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CHAPTER XI: AUTHORITY OF to take all steps necessary to

ATTORNEY collect it, such as sending a letter

of demand requiring payment of
A. IN GENERAL the obligation within a specified
period or filing the corresponding
POWER TO BIND CLIENT, GENERALLY action in court in the event of the
debtor’s refusal to pay.
A lawyer must perform his duties The client’s remedy, in case he
to his client within the scope of his has not received the amount due
authority. The extent of his him, is not against the obligor who
authority is defined by what is has already been discharge from
expected of him as provided by his obligation but against his
law and Rules of Court and/or by attorney who holds the money in
the written authority granted him trust for his benefit.
by his client. An attorney cannot without special
The professional employment of authority, discharge his client’s
an attorney confers upon him the claim for less than the amount
general authority to do on behalf of thereof or for the full amount in
his client such acts as are kind. Nor can he, without special
necessary or incidental to the authority, encash or endorse a
prosecution or management of the check or draft payable to his client
suit entrusted to him or the or deliver the proceeds of claim to
accomplishment of its purpose for a person other than to his client.
which he was retained.
The employment by itself confers ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE OF
upon the attorney no implied or SUMMONS
apparent authority to bind the
client on substantial matters. An attorney has no power to
receive or accept on behalf of his
ATTORNEY AS AGENT OF CLIENT client the service of summons in
his bare professional capacity.
The relation of attorney and client
is in many respects one of agency, DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY
and the general rules of ordinary
agency apply to such relation. An attorney may not without the
An attorney representing a client in client’s consent, express or
court is, however, more than an implied, delegate the confidence
agent and has powers different and the authority that goes with it
from and superior to those of an to another lawyer.
ordinary agent, he being an officer Client may ratify an unauthorized
of the court with rights, privileges delegation or the circumstance of
and duties peculiar only to a the professional employment may
lawyer. furnish sufficient basis to assign e
retainer including the authority
COLLECTION OF CLAIMS implied therefrom.

An attorney retained by a creditor

to enforce a claim has the authority
with the court his written
DELEGATION OF LEGAL WORK appearance in the case.

A lawyer may not delegate in the GENERAL AND SPECIAL

absence of the client’s consent is APPEARANCE
the confidence reposed in him, as
distinguished from the work General appearance operates as a
involved therein. voluntary submission to the
A lawyer has the implied power to jurisdiction of the court over the
delegate to his associate or person of the defendant and takes
assistant attorney, under his the place of or cures any defect in
supervision and responsibility, part the service of summons upon him.
or the whole of legal work required Special appearance is one which
to be performed in the prosecution seeks to contest solely on the
or defense of the client’s cause. jurisdiction of the court over the
person of the defendant and which
B. AUTHORITY TO APPEAR seeks no relief other than the
dismissal of the action exclusively
GENERALLY on that ground, and which does
not operate as a voluntary
An attorney may not, without being submission to the jurisdiction of the
retained or authorized by the court, court over the person of the
represent another in court. defendant.
His authority to appear for a client
commences only from the time he PRESUMPTION OF AUTHORITY
is retained by the client or by the
latter’s agent. An attorney is presumed to be
No written authority from the client properly authorized to represent
is necessary to enable a lawyer to any cause in which he appears in
represent him in court. all stages of the litigation and no
written authority is required to
APPEARANCE authorize him to appear.

