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Questions to ask the interviewer

1. Company
1.1. Culture & structure
1.2. Management style
1.3. Company’s values
1.4. Company’s plans for growth & development
1.5. Departments & relation + operation among these
1.6. No. of employees / HQ & branches
1.7. Company’s policy for helping new members of the team get on board

2. Position
2.1. Report to (can I meet him/her before making my final acceptance decision?)
2.2. Team members
2.3. Responsibilities (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly)
2.4. Typical day for the position (if overtime expected frequently?)
2.5. KPI & how to be measured (intervals, methods / benchmarking)
2.6. New or existing position (if new, what makes it necessary to hire? / if existing, why the previous
employee left & how long has this position been vacant?)
2.7. The biggest challenge of this position
2.8. The most important thing to be accomplished in the first ninety days (probation period)
2.9. The best and least favorite part of working for this company
2.10. The biggest rewards of the job and working for this company
2.11. What type of background do you feel would be best suited for success in this position?
2.12. Opportunities for professional growth (seminars, conferences, training, coaching)
2.13. Career path
2.14. How much travel is expected? / is relocation a possibility?

3. Renumeration package
3.1. Salary (Gross)
3.2. Type of employment (renewable contract, permanent, temporary, etc.)
3.3. Period of probation
3.4. Income tax (self / company’s) & SSB contribution
3.5. Working hours / workdays
3.6. Other allowances (transportation, uniforms, etc.)

4. Recruitment & selection process

4.1. Period to process
4.2. Next step (2nd / 3rd interviews, tests, etc.)
4.3. How do I position compare to other candidates?
4.4. If the list of references required?
4.5. If offered the job offer, how soon to start?

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