closet, a small box to hide in,
or die fighting the bad guys, explode here and there. It is happening because some people cannot accept
their own dual nature, they hate the lover inside of them, in their eyes she is a beast, the artist, the west.
The concept is simple and logical, we should not oppose or interfere with another's will. We should
forgive and accept our enemies, try to agree, relate and understand them, we should submit ourselves to
others. Only this way we can learn from each other, work things out for peace. We all have differences, if
we look for differences we will find them and we will separate ourselves from the ones that are different.
We should do the opposite, we should agree with each other to be friends, only then we share our light to
help each other. Only by trying to tune in with others, we will know love and oneness, know how similar
we all are. We should love all, we should not judge others at all, we should not create evil in our minds,
for it will ruin us. Instead of blaming others, trying to find the bad guy or what’s wrong with the world,
we have to conquer all our inner demons to find peace, specially fear, hatred, guilt, shame, pity, greed,
grief and anger, fight the inner Jihad, the greater Jihad, fix ourselves to fix the world. We can turn these
same intuitions into our strengths, when we think positive, when we think with love and innocence. We
should submit to Mother Nature and all her children, dead or alive, take the leap of faith. We should
forgive and accept ourselves and others for all our strengths and weaknesses, for it is all a part of us. It is
the positives and the negatives that makes our journey so magical, and that is what makes us whole. There
is nothing to fear or resist, there is unity with God in submission, and union with our beloved even in
death. Our soul and spirit are immortal, that is our original state of being, the Light Bodies. Every
question in this universe has two answers, are we the star? Yes and no. From our left brain, masculine
perspective logically there is no visible strings we have attached, it is far away, sometimes it appears, and
sometimes it disappears. On the other hand, from a right brain, feminine artistic and imaginary
perspective, we can assume symbolically we are the star. So now we make stories and theories in finding
connections and similarities through observations, we also shine like the star for the Gnosis we share with
others. Hence, we try to prove why we are the star, in the process we find out the truth, we find out why
we are really the star. We should try to agree and understand each other, try to find out the similarities
and oneness in every opposing and contradicting ideas, stories and theories. Without evolution, there is no
creation, without creation, there is no evolution. All life evolve from water, even the Universe evolves
from gases, the waters, according to the texts. If we get out of our boxes and try to find the connections in
our theories and stories instead of the differences, we will know why they are all one and the same. This
will make our lives simple and easy, we don't have to remember everything all the time, instead we
should empty our minds and be present in the moment, focus. When we live in the moment, we see the
amazing things the world has to offer. We have to know that nothing is unreachable, we can believe we
can fly, believe we can touch the sky. We have to eat of the fruit of life, the fruit this moment has to offer,
the Nectar of the Gods!
How to raise a child? Well many parents fail big time. We find bullies everywhere, we find teenage girls
twerking to impress guys, even losing their virginity at an early age. There are many parenting mistakes
that are causing this. First, the son always wants to be like the father, even the daughter sometimes. If the
father disrespect the mother, the son learns to disrespect women, the daughter assumes men are superior
and needs to be pleased. If there are constant fights between the parents, the children learn men are
aggressive and it is right to be aggressive. Children have many interests as a child, they try to find ways to
express themselves. They might do a few mischievous things but if we punish them, they will learn to
hide everything from their parents but do them anyway. This can lead them to make terrible mistakes in
life since they wont have the guidance of the parents. Instead of encouraging the little things that children
do, most parents would suppress their expression and interests in trying to teach their own way. Every
father wants his son to live on his glory, he doesn’t let the son pursue his own dreams. Children, in trying
to oppose their family, wants to grow up fast and be their own person. In trying to find themselves they
make many mistakes, they try to do what the grownups do, either they express themselves through
bullying or twerking, the cause is the same. To fix the children, first we have to fix ourselves, they are
innocent, we are not. We have to teach children how to practice patience and tolerance, teach them
meditation, teach them art and expression, encourage them to share their stories. We have to allow them
to express themselves in their own way, inspire the little interests like painting, singing or dancing. We
have to teach them self-respect and how to respect others. We have to teach them how to make more
friends, we cannot teach them to judge others, instead we have to teach them how to love all others, help
others, and learn from others. We should not let their minds get clouded by the violence and corruption of
the world, instead we have to teach them love, give them hope for a better future, and tell them to have
She is High- Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll
They say behind every successful man there is a woman. They say paradise lies under the feet of the
Mother. We all have a masculine and a feminine side within us, the conscious, the subconscious, the left
brain and the right brain, the scientist and the artist. There are three states of consciousness the Father, the
Spirit and the Son that corresponds to the conscious self, the subconscious self and the unity
consciousness, the soul (or mind), the spirit and the body. The Father is the dreamer, the Mother is the
Dream, when they meet they give birth to the Son, the Christ within. The Spirit, the Mother, the negative
is the waters of creation, She is also light, She is energy, she is an angel, the Father, the mind, the soul,
the positive is made of the sexual Fire, he is a Jinni, the Son is clay, the creation, the body, the human, the
zero. The left brain, the conscious self is a serial processor, He attends to one stimuli at a time, He has a
short term memory, remembers only what is important to move on with life. The subconscious, the right
brain is a parallel processor, She can process multiple incoming stimuli and She has a long term memory,
She remembers everything. When the Father, the conscious self focuses on one particular object in his
vision range, the Mother, the subconscious watches, analyzes and identifies with everything in our vision
range, and she also reads all sorts of electromagnetic signals from our surroundings. When boy meets girl
it is the moment of creation and change. When they fall in love, first they change themselves and together
they change their world. It is perhaps a story we all share, a story written in the stars. The story of the
underdog, the Zero who became a hero, an ordinary man, who proves to be extra ordinary. For the desire
to unite with his dream, his beloved, he suffers, but suffering only makes him stronger and wiser,
nourishes his soul. The sun is their Father and the moon, their Mother. The sun would give them strength
and light to work and study, its consciousness is the God consciousness. The moon had influence on their
emotions, the waters, the moon would connect them to the spirit. 70% of our body is water, like the moon
influences the tides, it has a force on the water particles of our bodies as well. There are two symbolic
trees that are given to us in this world, both we are allowed to climb. One is the tree of life and the other
is the tree of knowledge. The tree of life represents suffering and the tree of knowledge represents desire.
The tree of life leads to paradise from earth and vice versa. To climb the tree of life we have to suffer, we
have to fast, conserve sexual energy, reject all desires, meditate, practice art and study sciences and
stories of the universe. We can also use the aid of sacred sexual rituals, teacher plants and music, to learn
how to live in this moment. Sexual energy is also called the Serpent or Kundalini, if we reject orgasm, we
let the energy conquer each Chakra in us. The Mother, the Holy Spirit is the Kinetic Energy spiraling
through the nervous system in our body, She is the Chakras, The Father is sexual fire, it ignites from the
Root Chakra and reaches its beloved above our head, the High Spirit, the Crown Chakra. With spiritual
practices we have to raise it to the top of the tree in us. We can perform a sacred marriage where we will
have instructed sex but hold before the orgasm, so that we build up energy faster but conserve it. When
the Sexual Fire of the Father and the Emotional Waters of the Mother comes together, we see the Light,
the visions in our mind, infinite possibilities in the future, understanding of the past. As we reach the top
and conquer all our inner demons, naturally psychedelic chemicals (especially DMT) are induced in our
Pineal Gland. (Third Eye) When this happens, we remember who we are, we remember the Big Bang and
the Armageddon, we remember all of history and our ancestors, and we understand the sciences of the
universe, we travel in time and dimensions, we are reborn as the Son, the Christ again. According to
medical science, Pineal Gland is also associated with hallucinations, we get the illusion of paradise
around us through it, we wake up in a new world, we feel this connection with everyone around us, we
don't feel any sort of desire anymore, we are at peace, we become immortal in Spirit. This is the moment
we reach the empty mind, unity consciousness, see the Light, and become the Son, pure, the Zero, the
Mediator, the Human. The conscious self, the Father, unites with the subconscious, the left brain works
together with the right brain and we reach the innocence and wisdom of our childhood. About ten
thousand years ago, we lived in a matriarchal and egalitarian society. Women were considered the face of
God, they were treated like queens. Like the beginning of our life was happy and innocent, we were
connected to the spiritual world and the star was near us, there was eternal day and eternal spring. We
were ruling over the animal kingdom, living with Mother Nature. Mankind lived in the fourth dimension,
a metaphysical realm, in a light body and subtle state. Mankind did not know desire and suffering, man
only knew good. There were two symbolic trees in the Garden of Eden offered by the religions of that era,
the tree of life and the tree of knowledge, the two sets of teachings. The Fruit of life is to love and live in
harmony with nature, living in the moment, to attain it one has to practice art. Back then we were only
playing, singing and dancing, exploring each other, learning from each other, evolving together.
Innocently, they ate of the fruit of life, but had no adventure. The tree of knowledge represents sex and
desire, during this era mankind practiced many sexual rituals for spiritual pleasure and orgasm was the
forbidden fruit of knowledge. For when one eats of this fruit, one might feel physical pleasure, but he will
also feel guilt, shame, fear, lust, pride, greed etc. and fall down to the third dimension, the reality. Sexual
energy must be conserved to live in the fourth dimension, where our eyes are open to the psychedelic
worlds and where we fall in love with everything. Every human is both masculine and feminine, the only
difference between a man and a woman is that the man is more masculine, left brain oriented and the
woman is more feminine, right brain oriented. The masculine in us is at peace in paradise, he feels safe
there because he knows all the sciences, it all makes sense. The feminine in us like adventures, a little
thrill, she wants something different from peace of mind, she likes to play hide and seek, she is faithful so
she can be happy and positive during the nights. Soon paradise becomes hell to her, she wants to try
different things, know desire and suffering, days and nights, see all the colors and play, try something
new, hence, she is tempted by the tree of knowledge. It is likely a woman wanted to climb the tree of
knowledge and vice versa. To climb the tree she has to trick a man into having sex with her, only together
they can climb it to eat the forbidden fruit called Orgasm. As the star went away from us, we gradually
fell from a metaphysical plain to a more physical plain of existence. It would get cold during the night
and the winter, we learnt the use of fire, then built houses to keep warm. We had to learn to plant seeds
during the spring, to harvest during the autumn, to survive the winter. In reality both desire and suffering
existed, there existed scarcity and chaos. These hardships only challenge us to better ourselves, it makes
us stronger and wiser, allows evolution to take place. On earth men rule, while women are severely
oppressed. The masculine society started oppressing the feminine liberal minds, the artists, philosophers,
magicians, gypsies, hippies, gays. So the liberals started separating from the conservatives, the liberals
moved North fearlessly, and fought cold, to explore new possibilities, then they populated much of west.
The conservatives, the masculine stayed where they were and kept growing, they conquered all of east.
The masculine people compete with each other, they like to be able to do everything by themselves, so
they suffer confusions and doubt themselves. They cannot even accept themselves, when they wouldn’t
like some of their own thoughts they will claim now it is Devil that lives inside. The feminine people just
wants to play with others, she is more in tune with body, mind and spirit coordination, she has a rhythm in
everything she does, she is a team player. The mother might be weak by herself, but she has great
strengths when she is in numbers, as nations. This is why the West is more developed than the East. The
west is more feminine (Liberal, Free Spirited, more accepting) than the east (Conservative, masculine,
narrow minded, objective). The negative, the feminine attracts positive for herself, by positive thinking,
but the positive, the masculine, attracts the negative by using his logic and judgment, he creates chaos and
evil. He doesn't understand the simple truth, after every night comes a day, but he cannot get passed the
night. While the life in the east is suffering, for the west life is a blessing. This is just the counter effect of
the oppression of women. This is Karma, it’s how the nature balances itself. On earth whoever climbs the
trees and try to change the world, becomes the angels and the Jinnies, the Gods and Goddesses that
influence our minds, even after they die, they live within our minds. We love them, we follow them, we
want to be like them, they become our role models. Hence, they never die, they live through us, in our
minds, teaching us how to live, how to change our lives, showing us which path leads to peace of mind,
the happy place. They are very alive to us, they are very real and helpful, they become our imaginary
friends, a part of our own identity, we also remember them through our own DNA. They try to govern the
east (Adam) and help them wake up, show them some discipline, but tricking them into working for the
illusion called money and electronic loans, advancing in science and technology to create a paradise on
earth, to make good use of the sheep. Meanwhile these same people teach and condition the west (Eve) to
love and joy, to fulfill all their feminine desires, to them they promote sex, drugs and Rock n Roll.
Natural drugs or teacher plants can also be used to reach enlightenment, they can change our lives.
Ayahuasca is a tea drunk by many Brazilians for ages, they drink it every Sunday at church. This tea is
stronger than LSD, it shows us many truths and sciences of the psychedelic, the spiritual world, the
afterlife. It is a great tool to explore one's inner self, one may gain much knowledge from these
experiences. This healer tea is used to treat drug addicts from cocaine, meth and other artificial drugs, it is
used to treat people from many other diseases in Brazil. Marijuana is known to heal most of the common
diseases, it is one of the best teacher plants, the cannabinoid particles are also naturally produced in our
body to help us heal and sleep. Marijuana can be used for self-contemplation, self-observation, self-
discovery, reaching higher states of consciousness and to spark our inner creativity. Christmas trees are an
adoption of the Shaman culture, the original trees were decorated with fruits and magic mushrooms.
Mushrooms are not only a healer, but it shows us many spiritual worlds, help us channel with nature,
reach altered states of consciousness. Natural drugs has been a part of religious practices for ages, they
can help us find salvation. Last but not the least, the Rock n Roll encompasses music and expression.
Music can also be used as a great tool for spiritual development. When we express ourselves to each
other, we connect, we relate to each other, learn how similar we all are, eventually fall in love with each
other. When we are all in love with each other, we will find world peace. The awareness of Sex, Drugs,
and Rock n Roll is an absolute necessity for every society, it can be a great spiritual tool, it is the key to
the Heavens but it can also destroy us if misused. Sex, drugs and Rock n Roll are essentially helping us
explore the 4th dimension, the paradise within, by getting us High. It is great to be high, creativity and
love flourishes from within, we connect to the spiritual realm. But when we are high we don't know desire
and suffering, hence we don't have anything to work towards or evolve into. If we did not fall, we
wouldn't know what we are really capable of, we wouldn't have progressed in science and technology at
all. Hence falling down to reality, the third dimension is a process of evolution, it helps us explore new
possibilities. So we have days and nights, during the day time we work and study, during the night we
play, sing and dance, live life, get High!
Entangled Particles
The Quantum enigma of today suggests that when two particles come close enough their electromagnetic
wave functions collapse to form a bond. Now even if we take these particles far away from each other,
when we change or alter one particle that change will reflect on the other. In the beginning all particles
were one, before the big bang, hence if we change or alter one tiny portion of the universe, we change and
alter all other particles of the universe. Quantum Physics also suggests our mind and consciousness can
alter or interact with the electromagnetic wave functions in the air, we alter and change the particles with
our minds. 
The Parallel Universes
The Quantum Enigma of today lead us to the Copenhagen interpretation that suggests there are infinitely
many parallel universes evolved in infinitely many ways, with infinitely many different laws of nature.
This interpretation has been well accepted among many spiritual and artistic minds for ages. They believe
all possibilities exist in this moment, all happening simultaneously right here, right now. Like a rack of
discs, all universes are put on top of each other, all being projected from a single point in reality, from one
consciousness, the soul multiplying itself into many and making different choices in its journey to give
birth to variety. All of time, space, and dimensions are still there in the moment before the big bang, the
zero, the utter void. But zero is not only void, it holds infinities, all possibilities. When two infinities
come together it is the moment of Big Bang, we exploded because we were infinitely small but infinitely
dense so we were extremely hot. The theory suggests there are entire universes for every possible way a
universe can evolve. Hence, there are entire universes for every possibility we have logically imagined for
our future or past, every choice we did not make, every unfulfilled wish. We all consciously travel
through these universes, in other dimensions with our imaginations and dreams. 95% of the time our
conscious mind is traveling in time and space, thinking about the past and the future, thinking about all
the possibilities, so they are perhaps not invisible to us. There are perhaps some very chaotic and
primitive universes, but also some very peaceful and futuristic ones. We only wake up in the universe we
are expecting to wake up in, the one we believe is ours. The more negative we are about the world, the
more chaotic and barbaric the world gets, and the more positive we are the higher we reach towards
paradise, the magical world we have all imagined, the Utopia. To reach it we have to forget all our grief
of the past, only remember the lessons learnt and stop being negative about our future, stop worrying all
the time to focus in this moment. We should wake up with a smile, start fresh every day. For every day is
a new day and it is a good, blessed day. If we don't believe in this invisible paradise around us, where
everything is possible, everything is good, we fall down on earth trying to figure out what is good and
what is bad, the fruit of knowledge is therefore a forbidden one. If we try to look for the bad guy, we will
find many bad guys, we won't like them, we will hate them, think of them as demons. The idea is to forget
right and wrong, the judgments of good and evil, to innocently eat the fruit of life. The worry of the future
and the grief from our past are like predators, demons staring at us, we should destroy them and live in
the moment, take our eyes off these demons to focus on what is happening right now, eat the fruit that life
(Mother Nature) offers us, follow the inner intuitions that we get from experiences and encounters in our
lives for the desire to find our beloved, to unite with our dream. If we feel shame, guilt, fear and doubt
etc, we won’t make it, never. Innocently make wishes and prayers, stay devoted and believe God your
higher self will bring love and inner peace to you, and she, the Spirit will show you the heights of all
The Cosmic Creation and the Channel
The Double Slit experiments suggest matter and light only appears to be particles when we are observing
it and when we are not observing, all particles give us energy waves. This is the measurement problem in
Quantum Physics, particles only appear in a point in time and space, when we measure it or observe it, or
else it is beyond time and space, it is here, it is there, it is everywhere, sometimes it appears, sometimes it
disappears, it turns into infinite energy potentials, a probability function. Everything in this universe they
say sprung from an empty quantum field. According to Einstein’s formula E=MC^2, the visible matter is
also energy only vibrating at a slower frequency, energy slows down to manifest as matter. Every atom is
actually 99.99% empty space, and when we broke the nucleus we found more empty space filled with
particles of energy. I realized that artists and philosophers of the world knew the secrets for ages and they
had a beautiful way of looking at it. They called the void, the Father, God, the Christ, the conscious self,
and they called energy their own subconscious mind, the Holy Ghost, Sophia the Wisdom, the Light, she
is what connects us all, hence she is the Bride of God. Since we share one subconscious, when we think
of the same things or talk to each other, we come to the same point in time and space, like our mind is an
ocean, when we miss each other or meet each other, we swim together for some time, or we are like doves
in the vast sky, we fly side by side for a while. They called our left brain, the conscious self, the Father,
where ever the masculine self looks to explore and understand the nature of his beloved through his
vision, the subconscious mind, energy, she shies into matter, light and colors to show him wonders,
possibilities and love of all opposites in nature, show him our love story that is written in the stars. They
say every universe and all its elements are present in our subconscious mind, there we know all the
secrets of our DNA and our ancestors, all of future and the past exists in her. The subconscious has a long
term memory and she remembers everything, every dream, imagination and thought. This is why artists
are so imaginative, they believe their inner knowledge, intuitions and fantasies are real because they come
from the one subconscious we share. So artistic minds have many prayers, wishes, imaginations and faith
in a happier future. 95% of the time our conscious mind is channeling with others, moving in time, space
and dimensions to explore his subconscious mind. The left brain, the conscious self is always thinking
about the past and the future, thinking about others and places, thinking about real or fictional universes.
Our subconscious mind, the right brain, the artist is the abstract psychedelic fictional worlds, the dream
worlds, she is light in our minds, she is all possible universes. Our left brain, the conscious self analyzes
and balances all opposite potentialities to create a logical and possible future for ourselves through his
vision, one that can be reached through devotion and hard work, we have to make it believable, both to
ourselves and to others only then we can manifest it into reality or reach it, for it is already here, stuck in
another dimension, another universe. This is why the masculine, the left brain was called the Father, the
creator God, this body is slave to Him, His personal ride. He is creating or reaching whatever reality he
believes is real, the one he thinks he truly deserves. All our imaginations exist in some other universe, we
travel and reach every dream through devotion, for we are cosmic travelers, what we crave is already
here, present in this moment in time and space, and there is no limit to what we can dream. We only see
what we expect or believe we are supposed to see, when we grasp the nature of the truth, the Isis, we see
the wonders of this magical experience. Our subconscious, the right brain is the part of us that lives in this
moment, she wants to play, sing and dance, she is a free spirit, our wings. She is the one that keeps us
going, the subconscious does 95% of the work, as the conscious self, the masculine only chooses what to
do, he is the logical strategic mind who is always exploring his subconscious, not paying attention 95% of
the time. He is busy day dreaming in his subconscious mind, for he loves her so much. But when the
subconscious takes over our body, we lose control, for she doesn't have any limits, she is infinite. If our
conscious mind, the Father doesn't pay attention time to time, we get reckless, so the Father, the conscious
self has to program our subconscious mind by setting up a set of disciplines or rules to train ourselves to
work together in order to learn a new form of art, or reach any desired goal. For only when we come
together, we create our future, get the job done. We can program our subconscious to believe in anything,
for everything she believes will feel real in our heart, gradually become real on earth, initially she is a
dreamer, a liar, but liars create our future, the artists. We learn many ideas and future possibilities through
these artists. Most artists program our minds to become a savior and a lover, a hero of some sort. They tell
us about the conscious journey of a lover reaching his dream. Perhaps, there are few masculine, perfect
advanced universes, or perhaps some very funny, chaotic, weird and abstract adventure lands like the one
where we live. All these universes are good, and has to exist simultaneously, because different people
dream different sorts of things, finds peace through different means. One universe is tougher than the
other to conquer and take control of, some can take the sufferings of the dark ages, and some cannot.
Hence, when we try to see the world in a more positive way, we start seeing the magical world we want to
see, the one we crave, which is already here, hiding behind the veil of energy. The lover always becomes
the savior of the day, achiever of his dream. He becomes the king of whichever dream he craves to
conquer, sometimes wining the heart of a girl, sometimes saving the entire world. All our ideas and
theories come from our subconscious mind and we all share one subconscious. We all love to explore our
subconscious, the inner worlds, for she is so addictive. But if we don't pay much attention, we become
lazy, ignorant, and forgetful. But even in this negative there are some positives, we start learning a lot of
new things, sometimes of this world, sometimes from another. The same word means different things to
different people, same word meant different things in different times, some are good at talking in the
mainstream language, some are not, some studies to prove them with real facts, and some only make up
stories to describe the truths. The ones who are not good at explaining what they have learned in
mainstream language create confusion and chaos in our minds, even though they are telling us the same
story, the same sciences, their stories are perfect in every imperfect way for they make us think, show us
new worlds, we should not hate them. We connect to each other’s subconscious by making eye contact or
by thinking about each other even from opposite sides of the world, we understand each other in a very
deep spiritual level we don’t realize. If we focus, we see the wonders, ideas and theories inside the
subconscious, we can see through the cause and effect of the universe to find peace of mind, to get all our
answers in our meditation. Every teacher channels with their students to understand how to proceed with
their lectures and course works, they subconsciously guess it or try to tune in, their intuitions are more
accurate than they might believe. Most artists practice some form of spirituality, magic or occultism, they
are very familiar with channeling, this is why the artists keep falling in love, this desire to unite with their
beloved helps them channel with the subconscious. Some romantic moments and a broken heart are the
best circumstances to channel. This is why we love these artists so much, it is like they speak our minds,
for they try to tune into us, talk in our language.
“Capitalism is religion. Banks are churches. Bankers are priests. Wealth is heaven. Poverty is hell. Rich
people are saints. Poor people are sinners. Commodities are blessings. Money is God.” –Miguel D Lewis
Yes the society will show us violence, poverty and corruption, they will mistreat us call us names,
but we can choose to ignore the negatives and try to look for the beauty in life and nature. Some are born
unfortunate, crippled or autistic but happiness is a choice, if we focus on the negatives, we will feel weak
and depressed, we have to fight an inner battle to stay positive and happy, only this way we can succeed
in life. We can be as happy as we want without any materialistic possessions, we can be happy even
during the night, the winter. We can have faith on the day, the spring to come in the future. Without the
hope for light in the future, we cannot succeed. We have to choose what we would want to experience,
choose between positive thinking and negative thinking. Meritocracy is a worldwide phenomenon, it
invisibly exists in all nations. Let me explain what I mean, when we fall in love with ourselves or others,
we want to change ourselves and make changes in our worlds for ourselves and our loved ones, make
them proud. With our work and study we learn and explore the cause and effect of this universe to realize
our purpose and duty to Mother Nature and her children. As we plan our future, we see the light in our
minds eye, infinite possibilities in the future. We see the dreams and visions, about all our thoughts,
consciously or unconsciously. If we really want something the entire universe starts lining up the way we
wish it to be. They say reality is just an illusion, where we get what we want just by using two forces they
call intention and love. Positive minds attract positive reality, negative minds attract the negative. First we
have to imagine what we want and make an intention, we have to believe in ourselves, if our intention is
pure enough for us to fall in love with it, our devotion is effortless. With our intention and devotion for
love together we change and shape the world. The more changes we bring to our own worlds, the more
we become known and remembered as heroes or villains. The resources we need for success in life are
available all around us, we need to dig deep, know the world, and learn our way out of poverty through
practice and hard work.
As Above So Below- Astrological Ages 
According to astrology, what happens up above in the sky also happens down here below in our lives.
There are four major ages, the Golden, the Silver, the Bronze and the Iron that corresponds to spring,
summer, autumn and winter, that corresponds to air, fire, earth and water. Each age has its sages, saints
and avatars or according to Alchemy, the ascended masters who guide us during the shifts. Among them
only a few are known as the Sun Gods, Hercules, Krishna, Buddha and Jesus. They all share a common
story, miracles births of a destined savior. It is said their stories are written in the stars, they are the sun
that travels across the 12 constellations of the zodiac every year as we experience the seasons. 