An appearance means the coming PRESUMPTION DISPUTABLE

into court as a party either as a
plaintiff as a defendant and asking The presumption that a attorney is
relief therefrom. duly authorized to manage a
Appearance as a counsel is a litigation is a disputable one and
voluntary submission to the court’s may be overcome by a clear
jurisdiction by a legal advocate or evidence to the contrary.
lawyer professionally engaged to
represent and plead the cause of DISCLOSURE OF AUTHORITY
another, such as by actual physical
appearance or by filing pleadings An attorney is presumed to be duly
in court. authorized to represent a party in a
The orderly conduct of judicial case, the presiding judge may, on
proceedings, however, requires motion of either party in a case,
that counsel for a party should file the presiding judge may, on motion
of either party and on reasonable o That the party represented
ground thereof being shown, by the attorney is of age or
require him who assumes the right competent or if he suffers
o appear in the case to produce or from any disability, he has
prove his authority and to disclose, a duly appointed guardian
whenever pertinent to any issue, or legal representative;
the name of the person who o That the party or his
employed him. guardian, as the case may
be, is aware of the
EFFECTS OF UNAUTHORIZED attorney’s representation;
APPEARANCE o That he fails to promptly
repudiate the assumed
A party who has not authorized an authority.
attorney to represent him is not
bound by the attorney’s C. CONDUCT OF LITIGATION
appearance in the case nor by the
judgment rendered therein. GENERALLY
The attorney may be cited for
contempt as an officer of the court A lawyer has authority to bind the
who has misbehaved in his official client in all matters of ordinary
transactions. judicial procedure.
Adverse party who has been force An attorney can bind his client on
to litigate as a defendant by the substantial matter only with the
unauthorized action on the part of client’s express or implied consent.
the attorney for the plaintiff may,
on that ground, move for the DETERMINATION OF PROCEDURAL
dismissal of the complaint. QUESTIONS
An attorney for his personal
protection should enter into a A lawyer has been retained to
written retainer or secure from his prosecute or defend an action has
client a written authority to the implied authority o determine
represent him in court. what procedural steps to take
which, in his judgment, will best
RATIFICATION OF UNAUTHORIZED serve the interest of his client.
The unauthorized appearance of
an attorney in a case may be The admission may be express o
ratified by the party concerned implied; it may be in a pleading or
either expressly or impliedly. motion or orally in open court.
Ratification retroacts to the date of An implied admission by counsel
the attorney’s first appearance and may take the form of his failure to
validates the action taken by him. deny specifically the material
The principle of implied ratification allegations of the adverse party or
by silence requires the to traverse under oath the due
concurrence of 3 requisites execution and authenticity of
namely: actionable documents or the claim
of usury; or his submission of the
case for decision upon the verified AGREEMENT AS TO WHAT WITNESS
complaint and verified answer WOULD TESTIFY
without the introduction of
evidence. A lawyer may stipulate only as to
A lawyer as private prosecutor facts but not as to the manner the
cannot, without special power, facts are to be offered.
admit that his client, the offended
party, suffered no damage arising COMPROMISE OF CAUSE OF ACTION
from the crime as it deprives his
client of that special interest which A compromise is a contract
entitles him to intervene in the whereby the parties, by making
criminal action. reciprocal concessions, avoid a
litigation or put an end to one
The only elements necessary to a
A lawyer has the general or valid compromise are the reality of
implied authority to agree or the claim and bona fides of the
stipulate upon the facts involved in compromise. In the absence of
litigation even without he prior statutory requirement, no particular
knowledge or consent of his client. form of agreement is essential to
A stipulation does not require its validity.
proof. In the absence of any other
evidence, the duty of the court is to EFFECT OF WANT OF SPECIAL
render judgment strictly on the AUTHORITY
basis of the stipulation, it may not
disregard a fact solemnly agreed A compromise executed by
by counsel as true or decline to counsel without special authority or
give it its manifest legal effect in consent on the part of the client
adjudicating he rights of the does not bind the latter.
parties. A compromise entered into by the
A party may be relieved of the client’s attorney without having
legal effects of the stipulation been authorized to do so by the
made by his attorney only: client has been invariably
o When he is allowed to described as null and void ab initio,
withdraw therefrom the or unenforceable.
consent of the other party;
showing of palpable COMPROMISE
mistake, permits hm to
withdraw from the A client may ratify an unauthorized
stipulation; compromise entered into by his
o When what the lawyer counsel either expressly or tacitly.
agreed is that a witness, if What constitutes a length of time
presented in court, would sufficient to raise a presumption of
testify as stated by the ratification depend upon the
adverse attorney. circumstances of each case. It has
been held that the lapse of two
years, eight years or ten years
from the time the client became rendered cannot have a higher
aware of the unauthorized standing than the right of the client
compromise made the o dismiss his cause or settle his
presumption attain the stature of litigation.
moral certainty. The existence of valid agreement
A corporate client may ratify an between a client and his counsel
unauthorized compromise only for payment of a large portion of
through its board of directors or amounts recovered in the litigation
any of its officers authorized to in the case of success as
settle the action. attorney’s fees will not prevent the
Ratification by a client of n client from unilaterally dismissing
unauthorized compromise may or compromising his action.
also be implied from the fact that
he receives the benefits of the LIMITATIONS ON CLIENT’S RIGHT
settlement with knowledge thereof.
A client may not be permitted to The client’s right to dismiss or
reject a compromise when it suits settle his action is not absolute.
him or to accept it when it , too, The dismissal or the compromise
suits him. by the client of his cause may not
defeat the attorney’s right to a just
CONFESSION OF JUDGEMENT compensation for his services
either for the full amount of the
A lawyer may not confess agreed fees if the client’s action is
judgement against his client except in bad faith or for a reasonable
with the knowledge and at the sum based on quantum meruit if
instance of the client. there is no fraud on the part of the

