While Nurse Susie Was Going To The Hospital, I Studied English

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She (help) the patient in the medical ward right now

(+) She is helping the patient in the medical ward right now
(-) She is not helping the patient in the medical ward right now
(?) Is she helping the patient in the medical ward right now ?
Yes she is
No, she isn’t.
2. You (go) to the hospital every day
(+) You go to the hospital everyday
(-) You don’t go to the hospital everyday
(?) Are you go to the hospital everyday?
Yes you do
No, you don’t.
3. He (examine) the patient in the medical word yesterday
(+) He examined the patient in the medical word yesterday
(-) He didn’t examine the patient in the medical word yesterday
(?) Did he examine the patient in the medical word yesterday?
Yes, he did
No, didn’t
4. He (bring) the pregnant woman to the delivery room last year
(+) He brought the pregnant woman to the delivery room last year
(-) He didn’t bring the pregnant woman to the delivery room last year
(?) Did he bring the pregnant woman to the delivery room last year
Yes he did / No he didn’t
5. I (tobe) a patient note in the end of shift now
(+) I am a patient note in the end of shift now
(-) I am not a patient note in the end of shift now
(?) am I a patient note in the end of shift now?
Yes, I am
No, I am.
6. While nurse Susie (go) to the hospital, I (study) English
While Nurse Susie was going to the hospital, I studied English.
7. When nurse Catherine (bring) the pregnant woman to the delivery room, I (tobe) at the
When Nurse Catherine brought the pregnant woman to the delivery room, I was at the
8. The nurses (measure) the patient’s blood pressure when Dr. Frank (give) advice to the
The nurses were measuring the patient’s blood pressure when Dr. Frank gave advice to
the patient.
9. My mother (help) the pregnant woman while my father (attend) the health conference
My mother helped the pregnant woman while my father was attending the health
10. While Dr. Paula (inject) the patient, the nurse (clean up) the used injection
While Dr.Paula was inceting the patient, the nurse cleaned up the used injection.
1. Nurse Syifa is not injecting the patient’s blood pressure now.
She doesn’t inject the patient’s blood pressure now.
2. Nurse Jane is takes the blood pressure of the pregnant woman last day.
She took the blood of the pregnant woman yesterday.
3. The midwives explaining about the contraception tools yesterday morning.
They explained about the contraception tools yesterday morning.
4. Dr. Jhon isn’t examine the patients in the medical ward now.
He examine the patients in the medical ward now.
5. Were Dr.Tania & Dr. Syifa works at office yesterday?
Were they working at office yesterday?
1. Medical Ward Exercises

No. Wards / Departments Meanings

1 Surgical Ward Ruang Bedah

2 Medical Ward Ruang Perawatan


3 Orthopedic Ward Ruang Ortopedi

4 Gynecological Ward Ruang Ginekologi

5 Geriatric Ward Ruang Geriatri

6 Pediatric Ward Ruang Perawatan Bayi

7 Dermatologist Ward Ruang Dokter Kulit

8 E.N.T. Ward Klinik Telinga, Hidung

dan Tenggorokan

9 Long – Stay Ward Ruang Perawatan

10 Intensive Care Unit Ruang Perawatan


11 X – Ray Department Ruang Radiologi

12 Operating Theater

13 Casualty and Emergency Ruang UGD

Department /Accident and
Emergency Department

14 Central Sterile Supply Ruang streilisasi


15 Dispensary Apotik

16 Laboratory Laboratorium

17 Out – Patients ‘ Clinic Klinik Berobat jalan

18 Maternity Ward Ruang Bersalin

19 Occupational Therapy Bagian Terapi Okupasi

20 Physiotherapy Bagian Fisioterapi


21 Antenatal Clinic Klinik ANC

22 Post – Natal Clinic Klinik PNC

23 Psychiatric Unit Unit Psikiatri

24 Infectious Disease Unit Unit Penyakit Menular

25 Anesthetic Room Ruang Anastesi

26 Admission Room Ruang Pendaftaran

27 Delivery Room Kamar Bersalin

28 Body Death Kamar Jenazah


29 Dentistry Clinic Klinik Gigi

30 Doctor’s Lounge Ruang Istirahat Dokter

31 Midwife’s Lounge Ruang Istrirahat Bidan

32 Information Center Pusat Informasi

33 Midwife Station Ruang Bidan

34 Laundry Department Bagian Pencucian

35 Nutrient Department Dapur Gizi

4. Filling Gap Exercises

bit    calm    do    found    happened    know    myself    neighbour    on    seems  
thought    white    
DOCTOR Hello, Dr Blasco here. What to be trouble?
found thought
NEIGHBOUR It's Mr Lindley - I him in his chair. I he'd passed out.
happene calm
DOCTOR What's ? Now - try to be . Take your time.
NEIGHBOUR Well, I'm Mr Lindley's , next door but one. I come round and see
that he's allright, every so often. He lets me have a key, so I can let in and out.
NEIGHBOUR I came round about five minutes since I'd promised to do his garden. All I
do bit
is just cut his grass and perhaps a of weeding - nothing much.
NEIGHBOUR I opened the door and shouted to him it was me, as usual - and he didn't
reply. I thought; that's funny - he always wants to who it is, as soon as anybody
comes. Anyway, I went into his little front room - and there he was, slumped in his
w hite
armchair, as a sheet.

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