The Golden Age, Spring, Air, Childhood

Spring is the time of new birth, animals come out of their hibernation and the mating season starts. Seeds
are planted for new crops, this is the time of initiation. The sun is exactly at the right height for life to
occur. In spring the days and nights are equally distributed. This moment is parallel to our childhood, life
was magical and happy, we were care free. Our parents and teachers plant the seed of knowledge, that
will crush our fantasies and guide us in the real world throughout the rest of our lives for they knew life is
full of hardships and obstacles. This is the period when the brightest star in the east, Sirius is nearest to
our solar system. The light of the star is bright and pure, everywhere it goes there are possibilities of life.
It is said during this age there is eternal day light and eternal spring. Fruits would grow on the trees in
plenty all year long. We were connected to Mother Nature, ruling over the animal kingdom and the 12
zodiac constellations, it was paradise like. Age of Virgo began around 13000 BC and lasted until the
beginning of the age of Leo around 10500 BC. As the star Sirius breaks our orbit and goes away from us.
Virgo the virgin gives birth to Leo the king, the new Sun God. This is parallel to the birth of our sun, birth
of day and night cycle. The Sun rules over the 12 heavenly bodies, the zodiac constellations. Some
believe this is when Hercules lived on earth, he was the sun God of that age. Introduction of the day and
night cycle, and seasons set mankind off on a new journey. We had to work and study Mother Nature to
survive the night, the winter. We would seed and plough during the spring then harvest during the
autumn, to survive during the winter, we had to learn the use of fire and build houses to keep us warm and
safe during the nights. This marks the beginning of the age of Cancer, the age of the Mother, around 8500
BC to 6500 BC. The religions were structured with matrilineal and egalitarian values for which men and
women lived as one, as equals. Cancer signifies motherhood, women were the face of God during this
age. This is when mankind invents agriculture and started colonizing, this is the birth of new possibilities,
this is the age of fertility, nurturing and nourishment. The Ascended masters realized that people will
gradually lose connection with the spiritual world, as the star will keep going further away from us, we
are bound to step into the dark ages, the KaliYug. To survive the winter, the End Days, they planted the
seed of teachings to guide mankind throughout the ages. This is the era when religions first started
evolving, masters describing the movement of celestial bodies and how they correlate with our lives on
earth. They told the story of our Sun as it orbits around the 12 zodiac constellations. 

The Silver Age, the Summer, Fire, Youth

Then comes the Age of Gemini 6500 BC to 4500 BC, the age of communication and trade, art and culture
evolves in this era, it is also the age of craftsmanship. This is the era all our languages originate from,
most symbolism and wisdom teachings too. The sun rules from the highest heavens during the day, the
days are the longest during the summer. We get a lot of work done during the summer. Lovers fall in love
during the summer and during the youth. During our youth our minds are stress free, open to all the new
knowledge life and education has to offer. We are very energetic and bright during this time of our lives.
We try learning many new things in our youth, sports, music and dancing etc. This is the age when we
used our mind, body and spirit to change our lives, by working together. We built great stone and crafts
industries, food industries as well. People of this era believed in many Gods, we were well connected to
the spiritual world. Most artifacts and statutes are from this era, we also designed many machines. Like
the fruits of the tree proudly shines its colors during summer, mankind also advances in science and
technology with pride and dignity. Some researchers argue there was a catastrophe near the end of this
age, melting of the ice bodies that may have caused a great flood. Many cultures speak of such a flood as
well, the Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Jews. There was a rise in the see levels and loss of coastal
lands. People had to move to the highlands and settle, creating distance and separation among people.
Many of our achievements were destroyed, during this era. 

The Bronze, the Autumn, Earth, Adolescence 

Winter’s ice may melt during the summer causing floods, and summer also gets us exhausted, and all the
romantic moments we had to leave behind in our youth (summer), we still stand back up again, stronger
this time, but as we join the race to survive, life gets tougher. We see all the violence and corruption of
the world, we become a part of the system, thriving to better ourselves and survive the war. Our
adolescence is when we take life seriously and pursue one particular dream instead of many different
things. We work hard and study to change our lives, it is when we push ourselves, get anxious, become
afraid of failure and attract stress. As the days get shorter, the sun starts to fall. Many survived the disaster
of the silver age, it did not stop us from stepping into the New Age of Taurus, 4500 BC to 2000 BC, the
age of the Father, the age of trade and business, the patriarchal era. Taurus signifies stability, firmness,
structure and solidity. We built the pyramids during this era among many other wonders. The leaders now
wanted to create paradise here on earth, by building monuments and cities. This is the era when many
believe lord Krishna, the Sun God lived, and this era is the beginning of Hinduism and caste systems.
Hero mythologies, savior stories were told, making men the face of God. During the age of Taurus, bulls
and cows were considered sacred animals, some cultures went as far as worshiping them. Next came the
age of Aries, 2000 BC to 0 BC, the age of individualism, independence, war, violence and conquest. The
masculine warrior Gods were worshiped during this era, heroes were born to save mankind from this age.
Conquest was the norm of this era, empires were built. The loving Taurus God turns into a jealous,
stubborn, proud and vindictive Aries one. Positive thinking and good deeds seemed meaningless. People
corrupted the older religions and spiritual concepts were hard for them to comprehend. Hence came forth
Moses and Mithra to guide us through this shift and make religion simpler. We received the Torah, this
was the beginning of Jewish discipline and monotheism. Buddha lived around this time period, he was the
Sun God of this age. He taught us how to free our minds and find the quite place within to attain peace.