A lawyer has no authority to The power of an attorney after the

dismiss his client’s case with rendition of judgment is more
prejudice even if he does not restricted.
believe that his client is entitled to An attorney has the authority to
prevail in the action. bind his client in taking an appeal,
A lawyer requires a special such step being a procedural
authority before he can dismiss his measure to relieve the client of the
client’s cause with prejudice. effects of a adverse judgment.
A lawyer has no implied authority Any lawyer who obtains a
to waive his client’s rights to favorable judgment for his client
appeal or to withdraw a pending has a continuing authority to
appeal. enforce the judgment.
After the judgment has become
CLIENT’S RIGHT TO DISMISS OR final, an attorney who has been
COMPROMISE ACTION employed merely for the purpose
of the litigation has no authority to
The right of a lawyer to alter or modify the judgment in a
compensation or services material particular, or to actor
appear in a proceeding which has attorney is notice to the others as
been brought to obtain such well as to the client, even though
alteration or modification, even the lawyer upon whom service is
though the alteration appears to be made is only a deputy of the other.
beneficial to his client. The solicitor general is the lawyer
of the Republic and the officials
D. MATTERS IMPUTED TO CLIENT sued in their official capacities.
KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED BY Notice of legal processes on the
ATTORNEY deputized counsel is not binding
until the notice is actually received
The doctrine of imputed knowledge by the solicitor general.
is based on the assumption that an
attorney, who has notice of matters EXCEPTIONS TO RULE THAT NOTICE
affecting his client, has TO COUNSEL IS NOTICE TO CLIENT
communicated the same to his
principal in the course of The rule that notice to counsel is
professional dealings. notice to client may be relaxed if its
strict application might foster
NOTICE TO COUNSEL AS NOTICE TO dangerous collusion to the
CLIENT detriment of justice.
Service of notice upon the party
The service of any written notice instead of upon his attorney is
upon a party who has appeared by valid if ordered by the court.
attorney or attorneys shall be
made upon his attorney or one of MODE OF SERVICE OF NOTICE
them, unless service upon the
party himself is ordered by the Personal service is made by
court. delivering personally copy to e
The attorney to whom service of party’s counsel, or by leaving it is
notice is to be made refers to the in his office with his clerk or with a
counsel of record or one who in person having charged thereof and
writing has entered a formal asking that its receipt be
appearance or given his name and acknowledge.
address as the designated lawyer Service to the party is made only if
for a party in a case. the party is not represented by
Where no notice of withdrawal or counsel or if service to the party is
substitution of counsel is shown, ordered by the court, for service to
notice to counsel of record is for all the party who is represented by
purposes notice to the client. counsel and not to the latter is not
The right to be notified through a valid service.
counsel may be waived either by Personal service is complete upon
the attorney or his client. actual delivery.
Service by ordinary mail is
NOTICE TO ONE AS NOTICE TO complete upon the expiration of 10
OTHER COUNSEL; EXCEPTIONS days after mailing, unless the court
otherwise provides. Service by
If a party appears by two or more registered mail is complete upon
attorneys of record, notice to one actual receipt by the addressee, or
after 5 days from the date he proceed independently of the
received the first notice of the other.
postmaster, which date is earlier.