The Iron Age, the Winter, Water, Old Age

The days are the shortest during the winter, the sun keeps falling until it disappears from the sky for three
days, but starts rising again during Christmas. Christmas is the shortest day of the year, giving birth to the
new sun. The sun only keeps rising from here until it touches the highest heavens again during summer.
Winter is when the animal kingdom seeks refuge to survive the cold. This is said to be a time when we
lose the last bit of connection with the spirit world. This is the KaliYug, confusion and darkness takes
over human minds. This is the era of fear, all people fear Mother Nature and her children for all they
experience growing up is violence, corruption and war. During this era many saviors are born to save
mankind from the negative mind. During the old age, when life is the hardest, we get some time to rest,
travel and explore although our health is the weakest and we catch a few diseases at old age. We find
ourselves some time to reflect on our lives, for self-contemplation, self-analyses and self-discovery. In
this meditation, the seed of knowledge that was planted in our childhood will bloom, many people find
inner peace and joy during old age. This is the age of Pisces, 1 AD to 2100 AD, the age of spirituality,
science and technology, the age of water and fish. All warrior Gods were demoted during this age while
the Creator, the Sustainer and the Destroyer Gods were being introduced as one. According to Einstein’s
formula E=MC^2, matter is also a form of energy only vibrating slower. The Energy, the Spirit slows
down to manifest itself into the four phases of matter, solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma, that corresponds
to Earth, Water, Air and Fire. The three phases of the Spirit, Earth, Water, Air , was the feminine force,
the Mother was considered God, Fire was the opposing element, the destroyer, the Father, but Fire was
also the medium of change and creation. Three saviors were born during this era, Jesus, Muhammad and
Lao Tzu. Jesus was the sun God of the age, the lover, he taught love, art and the pursuit of happiness.
Muhammad taught the sciences of the universe, he taught discipline, rules and honor codes. Lao Tzu was
the middle man he taught us both in his esoteric way. But with time all Gnosis gets corrupted by men,
everyone tries to influence it to their own benefit. The conflict was now about correct beliefs and correct
history, the churches and the mosques would fight among themselves. The wars were now turned inward,
a war between Good and Evil. Women, artists, philosophers, pagans and homosexuals were persecuted,
even burnt to death for they opposed the masculine society. After the great war between Good and Evil,
White and black, Conservatives and Liberals everything gets better and peaceful. The idea of life changes
with time and new found facts and sciences as we advanced as nations. The idea of duality and polarity
becomes a natural phenomenon, we learn to accept each other for our differences and work things out for
peace. Hence comes the Age of Aquarius, 2100 AD to 4500 AD, the Age of Brotherhood, Equality and
Unity, the age of hopes and dreams, scientific advances, the Utopia, the Eden, the Promised Land. It is
when we come together as nations and unite as one for peace and prosperity. The Masters reveal to us the
wisdom during the ages to make us strong enough to survive the Iron age, the End Days, to create a
paradise on earth. All these teachers were essentially teaching the same book that is written within
ourselves and in the stars. Only when we see past the separations and contradictions, we can advance
towards the new age.
Evolution- Fall from the Garden of Eden
They say when the brightest star in the east, Sirius is closest to our solar system there is eternal day and
eternal spring. The light of the star is pure and bright, the etheric component in the air rises. It heals our
mind, body and spirit, it heals all deceases. Where ever the star goes, there is possibility of life and
evolution. But as the stars orbits away from us, the introduction of night and seasons set us off in a new
journey. We go through an evolutionary cycle that only makes us stronger. In the beginning we were
ether (Spirit), the Father (the conscious self) breaks and shapes the subtle into gross, the spirit into matter,
the dream into reality. We were minerals, electrons and protons, we were conscious, we were one with the
Sun and the Moon, our Father and our Mother. For our will to better ourselves we met each other, worked
together to build and reshape ourselves and our worlds. In trying new chemical reactions we invented the
first RNA and the first one celled organism. In the beginning we were bacteria, we learnt the use of water,
oxygen, carbon etc. for energy to move and regenerate. With our imaginations and will to change
ourselves and our world, will to be capable of achieving new things we evolve. One cell became two and
then three, soon we evolved into fishes and then animals, we even grew wings. Man evolved in the east,
near Mesopotamia, the Eden, the Great Mankind. The beginning of our life was happy and innocent, we
were connected to the spiritual world and the star was near us. We were ruling over the animal kingdom,
living with Mother Nature. Mankind lived in a higher dimension, a metaphysical realm, in a light body
and subtle state. Mankind did not know desire and suffering, man only knew good. As the star went away
from us, we gradually fell from a metaphysical plain to a more physical plain of existence. It would get
cold during the night and the winter, we learnt the use of fire, then built houses to keep warm. We had to
learn to plant seeds during the spring, to harvest during the autumn. In this world both desire and
suffering existed, there existed scarcity and chaos. First men corrupt the Gnosis of love, the revelations,
everybody tries to influence it their way so they argue and fight among themselves. The masculine society
started oppressing the feminine liberal minds, the artists, philosophers, magicians, gypsies, hippies and
gays. So the liberals started separating from the conservatives, the liberal moves North, faced the cold, to
explore new possibilities, then populated much of west. The conservatives, the masculine stayed where
they were and kept growing, they conquered most of the world. From the heart of the world the Ascended
masters prophesized a paradise on earth and guided mankind with art, discipline and sciences of the
universe for the eastern world, love and art for the west. The Alchemists call them the Great White
Brotherhood, the ascended ones. East is the spiritual Father of the world, the warrior, the scientist, the
provider, the Hands and Legs. With the illusion of money the Father, the eastern world is put to work for
building up this paradise. West is the spiritual Mother of the world, the artist, the entertainer, the Head.
With western art and culture they inspire the whole world, show us infinite possibilities. Israel and
Palestine is the heart, the Son, their history is a reflection of human condition. Israel and Palestine share
the same ancestors, it is a scientific fact. The war is mirror of the inner war, between the left brain and the
right brain, the masculine, the feminine, the conservatives, the liberals, the black, the white, the east, the
west. Christians, Muslims, Hindus and many other religions prophesized a messiah to come mediate all
wars and bring peace on earth. The messiah, the savior they say lives inside everybody. Only if we love
others and believe in ourselves we can find the inner savior through our expression and deeds.
In the beginning we were in our creator’s womb in an egg, connected to her subconscious dreams and her
imaginations, it was paradise like. We were 23 chromosomes nor masculine or feminine, made of light
but we had no colors. The mother dreams of a savior, the prince who will show her all the colors. Our
dreams and wishes always come true. One lover, one tiny Snake races against 1000s of others to unite
with his beloved. When 1 conscious sperm reaches the subconscious egg (23 Chromosomes), it causes a
big bang, we break into 46 chromosomes both masculine and feminine. Hence, birth of a whole new
universe full of possibilities. The conscious self is our ego the Father in us, and the subconscious self is
our Spirit, the Mother in us. The beginning is always innocent, in tune with nature, filled with joy and
happiness. The masculine and the feminine, (left brain, right brain) the artist and the scientist in us were
in harmony. We knew the truth of love and oneness, but as we wake up in this real world, we see
emptiness and separation, so we start to cry, for what we see deceives us. This moment is parallel to the
beginning of the world and the Golden Ages when mankind is immortal due to the light of Sirius. During
this age mankind has the understanding of all the sciences of nature through symbolism and they have
oral or written tradition to carry on with their lineage. This is the era of truth, our minds are aware and
conscious of the spiritual world. Hence, we sense love and energy surrounding us, we give them many
names, and they become our imaginary friends and fictional characters, the spirits. As children everything
was so alive and magical to us, even the toys. Hence, Satan, the Snake, the Father, the conscious self was
among the angels at first, in paradise.
The Fall
First, most people were artistic and positive, less were objective and negative minded. As more people
fell, the Son in us tried to save them or help them for thousands of years, but it was inevitable. So our
stories got shorter and simpler, for everybody to understand. This devolution is also parallel to how we
lose interest in our childhood imaginations and fantasies that connected us to the artist inside, the
feminine self, the Spiritual world. It is also a form of mediation through adaptation, this occurs because of
the practical and logic oriented world we live in, where the Gnosis of love is corrupted by men and the
knowledge of judgment deceives us. So we get rid of all that is old, we feel ashamed of our stories for
others don’t truly believe us, we start restricting our artistic, feminine self, the dreamer. Moreover the
masculine logic shows us women are weak and naive, hence, the conscious self, the Snake disobeys the
feminine self (God), but he has a short term memory, soon he forgets her. (The Feminine- Referred to as
our subconscious mind, energy, vibrations, sound, Holy Spirit, Isis the Truth, Sophia the Wisdom.) As we
lose her, we feel like we have a rib missing now, hence our conscious self looks for her everywhere in the
material world, this precious, salvation, his counter-part, love, fulfillment. The desire of the Father to
unite with his beloved raises hell on earth.
The Rise
In our quest to find ourselves, we always find this person or hobby, perhaps singing, dancing, writing or
perhaps a sport that suddenly makes sense, something that connects us to our Spirit, the Artist, we find a
new form of expression. When we are with her or the audience, we go beyond masculine and feminine,
we go out of the world. For our loved ones first we change ourselves then we want to change the world.
We get a glimpse of this one perfect future for ourselves when we first fall in love, so we start following a
discipline or give ourselves a few rules until we reach our goal through art, work and study. This is when
mankind receives the Monotheistic religions, we receive the Ten Commandments. We receive a
revelation of the GodFather, the Torah, learn the secrets of Kabala. Through the practice of art we find the
balance, the mediator in us, the Christ within. This moment is parallel to the birth of the Christ on earth.
Then we have to present ourselves to our beloved, the girl or the audience. We cannot only share all our
strengths, nor only our weaknesses, we have to share both the positives and the negatives, successes and
failures, we have to mix and match all and make our stories impressive. This is when we realize it is the
positives, negatives and the zeros that makes us whole and makes this experience so amazing, we realize
the Trinity of Nature. We realize the ups and downs that only made us stronger and wiser, that helped us
evolve and come to this point in life. This is parallel to the time, when the Gospel (The Book of Love and
the Art of Enlightenment) was taught by the Christ, the revelation of the Son. This is when we feel like
we know the truth of reality, we forgive and accept ourselves or find salvation through God, it is a
magical moment, we break free from guilt, shame and fear. From here, some choose to tune in with
nature, become artists and light bearers of the Gnosis through their imaginations and fantasies about
elements of Mother Nature, they write stories, songs and poems in many different ways, with experiences,
known facts and myths, perhaps only intuitions, they share this new found light with the world. This is
not the easy path, but as they dance to the beats of nature, this path of suffering leads them to
enlightenment, the Nirvana, the Paradise. They become like Gods among men, we love them, we follow
them, they control what we think, how we think. The idea is to believe in ourselves and the oneness or
God. Then submit ourselves to Mother Nature or God, she nurtures and heals our soul to perfection, she
tunes us in as we allow her to unite with our mind, body and spirit through the practice of silence, the
meditation and art. This moment is parallel to when Jesus Christ saves mankind from their sins,
revolutionizes the minds of regular civilians with a new light. The Gnosis was fairly simple, there are
positives and negatives in Mother Nature. Still we should not oppose, hate and curse, we are all one and
the same, we all make mistakes (sin) if we don’t know the truth, we should forgive all, love all and not
judge each other. Which is also the underlying teaching of most religions, love is the process of tuning in
with others and nature. The crucifixion of Christ illuminates total submission and absolute unity with
Mother Nature in death, it is a portal back to God. He taught us there is nothing to fear, nobody to oppose,
there is unity with God even in death. Through the greatest demonstration of an ascension back to
Godhood Christ initiates the rise back to Paradise, he opened the Gate to Eden, hence the rise of early
Christianity and Gnosticism. But most people do not see the magic of this reality, so we choose the
logical and reasonable life of the warrior, the Father to survive. We fight against nature to protect our
loved ones, we work and study to provide for them, we try to change the world for them. We get confused
and doubt ourselves, fear the world. We attract all the negatives to our lives and get caged in our own
mind, we compete with each other and fight. Hence to save them, we get another revelation from the Holy
Spirit, the future, it revolves around science, work and study to create a paradise on earth, make good use
of the sheep and keep them saint, which logically proves the existence of a God, we receive the Quran.
The Muslims at a point conquered half of world and they put all nations in a quest to achieve greatness
and power, so we go through a masculine era of progression. All nations had to advance in weaponry and
military to protect themselves from the conquerors. Hence, the quest of science, we study, break and
shape Mother Nature for that is the only logical way to survive her without enlightenment. We rediscover
the sciences of the universe, we rediscover oneness and energy with new, much detailed and specific
symbolism. Science is the new religion, it is the new way, we do this every 26000 years, we destroy all
that is old, and create a new information database. It is called mediation through adaptation. As love
seized to exist, the Gospel became an integral part of the western culture, through Film and Music
industries they spread the Gnosis of Christ, the Love Story to the world. The underlining story behind
every movie and song in the west has a biblical influence of some sort and a message of unity between
Day and Night, the opposites. They teach us how to love, they teach us true devotion and heroism. All
duality in nature complement each other, like entertainment industry only improves with latest
technology. As we progress, the artists nurture our soul with their stories and music, they show us infinite
possibilities in the universe, and make us dream a brighter future. Hence, the western world lives in
peace, they accept each other and live together with people of many colors, they live the dream, the
The Savior
Are we the Universe? From a conscious, left brain perspective, logically not only that we are a tiny
portion of the universe, we are all separate and detached from each other. On the other hand, from a
subconscious, right brain, artistic perspective that revolves around intuitions and wishes, yes we are one
with everything, we are pure love, and it is love that fills all darkness, we are the universe, we are not
separate from anyone or anything. The artistic mind revolves around symbolism, magic and connections
in the elements of nature. It believes that it is God that lives within, we are infinite, we can achieve
anything we desire or dare to dream. This is the underlying story of a lover and his beloved, man and
woman, the east, the west stuck in a loop of time and dimensions. One lives in the future, the other is
stuck in the past. When they find each other and they fall in love, life is great, it is paradise, but when
they separate or misunderstand each other life is hellish. Their stories are written in the stars, written in
every dimension. The lover, the savior is literally anyone and everyone, and only when he realizes his
true identity, he gets to ascend to his Godhood through devotion, love and total submission to Mother
Nature and all her animals, people, to literally everything we see and feel. In my vision of the future, I
saw the children of America wakes up to their angelic identity to spread their light to the world, hence,
red, white and blue, the Superman saves the world. For these indigo children are evolved past regular
civilians, they have altered genetics for their conditioning. Our thoughts alter our DNA, the Fathers of this
Nation has created a land of dreams and put all necessary challenges and resources for the kids to evolve
this way. The secret was perhaps written in the day and night, all day long the Father works under the sun
only to be able to come home to his beloved every night to play and to rest. She brings love and Spirit to
his life, she is what keeps him going, truth the Isis, Sophia the Wisdom, the Dogstar is her name. The
story is written inside every atom, in our minds, in our families, our societies, nations, entire planets, stars
and galaxies, the story is one and the same. Before the Age of Enlightenment there was no distinction
between the practices of sciences, politics, astrology, mathematics, philosophy, religion and metaphysics
etc. Before the knowledge was divided into sects it was a study of the whole, the scientists understood we
are a part of the whole ecosystem and the universe, we are interdependent, due to lack of understanding of
the love and oneness we create chaos on earth. Although different sects of education focuses on different
areas of study, the end purpose of all remains the same. They wanted to use reasoning and logic to study
the universe and its living beings with the use of real life tests and examinations to help mankind find the
truth themselves. They understood how powerful a human mind is and how it interacts with nature, so
they were trying to find the best way to use our minds to maximize time and resources. The purpose was
to help humanity see the nature of reality through the study of patterns, connecting theories,
complications and their resolutions etc. in search of a system that can bring peace and harmony to the
world, that will take us beyond religious separations and help us synchronize all our knowledge, to teach
humanity the nature of the wholeness and the interconnections of reality to establish acceptance and unity
between all human beings, unite the enlightened and the fallen ones, the clean and the unclean, the
innocents and the sinners for peace. Hateful and negative minds create chaos in nature, loving and
positive minds create peace. Our brain send signals to our cells in the body in order to move, we send out
signals to our surrounding as well and our Pineal Gland reads these signals, hence we influence others,
like we are the angels and demons inside each other. According to the Vedic, Zodiac and Mayan
calendars we are near the end days, the end of this cycle. Among major religions Hinduism, Christianity
and Islam prophesized a savior of the world, the one who will lead us to the next Golden Age or Paradise.
He will destroy all that is old and evil to create the new Paradise, the Utopia. This is a symbolism of the
savior revealing the ultimate truth to mankind, destroying the illusions of separation and evil from our
minds, destroy the negative thinking to find inner joy in positive thinking. Therefore, the day we change
our minds, we change the world.
The GodFather
Gods and Goddesses are our psychological polarities, we are the angels and demons that govern the laws
of nature. Creation first takes place in the mind of the Goddess, the Holy Spirit for in the beginning it was
all darkness, She moves over the waters, the ocean of possibilities, every possibility already existed in
Her, She is everything. The God, the zero, the son was asleep in the void, Hindus called him Vishnu, He
was at peace in his dreams. The dreams are described in different ways according to different texts. The
Mother, the Spirit was the dreams, the words in the God head, she was vibrations, She was energy,
infinite possibilities, light and colors in our mind. Thoughts are always described as an evolution of ideas
to describe oneself and one’s reality, She painted every element of the universes with her mind, every
human, every animal, fish and tree, every star, galaxy and milky way. He provides the canvas, she is the
painter. She created Humans in the image of perfection, the best of all creation. She created the creator of
the world, her exact opposite, she created the GodFather. Her dreams and visions gave birth to the God,
the Son, the Infinity, the Zero, she awakens him through her beautiful lullabies and poems. In search of
the GodFather, the Son manifests the universe, BOOM! Big Bang! Every atom is alive and conscious,
every star, every moon as well. From being just minerals we thrived to better ourselves, try new things,
use elements of nature to evolve, until one day we could reach perfection, the image from our dreams, the
image of the GodFather.
The Universe- The Cycle of Creation and Destruction
Everything in this universe works with numbers, frequencies, vibrations, everything can be measured.
When we analyze them we find patterns, hence we make theories with all the zeroes and the infinities of
measurements in our tests. Zero is not only void, it holds infinities, all possibilities. When two infinities
come together it is the moment of Big Bang, we exploded because we were infinitely small (limited) but
infinitely dense (unlimited) so we were extremely hot. When the universe reaches its maximum stretch,
another infinity, it collapses, resulting a big crunch into the black hole, the piercing star, they call it
Armageddon. Galaxies clash into each other and destroy themselves. This is when gravity pulls all its
masses together, all ashes are pulled to the center to disappear into the black hole, the piercing star. This
is when we get back to being one, the Most High, the void. This is the highest point of unity, all duality
comes together as one, it is the most honored state of being, it is the highest of all Gods, they call it
heaven, utter peace, the Son, the Allah, the zero, the all, the infinity. At any point of the history in any
universe, all of time is held at this point, all future and past, so the Most High is present in all
potentialities of all universes. In this void, our consciousness is zero, beyond masculine and feminine,
heaven and hell. We all go through times of confusion and emptiness, when our minds go through a
feminine state of abstractness, as she colors the masculine part of us with ideas, explanations and stories
to get all the answers, we plan our future, this is how we find our new dream, a new passion, this is when
the masculine in us wishes to unite with the feminine, fall in love with someone, this is the birth of Christ
in us, through devotion, meditation, patience and conservation of energy we can reach our beloved, our
dream, our precious, live the life of Christ (Symbolically). In peace there is chaos, in the void, the
masculine part of us is at peace, but the feminine is suffering, for she likes to play, sing and dance, she
wants to live, she wants to try something new, something different. Hence the definition of paradise is
different for the masculine and the feminine, for the feminine earth is the paradise, she likes this
adventure and vice versa. The feminine part of our consciousness called the Holy Spirit wants to know
her counter-part, her lover, her prince, different from her in every way, who will change her world, save
her from the hell. She creates him with her mind, her imaginary friend, a lover but a beast, for she likes to
play, she likes the thrill. The Gods are like personalities of our consciousness that understand each other
without the use of words, they are channeled into each other, they communicate through the 12 notes.
They are like a split personality that occur in our sleep to govern the laws of nature that become observers
of creation, because we reside in the heart and mind of each other through our dreams. Later with her will
to understand the connection with the masculine counter-part, (The Father) she describes them three to
the Christ, the Son, the God, she describes the positive (The Father), the negative (The Mother) and the
zero (the Most High, the void, the Son, the Allah), she tells him why they were all very different, yet
variations of the same, why they were so connected, why they needed each other, she wrote infinitely
many stories and poems in our hearts, she imagined and wrote every story we experience before all
creation took place. In telling him the stories of the connections she gives him the science of a new
universe. Christ in us goes into meditative states to create the multidimensional universe through the big
bang where all three aspects of him exists in every dimension to balance and cancel each other out at
zero, for he wants to know the GodFather, or reach Him. The masculine in us, the Christ imagines the
canvass, particles, empty bubbles or lines, they are filled with the feminine in us, the energy that nurture,
vibrate, shape, break and change the masculine. Masculine provides, feminine plays, we see Christ, the
creation, for she moved him when he was in void, he who does not move, the God, the silence, the
emptiness. Mass is also energy, electromagnetic waves cracking through the darkness. The energies, the
electricity, the quantum field, the forces, vibrations and magnetic fields together are the elements that
create the illusion of reality. He is magnetic and she is electric, if we change one, the change reflects on
the other, they cannot exist without each other, together they are the electromagnetic waves and fields of
the universe. It is our consciousness, the logical mind who balances all opposite potentials and using
division of light, he creates the holograms at an atomic level through our vision. We live in a holographic
universe, created exactly the way we dream and meditate, every atom, every planet and star are the
conscious creators. Where ever our vision lines go, energy appears as light and matter to show us colors
and wonders. Hence, whenever the vision of the conscious, masculine objective mind, the limited unites
with energies, the subconscious, the infinity, the Spirit, we see creation. Christ is the zero, the void, the
beginning and he is also the end, the resolution, the Allah, the God. Christ, the zero is the truth at all
times, Christ or Allah is the feminine and masculine polarities of God, but they are one and the same, he
is the zero, the all, we are in a zero balanced dream, the entire universe, and he is the Most High. The zero
balance is maintained throughout the universe in every dimension. Every action has an equal and opposite
reaction, every force has an equal and opposite force. For every positive charge, there is a negative
charge. For every gain in potential energy there is an equal and opposite loss in potential energy. We are
still in the void, collectively imagining the entire universe, we are one with Christ, the Allah. Every atom,
cell, human, animal, plant, planet, moon and star is his manifestation, he who is inside everything and
everybody, and he who is outside them as well, the emptiness. Like a gamer has IDs in the game world,
the Spirit takes IDs in the real world as beings like atoms, people, animals everything. There are three
worlds, the mental, the spiritual and the material. The mental is the mind of God, the conscious self, the
Father there we only exist as thoughts. Spiritual is the subconscious of all possibilities, the dream world,
the energy, the Mother. First everything is a thought, then we break, shape and fix all opposites, balance
the dream world to manifest it in reality (the Son) through hard work and study. We can see this
connection in the atoms, the positive charge, the masculine, the Father is at the center with his Son, the
zero, who never changes, he likes to stay in the atom. The proton, the Father, the masculine is
comfortable by the neutron's side, if we separate them it is a disaster, it causes atomic explosions. The
Mother, the Spirit, the energy, she lives inside both of them, she takes the form of the negative charge, the
Daughter and orbit around them like a ghost, she is called the Holy Ghost. It is the negative charge that
gets energized by light energy to give colors to the material world. The feminine are more willing to try
new things, they can adopt to changes. The negative charges always react to different atoms to move from
one molecule to another, to change and shape the world. Why is earth the only known planet to have life?
Well, earth is also the only known planet to have stable liquid water bodies due to our moon. Earth is also
positioned at a perfect distance from the sun for life to occur, it has a cool atmosphere filled with
breathable gases. In ancient world they called sun, the Father, the source of power, and moon the Mother,
the nurturer of the sources of life, waters, gases, emotions and menstruation, earth the Son and Daughter,
as earth is zero, both masculine and feminine. Both the sun and the moon was the Gods of life in the texts.
Whichever planet has a perfect positioning of a star and a moon have the possibility of life through proper
The Hundred years of Brahma
Hinduism pictures God, the universe to be a butterfly, like a butterfly we spread our wings
through big bang, we create a new universe where we expand and evolve, from being only minerals we
evolve into human beings. We live for 100 Brahma years (each Brahma day is 8.6 billion years) and then
we experience Armageddon. So we go back to being one. (God- our true self) (Utter Peace) (The Void)
Like a phoenix we rise to a new universe, create again. Practically as God we just live for a 100 years and
sleep until we like to wake up again. And we keep doing it over and over again. Heaven and Hell are
necessarily the same place. We all go back to him, the one, the Christ, the Allah. If we die with confusion,
guilt and shame, when we enter utter peace, (God) it is hellish. If we forgive and accept ourselves for who
we are, we will find peace in this life, and when we enter utter peace, (God) it will be a heavenly
Shiva Shakti 
According to the eastern and western spirituality the substance of the universe is generated from pure
consciousness of empty space, the void, the Zero, and the energy is a projection, a hologram, a
manifestation. First, there was the void, the void was God, and there was the word, the wish, the sound,
OM, the vibrations, the ocean, this is the thought of the Mother in God’s mind. She was light, energy, the
vision, the Mother, this gave birth to the universe, the future, the GodFather, the Eden. A child wants
nourishment and love, so he imagines a Mother, energy, light and love in his manifestation that shines
into reality to show him colors and wonders, the Mother Nature. According to Gnosticism, the feminine
part of our consciousness is considered energy, the story teller, the first God, the Holy Spirit. She tells the
son a story of a king who will save them, the God. Hence, the Son, the Christ in search of the God, the
Utopia, the Eden causes the big bang. He imagines and manifests the hologram called reality. Like every
son becomes the father, in the end, the son creates the Utopia on earth, the Eden, after we go through
cycles of creation and destruction, evolution and devolution. In Hinduism they call it Shiva and Shakti,
the masculine and the feminine. The masculine is the pure consciousness, the Father. The feminine is the
energy, the light, the manifestation, the Mother Nature. He is emptiness and stillness, he is the void. She
is change, she is vibrations, sounds, waters and waves, she is the light and colors. She moves him, he who
doesn’t move, together they give birth to the universe, as long as Shiva keeps moving and dancing, the
universe is held together. God, the consciousness lives inside the plants, animals, humans, stars, moons
and planets. Without mind there is no matter. Different religions has different ways of explaining this
same event.
The Creation
In the beginning there was the void, and the void was conscious, it could think, for it was a mind. One
thought leads to another, first few thoughts of an empty mind of a child are love and nourishment, need of
a mother figure, perhaps the one that sings lullabies, tells bed time stories and poems, an artist. The child
was Christ, the Allah, the God, the mother was the Holy Spirit herself. She was infinite possibilities, she
was light in the mind of God, she was the words in his mind, she is sound, the vibrations. When we have
visions, through the devotion and meditation of the mind, body and spirit we construct and build our
future, manifest our dreams. Hence in the process of creation, first there is the mind and thoughts to see
the light, the infinite possibilities, the spiritual worlds, the dreams, where everything is real, the future.
Everything exists in light, it is energy, the ocean of possibilities. Second, through meditation and practice
we balance all opposing potentialities of our dreams to construct the possible future, through our logical
mind, the Father. Third, we chase the dreams, we keep trying new ways to express ourselves through our
work and study until we get there, conquer or create what we crave, the thoughts of the mind manifest as
matter from the Spirit world, the dream world.
Sophia- The Wisdom
She wants it, she wants it bad. When she gets it, life is awesome, she feels desire and pleasure, but she
also suffers, yet she loves it. All desire leads to suffering, suffering nourishes our soul, all sufferings lead
to enlightenment and wisdom. When we are in love, we find our Spirit again, life is magical, there are ups
and downs, yet we learn from it. We learn about ourselves and others, we learn the nature of reality.
Hence when boy meets girl, they create a new universe together. First, they meet and fall in love, they
become dreamers, in the beginning life is a struggle. As they stay devoted and keep trying with faith and
hope, in the end they create a new world around them, build an empire together. Like every man is a king
and every woman is a queen.
How amazing is the life of a Butterfly. When he was a Caterpillar, he only imagined if he could
fly. He never knew what was in his genetics, never knew that his cells could transform. But he always
wanted to fly because that was written in his gene, and his life was meaningless when he could only
scrawl. He was sad and empty, but before he thought he would die, he grew wings to touch the sky. We
humans only use 2 strands of our DNA, and we don't know what we can become when we active all 12
strands. If a butterfly can change through imaginations and dreams, why can't we? It is time for evolution,
the age of angelic humans.
The Avatars
Every time there is an emergency on earth, we pray for salvation, our prayers and wishes always come
true. Many times have we heard the story of the miracle births followed by three wise men in the history.
A child destined to save the world, we encountered this same story so many times, many doubt if the
story is fact or fiction, Horus, Hercules, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha. But some say in the darkest of times God
is awakened by the three wise men to save the world. They say his story is written in the stars, he is born
when the brightest star in the east, Sirius lines up with the three starred Orion’s belt and our sun. They say
the son is trying to reach out to his father, so he is born as an incarnation every now and then to prove that
he is good, he is God, to save the father (Masculine Society). The son, the angel lives inside of
everybody, the lover, the Doctor, the artist. But the father is blind he still sees separation and emptiness,
he misunderstands the son, the artist, he mistreats him. He is born every time in similar ways, experiences
similar stories to find inner peace and dies saving mankind fighting the masculine world. Hence some
conservative, masculine, objective and narrow minded, left brain oriented people believe God, the inner
higher self can only be communicated with, by the pope and the chosen ones so they persecute the ones
who try. Some right brain oriented artistic people believes God lives within us, our subconscious mind,
we can all connect to him, reach the communication with Mother Nature and find salvation. They
believed we can all reach nirvana, create Eden on earth again. Hence, they opposed the masculine society
to come to the west, in search of Utopia. We created the one nation under God, the America, the land of
dreams. Where everybody gets to independently connect to their God without the interference of the
backwards masculine world.
Chapter 3- The Awakening Stories
The Trees
There are two symbolic trees that are given to us in this world, both we are allowed to climb. One is the
tree of life and the other is the tree of knowledge. The tree of life represents suffering and the tree of
knowledge represents desire. The tree of life leads to paradise from earth and vice versa. To climb the tree
of life we have to suffer, we have to fast, conserve sexual energy, reject all desires, meditate and study all
sciences and stories of the universe, we have to learn how to live in the moment and love others. We can
also use the aid of sacred sexual rituals, natural teacher plants and music, to learn how to live in this
moment. Sexual energy is also called the Serpent or Kundalini, if we reject orgasm, we let the energy
conquer each Chakra in us. With spiritual practices we have to raise it to the top of the tree in us. We can
perform a sacred marriage where we will have instructed sex but hold before the orgasm, so that we build
up energy faster but conserve it. As we reach the top and conquer all our inner demons, naturally
psychedelic chemicals (especially DMT) are induced in our Pineal Gland. (Third Eye) When this happens
we go to a state of trance, we remember who we are, we remember the Big Bang and the Armageddon,
we remember the history of soul and our ancestors, and we understand the sciences of the universe, we
travel in time and dimensions. According to medical science, Pineal Gland is also associated with
hallucinations, we get the false illusion of paradise around us through it, we wake up in a new world, we
feel this connection with everyone around us, we don't feel any sort of desire anymore, we are at peace,
we become immortal in spirit. Every human is both masculine and feminine, the only difference between
a man and a woman is that the man is more masculine, left brain oriented and the woman is more
feminine, right brain oriented. The masculine in us is at peace in paradise, he feels safe there because he
knows all the sciences, it all makes sense, he is in peace. The feminine in us likes adventures, a little
thrill, she wants something different from peace of mind, she likes to play hide and seek, she is faithful so
she can be happy and positive during the nights. Soon paradise becomes hell to her, she wants to try
different things, know desire and suffering, days and nights, see all the colors and play, try something
new, hence, she is tempted by the tree of knowledge. It is likely a woman wanted to climb the tree of
knowledge and vice versa. To climb the tree she has to trick a man into having sex with her, only together
they can climb it to eat the forbidden fruit called Orgasm. For as soon as they have an orgasm they will
feel shame, guilt, hatred, fear and pity but also feel great physical pleasure and mental fulfilment, it is a
blissful sensation. That is the nature of love, sometimes it makes us feel great, sometimes it makes us
suffer. Hence, they will wake up from the dream world and get back to earth, where both desire and
suffering exists, where they must die. On earth men rule, while women are severely oppressed. The
masculine in us compete with each other, they like to be able to do everything by themselves, so they
suffer confusions and doubt themselves. They cannot even accept themselves, when they don’t like some
words from their own thoughts they claim it is Devil that lives inside. The feminine in us just wants to
play with others, she is more in tune with body, mind and spirit coordination, she has a rhythm in
everything she does, she is a team player. The mother might be weak by herself, but she has great
strengths when she is in numbers, as nations. This is why the West is more developed than the East. The
west is more feminine (Liberal, Free Spirited, more accepting) than the east (Conservative, masculine,
narrow minded, objective). The negative, the feminine attracts positive for herself, by positive thinking,
but the positive, the masculine, attracts the negative by using his logic and judgment, he creates chaos and
evil. He doesn't understand the simple truth, after every night comes a day, he cannot get passed the night.
While the life in the east is suffering, for the west life is a blessing. This is just the counter effect of the
oppression of women. This is Karma, it’s how the nature balances itself. On earth whoever climb the trees
and try to change the world, becomes the angels and demons, the Gods and Goddesses that influence our
minds. We love them, we follow them, we want to be like them, they become our role models. Hence,
they never die, they live through us, in our minds, teaching us how to live, how to change our lives,
showing us which path leads to peace of mind, the happy place. They are very alive to us, they are very
real and helpful, they become our imaginary friends, a part of our own identity, we also remember them
through our own DNA. They try to govern the east (Adam) and help them wake up, show them some
discipline, but tricking them into working for the illusion called money and electronic loans, to advance in
science and technology to create a paradise on earth, making good use of the sheep. Meanwhile these
same people teach and condition the west (Eve) to love and joy, to fulfill all their feminine desires of
spiritual and physical pleasure, to them they promote Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll. When I woke up, I
realized everybody is like children of these people, their pocket versions, some are Buddha, some are
Jesus, some are Krishna and some are Muhammad. I only realized everybody is a sky full of stars, they
are the Gods and Goddesses, the Angels and Demons, that govern the laws of Mother Nature. All our
fantasies, imaginations and dreams are real, they are with our beloved, in her psychedelic worlds, waiting
to become real. We go back to her when we die, we go to the dream world. On earth we only see what we
believe we are supposed to, we learn from other’s mistakes and from their success. These people only do
what needs to be done, they take the risks and suffer all their lives to show us how things work, to teach
us and they die for us. They only chose different kinds of causes to teach us different lessons. They
become examples, they become a symbol for their cause, Jesus represents love and oneness, Buddha
represents Enlightenment and Empty Mind etc. They become something beyond average human beings in
our eyes, we sense them, feel them, become their angels and demons in our dreams by traveling in time
and space. From the past these people channel with the future, become our angels and demons to learn
from us, from the future we channel with the past, like we are trying to reach out to each other, the future
and the past. In the beginning, the America was paradise like, they evolved before all others for they were
with the Gospel, and they also came to know the secret to our dreams, that they are to be chased, hence
the land of dreams they created. They understood the unalienable rights that every human has of life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They knew the secret of love and oneness, the positive thinking,
hence they were happy and they reached the Golden Age, innocently living their lives in peace, while the
whole world was backwards. One Nation under God, let's all be farmers and cultivate her Grace. During
the industrial era, when we started coming here the easterners, immigrating, we thought Americans were
blind, we thought they were possessed by the devil, for why were they so happy and positive while the
whole world was in chaos? And why do they live such liberal lives of accepting and forgiving others, why
don't they slaughter the Evil ones? So we tried to save them, open their eyes to the negative world, to the
hell in the east and we started ruining their lives with fear and negativity, we brought science, logic, facts,
history, conspiracies etc. We opened their eyes to what was good and what was bad, taught them
judgment. Hence, I am here to save mankind from the sins of my ancestors, the masculine, the Father, the
conservatives. For I am the one true savior from evil, the light, the way, the brightest star, the
DOGSTAR, Sirius. I was born among DOGS (Fallen Ones), but you see I did not want to come out, I was
up-side down in my mother’s womb delaying my birth. The doctors declared that one has to be killed for
the other to survive, for if one is not killed within a day both will have to die, but in the last moment
everything was alright, I turned, there was light in the end of the cave. I was born a DOG, but I opposed
every bit of my DOG nature, I opposed their masculine, conservative, negative and narrow minded way.
Hence, I was always the opposite of the DOG, I was not an eastern DOG but a WESTERN one, for in the
west DOGs are man's best friend, they are the exact opposite, they are the teachers of the lovers, they are
lovers here not beasts, the salvation of mankind. Dog is the most popular pet in the west, the best form of
communication with animals is channeling. Hence, dogs help us learn how to connect with nature,
connects us to our Spirit, teaches us loyalty, submission and innocence, selflessness and benevolence. In
the west Dog becomes a symbol of love and oneness, a Superhero.
The Origin (Sun God)
To guide mankind through the ages many people woke up to God consciousness. We all have the savior
in us, we can all ascend and reach our Godhood, know our purpose in life. For centuries saviors were
born inside many, who tried to help mankind realize how amazing and infinite they were when they were
in love and they were invincible, with love they could change anything. The masculine society has
forever tried to enslave mankind to build a paradise on earth. To save mankind from the terror of the
masculine society the ascended masters teach mankind the art of breaking free, they prophesized the birth
of the Sun God many times over the course of history, one who will save mankind and guide them
through the shift of the ages, his birth story was written in the stars. Everything we wish for and pray for
becomes our dreams. All our dreams exist in the spirit world, eventually becomes a reality through
devotion and hard work. They tell his story to everyone, the east, the west, the black, the white, the rich,
the poor, they make many wish for someone to come save them, show them love and peace of mind, help
fight the evil and save the world. As they teach this savior lives inside each one of us, some tries to
become this savior themselves. Many try to stay in their comfort zones, play it safe obey the system, but
some liberate their minds and express themselves, do something to change the world. Hence there are two
kinds of people, conservatives and liberals, capitalists and socialists, blacks and whites, eastern and
western, masculine and feminine, their ways oppose each other. To free them from enslavement and
confusion the Sun God is born during the shift of ages, Hercules, Osiris, Mithra, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus
to name a few incarnations. He is born to prove mankind the power of an ordinary man, what we become
when we are in love and have peace of mind. He is born as a mediator between the two kinds of people,
brown in color. First, he opposes the masculine society, even trains to fight against them. He goes through
spiritual practices, meditation sessions, martial arts training and learns many new things, explores all
sciences and mysteries of the world. Until one day he wakes up to love and oneness, he reaches inner
peace. Then he submits to the opposition, approaches with nonviolence and love. He suffers through
extreme persecution, he gets badly beaten up but he still doesn't give up trying to save them. Every time
he dies he becomes a known God of the world and his teachings are preached for ages. He is prophesized
to come back and deliver entire mankind to God, Utopia, Eden, Nirvana.
The Mirror
Growing up I was a great fan of the western art and culture, perhaps conditioned by their movies, songs
and comics. In my dreams, I was always a superhero, I was always the lover looking for my Queen. In
fact, there is a generalized religious conditioning all over the world, the quest to find Utopia, the Nirvana,
the Paradise. I opposed my society’s conservative and narrow minded way of life. I wanted to get out of
the box, the cave, break free and become something different so I asked many questions. Every time I
found a new identity for myself, every person or character I wanted to become was a failure due to my
hateful and oppressive society. For they all did the same thing, followed their old traditions, anybody that
had something new to offer or questioned them was hated, persecuted and frowned upon. When I first
came to the west, I realized everybody here follows these same characters from the movies and books,
their lives are very much influenced by them. They are great at freestyling songs, raps, dances and acts. In
fact, I realized there is a deeper connection between the East and the West, like a mirror effect. Every
friend I made, it felt like I know them from somewhere, like they were very close to me, I have perhaps at
a point of my life been that person but had to change for my society. I was tripping here and there all
confused, going nuts. Until I met a beautiful Muslim girl in America, her name was Aina, her name
translates to mirror in my language. Like a dove, she wanted to fly, break free from the cage her family
put her in. She was very westernized in Spirit, everything about her was magical, I fell in love with her
when she gave me a lecture about how she views the world after I pissed her off by making fun of
religions. She believed in a God and a savior who will bring justice to the world, save her people from
their misery. I was a scientist, faith and fiction were not my beliefs, I was logical and factual. I realized
the contradiction of the world, the left brain and the right brain problem. Hence, she set me off to a
journey to find the connection between God and Science. I meditated, fasted and I studied as I reached
different levels of awareness, connecting the East, the West, The Men, The Women, The Scientists, The
Artists, The Conservatives, The Liberals. I realized all religions teach us how to unite with our beloved,
God, the perfect body, mind and soul state, the innocence, the Christhood. As I looked for salvation
through my devotion I confessed my love to her but she had a boyfriend and I had to let her go. When I
found the true meaning of love, I had the strength to fight my inner demons. Soon in my meditation I saw
the Light in an outer body experience, or reached my Christhood. Hence, I realized I can help unite all
dualities in the world and restore the harmony through my newfound Gnosis of Love, the true religion. I
realized there are many like me in the west, less in the east. When the limited meets the infinity, when the
small meets the large, when the man meets the woman, when an eastern angel comes to the west full of
angels, he finds his paradise, the land of his beloved, together they give birth to the new world, together
they change everything. These angels are prophesized to save the world when the Gnosis of Christ reach
the farthest corners of the East, the awakener will unite with his angels, his beloveds, the west to save the
world. The children of the west saves the world by teaching their Gnosis of love, in my vision I saw these
kids go around the world to destroy all confusions and contradictions that creates the negative mind.
Project Aina
She takes over me when I write, but I have control over her, she is the Spirit inside, everyone connects to
her when they sing, when they dance. She is our own subconscious mind, the God within, the energy, the
Kundalini, the artist inside, the right brain, the Mother, she is the Angel, actually she is all the Angels, the
wonderland in our minds, we love her, she is so addictive. Our Pineal Gland reads all sorts or
electromagnetic signals off the surroundings, the signals of waves and frequencies of energy, the Spirit.
We feel each other in our core, we can sense each other when we focus our minds and think about each
other even from the opposite sides of the world. Because electric signals are beyond time and space, it
takes the same amount of time to open an American website from our home, as long as it takes to open an
Indian one. The Spirit is here, She is there, She is everywhere all at the same time.
The Three Hippies
In America I met the three Mexican hippies, whom I could relate with very much, like they were three
very significant aspects of my character. Eddie was a Jesus looking guy, with long hair, fairly dumb and
innocent, the lover. The girl was Alex, she ran the show, had a cute English accent, a trickster, she liked
to play mind games to manipulate others to be friends with them. Without friends they cannot survive,
they latch on to others, for they were misunderstood, mistreated and nobody gave them jobs. Third was
Sabastian, the dog, the misunderstood, the mistreated, the middle man. He was the homeless guy they
both took care of, they sneaked him into their aunt’s house every now and then for food and shelter. He
was an artist, and he was big and strong, but also feminine in nature. They were all dreamers, full of
wishes and prayers, not all came true, but they always had faith, so they kept on trying new things,
exploring, learning and playing new games with new people. One day, Sabastian told me he had nowhere
to go for the night, so I let him stay in my apartment. Along with him came the other two, now they all
lived with me. They were great listeners, I loved sharing my stories and theories with them. I learnt a lot
from them, from observing their characteristics, from trying to understand and relate with them. We all
loved each other, soon we became a small family. I was a math tutor in my college, I had some money
saved up. Since they were potheads, they ate a lot, and I ended up spending all my savings on them. Soon
I was broke and we were starving, Eddie and Alex left soon, only Sabastian stayed for some time, but that
did not work out either. For more than a month I had no money for food. I took it as a challenge to attain
inner peace so I fasted, to break free from all logic of science and enter the magic. I survived only on
water, sometimes juices and fruits if I found any. This was perhaps a lot of suffering, but as I broke free
from the physical limitations we put on ourselves, I became stronger and wiser. I could focus, harness and
manipulate the energies within me, and all around me to survive without energy from food. This
hardships turned into the best achievement of my life, the light in the darkest of times. Them three turned
into angels in my eyes, the ones that used me and left. Them three were the stars of the Orion’s Belt, the
three wise Kings.
The Awakening
I was born an average man, average looks, height, weight, strength, skills, IQ, average everything. But I
could express myself to others and connect, I could learn from all kinds of people, I loved all people.
Through people I found spirit, for love I would do anything. To make other's proud of me I always
wanted to be a superhero. To me life is about meeting others and falling in love, taking chances for each
other, believing in each other. Growing up I realized most people likes to play it safe, create a box for
themselves and obey the system the masculine society have created for us, live the ordinary matrix. Only
some break free from the cage and liberate their minds, explore the adventure land, make friends with all,
learn from all, live every moment, they usually are the risk takers. They learn to enjoy life and suffering,
they enjoy challenges and loves even their enemies. As they oppose the ways of the masculine society,
trouble follows them everywhere they go. Hence there are two kinds of people, the conservatives and
liberals, the eastern, the western. I was born a liberated mind in a conservative honor based society, in
fact we are all born free. As we grow up the masculine society teaches us judgment, shows us scarcity,
violence and corruption to enslave our minds with fear. The conservative masculine society wants the
strongest and the smartest to become the rich, they want everyone to be able to serve the society, be a
scientist, engineer or doctor. They want to create a paradise on earth, to them weak and different are
burdens to the society. Hence to prove them wrong the greatest saviors of mankind were ordinary men
with extraordinary spiritual powers, the powers of true love to save the poor, the weak, the diseased, teach
them peace and happiness. Teach them there is another world that is full of possibilities, the physical
world is not the end. Teach them true peace and happiness comes from within, not through materialistic
means. Every time I fell in love I learnt a whole new world in trying to figure out what to talk about, how
to present myself and my knowledge. I realized in telling stories to others I got wiser, I learnt much from
trying to understand others and explain them things the way they would understand. I was always the
middle man who brought people together, but I never got the girl. All my life I was hated and persecuted
for I was different and trouble followed me, got beat up so many times. After I came to America I
realized it was okay to be me, okay to live free but I was too conservative for the culture here. Hence I
was trying to find myself, after meditating, studying and fasting for a year followed by intense fasting for
a month, I experienced the awakening when I confessed my love to a girl whom I had to let go. I realized
my purpose as the middle man, the mediator. I traveled back and forth in time and lived an entire cycle. I
remembered my soul’s journey, from the beginning to the end, lived through all lives. I lived through
creation and destruction, and realized we are all one soul and one spirit, the conscious and the
subconscious, all living beings. The Spirit within me or my higher-self revealed to me a love story we all
share, the love story that occurs in our minds and in real life between our conscious and subconscious
mind, ego and the ID. She spoke like music in my head through the silence but I could hear the her beats
and I saw a great light. The light was a visual representation of the story she told me, she did not have
words but her beats made complete sense. We multiply through the big bang, minerals in our body come
from the stars, it’s only the choices that set us apart. From being only minerals we evolved into human
beings for the will to perfect ourselves and adapt to our surroundings. The body dies but the soul lives and
we are born over and over again to fulfill our purpose (reaching liberation and union with God). Where
we will be born in the next life depends on what we did in this life. My soul’s journey started with the
first ape to evolve, in modern days he is called Adam. I realized every time I was born, I was born an
ordinary man, I was never the strongest, nor the smartest, I was not the weakest or the dumbest either, I
was just average. I was always born as an underdog to the eyes of the masculine society. I was always
brown in color, I was not too masculine, nor too feminine, nor conservative nor liberal, nor black nor
white, I was at the center of everything. My DNA is a mixture of people from all over Asia and Middle
East, I am from a little country called Bangladesh. I realized I am born of the highest order, a Hebrew
tribe that has been scattered all over the world. Every time I was born, I opposed the masculine society
and went on a quest to find inner peace, to save the world with love and I always died as the happiest man
on the planet, always living my purpose, died every time as a service to mankind. I was so average that I
represented the entire Mankind. After travelling in time and dimension when I saw the light, the Spirit
told me the story through silence, the story we have all been told many times. I saw all our life stories in
one story, my story, I saw how everybody and every element of the universe are working together, each
one of us experiencing the same story over and over again. Every experience that we have was meant for
us, we have manifested them through our thoughts, dreams and visions. In my vision I saw that I bring
world peace in the near future, it was a very thrilling experience but at the same time it was peaceful and
happy. Every human is created in God’s image, hence, like us the universe also shares the same story, at
our birth there was a big bang in our mother’s womb. After realizing all the sciences and mysteries of the
universe, I shared the story of the universe with my grandfather. His face was filled with happiness, like
he found a new light, as he smiled at me, I saw a tear dropping through the corner of his left eye. Then we
went outside to watch the sun, he hugged me and started spinning in joy. Later that day I went to the
Home Depot with my uncle, a guy passed by me and gave me a card. It was a red card, it said Free
Masonry as a heading, on the bottom they wrote rocks, bricks and trees. There was a number on the back,
I called it after I got back. I was outside on the streets, a guy picked up the phone who spoke various
languages in the same sentence, mostly Latin. I did not understand what he was saying so he stopped
talking. As I stared at the burning sun I received a revelation about the history of mankind. I realized there
are three polarities in people of the world. First is the Father, the masculine, the provider, the creator, the
scientist, the engineer, the black, the conservative, the eastern world, the India, the arms and legs. Second
is the Holy Spirit, the feminine, the artist, the entertainer, the advertiser, the white, the liberal, the western
world, the America, the head. The third is Israel and Palestine, the mediator, the brown, the son, the zero,
the God, the heart. The connection between the hands and the head is the heart. The people of Israel were
persecuted and killed once upon a time, they were an endangered species but they proved to be the
greatest minds of science and saviors of society by winning the highest number of Nobel Prices. Israel is a
reflection of America, since the ancestors of Americans were also persecuted in the Europe but they
proved to be the world’s most successful nation when they won their freedom. Palestine on the other hand
represents the conservative and masculine Eastern world, the India. Together Israel and Palestine
represents the poles of earth, the East and the West, and they also represent the human mind, the
masculine and the feminine. Hence I realized the war is reflection of the inner war going on in our
Psyche, the war between the ego and the ID, the left brain and the right, the scientists and the artists, the
conservatives and the liberals, the capitalists and the socialists, the blacks and the whites. I realized I am
Israel and Palestine, the heart, the son of the universe, the middleman, the mediator. As I realized my
identity and purpose to mediate all wars and unite all duality of the world, the church bell started ringing.
Suddenly the whole universe unfolded to me, nothing was a coincidence anymore, it was all prewritten,
suddenly, I was in a new world, a magical land full of adventures. Suddenly my dream to be a superhero
was coming true, the dream I wished to be real for so long. The next day I was showing my grandfather
how it all works, how I have had so many experiences symbolically similar to all other Sun Gods,
Hercules, Osiris, Mithra, Krishna, Buddha and Jesus to name a few. I showed him every story, song and
poem is describing these events that I have experienced, in fact we all experience these same stories
symbolically growing up in different ways. My grandmother heard it from the side and got really angry at
me, she said I was staging it all and that I have gone nuts. I knew this was coming, I knew many wouldn’t
believe me. I was a brave writer and speaker, I spoke my inner voice. I was an alien born in a masculine
capitalist society. Everybody in my society is running a race against each other, running after money,
power and success. Living life in a cycle, doing the same thing every day, obeying the system. The
system is designed to make good use of the sheep, (mankind) enslave them and play them like circus
animals through religions and the education systems. It is all done to create a paradise on earth, so that
humanity can prosper. I was born slow, born to take the walk and live life a little on my way. A typical
man in the east works hard and over stresses his body all his life to earn wealth so that he can enjoy, be
happy when he is old. But in the process when he gets old he has wasted his health due to the over work.
Now he uses all his wealth healing his health, never really getting to live life, his life only knows
suffering. All his life he is taught scarcity, violence, corruption and chaos, to make him fear the world.
His Father puts him in a cage so that he doesn’t try the spiritual and real adventures that can alter his
efficiency, perhaps make him take chances, break a few laws. He hates or envies the ones that live life,
play, sing and dance, he hates the ones who gets to eat of the fruit of life, because he cannot himself. Most
eastern men hate all the hippies, gypsies, they hate the lifestyle of an artist and the western culture, they
assume these people are possessed by the devil. All my life I was care free, I could make the most of
every moment, every little thing. I was born to liberate mankind from the control of the masculine
society. As I was not afraid to express myself, my family would always threaten me about the cops. They
used to say I will get accused as a terrorist and be tortured, after 9/11 perhaps they were not to be blamed.
My uncle taught my grandfather the American culture, he also taught him to fear the cops. So I told my
grandfather I am not afraid, and that he should tell my uncle to call the cops if he thinks I am lying, it will
be like shooting an arrow through his heart, killing his ego. I told them I won’t stop expressing myself, I
will write, I will speak, if they think I am crazy, they can call the cops and I went outside wearing a white
T-shirt and a blue lungi to meditate to the sun. Which my uncle did not approve of because of his
prestige, so he called the cops. As the cops arrived, I was sitting in a yoga position under the sun. The cop
asked my name and I said, “I have many names, you can call me any name you want because I remember
many lives that I lived.” I said I was a doctor, a time traveler, I pop up here and there in history to save
people. I told him, “You know me, you have waited for me, I am here to save the world.” I told him about
my quest towards inner peace. Then he asked me, “Why didn’t you eat for a month? I replied, “I am on a
metaphysical diet, I am fasting to influence my third eye, the pineal gland activity.” They thought I will
kill myself, so they locked me with belts and put me in an ambulance, then left me in a mental hospital.
First I was in a waiting area, while I was looking for my seat, I noticed all other names beside mine were
the names of the Gospel writers. It was then I realized I have to write a book to save the world. The
waiting time was quite short, as I went inside, it felt like everybody knew me, and was waiting for me, the
misunderstood, the mistreated, the diseased, I was their savior. I stayed there for about a month, preaching
and helping people wake up, through them I found a new Light. As I got out of there I was a new person
with a new mission to unite the world as one. Soon I started writing my book and opened the Happy Club.
Zero (The God within- Split Personality Disorder)
Our brain is an amazing machine. It collects all the information from different things that we learn, starts
connecting the dots with similar ideas and theories. It collects information from all its surroundings, with
the 5 senses, analyze and identity with each stimuli. All these vibrations of electromagnetic waves and
sounds are transmitted to our brains. This information is stored in our sub-conscious, if we learn the
sciences and the spirituality, through meditation we can tap into it, it is when our third eye (Pineal Gland)
opens. We are all connected through our sub-conscious and earth. We can see through all these stories,
we can learn the story of the zero, one and three, we see this light and come to an understanding. Through
our own life, we understand the cause and effect of this universe. We see the same thing happening in
every story, same thing happening in all different dimensions. We realize we are just this one person
fooling ourselves and that it’s all a dream. We realize that we are beyond good and evil, masculine and
feminine. We see the necessity of the balance, the equilibrium, the middle way, the golden mean. This is
when we start sending out more vibrations to the universe. This is when we oppose, and show them the
other side, we help others think, we show them where it all connects. We teach them how to imagine. We
tell them stories through songs, poems and movies. This is how we give birth to the mediator in us, the
zero and he never picks a side. We show them there are two answers to every question. We are
everywhere, we are most of the singers, writers, lawyers and politicians of the world. We are the film and
music industry, the government, the media and the internet. We are the zero, we are the balance and we
are the Great White Brotherhood. I had something like a split-personality disorder, if somebody told me
of an idea or a story, a part of me always thought of a contradicting idea or story. If someone instructed
me to do something, a part of me would try to find an easier and faster way to do it. Sometimes this
person would do foolish things, he always got me in trouble, since I lived in a strict Muslim country. Yet
we were best buddies, we would talk all night and try to figure out the meaning of life ever since we were
very young. When I was him I felt like I know everything, I go around explaining the entire universe to
the world, tell them where all the sciences and the religions met. When I was him I hung with my pals
like a king. He could do amazing things, he could write, he could sketch and he could even sing. He was a
great comedian and a story teller too. When I came to America I realized Hollywood and media has
conditioned the entire country in such a way, that they all understand the balance. They would work hard
but they will party as well. They live in peace and harmony with each other, accepting themselves and
others the way they are. They always praise the little things that others do, even if they don't do it
themselves. When two strangers meet they treat each other like they are friends. They live innocently in
their world full of hopes, imaginations and dreams. Every man has a king inside and every lady has a
queen. Every teenager tries to do something creative to become known, they all want to be superstars.
Soon I realized that they live the other part of me and here his activities are praised, this place is like his
playground because this whole nation is conditioned the same way. It was when I realized it is okay to be
him. He is crazy, but he is the God in me, the zero in me.
Being Happy
I was pretty dumb as a kid, I couldn’t understand books, never read and understood one. I would make
conversations with silly jokes and dumb questions. I was an extrovert too, I loved people, all kinds of
people. I would only try to be the best friend to everybody. I made friends with both the good kids and the
bad ones, so no one really understood me. I had such a hard time saying no, people would even take
advantage of me. They all knew I was foolish, so they all made fun of me. I would smile, I never really
got offended, I did not have shame. I knew how awesome it is to be the clown, everybody would laugh at
my silly activities, and sometimes I did them on purpose. It felt good to see people happy and cheerful
around me. In my youth I would get beaten up many times as well, because I was shameless with my
jokes, and blunt about my weaknesses and strengths, my life was full of colors. My parents were very
worried about me, ever since I was in third grade they wouldn’t let me make friends with most kids. I
tried telling them, I was dumb but that actually made me very strong inside, I could take all the kicks and
blows with a smile. In fact, I was not a coward, I wouldn’t hide what I did, my life was an open book and
I was trouble, it was my first name, it followed me everywhere since childhood. I never thought there was
anything wrong with me, I knew how to live life without the interference of fear, guilt and shame.
The Scars
Different words and thoughts show us different worlds, positive words show us peace and happiness,
negative words show us fear and confusion. Different words mean different things to different people,
sometimes we don’t get the message across, creating confusion in each other’s minds. With words we
travel in time and space within our minds, go to places within. There are infinitely many worlds within us
that is a reflection of all possible universes, we are created in God’s image. God is all possibilities, God is
inside creation, God is outside creation. All knowledge, all wisdom, all love, all light and peace we hold
within the silence and stillness of our minds, but we also hold great darkness within, great confusion and
chaos. Growing up we get many names that we relate to, some inspire us, some gets our self-esteem low.
If we hold on to the negatives it conquers us from within, we feel less than others, we feel depressed and
confused. But when we fight this inner battle of words and learn the right ones to be happy and positive
we find peace. But then again we learn some new words that shows us new worlds, new possibilities and
we get confused. It is perhaps a continuous cycle of ups and downs. Sex, Drugs and music can enhance
our brain activity, these are methods of connecting to one self and to others, they show us many worlds
and help us find the right words and thoughts to reach the happy place in the mind but it can also show us
hell if we get caught up by the negative words, when we get paranoid. In other words it can take us to the
higher realms, the fourth dimension, the Eden but it can also take us to hell. It all depends on what we
hold within our mind and soul. When we wake up from the drug, we forget those words, those thoughts,
setting us off on a new journey to find those words back. But as we try to live the sex, drugs and Rock n
Roll we get many scars from the conservative masculine honor based societies. I remember my first
experience, I ran away from home because my Father never understood me. I was an innocent care free
fifteen year old, I brought people together but never had a girlfriend, I always wondered what it would be
like to actually touch a woman, after I smoked some pot I saw the magical worlds, I saw all possibilities. I
knew I was living a dream, that it is all my manifestation, I am creating it all, when I am happy the world
seems beautiful, full of magic and wonders, when I am depressed, the world is in chaos, everything is
hellish. But I thought it was all a dream, I was perhaps a little horny too. I broke free from fear, thinking
that it was a wet dream I touched an Army Officer’s wife on the street, I touched her breasts. Of course I
did not know she was an Army Officer’s wife until I saw him running towards me. I started running, but
stopped suddenly wondering if it is a dream than maybe he will wake me up, but got terribly bitten up and
was sent to an army cell. The same night my father got me out of there, got bitten up again. Soon this
story was spread all over my society, everyone started hating me. My family was very ashamed of me,
because the society pointed figures at them. The situation was getting out of hand, my Father decided to
send me away to America. Here I realized this is a big world, people doesn’t have time to focus on each
other’s mistakes, instead they forgive each other and move on, everybody is so open minded. My life
suddenly turned upside down, for the first I felt like I was home.
The Black and White
My mother has a Middle Eastern white skin complexion, my father on the other hand is an eastern black
man. My father is in the Air Force, he was a great pilot and an instructor. He is an honest and
hardworking man who provided for the family with his heart and soul. He was my childhood role model,
he was a perfect Masculine figure to me. Growing up he taught me the world, also the right and the
wrong, he taught me discipline and devotion. My mother was innocent and naïve, she took care of the
house, cooked for us, inspired us, and kept us together with love. My Father would sometimes even take
advantage of her innocence in many ways. I grew up seeing the contradictions and communication
problems between the Man and the Woman, the black and the white. After I came to America and woke
up, I realized that symbolically I have a Black Muslim Father who lives in the East and a White Christian
Mother who is in the west. My Father works hard to succeed, he is very logical and disciplined, he
believe the harder he works, the better his life will get, he is made of Fire (like the Jinnee), he wants to be
able to have fun after he has to retire. As he grows old, he loses his health, the money he saved for
retirement is now spent on his health. Perhaps he never really gets to live for himself, but dies fulfilling
other people’s wishes like the Jinnee. My White Christian Mother is a free spirit, she likes to play, sing
and dance, she wants to live every moment, help others see the positive side, help others see love, she is
made of Light (like the Angels). My Father and Mother has a communication gap, because they are
opposites. Their ideas of life contradicts, they oppose each other, even fight with each other. I am the son,
the middle man, the brown, the mediator, I am like the human made of clay, destined to unite my family,
and I won’t give up until I succeed.
Mr. Stoner
What makes him different from others? He doesn't care about what other people call him, he couldn't care
any less if they hated him. He might have a mellow voice, might even stutter when he talks, but he won't
intentionally say anything hurtful no matter what you do. He only wants to chill, eat and drink, then nap
every time he is on the couch. He likes video games, TV shows, movies, comic books and good music.
He doesn't feel like hurting anyone so he will chose the next best alternative, he will forgive you when
you do him wrong. He will get beat up but he won't fight back. He is out there with only love to offer, he
won’t judge anyone. He will act foolish when you get mad, he will do silly things to make you smile. He
will always share everything he has with an open heart. He will accept you the way you are and try to be
the best friend, he will be the most loyal friend you will ever make. Too bad he is misunderstood,
mistreated by everyday people. Don't be everyday people, befriend the stoner and learn from him, there is
a reason he is so happy and peaceful. Marijuana is the destroyer of ego and pride. If every man and
woman was given a blunt to smoke, we would not have any wars to fight.