Service and filing of pleadings and The general that the client is
other papers should be done by bound by the mistake or
personal service, and resort to negligence of his counsel is
other modes of service and filing is subject to exceptions.
the exception. The exceptions to the general rule
includes cases where reckless or
MISTAKE OR NEGLIGENCE OF gross negligence of counsel
COUNSEL BINDING UPON CLIENT deprives the client of the due
process law, or when the
The client is bound by his application of the rule results in the
counsel’s conduct, negligence and outright deprivation of one’s
mistake in handling the case, or in property through technicality.
the management of the litigation
and in procedural technique, and Q&A
he cannot be heard to complain
that the result might have been Q - Should a lawyer in the discharge of
different had his lawyer proceeded his duties to his clients present every
differently. remedy regardless of his personal
The mistake or negligence of views? Why?
counsel may result in a dismissal Yes. A lawyer owes entire devotion to the
of his client’s action, or appeal, a interests of his clients, warmth and zeal in
rendition of n unfavorable the maintenance and defense of his rights
judgment against him or a loss of and the exertion of his utmost learning
his right to appeal. and ability; to the end that nothing can be
The following mistakes or taken or withheld from his client except in
negligence have been held to be accordance with law. He should present
binding upon the client. every remedy or defense regardless of his
The mistake of counsel in the own personal views. In the full discharge
conduct of the proceedings as a of his duties to his client, the lawyer
result of his ignorance, should not be afraid of the probability that
inexperience or incompetence he may displease the judge or the general
does not constitute a ground for a public. (Legarda vs. CA, 195 SCRA 418).
new trial.
A client who suffers prejudice by Q - Is a client bound by his counsel's
reason of his counsel’s acts? Is the rule absolute? Why?
inexcusable negligence in the As a general rule, a client is bound by his
discharge of his duty may, counsel's conduct, negligence, and
however, file an action for mistakes in handling the case during the
damages against him. He may trial. However, the rule admits of
also institute a disbarment exceptions. A new trial may be granted
proceeding. Both actions can where the incompetence of counsel is so
great that the defendant is prejudiced and Q - Who can challenge the appearance
prevented from fairly presenting his of a lawyer and within what time?
defense. Where a case is not tried on the Why?
merits because of the negligence of The authority of a lawyer to appear may
counsel rather than the plaintiff, the case be challenged by the client because such
may be dismissed, but in the interest of relationship partakes of the nature of
justice, without prejudice to the filing of a agency. It may likewise be challenged by
new action. (Suarez vs. CA, G.R. No. the adverse party. But the challenge must
91133, March 22, 1993) be seasonably done otherwise, estoppels
would come in.
Q - What presumption arises if a lawyer
appears for a client and explains the Q - The mistake of a lawyer generally
effect of the same? binds the client. Is the rule absolute?
As a rule, once a lawyer appears for a Explain.
party, it is presumed that he has the No. Though as a general rule, the client is
authority to do so. No written power of bound by the mistakes or negligence of
attorney is required to authorize him to his lawyer, the Supreme Court has made
appear in court for his client. (Marcelo vs. an exception. Where the lawyer's lack of
Ubay, 187 SCRA 719). The filing of the devotion to the client is gross and
answer and appearance is sufficient to palpable that the court must come to the
give authority to the lawyer. However, the aid of the distraught client. This was the
authority to appear can be questioned by situation in Legarda vs. CA, 195 SCRA
the adverse party. (Com. of Customs vs. 418, where the lawyer merely filed a
KMK Gano, 182 SCRA 591). The reason Motion for Extension of Time to file an
is obvious. The client will be bound by his answer, and thereafter did nothing else.
acquiescence resulting from his
knowledge that he was being represented Q - What is the effect if a lawyer makes
by the lawyer. But where that relationship an unsolicited appearance for a person
is created, the lawyer has the obligation to without a Client lawyer relationship?
attend to and protect the integrity of his The unsolicited appearance of a lawyer in
client. Hence, a lawyer was warned for his the absence of client-lawyer relationship
inexcusable negligence to appear for pre- with a client is an act unbecoming of a
trial. (Agravante vs. Patriarca, 183 SCRA member of the Bar, and should be a
113 [1990]). cause for investigation. (Porac Trucking,
Hence, in Gutierrez vs. Zulueta, 187 Inc. vs. CA, 183 SCRA 45, March 6,
SCRA 64, a lawyer was suspended for 1990).
one year for his failure to exercise due
diligence in protecting and attending to the Q - What happens if a lawyer commits
interest of his client. He failed to file the misconduct by using for his personal
brief to the prejudice of his client. He end money collected by him for and
attributed the negligence to his secretary behalf of a client?
which was not accepted. A Lawyer, under his oath, pledges himself
not to delay any man for money or malice.
Q -What is the effect of unauthorized He is bound to conduct himself with all
appearance of a lawyer? good fidelity to his clients. He is obligated
- That is a ground to cite him for contempt. to report promptly the money of his clients
that has come into his possession. He
should not comingle it with his private
property or use it for his personal
purposes without his client's consent. He
should maintain a reputation for honesty
and fidelity to private trust. Money
collected by a lawyer in pursuance of a
judgment in favor of his clients is held in
trust and must be immediately turned over
to them. A lawyer may be disbarred for
any deceit, malpractice or other gross
misconduct in his office as attorney or for
any violation of the lawyer's oath.
(Licuanan vs. Melo, A.C. 2361, Feb. 9,

Q - Is clerical inefficiency of a lawyer's

staff like failure to file a brief a valid
defense in a charge of negligence of a
lawyer? Why?
No. A responsible lawyer is expected to
supervise the work in his office with
respect to all pleadings to be filed in court,
and he should not delegate this
responsibility completely to his office
secretary. Otherwise, irresponsible
members of the bar can avoid disciplinary
action by simply attributing the fault to the
office secretary. (Gutierrez vs. Zulueta,
187SCRA 64).

Q - What should a lawyer do when he

receives an adverse decision? Explain.
He should inform his client about the
adverse decision. If he fails to do so, he is
considered as having failed to exercise
due diligence of counsel. A lawyer
handling a case must give his entire
devotion to the interest of his client.
Neither shall he neglect a legal matter
entrusted to him for his negligence
therewith shall render him liable. He can
be suspended. (Francisco vs. Bosa, 205
SCRA 722).

(paki correct nalang if may mali. Thank

you and GOOD LUCK satin)

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