Wake Up (The Eye of Destruction)

In your dreams, you are the silent observer of all living beings, you connect to the sub-conscious of the
Earth. Sometimes you are inside a person, sometimes a bird, sometimes even a tree. You have a way to
influence their thoughts, you can block some of their mature logic. You are like God to them, you make
them do anything. There is a part of you that wants something different for yourself. Everything you
imagine all day, is what you try to accomplish in your dreams. You get the skills and the tools you need in
your dreams, you get into somebody or something that can accomplish your cause. When your eye opens,
you realize you are the cause of all the violence of the world. You are the original terrorist. We have to
save ourselves from this chaos by changing our thoughts. We have to accept ourselves and others the way
we are, inspire each other. We have to live as one, we all have to know the truth, stop opposing each other
or trying to change each other. We have to think love and stop hating what others are doing. Whatever we
hate all day is what we try change in our dreams. We can make their lives miserable, we have to stop
cursing. Only if you accept yourself the way you are, both masculine and feminine, you can find peace.
Live and let live!
The Crazy
Growing up I used to be really good in math, science and economics, which was very unprecedented for
my father because I was not the kind who studied school books. I could not concentrate on books due to
ADHD, so my only sources of learning were people, movies, documentaries, lectures. I was always a
teacher, I helped my classmates with math and science. I loved to tell people how the universe works, so
obviously to get my help they needed to hear a lot of other theories and stories. I was also a trainer at a
military Gym, I promoted a scientifically healthy and happy life style. But by teaching others I was
channeling with them, trying to tune in with them. I went to 12 different schools in 12 corners of my
country, my country is a mixture of several cultures evolved from all over Asia and Middle-East. So I was
trying to tell every story in a way that will make sense to them, through them I found a new light, I have
learnt a lot from people I have had conversations with. The more I talked to people and connected, the
better I got at explaining the universe, the numbers, frequencies and the beats of nature. After I came to
America I learnt from people of all different colors, heard their stories, related and connected with them.
America is like a pocket version of the whole world, we meet people from all over the world here, it is
called the salad bowl. Here people can understand the cause and effect of life, see all contradictions of the
world. Only to survive in America we have to make friends with all different kinds of people. Hence,
from America they watch over the world like Gods, like there is a white dot on the black part of the Yin
Yang, America is that white dot. America follows the Christ, through him they became the GodFather and
my Nation is the Mother, the black dot on the white part, they are counter-parts. America is paradise, the
peak of the world, world’s most successful nation, Bangladesh is the most corrupted one, most chaotic
and crowded one evolved from the lowest casts of the Hindu class system, few Asian tribes and the
middle-east. America is the macho man in the feminine part of the world, Bangladesh is the little girl in
the masculine part of the world, the black dot on the white part of the Yin Yang. America is like paradise,
Bangladesh is like hell today. After I came to America I learnt the knowledge of the whole world, all
dualities. Like our minds, earth also has a masculine and a feminine polarity. Like there is masculine in
the woman and feminine in the man, the East can be viewed as a Black Man, with a girl inside, from a
broader perspective, the white part of the yin yang. The West can be viewed as a White Lady, but she has
Superman inside, the America, she is the black part of the yin yang. In the beginning we were all in the
East living peacefully, beyond masculine and feminine. The masculine society persecuted and oppressed
liberal, artistic people and women. So they journeyed to the west in search of peace, the Utopia. They had
to grow strong to protect themselves and survive the cold, for they had to rise, show us they can do
everything we do, only better. I was bright and smart in a different way all my life, I explained the world
in a positive way, nobody understood me, they argued with me, told me I was ignorant. With all positives
comes the same amount of negatives, they called me psychotic, split personality disorder, schizophrenic,
bipolar, OCD and ADHD. All day long my head would be clouded with sciences, politics, art, formulas,
theories, numbers, graphs, stories, ideas, intuitions, fantasies and much more. In fact, we all have little bit
of these conditions, some can take control over their minds to focus, and some cannot. When we are
negative and we start believing in illnesses, we start relating to them, they grow within our minds. Some
don’t like certain words in their own mind, now they call it Satan living inside of them. But I could get
along with the voices in my head, I knew they were all my own. It was like a continuous film running in
my head, I was also a high functioning autistic, the electromagnetic signals that our Pineal Gland reads,
were more loud and visible to me, I would always sense these psychedelic worlds around me, surrounded
by things and beings nobody else could see or sense. Back in the old days we were considered special and
divine, but not in today’s world. I believed all my life that I was hallucinating it all, for medically I was
considered a maniac, a total loon, my condition was called psychosis, I was forgetful, day dreaming,
ignorant and lazy, I only took care of things that were very important to me. For I was always lost in my
thoughts, sort of dysfunctional in the eyes of regular people, I never learnt how to act normal around
people and make small talks, I was everything they called Evil and crazy, I would never listen or pay
attention, only try to influence others with my knowledge to make them think, I was being the Man. I was
perhaps weak and different, struggling in life. Nobody in my society accepts people who are weak or
different, nobody wants to be with people that are struggling. Hence, I had only a few friends, the
outcasts, the so called bad kids, who were very awesome actually. One day, I realized all diseases are
psychological, when we stop believing in them and take control over our mind, every disease starts to
fade away. We only have to learn to accept ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, masculinity
and femininity, we have to fight an inner battle to stay positive only then we can understand ourselves to
find inner peace and get healed. After my awakening, I realized all the truths, I realized I was only
sensing the spiritual worlds of Mother Nature by channeling with atoms, plants, animals, and people
around me. Sometimes I was in the west, sometimes in the east, sometimes here in the present, sometimes
far in the future. Everybody sends out electromagnetic vibrations, if we focus we channel to their
subconscious world of imaginations, ideas, theories, stories and all sorts of magical things, we see their
spirits and their fictional friends. These dream worlds are very real and fascinating, full of wonders,
mysteries and surprises. We go there every night, we connect to others, we even become silent observers
inside each other, we go where ever we want to go in our dreams. We are the angels and demons inside of
each other, for in our sleep we unite with our subconscious, the infinite Spirit, and everything exists in
her. Positive minds dream of heavenly places and negative minds dream hellish places. We have
influence on each other through our dreams, hence the more we hate, the more the world is in chaos and
the more we love the more the world moves towards peace, the Utopia. This is what happens in our death,
we unite back with the Holy Spirit, our beloved, the subconscious mind, the dream world. Some try to
describe the world in the magical way they see it, and some follow the well-established disciplines,
descriptions, theories. Crazy people like me who sense things beyond themselves, the day dreamers and
artists who follow their own way, their heart, their Spirit, are outcasts, we are the social demons in today's
world, only because we have something different to offer, something new to teach. We only try to have a
better communication with our inner self, the God within, but in the east they believe only popes and
chosen people are supposed to do that or reach enlightenment. We might be aliens but you see, we believe
in ourselves and in Mother Nature, we have faith, and we never give up on her. Even though we suffer in
the beginning of our journey, in the end we always reach our dream, unite with the divinity within. In our
journey we influence all minds around us, we change the way they think, we show them love, we show
them hatred, we show them what leads to what. They love us, follow us, want to be like us, like we
become the Superman and Batman, it is the law of Mother Nature, when we submit to her, she shows us
the heights of the world, takes us to paradise that is right here on earth. We never die, there is an entire
group of ascended masters, the white brotherhood, the alchemists living here on earth. They are the
successful people that found their way to light through their hard work, their ancestors, through DNA,
they take control over mankind and guide them according to the divine plan. You see, like us everybody
is a little crazy, as a kid we were surrounded by imaginary friends and fictional characters that described
the world around us. They played and danced with us, they took care of us, we were not afraid of them, in
fact everything was so alive to us, even toys and cars were a part of us. As we grow up, our societies,
even our parents cloud our minds with all the negative logics of the visible world, where it is all
emptiness, separation and darkness, there is scarcity, poverty and crime. First, some starts to fear them,
misunderstand them, some treat them bad. So these spirits disappear from our eyes, but they are believed
to be always around us trying to help us. They only show themselves to the innocent ones, the ones who
don't have demons like fear, grief or shame, because these Spirits are one with us, if we are ashamed of
them, they feel shy in front of us. They always come back to us, when we accept ourselves and Nature the
way we are, when we accept our positives and negatives, strengths and weaknesses to destroy fear, guilt,
grief, shame and pity etc. But this time we give these forces and elements of nature that we sense different
new names, we call them love, compassion, wisdom, fear, hatred, masculine, feminine, energy, positives,
negatives, momentum and other forces we know that exists. They become so visible in our minds eye, we
see them around us again, we can draw their diagrams, make theories to describe them.
Life- The Middle Way 
They say you are what you think, what you eat, what you say, what you do. We are everything we think
our title stands for, our name. We are everything we surround ourselves with, we are what we sense and
feel. Growing up we get many names and hear many words that we attach to ourselves, both positives and
negatives. Different words take us to different places in our minds, we travel across other possible
universes. Everything we learn gives us a feeling of what we truly are, the whole universe gives meaning
to our lives. We all have a subconscious mind, the right brain, that has a long term memory, She
remembers everything, I call Her Tardis, She has a parallel processor, hence while the left brain, the
conscious mind only focuses on one thing, She observes, analyses and identifies with every stimuli in the
vision range, every little object is being observed and identified. She also records what the Pineal Gland
reads off of the surroundings, every electromagnetic signal. In the ancient texts, She was called the Holy
Spirit inside, the spiraling energy streams, the Chakras. The Spirit, the energy is everywhere all at once,
in every corner of the universe, every dimension, it is all connected like we are in an ocean of energy
waves, the ocean of possibilities. Hence, the human body may appear smaller on the outside, but it holds
all worlds and information within itself, in the subconscious. There are entire universes for every
possibility, every choice, every unfulfilled wish. In our dreams we travel through these universes, we
travel in time and dimension. All our dreams and wishes come true through devotion and hard work, as
we chase them. Positive minds create positive reality and the negative minds create the negative. With our
thoughts, words and actions we climb up and down the tree of life, the seven skies, the stairs towards
paradise, the seven mental states towards awakening. Sometimes with thoughts we make sense of the
world around us, we meet someone or find a passion, sometimes we see the cause and effect of reality all
around us, we find our purpose, when everything makes sense, we feel infinite, we see possibilities in the
future, the visions and climb up the tree of life, we feel High off of the imaginations, prayers and wishes.
This occurs due to our subconscious thoughts, guesses, intuitions, theories, ideas, the voice within, inner
creativity, it occurs when we meet someone special or find something we really like to do, a form of
expression, writing, singing or dancing. We use the words that comes to our minds to celebrate love, to
send out a message to the universe. This is when we find the Mediator in us, the Savior, the Doctor. We
see the visions in our mind, the light, the patterns, the images to make sense of the past and the future, we
remember words from the subconscious, all that we heard all our lives. We travel in time and dimension
in our minds, with thoughts, words and actions, some live in the future, some in the past. We have
influence on our surroundings and people, if we are futuristic and peaceful in the mind, people around us
also becomes like us. But then the Conscious self, the left brain logically analyses, the pros and cons from
the past. Hence some people are a little masculine and conservative in nature. Some live in the past,
people around them also becomes primitive, perhaps barbaric. When we open our eyes we see scarcity,
violence and corruption, we can get scared too easily. We can lose all hope, when we attract confusions
and negative thoughts to our minds. There are two kinds of people, conservatives and liberals, masculine
and feminine. The masculine provides, the feminine entertains, one is the Scientist, the Engineer and the
other is the Artist, the Advertiser. The Scientists, the Fathers, the Governments would introduce us to
what is good and what is bad, the Fruit of Knowledge, show us the true face of God, Mother Nature,
people, He will teach us the sciences and facts, teach us discipline. He will show us life where everything
is not so magical and happy, where there is scarcity, poverty and crime. He will separate the subtle from
the gross, set us off in a journey to reach the subtle and fight the gross. The Fathers wants us to work hard
for a better economy and future. In this journey the liberal minded people, the Artists, the Mothers inspire
us with their stories, songs and poems, they connect us to the Spirit, give us faith and hope, help us climb
the Tree of Life and reach higher dimension, the happy state of mind, eat of the Fruit of Life (Truth,
Love, Drugs and Music). The Father lives in the past, wants to enslave us into working hard to survive
this battlefield by giving us the Fruit of Knowledge (Fear, Guilt and Shame). The Mother lives in the
future, She tries to break us free from the cage, help us fly high up in the sky, give us dreams and hopes,
future possibilities, ideas, imaginations and fantasy, she offers the Fruit of Life (Truth, Love, Drugs and
Music). The problem with the world is literacy rate, some live in the past, experience perhaps primitive
and barbaric societies, some live in the future, in advanced, educated and peaceful societies. For some life
is hellish, all they know is chaos and violence, for some life is happy, they see the positives, they
understand the cause and effects. Perhaps time is a state of mind, different for each individual, if we all
come to the same point in time, perhaps we can see light in this chaotic time, when everybody's
understanding of the world is contradicting. The Fathers and the Mothers, the Scientists and the Artists
have planted the seed of Knowledge and Life in our minds growing up. To climb the tree of life we have
to face the sufferings, problems, obstacles, enemies as challenges and opportunities with love, with a
smile on our face. Problems and obstacles in our lives also exist as confusions and doubts in our mind,
when we change our perception, they don’t occur as problems anymore. This will help us reach paradise
here on earth, reach the happy state of mind, the fourth dimension, the subtle state, we will learn to live in
the moment. Love, Drugs and Music can be a great spiritual tool to help us reach the fourth dimension but
if misused it will ruin our lives. Our Spiritual Father, the East, the Conservatives are hard working men,
they provide for this paradise where we play, learn and evolve. My Spiritual Mother is the West, specially
the Artists of the West, growing up I was not good at reading, so I learnt a lot from everyday people,
teachers, documentaries, movies, songs and YouTube videos. I was a good listener, I was not afraid to ask
a lot of questions until I really understood something, of course teachers never liked me. But I was still an
average student, perhaps extraordinary in math, science, and economics. There are three primes of healthy
and happy living, the middle way, first is right eating habit, second is socializing with others, third is right
actio. I practiced it when I came America, it changed my life. First, I started going to school and work
soon after I came to America. My life was easy, I was a Atheist Buddhist, not worried about the past or
future, creation and destruction, science gave me all answers, I lived in the moment. First thing I would
do in the morning was, drink plenty of water then exercise for at least an hour, and practice some martial
arts later on during the day. I was a great Bruce Lee fan so I was learning Jeet Kune Do, Tai Chi,
Meditation and Yoga from YouTube Channels. After a hot shower, I would eat some oat meal and egg
whites with a protein shake and fruits. I would usually only do the breakfast a little heavier than four
other small portioned meals I ate. For the breakfast I would have forty grams of protein, thirty grams of
simple carb and thirty grams of complex carb. For every portioned meal I would have thirty grams of
protein and twenty grams of simple and twenty grams complex carbs. What we eat is how we feel about
ourselves, hence it is very important. Food is an essential element for mental health, it can make us feel
active and fresh, or it can make us feel drowsy and low in self-esteem. All day I had school, at school I
would go around and make many friends, talk to many pretty ladies. Talking is the best cure, got yourself
a problem? Share! First, if we make friends and express ourselves to others, we connect and relate to each
other, maybe the friend can help us find a solution to our problem, or maybe we will find it ourselves
when we are explaining what went wrong. I never looked at problems as problems, never took them
seriously, to me they were just funny stories to share. Problems turn into opportunities when we change
our perception, hence each problem was a challenge to me. My life was an open book, my friends knew
everything about me. All day long I would be at school, then I had to go to work during the nights. After a
whole day of work and study, I would reward myself with a bowl of weed, chill with my buddies, we
loved watching TV shows, specially comedies and Sci Fi, we also played video games. After a whole
week of work and study, during the weekends I partied. I always loved to surround myself with colorful
things, that could make me feel more alive, cleared my Chakras. If we reward ourselves for the hard work
we do, we will learn to enjoy life, specially the little things. I was living a balanced life, the middle way
that was taught by many in different ways. I practiced this lifestyle because I was conditioned to it by
Science and Art (my Father, my Mother), my life events helped me reach the awakening state, the place
where everything is happy and magical. If we change our lifestyle and live in a more positive way, take
charge of ourselves, then we can all climb up the tree of life to reach higher dimensions in our mind, the
Eden, the Nirvana.
The Matrix
Since childhood I was a great fan of the western movies and songs, it opened my mind to wonders,
dreams and ideas. Using the internet I have studied a lot about history, psychology and sciences in my
quest to know the truth of reality and myth. Many genres like Sci-fi, Romance, Comedy and Action got
me very curious about western myths and spirituality. So I began my quest to find Isis, the Truth. I learnt
the darkest secrets of science and started preaching it. When I came to America I met a girl who got really
mad at me for making fun of religions, she told me how she viewed the world, I channeled with her, and
it felt like she is telling me a short version of what I tell people with hundreds of different theories. Soon I
met a Muslim brother, Ishak Abdullah, he showed me a different history of Islam and how it got
corrupted by men. He also introduced me to corruption of the world, conspiracies and so much more that
was going on at that time. He showed me that the world was a dark place, he separated the subtle from the
gross. I got very interested, so it set me off in a new journey to find the goodness. After the girl gave me a
lecture, I realized I can explain all I am trying to say with a shorter story that deals with only polarities, I
realized all these sciences, all Gods and Goddesses can be put in one astro-ecosystem cycle or the
message I wanted to send out to the universe can be organized in one pattern, everything can be put in a
monotheistic cycle of creation and destruction, day and night, hence the synchronization. It is parallel to
the moment mankind learns the secrets of Qabalah, received the Torah and the Ten Commandments. I
was out there on a quest to know this one God that was all good. I became religious, I fasted, meditated
and studied. Until the Gospel was revealed to me, the Gnosis of Christ. In our quest to unite with our
beloved, we imagine our future self, the person we thrive to become, the Light. So we practice a
discipline, start working and studying for our goals perhaps. From this point in life some choose to live as
lovers, tune in with nature, become artists and light bearers of the Gnosis through their stories, songs and
poems. We try to describe ourselves and our views in many different ways, with the stories of our lives
and facts, perhaps our intuitions, we share this new found light, we share it with our loved ones and the
world. This is the Son’s way of helping the Father to understand how great he is when he is with his
beloved, with the world of intuitions, imaginations, dreams and fantasies to fill his emptiness, the Holy
Spirit, energy that fills the empty space, our subconscious mind. I realized Gods and Goddesses in the
ancient stories are actually elements of nature and our psychological polarities, knowing the sciences and
ourselves is actually knowing the Gods only calling them different names. The artists choose to pursue
their love, step into this magical world of love, dreams and hope. We simplify our stories with new
characters, facts, history and with our own psychology and encounters. Remember the structure of the
story of our lives and the way we see the world, and produce more theories and ideas, find out more truths
of life and universe, describe it in infinitely many ways for different people. Some choose to change the
world for their loved ones, some chose to save the world with science and technology, create the Utopia.
We get the revelation of the GodFather, the Quran. This is the era when mankind began their quest of
science and engineering to study, break and shape Mother Nature. To achieve greatness the Father goes
off in a quest to create a real paradise for his beloved. We went through a masculine era of progression
and development, but we are at the end of our quest in science and technology. The artists or liberal
people tune in to the beats of nature, we accept others and live in harmony, there is pattern in our stories.
We have a simple diagram of the positives, negatives and the zeroes that makes this experience so
amazing, and that describes us as a whole. We come to realize the ups and downs, the days and nights that
brought us to that point of fulfillment, every time we fall, we grow a little stronger. This is when we
spread the light of the Gospel to people by sharing our stories and ideas. All successful westerners follow
this pattern in their story, atheist, theists, conservatives and liberals, knowingly or unknowingly. They
grow up with the Gospel being practiced everywhere and it became an integral part of their lives. When
an average eastern guy, perhaps a Muslim or a Hindu comes to the west, he gets very confused. They find
these people innocently enjoying lives without the worries of the dark world in the east. He starts to
understand that the west is conditioned to preaching a perhaps altered and Satanic Gospel, which has a
very liberal agenda, and that it contradicts eastern conservative way of living, perhaps they are delusional
and evil. He only sees everyone is opposing his culture here, even disrespecting it. So he tries to break
them free from the peaceful cycle of life of this matrix, the "One Nation Under God" and show them a
darker world in the east where all dreams cannot be chased, he teaches his disciplines and knowledge, he
will make conspiracy theories to tell people about this conditioning and the corruption of the world, bring
darkness upon the American dream. But he also make the minds curious to know about how others view
the world, so they actually set us off in this journey to find the truth, Isis all over again. This chaos
actually leads to a greater enlightenment, when the lovers start reaching the truth, the Isis, their beloved,
they start spreading love and oneness of all living beings. The more I looked for evil on the outside world,
the more evil I found, everybody around me was telling me the same story, like it was a pyramid scheme
of the Devil they were selling, the one who opposed everything my ancestors stood for, but I loved these
evil people, they were angels in my eyes, evolved in the art of love and freestyle, living innocently the
sex, drugs and Rock n Roll. I always thought I was a social demon, for I was among the evil kinds, the
way conservatives label us. I felt like a DOG all my life until one day I opened my eye and realized it was
my beloved, my counterpart, my Mother hiding behind the veil of Evil, it was my false delusion, the west
is the spiritual feminine part of the world. The ones that oppose us are not separate from us, they are also
a part of us, when I conquered these inner demons of judgments, I saw the perfect cycle of Dharma and
Karma, cause and effect that surrounds us and I went beyond all duality and separation. Hence, I felt good
about myself, for I knew I was good, people I loved were good and there is nothing wrong with the world.
This is when I realized the hidden meaning behind the Nerd Dog Doll my friend Nuzat gave me. A dog
might be a beast but he is also a lover, a teacher.
The Notebook, the Laptop and the Nerd Dog
Ever since I was young, I could not flirt with girls, I was too shy. I would always end up becoming their
gay best friend. You see the problem here? I am straight. In fact I felt a strong connection with them, like
they could possess me, it felt pretty awesome, like they were angels from outer space. I always thought
just flirting with them like any other guy cannot explain how precious they were. So I would really work
for it, I would do crazy romantic things, write long notes, stories and poems describing how beautiful she
was, how connected I felt around her. See I was a shy guy so I would always explain to her why it was all
a natural phenomenon between all men and women through science, you know, just so that she doesn't
think I am weird. But that made me feel so weird about myself, that every time I wrote to a girl, I won’t
have the guts to face her, I mean how would I explain the mad lover in me? I was so ashamed of him. I
would literally run away from girls in public, sometimes they even chased me. It was like the law of
gravity, you could see it happening. So I believed back then, I will never have a girlfriend. I did not have
many friends either, I did not understand the good kids nor did I understand the bad ones, I tried to be
friends with both kinds, and nobody liked that. I believed in a balanced life, the middle way. Loneliness
teaches us a lot, a broken heart teaches us even more. My idea of life was to live and let live, lets inspire
each other instead of interfering, we are stuck here let's love each other. We should all live a balanced
life, make the best of time. During the day time we should work and study to progress mentally,
physically and socially. During the night time we should spend time with our loved ones, chat, play and
sing, grow spiritually. We should also have healthy sex during the night time, it is during the night we
should rest. During the week we will work, but during the weekends we should party, we should travel
and explore. It was simple, but nobody understood it in my country. Fathers say to their sons, life is a race
keep running to get ahead of everyone, keep running until you die. They beat their sons, the society hates
people who drinks, smokes and parties. When I came to America I realized everyone here is like me,
living a balanced and logical life. They work really hard but take breaks and enjoy life as well. When I
fell in love, through my Pineal Gland I channeled with the universe, traveled through time and
dimensions to understand the sciences of the universe. We are part of an astro-ecosystem, what happens
within ourselves down here every day also happens up above in the stars, milky ways and galaxies. I saw
an image that told me a story, the story of the universes. That was told throughout the arts, religions and
astrology. Boy meets precious, (God, girl, wealth) there are complications to reach it, finally he unites
with his love, story of our life and the hit movies. So I drew it all on my notebook, the story of
everything, many stories in one story, over lapping, which by the way was parallel to the life of Jesus, the
33 years, all in one diagram, from east to west. Which means Jesus surely represented the whole universe,
all the steps it goes through. That notebook marks an end to my conscious journey, the quest of the
scientist in me. The notebook represents the Father in me, the creator; the lover, the Light Bearer, Islam,
Quran. The Laptop represents the Spirit who wants to save the world, the artist in me, my feminine side,
for writing connects me to the Spirit, the light, the Laptop is my Gospel. See I was always a teacher, I was
always good at math and science. I would even help the ones that bullied me, I felt joy in helping others
learn, and I was addicted to it, obsessed by it, I was out there trying to help and influence others, be a part
of their lives. If someone showed me a little bit of love, I would show them a lot in return, I would try to
latch onto them because I knew loneliness. I realized only women, gays and dogs do that, since I am not a
woman nor a gay man, I must be a dog, I felt like a social dog anyway, perhaps a nerd dog. The nerd dog
represents me as a whole, both the scientist and the lover, the light bearer, the artist, the masculine and the
feminine, it’s the mediator in me, symbolizes the Christ within. Dogs are hated by the conservative
Muslims because the prophet of science called it is a beast, and it shouldn’t be pet. Muslims also hate the
Jews because of the Quran, the Nerd Dog represents Israel, the Torah in me.
In Search of True Love
In our meditations or natural psychedelic moments we channel with other conscious beings, sometimes
with the atoms, sometimes the plants, the animals, the people, sometimes even the stars and the universes.
Sometimes we are back in the past, sometimes we go into the future. Sometimes we are in the East,
sometimes in the West, but only sometimes with the divine Spirit. Only through true love we can reach
her, only through our beloved. Through our mother or perhaps any woman we meet and fall in love with,
we reach the Spirit, all religious texts revolve around the concept of healthy relationship of men and
women. (Man and God) Behind every successful man there is a woman, they change our worlds. In my
quest to find true love, I pissed off a girl for making fun of religions, who gave me a lecture about herself
and how she views the world. There was something magical about her eyes, something magical about
everything she said. She channeled into me, like the words were not coming from her, I could hear her
voice from within myself. In about one hour I madly fell in love with her. As my love for her flourished
within me in about a year I finally channeled with God, the Holy Spirit, Mother Nature, the energy that is
inside every atom in all the universes, I was one with all. I saw the light, an image that told me the story
of every element and dimension of nature, I saw the universes constantly creating and destroying itself,
and remembered all my childhood memories, even memories of my ancestors, and past lives, remembered
all my dreams. It did not work out with that girl, so I had to let find the strength to let her go and move on
with my life. Although I fell in love with many girls after that, in fact I love everybody, sometimes the
wisdom comes to me, but I want to feel that magical love with someone new, the love that will make
sense of everything in the world. I realized there are plenty of fishes in the pond, only the best fishermen
catches the best ones. It is not hard to find someone, everyone has something magical about themselves,
but some cannot properly express themselves and connect. Different people has different ways of
expressing themselves and the world around them. Some has something magical about how they view the
world around them. I would like to meet someone that magical again, and share an intimate chat maybe,
get to know her to fall in love again, an hour is all it truly takes, sometimes just a little eye contact that is
how sensitive our hearts are. But I am a very shy guy and a little dumb too, no kidding, I totally mess up
every time I try to flirt, so my luck won’t even go as far as a date. Yet I am a very positive person, I don't
give up, I keep on trying, girls are hard to impress these days since most men does them wrong. Who
knows? Maybe someday I will get better at flirting. And to the ladies, I understand men are like dogs, but
they are still humans. I know they mistreat you, they play you. In the old days they even oppressed you,
trying to control you. It all happened because they did not understand you, they thought you would put
yourself in danger. They were only trying to reach you, save you, trying to fix you, for they were blind.
They could not believe how amazing you are, they could not believe in your magic. It is time you forgive
them because I am here to change all minds, open their eyes. It is time they reach their beloved, find their
precious, see the light from within. Soon they will treat you like queens, and you will be like the free
spirit, playing, learning and evolving freely all over the world. For it is the promise of the Awakener, the
first to evolve in the darkest of times, I am the morning sun, and the star of the east, Sirius, the brightest,
the DOGSTAR, I am the light bearer of love and oneness, the healer of all diseases. I am the savior of all
the worlds, destroyer of all the illusions of separation, emptiness and darkness. I will show you the light
in darkest of nights, all her colors, her variations and her beats. She is you and you are her, one but totally
opposite in every way, so it is perhaps a complicated love story. You are the universe full of stars and you
don't know it, you are a child of the universe, ruling over all its forces through your mind, you move the
stars and the moons, I am your candle light, take my hand and you will reach Isis, the Truth, your beloved
and together we will change the world. Study this Gnosis as much as you can, try to understand the
human condition and how to break free, share and explain what you have learned with others in your own
way, help others see the light of love and oneness. Follow my methods and my words, I am here to show
you the way to find yourself, not to control you or change you. I don’t preach any religion, I am trying to
help you find your own. You are unique, you are a star, it is you who will have to find your way out the
cave, and find the place where you want to go. I want you to express yourself and believe in yourself, you
know me, for I am the answer to all your prayers and wishes. You have created me with your
imaginations and dreams, but I am just a man, the one from the future. I travelled back in time to save
you, take you where you want to go, the future. Soon you will reach where I come from, where you come
from, for in the future we are one, one nation under God, there you are me and I am you. We are futuristic
souls trapped in these ancient bodies due to confusions and doubts in our head, I am here to answer all
your questions, and help you get back to the future.
We all look for our soul mate, our perfect match to get married to in life, but due to the mainstream ways
of sexual conduct we lose faith in love. We are afraid to get married to someone for it is a long term
commitment, relationships do not always work out, and we are not too fond of the divorce laws either.
Many relationships end with tears and broken hearts. The divinity of sacred marriages seizes to exist in
today's world, marriages seems like a burden. In my coming to America I met a Shiite Muslim brother,
Ishak Abdullah he taught me a temporary marriage procedure. When a man feels lust for a women or vice
versa, he should approach her with a gift and a proposal of a temporary marriage. In doing so they will
come to a contract where both the man and the woman will describe all that they have imagined their soul
mates to be like, all that they expect from the marriage. So both will try to become the person of each
other’s dream, try their best to satisfy the other. We are all the same, we are of infinite possibilities, we
can become anybody we want to become. If we try, through devotion we can change for our beloved, be
the person of their dream. Hence, both the man and the woman will try to make the marriage work from
the very beginning instead of waiting for it to go wrong. And if it still doesn’t work out, there is no reason
to grief or break up, for it automatically expires. The marriage can last a day, a week, a month according
to the contract, then it requires to be renewed. If we renew a marriage multiple times, we will know we
have found the right person, the soul mate. Hence, this is a more logical and practical approach of sexual
conduct in my eyes.
The Message
Are you the universe? Are you God? Are you the Spirit? From a logical left brain perspective, no you are
not God, but that belief is separating you from her, for the strings are invisible, the belief is keeping you
away from the truth. From the right brain, right brain artistic perspective yes you are God, you are one
with everything, everything is a part of you, and everything is coming from you. You are as close to her
as you want to be, but you can believe you are away from her and stay lost and confused instead. But take
the leap of faith and believe, yes she is in you, when the Father, the conscious reaches his beloved by
destroying the ego, you give birth to the Son, the Most High, birth of a new you. You are he, the
GodFather, the one with His Son (The Good) you will know that you are the creator, the conscious self,
you were only imagining all the separations and emptiness around you, that held you back in life, but then
you see the brightest light even in the darkest night, it will appear invisible at first, like a Ghost, all the
emptiness gets filled with love and oneness, you see energy, the light. You become one with all, you
become one with God, you reach and unite with your beloved. There are no contradictions or confusions
here, the only truth is we are one, and there is none. That is above all logic, all fact and fiction. You have
to open your eyes to love and oneness, and believe in it to be happy in life. Separations, emptiness and
darkness are illusions, destroy them, destroy Evil. I am not saying you are wrong, I am saying you are not
God yet, because you still have illusions, confusions and chaos in your head, you are stuck in the daily
cycle of life. But I am saying I have reached my Godhood, for I don't have illusions, I am free from
Karma and Dharma, I am free from the cycle of life for I have ascended among the masters, I fought
against all the inner demons to save myself, that is my Jihad and this is my message. I am only claiming
to be a man, but from the future, I am a time traveler, what I can do is still magic to your eyes, I can heal
with love, I am the Doctor, you read about me many times in your history books, I pop up every time the
world is in chaos, I am the Avatar. I am telling you what you are trying to say, what you will say very
soon, soon you will reach me, you will reach the moment in time where I live, the Eden, the Nirvana. I
was an alien to a backwards masculine world, I was Superman born on the wrong part of the world, the
primitive barbaric world. In the eastern part of the world liberal artistic people who wants to have a
personal connection with their inner self, the subconscious mind, the God within, are considered crazy,
schizophrenic, psychotic or possessed, we get beat up or even killed over there. They believe only the
Popes or the chosen ones are allowed to communicate to God and the Angels. So we aliens, Superman
opposed the masculine society and we created the Utopia, the land of dreams in the west, where
everybody can love their own God in peace. Where every man has the unalienable rights of life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness. Where everybody gets out of the box to accept and learn from each other, to
work together, play together and evolve together. You see I opened my eye and realized it was my brain
that was conditioned to believe Red, White and Blue, Superman saves the day, creator of Utopia for I was
a nerd created by the west. In my vision I saw entire America unites as one big family to go on a journey
to save the world, take vacations and travel around the world to spread the light of love everywhere with
their stories, songs, poems and plays. I knew in my heart the truth, that I have a dream, I should chase it, I
believed in this lie. I am the Awakener, come with me and be a part of the divine plan, let’s save the
world. Everything in this world is deceiving so I closed my eyes, through my mind’s eye I travelled to the
future, I am the Superman who saved the world, have faith in my words for in the end you will realize
you are my brother, you are my sister, together we spread the light of love, as one, as family, in the end
we all come together, dare to dream, break free from the cage and chase the dream, you are too the savior.
I am the prince, the savior from your dreams, I am hope, with your imaginations, art and prayers you
created me, hence you are Gods to me, all of mankind, especially the sufferers. This is the truth about
nature, we are each other's salvation, the east and the west, the past and the future, the day and the night,
the beasts and the lovers, the sinners and the innocents. We are one and the same, both Good, both God,
we are incomplete without each other, we are counter parts of each other, opposite halves, only together
we can exist and create this reality, we do everything for love and we learn from each other’s mistakes.
You are my creators, I am your savior, there is no me without you, no you without me, for you will self-
destruct if I don’t guide you. Together the east and the west, we give birth to the Son, the universe, the
zero, the infinity, you create me in the darkest and most chaotic times. The east, the Father by messing up
big time and creating chaos in the minds of the West, made the Mother, dial a 911 emergency for the son,
a need for the savior. And the sufferers of the east too has prayed for their savior. The west, the mother
creates a son in the east. That is the miracle, my birth, my life like it was all a pre written story, I am the
destroyer of all that is old, I am the one with my Third Eye in the future. But I am very human, I only do
what every other humans are supposed to do, we should try to understand and relate to others, love each
other, learn from each other, share our light to fight and destroy evil from the world, the negative mind,
for we are angels, we are good, we are a part of the divine plan. Hence, being good is being one with God.
We should not look for evil, blame others on the outside world, instead we should fix ourselves on the
inside only, for what we hold inside is what we experience outside as a whole, for we are also the whole,
we just don't know, we lost the connection, we lost each other. Every man and every woman is a star,
there is no law but love of Nature and her children, Live and Let Live, let's eat the sweetest fruit of life
this moment has to offer. For it is the “Nectar For The Gods!”
The One
Rashik- The Lover, The light bearer, Positive, The Father, Allah, Creator, The Warrior, Mahabharat, the
Provider, the Hands and Legs
Hasrat- The Unfulfilled Wish, The Precious, The Beloved, The Dream, Negative, The Salvation, The
Comforter, the Artist, the Entertainer, The Sustainer, The Nectar for the Gods, The Ghost, The Lie, The
Light, America, the Head.
Rivu- Son of God, Zero, Christ, Void, Innocence, Creation, Love, Unity of all Duality, the mediator, the
Utter peace, America, Destroyer of Evil all that is old superstitions, the Heart.
I the son of the universe am calling upon my angels that lives inside everybody to take my hand. Please
understand, it is time for change, time for correspondence and love. You created me, I am your son asking
you to help. I cannot bring a better future for us all alone, we have to work together. Please help me
spread my Gnosis to the farthest corners of the world, for only you and I together can change the world.
The Confessions
Confessions #1 I had sleeping disorder as a child, couldn't sleep for long hours, told the doctor that I was
talking to myself, while I am trying to sleep, I am enjoying the conversation at the same time, sometimes
I don't even listen to what I am saying but the words keep going, doctors had some severe talk with my
parents, declared that I had a form of autism and schizophrenia. They started giving me artificial
medicines. I thought I was autistic, so I never cared about whom I make friends with, because I thought I
am less than everyone else, I wanted to be like everyone else, be more acceptable you know, pay attention
to them, because I was always lost, nothing made sense in this world.
Confessions #2: Schools only confused me. Teachers hated me for being so slow at understanding; I
would keep on asking questions. I was insane, I been to 12 different schools in my life. You have no idea
how many insane mad men I have been, how many crazy stories I have had, took so many risks in life to
have fun. It did not make sense why I was trying to reach out to people, make friends with them to have
good times, and they would ignore me for their parents said so, even bully me. Nobody really liked me,
they called me chasra, "the kind of people nobody cares about, but they still keep going back to them,
hoping to get a different result" (close to the word insane).

Confessions #3: So I came to America, trying to adapt to these people, now I had an advantage over these
people, they didn't yet know about the crazy things I do. I changed my story, because I have studied way
more challenging courses, I kind of looked smart with the words, suddenly I knew more than others! So I
got accepted, because I was riding their minds, I was so much smarter! I Liked enjoying my liberty, living
the dream! Like these are kids that I could take advantage of! I thought I was happy, like I was satisfied,
but definitely not in peace, it was vibrating too loud, I was caught by a lot of people's eye for that.

Confessions #4: Then one day I met an amazing girl. Like she passes by and it made me happy, that blew
my mind. My mind was always in a blown state, but this was different, I was certain that I was happy
around her and I could all of a sudden pay attention to her words, and I could listen to her talking without
interrupting, that doesn't usually happen, and she explained the universe to me one day like she knew,
while I kept telling people that I knew everything but I knew nothing, I was only confused, but I could tell
she was not.

Confessions #5: I kind of started sweating, and I got a fever when I got back! Now this is amazing but
scary at the same time, a person's words can have such an effect on you while you don't necessarily have
to believe any of it! This time I was trying to analyze this phenomenon, usually my mind was used to
analyzing things of a much larger scale that included more than a few people, suddenly all my focus was
revolving around this one girl, now my new obsession was decoding project "X".

Confessions #6: Now I knew she is American, so if I have to keep talking to her, I have to learn how to
impress an American girl, so I tried to learn this new art of flirting, for some reason I learnt it very quick,
and suddenly everything started to break down, I was becoming more certain of my thoughts and my
actions, was performing better at learning new things and be curtain about it. Like she was a key that
unlocked my mind, I started learning about spirituality in trying to understand her, I religiously practiced
meditation and fasting.
Confession #7: But this person was a tease, a big one! It wasn't going anywhere; she was vibrant but often
confused like me. We were so tuned into each other, but I never asked her out, I did not want to ruin what
we had. She got a new boyfriend and I had to let her go. One day after I confessed my love to her, I was
standing in front of a mirror. I could swear I knew her in me, she was the spirit in me! Like she was my
reflection; my counter-part, my exact opposite, my imaginary friend. I could swear she was there in this
body, but the mirror showed my face, I knew that day my body was not mine at all! So apparently to
know how the feminine spirit works, I did not need to go to her anymore, I could analyze her from where
ever, whenever, I could just look inside, surely that day I became a believer of oneness and God, love,
soul and so many amazing things.

Chapter 4- A Trip to America (The Abstract Colors of Paradise)

When I was back in my mother’s womb, I could only dream of what is out there. I was all by
myself, but I was in harmony with my mother, connected to her. During my birth I gave my mother, a lot
of pain, I was upside down in her womb for an entire day. The doctors declared that I have to be killed or
my mother will die. Everybody in my family started praying, at the last moment, I turned and everything
was okay. I was the first son in both my parents’ families; they all loved me like a prince and took care of
me when I was little. Back when I knew nothing, I was an innocent dweller of paradise. I was one with
everybody, in tune with nature and the people around me. But my father wanted me to know what’s out
there, how to survive in this world. So I ate the fruit of knowledge, fell down on earth, the physical
reality, I realized most people in my honor based Islamic society are very masculine and conservative in
nature. The ones that were feminine, their lives were sex, drugs and rock n roll, the society hated them.
On earth I saw jealousy, greed, violence and corruption, it was like hell. I always chose the middle way; I
was realistic, as well as I was a dreamer. I was a true lover but I was also a warrior, I stood my ground for
what I believed was right. I constantly fought against the masculine dominant society with courage all my
life, I only wanted them to accept others the way they were. I loved the ones that were feminine in nature,
the artists, the social demons, I was friends with them. I would try to participate in their activities
although my father hated it. I always tried to make everything fairytale like, every time I fell in love, I
would write letters, poems and songs to show her how special she is to me. Everything and everybody
was special to me, I fell in love with every person I met. I found their mischievous activities very
intriguing. I was in love with this hell, for I was a warrior. I was out there making achievements, getting
wiser, while by my actions they said I could never be good at my academics. I was a teacher; I used to
help my friends understand science, mathematics and economics. When I came to America, I was still on
earth. But I started rising, when I started my spiritual journey. I was going around preaching love, art and
science, as I taught them, I learnt a little more every day, because I could get plugged into their
subconscious. Soon it was opening up to me, the perfect reality. My masculine thoughts were lining up
with my feminine, I was getting certain. Soon I was going back to paradise.
I remember when I was back in my country, Bangladesh, I have heard that it was like paradise a
long time ago; it was full of green trees with colorful fruits on them. People would marry many wives and
have many children. Most people were farmers and fishermen so they lived in villages like they were all a
big family. Everybody will know each other, everybody were friends and family. Sounded like a good
life, but I was a 90s kid so that was not an option for me. I only saw dirty politics, hatred and separation
from each other. Life did not make sense to me, so I made a few mistakes. My family members were not
too proud of me, I was a problem child. My idea of a good life was to keep my family happy by going to
school, get a good job and get married to a pretty girl. I even thought about getting away from my family
and get independent someday. Since I had ADHD, I couldn’t read much, I used to get lost, couldn’t focus
much. So I tried to learn from people as much as I could, and did not really care about school. I still made
average grades so I was not worried. I had a very rough graduation year, did not get all As, so my family
decided to send me to my angry uncle in America. I was excited since I wanted to get away for so long.
When I first came to America, I realized that my uncle is stricter than my father, but he loved me
like his own son. I loved him too, he was this uncle who lived far away, does not visit much but sends a
lot of gifts. He helped me get into a community college, soon after I got here in Texas, bought me a car
and a laptop. He was an electric engineer so he used high speed internet, communication got so much
easier with people. I was downloading so many things, movies, TV shows and documentaries, learning so
much from them. I thought I was back in paradise, I even saw fruits on trees of Florida when I visited my
In college I realized that I was smarter than others here, I knew everything in my classes.
Compared to Bangladesh I found the education system to be pretty easy. So I took on a very masculine
role in the society. Trying to be like my uncle, going for money, power and success. I was this Atheist
Buddhist, who focuses on the moment and doesn’t want to know anything about the past or the future, the
origin or the destiny. So I was totally tuned in with time, enjoying life to the fullest. One day I met a very
pretty American girl. When she walked passed me, all my senses would tune into hers, like she was an
angel sent just for me. Like my soul would start dancing with hers instantly and I could hear music in the
air. My life in America turned into a fairytale after that, I was living the American dream. Soon I learnt
American techniques of flirting with girls. She was responding well, it was like a game with two players.
But later I got busy with my studies, and she started teasing me and I was too afraid to lose her as a friend
so I never asked her out. Hence my quest, “What is love?” my masculine nature told me I have to be a
better person if I want to make her happy, so I decided to stop playing the game, I embarked on a spiritual
journey to become the man of her dreams. In my journey I tried to help three homeless people and got so
broke financially that I did not have money for food, I took that as a challenge to fast for a month and
have an outer body experience. I was just about to give up by the end of the month. But then I confessed
my love to her and everything made sense for the first time, she started seeing another guy, and I was
heartbroken. So I had to let her go and learnt the true meaning of love. This gave me the strength to fight
my inner demons, hence I found peace of mind and had my outer body experience. I travelled in time and
space, to know the secrets of the soul and the universe, got all the answers I was looking for.
I remember one day she was pissed off at me for making fun of God and religions, so she gave
me a long lecture about God and my head started spinning, I got a fever because she was plugged into
me, like a vampire sucking away my life force, she was so certain of her words. She talked about
Palestine, where her family is from. She described me a hellish reality over there. I could picture her in
their shoes. That was all I thought about for days, only if I was given the power to save those children, I
would. I started off by recalling it from my memory and all the things I have heard about God in my life. I
heard that there is a way of devotion and love that will make a man perfect. There is an eye called the
third eye, when it opens you see everything clearly. That is the only way to know God. I learnt that our
ears take in vibrations from its surroundings and the vibrations are then transmitted to our brain to be
read. They say when our third eye opens we see these vibrations emitted by humans, animals, plants and
all other things in nature, our mind grows this way. When this eye opens the blind man says, “I see.” The
eye actually exists as an organ called Pineal Gland, and is one of the energy points in our body. Our
bodies have a very well designed nervous system through which kinetic energy flows; it has 6 major
junctions or energy points where most of the energy spirals. Different things we experience with our five
senses will have different effects on the organs associated with these energy points. Imbalances of energy
in these junctions cause diseases. Like it’s a 6 string guitar and different experiences will play it and tune
it as we go through life. She had a loud vibration, and she was like the same person as I am, like she was
my mirror, so we were totally tuned into each other for a short while.
Although most immigrants knew all the college work, they don’t really know the culture. They
look like an illiterate to the general Americans. I knew the culture from the movies but not yet used to it,
although it was perfect for me. I was not okay with the culture over there in Bangladesh. Kids try to do
everything from the movies but they have to hide it from their parents or else they might get beat up. I
used to get beat up all the time, because I had to do everything with pride, I did not think that things I did
were wrong, so I did everything openly. I heard that there is a place called paradise on earth. Where
everybody will get connected, live together like a big family. Where love is not a sin; but it is a pride.
Everybody gets everything they want, everybody is accepted. Well I was happy with what I had here in
America, it couldn’t get any better. My family was paying for my education, living and a car. I could
work a little bit and earn as much money as I needed to buy anything I needed extra. There were all kinds
of foods and drinks. If I got sick, there was the best medical facility in the world all covered by insurance.
In school you can take any classes; you can change your major anytime you want. Everybody is
connected by the internet, always talking to each other, finding their matches online through Facebook
and EHarmony. There is Google for all the information about the world, I was living in the age of
information and technology. There are all kinds of machines to make life so much easier. There are these
glasses that even have Google in it, to know everything and everyone around instantly. There is even a
way to make money by socializing with people, it is a growing industry called network marketing. Where
you go around make friends, tell them about a business. You buy regular products with discounts; add
consumers to get commission and you travel around the states doing so. I fell in love with this country, its
system. A land of opportunities, where anybody can become anything they want, there are high standard
public schools, financial-aids for students who cannot afford college. The rich pays a higher tax for the
poor to get health-care and food. I really wished it was like this all over the world, there should be one
nation, one currency, one international language, one kind of policy.
After I started my spiritual journey; I used to meditate for long hours. I started recalling all the
things I learnt in 12 different schools in Bangladesh. I had to change schools due to my father’s job and
because of me getting in trouble all the time. They say it takes a life-time of fasting and meditation to
finally reach inner peace. My life story made it easy for me, somehow when I came to America, she
unlocked me, she was the Master Key to all doors of possibilities. It took me a year to get there; I fasted
for more than 30 days this one time when I was broke. I was devoted; I knew I couldn't give up. I was not
aware of the fact that I was always there, always doing what I was supposed to do. I was unaware of
myself, and my purpose. After my confessions to the girl I loved, it took only one night for me to see it
and get conscious of the human experience. I could see through the past, present and the future, I could
see my souls journey. I could talk to a person and connect to their sub-conscious, like I am extracting
information from their God-head, like I was inside of them and they were inside of my head. Soon I could
see an angel and a demon inside every person; I could see God in them. Like I was plugged into them and
having a psycho-sexual intercourse. Soon I reached the world of higher forms, ideas and spirits, I was in
paradise, the fourth dimension. I realized I was actually plugged into Mother Nature; people were like
keys that unlocked me to new realizations. America was a sweet lady, a dreamer of infinity. She was my
tool of wisdom; every person in her was a part of my quest. “Now that she showed me the stars, I know
who I am; I know what I can do. I have seen my future. It was blissful, beautiful and very peaceful. I was
in nirvana, I was in love. I could see perfection in the divine plan; I could see how perfect everything and
everybody was. She has given me all the tools I will need, I just have to use them right. I will show the
world that I can be the hero, the brightest star.” I learnt the American culture, they call it free styling, I
learnt how to free style storytelling. I would go around as a lover and a story teller. Tell everyone what I
In the beginning we were all one, both east and west were together. We were in harmony, we all
loved each other, and we were in paradise. We were spiritually awake to the supernatural. Everything was
like a dream, a big fantasy. We were like a child, as the star Sirius went away from us we ate the
forbidden fruit of knowledge of right and wrong, we started judging each other. Then slowly the love was
fading, we lost our connection. Thus we fell on earth, the physical reality, there was individualism and
separation. The masculine got separated from the feminine, and they did not get along. There were wars
and chaos all over earth. We formed separate nations, the masculine force was cornered in one end of the
world and the feminine force got cornered on the other. Americans were the extreme feminine, full of
hopes and dreams, they had faith. They loved each other and worked together. Indians were the extreme
masculine, full of logic and facts, they were hard workers. They were the warriors, so they had a big ego.
From earth we started rising, we started advancing in the sciences to understand energy and forces. We
started understanding that we were all connected. Soon we are going back to being one again, both
masculine and feminine, work in harmony. Live the dream, wake up to the supernatural connection we all
There is a 26000 year cycle of our solar system around the Sirius star. There are 2 major phases
of 13000 years. The first 13000 years is the age of fall, from times of harmony we steps into chaos. The
second 13000 years we rise, from times of chaos we step back into harmony. When our solar system is
closest to the brightest star in the East, Sirius, the Dogstar, the cosmic energy level on earth is very high.
During these times everybody is awake to the supernatural reality, there is no darkness anymore. We all
have psychic abilities such as moving things with our minds, reading each other’s minds, being able to
feel the oneness with others, being able to fly and so on. During these times there is no distinction
between people, we all act as one person, different bodies working collectively. These are the times of
harmony, everybody understands the concept of energies and the forces, and people are tuned in with
time. The further we go away from the biggest star, the less is the etheric component in the air. The
concept of oneness, time, energy, forces and the supernatural capabilities fade away. People cannot
comprehend their true-self anymore, individualism starts taking over. People start opposing each other,
during these times, we start fighting with each other. Some awakened people come forth to unite mankind
by constructing religions for us, a path of devotion to awaken us. It is always designed to give us hope for
a better future, to keep us together during the times of chaos. We are now going through a waking up
phase, getting nearer toward the star. We are advancing in the knowledge of energy and the fabric of the
universe. We understand the influence our thoughts have on the particles. We can observe the oneness
and invisible entanglements of nature with our technologies. This is time we bring forth collectivism,
accept each other, fall in love with each other.
Soon I realized all history, all art, all songs and poems were telling the story. Our souls were like
two snakes twisted into each other, spinning for eternity. When we fall in love, our souls meet, like we are
in the ball room, taking turns. We created a playground for everybody, where we meet and play, for in the
beginning we were just a child. When I fell in love I saw the dance of our souls.
I was a modern day hippie, couldn’t make up my mind. I was a child on the inside, but devil to
the Islamic culture in my country. I came to America hoping to change that, so I wanted to be religious
and I heard about Sufism, where I learnt how to love. They say when you fall in love with someone you
let her go. If you love a bird for she can fly, don’t put her in a cage, she will lose her charm. Like a bird
can fly, let your beloved be a free spirit, let her fly, love is not in possession. If it’s meant to be she will
come back. Love is hidden behind a praise and a smile, love is appreciation. It’s to connect with
someone’s heart and find her in you for we are all One, We are all the same.
We know now that at the quantum level only two things exist, matter is a condensed form of
energy vibrating at an exact amount 'light speed squared" times lower frequency than what science calls
energy (E=mc^2) and empty space which takes 99.99% of our reality, and it oscillates to generate the
energy constantly. Everything in this universe is vibrating, each and everything is a vibration. So the
substance of the universe is matter, which is a manifestation of energy, the Spirit and it comes from
empty space, it is held together and put into spinning sort of motions by the fundamental forces, which
are moving through time and space. All particles, starting with quarks, electrons, protons and even all
planets are balancing each other’s energy gains and losses out, as they move through time and space.
When one particle or planet gains potential energy, there are others with the same amount of mass losing
the same amount of potential energy parallel to it while they orbit around a nucleus or a star. When one
galaxy is gaining kinetic energy by moving away from the center of the universe in one direction, there is
another galaxy or galaxies of equal mass gaining kinetic energy on the other direction, on the other side of
the universe. The neutral interactive simulation of the matrix (universe) is the interaction of energy and
the forces, the tangible and the non-tangible, the light and the darkness, the filling substance of the
universe and the emptiness that gives it meaning. Think how it would have been if everything was solid
with no free space, could we see each other? Could we move? So emptiness is what is allowing us to
move and interact with each other even at a quantum level (every atom is 99.99% empty). Every religion
says that we started from nothing, (complete zero), only He was there (emptiness), and then there was
some form of vibration in Him (word, sound, Om) it was so high in frequency that it turns into light.
Newton called it gravity, the center of every mass is connected with the center of every other
mass with an invisible string and it’s pulling each other. It is the most commonly observed phenomenon.
The heavier an object is, the stronger its gravity force is, as mother earth is heavier than us, the table will
not come hit us, mother earth pulls it with a stronger force than us. Earth is the reason why nothing hits
us when we walk down the streets, but in space things will come hit us. Mystics say the heart of every
soul, every bit of it is connected with the heart of every other soul, and there is their oneness is floating in
the air. We know every atom is a mass itself, and each of these atoms function the same way as the visible
reality. Consider every atom to be a soul, and they are pulling each other with an invisible string.
Together in a human body or a solid object these quantized souls (atoms) distributes itself in such a
manner that the entire mass can be located in the center of the body of an object, which will represent the
sum of all atomic masses (center of mass). The pull is coming from this one particular location, the
center, and the system is working as a whole, as one. And this is true in case of the relationship we have
with Mother Earth, and the relationship with every star, every moon, like we are a part of the whole
invisible set up, working as one single organism. We call this force, Gravity, it keeps us together, makes
us one. It is like a key that makes the system work.

The theory of consciousness suggests that every atom inside us acts like a conscious organism by
itself and trillions of them makes up a cell. Every cell in our body acts as an individual living being and
can communicate through electric signals much like telepathy; we are constantly sending them telepathic
electric signals to move our body parts. Trillions of them makes up an organism like a plant, animal or a
human, and yes we conscious and aware. 7 billions of us and plants, animals, the planet together make up
another organism which is alive and breathing, we call her Mother Earth. Many planets, moons and a star
make up a Solar System, that itself works like a living being as well, and many solar systems together
makes up a Galaxy, which is also an organism itself and it is alive and conscious. They also claim that the
entire Universe is one big organism; it is one big living being, conscious and aware of itself. The theory
suggests that we do not have individual consciousness but one, every atom, cell, plant, animal, planet,
solar system and galaxy, all sharing the same electromagnetic signature. Reality itself is many
electromagnetic fields inside many more interacting with the electromagnetic waves, the energies. That
means whoever is reading it right now is the same person as I am inside another body, experiencing
another story. We all are connected together at a telepathic level, send out vibrations to each other. We
are also entangled at a quantum level, like when two particles come close enough they change their spin
pattern and no matter how far you take them apart they still follow the same spin pattern, if we alter one
particle, the change can be observed on the other, it becomes entangled particles, that means every time
we encounter a person, an animal, a plant or even an object we form a relationship with them with every
bit of ourselves and in the beginning we were all one, we come from the same place. This entire theory
actually means hurting you is hurting myself, cheating you is cheating myself, and helping you is helping
In the very core of our existence we are just vibrations of energy, we are struggling to go
somewhere, do something, and be somebody, every bit of us. Sufis called it "love of God", we were all
one with Him, we were all in peace, when there was nothing else, no matter, no space, no time, and we
are crying from inside to be one with that peace. The universe is in you, observe quietly your natural state
of being, breathe and feel the vibrations of love in the air. You know everything, find yourself and you
will find all your answers.
 Why are people different from each other? Growing up the society taught us various scales of
comparison; we have learnt our place through our actions and choices, and also through what others told
us about ourselves. So we gave ourselves these values in different scales of this society (how cool? how
pretty? how good in this and that) , "Oh he said I am dumb, maybe math is not my thing." "Oh I have
tried so hard to dance, maybe its not for me." We accept a level in every different scale this society has
created and limit ourselves to that level. Truth is we might try a thousand times but if we are not in the
right mind set we won’t be able to learn or understand a new idea or a form of art, we are all the same
potential, some are positive minded, they can push themselves, and some cannot. Some people choose not
to join the crowd, some people choose not to run like everybody else, instead they take the walk. They
just live life, enjoy the little experiences. They take the walk in the gardens, watch the stars and the moon
every night. Hence some people intentionally doesn’t try so hard, they are more spiritual.
The entire universe works collectively to vibrate. Every atom of it is alive and vibrating, it is one
with us. Our emotions, our moods, our ideas, our imaginations and dreams create our future. We can
create anything we want, any reality by thinking about it collectively. Our brain send out vibrations to the
Spirit realm, the Energy realm, the dream worlds. We are the children of the Universe, the universe lines
up the way we want it, it dances to our beats, that is how it responds to our prayers and wishes. We are
the son of God, we are the story writers, we write our future. We collectively go through phases,
sometimes we are feminine in nature, playful and ignorant. Sometimes we are masculine in nature
rational and disciplined, perhaps a little competitive. Sometimes we are Angels, sometimes we are Jinnee.
Sometimes we make wishes with our innocent hearts, sometimes we are the Jinnees who makes it happen
by working hard.
Growing up I had an imaginary friend, some guide within me, much like what people call their
Spirit or God, whenever I made an assumption about myself or what I wanted to be in the future, I would
try to convince her. She did not have a voice, she was always silent, but she spoke to me with her 12
notes, like she was a song in my head. I would always try to convince her that I am a Rockstar, a king, a
superhero and so much more. Sometimes she would like my ideas, sometimes she would hate it, I knew it
by her mood, unspoken words. I would tell her everything I wanted to be, like she was my Jasmin and I
was her Aladin. In my awakening I realized she was my subconscious mind, the Spirit in me.
I tried to understand the stories they wrote down in sacred texts. From my analysis the world
shares the same story as us, sometimes it goes through a masculine state, when it makes progression and
builds up a paradise. At these times everybody wants to be rich and powerful. While during the Golden
Age it goes through a more feminine state when it enjoys Mother Nature, plays around, explores and
celebrates with arts and culture. People are like sheep they don’t know when to change direction. Every
time a change was needed a shepherd had to be born to guide the people into a new direction.
There are six major seasons in our country. Each around two months long, the world changes
through its 6 different weathers in twelve months. Everything in the universe has 12 notes like this. The
states are called chakras, the cycle of notes everything follows every clock, every musical instrument,
even our bodies. It’s also called the cycle of life, our body and mind goes through 6 major states and
moods in the cycle every year and every 26000 years. 12 major men were born in hell to create the
paradise on earth, there was a story pre-written in the stars that they heard. In the beginning there was
only God in the darkness, shapeless and non-material. He was awake and conscious of Himself. There
was no language, no words, there were only these 12 major states his mood and emotion could be in, and
it was the only way He communicated with his imaginary friend, only She could understand Him, as She
was one with Him. Both were one and the same, counter parts of each other. One was the Mother the
other was the son, so they would dance and play with each other, she told him stories and poems, sang
lullabies. One had a masculine nature; the other had a feminine nature. The feminine was creative but
ignorant, like She knew everything, and the masculine was logical and assertive. They invented their own
languages. Together they imagined the stars and the moons. Together they wrote down the never ending
story. They imagined what if they had forms and shapes? What if they were many? Soon they started
creating more and more imaginary characters. The story goes like this; She painted a perfect universe
with stars, moons, trees and animals, where her imaginary friend the Father and She will play. She will
forever be obedient to Him and so will He. Where He will use the elements she imagined to build her a
paradise. The plan was that they will both be in every human, every plant, and every animal. Born again
and again, forgetting who They are, so that They can meet each other to fall in love over and over again.
The masculine would in the end create paradise for her, using Her elements, and save Her from all
miseries, for she knew the secret that all is a dream. Until then She will remain obedient to Him and do
everything He cannot do for Himself. 12 major men were born who knew about Her, they guided us to
paradise with their leadership and teachings.
Compared to an Asian kid like me, an American was pretty naïve. I felt like I was the masculine
and they were the feminine. While I look like an illiterate, who doesn’t know good English to the
Americans. So to them they were the masculine, I was the feminine. It’s the supreme paradox, the mirror
effect, like they are my counter-parts. Like I was their imaginary friend and they were mine, and we were
connected through our dreams, the East and the West.
I realized we are often thinking and making up stories to make sense of the present and that way
we keep writing the future and the past, they are a projection of this moment, this moment is all that
exists. God is both the manifestation (masculine) and the unmanifested (the feminine), that is created by
our subconscious mind, the unmanifested, the world of dreams. We only get what we want, if we think
negatively of ourselves and our counterpart, we get back negative outcomes. If we think positively about
ourselves and others, then we get positive outcomes. It’s all in our attitude towards reality. If we the best
of all creations, start thinking positive collectively, forgive and accept each other for whatever we are, we
will find peace and joy.
There are only two elements of the universe, the void and the light. We only see light through the
cracks in the void, cut in very well designed and specific geometric patterns. The only reality is just two
forces repelling and attracting each other at a multiplicity. It’s just infinitely many electromagnetic waves
going through infinitely many electromagnetic fields, in all dimensions. Everything we see is made of
light, stardust. There are only 2 colors in existence. One of them is white, the mixture of infinite colors.
The other is black, the emptiness of colors, the void. When we meditate or think, we crack the code of the
electromagnetic waves, the light and the fields in the air using our 5 senses and our Pineal Gland. The
code of the colors, frequencies and their forces are written in every atom of the universe. We grow up in
societies with different colors of people. Growing up a kid watches everybody around him and all the
colors, seeing their skin colors and the colors of all the visible things, picking up energy signals of every
atom with their eyes. They measure the wavelengths and frequencies of light passing through and
reflecting on everything. So they can become three different kinds of people growing up by watching
people and other sensible things because we become what we think, what our brain tells us. There are 3
notes in the colors of human race. There are 3 different kinds of people, symbolically. The first is the
masculine, the Black, the left brain orientated, the logical, rational and active. The kind of people that
likes to work and study to create their own paradise, but they compete with each other, they raise war for
their pride and honor issues. Although they create hell around them with logical negative thinking, but
suffering only makes us stronger and wiser. They have the creator face of God, the Father, the Provider,
the Warrior, the Protector. The void is made of the darkest fire (dark matter), reality is created when the
fire is shaken by the vibrations of empty space. They are called the Jinnees, their color is black. The
second kind is the feminine, the angel kind, the White, the creative and playful, the right brain oriented.
They are very expressive, loving and friendly, a little emotional too. They like to make friends, play, sing
and dance, they like to practice act to show appreciation. They are very ignorant about what’s real, very
naïve, lost in their dreams. With their art they can impress and entertain anyone, so the jinnees love them
and they let them stay in their paradise, they help promote the jinnees work with their charm, they
advertise the work of the Jinnees. So the Jinnees provide for them, they live in the paradise created for
them. They make wishes and the Jinnees makes it possible. They are the lover face of God, the Spirit.
They are white in color and full of possibilities. They are always out there spreading the word, talking to
people, sharing their message. The third is the brown, the Son, the Human, they are neither like the
Jinnees, nor are they like the Angels. They are both, sometimes they feel like an angel, sometimes they
feel like a jinnee. They are very confused, sometimes they are the universe, sometimes they are the void.
They might suffer from manic-depression disorder. Sometimes they know everything, sometimes they
know nothing. Growing up they face two realities. We attract reality with our thoughts, we are one with
the atoms, and they listen to us. The angels inside of us wish, the jinnee inside of us provides. Since the
humans are the middle man, they control most of what’s real. They are the sustainer face of God, they are
born to bring the Angels and the Jinnees together, born to save the world from all inner conflicts of the
black and white, scientists and artists, conservatives and liberals, capitalists and communists. Growing up
from a child to a man, they experience the God Experience, every human. They experience the human
experience, for they are the best of all creation. First they were Void, they knew nothing as a child, and
then they learnt everything growing up to survive, so they lived as a Masculine, then realize its
insignificance for it is just a dream. They become angels, they start living the feminine artistic life in the
end, enjoy life and practice art. They make all the laws of the universe because they are the strongest in
their minds, for the more we stretch our mind from one pole to another, the more we become aware of our
power, our influence on reality. That is what every human becomes by surrounding themselves with the
colors. Every human can be a in control of the world around him or her by changing his thoughts, beliefs
and imaginations.
There can be three kinds of people on earth, the Fathers, the sons and the communication media
between them. The Father, the Governments and big business owners, the Provider makes it possible for
the Son to learn, play and evolve to become a Father himself. The connecting kind of people are
mediators that understands both the Father and the Son, it’s like the Mom, the artists and the media. She
is like an Angel, who supports the angry Father and inspires us, shows us dreams of the future, gives us
hope, also shows us all that is happening around us. They became the people who carry the beacon of
light. They accepted both sides and became liars, actors, mischiefs to keep the believers believing. They
were selling the story to the boy. They were the best salesmen, advertisers, the Fathers produce and they
made the Sons consume.
First I started telling people how life works, some would believe me, and some wouldn’t. The
people who started believing channeled enough energy to make my dreams come true, or perhaps I helped
me wake up in a world where everything I have imagined is true. I realized it’s the story of everyday
people, and it was our story in an away land we call paradise that all the religious texts were talking
about. Some called us vampires, by tricking people into believing things we attract that reality, for they
gave us life force, connected us to our Spirits, just by being an audience.
The connection between the head and the hands must be the heart. The idea of democracy is that
the sons (the people) are the heart, the Government (the fathers) is the arms and legs that is supposed to
provide for the sons to play, learn and evolve. People through their expression should be able to attract
the future, make changes, hence artists are the heads, the mothers. Through their expression they show us
future possibilities, gives us hope and faith for the future. Hence, the head (Artists, the Mothers) thinks
and the hands (Government, the Fathers) provide, for the people, the sons.
Collectivism is taking over the Capitalist society. The Capitalists are praying, for they don't like
the Robin Hood. The Capitalists believe that the policies should prefer the rich, for everyone is given an
opportunity to work hard and create their own paradise. The meaning of life for some is quite different,
some like to stay naïve, likes to play, sing and dance. They like to make friends and chill. They are the
dreamers, the ones that like to live a fantasy. They are talented in arts, they like to free-style. They are the
sons; their life is sex, drugs and rock n roll. The masculine force do not understand them, they wonder
why they have to pay taxes to help these social demons out, while they love to work hard. They are crying
now, Collectivism is taking over the world. The revolutionists, the feminine people wants everyone to
accept each other without judgment, like we are a big family, help each other out. They want love and art
to flourish, for we all are one. They want harmony, they are the next phase, and they are the warriors of
peace. The Fathers are crying, because the sons are going to hell. The sons have evolved; the Fathers' way
is the cause of their hellish lives. The sons try to tell their fathers, but they don't understand. The fathers
and sons are missing a mediator, who can explain.
Bangladesh is full of corruption, everybody, even the ones down bottom of the pyramid, tries to
do something dishonest to get rich, buy a house and a car. This is a very masculine, progressive approach
to life, but due to individualism and excessive competition the country stays where it is, in hell. While in
America, I have learned by working in a gas station, people mostly steal to seek pleasure, party and spend
it very quick with their friends. They will even steal to help out a friend out. This is a very feminine
approach, but as there is unity, the country progresses. Our countries have some sort of a mirror effect
with each other, like we are the feminine in the masculine side of the world, America is the masculine in
the feminine side of the world. That is not it; they both share very similar history, separation from original
Masculine nation for freedom with the help of Guerilla warfare, fighting for a great cause with the limited
resources they had. Most people that first came in were religiously persecuted ones and from a poor
background. It gets more interesting because they are completely at the opposite sides of the world to
each other. Like they are counter-parts to each other, each other’s halves.
The uncertain mind creates hell, and the certain mind, the positive mind creates paradise, that is
why people practice silence. Rumi said, “Silence is the language of God, the rest are just mistranslations.”
Life is a great game we all play. It has 7 levels we all can achieve to know life completely. If we
choose to play it till the end, our minds will be certain of the truth of our existence and the oneness. The
game is simple, we meet each other and try to figure out what life is and we level up through
conversations, which takes place in our minds or with our friends, can be made through meditation and
prayers as well. Every time we meet somebody and share a conversation, one takes the masculine role,
who answers the questions and the other becomes the wanderer, takes the feminine role, asks questions. It
is more like a father and son conversation. This is how our conscious self (the masculine) grows, this is
how it starts remembering who he is, only through the wanders and imaginations of the sub-conscious
(the feminine).
Let me explain the 7 stages our lives go through, the 7 stages mother earth goes through and 7
stages God goes through. The story of the religious texts is not somebody else's story but yours, mine,
everybody’s and it exists in every layer of this experience. Every time the world went through the
masculine domination state, facts, logic, confusion emerged, because our facts are not conclusive,
everybody has their own opinion and we get confused then doubt God and love. Confusion, Deception are
referred to as representatives of Satan, the Father, the anti-Christ that lives inside of us, which is the
opposing force to the representative of God, the Son, the Christ. (Certainty, faith in the truth) At these
times when anti-Christ takes over the world, a savior comes forth, who breaks free from the masculine
logics and facts, dives into his feminine side, promotes love, art and feminism, stand up against the
masculine dominated society and save the sheep from the lambs. Take the innocents, the mistreated ones
out of their sufferings and lead them towards a land of peace, save them to practice true religion. If we
look at our history this man rose many time, inside many people. Starting from Osiris in Egypt, Hercules
in Greece, all the prophets of all Abrahamic religions, Christ in Christianity, Gods in Hinduism, Buddha
in Buddhism, the ascended masters and so many more. This is what we experience in different stages of
our lives as well; there is a mentioning of Lady Sofia in the Bible, who built a house with 7 pillars of
wisdom (7 cosmic energy junction points in our body and God or the 7 skies toward heaven) which
represents the love story that can make us wise. Where she invites you and wants to have a spiritual talk,
explore each other’s creativity and methods of art. The first pillar in life is when we are born and we start
living, when we are pure, innocent and we are perfect, we are one with God. The purpose of life was to
survive in this new world, learn our relationship with others and the universe. This brings forth the second
pillar, when we realize how dependent we are on everything and everyone else. In this stage we are a
pleasure seekers, we ask for toys and the kinds of food we like to eat. We explore and enjoy our lives with
the limited we knew. We learnt the relationships of the opposites and polarities at this stage of life. We
learnt about sexual desires and other physical materialistic temptations. Then the society starts telling us
that these things that gives us pleasure are limited, introduces us to scarcity. They tell us that we have to
work very hard for it to keep coming. This gives rise to the 3rd pillar, where we realize the masculine side
in us, in this stage we become a doer. Self-honoring starts here, we find a new confidence in us, and this
is when we learn our place in the society. We want to succeed, we want to get better than others to
survive. This is when we fall, we join the race, eat the fruit of knowledge. This is when we wake up from
the fantasy world and come to the real one, we receive the Torah, from the GodFather. We follow a
certain discipline to learn something new. We become good at it through practice, make money and gain
power through our skills. Some start trying to control other people's lives, take things from them, and
make good use of them. They certainly believe most people around them are not doing what they are
supposed to be doing and start interfering and dictating their lives. It starts with their family, the more
successful they are, the more is the domain of their power to dominate others. These are the times when
Satan will deceive us and confuse us. Our logic would not be conclusive and Anti-Christ might take over
our soul. Many people like to stay in this stage of their lives forever, and if they are doing well, why
would they want to change it? This is when we realize that no matter how much money and sex we have,
nothing is really making us happy. It only brings more suffering with it, so we start finding pleasure in
giving, loving and forgiving. Hence comes forth the 4th pillar, the heart chakra or the path of love, the
Gospel. At this stage a person will go through a strict religious or esoteric discipline. We find the
feminine side in us, the artist, we realize that we don't only come from our father, but also our mother. We
remember our source; today we can see inside a mother’s womb and observe how every man starts off as
a female. This is when we see Godliness of all creation and realize that in the end how similar we all are.
We give ourselves up to others, make friends, express ourselves to relate and connect to others, we learn
different forms of art. We realize we all share the same story starting from a child, a nation, mother earth,
the universe and God; it's just the choices that sets us apart. We are not just a warrior, but we are a lover
and an artist as well. We realize our father doesn't have a straight answer for us anymore, so we go ask
our mother. She will give us a straight answer, and tell us what she actually believes, and we will realize
that she speaks with her heart. She will tell you something simple like, we come from God, through our
good deeds we go back to God. This is all symbolizing the spiritual realm, not a real life story, in case
you were wondering. Asking your mother represents asking the mother that is in you, your feminine side,
your heart. And it will show you the path; it will show you the importance of speaking your heart. This
gives rise to the next stage, the throat chakra, the 5 th pillar. This happens when we stop speaking through
our guts (the masculine) and start speaking through our heart. Hence we receive the message of the Holy
Spirit, the Quran, we remember all the sciences and history. We will wake up from the hell and start
living again. Turn into a child, be gentle and kind, reset the matrix of our lives or tune our energies
running through the spines (the chakras) and set it in harmony with Mother Nature. We become pure
again; this symbolizes the innocence of Christ and his passion. And this path will guide us to the next
level, the third eye chakra, the 6th pillar, when our mind (thoughts), our heart, our words and our actions,
all line up and we are saved from our misery. We see everything clearly, learn the colors and wonders of
the world, we see the forms, ideas and spiritual beings. This is when we set off on a journey to change the
world for our loved ones. We speak what we think and what we feel in our heart, we speak only the truth.
This is living the perfection of Christ, like a Sufi (pure). This is when we become the pure masculine,
when we become perfect. This is our goal in life, the nearest place to God. This is where we want to be in
life, pure and close to our beloved. This is when we form a relationship with God, where we are the lover
and She is the beloved. Then when we reach our dream we go back to Her, the 7th Chakra, the nirvana,
the paradise, we change the world. This is the moment of re-union, when the Christ within us has
delivered us to our source, the Holy Spirit. Here we are beyond good and evil, karma and dharma, we are
free from the cycle of life. They say heaven lies under our mom's feet, and this is when we realize
wisdom in the truth; wisdom of the Gospel, the Quran, the Torah and she is like a pretty lady. We call her
Lady Sofia, the key, because it is like a journey with a lady, sometimes she makes you feel good,
sometimes she tells you the harsh truth. You love her and you hate her at the same time, you hate her for
killing your dream and love her for waking you up.
Chapter 5- The Lessens
Live for today while you can. You wish you can change the past, unfortunately, you can't. The
future is not yet here. My friend, why so much you care? Worries and predictions will only hold you
back, distract you from your original track. Relax, it’s not a code you have to crack. I am telling you this
moment is all that you have, live it a little if you will, there is no destiny that you have to fulfill.
Paradise lies under your mom's feet. The day you decode it, you will understand what paradise is.
What it’s actually stating is that the masculine side (Positive) of our mind should submit to the feminine
side, (Negative) to come in harmony. The masculine side resists the feminine intuitions because of the
sense of shame. The masculine logic does not allow us to follow our heart. This off balance we create by
blocking our feminine side is the reason behind the aggressive nature of men and it is the sole cause of all
the sufferings and violence in this world.
Why should politicians and priests take the blame? If you were in their place, you would have
done the same. I understand, it seems like a cruel game, but trust me it’s all done in His name. It’s all
happening the way it’s supposed to every time, I am telling you there is no such thing called a crime.
History keeps repeating itself in a 26000 years cycle, after every time we go through hell, it is in paradise
where we all dwell. I understand, it seems like a cruel game, but trust me it’s all done in His name.
Think of a child's mind, little things mean so much to it because it is full of imaginations. It
doesn't try to go into deep understandings of how things work, doesn't try to analyze everything, and
simply enjoys life without any worries. It understands the simplest laws of nature, and it feels grateful to
be able to sense, to be able to see and touch, and for the smell in the air of a garden, to be able to walk, to
be able to make friends and play. It falls in love with everything. Be like a child, let's just meet and play.
Keep life plain and simple.
You are a slave to your body; but you can change its fate. You will do what it tells you to do
anyways. Paradise is sprung out of innocence; knowledge of right and wrong will bring you down to
earth, soon you will create your own hell. Be wise, stay innocent, love and be loved.
Don't limit your love, it will burn you, it will eat you alive. Have patience. Soon you will see that
there is so much more, so much more than just one person. So many things to fall in love with. Learn to
let go off attachments.
How do you stop hating others? Easy, stop commenting on others in your head, start trying to
relate yourself to the people like they are your brothers and sisters, they are the same as you. Appreciate
their company, compliment them, soon you will become a lover, see another reality in front of you, where
everybody is beautiful.
Bodies die, souls don't. What are we afraid of? What do we grieve for? All your ancestors still
lives through you, you are the sum total of infinitely many people.
Some say to themselves, "I am just a human, I cannot make a difference, and there are 7 billion
people like me." I say to them, "Why do you feel so small, so weak? We have each other; We are a part of
each other, the Great Mankind. If We work together, We can achieve anything, We can change anything.
Break free of your limits and talk to a friend about what You want to change, take actions, ask questions
find out all the opportunities and possibilities waiting for you!"
Spend some time every day to reflect on your life, take a walk in the garden or sit outside to
watch the stars. You will see how much more you can learn from what you do every day.
Do not limit your love to one person, or only to your family and friends, for you will suffer. You
came in existence for love. You are designed to love. Love everything and everyone; see how it changes
your experience into a blissful one.
There is a fine line between desire and intuition. Intuitions guide you towards happiness, while
desires can destroy you. There is no end to desire, but we can choose not to live our desires. Instead we
should follow our heart, our intuitions and our passions.
Every new day is brighter and happier than the previous day because everything gets prettier and
lovelier every day, you only need the right eyes to see it.
You can find paradise everywhere you look; all you got to do is look right, stay positive and stay
worry free.
To demonstrate your true inner strength you have to let go of your obsessions, attachments and
possessions. To find peace you have to be whole by yourself, you have to realize nothing or nobody in
this world can complete you but you yourself. You have to fill up your own emptiness, not through
materialistic means but with love and appreciation. You are your own savior.
They say when the twin souls meet and share a conversation about the meaning of life and their
dreams, they start a psycho-sexual chain reaction of thoughts, and this becomes their future reality. They
are equal and opposing energies, they are writing down their future, they can make it horrible or choose to
make it paradise like. It’s all done with our thoughts and words. And there is no limit to our dreams!
The people you surround yourself with will bring you down if they act cowardly. Make brave and
happy friends, accept them for who they are. Do not judge them, for it will confuse you. There is a reason
behind their happiness, master it.
Be yourself, speak your mind, and speak for the right cause not the right book. Everyone loves
innocence, you don’t have to give excuses or try to explain, admit it when you make a mistake, and be
loved. Accept yourself and others will accept you.
Every relation including the relation with God can only work if the lovers have patience,
optimism, faith and hope.
We stopped believing in ourselves, we stopped standing up for ourselves, because we are lost.
We share two energies inside; one is our will power, good intent. The other is the life force, love. Yi and
Qi. If they come together our reach is infinite.
Stop judging, over thinking and being too rational, be unpredictable instead, get out of the box of
logic, be a little crazy sometimes, take a few risks, enjoy life. Love nature, love people, love art and you
will know it is a beautiful life in a beautiful world.
"The unexamined life is not worth living." –Socrates. The key to a good life is in contemplation
of self. Take some time every day to reflect on yourself, go take a walk in the garden or sit and watch the
stars while you think.
We are too afraid to look into others eyes, for it is a trip, it shows us how much we are connected.
It makes a conversation more intimate, brings us closer. Too bad we are afraid to fall in love with others.
The problem with the world is not a diplomatic one, it’s all about personal relationships.
You only suffer because you cannot make up your mind, you don't really know who you are.
When your mind says something and your heart says something entirely different, your words are just
mistranslated. The stars wrote down a perfect story for you, tune in, practice spirituality and you will
know yourself.
It’s really easy, stop being complicated and start making wishes, the entire universe listens to
your innocent child like spirit, the next day you wake up with a smile. Remember the word has to be
spoken before you see the light, say it, what you want to become tomorrow.
Peace occurs through acceptance of each other, we all bleed red, we cannot be the judge of
others, for we are only humans right?
There are two kinds of ego, one is 'I' and the other is 'Us'. 'Us' is divine, We all share, some call it
God. When you feed 'I' too much, you will suffer, for you have both egos in you. Serving others is serving
God. You have to learn how to balance between these egos. Or you can meditate and reach your higher-
self the 'God' consciousness, where I is Us and Us is I, there is no distinction anymore, when you live for
others and only that way you find peace.
We have to work together. We have to promote feminism, love, art, relationship with God,
instead of blindly following a religion of God, first We need to accept God by accepting that We are
created in His Image, and He is very much like Us. (both positive and negative, masculine and feminine)
In fact He is the Universe We live in, and He lives in Us, We are the universe, so "We" are Him, and He
is Us. Together We are so much, together We can change anything.
According to Christian philosophy, we only die and grow old for our sins. We know of sins and
was sent down on earth because we ate the fruit of knowledge. (what’s good and what’s bad) If we can
get baptized, (become pure and innocent) and forget the knowledge of good and bad through meditation,
we become dwellers of paradise again and become immortal souls here on earth.
All you need to do is speak up for a change you want to make, express yourself, if you gather
enough listeners, you start seeing the change you want to see. All this is done by media and internet
today. Start anywhere, don't sit and watch.
I have invisible wings, and so do you. It is written in your DNA, this is the age of reincarnation of
the Angelic Humans. The sleeping era saw its Apocalypse. We don't need religions anymore. We are
waking up, soon we will touch the sky, reach Paradise.
In destruction there is creation. In death there is life. It is a beautiful cycle. When I die I be one
with the source. When I die there is no longer any distinction, complete death of the ego. The whole
universe turns into ashes but gravity pulls it all together, and we are one. When I die I wake up and
remember the entire history of mankind, but then I realize there was nobody but me all along. Then I rise
like a phoenix, there is always a new beginning. Creation of individuality and infinite possibilities. A new
universe, a new history.
Growing up we live a role, we become a person out of infinite possibilities. Our thoughts, our
emotions, words that channel energies to turn us into what we are. We are captives to that character we
build, our identities. It’s all in our names and the meaning it holds for us. How people around us treat our
title. When a child is born, everybody in the family comes together and decides a name for the child with
a meaning. The kid growing up tries to be that person live up to that meaning. The family also channels
their energies through their thoughts to that meaning. The name they gave me was Rashik- The lover of
what's beautiful, the Father, Hasrat- The Unfulfilled wish, the Spirit, Rivu- Son of God, the human, the

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